Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Feb 1962, p. 5

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In a recent issue of the "Bed- fordshire Times" a newspaper printed in Bedford, England. re- ference was made to the Cur- tain Club Christmas pantomime "Jack and the Beanstalk." A reader 0! “The Liberal“ had forwarded the paper to a friend in his hometown. “ho noticed in the pantomime re- view the name of an old student of Bedford Modern School. Mr. Phil Barnes. who was well known for his musical activities in that area before emigrating to Canada. Mr. Rex. Sevenoaks. director of the pantomime. also produced his first revue at Bed- ford Corn Exchange in 1942. Small world! News Gets Around! unauuuu \. Plan. members HERBERT GOODHOOFD bring along cipes to ad 63 Yonge St. North Puye‘s 00116 help her _ Rlchmond H111, Ont. 32:?‘c33k‘ a fund ': Phone TU. 4-7851 yembekrs}; 0 ma 6 ' BOOKINGS FOR SEA-AIR gfv we .coo TOURS AND CRUISES hing“??? STEAMSHIPS & AlRLlNES 'fnpgfilrfmé come at Be N0 BOOKING FEES “Md” at Our 8-week Beginners Course at $2.50 weekly includes (he free use of an instrument In your home. Call TU. 4-5272 Today MUNDINGER MUSIC - ‘ ff. d t d ff (1 P. Knowles â€" A Prldham 8y Sé‘cialeacixiicni‘iz93155351. PHONE RICHMOND HILL IMedcalfe. and Mrs. M. Worrall. . : AV. 5-2634 Collect , , : EVENINGS : St. Mary 5 Men 5 Club A AURORA PA. 7-4773 â€" PA. 7-9984 ‘ I w‘flolds Valentine Party TRAVEL SERVICE Available most Wed- nesdays and Fridays. Seating capacity, 350. Apply P ’ LOANED ’ " A FREE Start Playing Today Shorgas Ltd. 38A Yonge St. 5. Richmond Hill Natural Gas Appliance Sales Service - Installation RANGES WATER HEATERS FURNACES DRYERS SPACE HEATERS CONVERSION BURNERS No Down Payment UP TO 5 YEARS TO PAY ON YOUR GAS BILL SALES REPRESENTATIVES Yonu & Centre St: Richmond Hill Lions’ Hall For Rent Mack Clement TU. 4-1606 THIS SPACE FOR BIG ANNOUNCEMENT NEXT WEEK RICHMOND HILL T.V. WATCH THE MUSICAL INSTRUMENT ,\ OF YOUR ,m CHOICE Editor Margot Crack RICHMOND HILL Mrs. J. Anderson of the “Fat- ti Lu Shop" accompanied by her mother Mrs. D. Cossey has just returned from a two week va- cation in Miami Beach. Florida. Beverley Acres "Y" Neigh-‘ hours are looking forward to their meeting on February 26th when they will welcome Miss Henrietta Van der Puye. popuv lar guest from Ghana who is spending some time with local IY.W.C.A. groups. The guest. speaker will take the group on an illustrated trip to Jamaica and Ghana. while her hostesses at Beverley Acres will introduce Henrietta to Canadian crafts and customs. Plans are afoot to make the menu, name tags. etc. distinctively Canadian and all members are being asked to bring along their favourite re- cipes to add to Miss Van der Puye’s collection. She plans to help her Y.W.C.A. groups in Ghana to develop an internat- Tlle social club of S. S. Kres- ge Company. Richmond Heights Plaza held a Valentine Party at the home of Mrs. P. A. Cone on Blue Grass Blvd.. on Satur- day evening. . Each couple brought a box lunch. decorated in true Valen- tine style. Mrs. E. Davis won the first prize for the best de- corated box, second prize went to Mrs. T. Mills, wife of the manager. In third place was Mrs. R. Griesser. Numerous prizes were given for games and spot dances. Among the winners were Mrs. A. New- burg. Mr. '1‘. Mills. Miss G. Da- vis. Mrs. T. Mills and Mrs. F. O‘Hara. Movie pictures here taken by Mr. R. Barfoot which will be added to the ones taken at lional cook book which will be a fund raising project. All members and guests can helpl to make the Canadian section rof the cook book outstanding} previous gatherings. vk * * It _Despite the heavy snowfall, Sixteen members were present at the Februarv meeting of the On Sunday. February 25111 the Scouts. Cubs. Guides and Browâ€" nies will join in the service of evening prayer at St. Gabriel's Church as part of their “Think- ing Day” program in honour of their beloved founder Lord Ba- den-Powell and his wife Lady Baden-Powell who celebrated The next meeting of the Plensantville Home and School Association will be held at the school on Monday. February 26 The speaker is Mr.