Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Mar 1962, p. 9

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This situation has also had repercussions in soft- ball circles of a higher calibre. For some time now coaches and those closely associated with softball in the area have been aware of a dearth of new young players. The sad fact is that there just weren’t any talented young players to be found. The Russian space team favours youth. Yuri Gagarin was 25 when he headed out into the wild blue and his partner wasn’t much older. Youth just doesn’t stand a chance on the U.S. program. ' Alan Shepherd was 38 when he was shot down range. Compared to Gagarin, Grissome is no longer lissome. But it was the 40-year-old John Glenn who fixed things up for us retreads. So now the kids know that you’re not practically over the hill at 35 and are starting to show a little respect for us hoary-headed types. When the chips Were down, it wasn’t some wild-eyed maverick jet jockey who flew the big one, but a seasoned mature Veteran. Anyhow that’s what we’re telling the young- er set around our house and it’s working. For a day or two anyhow. Now if they can only launch a senior citizen on an orbital flight grandparents will also get a 'fat boost in morale. How about it John Kennedy â€" Won’t you please give grannie a break? It’s been a long time in coming, but the 16-18 year old set are going to get organized softball in Richmond Hill this year. Russ “Casey” Cripps let it be known that the Richmond Hill Ball Association will operate a four to six team league for boys in this age group. Until this year leagues were operated for boys up to 15 years of age. This was fine but it left a lot of 16 year olds and upwards at a loose end for the summer. I r-vaâ€"v- v v D- It’s so dogboned far from Christmas that you know that’s got nothing to do with the childish rever- ence. The kids know you haven’t got a dime to leave them, so it isn't possible they’re checking to see how your health is holding up. Then it hits you! It’s all on account of John Glenn. ' He did a lot more than be the first U. S. astro- naut to orbit the earth three times. What he accom- plished added a great deal to the free world’s know- ledge of space. He accomplished the feat of restoring all us over thirties back into the human race. Now the kids know that you’re not finished after you have celebrated or ignored it, as you_saw fit. RON (glam: Dear Dad â€" have your kids been treating you a little differently lately? Maybe they’ve been show- ing a bit more respect than usual or been a bit at- tentive to what you say. Sometimes, when you catch them looking at you unaware, you can detect an ap- preciative gleam in their little eyes. Both of"em. The formation of a league for the 16-18 group should do a great deal to offset this situation. In ad- dition Casey Cripps has also announced that a junior team will operate in a league comprising teams from Mt. Albert, Markham, Newmarket, Aurora, Bradford and Schomberg. A year of seasoning in junior soft- ball should produce players ready and capable of (Continued on Page 10) ‘OLUME LXXXII, NUMBER 3§ Second Section â€" SPORT SPOTS â€"- wfi‘? Hornets Defeat Aurora To Advance In PlayoffsAgainstNorthern Champs Harvey Gordon opened the scoring for the Hornets. He broke up a play at the Aurora blue line and ramped in to put the puck behind the Aurora net- minder. Gary Methe fired a goal on a pass from Jimmy Wilson Dave Broderick scored, assisted by Gary Churcher and Churcher scored assisted by Harvey Gor- don and Bruce Hutchinson. Mike Leishm‘an was full val- ue for the shutout in the Hor- net cage and Brian Austin held the fort for the final three min- utes. ‘ Win 12 Games The Hornets have played 15 games in quest of the North York title and won 12, while losing two and tying one. They scored better than six goals per game on the average with a to- tal of 94 goals. In the fifteen licipality' were outlined‘t‘o Mark- Tham Township Council at its re- jcent meeting by Chairman Dr. ‘3055 Lord and Kenneth Higgs of the Metropolitan Toronto ‘and Region Conservation Authority. At Bruce‘s Mill in the Cashel area 270 acres of flood plain, land have been purchased for development into a beauty spot within a year or two, they said. The Authority plans to restore the historic mill and its water-wheel. At Markham construction will begin shortly on the site of the old-Milne dam south of No. 7 Highway and east of Highway 48. A new dam will be built and flood waters will extend back almost to the 7th conces- smn as a result. The area will Dr. Lord emphasized the need‘ of the township passing legis- lation banning new building on flood plain lands, and council instructed its solicitor to pre- pare the necessary by-law. “In Vaughan." said the regional chairman, “every small creek is ,zoned as flood plain land. In Metro Toronto these lands are leased by the municipality, ‘which bears the cost of devel- :opment and the parks depart- }ment runs them. No person can ,dump fill in any river valley ’without permission from the municipality." Park lands recently acquired .by Markham Township in the lJohn Street area could also be fitaken care of by the Authority, lDr. Lord said. l i Plans for conservation andialso becom beautification within the mun- Legislation icipality were outlined to Mark- Dr. Lord ham Township Council at its re- of the tox cent meeting by Chairman Dr.