Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Feb 1962, p. 11

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WC‘DEQE 9 ms ARENA IEATURES GALORE-FISHING “(HIE-GUNS-CAMPING EQUIPMENT MATS-MOTOR CARSâ€"QUAGES AND‘ TRAVEL EXHIBITS EDWIN L. BARONPh.B. t, Wfi 3 ET 8‘ 0 III. 0 n 3 n D. a .UN L”! ISSUIANCI COUIINV OF CANADI On 0/ [M 6/"! UV. Inn/run Can/Mm“ a! In War/l EDWIN l. IARON-Hilariow Hypnotism W CARMEL OOWANâ€"A Startling Rap. and lullwhip Act "‘r' LOG ROLLINGâ€"Beautiful Girl; vs. Husky Woodsman CANOE TIMINGâ€"Rough and Tough Water Compelilion THE SLICKERSâ€"Brillianl Aqualic Seal Ad ORWIN HARVEYâ€"An Uncanny Diving Clown THE VlCTORSâ€"Thvilling Acrobatic Comedy JOAN SALVATO-Unbcliuvablo Casting NECKERS "DAlMATION$"â€"A Marvellous Dog Ad Performances twice daily (except Sunday) -â€"2:15-8:15 pm. Prices -â€"Evenings and Saturday afternoonsâ€"(all seats reserved)â€"-Spe< cial combination tickets Res. Seats $1.75 Boxes $2.25 (including admission to the buildings) less 2595 for Children. Bargain week-day matinee (except Saturday) Rush seatsâ€"Adults 50¢â€"Children 25¢ (Plus Admission to buildings) Admission to buildings only, at all timesâ€"Adults 75éâ€"Children 25¢. Exhibition open daily (except Sunday) from 11 am. to 11 pm. The thionul Sportsmen’s Show EXHIIITION PARK, TORONTO ‘0 SPORTSMEN’S SHOW New Life Insurance Sold In 1961 Total Life Insurnnre In FON‘O Paid to Policyhojdera And Benzafiâ€"cig}ites In 196] . . AER“ At December 31-1. 1961 ALEX D. ADAMSON, C.L.U. Branch Manager, Willowdale Branch 4824 Yonge St, Willowdale, Ontario Offs BA. 5-8838/9 Res.: TU. 4-7213 Coliseum, Exhibition Park, Toronto MARCH 9-": ORDER YOUR TICKETS NOW erh (onelnlng :hoquc or monoy odor) to II! See the fabulous / at the 15th Canadian National This man was one of many respon- sible for more than one billion dollars of Sun Life insurance being sold last year and for Sun Life passing the ten billion dollar mark of life insurance in force. Through his dili- gence. funds that might not otherwise have been available were provided for widows’ livelihoods, for retirement incomes, for advanced education and for emergencies. Perhaps this man brought security to you and your family. This man is the Sun Life representa- tive in your community. Sun Life announces new dividend scales which, for the thirteenth con- secutive year, will result in an increase in the total amount to be paid in dividends to its participating policy- holders. Over 345 million will be paid out in the form of dividends in 1962, an increase of more than 831/; mil- lion over the corresponding amount A copy a] the Sun Life Annual Rrport for 1961 will be sent Io policyholders; copies may also be obtained from any of the 150 oflices of the company from coast to coast. 1961 WITH Tm! MAN ‘AME SECURITY 8 1,129,922,229 810.185.070.715 s 194.628.661 s 2.480.916.134 the Box Office EXCEPT SUNDAY With the likelihood that ten- ders will be called for the first stage of Richmond Hill's pro- ;jected hospital early in March, “nterest in other facets of hos- pital administration is warming up. Mrs. J. Logan of Yonge- hurst Rd. is home from the For instance, while it may be a year or more before their ser- vices are required, eventually 150 to 160 nurses will be needed for the 126-bed first stage. Apâ€" proximately 100 of these will be entitled to put R.N. (registered murse) after their names. The remainder will be certified nurs- ing assistants and other aides. Four or five laboratory techni- cians will be needed as soon as the hospital swings into opera- tion. plus four or more x-ray technicians. These are only a few of the many professions and occupations which will find local employment when the hospital becomes a reality. Incidentallyfl a number of nurses living in‘ Richmond Hill who are now go- ing to work elsewhere. either as Correspondent Mrs. A. Blackburn 108 Yonxehurst TU. 4-2617 Congratulations to Mrs. J. Duncan of Pem'berton Rd. who won $100.00 in a supermarket game on February 9th. Mrs. Duncan will appear on channel 9. on February 15th. at 1.15 pm. with a chance in win one thous- and dollars. Sugar and Spice Club held‘ their meeting at the home of Mrs. T. Saul. Naughton Dr. on‘ February 9th. Cards were play- ed in the new recrea-tion room, designed and built by Mr. Saul - winners of same were - Mrs. L. Murphy. Mrs. W. Turner and Mrs. 1. Hill. Hostesses of the evening were Mrs. R. Car- tier and Mrs. B. Shepherd. The ladies enjoyed a beauty dem- onstration under the guidance of Mrs. M. Clement. Guides 8: Brownies Birthday greetings to Mrs. B. Blackburn, February 10th, Bruce Blackburn, February 12th, Clare and Harold ‘Toml-inson. Febru- ary 14th. hospital after her long illness *9 h and progressing favourably. »‘ â€" _ _ On Sunday morning, Febru- BOY 500wt Week 15 D'Om‘lnlo'n} my 9th, Karen Marjorie_ eighth wide and is observed from Feb- child