For the enlightenment of those'hear-ing, learn how you may pre- nï¬llcted with a hearing prob- vent becoming a victim of deaf- lem we oï¬er absolutely FREEyness, how to achieve hearing reâ€" a copy of the book YOUR'habllitation. Causes and kinds HEARING PROBLEM by J. M.‘0f deafness and their correc- Murdock. After reading this all‘tion. Whether hearing aids beneâ€" reveallng book you will say at;ï¬t or harm the hearing. You last, “I’ve learned more about may save hundreds of dollars. my hearing problem than I've Write today for a FREE 42-page ever known before.†Save yourxbook to - - 16 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, March 1, 11363 SUITE 107, 200 GAGE AVE. 8., HAMILTON, ONT; Hundreds ofthousands of Canadian families have complete con- fldence in HFC. You. too. will like borrowing from a reliable company backed by 84 years oxperlence. You'll like our variety of loans that will meet ovary need. You'll appreciate the convenience of House- hold's nearby office and neighborly service. And the big extra that makes families prefer HFC is the way we re- spect your wish for privacy. AM'NI MONIHIY PAVMIN! PLAN OF 12 20 30 36 LOAN months month: mom/J: monbe 58.11 41.45 . . . t t 1600 94.11 68.81 60.88 2200 129.41 94.62 83.71 147.05 107.52 95.12 Above payments lncludc principal Ind interest Ind li'l hosed on ramp! repayment. but do rv‘ Include tho curl lilo insuranco l/fe Insurance available at low group rate When You Need A . O @wwummm ‘ B u S I n se I Why ï¬milies ï¬e! baifer aboui' borrowing {raml-l FQ F. 5. Game, Manager I! Yong. Shoe! North Tale: HAVE YOU A HEARING PROBLEM? Use “THE LIBERAL" BUSINESS DIRECTORY and ‘ CLASSIFIED ADS LIST YOUR SERVICE NOW In This Proï¬table Classiï¬cation. Put Your Name in Print. Where Thousands of Prospects Will Read It Weekly. Get Your Share Of The Proï¬ts! For Fast Service Phone lonh Telephone 'I’U 4-443! RICHMOND HILL Home Paper of the District Since 1878 'I'Il. 4-1105 - 6 AV. 5 - 3316 3100 550 750 1000 1600 2200 2500 Abovo ymonl: lncludl prlnclnal and Imam! Ind If used an romp! uplymonL bul do n4 lncludc the cost lllo Insurnnu HERE ARE A FEW OF THE SERVICES OFFERED Nursing Homes Auto Parts Air Conditioning Dressmaking Driving Schools Plumbing & Heating Building & Supplies Carpentry Eavestroughing Electrical Work Lawn Mowers Monuments Movers & Storage Mattresses S 9.46 51.24 69.21 91.56 146.52 201.46 228.93 S 6.12 32.86 44.13 58.11 94.11 129.41 147.05 31.65 41.45 68.81 94.62 107.52 Use the handy reference guide offered weekly in The "liberal" Classified Advertising Columns and the Business Directory Plastering Painting & Decorating Radio & TV Service Surveying Typewriters Washer Repairs Welding Upholstering Rental Service Rooï¬ng Septic Tank Service Heating Specialists Fuel Landscaping I The county expects to spend $2,068,871 this year, with $683,- 329 coming in as revenue. The balance, $1,385,542, will be the amount to be raised by taxes in the municipalities comprising the county. A majdr increase in county spending this year is in admin- istration of justice. Last year County Tax Rate Upped Half Mill Ease Means Nearly Mill On Local Rate The County of York tax rate has been increased Commission. will spend $544,- 500 for new roads and‘main-i half a millhfor 1362.131’het1ncreï¬se, trarï¬llated mtotterm: tenance of existing ones my of the R1c m_on H1 ra e, w_1 mean reeâ€"quar ers 0 year. This is one quarter of the a m111 to a m111 on local taxatlon. The 1962 rate was set total amount which will be by county council last week. The increase will proâ€" spent on roads. _Ti1e City of Toronto pays a Similar amount vide approximately $83,600 extra for the county; The rate this year is 8.27 mills. Last year it was 7.78 mills. Zgihtehiwir‘t’gg’giï¬eï¬ayï¬a‘ff £151; Three people were injured, one seriously, in the three-vehicle acciâ€" dent shown here. The mishap oc- curred Monday morning at the inter- section of Duï¬erin Street and Maple Road in Vaughan Township. Rude Olsen of Centre Street, Richmond Hill, was reported in serious condi- tion with head injuries in Branson Memorial Hospital. Charles Louitt Three Vehicles In" Crash - Three People Hurt They also decided, after a long discussion, to advertise for a speech correction teacher, with Trustee Donald Plaxton questioning whether such work was the responsibility of the school or the parent. Parents of retarded children, he pointed out, had to pay for their edu- cation in part. Superintendent Gordon McIntyre said that ex- perience showed that if atten- tion was paid to the correction of speech defects at an early age improvement could be effected. Another big expenditure is for debentures for roads. This year payments on debentures will amount to $229,046, an in- crease of $33,000 over last year. Health Unit Up Growing school population