‘ Frank Clute. Director of Guidance for the Department of Education. He will speak on the topic “What the future holds for your child.” This promises to be a very interesting and informative meeting. Anyone interested is infit'é-do'to afiigpd joint birihdra‘yg on February 39?“??? fle éfi’ffaiafa's‘ec‘iieéfi' Despite the heavy snowfall» of the cook book outstandingSixteen members were present‘ . . t the February meeting of the. b shat-mg their best cookery a . . hints. All women interested in 1“ Rwhmond m" Scout Mo‘ . . . thers‘ Auxiliary. It was held meetmg “"5 delighmfl guest last Wednesday at the Munici- from Africa will be very “’91' pa] Hall. come at Bevei'lsey Acres SFChbWuI: Members are asked to col- Monday at 3’ P'm’ 0“ e" ‘ lect their favourite recipes 313’ 26”“ ,__. which are to be sold in book "Y" Neigh- THE ,f! Mrs. E. J. H. Redelmeier en- 's‘tertaincd at a dinner at plher hnme on Balhurst SL. prior ,flto attending the Valentine Party Wat Wrixon Hall on Wednesday y last. d! Guests included Mr. and Mrs. 2.?J. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. P. Morley and Mr. and Mrs. D. le§Crampton. ' I After the business meeting. Valentine games were enjoyed ‘ and four members won prizes. Box lunches were auctioned '1off. and tea and coffee served iby Social Convener. Mrs. M. I'iMedcalfe, and Mrs. M. Worrall. Going to the sunny south? En- tertaining? Celebrating? These and other items all make inter- esting reading - than us a line or call the editor Margot Crack at TU. 4-1105. for inclusion in “Life in the Hill." 1 February 10th was a very [bright and brisk day when the .W.A. of the Anglican Church of St. Gabriel held their annual Valentine Tea. and some 140 guests were made welcome by Mrs. Connie Snaith. Tea and dainties were served by three teenage young ladies. Misses Pat Price, Margaret Gaunt and Rosemary Arsenault. The M.T.H. Musical Club is pleased to announce that. Rob- ert Thiel. clarinetist in the R.C.A.F. Band will be guest of honor this Sunday afternoon. February 25th, at the home of Miss R. Garson on South Fern- leigh Circle. This will be the second in a series of guest ar- tists impromptus relating to a particular instrument. Music lovers are cordially invited to attend. Movie pictures were taken by Mr. R. Barfoot which will be added to the ones taken at previous gatheyings, The guests were entertained by three pupils of the Sunday School Miss Cheryl Mathews danced to “Candy & Cake". Miss Barbara Taylor gave a pi- ano solo. “Rosamunde Air". and Miss Gail Hitchinson, a major- ebte, performed to “Waltzing Matilda". The convenors for this party were Mrs. Connie Waller for re- freshments, Mrs. Georgie Reid, tickets and entertainmem. A ihappy time was had by all. .A‘... The social club of S. S. Kres- ge Company. Richmond Heights Plaza held a Valentine Party at the home of Mrs. P. A. Cone on Blue Grass Blvd.. on Satur- day evening. ou v v ......a. Each couple brought a box lunch. decorated in true Valen- tine style. Mrs. E. Davis won the first prize for the best de- corated box, second prize “went Members are asked to col- lect their favourite recipes which are to be sold in book form at the Pot Luck Supper next December. Many thanks to Mrs. Ruth Co- mm for the presentation of a new electric kettle to the aux- iliary. President, Mrs. B. Wilder presented Mrs. Lovlca Pollard with a Past-President's pin. A A “flat Auction" has been planned for the next meeting in March. Please bring a used hat or hats and a guest if possible. A door prize will be offered. Last Wednesday evening the Men's Club of St. Mary’s An- glican Church held a very gay and delightful parish Valentine party in Wrixon Hall. The hall was well filled with members of the parish of all ages from teen-agers doing the twist to its more sedate members enjoying square dances called by Mrs. Ed. Butlin who was in charge of this part of the evening. . The guests for the evening. introduced by Mr. James Mc- Rae. were Mr. Jack Scott. nar- ‘rator. and actor, and his wiCe Joyce Sullivan. both of radio and TV fame. Mr. Scott captured his audience with some