[chmond HE. TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer popular makes for sale in uding new and “ebullt stand Box-(ably and electric mod ABY'S CRIB. large size. brand w, complete with spring~ï¬lled aterproof mattress. $25.00 .5h and carry. North Park Fur- 'ture. 3358 Yonge 51.. City its. HU. 8~7911_ c1\\~30 QUEEN or THE PROM? u might be. in one of mu ‘ï¬on. lace or organza crea- 5. Special rentalflféié; avail II: to students ons. Serta. Seek and other ring mattresses repaired. re- ned just like new, medium rm, extra firm. Two-day set. ice. Eiderdowns recovered. 0n- ‘u-lo Bedding Co. AV. 5-1591. TRAILERS FOR SALE OR RENT ew box trailers. all sizes 568. nd up or $12.00 weekly re:~ al. House trailer; for sale or out. Csli Oak Ridges. PR. 3~ 721. tics ABY CARRIAGE. Gendron, rand new convertible. $25. 'orth Park Furniture. 3368 ’onge Street. City Limits. HU. -7911. clw30 RESSURE TREATED Osmose ales. posts and lumber {or pale arns and other structures rcâ€" uiring weather Protectioni. atcliï¬â€˜ Bros. Ltd.. Lumber & ldg. Supplies, ille 204Wl. clw33 NE "Vilas" rock maple dining~ m suite of Early American‘ esign consisting of one hutch! phone Stoufl‘» 1 l l l BUSINESS QPPORTUNITL FUR FARM ANIMALS NUTRIA > ATTENTION NUTRIA PURCHASERS Be associated with the only or- ganization in North America which offers you a known PELT GUARANTEE iYes. here is wur poll market iwith guaranteed (1001' price on lall pelts. For free book Ion how ‘to raise nuti'ial mile in Can‘ adian Nutria Limited. R R. '7 ‘Sioufl‘ville. Ontario. (34“ l u ‘ resser. 1 drop leaf table with leaves. 4 side chairs and 2 arm airs. in excellent condition†50.00. TU. 4-1394. c1w33 REAL ESTATE 1 WANTE Hmmph wï¬vm' n x... 7-1; UNIOR BED. brand new. Gen- ron, will sell for $12 cash and any. North Park Furniture, 368 Yonge St. City Limits, HU. ~7911. c1w30 .L.-.â€"_â€".,_ .__Â¥___ PAIR lined drapes, 12 widths. 5" length, backgron ofl'~ lu’te. scenic pattern beige. rown and blue. $30. PR. 3~5066. clw33 MAN’S heavy winter overcoat. lark brown. medium, in good Londition. also slide projector. Seasonable. 'I‘U.‘ 4-5554. 7..-- v..n;v ULV'LI 1v . ruucu all Frank‘s Maven and Stor- Refrigerator, Swedish dinette 89. 28 Industrial Rd.. TU. 4-.bab1e and four chairs, 5 piece 613. tfc31bedroom suite with large plate 0.000 fï¬ï¬gs’sï¬a‘m'moâ€"ï¬ï¬jmirror. Admiral 21" TV, girl's my. 200 tons feed oats' wupbicycle, ï¬re basket and screen, euven AV_ 54235, TU‘ 4_2235~(othex' terms. Reasonable. Owner‘ uclglmovng south, AV. 5-2212. clw33. OSLEY frig. in excellent condition. also boys‘ and men's skates. all reasonable. Phone 884-2746. c1wS34 " FIREWOOD Dry hardwood in 12" and 16" engths. Delivered free. Any uantllles. AL. 7â€"8831. Ucli BRAND NEW crib. complete ith mattress, only $28.95. Mur- ny Upholstering, TU. 4-5776. c1w33 KITCHEN SUITE, table. four chairs, brand new. Arborite. $35. Cash and carry. North Park Furniture. 3368 Yonge Street, City Limits, HU. 8-7911. c1w32 Illuvylvoo, mu; qwuaw. luux- '7 "' ’ 7"" l . STEREO Hl-FI Telefunken. one u Upholstenng. TU. 4-51’iiiésagyear old (new $359) $215 or l- ._.-- . _ ._ _ ._r __ make offer. Desk chaur and desk POTATOES, No. 1. 75 lb bag. lamp all light mahogany finish. $1.25. Straw 50c I bale deliver- like new. $38. Codey high chair 2d 10 bales or over TU. 4-2549. $5. Must sell, leaving country. 