574“; you . .. BA. 2-4015 Private Park 2 BEDROOM WITH BALCONY $115 2 BEDROOM $110 1 BEDROOM WITH BALCONY $100 I BEDROOM $95 FREE RENT UNTIL MAY lst GARAGES AVAILABLE. For Information MWWM\W\\§M\\\W__‘ ‘ BANK OF MONTREAL wamm‘mmW If you are torn between two major purchases, perhaps you don’t have to decide which it will be. Maybe you should have both! Chances are. you can. too . . . by ï¬nancing one or both of them on the Bank of Montreal Family Finance Plan. When you don't have all the cash you need to buy what you want, the B of M Family Finance Plan in an excellent way to group seweral purchases under a single, low-cost. lifevinsured loan. Monthly repay- ments to suit your convenience may be extended up to three years. So, don‘t call a coinâ€"call on your nearest branch of the B of M and enjoy more of the things you Want right now! WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK 0! “FE SINCI 1817 ll DERVOCK CRESCENT Broadloom Hall, Elevator Service, Inter Com System, Free TV Outlet, Famin Finance Wish to thank all their many customers for spreading the many pleasant comments we hear about our . . . . . The Stafl’ or . Albert Brown Coiffures LUXURIOUS APARTMENT BUILDING BAYVIEW 8. SHEPPARD Richmond Hill Branch (2 Blocks East of Bayview To Rean Drive South on Rean Drive to Dervock Cres.) Richmond Heights Centre And for our ever increasing business that has made us one of the busiest and most successful SALONS in Rich- mond Hill. Call a few days ahead for your appointment. Creative Hair Style 285 - I416 Ida's all DIS â€" BA. 2-2428 BA. 2-2916 WM! 0 Iowa“! I of M lilo-Insured loan yew personal and" and: undu on. roof DONALD ROSS, Manager “MY BANW i The home owners in Grand- lvlew Estates formed their own ratepayers' association at their ï¬rst meeting held at the Hen- derson Avenue Public School, February 19th. Grandview Es- tates â€" a new community loc- ated on the north side of Steeies Avenue and just west of Bay- view Avenue â€" comprising one hundred and eighty homes, from which more than one hundred residents attended this meeting. The executive chosen is as follows: President - Dr. C. Phil- lips, Grandview Avenue; Vice- President - Mr. George Greer. Graudview Avenue; Secretary - Mr. Don Loadman. Courtham Avenue; Treasurer - Mr. B. Brennan, Henderson Avenue. Ratepayers The object for the forming of this ratepayers’ association was to consider all subjects tending to promote the welfare of the community, to devise, recom- mend and promote such meas- ures as may be deemed wise and expedient in the interests of‘ the community and to generally promote a good municipal gov- ernment, particularly as it al- fects the community. iag'o: the year. The time is 8 o’clock. This meeting will concern the' parents in particular as they have many interesting things to bring to their attentipn. Executive committee mem- bers: Messrs. Bob Sloan, Bright- bay; A. Stevens, Grandview Avenue; E. Lynch. Grandview Avenue; G. Galer, Almond Ave.; G. Ford, Grandview Avenue. Problems discussed were the high water rate (75¢ per thous- and gallons, plus an additional water charge for sewage disc posnl), the high hydro rates and the unexpectedly high taxes. These problems were well dis- cussed and left in the hands of the committee. Grandview Es- tates Ratepayers‘ Association will hold a regular meeting monthly at the Henderson Ave- nue Public School. Here end There Scottish dancing every Fri- day night at Henderson Avenue School. Drop in and see, “you lads and l-assies and have a wee dance with us, eh?" Brownies and Girl Guides are holding a meeting at Henderson Avenue Public School on March, 12th. This meeting is for all mo-' thers and will be the last meet-l There are lovely ï¬lms shown every second Saturday of the month at Henderson Ave. Pubâ€" lic School. These are put on for the children of school age and are sponsored by the home and school of Henderson Avenue School. The price is 25¢ each. The children are well looked after by responsible ladies and gentlemen. This is a great bene- ï¬t to our community. “Evydh have not ordered your Brownie and Guide cookies yet. ‘ it is still not too late, glease_do 'Sbfh-bâ€"Eca'i‘ï¬Ã©i m'4â€"0c a doz‘ Call AV. 5-5637. Correspondent Mrs. Fred St. John 75 Crestwood Road Wlllowdale Telephone AV. 5-3448 Powell Road boys won their second hockey game, played at Richmond Hill Arena last Mon- day against Ross Doan School. Score, 3-1. Stars of the game were Lewis Francis. Peter Zepp and Barry S§.}ohn._ Mrs. Iris McEwen held a cof- fee party at her home last Mon- day. Proceeds went to the home and school association. A lamp was donated and tickets sold, winner was Mrs. Marg Miller. _ Mr. Barbara Rogers celebrat. ed her birthday last Wednesday. Paul Antonacci celebrated his sixth birthday, with a sleigh- ing party at Pioneer Village on Steeles Avenue West, having his chums back to his home for lgoodiel afterwards. iSick List mMr. George St. John, Steeles gveï¬ West is home with I bad ac Mrs. Hobbs, former resident of Steele: Ave., is in Women's College Hospital, having sui- fered a stroke recently. Church News Marguerite Hill A". 