malted. In this way. up to 0 can be shaved of! the let’s cost of the car. he educated public are NOT erts on value. If you wish make the best deal you can, EN COMPARE THE FEAo RES OF THE CAR ITSELF. E ACTUAL SERVICE REN- RED AND THE DEALER’S PUTATION FOR KEEPING S PROMISES. That's the Iy my to buy at the lowest ssibh net price! by "padding" the price of new one. en padding ceased to be ionable due to legal and er reasons. new gimmicks rished among so-called volâ€" e dealers. They all added to this: keep prices down to act price buyers, but de- r less to keep proï¬ts up. thical dealers met the com- ltlon by reducing overhead fl concentrating on service. ey still are. Volume oper- urs substituted heavy adver- ing. ruthless selling and :aper substitutions in radios. aters and tires. Pre-and-after livery service was virtually selling: the dealer must 9 a proï¬t to stay in busi- . How he makes it is the thing that has changed. ntil a few years ago it was ‘mon practice among dealers ting to survive cut-‘throat Fe competition to balance r-allowance offers on used ‘HE DODGE ONTARIO CAR CO. LTD. 3959 Yonge St. at Cummer Willowdale W """""""""" LIMITED 198 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL7 TUrner 4 - 44H Now You Can Wash 5‘ BAYVIEW PLAZA BAYVIEW AVENUE & ELGIN MILLS ROAD I““_“‘I“““!‘ Richmond Hill Lions Hall MONDAY, FEB. 19m E EDUCATED PUBLIC They hold 2 regular washer loads for 356. We also have big Commercial Dryers that fluff dry your clothes ever-so- fast. You can put 4 to 5 regular washer loads in one big dryer (deposit 10c for each 10 minutes required). Several dimes may be deposited at one time. We now can offer you your choice of the regular automa- tic washer of either the Big Inglis Washer or the Easy with the Spiralator Action. They both do a very clean wash. COIN LAUNDRY thfli COMING EVENTS (C‘ lome and See for Yourself) FEBRUARY 23 8: 24 â€"â€" Friday and Saturday. Bake sale at the Metropolitan Store, Newton- brook Plaza, 12 noon to 6 p.m., under auspices of the 2nd New- tonbrook Group. Boy Scouts Association Ladies' Auxiliary. c1w33 EVERY MONDAY. â€" 8.15 pm. York Choraliers practice in basement St. Mary's Anglican Church. Vacancies in all sec- tions, particularly men. Come and join us. Phone AV. 5-2237. c2w32 uvuaca iuvuu..-, -._- r ,,,,, York Choraliers practice in basement St. Mary's Anglican Church. Vacancies in all sec- tions. particularly men. Come and join us. Phone AV. 5-2237. c2w32 a t t o FEBRUARY 20 __ Tuesday, county level and highly critlca Toronto lawyers and National Grocers Company Ltd. starting 5 p.m. Annual Oyster Paving of Bayv topic at York County Council meetings dur past week, again took the stage when Richmond Hill f t t th h, - Town Council met this week. It brought a report from Slag? beocagge she fnalnoprgglï¬ Deputy Reeve Tom Broadhurst on negotiations at the 1 letters from a ï¬rm ofll’ iew Avenue in Richmond Hill, hot the condition of the roadway ing the1 eading to the shopping plaza." It continued: “The customers way leading to the plaza is in ad condition and needs pav- iing, and a sign put up by the municipality of the Town of Supper 0f King City Lions C1“ One of the letters was signed by 17 retailers in the Richmond Hill states that the at King City United Church. Adults $1.50. children 75c. clw33 Bayview Plaza. cars driving over the roadway. [douse at _thei_r own risk." FEBRUARY 22 â€" Thursday at. 8 pm. Lions Community Hall. Richmond Hill Horticultural Society Camera Night. Showing of prize winning slides. Comâ€" mentator, Mr. Tom Lambert. Demonstration of equipment. Tips from the experts. Refresh- ments. No admission charge. Everyone welcome. clw33 FEBRAUARY 27 â€" Tuesday. Ladies, enrol now for new (self- improvement) course. Make-up, poise and posture and exercise. Easter Special $16.00. D. Albert Brown, Coifl'ures. Richmond Heights Plaza. Phone 285-1416. c2w33 GUARANTY TRUST J. Wilson Berry. President [Metro Toronto Offices Company of Can ada DON MILLS CENTRE HI. 7-6453 866 BAY STREET EM. 6-1531 WW3 WNW EMNS ON TERM DEPOSITS SHIRT SERVAQE ï¬letters From Wholesalers, Lawyers ‘fiCIaIm Buslness Loss ConSIderable 1| EY.W.C.A. Is Sponsoring I5Child Guidance Course Broadhurst Advances Bayview Plan Coming from Roebuck and posed of 22 stores and that at Will Claim Rebate Roebuck. Toronto barristers, it the present time, {our of these The letter pointed out that a said in part: “We have been stores are vacant and a number rebate conld be claimed on retained by Mr. Ben Walker. of the remaining store-keepers realty taxes, up to 55 per cent, the owner of Bayview Plaza at are threatening to move. as far empty stores and buildings. Richmond Hill. He advises us they are having difficulty serâ€" Pointing out the effect that this that the Bayview Plaza is com- vicing their customers due to could have on the town's econ- _-A_. AL- “u--- ...A..IA -I-:_ :5 (Continued from page 1) the dissatisfaction which had been engendered. the commis- sion at its meeting this week gave a lengthy explanation of its policies. These roads were Bayview Avenue