Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Mar 1962, p. 11

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VOO”OOOO cnusiiin GRAVEI. pr: nun GRAVEI. EARTH nu. Young's B. A. Service 7 Statipflfl Yonge & Benson WHO BRINGS WITH HIM I7 YRS. EXPERIENCE OF SALES & SERVICE IN THE APPLIANCE FIELD HAS BEEN APPOINTED SALES MANAGER 0F RICHMOND HILL TV. 8. APPLIANCE ONE STOP SERVICE CENTRE Featuring , FRIGIDAIRE â€" GENERAL ELECTRIC ELECTROHOME ADMIRAL . . . and longing for the day when you ‘can afford 'to go ahead with it 1’ Or maybe you need an extra bedroom â€"a modern kitchenâ€"a paint jobâ€" a new plumbing. heating or elec- trical system . . . Chances are you can have it right now. with the help ofa Royal Bank Home Improvement Loan. repayable by instalments. See any branch of the "Royal" about this con- venient. Ion-cost way to get the cash you need to make your home more liveable, more valu- able. Or pick up our handy booklet for details. OF INTEREST TO RICHMOND HILL AND DISTRICT MR. Jack Clarridge DO IT NOW WITH A HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN ROYAL BAN K WASHING. POLISHING, GREASING TIRE REPAIRS, BATTERIES APPOINTMENT 3eneral Repairs to all Makes of Cars SID HUNT, Licensed Mechanic Township of Markham TENDERS FOR AV. 5 - 3756 SERVICE IS OUR BUSINESS Need another bat/Imam? YOUNG'S TU. 4-0009 Richmond Hill R.C.A. I F O i I i. isong spe9iall-V written for D1" W. Miller Mrs. Ross Hord and iDoan‘ Gall-V decorated cup cakesers. Harold Stef’fler attended gular Tuesday meeting 01 iasr week of the 1st Beverley Acres Scout Troop when a number of the boys under the guidance of Scoutmaster Norman Foster and Rover Skipper Gould rehearsed the Presentation of badges: cook badge-Nancy Underhill. Linda Huntley. Ellen Sexton and Lin- da Bounds. Linda Bounds reâ€" lceived her. toymaker, friend to fanimal. child nurse. and laun- ldress badges. ‘ Commissioner Mrs. Ford 1a visit to 3rd Richvale Guides. .Captain Mrs. Lawson presented ifirst class badge to Patricia lLambert. second class badges lto Ellen Sexton. Linda Bounds. ,Wanda Hilts. On February 13th lthe Guides had a Valentine ska- ;ting party. Sugar 8: Spice l On February 22nd. Mrs. A. lYoung of Muirhead Crescent Neighbourhood Notes 'opened her home to the Sugar Kathleen and Allen Strike's land Spice C1111). With a g00dinew son arrived at Scarboro tattendance despite the \veather.’Hospital on February 20. The Winners 0f Cards “'el‘EI 151- MFS-lnames they had chosen for him 9- sauL 2nd Mrs- A. BlaCkbumHin advance were James Edward. 3rd. MI'S. Mrs. WaS‘Iand they added Glenn as we”. R. 11.2 Permanent member. A houCIUEl‘day John Glenn made his his- Of red carnations was present- [Dryâ€"[nakjng orbit, I l led to your correspondent on the. Mrs_ Ken Foster has been Erandmomer- by Mrs- A-eration. At present she is at Young- HOSWSSGS 0f the Wen“ her sister's home in Toronto. 1113 were MFS- J~ Clement and. Another community membert Mrs- 1- Hill- NC“ meating allwho is in Scarboro Hospital at‘ the home of Mrs. A. Blackburnnpresent is Mrs. Jack Hams. Ross Don“ SChool . Don Co’hn's doctor has finallyl _ 0“ Fabmary 23rd' the .pup‘lsidiagnosed glandular fever and 0f Ross D03" SChOOI' pa’d t1'l'thepatitis. a tricky combination bum .to D1" R955 .Doan' 0“ the not to be fooled with. so he will occasmn Of 1115 blrthday' They be out of circulation for a few gathered in the hall and sang more weeks. Mrs. Norman Reid. Mrs. W. l the school song and a birthdayl. were distributed among the stu» dents. Caren Brown of Pemberton n.