5â€"5573 “The Liberal" is very pleased to announce the nppointment of Mrs. Mar- ;uerite Hill as our repres- entative in Grandview Es- tates. In order that we may give your area complete news coverage kindly phone all items of local interest to Mrs. mu. Newtonbrook Baptist Church has a building permit for a three-floor Christian Education Wing to be added to their pres- ent church. Pastor and Mrs. Bar- ton have just celebrated their first anniversary this month in the church, receiving roses from members and friends. Grandview Estates WILLOWDALE "'s’i’. Eii’éhéli Baylon Church. Steeles Ave., West Women's League held its meeting recent- ly. announcing the events for 1962. "Prléms are being made to holdll a St. John’s Ambulance Course†on First Aid. J ;‘ 0n Valentine's Day C.W.L. members served refreshments to patients at St. John's Conval- escent Hospital. "“The Méturing Girl" lecture series is being held in St. Jos- eph's Convent. The guest spea- ;ker next week will be Father xstone. Members of the League voted to send $15.50 to the Rosaries for Chili Fund to help meet the objective of one million pairs of Rosary beads for that country. March meeting wlll have Mrs. Joan Sutton of the Russell Chemical Co. as guest speaker. Her talk will cover the mixing and matching of colours and planning of colour Ichemel. Crestwood Rd. News Correspondent regular meeting Henderson Ave- iNew Magistrate's Court Approved .By Chief Constab|es Of District Two-snd-a-hslf months ago features of the Richmond Hill “The Liberal" carried a story Court, but he also expressed announcmg the coming 0‘ a pleasure at the expense saved magistrate’s court to Richmond by not having to go to New- Hill. At that time it was said market “Mueage was one of that “among beneficiaries oi the me biggest expenses," he said, move W111 be 10081 POI-ice ‘19- “each trip to Newmarket put Partmenu Whose members have considerable miles on the cars had to put in considerable extra and when we went two or three time travelling to Newmarket' “me, . week travemng costs Newmarket had the only mag- really went “pm lstrate’s court in York County prior to the one set up in the Vaughan Township Police Hill to serve the southern mun- Chief James Davidson agreed icipalities of the county. Every with his "opposite numbers" on time a case was heard, the of- the saving of time and money flcer concerned had to appear by having a court in Richmond ‘in Newmarket. Hill. _He summed up his feel “c LLl-‘- IA ...lll Police chiefs of the munici- palities served by the new court are quite satisï¬ed with the move. Chief R. P. Robbins of Richmond Hill, like the chiefs of Vaughan and Markham Town- ships, is mainly interested in the time saved by members of his department in appearing in court. When the court was held in Newmarket, officers had to leave Richmond Hill in the mor- ning and in many cases did not ‘get back on duty until late in the afternoon. However, as it is now, court is usually over by noon and only two or three hours is taken up in court. Chief Robbins also emphasized the fact that his department is not left short-handed all day as a result of the new court. “When court was being held in Newmarket we would have from one to eight officers away at a time", he said, “now that the court is here in Richmond Hill the men can get back on duty as soon as their cases have been dealt with". Chief Clarence Widem-an of} Markham Township also em- phasized the time-saving factor as one of the most important N RIBHMON “SH PPER STOPPERS†You’ll find more room on your budget for the things you and your family need and want, when you shop at these stores in Richmond Hill, where you can see wider selections, compare more prices and get better values in less time. Vaughan Township Police Chief James Davidson agreed with his “opposite numbers" on the saving of time and money by having a court in Richmond Hill. He summed up his feel lugs by saying. “1 think it will prove itseif in a very short time As a follow-up to a statement ‘ made by Chief R. P. Robbins recently, to the effect that his department was staging a crack- down on drivers who disobey stop signs and traffic signals, a number of people appeared in Richmond Hill's Magistrate's Court recently on “failing to stop" charges. The penalty im- posed on those convicted was $15 plus court costs. Approxim- ately 10 convictions were also registered for speeding offences with fines ranging from $12 plus costs to $25 plus costs. Hea- vier fines were imposed when the speeding offence occurred in a school zone. Failing To Stop‘ Campaign NowOn A number of “one