Mayor Welcomes Organization In "ATown With A View And A Vision" Many Break-ins In Background VOLUME LXXXII, NUMBER 35 \IJC Crossing Guardsâ€" Three Markham Arrests Urgently Needed R; Many Break-Ins In Background May Have Ended Gang As a result of investigations Of a number of recent break-ins .n Unionville, Markham Town- lhip Police may have broken up a three-member gang of a1- leged “break and enter" ar- :istes. The three men, David Meredith, 22, Garry Smith, 19 Ind Allen Hartford. 16. of Rich- vale, were arrested early Sun- iay morning on information reâ€" layed to Markham police by Ontario Provincial Police at Vandorf. Richmond Hill Chamber OfCommerce Now Functioning The most recent break-in oc- =urred at the Unionville Arena Ind a curling rink in the same Irea. About 2 a.m. last Monday, entry was gained to the curling rink by smashing a window. The pins were then removed from the hinges of a door and one of the booths in the rink was entered. Although there were a number of valuable articles in the rink, nothing was taken. This indicated to police that whoever broke into the building was after nothing but money. A short time later the skating arena nearby was also entered. A booth in the arena was brok- en into by "slipping" the lock on the door. Fortyâ€"three dollars was stolen but a cheque for $54 was left behind. sï¬Ã©Ã©râ€™ï¬ of Markham Folice ar- rested the other two men. The three are said to have admitted having broken into a- bout 18 different places since they first started operations last summer. The break-ins occurred in homes, curling rinks. arenas and businesses in Vaughan, Markham and Whitchurch Townships as well as Richmond Hill and Metro Toronto. They appeared in Newmarket Court Tuesday. and were re- manded to Richmond Hill Mag- istrate's Court Thursday. Richmond Hill Police, who assisted in the investigations, are laying six charges against .the men, with‘ the possibility of 'further charges being laid. ' From the method of entry used. and the care used to en- sure that nothing they took Silver Medal Award One Of 28 Rare Horticultural Honour Given To R. D. Little Of Richmond Hill ership and interest have been a great asset not only to horti- cutlural societies but to the general public as well. “In order to recognize your outstanding abilities and show our appreciation. the directors of this association were unan: imous in their approval that you! receive the Silver Medal which is the highest award of this association.“ The medal which Mr. Little is to receive is not handed out lightly. So far only 28 have: been. given by the association since the issue was started in 1932. Some years no award is made. Awards are made on the Mir. Little has been a well- known ï¬gure in the horticul- tural world for many years. Be- ‘sides creating a local reputa- tion. he has become known far and wide through his assistance to horticulturists elsewhere. He has been a member of the Rich- mond Hill group since 1932 and was president for ï¬ve years. While he is thoroughly conver- sant with horticulture in many lines. he has specialized in iris, delphinium. daylilies and lilies. The results of his interest will be Warticularly evident this summer, when a special bed' prepared under his direction and ï¬lled with plants given by him Marl plan is the to tor, EC The iii to th Thurs( i The review stage ‘ture which ‘two at The townsl ‘lic me of the held ( weeks “The Four Winds & Rainâ€, one of the numbers being presented at the Richmond Hill Figure Skating Club Carnival, to be held at the local arena on Friday and Saturday evening, March 9 and 10. Shown above back row (left to right) : Carol Hack, Marilyn Elvidge, Judy Curtis, Debbie Hasselfeldt, Lynda Clement, Pat Bransï¬eld, Lesley Lengerke; front row (left to right) Vicki Clarke, Dianne Boylan, Beverly Smith, Yolanda Powell, Connie Madaleno, Peggy Fraser, Lynn Hamilton. The programme features guest stars Marjorie Hare, Elinor Flack Public Library, 56 Yonge N., Richmond Hill, Ont. These Lovely Ladies Will Be could be traced, police were able to determine that the people in- volvd were experienced and not merely “spur of the moment" crooks. Late last Saturday, Markham Township Police received a call from Vandorf O.P.P. that the Rolling Hills Golf and Country ‘Club in Whitchurch Township was being broken into. After in- vestigation by Constables Mc- Cague and Denby, David Mere- dithwas arrested. About 5.30 Sunday morning, Sergeant W. Shearn of Markham Police ar- rested the other two men. manded to Richmond Hill Mag- On October 27th last year istrate's Court Thursday. town council had been asked Richmond Hill Police, who to provide crossing guards, it assisted in the investigations, was disclosed. Nothing had been are laying six charges against heard about this being done. the men. with‘ the possibility of Home and school associations further charges being laid. (pressed for this protection, said The entire Markham Town->the chairman. and it was a ship investigation was conducted,council responsibility. A letter by Constable Bruce Findlay. 