3. Mashinter. tfc30 TU. 4~5223. clw33 :OOD usedâ€"furniture [qr _s_ale. EEECTRIC STOVE 4o", Philco V-“ m_-_l_p_ ‘._,, A ,, KITCHEN suite. table, four chairs, arborite. new, only $32.50. Murray Upholstery, TU. 4-5776. clw33 ‘ELECTRIC refrigerator and dryer. Philco TV, continental beds. other ture. TU. 4-3626. FRIDGE, 9 cibic feet. excellent cong‘lition. Suitable for cottage BEAVER TABLE SAW 8" hea- vy duty with base $50.00: elec- tric ironer $30.00; washing ma- chine $30.00. AV. 5-1289. c1w33 BABY PICTURES l are priceless when taken by the‘ Lagerquist Studio. TU. 44791.} . tfc3 GIRL'S narrow ï¬tting. size 4. white figure skates, $3.00. TU. 4-3627. c1w33 MOFFA'I‘T electfiicistove. 4- bumer. $50.00. TU. 4-2157 after 6 pm. clw33 BENCH SAW, Beatty Ironer, girls’ bicycle. TU. 443914. *1w33 HIDE-A-BED. gï¬dâ€"condiu‘on. $25.00. AV. 5-3131. clw33 MAN'S SKISf’YWf't. wï¬h har- ness. TU. 4-3045. *1w33 L. R. SIMS $8 Bake; Ave CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES. lst insertion 59 each word. min. charge 75c Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged. 5c per word. min. charge . . . . . . 65c FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50c COMING EVENT NOTICE: 5c per word: min. charge 75c CARDS 0F THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES. BIRTHS. per insertion . . . . . . . A . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . 1.00 Classiï¬ed advertisements should be in as early ln the week In ooaslble but not later than l0 a.m. on Wednesdays. Send ads by mall and enclose payment. or telephone TU. 4-1105 end you will receive Invoice. ARTICLES FOR SALE THE LIBERAL, Richmogl Hill, Ontario, Thursday, February 15, 1962 10‘. 44745 “(:49 It. $1 g}w32 Uc44 W box-“a BOOSEY Hawkes Imperial gold h park lacquered trombone. high and street, low pitch slides, gold plated clwgz bell. Excellent condition, $80. :ellent TU. 4-4767. c1w33 and TABLE lam-P, onyx (Ype base. ,nable, $5.00, blue tweed skirt, pleats! c1w33 front, back, 18. $3.50, Tu 4. .4883. c1w33 d 16.JBOOKCASE. unpalntedfbrand Anv‘new, 36†wide, $10.00 -- cash stove Hi-Fi, furni- *1w33 PROPERTIES WANTED .We are nearly sold out of prop- erties, houses. lots. acreage. farms. businesses. gas stations. Buyers waiting, some with cash. others with good down nay- :nent. Prompt efficient service Nine salesmen to sene mu. 25 years Real Estate experience HERB SILLS LTD. Members of Toronto Real Es- tate Board AT. 8-1143 Woodbridge RD. 9-4901 HOMES. FARMS. BUSXNE PROPERTIES URGENTLY NEEDED LIST NOW MR. 3. G. PALMER LA. 2-2548 PR. 3-5 ROYAL TRUST CO. Real Eskate Department ‘LAZY~BOY chair, brand new. ‘brown, worth $60. Sell for $35. Cash and carry. North Park Furniture. 3368 Yonge Street. City Limits, HU. 8-7911. c1w32 ROCK BOTTOM prices on new General Electric Automatic Washers and Dryers. Please call HERRIDGE ELECTRIC TV Appliances. Sales. Repairs, Parts For all domestic appliances. 53 Yonge St. N. TU. 4-3211 tchl 8; carry. North Park Furniture. 3368 Yonge St, City Limits. HU. 8-7911. c1w33 !BUNK BEDS. red maple - brand new, complete with spring ï¬lled mattresses, $45. North Park Fur- niture, 3368 Yonge 51.. City Limits, HU. 8-7911. c1w30 CHILD'S wardrobe, unpainted, brand new, $18. North Park Furniture. 