from the Markham Road to the Stouï¬- ville Road; the Don Mills ex- tension from the Don Mills Road to the Lakeshore Road; the Egypt Sideroad from the town line to Highway No. 48; ‘Bathurst Street from the Lang- ‘staff Road to the Vaughan Road (called “Maple Road" by the commission); the Davis Drive extension from Newmarket to Sehomberg. County Fails To Provide The commission acknowledg- ed that in most cases new high- ways provide a through service to motorists resident outside the local municipality as well as providing a service for local residents. Pointing out that Toronto and York Road's Commission thor- oughfares are paid for 50 per cent by the province, 25 per lce’nvt by Metro and 25 per cent BizrrtrhevCounty of York. the com- mission gave a lengthy break- down of its policies? with>regard_ to the different characters of roads involved. Long Range Program Time and again Commis- sion Chairman Norman Long emphasized that new roads would be added if the county wanted to increase its mill rate and provide more money. “How shall I punish a child of three years who spits at me?â€â€˜ a concerned mother asked at the Child Guidance Course current- ly being conducted at Walter Scott School until March 22nd. Walter Scott Y.W.C.A. is spon- soring this venture in an ef- fort to encourage good family relationships. Mrs. (Friâ€"C. V. Hewson, di- recting th‘is parents education group answered, “Parents need At the present rate, the report said, it was recom- mended that the present plan to repair the existing system should be continued. It was suggested that the following roads should be added to the suburban sys- tem during the next ï¬ve years. Bathurst Street from Langstaff Road to Maple (Vaughan) Road. 2.5 miles; Bayview Avenue from Map- le Road to Stouï¬ville Road, 4 miles: Maple Road exten- sion from Weston Road to Highway 27, 1 mile; Sutton Road, perimeter road ar- ound the Village of Sutton, 1.5 miles. Also suggested 71“ IF»? was the addition to the county system. if the coun- ty deems necessary, of Davis Drive from Newmarket to Scho‘mberg. 9 mibs; the Egypt Sideroad. 5.5 miles; Don Mills Road extension to Lakeshore Road. 1.5 miles. Only part of this work provided for in the 1962 budget is the grading. gravelling and widening of the Bathurst Street project. Fight Hard For Bayview Until they saw that further action was useless, both from the procedural and practical points of view, Richmond Hill and Markham Township repre- sentatives on county council fought hard for action on Bay- view. They emphasized the am- ount of traffic the road carried, rebumting claims that it was used for “local†traffic only. Sixty ‘per cent of it, declared Rich- mond Hill's Reeve Perkins. was traffic caused by the city. Main- tenance had increased tremend- ously in the last three years as a result of the improvement of Bayview Avenue to the south, declared Markham’s Deputy Reeve Lawson Mwmberson. It was poor practice to bring a high-grade road from Toronto to an unpaved road, declared Deputy Reeve Tom Broad'hurst. Reeve Dean emphasized the heavy load which had been thrown on the local municipal- ities In spite of pleas Chairman Norman Long of T and Y re- mained adamant. He admitted openly that, "There is no ques- tion about the road being bad â€" but what about the cost?†He justiï¬ed the inclusion of other road projects ahead of Bayv'iew on the influence of the greater area demands, and con- nection with the flow of traffic on provincial highways. The Toronto and York Roads Commission budget will create the equivalent of a county mill rate of 3.86 this year, as opposed to 3.19 last year. The 1961 tab was picked up by a 1.60 mill levy and a 1.59 debenture debt. The same split will be followed this not punish children unpleasantâ€" ly in order to make effective learning. Naturally, as this type of behaviour is not to be tol- erated, the essential job is then, education of the child, not pun- ishment. If the idea of punish- ment is conveyed. a natural desire for retaliation is then i 1child, along with the child ev- stimul-a-ted, and is not a good learning. If instead, the idea of the parents teaching the entually learning, the relationw ship is more pleasant. Instruc-i tions to children should be clear and short, after first getting attention, and in a tone of voice conducive to a positive reaction. Being sent to the bedroom should not be used as a punish- ment. A child should under- stand the reason for being there. is that he has not yet learned certain behaviour, is not to be tolerated with others. Stimulating discussion re; garding temper tantrums cen- tred around their cause â€" the child attempting something be- yond his maturity, balkinlg at social restrictions. etc. Through substitution of toys or sugges~ tions of alternate play, some- times tantrums can be avoided or controlled. Ways of coping effectively with this problem were outlined. This was the ï¬rst in a series of ï¬ve discussion groups. an all too infrequent opportunity for parents in Richmond Hill, and yiex‘v ioéenings are still avail- able. For