‘ 'a United Church Women's pro- gramme conference for York Presbytery at Richmond Hill 3, r:_, -__:._ -n-.. L_:.._ Phone AXmlnster 3-6188 welcomed into the club as agince the baby arrived on the: occasion of her becoming a‘gravely ill since her recent opJ dition. when on Sunday they‘ ‘started off with a hockey ga ie,‘ which ended in a score of 27-251 ‘ After a 45 minute period for; lopes‘; Gormley ‘ A day which will live long in 1the memories of this Button-i iville community is the one Nan- ‘cy Brown and Jim Wolfe chose for their wedding â€"â€" February 22. 1962. “All went. merry as a marriage bell." until a sudden storm whipped up late Friday night, rearranging the quanti- ties of snow already with 115.; and adding a generous do‘lop. Saturday morning diwnedi snowy white â€"- and all around the countryside snowdrifts pro-1 vided an effective seal for masti lanes and driveways. to say noâ€" thing of the sideroads. The members of the church group which was to cater for the reception took stock of‘ their own situation. and tele- phones began to clamour. This one would brave the drifts in the lane if someone could pick‘ her up at the road; another re- gretfully admitted the drifts lcommittee ycl LUIILLIUIIJ Ll\ nu ‘ sures must be taken immediate~‘ 1y. It was decided to form a to reorganize the club. and a meeting of this com- Llltll ulna \u’i Graeme a rest and hot food. the group mittee will be called in the next various headed for Summit Golf Courselfew days. paid techniques employed in monkey- where_tliemsnroitcovered s BUTTONVILLE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. F. H. LEAF One of the main problems will be to find the reasons for the poor attendance. is it caused by . Lack of interest. Indifference. Poor programme planning. Lack of notification. Inconvenient time of meet- ings. 6. The club is tin-necessary. Or is it. that we are. so full of our own superiority that we know all about scouting and‘ can‘t be bothered to turn out and learn more abOut the spirit of scouting. For it is in meeting other scouters and sharing their problems and answers that we become better scouts and better leaders. Can we honestly. say that we are keeping ouri scout promise it through our! indifference. we lose these gol- den opportunities of meeting our brother scouters. The future of the Scouters Club is the direct responsibility of every scouter in York Sum- mit District and must not be‘ left to the few who turn out and do all the work. If you have any ideas. beefs .-.. ‘or suggesions a phone call to PR. 3-5414 after seven in the evening will be greatly apprec- iated. Badges Under the present system of were too high and the lane toolbadge testing. it is very m. long to navigate on.foot- One portant that the scouter con- mtrepid soul who lives three- cemed is certain that the boy O the home of Mrs. A. Blackburn. 1Ross Doan School a. On February 23rd, the pupils 50f Ross Doan SCHOOL paid tri-t zbute to Dr. Ross Doan. on the‘ ,occasion of his birthday. They‘ .gathered in the hall and sang tithe school song and a birthday :song specially written for Dr. Doan. Gaily decorated cup cakes were distributed among the stu- dents. Correspondent Mrs. A. Blackburn 108 Yongehurst TU. 4-2617 On February 20th. Marie Wise. Susan LaRose. Patty Clark, Andrea Baldwin, were enrolled into the 3rd Richvale Guide Company. Rev. Howard J. Veals was in charge of the service at Carr- ville United Church last Sun- day. At Sunday School, Donnie Bone received his third year bar and seal. Robby Bone re- ceived his gunmetal and silver pins, George Melnic his silver pin. Gayle Campbell her bronze and gunmetal pins. Johnny and Terry Campbell their gunmetal pins. Joan and Danny Donneral their beginners' pins and Dar- ryl, Chuck and Tim Middleton their bronze pins. Gayle Melnic, who has been sick with the mumps, will receive her gold pin and certificate when she is able to get back to Sunday School. Caren Brown of Pemberton Rd. is fine again. after being confined to her home with the mumps. Nancy Ux‘ben has been on the