3368 Yonge St.. City Limits. HU. 8-7911. c1w30 BRAND NEW four drawer chest, unpainted. $13.95. Murray Up- holstery, TU. 4-5776, c1w33 FUR jacket. muskrat size 12 $100 or best offer new. TU. 4- 1889 after 5 pm. - c1w33 8-15 lbs. 550 lb PR. 3-5119A GRA1_)_E A’GEESE, oven ready brown. $25.00 after 6 p.mf'ï¬if 4-3848. nc1w33 and brown matching chairii‘iUï¬. 4-1559. c1w33 3 PIECE CHESTERFIELD suite, J. Mulholland Real Estate Broker. 1437 Yonge St. WA. 44881 BEIGE frgze sectional suite COAL STOVE, best offer. 129 May Avenue. clw33 PREFAB GARAGES from $299. Call Loughlin Lumber and Sup- ply. AV. 5-1109. tfc31 MINIATURE electric chord or-IFLAT °r fumiShed mom gan‘ “144197- . c1“,33]central private home. Pa: Mwâ€" â€"â€" adults on] . TU. 4-1204. WOOD for stoves or fire-place. â€" y ‘ Good price. TU. 4-4966. c1w335. ROOM apartment new FOR SALE (Continued) BUSINESS PR‘ 3-5102 for sale I)? For deï¬vefy c4w30 high Va‘nd " BEAVERTOMCENTiï¬E IA “Innâ€: nnnxncvvnn n A A . . . tfclO tfc12 tfc33 8312 ACRE FARM. with good Free Advice Free Estimate: 'buildings. 2 miles north-«vest. “C2 iof Uxbridge, ravine with run- ning spring. Apply to Gordon, .UPHOLSTEBX :Flewen or phone William Alsop. Iflecovenng and repairing 9! any iUxbridge, ULster 2-6757. *3w32lklnd of furniture. Experienced ‘ on Scandinavian furniture. Free { estimates. Reasonable prices. I . . C11 anyt . TU. 4-4813 re 1- NURSING HOMESvdeance. b33955. AV. 5-5345.S r Nursing home. the best in com- fort and care. Quiet. spacious. modern. Registered nurse in residence. FARMS FOR SALE; Five minutes from Men preferred. TU ATTRACTIVE furnished room available. business woman or teacher, board optional. TU. 4- 1555 after 5 pm. tfc33 360M AND BOARD available. gentleman in R‘ichvalrer 3r}; 5v. 5-2230. tfc23 LARGE aft’tractive 1307th0 rent, with or without board. Private entrance. AV. 5-3270. c1w31 ROOM and board availalï¬ Phone 5244 Gormley after 4 pm. c1w33 ROOM 8: BOARD available for ROOM andiboard wanted on fgrm. PR. 3-5991. *1w33 Fully equipped, separate en. Hnrry Bargent. 9018 Yonge St.. liance. modern kitchen, large‘wxzfle‘ VAV;5i§91- “c5 bedroom and living room. Hy- MOVING & STORAGE dro. phone and heat included, Frank’s Moving & Cartage, $65.00 MONTHLY !packing and storage Experienc- CALL AV. 5.4283 after 6 p.m.‘ed service anytime. Pickup and c1w33-‘deiivery. Good rates. TU. 4~ J2613, AV. 5-5101. t£c161 m} ,, ROOM PORTABLE TELEVISION Rent a portable TV Reasonable weekly or monthly rates. . Delivery and Pick-Up Richmond Hill TV, 34 Yonge S. AV. 5-3756 Whitfield House 646 Davis Dr.. Newm --_.. - .-uu 3 and 4 bedroom homes. from $90 a month A large selection available. Call AV. 5-1951 Charles Marple Real Estate tfc22 ‘es dryer, soft water, indiwduaMKING CITY WELL DRILLING thermostat, parking. A ply Iow- CO. LTD. er apartment, 100 Mar nam Rd Pump equipment installed and’ or Al. 7-8840. serviced. George Adams. Box ï¬cso 192 King City. Phone King TE. mm 3453“ W3 bungalow in convenient loca- CALL Us for your sand. graVEL man in Richmond Hill. Home fill, top soil_ and black loam†privileges and garage if desired. Prompt dehvery. Rgasonable ; Teacher, nurse or business w0_ rateg. J. B. DeFerrarl. Maple, I man preferred. Give particulars ALPme 7'3376- t“37‘ Write Box 73 The Liberal. *2w32‘ CONCRETETMAsonnv “H l‘ Ivan n D EIFLAT or furnighe'd room in a pump inst ,331central private home. Parking, Frank Ger; «ladults only. TU. 4-1204. c1w33 PA, 7-5272 :e. â€" W 31cm;qu HILL RENTALS f _ 1..