splen- ;did readings of poetry and his: twife by her singing of several ‘delightful numbers. President Don Ross was chair- man for the evening and the reâ€" freshments which were most delightful. were provided by the afternoon branch of the WA. convened by Mrs. W. S. Pocknell. The hall was decorated in the 1iValentine motif and helped to [make this one of the most suc- cessful parish occasions on rec- 0rd. Skiing on the slopes at Lim‘ berlost Lodge, Huntsville. over the week-end were Mr. and Mrs. George Sweeny and family. The Committee of the Senior Citizens Club of Richmond Hill announce that a “Bake Sale & Tea" is scheduled for Saturday. March 10th. in the Christian Education Building of the Rich- mond Hill United Church. Brian. who is a grade 11 stud- ent at the Richmond Hill High School. will be in a cast for at least three months. A casual-1y over the week-end was Brian Lennox. son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lennox. Mill St.. who broke his leg when skiing at the Summit on Saturday. “I can't even get, a stage- hand‘s job with this drama group but I do earn some pock- et money doing small. small parts in Japanese movies when I’m not busy teaching". An interesting news item re- ceived from Jerry Diakiw. a former Richmond Hill High School teacher. now living in Japan. St. Gabriel‘s W.A. met Tues- day night and after a short busi- ness meeting, Educational Sec- retary, Jean Whitman gave a synopsis of the study book, "'Jesixs Christ, The Light of the World". A skit was then performed by Helen Fountain. Victoria Cox and Connie Smith. The next meeting will take the form of a visit to Albert Brown Coiffures. where hairstyling and face make-up will be demonstrated. And imagine an attractive middle aged man, divorced from his first wife and remarried to a young and beautiful girl -â€" the introduction of two male admirers â€" an aging actress â€"1 a handsome baron -â€" a cock-1 ney porter â€" and a cute French maid â€" and you have the in- gredients of the Curtain Club’s forthcoming production “Don’t Listen Ladies" which will be presented at the theatre com- mencing March 7th. “Gall is home” -â€" what a‘ wealth of feeling was behind‘ these words when Mrs. W. Lorne Sheardown of Roseview Avenue told of her daughter’s return home last Friday. Gail. who has been a patient in Toronto General Hospital and St. John's Convalescent Home for the past ten months. is looking and feeling remark- ably well, and following two weeks of complete rest (doctor‘s orders) will be able to receive visits from her many friends. ' It will be interesting to res- idents that this play was re- cently selected to take part in the Central Ontario Drama Festival which takes place at the end of March at Hart House, Toronto. Ssh! Do Listen St. Paul’s Lutheran Church seemed assured of success in its first everyâ€"member visitation for pledges to its budget. Visiting occurred Sunday. with several calls remaining for completion this week. Harvey Duefiert serves as stewardship chairman of the congregation. The financial cam- paign has been under his dir- ection. Sunday, February 25, will he observed as Scout Day in St. Paul's Church. Boy Scout groups in east Richmond Hill have been invited to attend the regular 11 am. worship service of the con. grggation._ __ Pastor Albert E. Myers, a vet- eran of eighteen years in the Scouting movement. will preach. His sermon will deal with the ideals of the Scouting program. Sunday’s service will be held in the meeting room of Walter Scott Public School. Markham Road at Sussex. The public is cordially invited. Last Sunday’s service featur- ed the commissioning of visita- tion teams in preparation for the afternoon and evening call- ing. Also included in the ser- vice was the baptism of Debor- ah Helen, daughter of Pastor and Mrs. Myers. by Mike Donahue Despite the lack in attend- ance at Teen Town last week, those who did turn out for the Sadie Hawkin’s Valentine dance had a very pleasant surprise. It was in the form of an appear-i ance of the Summits. They com- ‘bined with the popular records ‘of Garry Anthony for a very ‘enjoyable