sick list for the past two weeks Mrs. N. Leach is making pro- gress at hom‘e following her op- eration. Margaret Williams. March 12;: Andrew Wood, March 13; Mrs. J. Williams, March 18; Bob Mc- Ewen, March 23; Nancy Middle- ton. March 25; Bert Middleton. March 26; and Archie Nesbitt, March 31. ; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Middleton, Glen and Denise spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. James Ash and family at Moorefield. Mrs. Chas. Jordan. Doncaster; Mrs. Bob Middleton and Mrs. Bert Middleton attended a mis- cellaneous shower for Joan Don- :ahue in Toronto Tuesday. prior to her marriage to Mr. Corrigan of Toronto on Saturday. week Mr. and Mrs. Joe Robinson received Buttonville W.I. mem- bers and their families and friends on the occasion of the Cora Brodie. Mrs. M. Sherman. Mrs. Jean Cook; Messrs. Edgar Fuller, Alex Young and Joe Rob- inson. Lucky draws were won by Mrs. H. R. Paterson and E. Johnson, and travelling prizes went to Mr. J. Rodick and Mrs. F. Porter. W.I. family party. A pot-locks buffet supper was served to the ; 40 guests present. following ‘ which there was euchre. Win-- ners for the evening were Miss ' North Richvale Michael Bone celebrated his third birthday Monday, and in the evening he had his grand- aarents. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Kirk and Mr. and Mrs. E. Bore in for ice-cream and birthday cake. Correspondent Mrs. Bert Middleton Phone AL. 7-8920 CARRVILLE News : on u Aux.“ - a.» ; "Rehearsal" featured the re? 1' badges: cook gulal‘ Tuesday meeting of last) Kierhillv Lindauveek of the lst Beverley Acres exton and Linâ€"chout Troop when a number of 13 Bounds re-;the boys under the guidance aker. friend mlof Scoutmaster Norman Foster lrse, and laun- and Rover Skipper Graeme ‘Gould rehearsed the various Mrs, Ford paidfitechniques employed In monkey- lst Beverley Acres Scout Troop Winners at the last game were Mrs. Mildred Wilby. Mrs. |Patton, Mrs. Jean Trimble; .Messrs. Cec-il Latcham. Gus lAlms-tedt. and J. Dewsbury. Mr. Bill Middleton won the lucky draw, a bushel of apples, and freezeout winners were Mrs. Tl'im-ble and Miss Evelyn Trim- ble against Mr. Sinclair and Matt Davie. Presbytery at Richmond Hill United Church Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Clayton Jones achieved 99% in her grade 2 theory ex- amination at the Royal Toronto Conservatory of Music recently. Mary Steckley also received high honours. Both students are pupils of Mrs. S. J. English. Mrs. Gordon Purves travelled to Cochrane las-t week-end where she was guest speaker at a Cancer Society meeting. W. l. Euchre Series On Friday evening of this week the third last game of the Winter Euchre series will be played at Bu‘ttonville W. 1. Hall. intrepid soul who lives three~ quarters of a mile from the fliiglrway trekked out through 'snow knee deep on the level, and on Monday morning put in .an order for snow shoes. By noon on Saturday the sky cleared to a brilliant blue, and volunteerysnow shovellers ap- peared at the church to tidy up the sidewalks. Rick Tribbling hurried around the neighbourhood with his snowplough. freeing wedding guests and members of the wed- d-ing party. and then rushed back to the church to clear snow from /the parking lot. Came time for the weddingHwhhh cerned is certain that the boy is ready to pass the test before applying to ADC badges for testing. 5th Richmond Hill Scout Troop The 5th Troop, together with their leaders. Scoutmastei Drummond Fraser and A.S.M John Turner spent a very busy evening when they held their regular meeting on Friday, Feb- ruary 16th. The window display was ar- ranged at 25 Yonge Stree: North. relative to “Boy Scou‘ Week" and the remainder o: the evening was employed ir final rehearsing for the 5tl annual “Father & Son Banquet.’ mac hold in the C, F. freezeout winners were Mrs. Trim'ble and Miss Evelyn Trim- ble against Mr. Sinclair and Matt Davie. Hos-tesses were Mrs. A. Brown, Mrs. George Kelly. Miss E. French. Mrs. W. McGimpsey, Mrs. D. Arnott and Mrs. J. Rod- ick. Fourteen tables of players were present. Family Party Held On Tuesday evening of last week Mr. and Mrs. Joe Robinson received Buttonville W.I. mem- bers and their families and friends on the occasion of the W.I. family party. A pot-luck buffet supper was served to the 40 guests present. following which there was euchre. Win- ners for the evening were Miss Cora Brodie. Mrs. M. Sherman n__u,, Ilr ..... A 36” lake trout caught dur- ing the recent winter carnival at Temagami won for Mr. and ‘Mrs. Ran Musselman of Button- ville (the former Marie Brillin- ger of Richmond Hill) the Tem- agami Winter Carnival Fishing Trophy and a $50.00 additional pl'lze. Mr. and Mrs. Musselman were fishing through a 5 inch hole in Lake Temagami when the strike was made. Mr. Mussel- m-an played the fish for half an; hour and then discovered it was‘ too large to bring through the hole they had cut. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Maynard of Unionville who were members of the same party, were called in to assist. A larger opening was chopped in the ice and Mr. Maynard gaf- nu“; fed the fish. On Tuesday evening of last week Mr. and Mrs. Joe Robinson received Buttonville W.I. mem- bers and their families and friends on the occasion of the To Compete For Trip Johnson, anu travelling Lulu-:3 r e , ‘ went to Mr. J. Rodick and Mrs. Now the Mussaman‘ 3" an“ xious to learn how far the fish F' Porter” travelled in those two years â€" To Compete For Trip where it came from, and how Elizabeth Barker has been in- much it grew. formed that she may compete .Right now the prize winner is for the honour of representingbeing mounted by a Mount Al-r Canadian Junior 4-H club mem-‘bert taxidermist and its final bers on a tour of the British‘resting place will probany be Isles next summer. [over that stone fireplace at the tM‘usselman home. bridge building and other de- monstrations that were so ably performed over the weekend at the winter Scout Week display. held on the “lawn” in front of Richmond Hill Municipal Hall. “Hockey Match, Hike, Skiing,l Toboganning" all contributed to keep the boys -- and their twoi leaders -- in top physical con-i dition. when on Sunday they} started off with a hockey ga 12%,} which ended in a score of 27-21% After a 45 minute period for la rest and hot food. the group 1headed for Summit Golf Course where the snow covered slopes A day which will live long in} the memories of this Button- ville community is the one Nan- cy Brown and Jim Wolfe chose for their wedding â€"â€" February 22. 1962. “All went. merry as a marriage bell." until a sudden storm whipped up late Friday night, rearranging the quanti- ties of snow already with us. and adding a generous do‘lop. Came time for the wedding. and it was all worthwhile! No one would have missed it! Sel- dom has this old church, found- ed by her ancestors. seen a more winsome bride than Nancy Brown. 36” Trout Wins Carnival Prize Its girth was 18" and it weighed 15 lbs. 7 02. A tag it bore stated the fish had been netted two years ago. The marriage was solemnized at Brown‘s Corners United Church on Saturday. February 17. when Patricia Hickey, ‘dau- g-hter of Mrs. Jean Corkum of Grand Prairie. Alberta. and Her- bert Hickey. Winnipeg. became ‘the bride of Douglas McMaster, ison of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mc- i'Master, Millikan. Rev. Dr. A. F. Binnington of- ficiated. Mrs. Donald Reesor played the wedding music and the soloist was Mrs. Clayton Jones. Escorted by her uncle. Mich- ael Srala of