-... adult home.’ gentleinan preferr- ed. Parking, $8.00 weekly. TU. 4- 3801. *1w28 5 ROOM bungalow, for sale or rent. city conveniences. South [Road, Lake Wilcox. Good 10- cality. Private beach. ME. 3- 8880. tfc33 LOVELY furnished apartment, bright and warm, equipped kit- chen. separate entrance, one or two business adults. $20 weekly. Aurora, PA. 7-5597. tfc31 brozgdloom, ffig aid stggg‘doth APARTMENT 2‘ FUR‘NIISHED RQOM" EHâ€"quiet Floor sanders. sails aid- drflll.‘ Hand sanders, jig-saws and nail] drivers. AV. 5-1109. H gem] 2 BEDROOM apartment, stove and frlg supplied. Apply Super- intendent. 50 Benson Avenue, Richmond Hill or phone TU. 4- 7513, that: EIGHT ROOM house for im- mediate rent on Yonge Street. $75.00 molithly. PA. 7-9488 and‘ PA. 7-5046. tfc28x FINE JOB PRINTING PHONE. TU. 4-1105 AV. 5-3316 {110mg Concord. Mr. Mashinte-lz: AV. 5-1164. David McLean. Re- altors. tfc31 Oâ€"N~ E BEDRbO‘M. self-contained apantment. near Yonge, in Rich- m-ond Hill. Phone 257-1237. ’ $35 MONTHLY, 2~bedroom TWO unfurnished rooms. Rich- mond Hill. No objection to child. Day care available. 884- 1571. - c1w33 ilutcnen and bathroom. TU. 4-ISNOW PLOUGHING. call C. 1629. tfc27IL. Knappett. TU. 4-3089 before i 1 BEDRoï¬/l apartmenquuip_ 8 am. or after 4 pm. tfc31 ‘ ped. Quiet people. $55.00 month. SEPTIC tanks pumped. 24 hour Phone P1135375- €1W33g=service. C. Burns. PR. 3-5085 SMALL House. hated - immed- tica iate possession. Phone Gormley ,5522. c2w33.._. .L_3£.‘?Â¥J.!’.‘FTH‘}F§ . _. LARGE ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT 3 BEDROOM unfurnished house to clean reliable party -â€" one or two year lease. $100.00. TU. 4-7057. clw33 dern, all c6nvenienc'esz'Ur-‘i- 3352. tfc27 ‘ONEJoom, light housekeeping. furnished and heated. 884-2196. ‘ tfc32 bathroom. gentleman 'preEerred. 2791 All. 5-4409. c1w33 : pqursmmigoon/I, privaceiï¬ï¬‚) ROOMS for men only. prim kitchen and bathroom. TU. 4 1629. tfc2' 3 UNFURNISHED rooms, light PAINTING Papemngmg- my and heat. 40 Oak Ave__ Rich_estirpates. Colour samples A./DEEP WELL J“ Pump With vale. c2w33lRolhn20n. TE. 3-6671. ucxs‘gggffgre tailg- 1511?}, be "1 g°°d - __.__ r â€" non. . - 7 7. nc2w33 M nan? van... Hui-t I. ..... I . _ _ _ . u A nAnvn-In‘vn a nun-.â€" Phone TW TOOLS FOR RENT ' CUSTOM CARPENTRY and Kitchens remodelled, bedroom and bathroom vanities, stereo, boardï¬â€"wanted onihi-ï¬, china cabinets. Free estim- 5991. *1\\'33Iates. Morris Harrison, TU. 4. 2838. tfc15 'active 166F575 rent TO RENT 7 lMISCELLANEOpS} WANTED N ewmarket 5â€"5921 Yonge St 4-7310. bedroums, c1w33 f SPECIAL eâ€"‘Chesterfield sets recovered â€" liable-‘12 piece $69.00. Nylon freize $99. fter 4’5 years guarantee. Terms if de‘ C1W33 sired. A. Smith, Upholstery, ,1e forrphone AV. 5-1682. tfc43 Lfc tfc28 c1w33 tfc33 HERRIDGE ELECTRIC T.V. Appliances, Sales, Repairs, Parts 53 Yonge St. N. or TU. 4â€"3211 TREES ARE OUR BUSINESS RICHMOND HILL TREE SERVICE AND FORESTRY COMPANY RICHMOND HILL OWNED AND OPERAMED BY HAROLD VAN DYKE TELEPHONE 884-7774 Electric iwiFin'g. No job too small. DRESS ALTERATIONS First class work. Carolyn Bar- ;gent, 9018 Yonge St. at Rich- vale. AV. 5-1591. t£c6 PAINTER & DECORATOR For good prices see our show room. Wallpapers, drapes, etc. .1 Hagry Bargent. 