Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Feb 1962, p. 4

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Head Office, Toronto, Ont. The panel members spoke on the various options available and the standards to be met. They then answered questions, both written and from the floor. The object of the evening was to clear up the difficulties of choosing a course to go into in grade 9. The school now has three "faculties," arts and ’science, business and commerce, and engineering technology and trades. Each of these branches Chairing the panel was Prin- cipal A. S. Elson. Participants were Wee-Principal T. Thom- _asson and staff members Mr. D. Anderson, Mrs. J. Hurson and Mr. R. Templeton, with Vaugh- an Public School Superintend- ent J. Gibson and Public School Inspector M. Hallman. Close to 300 parents of grade 8 children in Vaughan Town- chip made an attentive audience at Thomhill High School, Feb- ruary 7, when they heard a pan- el discuss the various new courses to be offered at Thorn- hill Secondary School. as it is now to be called. Study Courses 80 Richmond St. West‘ Toronto Consultation by Appointment Phones: Thornhill AV. 5-3315 Toronto EM 4-2780 4 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, February 15, 1962 DEPT. OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK Food Detergents Food detergents are crisp, crunchy. low-carbohydrate foods such as celery, car- rots anvd radishes. Chewing a detergent food can do much to remove sticky foods from teeth and hence eliminate dental decay. The sticky foods are quickly acted upon by the bacteria commonly found in the mouth and the acids pro- duced during this bacterial digestion can etch the en- amel and thus produce a site for decay to begin. Office, TU. 4-2291 31 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill Res. Phone Gormley 5369 Kenneth Shepherd Office. TU. 4-2291 81 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill Res. Phone Markham 724 far! E. Hill, M.D., M.O.H N. Mulholland, Q.C. Thornhill and District News AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMM“ STATE FARM legal Lloyd Harvey TELEPHONE AV. 5-2331 The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be ac- cepted. D. J. Ashworth, Business Administrator, York Central District Specifications and partic- ulars of quantity, etc., may be secured by phoning the York Central District High School Board Office, at‘ 285-4281. ‘ By MARGARET McLEAN The big topic of discussion around Thornhill High School these past weeks has been school uniforms for girls. Following an assembly called by the girls’ ath- letic association where the subject of uniforms was debated, the girls were given two weeks to think the matter over and then cast their votes in gym classes. Approximately 70% favoured the uniform. Plans went ahead accordingly, and the uniform was designated as a grey skirt, either straight cut or box pleated, with a tailored white shirt, sleeve length optional. The uniforms are to be given If the girls are in favowr of a two month trial and if the uniforms, it is up to them," she girls are still in favour at the stated. end of that time, arrangements In polling the parents, I will be made with local mer- find them almost unani- chanrts to stock the skirts. mously in favour. “I think Will be received by the un- dersigned until The sbafi was most gratified with the good turnout to the parents nights and find them helpful. Any serious complaints are communicated to the office. but mostly the teachers benefit from being given an awareness of home problems. The parents Thornhill Girls Approve Uniforms Grey Skirt, White Shirt And while I have been given no official figures. I'm sure the longest line-ups, with the most worried faces, were outside the rooms where mathematics (most- ly parents with girls) and Eng- lish (mostly parents with boys) are taught. , These parents‘ nights are ar- ranged. to my mind. quite effic- iently. A senior student was posted outside each teacher‘s door who scheduled a series of five minute appointments be- tween 7:30 and 9:30. ’ Armed with a list of the teachers and appropriate room numbers (heavily marked in my case at least, with the names of those it was imperative to see) the parents scattered through the school arranging their appoint- ments. If you were lucky. you got your appointments reason- ably close together. However, even those who had a consider- able wa-it between appointments seemed to be suffering no pain as they salt or stood in the halls, talking anim-atedly with other parents. FOR DUPLICATING PAPER AND SUPPLIES WED., FEBRUARY 21, 1962. The high school also had an influx of parents on two nlghts in January, the 18th and the 23rd when parents descended on the school in droves to ln- tervlew the teachers about the. latest report cards and their children’s progress generally. iwill