Public Library, 56 Yonge N., Richmond Hill, Ont. R 5.. X T. M19. . 2.. .3... 0hr vithrral U “In Essentials VOLUME LXXXII, NUMBER 34 in Non-Essentials Liberty in all things Charity" Save Shopping Steps LOOK 1N ADVERTISING COLUMNS OF “THE LIBERAL" and you will ï¬nd many helpful hints to save shopping steps. ON SALE EVERY THURSDAY. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY ‘32, 1062 HoME PAPER or THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 Finalizing Of Town's Zoning Bylaw Is Discussed - Interview Said Helpful Mayor, Planning Director, See M ___ Boy Scouts Camp Out At Town Hall In “cognition of National Boy Scout Week a rugged group of district Scouts and their leaders camped overnight Friday of last week on Town H3113, ' the front lawn of the Richmond Hill The citizens of Richmond Hill Wood 11 the 3rd Richmond Hill Scout Troop set up camp early Friday evening. After erecting district must have thought it was summer in February as they drove or walked down Yonge St.. on Friday evening February 16, or Saturday morning. Des- pite the fact the temperature was hovering in the low twen- ties and the snow was falling steadily. a group of York Sum- mit Boy Scouts set up a camp site in front of the town hall and proceeded to sleep, eat, work and play in a manner re- miniscent of a normal camp day in July. The first group of scouts con- sisting of Bob Steven, 5th Rich mond Hill Rover Crew; Richard Macnaughton, lst King Rover Crew; Murray Day and Gerry their tents, they cooked suppe gest hazards of camping Richmond Hill on a alright. ments arrived from the Richmond Hill, Local Pe0p|e Get Preference New Hospital Will Offer ManylobOpportunities Last week's “Liberal†report- ed that 150 nurses, in various ‘ Four shift engineers and fou m for the southern end of York County and likely to be built onproximately a dozen Vaughan Road in Richmondlworkers will be employed. Hill. Those nurses, vitally ne-,stabi]ity In Jobs cessary as they are. form only her of people required to run. the hospital. Take for instance by ~ - - O | .A 3 y seasonal 01 other condition the hospitals feeding arrange-Which sometimes play have ments. in that department will‘\,'u 1 ~ - - - be a dietitian. three food su~1u 1 peep e m mdusmal JObS' and twenty assorted helpers have the necessary porters ‘nd relate‘j jOI’S- already declared. However, and put things in general order for the next day. Upon checking with the scouts the next morn- ing they advised that the big- in winter’ night were the constant sound of bus and truck air brakes and the fact that various district Scout officials kept waking them up to make sure they were Saturday morning reinforceâ€" lst Maple, 2nd Richmond Hill, 3rd 5th Richmond Hill, lst King, and lst Beverley aintenance personnel will be grades, would be required to needed. An accountant and a staff the new hospital projected purchasing agent will be people ‘holding important jobs and ap- clerical _ Em loyment in ti 1 ~ ‘ a part of the conSIderable num- will hpave the big adiia‘nigfggngi being stable, affected very little ‘ _ . Every effort will be made to pcrvrsms, a chef. two cooksjenlploy local workers if they I ' ‘ _ qualifica- IUCH as serving malds- “35mm. tions. hospital authorities have it The housekeeper will require could happen that jobs requir- about twenty people. male and ing specialized training cannot con and eggs to pancakes. Twov hardy scouts were seen con- suming ice cream for dessert. During the day various pro- jects symbolizing scout activi- ties were carried on in the area. The lst Beverley Acres Troop built a monkey bridge (a bridge consisting of only logs and ropes) during the morning, and in the afternoon a simulated casualty first aid demonstra- tion was given. Members of the York Summit Women’s Auxil- iaries added an artistic note to the proceedings in their pre- paration of the victims and for ,a short period the area looked ,like a clearing house for air Acres Scout Troops. A high- light of the day was the ap- pearance of CBLT and CFTO cameramen to take pictures for inclusion on television news, a- long with a photographer from “The Liberal.