will call for five more teach- ers in the Richmond Hill public school system in the fall. Trus- tees decided at their last regul- ar meeting to advertise for them, plus one “opportunity class" teacher. While the Department of Education will give assistance, it was up to the board to decide It is thought that deer have been disturbed by railway work near their usual haunts and consequently have travelled to other areas not usually fre- quented by them. The county health unit calls for $124,285 for 1962. Construction of the CNR mar- shalling yards in Vaughan Township may have something to do with abnormal movements of deer. says the Department of Lands and Forests, Maple. Animals have been seen in North York Township recently, which is a somewhat unusual place for them. Two animals made a nuisance of themselves on the Downsview airstrip, and another entered a local resi- dence through a window. It was later captured and donated to the Riverdale Zoo. Several others have been kil- led by cars on highway 400 between highways 7 and 401. Usually these accidents involve only one deer. but recently a driver had the misfortune to strike two does at the same time north of the King clover- leaf. Each of the females was carrying unborn fawns at the time and in effect five deer were destroyed in the one ac- cident. “an. run“. 1.....u; u... -...--u.._._ STOUFFVILLE = Instead OflUnited Church on Friday ev- buying a new car for the police ening February 16th. Rev. Hugh department. COUDCil Will 1'th R. MacDonald officiating when 0118 for $100 monthly from the Creston L. Gilkes of Newmar- Alex Williamson Motor Sales‘ket took as his bride Mrs. Emily of Uxbridge, whose tender was‘_\1_ Worsdale_ The beautiful $40 per month less than the:flowers in the church on Sun- next highest. The maintenance‘day were from this wedding. of the car, excluding operating McFarlane who operates a costs, will be taken care of by grocery store in Thornhill was the renter. taken 111 this week. the county estimated costs under this head as $60,000. Actual expenditure was $87,345. This year’s budget provides for the expenditure of $95,000. The amount is the cost of operating courts and related activities. It does not include the costs of police forces, which are paid for by municipalities. In addition to paying off de- bentures on roads already con- structed. the coumy, through the Toronto and York Roads | L AAAAAAAAA Februax was M] Construction Of Lemme New C. N. R. Yards'Â¥:: oni work a . . Disturbing Deeré‘iggef Crop Is Still Growing Board Prepares For More Pupils To Advertise For Five For Fall of Campbell Avenue, Toronto, and Obe Andreas Mendahl of St. Catha- rines, were in satisfactory condition. One of the vehicles involved was re- ported to be a food transport. Car- tons of merchandise are seen beside the overturned truck shown in the right of the pictnre. _ EUse Of Stone In The Garden." The necessary tools for this work are as follows: a chisel, level, trowel, hammer, and a square, plus a small strip of wood. He did recommend the use of pre-cast stone available at several outlets throughout the area. He suggested building first of all small retaining walls or edging for raised flower beds. Then as one became more adept at this work the more complicated jobs requiring footings could be tackled. He briefly outlined the use of store or cement slabs for patios and recommended the use of sand for a base. This very enlightening talk was ‘supplemented by a series of beautiful coloured slides of some of Mr. Muirhead's work in his own garden plus lovely pictures taken elsewhere over the country-side. We are most familiar with his slides as they have been shown on previous occasions at our society. The meeting was followed by re- lfreshments served by the ex- ;ecutive committee. {Neighbourhood Notes One of the five additional tea- chers will be required at the Pleasantville school, where the estimated increase in the fall is 20. The Walter Scott school will have one new teacher, with 42 more students expected. The es- timated increase at the Crosby Heights school is 60, calling for two teachers. The fifth one will go to Beverley Acres school where it is anticipated there will be 37 extra pupils. Horticultural Society The regular monthly meeting of the society was held in the Thornhill Public School on February 20th. The speaker was Mr. Murray Muirhead of Leaside iwho Spoke on “The Mrs. D. Dobson of Highland Park Blvd. returned home from Brauson Hospital last week and is progressing favourably. A visit from her mother in Eng- land is eagerly awaited this April. York Manor, the county’s home for the aged, will cost $247,971 to operate this year but will have a revenue of $183.