provide for both a four ‘year and a five‘year program. There will also be a one or two year occupations course. For girls this will consist of instruc- tion in general merchandising“ clerking, packing, cashiering, etc. For boys it will be a course in building construction, includ- ing general carpentry and cem- ent work. High School Board, 25 Yonge Street N., Richmond Hill, Ont. TENDERS Thornhill Notes It is sometimes useful to re- known. However, what is not mind ourselves that our com- always recognized is that when muniw is not really made up of wage earners are unemployed streets, houses and business and unable to make their nor- buildings -â€" it is made up of mal economic contribution, the people. You and I are the com- whole community suffers. munity. In our society, this is Now, what can you as an especially true in the economic individual do about it? sense. We all depend on onel As a householder you can another to some extent eco- arrange to have all types of in- nomlcally, and all of our econo- side work such as renovation, mic activity, such as the buying redecoration, repair, and other and selling of goods and servi- maintenance work around your ces. has a direct bearing on theyhome. including dry cleaning, welfare of our community andIdone during the winter months. of the people in it. l As a member of the commun- Each winter, partly because ofiity organization, you can urge the cold weather and partly be- your group to schedule any cause of habit, economic activi-‘construction with which it may ,ty in this community slows be concerned and any other type down and some of our wage§of work for the winter months earners join the ranks of theland influence others to do like- unemployed. This M is well-lwise. Each winter, pantly because of the cold weather and partly be- cause of habit, economic activi- ‘ty in this community slows down and some of our wage earners join the ranks of the unemployed. This M is well- “The Liberal" to always pleased to publish items of interest contributed by It: readers in the Thomhill area - - . . . . . Our representative In Thornhfll is Mrs. Margaret McLean. who may be reached by phoning AV. 5-2331. Although in favour of school uniforms generally, Mrs. J. R. Sumner of Sumner Lane felt that the project should have been started in September as it might not be convenient for some parents to provide new outfits now. Also, she was not in favour of “the very free- wheeling type of uniform" de- cided upon and would prefer to see tunics. She also felt that if uniforms were decided on. it Why Wait For Spring? In polling the parents, I find them almost unani- mously in favour. “I think it is an excellent idea. I have been plugging it for years,” stated Mrs. Ed. Per- cival,. Elgin Street. “Any- thing that de-emphasizes clothes will leave more time for studies, and that’s al- ways a good thing”. Mrs. Percival also thought it might be I good idea to ex- tend the uniforms to the boys. “It might bring their outfits up to a better stand- ard and bring the girls’ dlown to a reasonable lev- e I” l w Also in favour was Mrs. Alan G. Parker of Johnson Avenue. who is the wife of Public School ‘Trustee Alan Parker. “A won- ‘derful idea." she said. “It will make for less competition be- :tween teen-agers in the matter of clothes. If they are all in uniform. there couldn‘t be any competition.” Mrs. Parker felt that most parents were in fav- our. The only adverse comment she had heard was from a fa- ther who thought the uniforms would look “institutional”. Mrs. Parker felt however, that the uniform chosen would not give this appearance. Mrs. R. L. Robinson of John- son Avenue felt the uniforms a good idea because they would even out any differences of in- come among the homes. “It's quite an attractive outfit," she noted. Would Prefer Tunic- Each discussed their curricu- lum and Mr. Westlake quickly had the audience singing some lively rounds. This caused some trepidation when Mr. Evans was introduced in fear that he would have them doing physic- al jerks. but he very kindly didn't. (But perhaps I have giv- en him an idea for future meetings?) Mr. Evans explained ‘his work with the children in 1a droll and entertaining man- ‘ner, althouglh he felt quite ser- iously that the children did need the physical education work and sees quite an improve- ment in them. He expressed regret that the gymnasium was not yet ready at Woodland School and that the children there were confined to class- room exercises. Although the Woodland As- sociation meets only every other month, they held a Valentine Mrs. John A. Townsend, of John Street, Thornhill, enter- tained at a luncheon on Febru- ary 3rd. Among the guests were Mrs. D. Evans, Mrs. K. Smith. Mrs. L. Warnica, Mrs. Don Grant, Mrs. A. Mallard, Mrs. John McKay. Mrs. H. R. Ross and Mrs. R. Saunders. Following the luncheon, the guests were taken on a tour of the early Canadian style home of Mrs. R. H. Neil, John Street. Woodland Home & School The Woodland Association is having a highly successful year with improved attendance at all meetings so far. Guests at their meeting of January 17th were the physical education teacher, Mr. Evans and music supervisor Mr. Westlake. benefit by having study habits Skating Party on February 14, recommended, as well as times mainly as a reward to all the of study, discipline needed at parents who did such a wonder- ‘home. etc. And certainly any ful job building and flooding student's attitude to his work the new school rink. Although will benefit with the knowledgeI haven’t had a report of the that his parents are interested skating party, I hope every- and concerned enough about his body had a good time and no- problems to spend the evening body ended up with a broken trying to find solutions for them. ankle. The rink, by the way, Mrs. John A. Townsend, of which opened in December, has John Street, Thornhill, enter- been intensely popular and is talned at a luncheon on Febru~ swamped with skating enthus- ary 3rd. Among the guests were iasts of all ages 193111811! As a householder you can arrange to have all types of in- side work such as renovation, redecoration, repair, and other maintenance work around your home. including dry cleaning, known. However, what is not always recognized is that when wage earners are unemployed and unable to make their nor- mal economic contribution, the whole community suffers. MES. Alice Bradbeer is re- cuperating at her home after a recent operation. Parents and grade 8 pupils met at ThornLhiLl Secondary School last week for a special meeting on the new course av- ailable to students starting high school next September. Mr. Elson, principal. intro- duced the heads of each de- partment. Each department head explained his department and the subjects available. Birthdays Peter Webster celebrated his flf’geenrth pirghday_ last Sunday. Leonard St. ’John, Steelés Avenue celebrated his seventh bigtfihdlayr last Wednesday. Mrs. 7 Marjorie Fitchébt also had a birthday recently‘ Sick List Mr. Bill Collins, Crestwood Road, has been confined to bed this past week. Powell Road Home and School held its executive meeting last Thursday. Plans were made for a birthday party this month. Cakes are being made, one for each month of the year, and will be sold. There will be small prizes and lucky door prizes. as well as games. A Fun Fair will be held in May. If you have any clearn rummage please con- tact Mrs. Geno, AV. 5-2073. Correspondent Mrs. Fred St. John 75 Crestwood Road Willowdale Telephone AV. 5-3443 School News All the parents felt that uni- forms would save the vast ex- penditures of time, thought and energy that now go into the choice and discussion of clothes. Well, that seems a cogent argu- ment, at least insofar as the girls are concerned. As for the boys, it seems to me that if they were to see all the girls in neat, trim outfits, they might be impelled to pull up their socks and look a little more business-like themselves. And who knows, they might even be moved to tackle their work in a more systematic and work- mianlike way. should be stipulated that they be worn every day and not be dropped after six months. vote of four to one village council passed a resolution ap- proving of the opening of a liquor store. It is said that the Liquor Control Board has the authority to open a store with- out a vote but will not do so without the approval of council. j Back from a southern holi- day? Then Why not phone your local correspondent and tell me all about your trip. Your friends and neighoburs will enjoy read- ing all about your good times. Just phone me at AV. 5-2331. MARKIjIAM VILLAGE: By a The annual card party of the guild will be held at the church hall on February 27 at 8:15 pm. There will be bridge, pro- gressive euch‘re, etc, with lots of prizes and refreshmentsnFor tickets, contact Mrs. Evelyn Goodwin at AV. 5-4513. The three groups of the par- ish guild at Holy Trinity are well into their year's activities. The southern group meets monthly on Monday evenings at 28 Highland Pérk Blvd. The harmony group met February 6 at the home of Mrs. R. Chap- man, 17 Oakbamk Road and the alpha group met also on Tues- dlay evening at the church. Watch for future notice of the March let meeting of the Woodland Home and School when the guest speaker will be former Thornvhill resident, Mr. Keith Richan who will discuss school drop-outs. Holy Trinity News Skating Party on February 14, mainly as a reward to all the parents who did such a wonderâ€" ful job building and flooding the new school rink. Although I haven't had a report of the skating party, I hope every- Crestwood Rd. News This new approach to educa- tion is this area’s answer to the recent startling reports in the ‘daily papers regarding the many thousands of uneducated unemployed adults in Canada today. This is an entirely new type of school and education programme, and will be a-n ex- ‘periment that will be closely Matched by all. We can all be proud of the foresight demon- strated by our school boards in‘ introducing this to Thornhilll Secondary. l A meeting was held on Feb- 3ruary 7th at 8.15 pm. at the Thonmhlll Secondary School to outline to the parents of the present grade 8 pupils the new programmes and plans for edu. cation at the Thomh-ill and Bayview Schools. Mr. D. An- derson, head of the guidance department at Thomhill, was introduced by the Principal A. S. Elson. Mr. R. Templeton, technical director outlined the courses available in the engin- eering, technical and trades branch. Mrs. Jean Hurson, head of the commercial department. explained all available branch- es of the business and com- merce department. Entrance standards were explained by Mr. M. Hallman, public school inspector. Mr. J. Gibson, sup-l erintendent of public schools. for Vaughan Township outlined the option forms supplied to the parents. A question and an-‘ swer period followed. 1 In Branson Hospital this week is Mrs. D. Dobson of High- land Park. We hope the trouble will soon be righted and Mary soon able to join in our activi- ties again. Also hospitalized is Mrs. Bateman. wife of that won- derful superintendent at Thorn- hill United. ’Flu is prevalent and Mr. Thiers of Woodward is bedridden, also Jimmy Walt ker of Steeles Ave. Mr. and! Mrs. Louden of (It-randview1 Avenue this week celebrate their Golden Wedding Anniver- sary. Mrs. Louden has not been too well since Christmas so the celebrations are to be somewhat quieter than the family at first planned. A re- ception is being held at the home of a daughter in Leaside where friends and family offer congratulations. Thornhlll Secondary School Last Saturday 2nd Thornvhill Scouts took a trip to the Albion Hills and gave their skis and snow shoes a work-out. The only thing that marred the day was when Jeff Dempster was not allowed to put into prac- tice his newly acquired know- ledge of ambulance man’s bad-ge. Scouter Johnson is pleased to report the first two graduates from 2nd Thornhill, that is two boys completed the course “Tenderfoot to Queen’s Scouts" namely Jeff Demipsfter and Rod Lennard. Neighbourhood Notes Correspondent Mrs. H. Harris 39 Woodward Ave. AV. 5-1889 2nd Thornhill Scouts All are dug wells. and the health unit recommends instal- lation of water purifying equipment in each. Mainten- ance Supervisor Kyle reported: that the well at the Edgeley School had been cleaned amd chlorinated, but that this treat- ment had not proved effective, and “the water is beyond use as far as drinking is concerned.” Mr. Kyle said that drinking water has been provided at Edgeley for some time, and that Water Quality At Vaughan Schools Brings Immediate Action By Board Vaughan Township School Area Board wasinformâ€" ed by a letter from York County Health Unit, read at its meeting February 8, that wells at at least three of the township schools are unsatisfactory as sources of drinking water. The three schools named were Pat- terson, Edgeley and Old Pine Grove, with the well at the Coleraine School being described as “all right now, but under constant inspection by the health unit.” Dug Wells Give Trouble Highland Park Pictured above are the people who will guide the destinies of ' at their inaugural meeting are (left to right) Secretary Mrs. J. Wu mins and Trustee Frank Tucker. Thornhill Village Trustees Officially Take Office Chairman Kaiser reported he was in receipt of a registered letter from a law firm, request- ing on behalf of a client that public notice be given in ad- vance of all board meetings and that no meeting be held with- out such prior notice. With‘ The trustees accepted the recommendation of the finance committee that as the Children's[ Aid Society of York County is, supported by all municipalitiesl within the county, any future charges for wards of that soc-t iety placed in the township be‘ waived. r The board considered adopt- ing a policy for window cover- ings. Each board member ex- pressed preference for vene- tiavn blinds as being more dur- ‘able and requiring less main- tenance than drapes, with In- spector Macdonadd pointing out that audio-visual blackout re- quirements would have to be decided on an individual school basis. Trustee Goodwin reported that. at present, the easiest place in the rIlhornhill School to blackout is the corridor on the building’s second storey. Here films are shown to children seated on the floor. He hastened Finally the board adopted the policy of using venetian blinds as window coverings. but the exact design was left to the superintendent and the princi- pals in individual schools. It was pointed out that there are almost 100 classrooms in the township and window coverings will be provided as funds per- Waive Children’s Aid Fees to assure interested parents that the custodian keeps the floor vgry Vcleran. In extending an invivbant-ion to the public to attend this cere- mony, Chairman K‘aisea‘ said, "It’s your school, we only spend your money.” 'I‘o’aal expendi- tures on the new addition were $165,000. He announced the official op- en-invg of the addition to the Kleinburg School on February 16, at 8 p.m.. art which Mr. H. E. Elborn, M.A., B. Paed., will officiate. Mr. Gibson read a report from Lloyd Queen, assistant di- rector of music for the depart- ment of education, which was highly complimentary of the work of Music Supervisors Hugh Martin and Robert Rich- ardson. 0n recommendation of the property committee the board agreed to provide the labour of the maintenance staff, with the home and school association providing the material, to pro- vide additional storage cu-p- board space for the use of the association in the teachers' room of the Lan-gstaff School. Superintendent J. Gibson re- ported that while there is con- tinued growth in enrolment at George Bailey School, Maple. he over-all total of enrolment in the township was down six in January from the previous month. Supervisors Complimented 1 It was pointed out by Trustee H. Goodwin that the school at Edgeley is only six years old and the school at Colerain-e was built in 1955. On his suggestion the property committee will deal with the problem with the hope for an early solution. The board agreed to an ex- penditure of $50.00 for ice time at the Richmond Hill Arena for inter-school hockey compe- tition between the pupils of Ross Doan, Charles Howitt, La-ngsbaff and Powell Road Schools. the other school will be provid- ed with safe drinking water immediately. will guide the destinies of Thorn‘hill‘Pglice ‘Village during the IA:~L‘\ 0-....-1. ..... It..- 7 v" v The proceeds of this mara- thon will go to the Thornhill and District Hockey Club. There are 24 pairs compet- ing in the euchre and 4 in the bridge. 'I‘he Doncaster Community Ladies Club announced that 28 couples have entered the eu- chre and bridge marathon which got underway this week. The February 18, card has the Roselawn Team meeting the Hornets in the 8 o‘clock opener and in the later contest. the Royals are pitted against the 5th Rovers. The Rosel-awn Team fougIh-t[ back gamely. However it was- “too little, too late” as they wen‘tl down 5-4. ‘ The Royals, of Doncaster, de- feated a revamped 5th Newton- brook Rover team 4-3. These games are all held at the Bradford Arenla. Led by a former Doncaster lad, playing coach Gary Powell, the battling Hornet squad jump- ed to a 4-0 lead over the Dairy- men. Correspondent David Barbour Henderson Ave. Phone AV. 5-5205 The Hornets defeated the powerful Roselawn Dairy club. Chairman Kaiser reported that Trustee Mrs. Dora Robert- son, who has been quite ill, was completely recovered and would be present at the next board meeting. the consent of other board members discussion of this mat- ter was left over unta'l all mem- bers of the board are present. I74 SPADINA - EM.3-593l â€"- 688 COXWELI. - H0.1-947l 118 Richmond W.=EM.6-9l92 = 2968 DundasW.-RO.3- 36H DONCASTER Paint Build Remodel Repair Modernize WHEN EVERYBODY WORKS â€" EVERYBODY BENEFITS FOR ADVICE AND ASSISTANCE CALL YOUR NEAREST CREATE EMPLOYMENT - MAINTAIN EMPLOYMENT NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT OFFICE WINTER'S THE TIME WHY WAIT FOR SPRING? SUPPORT YOUR WINTER EMPLOYMENT CAMPAIGN AND DO IT NOW '1'nornmu Police Village during the coming year. Shown '. Lambert, Trustee B. P. Roberts, Chairman James Tim- .4- - >.4 -1\.4I.>.0.0.qw|-fl.9 L- D-----_---_--x COMPANY training school, lucrative commissions, full renewals, company fringe benefits, and all sales literature supplied. CALL COLLECT 0R WRITE A multi-million dollar mutual fund company expanding rapidly throughout Ontario, requires additional managers and sales personnel. ' If you have a desire to own your own business, be your own boss, work in your own community. hire and train your own sales team, this should appeal to you. 7 DIVISIONAL MANAGER - A. G. F. MANAGEMENT LTD» 1263 BAY ST., TORONTO 5 33 Longbridge Road Please contact your Local Home Delivery Carrier DICK CARTER FOR FAST RELIABLF‘ HOME DELIVERY OF Sales Minded Men 8: Women “'I'I-IE LIBERAL " Plumbing 8. Heating IN UPLANDS SUBDIVISION INQUIRIES AREMINVITED FROM THIS AREA . FEENEY - TU.4-2404 24 HOUR SERVICE Repairs & Installation PHONF - 925-2175 EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITIES The More Jobs The More Buying Power The Better The Community’s Prosperity â€" FREE ESTIMATES Over 30 (Photo by David Barbour) FOR AV. 5-1297

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