†For the camera- men the scouts cooked up a var- iety of dishes ranging from ha- I‘ S Tenders Opened For Expansion To Discuss Widening With Tp. Of Vaughan Negotiations are still under way in connection with the wid- ening of Yonge Street North in Richmond Hill. from Leven- dale Road to the Elgin Mills Road to a four lane highway. matching the street south of Levendale. The widening would be carried out in co-operation ' with the Ontario Department of Highways. Works committee of the town ‘ council will arrange a meeting with Vaughan Township to dis- »i..cuss the project. as the road on an Savswï¬ï¬ï¬h "as. the west side of Yonge Street Levendale Rd. - Elgin} in the suggested area is in that township. SINGLE COPY 10c unicipal Minister May Revise Ice And Snow Removal 'By-law Richmond Hill‘s .present by-law dealing with ice and snow removal has been in effect since 1908, with its last amendment taking place in 1915. The works committee of town council is having the town's solic- itor revise it to bring it into line with modern condi- tions. The revised by-law, after having been studied by the committee, will then be placed before town coun- Metro Industrial Body Also Visited On Tuesday A direct approach to the Premier of Ontario was promised by Mayor James Haggart when he made his inaugural address in January. “We should continue to ï¬ght for a full measure of democracy for the people we represent,†he said, pointing out the necessity for a long-range plan of development for the municipality and the right to determine its own affairs. While he has not yet seen the Premier, Mayor Haggart made a start this week by inter- viewing the Minister for Muni- cipal Affairs, Hon Fred M. Cass, on Tuesday. With Mr. Cass at the interview was Lorne Cum- for Municipal Affairs. Accom- panying Mayor Haggart was Richmond Hill’s Planning Direc- tor, Harold Decks. Major “Lex†Mackenzie, M.C., North York's member of the Ontario legisla- ture, was also present. cil for consideration. Principal business discussed ming, Q. C.. Deputy Minister . was the passmg of t‘e town's Civic Night At The Lions Mayor Haggart Urges Backing For The New Hotel 8. More-Annexation Members of Richmond Hill Town Council were guests of the Lions Club last week at the annual civic All were present with the exception of Coun- te and Councillor Alec. Campbell, who is Town Clerk Russell “Curly†night. cillor Al. Whi recovering from an illness. Lynett was also a guest. Mayor Jame conditions an improvement. ' The sudden surge of developâ€" s Haggart dealt with present municipal d the steps which he felt would result in ment hit the community like ; an atomic bomb, he declared. ' “The shock waves are still echo- ing about our community, and the foundation on which our Of Town Office raid victims. We are happy to After a night outdoors in the frigid winter air of Febru- ary the boys enjoyed a hearty breakfast in the open. (Photo by Chaplin) report that all participants sur- vived. Scouts participating were Greg Shore, Albert Bishop, Ja- mie Fraser, Roy Bartlett, Don Ailles, Ron Macnaughton, George Loney, Dave Brooks, Dan Brooks, Dave Walker, Roâ€" bin Taylor, Gord Allsoppe, Jim Roberts, Peter Byrd, Nick Chapman, Len McHardy, Eric Nickle, Chris Pappas, Peter Macnaughton, Brian Robinson, David Mowatt, Allan Burgess, Eric Stevens and Wayne Dou- cette. Leaders participating were Gerry Wood, Barry King, Norm Foster, Graham Gould and District Commissioner Ron Sculthorp. Wien Construction Company of 536 Lynett Crescent, Rich- mond Hill, was low bidder when Richmond Hill Town. Council opened tenders for the propos- ed extension of the municipal building this week. The exten- sion includes construction of a second floor on the newer part of the building to the south; revamping of the interior to create additional space needed' for the growing town staff and also altering of the interior to provide accommodation for the, magistrate and his staff. Attacks by a fox, believed to be rabid, have conï¬rmed the belief that rabies is increasing in Markham Township. The ani- mal was ï¬rst seen on the Will- ‘iams farm on the third concess- Council, some weeks ago, de-.ion of Markham, north of 19th cided that the work was nec- Avenue. There it attacked and essary and concluded that the bit three dogs. It then went present, with winter works south to the Ronaldson farm in grants being available from sen- the same area. Going into a ior government levels, was abarn there. it jumped into a good time to do it. pig-pen. attackingd a sow and . . ., .her