Egg ZSTORES 5 TO SERVE YOU ; RICHMOND HILL i “Flowers For All Occasions†Phones ï¬TU. 4-1812 TU. 4-7811 ' AT ALI uers by Bill Barnes your telephone manager You are looking at a new column for resi- dents of this area. As you know, there are Bell people living in your community. Perhaps you know some of them personally. They may live next door or sit in church beside you. They are typical of the many people who work together as a team to bring you the best possible telephone service. We ï¬gure that the things that concern us at the Bell often concern you, or are of interest to you. So I’m going to do my best to bring you news items of general interest about your tele- phone service and about the people who make that service possible. Will Your Battery Fail You? It could happen. A Weak battery just can not make the grade on a cold morning. Let us check and re-charge your battery for you. COOK'S BP company and during that time she has undergone intensive training to enable her to deal with the 100 and one problems that come up during her working day. Like the other SR5, as we call them, she is there to look after your telephone needs and advise you. Maybe it’s a new tele- phone, a move to a new address, something wrong with your account, or, perhaps, your listing in our telephone directory which you wish to dis- cuss. Whatever it is, Anieta and her friends are equipped to help you. So please feel free to call these young ladies whenever telephone problems arise. Modern busy housewives in Rich- mond Hill, like their sisters elsewhere, have many outside ' .- interests and still ‘ ' have to cope with a heavy schedule of work in the home. This means that the telephone comes in for a lot of use. And that is why an ex- tension telephone in the kitchen. Where the lady of the home spends most of her time. is so important. Not, only will it save her many steps each day. but it will also save many a boiled- over pot. Extension phones are not expensive. and come in lovely colours that enhance the beauty of the home. Why not call our business office for more infor- mation about extensions in your home. Auto Service Complete Service To All Makes of Cars ELGIN MILLS TU. 4-3151 RlCE’S FLOWERS .v\\\\\\o+. unu Uuuu-n _.__ ,, scored the two goals for the Insulation Men to keep the game from being a comple’te rout. ‘- . I_A.‘ 01.-.... l'UuL. Bruce Sackfield notched three counters for the Orphans, as did Jack Gilbert. George Deige. Jim Neal and Bill Downs scored one each for the Orphans. Senior Hockey League VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES RICHMOND HILL BRANCH Miss E. Woodbyrne Bill Bazan Richmond Hill Municipal Hall When anyone mentions the tele- phone company, a good many people immediately think of that young lady at the Bell office they spoke to the last time they call- ed about their tele- phone service. She was a Service Rep- resentativeâ€"a key link between you and our company. It occurred to us that you might like to meet one of these charming young ladies. So we would like to introduce Mrs. Morrow. Ani- eta has spent a year and a half with our PHONE TU. 4-4101 aha" Phil Butl_er Junior Farmers: Officers Unionville Junior Farmers and Institute held the annual meeting and election of officers for 1962 at the Buttonville W.I. Hall February 5. u ,L_.L “an A. y.