eyed. mon- ster†cases - cars with only one headlight - were dealt with. ‘The penalty imposed was $5. Pupils of Mrs. Harold Joseph, R.M.T., who were successful in their planoforte examinations, were: Grade 11: Rose Marie Martin, Aurora. honours. Grade 111: Joan Wideman, R. R. 4, Stouffvllle honours. Joy Hisey. King City, honours. Grade IV: Carolyn Pogue, Vandorf, honours: Elaine Stew- art, Vandorf, honours; Frances Hisey,,Klng City. honours; Jea- nette J oseph. Gormley, honours; Harold Brilllnger, R.R. 4. Stouffvllle. pass; Doris Brlmn- ger, R.R. _4. Stoufgvuje, pass. Stouffville. pass; Doris Brillin-l ger, RR. 4. Stouffvllle, pass. Grade VI: Frederica Joseph, Gormley, honours. Rev. C. E. Hunldng. Mr. Mur- ray Bennett and Mr. Allan Don- er are attending General con- ference of the United Mission- ary Church being held this week at Detroit, Michigan. The final meeting of the Tea: Mrs. J. Bond has returned af- ter spending a few weeks with her son-in-law and daughter. Rev. and Mrs. Cecil Brown of Collingwood. _ _ Mr. Jesse Cober, well known at Gormley, died at his home in Stouffville on Saturday morn- ing. The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon at Heise Hill Church. Sympathy is extended to his widow, and his last sur- viving sister and brother Misa Nancy Cober and Mr. deorge Cober, both of Gormiey. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Thornton of Uxbridge had supper on Sat- SINGER SEWING MACHINE TRAFFIC PROMOTION SALE Last Few Days Save on Notions, Bobbins, Needles, Etc. Rug Cleaning Floor Polihers Only $34.8 Many Other Bargains, Come 8. Brouse Around SINGER SEWING CENTRE (1 18A YONGE 51. N. IU. 433%; CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED GORMLEY NEWS Telephone Gormley 5201 urday with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lewis had dinner on Tuesday with their daughter, Mrs. Sugden and fam- ily of Bethesda. Elliott W'MVrs. Nelson of Belhaven spent a day with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. R. Rose. 7 r A meeting of the York Cen- tral Volunteer Auxiliary will be held on Thursday, night. March 1 at 8.15 pm. in the auditorium of the United Church at Rich- mond Hill. All members and those interested are cordially invited to attend. The consti- tution will be read and the el- ection of officers will take place at this mceting. Men. too, are specially invited. Mrs. Beulah Jones was able} to be released from Brim-bush Hospital, Stouffville, and is convalescing for a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Doner of Stouffvllle. A luncheou will be held at the home of Mrs. Cecil Nichols. Victoria Square, at 12:30 Satur- day, March 10, for women of the Victoria Square. Headford, and Gormley area for members and interested friends of the York Central Hospital Auxil- THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, March 1, 1962 iary. Guest speakers are Mrs.l R. J. Miller, one of the Hos- pital Board of Trustees and Mr. G. Chatfield who ls to be; business administrator of the Hospital. Will all those who ex- ‘pect to attend the luncheon, please telephone Mrs. R. G. Britnell of Gormley 5471. by Ron March 8? Thank you. Several carloads of the youn- had get young people of Helse Hill he“. attended the Hi C Young Peo- xam_ ple's Group at Beverley Acres United Church on Sunday night. Due to Rev. C. E. Hunking being at General Conference on Sunday, March 4, Rev. R. Coul- ter will be the guest speaker on Sunday morning, and the Deeks family will have charge of the Sunday evening service. The Ladies' Sewing Cifcle Fnet on Wednesday in the United Migsionary phurcp basement.‘ | Lincoln & Welland Regiment Assoc. I OPEN DANCE : Friday, March 16th, 1962 at the ‘1 ii Mr. Allan Doner surprised his family on Monday morning when he arrived from USA. to spend a day with them. Allan had to leaave again Tuesday at- ternoon to attend the General Conference in Detroit. Members of Richmond Hill Rotary Club will help two pro- jects -â€" the Thomhaven School for Retarded Children and the Police Boys' Band. At a recent meeting it was agreed to give $100 to each organization. Rotarians Aid School III““â€"“‘I““‘i‘ UGIIVILIE LU “II VI LIICDNI“. ALULII J Palllu DU 1. new. ‘I $2.50 PER COUPLE 884-5757 I (“I,,“““g-“‘I‘I ' 24B Yonge St. South I‘““““““““' |MWWMW REFRESHMENTS Dancing to an Orchestra, from 9 pm. to 1 am Java Shoppe, 814 Dufferin Street 25 Yonge St. South PRICED $29.95 To $69.95 FROM PATTI-[U SHOP W 20 YONGE ST. SOUTH WATCH FOR OUR Sale Announcement IN THE LIBERAL NEXT WEEK THRIFTY SHOPPER STORE This Wer Only Come In And See Our Terrific Selection Of New Spring Coats And Accessories H. O. TRAINS (Duffel-1n Plaza) 30i§§*BILL DING says: All Our BOWDEN lUMBERCo. (Home Improvement Division) Stop 23 Yonge St. Richvale AV. 5-4921 - TU. 4-1] Evenings: Craig Bowden TU. 4-1668 RICHMOND HILL DOOR PRIZES 'T'UI 4-2961 I TU. 4-1121