Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Mar 1962, p. 14

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When unit 'four of the United Church Women of Maple United Church, held their first meetâ€" If the snow hasn't. chased all qur neighbours to warmer cllmes already. we would a- gain like to suggest that they get in touch with me, AL. 7â€" 1150 on their return. We all can't go - but its fun sharing in your fortunes and holidays. Hey, maybe even some have one North (that's for me) - so et’s hear from you from all directions. Also celebrations, birthdays and parties. United Church Women “bug'in the true value a“ If the information asked for delegations must not be unworK-[is not supplied any presentation “’19 and create m'wm~ made to the board will be con- sidered as if made by the pe- titioner speaking as an individ- ual. acting on his own behalf In its final form the resolu- tionirequlirefs thath anyone ap- pear ng eore te planning board. who purports to repres- €313, “ind not as the representa- ‘e’nt a group of persons. be rc- “'9 0 a group‘ quired to produce a copy of the The planning board also sut» resolution appointing him, and gested a recommendation to that the matter to be presented township council that all known lhall also be defined in a reso- property-owners and/or rats- 11571011 adopted by the group. payers associations in the town- A. Kirk asserted “we should assist rather than discourage" in lnsisting that regulations es- tablishing the true value of delegations must not be unwork- able and create ill-will. Vaughan Township Planning Board is determined ship to make sure that those who appear before it, claiming :3; that they represent ratepayers’ associations or similar ship bodies, have the right to do so, and that they speak men for a majority â€"â€" not a minority â€" of the group they be . prol claim to represent. list At its recent meeting theEPercentage Required reco board adopted a resolution de-I Inmrmatm“ mu“ 3159,“ “113‘ T1 plied to the board givmg the pm: “mug the proof which must Demame and location of the group, Stag: provided in such cases. Adan-line date of the meeting at which pm tion followed considerable 'ii- the resolutions were adopted effe cussion. both at this and a pre- a?“ :19 n“??? 015 Persons 1'; soci‘ ‘ - ~ e roup. e percen age a ‘ vlous meeting. Chainrnan Robert property owners and the p05“ Suit}! A- Kl’k 3555119" “1'9 Should tion on the vote must also bel .~ "313‘.m.ther than dlsc°uragc" defined. All information mtist‘e"ls 1.“. 495.131“ that pragmatifms 95: be certified by the secretary. ado) lnl-n Vaughan Planning Board Piliys Safe Authority To Speak To Be Shown By Association Representatives; 14 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. OntafioxThursday, March 1, 1962 Maple, Concordé “The when!” is always willing to publish Interesting Items regarding people and events contributed by its readers in Maple. Concord & Edgeley districts. Our representative in Maple in Mrs. Len Shore. ALpine 7-1150: in Edgeley Ind Sherwood. Mn. Rumond Stuart, AV. 5-1934; and h, concord, Mn mm, Keller, 285-4040. Rel. Phone Gormley 536! THURSDAY. MARCH 22nd, 1962 for the Re-Roofing and Sheet Metal Work on the Biology and Pathology Buildings for the Department of Lands and Forests. Ontario. at Maple, Ontario. Plans, Specifications. Tender f0 rms, Tender envelopes and Contract Requirements, may be obtained from. or viewed at Room T704 (Tower). Department of Public Works. East Block, Parliament Buildings. Toronto 2, Ontario, lEmp. 3-1211. Local 24279), and may also be viewed at the Toronto Construction Association. Toronto. Ontario. A $500.00 Bid Bond and a 109% Performance Bond will be required as specified. Tenders will not be considered unless made on forms sup- plied by the Department of Public Works, Ontario. in ac- cordance with the terms and conditions as set forth there- in. A Deposit~ of $2500 CASH, or CERTIFIED CHEQUE made payable to the Treasurer of Ontario. will be re- quired per set of tender documents, which will be refund~ ed if documents are returned in good condition within thirty days of above closing date. otherwise forfeited. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Parliament Buildings. J. D. Millar. Toronto 2. Ontario. Deputy Minister. February 16th. 1962 Department of Public Works. Ontario Kenneth Shepherd Office. TU. 4-2291 31 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill Be. Phone Markham 7'14 farms supplied by the Department: “37115; FécéiVeva; Tenders Secretary. Room 6630. East Block. Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2.»Qntario. until 3.00 pm. (E.S.T.) on §EALED spa: TENDERS proberly endorsed on -â€"/Ammuu Insulnnuconum Canadian Head Office. Toronto. Ont. Office. TU. 4-229 1 31 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill RE-ROOFING AND SHEET METAL WORK BIOLOGY AND PATHOLOGY BUILDINGS MAPLE. ONTARIO STATE FARM MUTUAL Lloyd Harvey f Unit five met in the evening ‘of February 20, in the church parlour where their officers .were duly elected; unit leader: ,Mrs. D. Jarrett; vice-leader: Mrs. D. Oliver; secretary: Mrs. N. Woods; treasurer: Mrs. W. Keffer; program convenor; Mrs. R. Homer; social. convenor: Mrs. L. Palmer: pianists: Mrs. H. Jackson and Mrs. R. Homer. Mrs. N. Woods led in a wor- ship period with the theme "The Future is now!" A number of the ladies at- tended the program workshop for the United Church Women held in the Richmond Hill Uni- ted Church. February 21. Sunday School Anniversary The Sunday School of Maple United Church held its anni- versary service on Sunday, Feb ruary 13 at 10:15 a.m., with Mr. Norman Lund in charge. Miss Marilyn Field read the Scrip- ture. Two lovely solos 3‘A Child’s Prayer” and “I Think When I Read the Sweet Stories of Old," were sung by Miss Lois Perkins, accompanied by Mrs. W. Woods. The Junior De- partment sang “Follow the Gleam" led by Mrs. J. Pile, ac- companied by Mrs. N. Payne. winter camp-out display at Richmond Hill. St. Stephen’s W. A. The regular meeting of the St. Stephen’s Anglican Church W. A. February meeting took on a party flavour as the mem- bers of the Girls‘ Auxiliary, in earning their cooking badges, served a lovely supper to the forty mothers and W. A. mem- bers present, at the home of the G. A. leader. Mrs. B. Hayes. Their menu, its preparing and serving, surely guaranteed their badges - chicken a la king on rice, tomato aspic, strawberry ice cream on meringues and coffee. mmm good! While the girls completed their task with washing _the World Day of P The women district are re Women’s World March 9. held United Church women from tl‘ Presbyterian Cl theran Church, phen’s Anglica meet with the Church women period. All over men’s groups v in churches. h: raising their c in prayer in ha theme “God’s Whole World." Mrs. B. F. I the local guest The guest speaker was Mrs. Stewart Rumble from Head- ford, who gave an illustrated talk on “The Part Our Sunday Schools Play In The Early ‘ The theme “Resolutions for United Church Women" was taken by Mrs. E. Hemphill as she led in the worship period. ing on February 20, Mrs. 5. Va- lentin was elected unit leader. Other officers elected were, secretary: Mrs. E. Hemphill; treasurer: Mrs. E. Bocrett; pro- gram committee: Mrs. J. Dar- lington and Mrs. M. Kinnee; social convener: Mrs. G. Dar- ker; pianist: Mrs. C. Dyson. l Maple Notes STEEL LINTELS | BEAMS To Custom Specifications PINDER BROS. ND. 2 Otonobee R A 132244 STEEL FABRICATING Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service 1 Besides having the usual ex-I "wle "v"; "v"ng I citement of a “First Nighter” affair, they were there to ap- The regular meeting Of 0111‘ plaud one actor. in particular.-club was held on February 22nd John Walter. As one of the;with several guests in atten- stars in this amateur theatreldance. Lions Emerson Wilshire, group, Pete's brother John, has George Clark and Ron Robin- been appearing with the com- son brought greetings from munity players, for several sea- Humber Summit Lion's Club, [sons and they flgured it was also Gord Madill and Stuart :high time they dropped in for Dyson from the Central Ontario ya lookdsee. ‘in person.’ Cattle Breeding Association in Maple. A short business meeting A 3‘1"“ ‘VCekend followed dinner and the meeting It was ‘winter trailer camping’ was then turned over to Lion for Raymond Pmeau when he Andy Snider who took the spent a weekend with his uncle members and guests en masse in h.”