of Mr. and Mrs. L, wal- ruary 18 to February 24. Its aim ters, 25 Pearson Ave., Richva‘le, is to publicize seaming across was christened at the Em-man- Canada and it is held in con- uel Anglican Church. Owing to junction with the birthday of illness of the Rev. Fred Jack- the founder of uhe Boy Scout son, the Rev. J. R. Moore, of Richmond Hill officiated. Local Pay[o|l Sizeable Amount Hospital Will Require ISO Nur§es VTéa and céokiea were served to the mothers by Mrs. G. Law- son and Mrs. A. Blackburn. Twelve brownies of 3rd Richn vale were enrolled Monday ev- ening by Commissioner D. Ford, assisted by Miss Peggy Miller and Miss Diane Derry. The girls receiving their pins were as follows; Lillian Fraser, Nan- cy Middleton, Debbie Blackburn. Caren Brown. Judy Todd. Ann Hiltz. Janet Weise, Wendy Mar- inoff, Judy Speedy, Susan Fow- ler, Paul-a Hill, and Brenda Bow- stead. Linda Baker joined the group recently and will be en- rolled shortly. Over 100 were present when the Senior Citizens Club held its February meeting, with President H. Calverley in the chair. More men are required for craft work at the day centre in the Curtain Club quarters at 1 pm. on Tuesdays, it was re- ported. A letter is to be sent to Rich- mond Hlill Town Council thank- ing that body for renting the new centre for the club. Ideas for I birthday party in March are to be considered, with a bake sale and tea also being in‘ the offing. ‘ The Y( Hundred Presentimewm Lrangemer (Week act CitizenSiwinlter ca Scout W4 ‘from the Enjoy Good Time u 1 ann of Mrs. Jackson said that four years ago there were no mem-_ bers and no money. The club was started because many eld- erly people were having a dull time. Mrs. D. Fettes and Mrs. G. Langley launched craft. work and since then it had gone a- head steadily. Dr. J. P. Wilson was appoint- ed vice-pi‘esident replacing Mr. Medhurst. resigned. An undetermined sum of money was stolen from a coin- changer in the coin-laundry of Peat's Cleaners in the Bayview Plaza early last Sunday, reports Chief Robbins of Richmond Hill Police. Coin-changers are used in the laundries for dispensing change for use in the dryers. Sixty 'memrbers were now bowling, it was reported, and it was stressed that free rides in the busses, donated by town council in 1960, covered trips to and from the Allencourt Al- leys on Fridays only. A social, including games and tea, is to be held at the club’s centre on February 15th. A guest from Ghana, Miss Van Der Puize. spoke, saying that there was no similar organ- ization in her own country A sing-song. with Mr. Bone at the piano, was led by Mr. J. Hill- man. Mrs. A. Patton was win- ner of the marked chair prize. Coin - changer Robbed North Richvale News NEWMARKET: Grant Bligh deputy clerk of the town. has been named clerk-treasurer by town council. Following the re- signation of Wesley Brooks, town clerk for a long time. fiilndustrial Body Elnvites Council No Study Action members of a staff or as spec- ials, are keenly interested in se- curing local employment, which they feel the local establishment will provide. Authorities have calculated that, even at the beginning of operations. the hospital's pay- roll will be seven to eight hun- dred thousand dollars a year. That amount. of course. would increase substantially as the hospital is enlarged. Rates of pay for hospital work have. like these in other lines, increased greatly in recen/L years. Always regarded as a highly idealistic profession, nursing. for instance, had to bake satisfaction cult of service Councillors as a letter from the Metropolitan Industrial Com- mission was read. The letter in- timated that references had been made to the work of a commis- sion by council and reported in the press and it was felt that the reference was not too friend- ly. "Come and see us and we’ll tell you all about it." the letter said in effect. inviting council to send a representation to learn about the industrial commis- sion‘s work. “This is extremely comical. For years we‘ve paid $500 a year to them. Now we make a com- ment and we’re going to get something." said Mayor Hag- gart to Richmond Hill Town “I can almost see the tear- drops on this letter.” sald the mayor. as council members alg- reed thart they would be inter- ested in learning what the Met- ropolitan Toronto Industrial Commission. to which Richmond Hill pays $500 yearly. had to say. Mayor H-aggart and Coun- cillor MacDiarmid are to be the town‘s representatives. The discuwion on the Metro Commission brought references to the Hill’s own. “We should look into our own industrial com-mission business,” declared Councillor MacDiarmid. point- ing out that "it didn‘t seem to méet very often." With full attendance at Tues- day's regular meeting of the lst Beverley Acres Scout Troop, Scout Brian Robertson was in- vested as Patrol Leader. movement, the late Lord Baden Powell, who was born on Feb- ruary 22. In preparation for outdoor pioneer work, the troop receiv- ed instruction and practice in1 knotting and general rope work (3/11" diameter) under the direc- tion of Scoutmaster Norman Foster and Rover Leader uGraeme Gould. The York Summit Boy Scout Executive have completed ar- rangements to start Boy Scou¢ Week activities with a “weekend winlter camp". To publicize Boy Scout Week, a group of scouts from the various York Summit Troops will erect a tent in the Town of Richmond Hill, on Fri- day evening, February 16th and will camp outdoors for the en- tire weekend. It is planned to have various area scout troops put on dis- plays representing various scout activities. 