9018 Yonge St": CHAIN SAWS Service At Its Best Major Repairs - Tune Ups New Chains. Plugs, Fiips Pocket Chain Breakers 2 Cycle Oil. Chain Oil, Etc “Authorized Dealers" Pioneer & Homelite CARPENTRY - DECORATING PAINTING Recreation rooms, etc. Large or small jobs. Prompt service. Webb & Ennor. AV. 5-2546‘ [343321. ' ’ ' “maâ€"3' Motorist Serviceï¬ Club offers ï¬n- ancial security to successful [CALL US for your sand. gravel, . ‘ . ï¬n, top soil and black loam. business organizer. Renewable rates. J. B. DeFen-arl. Maple, g ml Amee $8876. tnwunlimited potential in exclusive A _ â€"‘territory. Applicant must be CONCRETE - MASONRY b d b h‘ CARPENTRY CONTRAC‘WRS‘ °n “3 1° and ave a m“ To arran e for interview imm d- Buildlng, alterations & repairsJiatelyg write to { e prompt service ’ 410 KERR BLOCK WALKER 5‘ MITCHELL REGINA, SASKATCHEWAN Av. 5-2526 H 3 “W33 {3 [CALL US for your sand. gravel, ‘fill, top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonabie rates. J. B. DeFerrari. Maple, ALpiue 7-8876. tfc7 MASONRY CONTRACTOR CLEANING woman, Thursday Stonework. Fireplace, etc. V. 01‘ Friday 9-30 ‘ 430 every two Ostergaard 148 Yonge St. 5., “79915, $7.00. Must have refer- Richmond Hm. phone Tu, 4-,ences. State age. Write Box No. 5633. “c2381 “The Liberal." c1w33 _ r N . {ATTENTION Beverage Rourte CARPENTRY WORK. additions, . renovations, garages, recreation‘Men' Laundry Menv Mllk Men- rooms. tile floors. No. job too'Ti.r9.d °f early “’01:â€in mum? small. Free estimates. '1‘. Minimum? “$3135?†lifting heavy A17 2 run-n .. A; -....-- AV. 5-3653 cmMNEYs IMALE Chimneys built and repaired. for ever Free estimates. Expert work- but not manship. Phone Walker and comnmiss Mitchell. AV. 5-2526. tfcls RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting, paper-hanging, interâ€" ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. TU. 4-7392. C31 { EXCAVATING & GRADING {Front end loaders and trucking. lHouIly or contract. AV. 5-5332. {7 tic“ SNOWPLOWING -â€" TOWING Complete automotive service. Colonial Essa, 9052 Yonge Street. AV. 5-3958. E. W. PAYNE Drains septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 285-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc3l | BABY PICTURES Itry the friendly Lagerquist Stu {gm with (he know how. TU. 4- FRANK'S WELL DRILLING Bump installed and serviced PLUMBING â€" HEATING A. MILLS & SON LTD James D. Stewart TU. 4-2201 CHILD STUDIES A SPECIALTY LAGERQ"IST STUDIO TU. 4-2791 PAINTING & PAPER HANGING R. E. Dunn. TU. 4-2798 112 [WANTED to rent or buy small} SEE IICE house in or near Richmond Hill,‘ Luczalwme Box so The Liberal. *1w33 Lfc44 [£930 tfc28 ch3 tch tic-13 tfc32 MARCH 151‘, hoTne or cottage for small family, reasonable rent. TU. 4â€"1320. c1w33 tic3 POODLES. small blacks. regis- tered, from champion ol-md lines. Terms can be arranged, $100.00 up. Phone GormJey] 5339. t£c291 AMERICANiesklmo pups, pure white, small. intelligent. Also Samoyed pups. Innoculated. AV. 5-1972. tfc28 tics RABBITS, New Zealand white. good breeding stock, also stand- ard wire cages. TU. 4-3296. PUREBRED German Shepherd pups. black and tan, 6 weeks old. Reasonable. TU. 4-1981. tic: BEAGLE, 7 feï¬le, registered 18 months, $30. AV. 5-2379. Forest Jones, R. 7R; 2 Map}; AL. 7-8915. c1w33 36 1319’s; 8 weelgs old. Apply to [ JOIN THE CANADIAN ‘ ARMY SPECIAL MILITIA TRAINING PROGRAMME TODAY Next six-week course Starts Feb. 26, 1962. You will be given all day train- ing for 5 days a week. You will live at home and receive the same pay as a regular soldier plus a separate living allowance. RECRUITING OFFICE NOW PETS FOR SALE OPEN Mon‘ to Fri. 9 am. to 9 pm Sat. 9 am. to 6 pm. Denison Armoury Duffel-in St. at Hwy. 401 we _-. -_--v, .... rum. um:qu pant. avallaDIe for pre- sllm school age children. TU. 4-7367. â€"scrapping purposes. top price 92w†Prgpaid in our yard or will pick- HOUSEWORK wanted, Thurs- ’ ‘up anyplace, anytime. Maple days, $7.00 a day and car-fare. .céiPick-Up and Delivery Service. TU. 4-4966. c1w33 AL. 7-1275. c4w30 , V 7777777 c --~u'.v cases? Sick of everyone’s dirty linens? I'll take you away from all that. I’ll start you at $150.00 a week. Write Box 75 The Liber- al. c4w32 NIGHT WATCHMAN required for lumber yard in Maple. Re- tired gentleman preferred, ref- erences. EM. 3-2421 or AV. 5- 4973. nthR ; OPERATOR N.C.R. 3100 ACCOUNTING MACHINE Permian-ant ofï¬ce in Richmond Hill. Write Box 79 The Liberal. clw33 for evening work, car helpful but not essential. Salary and commissions. Phone TU. 4-4501. MAEE and for eveniï¬Ã© work WOMAï¬'fgruught duties. Live PLEASANT telephone survey work, 4 hours daily. $1.00 an hour. Rhone AV. 5-5534. c1w33 Full time. Apï¬ly‘ï¬; person at Maple Grill. c1w33 1 HELP WANTED one day weekly. Nd'hii‘aâ€"VQBEE: 285-4668. 7 c1w33 REGIONAL SUPERVISOR WOMAN: .._‘ .1,“ , fgr' hqgsg cleianinrg‘ c1w33 USED FURNITURE 1 WANTED â€" pianos and usedIGENERAL Carpentfy‘ mm‘ - - tion rooms and kitchens. Alter- ;‘g’yï¬fe'hfjfgrfnfï¬ â€œ$351.5: ations. Call TU. 4-2505. *2w33 TU. 4-2613, AV. 5-5101. tfc7lDAY CARE available for pre- H ‘ ' V LIVESTOCK FOR SALE WANTED TO RENT Men 18-50 Earn and Learn National Survival WAITME female canvassers c1w33 clw33 c1w33 c2w32 c1w3‘3 c2w32 c2w32 TRUCK PARTS & SERVICE: For winter reconditioning come to truck specialists. We have for sale a selection of new and used trucks. International Har- vester Co., TW. 5-2338 New~‘ market. r c4w31‘ 1954 CHEV. Belair, body and motor good condition, new tires and battery. radio. $325.00. 884-2677. clw33 1953 CHEVROLET, good run- ning condition. Phone STEIN. at AV. 54965 or apply at 24 Lorne. *1w33 ’58 VOLKSWAGEN DeLuxe. leather slip-covers. radio, very clean, low mileage. 257-2054. Ier, 4 door, 23,000 Ehiléé, £3713" EU: 4~2676. *1w33 FORCED TO SELL: ‘60 Ramb~ 56 CHEV.,*2 door excellent, ljadio. $750 or best offer. TU. 4~ 1889 after 5 pm "51 CHEV., in running order, needs steering box. $30.00. 129 May Avenue. c1w33 new snow tires. ba‘ttery. TU 5818. (‘h 1955 FORD. good condition. TU. 4-2951. 31 Maralim Road. c1'w33 1951 FORD, good running order. IU. 4â€"3301. c1w33 54 G.M,C._%-ton panel. Radio. FRI., FEB. 23, 1962 â€" Estate Clearance extensive auction sale of CheVrolet truck, horse van trailer, tractors. baler, combine, farm machinery, poultry, build- ings, equipment, barn, miscell- aneous articles, baled hay, hogs, grain, etc., at Lot 1, Concession 2, Markham Township. known‘ as Fairï¬eld Farms, property of‘ the Estate of the Late G. B.1 Heintzma-n. Sale at 1 pm. sharp. Terms cash. No reserve. See bills for particulars. Ken & Clarke Prentice, Auctioneers, Markham, Ont. phone 346. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 17th, 1962 -â€" Auction sale of 7 room brick dwelling, all conveniences, oil heated, large sized lot in Village of Unionville, on No .7 Highway, just East of Kennedy‘ Road. Property belonging to the Estate of the Late Ernest Lia-l Rose, also the household furni-‘ ture. Sale at 1 pm. sharp. Terms cash on furniture, terms on real estate made known day of sale. Ken & Clarke Prentice - Auc- tioneers. _ _ A V c3w31 XXX X XXX X XXX SALE REGISTERS MOTHER’S HELPER SERVICE Experienced baby-sitters, home- maker’s service and day work. Call day or night. TU. 4-7253. tfc32‘ [ENERGETIC young man 18. seeks steady employment. Chauffeur’s license. Will learn anything. Willing hard worker. Grade 10 education. PR. 3-5374. nDuLADLaD woman Ior day care PRIVXTE SALE and baby Sitting. evenings- PR- Pleasantville. executive type, 3-5962. c1w33 split level. large living room, m open ï¬replace with raised [baby sitting and light house- hearth, floor to ceiling windows. work. TU. 4-3374. c1w33 large ï¬nished family room. 3 m bedrooms, two bathrooms, doub- . . . 1e garage, large patio. Profess- routine. receptionist~typist-clerk ~ _ for Monday, Wednesday and lonally landscaped. N.H.A. mort . gage at 514%. Low down pay- w:,4'§34g_91w33 ment, attractive terms. AL. 7- YOUNG MEN, 16-19, lookin1‘2415. uczs‘ for work. Anything considered KING CITY ‘ Can ou hel us. Call Salva- . . non ery‘ A5. 5-5126. tfcsz Btl’tï¬ï¬f’lng fibi‘ï¬ad: anXIOPS, tot EXPERIENCED small office routine. receptionist~typist-clerk for Monday, Wednesday and Friday. TU. 4-2334. c1w33 RELIABLE woman would like baby sitting and light house- Brig TU. 4-3374. c1w33 WHO ELSE WANTS A NEW CAR! tions. Mrs. MacDoriaid. TU. Z- 5057. tfc21 REMABLEfwoman for day care xxx x x x x .XXX PRESSMAkING and altera- LICENSED mechanic wants part-time work. TU. 4-3250. BUY IT NOW WITH A LOW-COST LIFE-INSURED USED CARS XXX 'x‘xx THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA EMPiOYMEN T WANTED Xxxx xXXXXXI LOAN clw33 c1w33 c1w33 €2W32 nc3‘w33 c1w33 ‘ 21 Dundas Square, Toronto ‘ EM. 3-6251 24-HR. PHONE SERVICE INCLUDING WEEKENDS ASK FOR MR. CLEMENS Real Estate Loans Arrang~ ed In One Visit In the Fol- lowing Areas: ‘Richmond Hill King Maple Gormley Unionville Stouffville ‘ Concord Oak Ridges J Thomhill Richvale Langstaï¬â€™ l 0 lat & 2nd Mortgages ‘- 0 Low Interest I 0 Up To 20-Year Terms; 0 No Hidden Bonuses I 0 Loans On Frame, 1' Insul and Brick Homes} We Do Not Put A Chattel Mortgage On Your Car or Furniture MONEY available for good first and second mortgages, reason- able rates. Medcof. Lawlor and LeClaire. TU. 4-7191. ticz ‘SEIXEITOR has client’s Funds‘ available for nortgages at ren- sonable rates. Mr. Cooper. BA. 5-732L “C40 Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers‘ Association CLIENTS’ FUNDS to purchase lst and 2nd mortgages. Mr. Mc- Lean, AV. 5-1176. David McLean Ltd. Realtor. , tfc29 Phone, Come In or Write $14,900 - new B‘room bungalow with attached garage, featuring rug-style clay brick. Large 13’ x 6’ entrance hall, walk-out basemenft with mud room, loads of cupboards in a large and beautiful kitchen; 3 lovely bed- ‘rooms, smallest one is 11%? x 11’. all with double cupboards. Schools, shopping and transpor- tation short walking distance. Immediate possession. To make this home your home. phone