- h.-.'l.._ -1. n-__:, , Miss Lois Perkins sang “0 Troubled Heart be Still,” ae- companied by Mrs. R. Clegg at the organ. Assignment - Scouts : We in Maple manage to keep right in there and on top with the news. When Albert Bishop and Greg Shore were 'on cam- era’ recently. they were given one of C.B.C.'s top cameramen who had just retired from cov- ering Cape Canaveral, and pre- viously from Algiers and Kenya and whose immediate assign- ment on his return was to film the Scouts during their winter camp-out display at Richmond Hill. St. Stephen’s W. A. While the girls completed their task with washing the dishes, the W. A. held their bus- iness meeting. Rounding out the ovening were the films shown by Mrs. Ted Bryon of the trip she and her husband had taken through ‘Europe and the British Isles. The 1962 W. A. executive is Honorary President: Mrs. R. Armitage; put president, Mrs. Flo Reeds; president; Mrs. Vera Kirkland; vice president: Mrs. ‘Evelyn Dodds, treasurer, Mrs. Joyce Elkins; secretary, Mrs. Valerie O'Neill: social, Mrs. Pat James; little helpers, Mrs. James Martin and Mrs. Lepper; Dor- 1cais. Mrs. Amos; bulletin secre- itary, Mrs. Hilda Miller; advis- [ory representative, Mrs. Ted .Bryon. Th2: next W. A .meeting will be March 14. LUAIU“ It was ‘winter trailer campin ’ w as for Raymond Pineau when he Andy spent a weekend with his uncle memb in his trailer at Barrie - and'm the ooh the snow!! he h; Mumps at I] 1942 The George Vigus family were interested spectators at the dedication service of the new Christian Education Build- ing and gymnasium of the Bed- ford Park United Church. Feb- ruary 25. Before moving to Maple, George had been most active with the work of the young people of that church. W: I Boy m “15 51'3"” at Barrie ‘ and'to the office of {he C.B.A. where 00h the SHOW” he has been employed since Mumps at H 1948. Lion Andy gave a' short Dorothy Murchison has all talk of the history and func- our sympathy and more- as she'tions of this unit followed by CODES With, along “'ith 01h€r!a queétion and answer period ‘things,’ â€" the mumpsil Attend Dedication Service :and a tour of the buildings. The future of lst Maple “B” pack cubs looks bright as its Akela, Russ Locke and his wife Terry announced the birth of their son. a brother for Debra and David - at the York County flospital. Newmarket, February “Half of the fun is in the rehearsals.” - that well known phrase still holds in this case but by all indications the fun will bubble right over into the ‘main performance when the smaller folk of the Maple Un- Sub-division By-law Study The board will also study the existing sub-division by-law adopted some years ago when local legislation to control sub- division was necessary because no official plan existed. It was felt that with the passage of time a number of se'ctions had become outdated and caused complications. Following the Sunday school service, the Rev. Harold Davies installed the officers of the Sunday school in the regular 11:30 am. church service. He used for his sermon topic, “The Challenge Qt kThe_ Future." These suggestions. it was em- phasized, would then enable the staff to give the board a clear picture, in map form. of the the effective coverage of each as- sociation. An attempt to discover what effect the by-law, in its present form, has on township affairs was considered necessary by the board. Its staff was instructed to give the project a high priority. A few days ago. Dottie and “Pete” Walter took off for Sheboygan, Wisconsin, to attend the opgnjng night of the stage play, ‘ "1 Company Variety Night ship be notified of the above and that each association be requested to file with the town- ship a list of its bona fide, members and that each member be identified with a specxfic property. "Updating" of the list at certain periods was also recommended. Christian Training Of Our Youth - The Church Members Of Tomorrow." ‘Thé Pleasure of His dancing - even the squareikind - ing inanctsH elocution and skits. â€"â€" Women’s World Day of Prayer. March 9. held in the Maple United Church. Here all the women from the St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Zion