evening of fun and Ldancing. The next Teen Town will be Iheld this Saturday. February i24th. It showsrsigns of being a Qery enjoyable, evening so don’t miss it. The usual ad- mission prices will be in effect “ith the doors opening at 8.30 Teen Town RICHMOND HILL Myers. a vet- years in the Miss Dorothy Young held the complete attention of her audi-- ence of three hundred women at the annual Valentine lunchâ€" eon at the Richmond Hill Uni- ted Church last Wednesday. Miss Young's subject was the World Conference of Churches’ Assembly held in New Delhi, India, the third week of Nov- ember, 1961, which she attend- ed as a delegate from the Uni- ted Church of Canada. Delegates from all corners of the earth. representing 198 churches, gathered for the sev- enteen-day assembly. she said. These included representatives from 23 new churches, includ- ing the Orthodox churches of‘ ‘Russia. Bulgaria. Roumania and Poland (60,000‘000 members). Pentecostal churches from Chile and Africa, the Presbyter- ian church in Trinidad. and smaller church groups from Af- rica. Samoa and New Hebrides. expanding the world-wide nao 'T.v. Highlights Congratulations to Mrs. E. J. McCormick who received noti- fication this Weék of her ap- pointment as supervisor of the Welcome Wagon International. 1 Mrs. Orland Downey of 42 Leisure Lane is now making good progress having under- gone surgery recently at Bran- son Hospital. Her many friends extend best wishes for a quick return to health. Four year old Cindy [imam-MK; daughter Of Mr- and MI" w" blgtoinziiz Rice, Skopit Road returped Benfleld home recently from Sick _Ch11d- to“ my ren‘s Hospital where she 15 now‘Leéd, 18 making very SatiSfactorY Pr°"phen‘s b gress. be pres: Joseph Rablnowitch will be seen in the role of the pro- prietor of a wholesale dress company on the Channel 6 Her- itage series “An Urgency Of Love" this Sunday at 4 pm. Richard Hook. a student at the Niagara Parks Commission School of Horticulture, receiv- ed First Class Honours in all his subjects in the last exams, standing first in his year. Richard was a member of the Richmond Hill High School student body until last Easter, when he was accepted by the Niagara School. Entertaining at a tea on Sun- day on the occasion of her birthday was Mrs. H. Robert- son. who had as her guests Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Eppes, their children. Marianne and ltobin. and Miss Elizabeth Eppes. Joining in the celebrations was her daughter Mabel. who recently returned from St. ‘John's Convalescent Home, ‘where she spent several months lfollowing a spinal operation. “The Grasshopper" in the piano trio class of the Kiwanis Music Festival which was held Thurs- day. February 15th. These girls, all 11 years old, began to learn their piece individually at the end of November and had ap- proximately six practices to- gether. Jane Dean was seen‘ on the “Tiny Talent” TV show ‘last month, and entered her: first competition in the Peel ‘ Music Festival last year and re- ‘ceived 78 marks for her piano solo. Janice James entered in the piano duet class with her 'sister last year at the Toronto ; East York Festival and received third prize award of a bronze >medal. This was Judith Dod- :son’s first endeavourL’I‘h‘eyJ-ire The Inner Wheel of the Ro- tary Club of Richmond Hill held a general meeting on Tues- day evening Feruat‘y 6th at the home of Mrs. W. McDougall. Mrs. D. MacFatlyen as guest speaker gave a most interesting talk and showed a varied col- lection of precious and semi- precious stones. Plans are now under way for a Dessert Bridge to be held at the Summit View Gardens Res- taurant on Wednesday, April 18th. Congratulations to Jane Dean. Judith Dodson, and Janice James for obtaining first place 80 marks and second certificate award for their performance of A group of charming ladies greet the guest speaker at last week’s Valentine Luncheon sponsored by Richmond Hill United Church Women. the speaker are (left to right) Mrs. W.