advance registration, please call 'Mrs. A. Downey, TU. 4-2442. Dealing with the imaginary friends of young children ar- oused considerable interest and it was noted that the better ‘plan was to go along ivith the idea as this is a phase soon passed. n_, Although the subject. the school aged child was not over- looked, there will be four more sessions in which to learn more answers in this area. Parents taking this course are reminded that due to Walter Scott Home and School meeting February 15. the next child guidance meeting will be held February 22. year. still avail- The property. south of No. 7 egistration, Highway and east of Duï¬erin )wney, TU. Street. is the site of the House ‘of Concord, 2 Salvation Army course are home for lads who need a hand to Walter in getting back on the right vol meeting path. The boys are encouraged next child to work independently and lay ill be held a basis for becoming self-sup- lporting and reputable citizens. $50.00 $315 53 STARTING TIME-8 P.M. FULLCARDTOGO “scum NUMBERS CALLED omy. the owner would claim it this year. the legal ï¬rm's letter declared. The letter from National Grocers Company Limited voic- ed a similar complaint. It point- ed out that a supervisor had broken the springs of his car due to the potholes on the road; that valuable business was be- ing lost“ because the road was “practically unusable"; that when negotiations for the open- ing of the plaza took place there was a promise that the road would be paved within three years. Bitter complaints were made about the loss of business. Officials Taken In “In fairness to last year's‘t reeve and deputy reeve â€" they were taken in. as were Mark-1 ham people." said Deputy Reeve Tom Broadhurs-t. formerly a critic of the failure of the town's representatives to secure action on Biayview last year. Monday night. tempered by his own experience in county coun-‘ oil the week before. he made his apologies to those whom he had criticized. There was no hope of get- ting the road paved this year, said the deputy reeve. He sounded out other members of council on a suggestion which might produce action, gaining unanimous approval that he and the mayor should lay it before the Toronto and York Roads Commission. l The Broadvh‘urst plan would involve the acceptance of a ï¬xed plan of taking over roads by the T and Y Commission. It would be known in exactly which year a road would be I assumed. The local municipality would then arrange to ï¬nance ' the road, building it right away ,on its own credit. At the ap- _ pointed time it would be taken ;over by the Commission, which ' would then reimburse the muni- ' cipality. 'Problems, but A . . ! While foreseeing several prob- lems, including that of ï¬nancing at the municipal level, council members felt that the situation was serious enough to warrant an effort being made. When they saw the Toronto and York Roads Commission. said Mayor Haggart, an attempt should be made to secure a traffic light at the corner of Markham Road and Bayview. Traffic at that point was very heavy, he pointed out. Buy Site At Concord The Salvation Army has bought the former jail farm at Concord from the City of Tor- onto, paying 5162000 for the sixty-five acres. In 1959 the Army bought the adjoining 35 acres It would appear that the deer in Richmond Hill are more discreet than those in the Queen City. In Toronto they jump through wind- ows and invade the privacy of bedrooms, however in the Hill they go for the ï¬ner things in life such as flowers and plants. A Toron-to daily news- paper recently carried an article about a deer jump- ing through a window into the bedroom of an apartâ€" ment. The deer, which was seriously cut by the broken glass was ï¬nally captured and sent to Riverdale Zoo. Last Wednesday a similar incident occurred in Rich- mond Hill. A deer, whidh is thought to have been chased by a pack of dogs, ran amongst the green- houses of the Endean Nur- series on Yonge Street. The animal tried to jump over one of the larger buildings which blocked its escape but instead crashed through the glass roof of the house. The deer fell about six feet to the ground. then began running about inside the greenhouse. Finally it crash- ed through one of the glass walls and made its escape. although the amount of blood on the ground indiâ€" cated that the animal was badly injured. Little damage was done of the plants in the green- house and damage to the building itself amounted to about $50. Bambi Loves Flowers} / 1/; 7/ , 29 ONTARIO, NO. I CLUB HOUSE HEINZ SOUPS Peanut Butter 16mm RHUBARB POST SugarCri5p81/2oz.pkg. Kraft Dinner 2 pkqs- LEE'S PINEAPPLE "Sliced or by the Piece NO. 1, WHITE MORLEY'S 2 lbs. 3 9c LEAN & CUBED in fatigléaui budget! THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. February 15, 1962 3 “4 Tomato & 2 Vegetable" 6 10 oz. tins r37 27c "S|iced or Crushed†2 20 oz. tinsAjg “EATING or JUICE" MEXICAN LARGE SIZE DEMPSTER’S FRESHER MITCHELL’S FANCY TULIP Margarine Brussel Sprouts FANCY 2 lbs. 49c FOODLAND // 7/ / 29 YONGE ST. s. /, Richmond Hill ;.45C