Lu- theran Church, and St. Ste- phen’s Anglican Church will ‘meet with the Maple United Church women for a devotional period. All over the world wo- men’s groups will be meeting in churches. halls and homes raising their combined voices in prayer in harmony with the theme “God’s Love for the Whole World." Mrs. B. F. Andrew will be the local guest speaker at 2 pm. in the main church. Bird Watchers was one. uvuu non UK" “Ed ChUI‘Ch Sunday SChOOl.!in the parking lot they saw lourifagafi mother. film will be take over with their “Variety evening grosbeaks sitting onl - _ - - Night." Friday. March 2nd at trees. wexghty mm m AUEUSL 8:00 pm. in The Christian Edu-I With all the trees cut, down' Ml's' J.” Ken,” also'cele‘ cation Room. 'for their Normaple Subdivision, bratedka birthfaydrecentg and. By all accounts we can be pre- Bett says there are few birds was ta 9" 0‘" ° “1MP .V 91 15-..:1” 1...L-LI.-.. -1..- ..’_._L_.I A- The Y.P.U. is looking for- ward to a visit to their Bedford Park friends on March 11, when ‘they will be shown that challenging picture, “A Man Called Peter.” Any young person between 15-20 years of age is most welcome to join this groupu World Day of Prayer Our local bird watcher con- tact, Bett Hanson said she had been following the swoopings of the hawk, noted earlier a- round New Years, and is sure it is a red tailed hawk with a large 20 inch body and a fab- ulous wing spread â€" it doesn't 'hover’ the way the sparrow hawk did. Maple Lions Doings paréd to enjoy the “Sleebing aroundfuot even sparrows. and Beauty’ in Pantomime. piano she has to take to the side a_nd~_accordian s_olos. songgapd roads to satisfy her bird watch- The dinner was followed by a most informative talk on the work being done for the young men, through the Salva- tion Army, at Concord House, by Major Mchrquindale. Speaking of skits; we under- stand that Mr. Saville is bring- ing to Maple - for this one night only -- his famous Chipmunks. So with Alvin let’s all say This is the regular March meeting of the George Bailey Home and School Association. It is also the night when nom- inations will be held for the‘ new 1962-63 executive slate. You are reminded to get your dues paid up so then you will be elegible to cast your vote. Y. P. U. News It was bowling night for the Young Peoples’ Union of Maple United Church, as they travelled to Richmond Hill, to try their luck at ten pins. Dancing and refreshments followed at the home of George and Bob Dou~ glas. Hosts To Bedford Park A full course dinner was ar- ranged for and served by the Y.P.U. on Sunday evening. Febâ€" ruary 18 in the Maple United Church Parlor when they were hosts 10 the Triple “V” & “C” group of Bedford Park United Church. Altogether there were thirty-six young people there Getting housework done can be somewhat of a problem [or Bett. ,While watching for a ground hog, as was usual, in the early morning, she spotted this hawk. About to be 3 years old, John just has no choice but to be a naturalist. Mom keeps inter- rupting his meals, play - even sleep to point out birds etc, to him. While in Richmond Hill 473 Telephone: Were Added Hill & Maple The expansion of telephone facilities in Richmond Hili and Maple during 1961 was typical of the situation amass the ter- ritory served by The Bell Tele- phone Company of Canada, it was revealed in that company's 82 annual report issued this week. Expenditures to extend. improve and mechanize service totalled 5192500000, the re port states. Telephones in ser-' vice at the end of 1961 totalled 3,695,107, an increase of 180.100 during the year. ; On the local scene. some 473 telephones were added. W. C. Barnes Bell manager for this region. said. bringing the total to 6946 as of December 31. n “Okayyyy and everybody turn out to show these youngsters. and their leaders. we apprec- iate their time and effort spent to entertain us. That's Maroh 2nd - tickets at the door. Home and School ‘ Twenty - seven children in grades 7 and 8 will be much in evidence the evening of March 7, at 8:15 pm. when they assist Major John Young. a physical education instructor with the Board of Education. as he de- monstrates,“How to keep phys- ically fit without a gymnasium in the school," with calisthe- nics. The women of Maple and district are reminded of the Following a brief illness Em- ily Elizabeth (Badger) Rumble, died at the Maple Manor Best Home. February 6, in her 84th year. Born in King Township, June wee] 4. 