[1ation ban] Ross Lord and Kenneth Higgsiflood plaiz of the Metropolitan Toronto ‘and instructed Region Conservation Authorityipare the 1 At Bruce's Mill in the CasheltVaughan.” area 270 acres of flood plain‘chairman, iland have been purchased forlzoned as development into a beauty spot‘Metro Tm within a year or two, theylleased b: said. The Authority plans to which bea restore the historic mill and;opment a: Conservation Oificials Describe PIansUnderWayForMarkham TWp. By Ron Craine John Gropp’s peewee Hornet hockey team clinched‘ the North York League title by knocking ofl“ Aurora 4-0. .The Hornets now move on into the O.M.H.A. Play- offs against Orillia, Midland or Collingwood, depending on the outcome of the northern series. .‘I‘H““““““‘; ;““““““““\‘ Lovely Gail Methe, 19, was chosen Prom Queen of Richmond Hill High School at the annual formal dance at the school Friday evening of last week. The new Queen is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Methe of 67 Bedford Park Ave. She is a Grade 13 student. (Photo by Lagerquist.) FLOORS SANDED, STAINS REMOVED - WAXED We specialize in all types of floors Complete professional work . . . . . Free information, estimates on floors. .. Janitor Services and Supplies PHONE TU. 4 - 3714 "‘1; Essentials Unity; in Non-Essentials Liberty; in all things 'Charity" '> RICHMOND HILL I COMMERCIAL CLEANERS High School Prom Queen RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1965 game stretch they had only 19 scored against them which speaks highly of their defensive ability. Captain Jimmy Wiison and Wayne “Boomer” O'Brien form as rugged a defensive combo as any in peewee hockey. This pair is backed up by Mark Oobbs and Bruce Hutchinson. Dobbs and Hutchinson are not a flashy type of hockey player but are eager and willing to learn. 69 Goal Record The line of Dave Broderick, Harvey Gordon and Gary Chur- cher have scored 69 goals dur- ing the season. Broderick has scored 34 goals despite being out of action for a month due to an injury. also become a recreation site Legislation Approved A Wayné Harrington spearheads the line of Gary Methe and Bob Park lands recently acquired by Markham Township in the John Street area could also be taken care of by the Authority, 1%me ‘Hutchison. Wayne, the club fire- man, is used to kill off penalties and bolster the defense at times. Ken Chapman is the centre- man on a rugged checking line that features Ricky Doucette and Jimmy Ross on the wings. This ‘is the club’s spoiler line as their rugged checking can take the heart out of any hockey team. Goalie Mike Leishman and spare goalie Brian Austin have proved to be real stumbling blocks to the opposition. Three utility players are brought up from the house league when re- quired and John Slhropshire, Don Harrower and Dave Lund do a lot to strengthen the Hor- nert team. The common impression that provincial parks are confined to isummer recreational activities is gradually being dispelled by the steadily increasing number of winter visitors. usually fam- ily outings, to parks in the Lake Simcoe District. Although none of the local parks have, as yet, any areas developed for winter sports, many of the natural features lend themselves to such activities as tobogam-ning, skiing, snowshoeing or simply romping in the snow. Curling enthusiasts who visit Rolling Hills Golf and Curling Club will be delighted with the warm, pleasant atmosphere for relaxation after exciting compe- tition on the ice. This newest curling rink, lo- cated on the 5th concession, Whitchurch Township, 3 mile north of Stouffville-Gormley Road, has the most modern type of heating in the lounge, locker room, or snack bar. These sections of the building are all- electricaliy-heated with base- board. convector type heaters. Arthur Latcham, proprietor of the Rolling Hills Golf and Curling Rink who built the rink, decided in the initial stages that he would install electric heating to find out from experience a- bout its benefits. Mr. Latch- man is so delighted with the flexibility and comfort features of electric heating that he states now that it is the only kind of heating that he will con- sider for any future buildings of _th_i_s type. Rolling Hills Curling Club rink is built of concrete block construction. The curling rink is 100 ft. x 85 ft. and was plan- ned by Mr. Latchman who star- ted building the rink last year. Pierson Building 00., of Peter- borough. installed the roof us- ing trusses, designed to carry a 50 lb. snow load per sq. ft., which can support 10 lbs. more than required. There are two