Mr. Clouter, TU. 4-7758. W. L. NIXON. REALTOR 5307 Yonge St., Willowdale Member of Toronto Real Estate Board M. C. BEBER LTD. LARGE FAMILY HOME $26,500. Custom built, 4-bed- room. split level bungalow in ‘R-ichmond Hill. Three baths, two ‘open ï¬replaces, panelled recre- ation room, twmcar garage, se'W-‘ ers. Landscaped, schools and buses. Mr. Pratt, AV. 5-1156. H. KEITH LTD., REALTORS 260 ESSEX AVENUE Open for inspection -- Saturday and Sunday afternoons -- 1.00 to 5.00 pm. YOU HAVE HIDDEN MONEY IN YOUR PROPERTY . $2.000 DOWN $13,800. Must be sold. 6 room. 1% storeys, 11/2 baths, alumin- wm storms and screens. On sew- ers, close to schools and plaza. 514% N.H.A. mortgage. Mr. Pratt. AV. 5-1156. EARL V. STEWART Real Estate & General Insurance 21 Yonge St. N., Aurora Phone PA. 7-5076 To Pay Your Bills { KING CITY f Owner going abroad. anxious to‘ {sell immaculate 3-bedroom brick \bungalow with carport in exclus- ive residential area. Range, frig., washing machine etc. included in the purchase price of $15,900 with terms. "LIBERAL" CLASSIFIED Phone TU. 4-1105 OR AV. 5-3316 ADJOINING Golf and Country Club, Griffin-built bungalow. attached garage. ï¬replace. 3 \bedrooms, huge kitchen, pan- elled rec. room. extra large lot completely landscaped. steps to separate and public schools and walking distance to high school and shopping plaza. TU. 4-3140. c2w32‘ HOME OWNERS .V- .‘u vâ€" 3;, x 315 ff. East of ydï¬ge. close to school. Paved roads. AV. 5-4297. e1w33 OWNER TRANSFERRED $14,900 Act quick. someone with a rea- large 1‘ sonable offer is going to be location the new owner of a nice 6 room- . ed bungalow on corner lot 8214, Prlvate‘ MORTGAGES REALiESTATE FOR SALE King ' Gormley Stouffville ‘ Oak Ridges I; Richvale [1‘ clw33 c1w33 c1w33 SIMPSON’SDRY 000084 12 Yonge St. S. Girls’ Lined Jeans, asst’d, reg. up to $2.98 sizes 3 to ï¬x for Men’s Terylene Wash 11’ Wear Dress Shirts, plains & stripes, reg. $6.95 for Income POCKETAX is the little book that is a big help in saving you tax dollars. 48 pages of accurate, timely information re Income Tax Deductions and Tax Credits. FREE! Write or drop in for your copy. way to V obtain experienced help in preparing your 1961 1 - I Ladies’ Skirts: asst’d. Winter materials Reg. $5.95 to $18.95 Vensaf/ona/ um $3.98 to $9.99 $1.275 down. Richmond Hill room bungalow, oil heat. m2 extras. CaII AV. 5-2951. T. M phy, Broker. cl“ Boys’ Lined Jean Sets, up to 6x Reg. $4.95 for OWNER transferred. selling house at cost. many extras. save on real estate fees. TU. 4-1982. $14,900. 3 BEDROOM brick. TRANSPORTATION wantgd, large lot, paved drive. excellent Rmhmm‘d H111 ‘0 Melton» amV' location. 514% NBA mortgage. a‘m" leavmg 5321133; Private. TU. 4-3840. c1w33 ‘ Cotton Print’s,~3€â€â€˜wide, asst’d, reg. up to $1.19 yd. sale Sales 6'1 Service ELECTROHOME - ADMIRAL - RCA EXPERT SERVICE TD_A|:|. MAKES OF RADIO, TV AND Hl-Fl RICHMOND HILL T. V. AV. 5-3756 Northtown Shopping Centre 5385 Yonge Sheet $1.99 PORTABLE T. V's FER RENT BY DAY 0R WEEK PICK UP AND DELIVERY 99!: yr. TELEVISION $4.88 Hill. 6 LIADY‘S wrist watch. Inscribed many “Maxwell Wallace RCNVR", . Mur- vicinity Arnold Street. TU.’ 4- c1w33 2115. Mum: ’cax'v'a‘a‘ BLACK’KITTEN, vicinity Rock. port. TU. 4-5016. c1w33 FREE WAITING FOR YOU Richmond Hill 34 YONGE SOUTH Tranéportation LOST NCP- I 2 c1w33