- 700 from persons who pay their own way and from the portion of their cheques turned over by old age pensioners, plus pro- vincial grants. The balance, approximately $64‘,000, will be paid by county taxpayers. One of the major expendi- tures for the year is the Chil- dren’s Aid Society. A grant of $82.625 was requested this year but the ï¬nance committee found that this organization had ac- cumulated a surplus of $15,000 on its budget of $92516 for 1961 and lopped the 1962 budget to} on policy, Chairman Harold Sandef‘sonr pointed pyt: 500 for new roads and_main- tenance of existing ones this year. This is one quarter of the total amount which will be spent on roads. The City of Toronto pays a similar amount and the province pays as much as the two together. Half of the $544,500 will be paid for out of current revenue and the re- mainder debentured. A wedding of local interest 390k plape quietly at, Thornhill Highland Park (Photo by Shore.) Correspondent Mrs. E. Harris 39 Woodward Ave. AV. 5-1889 County councillors passed the annual budget with very little discussion, the longest covering charges for plumbing inspec- tions. In the past the province has subsidized these inspections but the subsidy has now been withdrawn. The budget includ- ed $16,000 for this service but also included revenue of an equal amount, which the muni- cipalities repay as they make use of the inspection service. Councillors made it plain, in spite of an attempt to have the county subsidize the inspections by a further $6,022, that the service will be expected to stand on its own feet ï¬nancially, and that municipalitiesvmust collect enough in the way of fees to make this possible. $77,825 In addition to the free sam- ples of pizza, those going in the restaurant on Thursday, Fri- day, Saturday and Sunday ev- enings will also be treated to organ music, the instrument be- ing provided by another bus- iness which opened in Richmond Hill lately - Mundingers. While his restaurant has been operating for some weeks Mel. Parisi, who took over the Rich- mond Theatre Grill from for- mer operators. has now an- nounced his official opening. Customers on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, March 1. 2. 3 and 4, will get a free sample of pizza to say “wei- come†to “La Cantina." the res-‘ taurant’s new name. The Italianname signifies that the estab-‘ lishment will specialize in Ital-1 ian dishes in addition to the‘ regular Canadian ones. I‘ Delay in holding the official opening was due to refurbishing which was being carried on. Painters and decorators have be'en busy, new equipment has been bought, additional help has been hired. The dining room is now ready to entertain sin- gles, couples or parties while an innovation, a take-out service, has been added. The latter will enable those who wish to dine at home to telephone their order, which will be prepared specially for them. The din- ing room will provide full course dinners. as will the gen- eral restaurant. Will Give Pizza To Mark Opening 0f “La Cantina" The practice of medicine requires of the physician a degree of technical and scientific competence which we do not demand of any other person from whom we seek service in our personal lives. He must be a scien- tist versed not only in the complexity of the body’s functions and ailments but also in the application of that knowledge in the face of thousands of variables represented by the diver- sity of the human race itself. And the stakes are high. They are health, and life itself your health and life, or those of your lov- ed ones. DEPT. OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK (to be continued) Carl E. Hill, M.D., M.O.H‘ Back in the old days, bankers were pretty fearsome people. They had Dignity, a Cold Eye, a Thin Mouth,- Mutton Chop Whiskers, and a Ruthless Tendency to Foreclose Mortgages (or so we read l). The banker today is as human as you are, and just as businesslike. Drop into your branch of The Bank and see. You’ll ï¬nd that The Bank really has the people who make the happy difference in banking! A TORONTO-DOMINION BANKING SERVICE: THE SAVINGS ACCOUNT This is the ï¬rst account most people open at The Bank. And for the wise ones, it is the last that is closed. Not too many years ago the Savings Account was a general catch-all where you deposited money and paid it out almost immedi- ater by cheque. Today, the Personal Chequing Account does the jobâ€"and the Savings Account should be used for Savings only; savings at interest! Get in the habit. Save for the rest of your life. Open a Savings Account at The Bank! we try to be a little more human about it TORONTO-DOMINION Your Doctor Wherem make the diffemnce P. DYSON, Manager The ï¬nest in floral designs and bedding plants. PHONE ALpine 7-1471 Keele Street Mapie. Ont. B. W. MILLER GROWER -â€" FLORIST Since 1880 Richmond Hill Branch PROMPT COURTEOUS SERVICE COMPETENCE EXPERIENCE RELIABILITY