“ I‘van The followin Junior Farmers: g were elected: President sJ_..L uuun - Graeme Baa-es; vice-president} Bill Pearson; secretary. Ken Dimma; treasurer. Carlisle Boy- nton u an"... ......7.,, Dorothy Jackson; vice-president Beverley Burr; secretaryatreas- urer, Sandra Burr. The ï¬rst activity of the group will be a skating party Febru- ary 17. Weather permitting, skaters will go to the outdoor rink at Victoria Square Com- munity Centre. Otherwise the nartv will be held at Stoufl'ville skaters will go to me autumn rink at Victoria Square Com- munity Centre. Otherwise the party will be held at Stouflville Arena. Parents’ Club Weather prevented attendance at the Buttonville Parents' School Club meeting in January, so the meeting was held Febru- ary 6. Howard Atkinson. principal, spoke to the group. explaining the uses of the tape recorder and projector for class purposes. United Church NeWs L n... nun-cu v..â€".v.. .. Mrs. S. J. English was at the piano and Mrs. H. Steffler con- ducted the meeting when the Brown's Corners U.C.W. met last Wednesday in the Christian Education room. Mrs. Edgar Fuller conducted the devotional, and Mrs. Aubrey Stephenson was soloist. Mrs. A. F. Binnington and; Mrs. Wm. Rodick. delegates to‘ the York Presbyterial at New- market in January. gave their impressions of that meeting, and Mrs. W. Chiristiansen read a paper on stewardship. Mrs. Steffler reviewed a chapter on Family Life from “Hasten the Day". J1~â€".-_-:-n During business disc minutes of the January 11 and a central committee hive meeting were read. v w ...‘.y--_. Mrs.-W. W. Miller and Mrs. Elvgin Sherman were appointed to welcome churchgoers during February, and Mrs. Gordon Pur- ves is the representative to the Victor Home for the coming year. _-_ . . u ,A _n 11--.â€... unuc Ans u v..- - announced for Marich 9 at Head- ford Church; a Egg-ship school ,, ,1 run Ioru Uuuxun, n “a... ...... r _V,, will be held at Richmond Hill Church February 21: the group plans a Schneider‘s luncheon. to be held at the church March 13, with group No. 1 in charge. Mrs. Francis Corey L _....L Junior Institute2» President “llï¬. I luuv... _~_ ~ Mr. Wm. Champion's aunt. Mrs. Francis Corey, a faithful attendant at Brown‘s Corners Church during the years she lived in this neighbourhood pas- 0111"“ .1 Anita Greenfield celebrated her fourth birthday February 11. Instead of a party her par- ents took her to see her aunt, Mrs. Clement, in St. Bernard’s Convalescent Hospital. Mrs. Cle- ment is reported to be conval- escing nicely. U. U. vv. Carrville United Church Wo- men met Wednesday a1. the home of Mrs. A. Read. Twenty- four ladies and children were present. Mrs. B. Middleton presided over the meeting. Mrs. J. Bushell read the scrip- ture and Mrs. J. Melnic read a paper on “Prayer is the true ladder from earth to heaven.†- "v." . u... .. v... -.._ Mrs. E. Bone. Mrs. J. Williams F and Mrs. B. Middleton are ob-I taining information regarding carpeting for the centre aisle‘ and chancel of the church. Mrs. Read, convener of the ways and means, had pillow- cases and tea towels ready to‘ hand around for ladies to emâ€"- ‘ broider and put lace on. Mrs. Stanley Harrison was; welcomed as a member in the U.C.W. Lg Ladies were reminded to save: their old postage stamps tong Mrs. Veals. It was decided that' each family wishing the United Church Observer would pay for l it themselves. E rifle World Day 0! PAraye'r was Mr. and Mrs. James E. Ashiï¬ and family of Moorefield hadv supper Sunday with the Bern: Middleton's. The Bob Middle-’4 tons were also present. it Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lewis of‘: Stouffville visited Mr. and Mrle Jack Barton recently. g Sleigh-ride 7 e l The march meeting will be' held at Mrs. J. Barton's home with lunch taking the form of a St. Patrick's tea. Ladies whose names begin with the letters from M to Z Ire to provide re- freshments. iSanitary Contractor Septic Tanks Pumped Sunday School pupils had a}: sleigh-ride Saturday and re-H ports indicate a good time waS‘ enjoyed by everyone