lounge areas in the new curling rink. The one on the lower floor ls 28 ft. x 58 ft. and is thoroughly insulated to prevent heat losses. Unobtruslve electric heaters are Lake Simcoe Parks Bringing Visitors For Winter Sports Modern Rolling Hills Curling Club F9gtur_¢s_ New Electric Heating Over a recent weekend a group of some 70 Rover Scouts from Scarborough braved the elements to participate in a camping out project at Spring- water Park, near Barrie. The boys came equipped with tents, sleeping bags and camp stoves and found that, with these basic camping essentials, they could make themselves quite comfort- able under normal winter cone ditions. According to Superin- tendent “Cy” Jackson the group engaged in various contests. wood lore, etc., and had a most enjoyable visit. He added that like all good scouts they tidied up the area occupied and left the campground in the condi- tion in which they found it. Many visitors have visited Springwater Park already this winter, enjoying the wildlife displays and camera enthusiasts find many interesting subjects with the winter blanket of snow. On some days, recently, more than 100 cars have entered the park which is a most encourag- ing sign of recreational use during the winter months. installed around the baseboard. The same situation prevails in the lounge and locker room on the upper floor. Both lounges have thermopane windows which provide full view of the ice space. There is also a snack bar approximately 20 ft. x 68 ft. as well as a vestibule 19 ft. x 18 ft., a storage room 19 ft. x 16 ft. and two washrooms, all of which ‘ are fully insulated and heated by means of baseboard electric convector heaters. The total fionnected heating load is 41 w. One of the features that im- presses Mr. Latcham is the flexibility of electric heating. Rooms such as the storage area where vegetables and other food are kept can be adjusted ‘to desired temperatures. The lounges can be maintained at warm temperatures when play- ers are using these facilities and the heat can be reduced when not in use. Arthur Latcham is happy with the comfort results from electric heating and already has had many favorable comments. He stresses the fact that much valuable space is saved by the elimination of a furnace and necessary air ducts required with conventional type heating. Electric heat also eliminates hiring a janitor or a handyman who would be needed if other heating methods had been in- stalled. “Electric heating is the an- swer for best results in a build- ing such as a curling rink,” Arthur Latcham maintains. Already the Rolling Hills Cur- ling Club is a popular place for curling enthusiasts. Family members find it an ideal spot to enjoy recreation together, also many teams are being formed through this area to enjoy the fast-growing. popular sport of curling. Happy With Results THIS IS A LIMITED OFFER â€" DRIVE IN TODAY! RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE TU. 4-4401 MORE SPORTS 0N PAGE 10 Here’s what we do â€" O Adiusf brakes 0 Add brake' fluid if necessary 0 Repack front wheel bearings 0 Check grease seals and wheel cylinders W BRAKE ADJUSTMENT RETREAD ffim“ HOME PAPER OF THE DISTREESINCE 1878 SINGLE COPY 10c YOURS WITH ANY , H I Opposite Loblaws }( South Block . ‘ TU. 4-7474 RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE Earl Methe‘s Sing Along team came up with two big wins last week. The Bert Robinson Minor Atoms visited Richmond Hill for an exhibition game last Friday night. In the previous meeting between these two clubs the Robinson team defeated the Sing Alongs 4-2. Last Friday the Richmond Hill team reversed the result as they outscored Robinson’s by a 4-2 count. Gerald Methe paced the win- ners with the hat trick. =coring three goals in no uncertain manner. The fourth Sing Along goal was fired home off the stick of Larry Young. Jimmy Hamil- ton picked up two assists as Methe Performs Hat Trick Singalongs Win Two During Week TU. 4 - "25 AV. 5 - 3506 I9] YONGE ST. N. - RICHMOND HILL Come To ------ BUTLER 8. BAIRD LUMBER LIMITED For Your Building Materials FINE QUALITY MATERIAL AT FAIR PRICES 1. 55626) @W- PWEMEMWJ‘?,-f§;.-::.5 Take your pick . . . 40, 60 or 100 watt bulbs are all included in this special Firestone oFfer. Drive in now and save on quality light bulbs for your home. BUY ONE BULB FOR 25¢ GET 2nd BULB FOR '|¢ SUPER J SPECIAL vé> SHOP TWO YEAR GUARANTEE ROAD HAZARD John Dunkley and Ricky Thom- pson were each credited with an assist. The first game of the North York League playoffs was held at Aurora last Saturday. First blood in the series went to the Sing Alongs as they shut out the Aurora team by a 4~0 count. Jimmy Hamilton opened the scoring with the Sing Alongs two men short. He broke up a play inside his own bluellne and skated through the entire Aurora team for the score Lar- ry Young, David Gross and Ric- ky Thompson each scored one goal as Gerald Methe assisted on two. éTOfiEs" ‘I‘I““

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