St. Catherines. the bride \va,s lovely in a gown of candlelight brocade. with snug- ly fitted bodice. oval neckline and tight sleeves. The waltz length bouffant skirt featured back detail of pleated fullness and a draped bow. Her fingertip veil was caught to a dainty irridescent coronet of white sequins. and she car- ried a crescent bouquet of red roses and white hyacinth flor- ets. Miss Darlene Kennedy was the bride's only attendant, Wearing cornflower blue sheer over taf- feta, fashioned with fitted bod- ‘ice and full skirt. Her blue se- ‘qulned headdress was similar to the bride's and she carried roses. carnations and snapdrag- ons shading from rose-pink to red. Neil Brum-well was best man. and the ushers were Bill Taylor and Dale Brumwell. At a recep- tion in the church parlours, Mrs. Richard Elgie of Scarboro. the bride's aunt, received with Mrs. Russell McMaster. Mrs. E1- gie's gown was a delft wool sheath. with white fur hat and corsage of roses and carnations. Mrs. McMaster chose eggshell braid-embroidered brocade with matching hat of satin and vel- vet bows. Her flowers “ere red 5 F0585 timer a brief honeymoon to‘ 7 Bufialnt N Y., Mr. and Mrs‘ Mc- Master will reside in Scarboro, magma McMASTER-HICKEY Scout and Cub News was best It were ideal for toboganning andithe use skiing. Mill St York Summit Scouters Club ‘headqua The regular monthly meeting} of the Scouters Club was held‘ in Richmond Hill United‘ Church on Sunday. February 18th. It was apparent to the few scouters who attended that if the club is to perform its pro- per functions then drastic mea- sures must be taken immediate- ly. It was decided to form a committee to reorganize the One of the main problems will be to find the reasons for the poor attendance. is it caused by Lack of interest. Indifference. Poor programme planning, Lack of notification. Inconvenient time of meet- wewwr 6. The club is tin-necessary. “'"91‘99‘ Or is it. that we are so full of . Coun“ our own superiority that we mg 0f 39 know all about scouting and‘PUI'POSES can't be bothered to turn out Area N0 and learn more about the spirit PI‘ODOSEd of scouting. For it is in meetingw‘lfififllfig other scouters and sharing their problems and answers that ' we become better scouts a’nd ‘ better leaders. Can we honestly say that we are keeping our} scout promise it through our! 1indifference. we lose these gol- iden opportunities of meeting ‘our brother scouters. is ready to pass the test before applying to ADC badges for testing. 5th Richmond Hill Scout Troop The 5th Troop, together with their leaders. Scoutmaster annual "Father 8: son Banquet." which was held in the C. E. Building, Richmond Hill United Church. on Friday evening, Feb: ruary 23rd. lst Richmond Hill Rover Crew The Group Committee of the lst Richmond Hill Rover Crew are happier these days -- a: the official formation and recogni- tion of the lst -- is rapidly com- ing into focus. The committee is very appreciative of the co- operation received from Rich- mond Hill Town Council and‘ the Ontario Water Resources Mr. Barrott reports that there} has been a considerable increase- in the building trade in past! weeks. Eleven building lots in‘ the Richmond Heights subdiviy sion have been sold to build: ers over a short period of time‘ and a number of smaller parcels‘ of land have been acquired for further development In the‘ spring. ‘ AURORA : A suggestion made in town council that the parks board should be discontinued and its work carried on by the Board. and there is now the distinct possibility of securing ‘council’s park committee was lheld over for discussion. it you have any ideas. oeeis )r suggesions a phone call to PR. 3-5414 after seven in the evening will be greatly apprec- lated. Badges Under the present system of badge testing. it is very im- portant that the scouter con- cerned is certain that the boy is ready to pass the test before applying to ADC badges for testing. 