1will ask for the score. basis of recommendations by local horticultural societies‘ which then go to a special in- dependent awards committee f1: screening. Long Term Horticulturist Assert Trustees Board members complained if“ arm that they were not receiving in- Th V formation about smaller sub- i~ divisions which were coming in- (gas to existence, from municipal e authorities. While information 8559 about actual building permits pus was being received from the A towu nothing had been heard, in re" a direct way, about sub-divis- til‘mt ions. These could load up 3 schools by bits, imperceptibly, Chairman Sanderson pointed out. Town coâ€"operation is be .sought. wan It v ‘lem \thox Crossing Guards Wanted ‘ Markham Township‘s official plan is now ready for unveiling, the township‘s planning direc- tor, Ron Forrest. has announced The first presentation was made to the planning board last Thursday. The new plan is based on a review of the old one. The ï¬rst stage will give a general pic- th'e of the planning pattern, which will be developed through two additional stages. to the planning board lasr Thursday. “‘1 am sorry about the con- The new plan is based on a SchOOI BUdgEts ifusion that existed in the above- review of the old one. The ï¬rst mentioned case. stage will give a general pic-1 It will be “Budget Night" in' “The case was originally ture of the planning pattern,=.\iark.ham Township on Marchlbrought before the court on the which will be develOped throughllï¬h. insofar as schools are,15th of December, 1961. At that two additional stages. lconcerned. On that evening‘time, due to illness. not all the The plan wiIl be explained (o,trustees of all schools and schooltchildren could come to court. township residents through pub-fareas in the township. both pub-150 an adjournment to January lic meetings, one for each halfklic and separate. will enjoy a 5. 1962. was suggested. How- of the township, which will be'meal with township councillors, ever. Her Honor. Judge Hamil- held in approximately three'afterwards settling down to ton, at that time, because the weeks. lbudgeu for the year. lease had been no long in com- “$7.1? and Philip McOordick, and production numbers range from “Calypsoâ€, sequences from “Over the Rainbowâ€, “Comedyâ€, “Easter Time’; to “Robin Hoodâ€. Over 170 skaters will be taking part, under the capable direction of club professionals, Miss Eleanor McLeod and Mrs. Jane Milne. Why go to the big city to take in a show, when a ï¬rst class evening’s enter- tainment is right here in town. Come one, come all, come and see “ICE REVUE FOR ’62" RICHMOND HILL, ONTARVIO, THURSDAY. MARCH 1, 1962 Featured At Carnival Paving in the East Ridgelcil to rectify the situation. They ‘area -- the district including felt that“l they should not be SlRoosevelt Drive and Wéstwood- called on to “pay? for rectifical Landda water problem in Elm- tion. woo Acres in the fifth con- . . In the course of the long Ollcesslon 0f Vaughan were dlscus' discussion it was agreed that the 3g sed when a conSIderable number watercourse had definitely in of ratepayers from both areas been blocked The problem was L†were present at the 1‘?“ meenqg one affecting-all those who lived 11- of Vaughan Township Council. in the drainage area, pointed The paving situation was dis- out Reeve Rutherford wh . . , o felt ir- posed 0f falrly rapldly but the that council’s responsibility m+ ElmWOOd Acres water, promen} nnlv went. as far as its connec- ‘Delegations Visit Vaughan Council l The East Ridge Ratepayers Association members wanted the principal roads through their area paved, with the cost being ‘borne by the area as a whole. _They wanted to know what the least would be and what effect the action would have on their tassessment. Council agreed to : provide figures. Ratepayers Talk Roads, Drainage was discussed for an hour and three quarters, council not set- tling down to its post-delegation routine until 10 pm. Delegates from the Elm-wood‘ Acres described flooding condi- tions in their district, saying that natural drainage through a watercourse had been blocked. It was creating a health prob- lem also, the}7 asserted. They thought it was the duty of coun- “In Essentials Unity; in Non-Essentials More Elgin Mills residents have indicated during the past week that they will take ad- vantage of the opportunity to have water piped into their homes being provided by Vaughan Township. A week ago the number was 76. It has now risen to 85. Vaughan has entered into an arrangement with Richmond \Hill through which the latter 3will supply water if Vaughan in- ‘stalls the system. Vaughan will do so providing enough Elgin Mills property owners agree to ‘carry costs through a local im- !provement plan. Following vandalism