‘ Mor- Richmond Hill United ,Church Women Valentine Luncheon She emphasized the fact that the” the World Council of Churches les,cu-ts across political boundar- lhi ies and can hold together peo- vovj ple of conflicting racial and po- nd_ litical ideologies. The assemhly 1m. gave people of differing racial‘ and political backgrounds an op- i of portunity to discuss common 198 problems face to face and it 's hoped that the thinking of - 1i these groups will be__perrnanent: ture of the organization. Rep- resentatives of the Roman Cath- olic Church were also present as observers. "v..- a. iy influéiilcéd be tfie fact of meeting and talking with other groups holding other ideas. A feature of the conference. she said. was the absorbing of the International Mission Council to become the mission- ary and evangelism division within the World Council of Churches, enabling greater em- phasis to be placed on the world Celebrating his seventh birth- day on Saturday was Stephen Birkett of Sugar Maple Lane, who along with all his friends enjoyed an afternoon of games. movies and the excitement of cutting his gaily decorated birthday cake. Joining inuthe fun were, Billy Bentleld. Billy Ellis. Neal flew-l ton, Clyde McDufl', Grant Men Leod. Ian Sutherland and Ste- phen's brother. Nick. Unable to be present due to illness was Danny Miller and Bobby Web- ber, who had made previous arrangements. The guest preacher at the‘ morning services at St. Mary’s Anglican Church next Sunday will be the Rev. Beverley Bur- well. M.A.. S.T.B.. who is the assistant director of the Angli- can Information Centre in ‘downtown Toronto. and Priest- in-charge of St. Alban's Churgl}. Thi_s‘°l_sipart of the parlsh's observance of Sexagesima or social service Sunday. There will be a public baptism of infants at both $91-ng525: _ Before entering the Ministry, Mr. Burwell was a lecturer in Oriental art and has been an S.C.M. Secretary at the Univer- sity of Manitoba. Since his as- sociation with the Anglican In- formation Centre. he has given splendid l_eader_ship in'the field --I___I g Cyndu.‘ . V w _ _ . V , , . 0; education for early school leavers. A rare treat was enjoyed last Saturday by several dance stu- dents and parents of Sylvia Garson when they attended the matinee performance of “The Nutcracker” by The National Ballet of Canada at Toronto’s Royal Alexandra Theatre. Ce- jlia Franca, Directress of the National Ballet Company gave ‘Mrs. Garson special permissior} "a. v- u--- so that the group might attend the class which the dancers took prior to the actual per- formance. It was a great thrill indeed to be present at the dif- ficult workout on stage under Miss Franca’s direction. After the performance, the group en- joyed a delicious dinner in the private dining room of the Sum- mt View Restaurant. _ Vicki Scott, Sandra Bry, Mrs. Bry, Lesley Nicholls, Mrs. Nich- olls, Brian Toogood, Mrs. Too- good, Susan Kirkpatrick. Brenda Bradshaw. Cathy Lowden, Cheryl King, Mrs. King, Sylvia Garson and Ruth Gal-son. lmRi'ch'rfiorilamHill residents in this outing wage Mereclith Sgott, RICHMOND HEIGHTS SHOPPING CENTRE Levendale Rd. at. Yonge St. OPPOSITE LOBLAWS Richmond mu-r mission of all churches. Miss Young compared this move to the recent formation of the Un- ited Church Women, absorbing the Woman’s Missionary Soc- iety, and making it an integral part of the whole church. The theme of the conference was “Jesus, the Light of the World," which was developed in worship services and bible study groups led by outstanding Chris- tians, such as Pastor Neimeul- ler of Germany. Consideration of racial tensions and discrim- ination consumed considerable ‘time. climaxed by the strongly worded speech by Sir Francis IbiamI which enabled the dele- gates to realize the depth of feeling of racial groups against colonialism or paternalism in‘ any form. politically or rel-ig-, iously. According to Miss Young. population explosion was dram< atically evident in India, where‘ not in the foreseeable future is it possible to hope to provide a satisfactory standard of liv-l ing for the teeming millions. She“ spoke of the great contrast beg“ tween the modern India as ex- emplifed by the lovely city of New Delhi with its open spaces, majestic parliament buildings