young. Scare off by the Five tenders were recenedu ., , Lowest was that of the Wien hued man' “ho gOt a gun and company at $61,400, with others med at lt‘ mlssmg "‘ the am' . -. . lmal again went south to the 388ig$églgggs'183' 367'560' $72"Wilson farm where it attacked , a dog. $21000 0‘ the amount “"11 The dog ran to the back door come from an account set up _ . , of the house but the inmates from the_fees paid in by SUO' were afraid to admit it, as the leldm‘S 1“ “‘9 PaSl- Sevem-V' fox was so close. The fox then five per cent of labour costs , _ mauled the dog. will be subsidized under the I‘ r S C female, on her staff. Three med- be filled by untrained local . . Markham Ponce were tele‘ ical _ record librarians, three people. But. those authorities “mm. works program reducmg Phoned and Consume Barry medical stenographers, a phar- pointed out. the community the actual amount to be pmdiMCWhirtcl‘ ï¬nally located the macist and _thrcc pliysiothera-iwould still win because person pists will find employment at with stable positions and assu the start of the hospital - num- ed incomes would be importe creased as the hospital grows. employed personnel. r-. . hers which will have to be in-‘to help swell the community's by the town to a comparatively fox on the Ben farm Shooting small amoum- jit there. Tests are being made The tender will be cxaminedyand. says Canine Control Offi- S Rabies Believed Spreading Fox Mauls Markham Pigs 8. Dogs On Journey From Farm To Farm which were attacked will prob- ably have to be destroyed. Four sheep were smothered in the snow at approximately the same time in the same area. While there has been no known connection between the sheep deaths and the fox, Ryan says that something evidently scared them. causing them to run into the deep snow where they smo- thered. Small paw marks, which could have been those of a fox. were found in the vicinity of the sheep. During the episode when the fox which attacked dogs and municipality is built is still rocking, almost one decade la- ter. We are only now becoming integrated as the community family that we should be, and we have never really recovered from the financial set-back that always comes from a population explosion of this sort.†“The sprawl was neither con- tained nor controlled De- velopment came so fast that we were unable to keep up with it. Community planning got so far behind that we are experiencing considerable difficulty in get- ting caught up with the prob- lems we face." said the Mayor. “The position we are in today is the direct result of lack of planning and foresight Every citizen must get behind us to get our community on the road to recovery.†Planning Said Vital The Mayor declared that plan- ning was vital as a prelude to annexation. Without it, it was difficult to secure larger in- dustries. He detailed a. number of cases where the town had not been able to provide the large acreage needed and con- sequently was unable to point out other advantages. Expan- sion, he said, was necessary to maintain the balance which would result in economical ad- ministration and controlled growth. A population of 50,000 had been forecast for 1980, Ma- yor Haggart pointed out. There was nothing to fear from ari- nexation, he said. if it was care- fully planned. The new profesâ€" sional planning director, Harold Decks, would be of great as- sistance, he asserted. Low-rental accommodation and a hospital were vitally neâ€" cessary for industrial expansion, pigs roamed from farm to farm. assistance was given by neigh- bours telephoning others saying which direction the fox was taking. Mr. Ryan suggests that in such cases, where it is pos- sible, such a telephone warning would be a helpful procedure. #/ COMING EVENTS “Coming Events.