present. Ernie Bone provided the trac-, tor and sleigh for the trip a- round the fields which finally ended at the church. Mr. Bone agreed to take the children on another ride later in the winter, weather permitting. Drains Cleaned 8: Repairedi? C. STUNDEN Richmond Hill TU. 4-1245! ï¬. «rm-mun CARRVILLE BUTTONVILLE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. F. H R. R. 2 Gormley Phone AXminster 3-6188 .ed discussion, ry meeting ttee execu- ady tom - to em-EA““““V“““I“ -‘-"-' Neighbourhood Notes Prior to her recent marriage‘ to John Brendel. June Denby 'was guest of honour at severall parties. Mrs. Walter Brumwell and Mrs. Howard Brumwell were co-hostesses at a miscell- aneous shower; Mrs. William O‘Brien of Agincourt gave a lin- ‘ en shower; there was a miscell- aneous shower given by the ‘bride‘s associates at the Board of Education, Soarboro; and Mrs. Ray Froud of Toronto, Mrs. Emerson of Scarboro and Miss ' Gail Urquhart of Ellesmere also gave showers. I -r,_. _n__ sed away quietly at a Toronto nursing home last Wednesday. She was 86. Mrs. Corey suï¬el-gd a severe stroke in January. The‘ funeral was held last Friday in Ogden Funeral Home. Agin- court. Dr. A. F. Binnington con- ducted the service. Interment was at St. John's Cemetery, Norway. Jim Horcï¬iiiis convalescing after a tonsilectomy last week. _ Jack-"Iibaicvk returned home from St. Michael‘s Hospital last Thursday. Mrs. S. J. English accompan-I ied Mr. and Mrs. John Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Reid on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Burns of Mansï¬eld last Sunday. Douglas McMaster and Pat- ricia Hickey will be married Saturday. The ceremony will take place in Brown‘s Corners United Church. Mrs. Frank Oliver entertainedl her catering group at a luncheon last Wednesday when plans were laid for the Wolfe-Brown wed- ding reception. to be held at Brown‘s Corners Church, Febru- ‘a‘ry 24. ‘3"P‘KIBI‘FS‘P'E‘C'IKL" : “Alkyd luiex Flul" REGULAR ' Gal. GAL. Ii 1 $4.39 3 $12.00 lg $1.00 EACH W: KNAPP'S PAINT SERVICE :3 YORK ( a! 21 Yonge St. North TU. 4-2819 g; 16 Yonge v- E E2 A-I- Dnnl (nuinnc 3 “O.†c Yonge St. N0-1'£1;_â€" Iiichmond Hill AV. 5-1105 PA. 7-5001 2 ~‘W F. H. LEAF You'll find more room on your budget for the things you and your family need and want, when you shop at these stores in Richmond Hill, where you can see wider selections, compare more prices and get better values in less time. At Real Savings R. D. LITTLE & SON Mééfé Benjamin )ardl andlMaple Centre Memberf Hrs} ffSS‘Resigns Bd. In Protest“ Ll-Ull‘ IIIILI-J JEFFERSON NEVVS Mrs. W. J. Thompson Elgin Mills Road West TU. 4-1646 All mothers of first Jeffer- son Cubs. Scouts. Brownies and Guides. are invited to attend. the next monthly meeting of Mothers’ Auxiliary on February 20th at Jefferson School. at 8.30 pm. be prepared to lend la hand. The residents of Elgin Mills {District have received their icards from Vaughan Township ifor signing for the water. We hope everyone will give this matter serious consideration. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Burns. Elgin Mills Side Rd. West. who have a baby daughter. Audrey Elfie was born on January let. In a slow moving sc1‘ambly; game Richmond Hill Hornets defeated Aurora 6-0 in the open- .ing game of the O.M.H.A. round robin series. Dave Broderick ,and Wayne Harrington notched two goals each in the Hornet; tcause with Harvey Gordon and Don Harrower scoring single goals. ‘ On Friday night the Hornets dropped a 6-5 decision to Bram- pton at Richmond Hill. It was ‘a fast. crowd-pleasing game that ‘AURORA: A survey on down- ‘town shopping conditions con- ducted by the Rotary Club shows “personal