and spaciousness. contrasted, almost side by side, with the old forts and temples, the crowded_ old bazaars, and evidences of great poverty in Old Delhi. However Old Delhi also gave an impression of colour, vividness and spontaneity, and everywhere was evidence of the great zeal .of the Indian people for the future of their country. The im- pression made by Christian del- egates to the conference on the Indians was very important. she said, particularly since it is a country in which a very tiny minority are Christians, where Hinduism is directly associated with patriotism, and where there is a large and energetic following of Islam. The unity of the church in a world under threat of a nu- clear war was also considered fully, she reported. Although‘ churches are not yet prepared; to become one body, yet it was‘ realized by all representatives that there is a great need for a united front. It is our oneness in Christ which marks us as Christians. Our unity must ex- press itself in our churches’ witness and service to a com‘ ‘mon Lord. The guest speaker was Intro- duced by Mrs. Clarence Atkin- son and thanked by Mrs. Har- ry Endean. Mrs. James Pollard. president of the United Churnh Women, in extending a welcome to all present. pointed out that this was ’the first luncheon Specialists In Custom Re- covering and Repairing at a reasonable price. Easy Terms. No job too small. FURNITURE C0. FREE ESTIMATES 53 Yonge St. South THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. February 22. 1962 MURRAY Upholstery TU. 4 - 5776 fiichmond Hill TU. 4-7474 Richmond Hill SHP and row, Mrs. H. Martin. the guest speaker Miss Dorothy Young. Mrs. J. Pollard, president of the women, Mrs. C. Higginson, Mrs. C. Atkinson and Mrs. H. Endean. Spring clothing is arriving dflg QUALITY BRANDS ONLY Come in. See the latest styles and materials. You will find that quality is not expensive. coats, dresses, jackets, T-shirts etc., etc. sponsored by that newly-form- words to Naomi as recorded in ed organization. All previous the biblical story; “Romance” ones had been held by the W0- by Donaldson; and “With a Song man's Association. The Lord's in My Heart," by Rogers and blessing on the meal was asked Hart. The accompanist was Mrs by Mrs. C. G. Higginson. Wright Morrow. In honor of St. Valentine's Under the convenorshlp 0! day, guest soloist Mrs. Hugh Mrs. L. A. Kirk and Mrs. Gor‘ Martin. member of the Toronto don Martin the committee ir lMendelssohn Choir and of the charge provided a most dellc' choir of Thornh‘ill United ious luncheon which drew com‘ Church. gave great pleasure to plxments from all women pres her audience in her singing of cut. Simple but most effective a group of love songs. The decorations followed the Valen group featured “Ruth's Song." tine theme. highlighted by twt the lyriCs of which are Ruth’s baskets of Richmond H.111 rose! : INSURANCE 1i: HERBERT R. BUTT Typewriter: . Adding Machine! SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS R Richmond Hill n TUrner 4-1312 'your office machine speciallst' 88 Baker Ave.. Richmond Hill Day or Evenings TU. 4-1745 gfl‘lfififlfi. WING - SIRLOIN - T-BONE WIENERS STEAKS |b__5_9_< Pork Sausage HE BAYVIEW PLAZA lea portable models It ‘leht's Pharmacy' |.. H. SIMS 24 Elizabeth St. Richmond Hill DEPENDABLE Telephone SERVICE (Photo by Lagerquist) We have a few items left from our Clearance SALE. These items are now ofiered at extremely low prices. Included in the group are snow suits, dresses, winter jackets, etc. words to Naomi as recorded ln the biblical story; “Romance” by Donaldson; and “With a Song in My Heart." by Rogers 3nd Under the convenorshtp 0! Mrs. L. A. Kirk and Mrs. Gor- don Martin the committee in charge provided a most delic- ious luncheon which drew com- plxments from all women pres- ent. Simple but most effectiva decorations followed the Valen- tine theme. highlighted by two baskets of Richmond Hill roses. COUNTRY STYLE All popular makes on hand Sneclal Students' Raul Toronto, Ontario EMpire 2-3456 TU. 4-7691 lbs 112 Yonge St Toronto 3 lb 99:

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