†the community directory of in- teresting dates to remem- by the town's works commis-lcer James Ryan. if these prove sioncr before being conï¬rmed. positive, the dogs and pigs ‘ her on page Three. Pritchard Company Gets First Government Order Ottawa Hospital By F. J. Picking An order for seven major pieces of equipmen 112 Industrial Road. Richmond Hill. from the Depart ment of Defence Production, Ottawa. The equipmen is for the new Tri-Service Hospital in the capital â€" a 350-bed establishment which will house men from the Navy, Army and Air Force. The Pritchard company is also completing installation of a unit in York County Hospital. Newmarket. and has also recently ï¬nished an installation at St. Joseph’s Hospital. Toronto. Installation of part of a uniti is also being made at Sunny-, brook, the veterans' hospital inlounting to approximately Toronto. On top of that a sale‘quarter of a million dollars ar 0 t valued at approximately $55,000 has been received by the Pritchard X-Ray Manufacturing Company Ltd. of a unit has been made in Lima. Peru. and. as well. orders ani- E already "in the bag" or pendingthuipment Coming From L25." George E. Ross. sales managerlThat has happened. Award of of the company. told “The Lib- the Ottawa contract climaxes an oral" this week. eight-month battle. The Defence An immediate etcht has been Department. in its call for ten- to increase the local manufac- ders. speciï¬ed a type of equip- turing staff. Fourteen men are ment made in the United States. employed at the present time. from which equipment used in Two or three more will be added Canada has come in the past. in the near future. Others will Jeseph Pritchard, head of the be taken on as manufacturing company. found himself batt- swincs into high gear. The com- ling doctors who advised the pany‘s present space is already department that only foreign crowded and. obviously. adjust- equipment was capable of doing merits will have to be made. the job they wanted. He enlist- Flow Is Changed ed the help of the Department In its issue of August 1011]. of Trade and Commerce. Teams "The Liberal" headlined a pic- of doctors. at approximately" the lure story “Richmond Hill In- time that “The Liberal" article dustry May Reverse Flow Of v t a e was written in August, examin-ideclared. quipment Order Is Won ed the Pritchard type of equip-l ment and found it completely satisfactory. Result â€" the order which. for the ï¬rst time. has seen Canadian-built X-Ray equipment provided for a Canadian govern- ment institution. Enquiries Coming ln In recent months the Rich- mond Hill company has had ex- hibits in Ghana, Nigeria and Peru. It will have another ex- hibit in Ghana in the fall. The federal Department of Trade and Commerce has given out- standing hclp in promoting for» eign trade, company officials l 1 Officers of the Richmond Hill branch of Royal Canadian Legion for th In the front row. pictured above. In a well-received address, "I know that this is a controversial subject, espec- ially at the present time,†zoning by-law, on which an On- tario Municipal Board hearing had been held some months ago. The plan has not yet been offic- ially approved. “Delay in ap- proval of the by-law results in virtual freezing of develop- ment," Mayor Haggart told "The Liberal". Plans Council Caucus ‘ Deputy Minister Cumming, had made certain suggestions which would help, said the Mayor. “I feel that it would be proper to present them to town council ï¬rst," he said, stating that he intended to call a caucus of council as quickly as possible. “This will be the ï¬rst step in redevelopment â€" the approv- al of the zoning by-law â€"â€" be- cause-we must have a starting point,†said Mayor Haggart. He. also discussed with Mr. Cass the position of Richmond Hill with relation to Bill 80 â€" the legis~ lation which created Metropol- “Our reception was very good." said the Mayor. omic wilderness and into the promised land that a hapâ€" py, self-contained municipality should be.†The speaker was introduced by Reeve Floyd Perkins, a Lion member, and thanked by Doug Boynton. He also answer- ed a number of questions with regard to civic administration. Water Decision itan Toronto. said Mayor Haggart, refer- ring to the projected estab- lishment of a 50-bedroom hotel on Yonge Street North. This, he said, was dependent upon the grant- ing of facilities which would be determined ,by the re- sult of a Liquor Control Act vote on April 28th. “I have no equivocation in saying that I support this move and recommend a ‘Yes’ vote. As mayor of the town, I have to consider only the effect this development will have on the community as a whole." Last year, said the mayor, he signed cheques totalling over $25,000 for tax rebates on va- cant buildings. “We added one mill to your tax rate to make up these funds which were lost to us for municipal purposes. The projected hotel would bring both taxation and