1st Beverley Acres Scout Troop The whole troop was astound- ed to learn officially that no CANADIAN BUYQ SCOUT WEEK OF RICHMOND HILL . . . . . . BUSINESS MEN AND WOMEN All business men and women of the town. whenher engaged in industry. merchandising or professional activities in the municipality, are invited to be present. An invitation is also cordially extended to those living in Richmond _I:iil_l but engaged in business For further information call:â€" TOM MILLS, Secretary, Steering Committee. Eigéwhiefirgfifér {ifiémraflme’mbéfiship claEs is being provided TU. 4-7841 SCOUT ' . NEWS ‘1 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE THE AUDITORIUM: Richmond Hill High School A GENERAL MEETING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2lst, AT 8PM. Guest speaker will be Mr. J. T. A. Wilson, Director of Market- ing, Davis and Henderson Limited, Don Mills, who is a director of the Ontario Chamber of Commerce. Wright Street CUB and Preliminary work leading to the establishment of a. rather than hard cash. The once low-paid nurse now starts at $305 monthly. Staff for the hospital will not be engaged for months yet but already the business administra- tor is busy making preliminary arrangements for the large num- ber of local people and “im- ports" who will be needed. Jail Farm Bids Will Be Opened On February 19 l The statement of its position with regard to future use of the Jail Farm at Langstafi has been of considerable value in recent weeks. following decision of the City of Toronto to sell the pro- perty, the municipality‘s plan- ning director. Ron. Forrest. told “‘The Liberal" this week. Immediately after the city‘s announcement that the property would be sold the township is- sued a policy statement saying that it would not approve of more than 100 acres of the prop- erty being used for residential purposes. That would leave ap- proximately 525 acres for indus- trial use. Not more than 50 ac- res would be allowed for high- way commercial projects. at the outside. As far as he could see. said Mr. Forrest, there was not a great deal of interest on the part of residential developers. He believed that some large indus- trial developers were interested in the industrial land. The statement of position of the township had been issued for the protection of taxpayers, said Reeve Wilfred Dean. He felt that it showed those inter- ested in the purchase of the Ian-d that the township was deter- milned to maintain a proper bal- ance of industrial, commercial land residential development. Tenders for the Jail Farm property are to be opened by the Toronto Board of Control next Monday. February 19th. at 9.30 am “Gang Show" would be staged in 1962, and, at the Court of Honour, Patrol Leaders read letters from adults voicing their disappointment. ' for Richmond Hill has been completed Patrol leaders and many who participated in the previous Gang Show (and ready to vol- unteer again) and who had also attended the Chicago version, were unable to realize just why the local Gang Show would not be staged, especially when it proved such a financial success, as well as a direct hit with the public. York Summit Boy Scout Assoc. of all those interested will be held in At the February meeting ofi the York Summit Boy Scout Ex- ecutive, it was reported that the‘ Thornhiaven Home for Retarded Children had approached Prov- incial Headquarters of the Boy Scout Association to start a scout group. A meeting of the parties concerned decided that it was impracticable to have a group within Thornhaven and that the adjacent groups with- in the district would be encour- aged to assimilate these child- ren into existing cub packs and scout troops and to assist where possible. It was also decided that 3 “Gang Show" would not be held in 1962, but that a Hobby Show would be held in the lat- ter part of April. Planning is being completed and full de- tails should be avalirable early in March. F. J. PICKING. Chairman. Steering Committee TU. 4-1105 AV. 5-3§L§ A second letter from a To- ronto busines man expressed appreciation of care given to an injured beagle hound. The third letter was from the Ontario Veterinary Association and com- mended the trouble and time taken in connection with a dog which later had to be destroyed. It also expressed satisfaction over methods of approach to dogs. One of them was from In- "' "‘ l'IIIIIII-I‘I spector F. C. Mason of the I North York Humane Society,€ GROWER_FLORIST who said that “your unselfish-.