interest in the shopper" as being the number one “most needed improvement" ,listed by respondents. Changes in restaurant surroundings, lar- ger selection of high-style clo- thes. busses to sub-divisions. a movie theatre and good side- walks also had high priority. ‘ I could have easily gone either Dave Broderick banged in ‘\r 'he Hornets with Wayne Harrington. Ricky Doucette and “im- notching singletons in the losing Hornet cause. way. Save with State Farm's low in- surance rates for careful driv- ers. See me. The residents of Elgin Mills District have received their cards from Vaughan Township for signing for the water. We hope everyone will give this matter serious consideration. A member of the Maple Community Centre Board, John Neufeld, tendered his resigna- tion from the board to Vaughan Township Council recently. He said that he was resigning from the board in protest, against an appointment to the board, made ‘by the township council. with- out first consulting with the Maple Police Village Trustees. ELGIN MILLS 8. JEFFERSON NEWS It was also decided to issue a temporary public hall licence to the Maple Community Cen- tre. The licence would be issued subject to the approval of the township fire chief and would expire on May 30, 1962. Council decided to have a complete ex- amination on the structural con: dition of the hall made by the township’s consulting engineers. Correspondent Mrs. W. J. Thompson Elgin Mills Road West TU. 4-1646 painm $650 :3 SI95 Hornets Beat Auroraln 0.M.H.A.P|aydown TYPE _ m M «(J " y‘:':'.i.i:|.i¢'¢li.x vfl'I'I'I'. REGULAR I. D. RAMER 8. SON HER HUBBY WENT OUT EVERY NIGHT - HE NOW QTAYS HOME. OUR OIL7THAT'S mam! 189 CENTRE E. RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-1313 “The Best In Fuels" KEUULAR $1.00 EACH YORK OFFICE EQUIPMENT 16 Yonge St. North 11 Yonge St. South, Richmond Hill 63 Yonge St. THE LIBERAL TYPEWRITER RIBBONS 3 DAYS ONLY THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY CHARLTON HARDWARE This Offer Expires February 28, 1962 D . . . in the Hornet‘ vey Gordon and scoring single ight the Hornets‘ ecision to Bram- ond Hill. It was easing game that urvey on down- conditlons con- e Rotary Club : interest in the ing the number ed improvement†ndents. Changes 20% .viILWPAINT We take your rush jobs in stride and keep our delivery promises No matter how large your job is or how much in a hurry, you can depend on us to print it RIGHT and deliver it right on time. Our modern equip ment and skilled manpower are geared for FAST action! Regular Price 0N CILTONE & CILUX PAINTS ALL POPULAR SIZES ONLY 89 DIHIE I'HK {1%.} MUIUAL SALE James Grainger 130 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill. Ont. TU. 4-1529 â€"“’ momma mum“ comm Head Oflice. Toronto THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday. February 15. 1962 7 STATE FARM TU. 4-4231 TU. 4-1331 TU. 4-1105 WWW-i p‘“‘““““‘““ ,,_._.._..-4-\- ““““““““' FINAL CLEARANCE: LINGE RI E NIGHTIES, BABY DOLLS, CAPRI’S AND HALF SLIPS REGULAR $4.00 8- $5.9SS‘AI'E 52'49' PATTI-LU SHOP It!“ 1: I I ,I 1, g ! g ! l ! a ! g g V......A rII-I 24B {Fonge St. Sâ€"oï¬th .‘z':':'. .' :|:' V. ........‘ Town Of Richmond Hill PROCLAIMS BOY SCOUT WEEK YORK SUMMIT DISTRICT February I8th to 25th I962 Russell Lynett Clerk 25 Yonge St. South Hockey Equipment 20 YONGE ST. SOUTH Specially Priced SKATES - GLOVES - PANTS STICKS - STOCKINGS - PADS SAVE 20% OFF SAVE Tï¬â€™RIFTY SHOPPER STORE Al's Cycle 8. Sport NIGHTIES, BABY DOLLS, CAPRI’S AND HALF SLIPS REGULAR 00 & $59551“! $2.49 PATTLLU SHOPJMA I First Quality 3' SEAMLESS NYLONS ]¢ ?[¢uvio for All Sizes 81/2 - 11 W. J. Haggart PAIR RICHMOND HILL Mayor TU. 4-2961 TU. 4-1213