5th Richmond Hill Scout Troop The 5th Troop, together with their leaders. Scoutmaster Drummond Fraser and A.S.M. John Turner spent a very busy evening when they held their regular meeting on Friday, Feb- ruary 16th. ‘_.. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Miller and family have recently taken. up residence at 317 Cells Road; ‘Mr.'Miller is mana r of Al- xlencourt Bowling Lanes and also: ‘a director of the newly-formedf Richmond Hill Chamber of* Commerce. Mr. and Mrs. G. Wil-l son and family. who have been} residents in the Hill for somel ‘time, have recently moved into{. t331 Sugar Maple Lane. Mr. Wil-i ‘son is an owner of Wilson-Nib-l 9 O O lett Motors Ltd. local G. M.‘ auto dealer. Q Mr. and Mrs. B. Lahonen andi. family are new residents of 221‘ Elka Drive, having recentlyl: Imoved from Oak Ridges. Mr.l tLahonen is employed by Plaza? Taxi Co. of Richmond Hill. ! Ann: vv. v. nay... u. . .-.... The window displav was a1‘-‘ Mr and Mr: 'T‘o; _ - ‘ . -. y Farago {Iangtfid $13.25 tYoflée sstlelel: meni and family recently mov- ‘ or 193 We 0 de C0 fed into 328 Skoplt Road. Mr. week and the remam er 0 Faragomeni is a cement finish- “.19 evening .was employed inler with Stephenson Construction final rehearsmg for the 5thiof Richmond Hill. annual "Father 8" so“ Banquet", Mr. Barrott reports that there WhiCh “’35 hem in the C- E- has beenaconsiderable increase Building. Richmond Hill United in the building trade in past Churc'h' 0“ Friday eveningv Feb‘m’eeks. Eleven building lots in ruary 23rd. th Richmond H ‘ ht bd' ‘- lst RiChmond “in Rover Crew Sifn have been Stnsul'millvdl- EELECTRUHBME VALUES ., r. W & APPLIANCESE 34 YONGE ST. SOUTH - AV.5-3756E {XXXXXXX Magnificent Handcrafted Cabinetry. That’s Stereo Hi-Fi by Electrohome. Hand rubbed cabinets . . . hand~wired chassis and matched components . . . . perfectly balanced speaker system. Garrard 4-speed Automatic Changer. This is just one of a beautiful range of Electrohome Stereo Hi-Fi that. come in many color styles -â€" Mahogany, Swedish walnut. DROP IN FOR A DEMONSTRATION CASTAN ET oganning and the use of the pump-house on Mill Street for use as their uten Club headquarters. Mr. Art Spence, nthly meetinghvho, for many year has been ilub was held actively associated with the lst Hill United Richmond Hill Scout‘Troop, is now engaged in capacity for the Hill Rover Crew Rate For Debentures: Delights Markham Tp.: Markham Township officials declared themselves as delight- ed \\‘ith (he price secured for a recent debenture issue of 5109.000. covering an extension to the Woodland School. Best offer was that of Wood. Gundy and Co., Ltd.. at $98.96 per $100. The issue is dated one :o “twenty years and interest mic 'is 51/: per cent. Eight birls were received, lowest being $97 ‘ Council has approved borrow- ing of 595.000 for public school ‘purposas for Township School lAi‘ea No. 2. This is to cover a fproposed new school on 14th :Avenue east of Kennedy. Building Sites Move Beginning States Realtor Although real estate move- ment remained slow last week, Frank Barrett of Marple Real Estate reports increased activity in related fields. THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday. March 1. 1962 a supervisory lst Richmond Large 23-inch screen â€" custom Duromatic Chassis â€"- 5 inch PM. Speaker. Finished in various finishes with Electrohome exclusive Duradeil finishâ€"â€" (mar-resistant) â€" Transformer powered chassis â€" Illuminated channel indicator. Only ELECTROHOME gives you the protection covering all parts and tubes. STRATTON screen â€" custom l)ur0matic XXXXXXXXXTL 11

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