at one of the public schools last sum- mer the board decided to take action to protect the property of tax-payers. The culprits were discovered and charges were laid. The school board‘ blamed the police department for lack of follow-up in prose- cuting, especially when a school board official, plus parents of the youngsters involved in the case, arrived at court to ï¬nd that the case had been adjourn- ed sine die. School board members asked that the chief of police and members of council appear be- fnrp the board to give an ex- Acceptance Slow OnWaterSystem For Elgin Mills "I should like to see accep- tances coming in a little faster," Councillor Ruth McConkey, chaiman of the waterworks com- mittee told “The Liberal†this week. She pointed out that there was still a long way to go be- fore definite steps could be taken to install a system. At least one hundred and eleven property owners must enter the ‘plan. she pointed out. making it clear that apparently the {only barrier to a water system for Elgin Mills was the failure of residents to sign up. (Photo by Lagerquist) EProbation Officer's Explanation Â¥'Writes Finis To Vandalism Story In the course of the long‘ discussion it was agreed that the watercourse had definitely been blocked. The problem was one affecting all those who lived in the drainage area, pointed out Reeve Rutherford, who felt that council’s responsibility only went as far as its connec- tion with the road in the area. With everybody agreeing that something had to be done but with no solution being reached during the lengthy discussion, it was finally decided to have the township’s engineer prepare a drainage plan for the west area of Elmwood Acres. Councillors and property owners will then review the situation again. School Board Said Satisfied that'the case had been adjourn- ed sine die. School board members asked that the chief of police and members of council appear be- fore the board to give an ex- planation. Irked at what they considered a somewhat arbi- trary demand, council members refused, declaring that as the result of an investigation they found the police department ,blameless. tCourt Official Explains } The situation was cleared up, jat least insofar as the appear- 'ance of the school board official ‘and the parents at court was Lconcerned, by a letter received ‘by the public school board from John Nidd. Probation Officer of the Juvenile and Family Court at Newmarket. Mr. Nidd said: “I am sorry about the con- fusion that existed in the above- mentioned case. “The case was originally mmnpht before the court on the “As Judge Hamilton had ad- journed the case sine die, it meant that she was seized with the case and Judge George Sweeny could not proceed leg- ally. However, he held an in- formal meeting, in which he suggested that the parents pay $10 apiece to the school board. I understand that the parents have not done this because they feel that they should have been approached prior to the court, ‘or a bill should have been sent to them since the court hearing. ' “There seems to me to havei been a certain amount of mis-‘ understanding on all sides in this case. If you wish the court to proceed, you can write this ,court asking that the charge be ire-opened, as it was adjourned ‘sine die, and I can inform Judge jHamilton of Barrie of your re- ‘quest, to which. I am sure, she will give her most co-operative ,attention. She will probably ,then set a date on which she 4 A situation in which the Richmond Hill Police Department was involved and which resulted in a certain amount of bad feeling between town council and the public school board has been revealed to be due in part to a misunderstanding and in part to the error of a court official. ï¬hmml Liberty IAdvise Teachers Giving Of Rides iTo Pupils Barred All teachers in the Richmond Hill public school system are to be advised that they should not carry pupils in their private cars in the line of duty. the public school board decided at its meeting last week, clearing up a point which has been un- der discussion several times in recent months. Reason for the board's decis- ion is to clear up any question of liability if an accident should happen to a pupil while riding in a teacher’s car. A case in point would be a youngster be- ing taken ill at school, with a teacher being kind enough to take the invalid home. In such a case, the board intimated, the principal should secure a taxi. Reason for the board’s deci- sion was inability to secure a proper type of insurance. or any substantial value, which would give the pupil, the teacher and the board adequate protection. Work is expected to sta-rt‘ next Monday on the extension to Richmond Hill’s municipal building which will see another floor added to the southern part of the building, the pro- vision of adequate quarters for the magistrate’s office and staff and also additional space for the town’s employees. