Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Feb 1962, p. 6

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{\‘I‘II‘Vi‘V‘I‘I‘I‘I 1 El-‘RANK PASSERE D D 1 \XHllnun-lnln yu Vullg .uu\ a...» a bun. .- Here's the one main night of pearance. the year each cub and scout of (I must admit to having a rov- lst Maple. will proudly invite ing eye where those firemen his dad out to dinner and have were concerned! I‘m so used to him really get to see what has seeing them dash up pell mell‘ been accomplished in Scouting across the road to the fire hall, over the past year. in most nondescript apparel - The banquet is on February that seeing them so attired, they 20. at 7 pm. sharp. at Maple couldn't help but catch your Community Hall. eye.) (I‘II‘I‘I‘I‘I‘I‘I‘2 Former Maple Leaf great. Ace Bailey. will special guest of all the The ladies auxiliary (6mm , Saturday night we in our warm home here. speculated on just how many would sleep out- side under canvas” Perhaps the hockey score would drive some to do such a desperate thing. However it went, we will be most anxious to pass on the: results next issue. ‘ Fa_t_her _am_i Son Banquet Former Maple Leaf hockey As fc great. Ace Bailey. will be the get to: special guest of all the boys. eating The ladies auxiliary, under Twister Convener Audrey Ma-gee‘ will'implies From 7 to 8 am. last Satur- day morning art 14” below zero. I found myself general errand boy to the group of lst Maple Boy Scouts preparing to leave for a week-end at Oxlrail Camp. Orangevllle. as a few suddenly would remember they had for-‘ got_ten something back home. 0V“ we WOW-L | Last week, as is their annual Who's Larry custom. the Maple Lions invit- I got several queries of “Who ed the Maple Volunteer Fire is Larry?" last week and I real- Brigade members. the leaders ized it had been left rather in and assistants of the lst Maple the air â€"- Larry Stevenson of Boy Scout Association and the Malaren Avenue. At this wri-t- group committee members to ing she is coming along fine. dinner. The Maple Lions Club New" Even Girl Smith! is the sponsoring unit for the From 7 t0 8 am. 1851 Satur- scouts and cubs and the group day morning a't 14” below zeI‘O. committee is the governing I found myself general errand body made up of some Lions boy to the group of lst Maple members and other community {30y Scale-ts preparing to leave minded men. i In harmony with the theme for the “Women’s World Day of Prayer." “God's Love for the Whole World” - Mrs. B. F. An- drew as special speaker, will use it for her topic. All the women of Maple and district are urg- ed to attend. to link their pray- ers to the prayers of others, all over the world. Who's Larry On March 9, women through- out the world will be meeting in churches and places of wor- ship. carrying out the same one theme. “God's Love for the Whole World." As is the custom. the women of the four Maple Churches Zion Lutheran, Maple United, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian and St. Stephen's Anglican are‘ planning a combined service in‘ Maple United Church, Keele St. South at 2 pm. 1 If any Maple folk should happen to join in. Larry Licas- tro at AL. 7-2615 and Steve Shore at AL. 7-1150. will gladly see your “Liberal” is delivered‘ to your door each week. World’s Day of Prayer: How About That Recently we received several phone calls from surrounding districts enquiring, “why no Maple Notes this issue?‘ but nary a call from Maplell â€" at least we know who our read- ers are! If any Maple folk should happen to join in. Larry Licas- tro at AL. 7-2615 and Steve Shore at AL. 7-1150, will gladly see your "Liberal" is delivered to your door each week. World’s Day 0‘ Prayer: On March 9, women through-'on the “kitchen stick." out the world will be meeting in churches and places of wor- ship, carrying out the same one cater for the affair and every- pose to raise. by fair means or thing is shaping up to a won- foul. any money available to go derful night for the fathers towards the convention fund. It and their sons. you arrive late, the Tail Twister The evening is planned to fines you, and from there on hum right along and won't be in. -- look out. He may take too late a night for the boys. exception to the way you cut Kitchen Sticks your meat, hold your fork, Have you had occasion to no- slurp your coffee, answer to tice that they have now tam- the roll call, sit on your chair, -l pered wth one more of our in short any device he can thinkl country’s institutions - that old of to swell the coffers. and in-l stand by the wooden match? Yes cidentlly make for a lot of good‘ indeedy - some new upstart has humorous ribbing and fun, -l taken to shortening the handle he's right in there. When we used to cater from the school Your Hospital Auxiliary community club, I can remem- Do you have someone in her always holding back a hot your district you would like to plate to have ready for theI FOR YOUR COMPLETE PROFESSIONAL DRY CLEANING SERVICES AT 6 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday. February 15. 1962 CAR COAT NEED CLEANING? Give Your Car Coat a New Lease On Life CALL / Maple, Concord & Edgeley District Keffer. 285-4040 SEPTIC TANKSI’ PUMPED and CLEANED l “The Liberal" is always willing to publish interesting items regarding people and events contributed by its readers in Maple, Concord 8: Edgcley dlstrlcts. Our representative ln Maple in Mrs. Len Shore. ALplne 7-1150; ln Edgeley and Sherwood, Mrs. Raymond Stuart. AV. 5-1934; and in Concord, Mu, Ruth R. R. 1 Willowdale HU. 5-1313 MI Complete Septic Tank Repair Service Accurate Septic Tank Service 'I'U. 4-2162 As for the Lions!! What a fun get together they have while eating their dinner! The "Tail Twister" is all that the name Well! let me tell you, - it was a ‘dress' occasion - the Lions in their na'tty yellow bow string Maple Lions ties; the scout and cub leaders in full uniform. and the firemen in their sharp navy blue uniforms and peak- ed caps sure gave a gala ap- peal‘ance. As president of the lst Maple Ladies Auxiliary, I too am a member of the group commit- tee ~- and tha-t's how I happen- ed to be sitting in as a guest of the Lions'. This district’s representative is Pat James and she will glad- ly answer any queries. Here then is your opportunâ€" ity to get into this satisfying work on the ground floor and with your help - see it grow. Plan to aitend the, March lst meeting - you‘ll be doing yourself a favour. A Gal Amongst Lions Do you have someone ln your district you would like to have on the permanent execu- tive of the newly formed York Central Hospital Auxiliary? If so. plan to attend the next meet- ing on March 1, in the Rich- mond Hlill United Church Audi- torium at 8 pm. and proposel their name. i Have you had occasion to no- tice that they have now tam- pered wth one more of our country’s institutions - that old stand by the wooden match? Yesi indeedy - some new upstart has taken to shortening the handle on the “kitchen stick." Your Hospital Auxiliary ‘ The evening is planned to hum right along and won't be too late a night for the boys. Kitchen Sticks Maple Notes ME. 5-1000 tenbion that one day some lady was seen taking a pot of hot chocolate down to the small fry who were skating. A huge , thanks to her as well. _ If you follow the Richmond '2 Hill High School sports you'll see where Maple's basketballer I Robin Brock is usually in there for top points for his team. Way to go. E It was also brought to our at- A) 'to be played between 1 and 4 Here he has used a tractor with spraying equipment andl tapping through the ice uses that water to reflood the rink. Youngsters say he keeps it cleaned off for them and the surface is super. There is space for both adults and children to enjoy skating and both ad- ults and children are truly ap- preciative of the work Frank Robson does. not only on that rink but in the many other pro- jects he undertakes for the! community at large. ‘ It is suggested no hockey is ‘ pm on Sundays in order that; the Club members may enjoy skating with their families. Note the next meeting wiilwlig March lst. Plan to attend - its the beginning of Your hospital auxiliary. We noted a few, about to be- come founding members of the new York Central Hospital Aux- iliary. from Maple at the Lions' Hall. Richmond Hill. on January 30. They were Dottie and Pete Walter, Dorothy and Andy Sni- der. Helen and Joe McBratney. Marge Brock and Isolda Clark. VANDORF: A delegation OLIW' home-owners from Toronto has! Maple Fire Brigade arrived urged that Musselman's Lakegwi‘thin minutes and while they should be zoned as a summerwere unable to save the barn resort. Whltchurch TownshipICODt-aining two sows. they did Council was told that cottages’save a larger ad‘acem barn and were being used as year-roundlother nearby blfildings. dwellings. This. it was said.‘ The Sniders believe the fire would lead lo down-grading of was caused by an overheated the area. lelectric pig broader. Two terry cloth dish towels came out of storage to be pre- sented to winner Jean Salmon who had guessed arrival at January 25 at 8 am. York Central Hospital Auxiliary When neighbors of Lois Mc- Intyre of Lancer Drive gave a baby shower for her at the home of Bernice Davis last fall, the girls had a guessing game as to the day and hour of the expect- ed arrival. A baby boy. Scott Arnold, ar- rived at the home of Lois and Bob McIntyre. at Branson Hos- pital. on January 25 at 5 am. Seems since the rink at the Lions' Park, by the community hall, kept coming to a sad end, Frank gave it up as a wasted effort and transferred his en- ergies to the area of ice by the small dam east of the Maple Flying Club. u: n uv_y ullu "Hal, u kuulluuno to mean to him as he becomes a man. Troop leader Noel was guest speaker. ‘ if the Lions were campaign- ing for members, I think I would get on their band wagon to support anyone looking for a worthwhile outlet, such as a service club, where he can real- ly do something for individuals and community alike and have so much personal enjoyment to boot. owes it to himself to “in-‘ Vite himself for a dinner with the Maple Lions‘ Club." 1 Attend Conference Gillings l At Convocation Hall. U. of T.. in all following executive elections terevst and debate, timely topics were three chosen for the agenda and then forwa referred to various committees Assen Vaughan School Area Acts School Rental Fees A For The Benefit Of H. Objections of home and school associations from Ross “no-n an“) n:»L..-l4 n,,n_u-, projec charge With the annual campaign for funds coming up in April, Eleaâ€" nor Hamillon, as campaign chairman for the Maple Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society and Muriel Weir. extension chairman. attended a two day conference at the King Edward Hotel. It's About Time A thoughfui “Liberal” reader phoned to say he thought it was time someone said “Thank you" to Frank Robson in pub- lic in the press. A rousing sinvg song gave time to get the tables cleared. The only beef I heard all even- ing was when a good old Irish number was somewhat muffed and the Scotch pilanist was giv- en full blame for that. Scoutmaster Pat Salmon spoke on what Scouting means to a boy and what it continues to mean to him as he becomes a man. "Tail Twister" - not knowing or having any idea what it in- volved. Now I know, and more dinner parties sure could use one. Ask one family, the George Sniders. and they will tell you of the gratefulness in their hearts for the prompt action of the person who rapped on their door at 3 o'clock one Sunday morning recently and informed them that their barn was on fire. What would we ever do withâ€" out those good friends or fellow travellers who just happen by at the right moment and aid us when we are in trouble or warn us of danger? It has been (fifered to the Au- thority by St. Giles Presbyter- ian Church. Good Samaratln The Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority has approved a recommendation to acquire a 19th Century inn for it's Pioneer Village at Edge- ley. The lZB-year-old building - known as Montgomery‘s Inn - currently stands at the corner of Islington Avenue and Dundas Street in west-suburban Etobi- coke. In it‘s day it served both as an inn and a courthouse. The two-storey structure, built of fieldstone, would be dismantled and moved to the village. Trains In Edgeley Now A new sight, which is soon to become a familiar one. is the trains crossing Keele Street near ‘ The new policy in respect to home and school and parent- teacher groups. organized for purposes directly connected wit-h the schools and the pupils. allows one general meeting and one executive meeting per month for which no charge will be made One Saturday per school year for all purposes in- Icluding fund-raising functiorss,‘ and a maximum of two meet-3 ings per school year for fundâ€" raising functions. will also be} granted. One of the fund-raising (By Toby Shore) When Frank Elliott visited the Scott Mission and Yonge Street Mission, he was appalled to see the hundreds of men lin- ed up for a warm bowl of soup. Moreover he noted how poorly clad some of them were â€"â€" no overcoat, mitts or gloves and thinly soled shoes. All the countries were repre- sented with the exception of Cuba, so a University of Tor- onto group took over and it was known as “X-l." Objections of home and school associations from Ross Doan and Richvale Public Schools to the rental fees ap- plicable to their groups for fund-raising functions, led to a meeting with the property committee of the Vaughan Township Area School Board, at which the problem was d15- cussed. The result was a recom- mendation to the board at its meeting last week for a re- duction in rentals from the schedule adopted in December, to certain specified groups. The recommendation was accepted. Over 700 students from 59 schools participated â€" each school represented a different country and was allowed to send 15 representatives. “As representing delegate of Loretta Abbey. I attended the Bth Annual Inter-Collegiate Un- ited Nations General Model Assembly, held January 18, 19‘ and 20, in Toronto. ‘ School Rental Fees Are Adjusted ; Maple Lions Doings ‘ For The Benefit Of H. 8. S. Groups The “gum mew“ °f “‘9? ‘Maple Lions Club was held onl Objections of home and projects will be free of rental‘Febmary 8- in the Lion's Be” It school associations from Ross charge and the other will be a: was Fireman and scou‘ts night- Dean and Richvale Public,the rate of $2.00 per hour per Special guests for this evening‘ Schools to the rental fees ap-lroom. were members of our local fire- plicable to their groups for , . , brigade and scout and cubi' fund-raising functions led to Non‘Pmm Ch‘.ldrens gm‘lps‘PaCkS. FOUOWing (“mien mem'! a meeting with the propertyttliat lS brownie and guide bers of the fire department committee of the Vaughan gloupsv “Uh and 5C0“ grQUPSl were introduced by lion Dick Township Area School Board, also were gram“! concesglonsv Taylor and scouts and 011135 by at which. the problem was disâ€"lWifljutf‘“€4brf’_‘vn_ifs and Elm”? lion Lowell Hours-e who himself on Our school represented Aus- tralia while Richmond Hill High School represented New Zea- land and Bayview High School, Brazil. (By Toby Shore) When I heard of the active part Diane McConkey was tak- ing in the United Nations' Modâ€" 91 Assembly, I asked her to write a report, and here it is: MapleStudentTookPart In U.N. Model Assembly Warm Clifiéinq Wealeol 355 YONGE STREET NORTH, RICHMOND HILL them in the car and deliver them to the missions. If incon- venient to bring in. phone AV. 5-2424, Frank Elliott or Toby Shore, AL. 7-1150. Come on let's hear from you." In presenting this report Trustee H. Goodwin said. “we think this policy is the best we can arrive at at the present time. but we are always ready to listen to people who can tell us otherwise." Non-profit children’s groups (that is brownie and guide groups, cub and scout groups) also were granted concessions. with the brownies and guides considered as one group and the scouts and cubs as one group. One regular meeting per pack, company or troop will be permitted each week at a ren- tal charge of 25c per room per meeting for a maximum of two hours. No rental charge will be levied for one meeting per group per school year for fund- raising functions. In addition two Saturdays per school year to all groups in this section will be permitted for all purposes, including fund-raising functions. projects will be free of rental charge and the other will be a: the rate of $2.00 per hour per room. Diane adds â€" “the festivi- ties closed with an assembly dance at Trinity College. All in all it was three days very in- terestingly and 'well spent and three days I'm already looking forward to â€" the UN. Model Assembly for ’63." are run according to the actual way just such things are de- bated at the United Nations. It is indeed encouraging to find our young people taking such an interest in current affairs and also to have the leaders who will give their time to in- struct and lead them. Park. with resolutianis ed and debated on. On Saturday, in the Legisla- busi ture the representatives tried tall to have their resolutions passed othe by the general assembly." 473.4 All these actions and func- give tions are taken very seriously an by all the representatives and 11% for discussion the following night. Friday n-ight committee meet- ings were held throughout the Legislative Buildings, Queen’s Park. with resolutioan discuss- (Hg, UXURIOUSLY APPOINTED. Other cars may be as luxurious as Chevroletâ€" but only if they cost much. much more. That's a benefit of leadership: more Chevrolets made . . . more opportumty to give | you more for your money. XCITING NEW PERFORMANCE. PIck your economy â€" pick your power! Chevrolet offers a tremendous choice: six engines that range from a 135 hp gas miser 6 to an all-out V8 performer that boasts 409 horses! XTRAS THAT ARE STANDARD EQUIPMENT. Every model of Chevrolet comes complete with such quality extras as electric windshield wipers, deluxe steering wheel. foam cushioned front seat, front armlests. dual sun visors. cigarette lighter, glove box lock and crank- operated ventlpanes â€" at no extra cost! WILSON - NIBLE'I'T MOTORS LIMITED ANDLING EASE THAT'S EXCEPTIONAL. Chevrolet has the smooth, easy handling you’ve been looking for. Due in part to its Ball-Race steering gear that almost eliminates friction. 9am“; =â€"-~ is very active in scouting, being scout chairman for this area. Another guest was Lion George Hart bringing greetings from the Beamsville Lion Club of which he is a member. Scout‘ Master Pat Salmon gave a short‘ resume of scouting activities in this area for the past year‘ and then introduced Noel Gil-‘ lings guest speaker for the ev- ening. Noel, who is a member of the local scout troop was accorded the honour of attend-: ing the Scout Jamboree held at‘ Ottawa in July 1961. With the‘ use of slides Noel was able to provide a complete picture of the jamlboree, outlining in de- tail all special activities. It was evident from Noel’s talk and re- marks of scoutmaster Pat Sal- mon that scouting is well re- presented in this area. Later Betty Rumble. Leader of Cubs A Pack provided slides of cu‘b activities over the past three years completing an entertain- ing and informative evening for all those in attendance. Next‘ meeting of our club is February 22 and will be in charge of Lion Andy Snider. E Be sure to see Bonanza on the CBC-TV network each Sunday. Check your local listing for channel and time Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lawson. former pianist and organist, re- turned home last Sunday. Mr. Lawson is taking college work at Georgetown College, Ken- tucky. and is also minister of music and education at Central Baptist Church. Paris. Ken- tucky. Rev. Don Carroll and the Centralaires Quartet, Paris, Kentucky also visited. Socials Mr. and Mrs. Robert Suter. tal receipts for the church and other organizations was $12,- 473.68, of which $2,325.85 was given to Missions. There was an increase of approximately 11% in Sunday school attend- ance, offerings. and membership over last year. Slate of 1962 Church officers was adopted. f On February 3. the Junior Ambassador Club (boys and girls 8-12 years) held their to- bogganing party. lChurch, Thornhill. ‘N. Hicks, Mr. R. Hicks and Mr. This will be the first churchiand Mrs. Ron Hicks. parade for Caroline Iris :ince Harry Hicks and daughter .her recent promotion to patrol Laura. Picton. and Shirley leader: ‘Hicks. a nurse in training at The hockey school being con- Oshawa General Haspital were ducted every Saturday morning week-end guests at Mr. and Mrs. at Boyle Park is attracting more N. Hicks recently. boys every Week. Thanks to the Recent week-end guests at the efforts of Ron Campbell and home of Mr. and Mrs. Sid Lu- Cleve Burton. these boys are sher. No. 7 Highway, were their not only having a good time, son-in-law and daughter. w/o 2, but are learning the meaning George Kingston and Mrs. King- of sportsmanship. SIOU. Langstaf! Baptist Church Birthday greetings to Ralph On January 31, the annual Duevel. Garden Avenue, who business meeting was held. To- gel‘ebrated rhis 6th birthday drownies and Guides Westwood Lane, entertained at The lst Langstaff Brownies a turkey dinner Sundvay. Among and Guides will hold their an- the guests were Mr. and Mrs. nual church parade Februarv Frank Graham, Toronto, Miss 25th at Holy Trinity Anglican Caroline Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Church, Thornhill. ‘N. Hicks, Mr. R. Hicks and Mr. This will be the first church‘and Mrs. Ron Hicks. parade for Caroline Iris since Harry Hicks and daughter her recent promotion to patrol Laura. Picton. and Shirley leader. [Hicks a nurse in training at The lst Langstaff Brownies and Guides will hold their an- nual church parade Februarv 25th at Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Thornhill. Langstaff 8. Thornlea News CORRESPONDENT: MRS. B. LEPKEY Phone AV. 5-3489 JUST NORTH OF RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE February 5th. Mrs. McNab. Garden Avenue, is confined to her bed following a recent fall in which she broke a leg. Mrs. Hobbs. Fairview Avenue. is in Women‘s College Hospital, Linda Hamblyn is away from school this week with an infect- ed throat. Mark-Vaun W. I. A euchre is planned by the ladies of Mark-Vaun Women‘s Institute for February 23rd. It will be held at the home of Mrs. Stella Wilkins. No. 7 Highway. Anyone interested in euehre parties could call Mrs. M. Roy. AV. 5-2806. . Canadian Legion Richmond Hill Branch 375 REGULAR MEETING Second Monday of each month at 8 p.m. LEGION HALL Another resident vis 3156 6;] the sick list. Mr. Gordon Martin. No. 7 Highway has a broken collar bone. (‘arrville Road One Block west of Yonge St All Veterans Welcome- â€"â€" Introduce them to SHUR-GAIN Creep Feed at 2â€"3 days old and keep it fresh daily - encouraging them to eat early. -â€" REMEMBER - - The earlier your pigs eat solid feeds. the faster will be their and their feed conversion (lbs. of Feed per 1b. of Gain) -â€"- For more and heavier pigs at weaning - - S'HUR-GAIN Creep Feed is available from our mill. USE WHAT OTHER SUCCESSFUL HOG'M'EN CHOOSE - - - SHUR-GAIN CREEP FEED for Baby Pigs 7 _ gains ._GIVE YOUR PIGS ‘ THE BEST START IN LIFE WEANING WEIGHTS WITH SHUR-GAIN CREEP FEED BOOST .‘“‘3““““““‘1 PROMPT COURTEOUS SERVICE FLOORS SANDED. STAINS REMOVED WAXED We specialize in all types of floors Complete professional work ...Free information. estimates on floors. Janitor Services and Supplies TOWN 8. COUNTRY FOOD PLAN 210 Markham Rd. - - RICHMOND HILI, AV. 5-5401 â€" AV. 5~5402 â€" WA. 1-1445 $35-$40 . . PHONE COLLECT Town & Country’s food-and-freezer plan assures you top-quality name-brand foods at lowest prices your family ever enjoyed. If your weekly Under our plan uâ€"nnâ€" .mn - good bill is now: it will be only: '3 RICHMOND HILL 1 COMMERCIAL CLEANERS COMPARE PHONE TU. 4 - 3714 $20 $25 AV. 5-499] $13.10 $14.65 $18.00 $20.00 ERTAR. 1950 TU. 4-1194 COMPETENCE EXPERIENCE RELIABILITY C “520

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