‘ ness has not gone unnoticed! Sin" “80 I by the Board of Directors of - - ‘ the society." James J. Ryan. the£The fineSt m_ floral dealgns‘ canine controller. was told in‘ 311d bedding plants. ‘ the letter that he and his wife‘ had been recommended for a PHONE certificate of merit lto be a-‘ ALpine 7.1471 warded at the genera meeting of the society to be held in Keck Street Maple. ont- March, 1962. ,__ “One of the great problems in public health during the per- iodic rabies alarms, is the large number of children who are hit- ten because of an incorrect approach to a dog or cat. I hope this story is drawn to the at- tention of children because I feel that its real life nature will impress them more than theoretical advice.” said the Certificate Coming Canine Controller Is Commended Correspondent Mrs. Chas. Milsted Gormley 5421 Percy Tripp of Montreal is visiting his uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Leek. Mrs. Eva Steckley of Bethes- da spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Doner. Twenty-one persons were present Friday at the birthday dinner for Mrs. Allan Doner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Milsted. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Gooding and Ronnie of Richmond Hill, Miss Carol Gooding of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Winger and boys, Queensville, Mr. and Mrs. ‘Ken Jones and family of Dick- ‘son Hill and Mr. and Mrs. A1- lan Doner and Dale. Residents of the community attended the funeral of Rev. Herbert Shan‘tz at New Dundee Friday. Rev. Shantz was a for- mer minister at the United Mis- sionary Churc-h. Misé Ethel By'er spent Sunday with her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. John Housser of Mark- ham. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Phippen and children visited Rev. and Mrs. C. Hunking Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Phippen recently mov- ed to Montreal. Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Vander- bent of Richmond Hill visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. French, Tues- day, the occasion being Mr. and Mrs. French's Glst wedding an- niversary. Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Pye. missionaries from India. had supper Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Heise. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Wide- man and Wendy of Richmond Hill visited Mr. and Mrs. George French Monday. Heise Hlill Sewing Circle met Monday at the home of Mrs. Floyd Housser of StouffvilAleiw Miss Kathryn Reesor of Kit- chener spent the weekend at her home. Mrs. A. Doner and Mr. and Mrs. C. Milsted visited their brother Vernon Gooding at Sunnybrook Hospital_ Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Empring- ham entertained the Empring- ham family at a birthday din- ner in honour of their mother. Mrs. David Empringham, Fri- day. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Winger and Ardys spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Gilmore and son of Wainfleet. Heise Hill ladies held an all-day sewing circle meeting Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Roy Brillinger. Allan Dofier left Saturday to return to Indiana for missionary deputation workir Victor Britnell succesfully passed his mid-term exams in engineering at the University of Waterloo. Gormley News FOR QUICK RESULTS TRY A “LIBERAL” CLASSIFIEDS PHONE TU. 4-1105 Richmond Hill i 71 Centre St. E. Richmond Hi1 ‘ Open Monday to Thursday, 8:00am. to 6:00 pm. Friday, 9:00 p.m.; Saturday, 4:00 pm. .‘!!“““‘““““““‘! ’I‘i fi'i ‘ i" ‘ I" i i’i’i’i i ‘ Satisfaction I W LUMBER and g SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER LMBER and MATERIALS All, THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday. February 15. 1962 11 Guaranteed CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE 1/8x2x4 1/8x3x4 1/8x4x4 1/8x4x6 1/8x4x7 1/8x4x8 “E VERYTH I N G FOR BUILDERS” Build your bank balance. ‘ Build your peace of mind MASONITE PEG BOARD FREE DELIVERY I“‘ SID HUNT. Licensed Mechanic Young's B. A. Service StationI \ nnnnn Xv Rnnenn Rirhmnnd Hill f““‘7“““““‘\' PHONE TU. 4-1361 Yonge & Benson COMPANY LIMITED Over 1250 branches to serve you ONE STOP SERVICE CENTRE WASHING, POLISHING, GREASING TIRE REPAIRS. BATTERIES THE BANK THAT BUILDS General Repairs to all Makes of Cars SID HUNT, Licensed Mechanic YOUNG'S TU. 4-0009 SERVICE .70 EACH 1.05 EACH 1.40 EACH 2.10 EACH 2.30 EACH 2.55 EACH Richmond Hill Richmond Hill

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