1879 she was one of seven ham children born to Elizabeth Hol- take lis and Mark Badger. In 1897 en“, she married Thomas Rumble the‘ who farmed in Vaughan Town~ scan ship until moving to Maple seat where he predeceased her. 1mg They had one daughter, Edith fifty Elizabeth (Cooper) who prede-and ceased her in 1959. She had view three grandchildren and two M great grandchildren. mpm She made her home at 25 Keele Street South. Maple. The funeral service was held in the Wright and Taylor Cha- pel of the Pipher Funeral Home, Richmond Hill on February 9. conducted by the Rev. Harold Davies of Maple United Church. Pallbearers were Edgar Bad~ ger, Sam Garrow, Pete Rumble and Alex Bishop and interment was in Maple Cemetery. Emily E. Rumble ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE Effective March 1, 1962, when an insured person has received emergency hospital treatment for a fracture within 24 hours of an accident, Ontario Hospital Insurance also will cover subsequent out-patient services for check Xâ€" rays and the change or removal of cast, until treatment of the fracture is completed. 0 any hospital charges 0 my diagnostic services which are not part for semi-privateorpri- of insured treatment procedures or which vate accommodation. do not, by themselves, normally require admission as an iii-patient. 2. Dependent children cease to be covered under the parents‘ certificate when they reach age 19, or marry. They must then register separately at the applicable Single 1. Ontario Hospital Insurance in-paticnt benefits cover the regular and usual hospital services (use of operating room, X-rays, drugs, laboratory services, etc.) in standard ward accommodation for as many days as such services are medically necessary. Benefits will cover only the, hospital charges for medical and surgical treatment procedures which, otherwise, would require the patient to be admitted to hospital. Examples of these procedures are cer- tain minor operations, electro-shock treatments, blood transfusions, etc. I ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION Also celebrating birthdays this past while were Barbara Orr on February 17. Debbie on February 24 and Steven on the ;t\venty-third, Corinne Harrison “on February 22. A Happy Birth- !day to all. 1Socials Birthday! Mr. Percy Ash was guest of honour at a surprise party at his home recently. Mrs. Ash decided that since this was a special year. a little party of fourteen friends and relatives would be nice. Among the guests was Mrs. John Ash Sr., Percy's mother. ,who will be eighty-nine in August. would be nice. Among the Last Thursday and Friday guests was Mrs. John Ash Srmevening the drama club of Percy's mother, .who will be Thornhill Secondary School eighty-nine in August. ‘presented Shakespeare's com. Mrs. Joe Keffer also cele-.€d3'_"T\"91fth Night" HaVing brated a birthday recently and-5t}!de “115 Play during my was taken out to dinner by her!hlgh s011001 days. I was eager; family (whether she wanted to“ attend the Friday perform-; go or not!) Also celebrating birthdays this past while were Barbara Orr on February 17. Debbie on February 24 and Steven on the twenty-third. Corinne Harrison on February 22‘ A Happy Birth- day to all. Social: Several holidayers have re-i turned from Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Haines and Joan and Al Webster and children returned last week-end. Ken and Lil weeks ago. Lil said she came home to see Col. John Glenn take off in his rocket. Appar-f ently the Grey Cup game isn't‘ the only place where ticket scalpers can make a fortune. Seats on Coco Beach were sel- ling anywhere from ten to ance. Playing to a good~slzedt audience the actors were su-‘ perb, the character of each com- ing through beautifully, from the self-centered Malvolio to the usually drunken Sir Andrew Aguecheek. No part can be praised any more than the oth- ers. although the feminine ‘roles must have been even bet- ter than in Shakespeare’s day. As we are told. in those times young boys took feminine parts whereas Thornhill was using real girls! And very good they were, too. Concord Bank Opened A new branch of the Royal Bank of Canada has been onen- Mrs. Alf Bagg joined other members of Edgeley Women’s Institute in a recent dinner cel- ebrating the anniversary of the Institute. fifty dollars Lillian reported. and she probably got a better View at home. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith flew to Winnipeg last week for the funeral of Mrs. F. Smith, Roy’s dad. Sympathy is extend- ed to the family. Baby Shower Mrs. Marion Bonner was the honoured guest at a baby show- er recently. Hostesses for the Extension of EMERGENCY Out-Patient Benefits IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Hospital treatment for emergency conditions other than fractures will NOT be covered beyond the first visit to hospital within 24 hours of an accident. To help make more hospital beds available . . . the Commission now will provide Ontario Hospital Insurance benefits to an insured person who receives hospital care, as an out-patient, for which he or she, otherwise, would require admission as an iii-patient to stay in hospital overnight. ‘ The need to obtain a bed in hospital is a matter of urgency to a seriously ill person. It is vital, therefore, that every hospital bed in Ontario be used only when it is essential in the treatment of a patient. Proper use of hospital beds is a matter of concern to every resident of the province. These benefits will be provided only if the hospital has the required facilities and after these facilities have been authorized for such out- patient use by the local hospital board on the advice of its medical staff. Ontario Hospital Insurance does NOT cover... Concord Socials SUGGESTION: Keep this information for future reference. 8105 YONOI STRIIT. TORONTO 7. ONTARIO Here are the details: affair were Mrs. Elsie Leyzack 7t and Mrs. Audrey Middlebrook.Ԥ Marion received many lovelyle gifts from her friends and raw: latives. ‘ i A Good Night For “Twelfth Night" C4 A new branch of the Royal Bank of Canada has been open- ed at Keele Street and High- way No. 7 for the benefit of residents of the Concord area. Bank officials indicate that they are looking for considerable ex- pansion in that area, the mar- shalling yard of the CNR and new thereto Manager of the new branch is one of the youngest in the bank's service - 25-year-old L. A. Ashton - who joined the bank in 1953 at the age of 16. He is engaged with a group of local businessmen in organizing a branch of the Rotary Club. about your IMPORTANT industries contributing §E®$§ ONTARIO or Family premium. Application forms are available at all hospitals, most banks, and all Commission oflices. 3. Married persons must pay the Family premium. 4. There is no change in Ontario Hospital Insurance premiums: they remain at $2.10 a month for 1 single person and $4.20 a month for a family. More than 6,000,000 Ontario residents (over 95% of the people) are now insured in the plan. o It is up to the patient’s doctor to decide whether the treatment will given on an in-patient or out- patient basis. . Visits to established regular clinics in hospital out- patient departments are NOT covered. the Royal )een open- and High- benefit of 0 any medical, surgical, or private~dnty nursing fees, take-home drugs, ham: can, or ambulance and other transportation charges. ELIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-GetResults-TU. 4-1105 COMPANY training school, lucrative commissions. full renewals, company fringe benefits, and all sales literature supplied. CALL COLLECT OR WRITE A multi-million dollar mutual fund company expanding rapidly throughout Ontario. requires additional managers and sales personnel. ‘ If you have a desire to own your own business. be your own boss. work in your own community. hire and train your own sales team. this should appeal to you. DIVISIONAL MANAGER - A. G. F. MANAGEMENT l.‘l‘D., 1263 BAY ST., TORONTO 5 PHONE - 925-2175 FOR Sales Minded Men & Women INQUIRIES ARE-INVITED FROM THIS AREA EXCEPTION AL OPPORTUNITIES Over 30

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