people," he asserted. Mayor Favours Annexation “We will plan the future of Richmond Hill in 1962 by de- veloping a 20-year master plan,†said Mayor Haggart. “But re- member this, it will work only if it is acceptable to the public, If the public fights annexation - if the public turns down the liquor plebiscite - if the public discourages the investment of private capital by constant fighting and bickering about rezoning and planning - we will not be able to make any plan work in ten years or twenty years or even fifty years. Giv- en full co-operation though, we will lead you out of the econ- NEWMARKET: Town council, by a recorded vote of five to three. has deferred third readâ€" ing of a by-law to establish a parking authority. Those oppos- ing felt that more consideration should be given to the project before it was finalized. he e current year are from the left, are Robert Karsh, president: Frank Barrott, vice- president: Sanders. zone George Wood, past president; Fred commander. Members of the execu- tive committee are seen in the back row. They At Elgin Mills Awaits Answers Exactly half of the 152 resi- dents of Elgin Mills who receiv- ed letters from Vaughan Town- ship telling them of the plan by which they could have water piped to their homes had ag- reed to the plan by Tuesday morning, with 76 having signi- ï¬ed approval. As reported previously, the township has made plans by which water would be bought from Richmond Hill, with the cost of the installation of mains, calculated to be approximately $70,000, being shared by those in the densely populated part of Elgin Mills where installa- tion would be practicable. It has been calculated that the consent of approximately 111 property owners would be re- quired to make installation ec- onomically feasible. No further action can be taken until additional replies are re- ceived from Elgin Mills resi- dents. No Flu Epidemic “At the present time there is no indication of an abnormal situation in York County,†said Dr. Robert M. King. Medical Officer of Health for York County, when questioned by "The Liberal" as to influenza outbreaks within the county. A recent edition of a Toronto daily carried an article concern- ing serious flu outbreaks in northern 'Ontario towns. Alâ€" though it was said that the out- break had not reached epidemic proportions, school attendance was reported down 25 per cent in some areas. More than one-‘ third of the Sault district pop-1 ulation had been hit by the flu and public and high schools in Other redevelopment plans were noted this week. Planning Director Harold Deeks said that within approximately two months a highway survey will be conducted which would as- regional business. While he was not prepared to release details at the moment. Mr. Decks said that the survey would have an important bearing on determin- ing how and where trade came to the town. The help of resi- dents would be sought, he said, when the surVey, which is part of long-distance planning, is be- ing undertaken. See lndustrialists Also On Tuesday Mayor Haggart, accompanied by Councillor John MacDiarmid and Industrial Commissioner Robert Langford, also interviewed General Man- ager W. Wilson of the Metro- politan Toronto Industrial Com- mission, discussing the indus- trial prospects of Richmond Hill. A joint meeting of town council and the local industrial commission is likely to be held soon as a result. For York County many areas had closed. Dr. King, referring to the sit- uation in York County, said that there had been a slight in- crease during the past few weeks but this was normal for the season. Although the num. ber of cases reported in the county is normal, there are two areas where the number of flu cases is higher than the average for the county, said Dr. King. These “pockets†were Sutton and parts of Newmarket. Richmond Hill School Super- intendent’s office confirmed what Dr. King had said. There is no abnormal absenteeism re- ported from any of the schools ,in the town, said officials. eid, Sid Sparks. Frank Titshall, Stan. orman \‘enton. These men help to dir- he Legion, and one of t connected with ds totalling $250 Woods, N ect the many activities of t which they are very proud is tha education. It has presented awar to students in the area. _ (Photo by Lagerquist) ï¬ certain the town’s influence on..' .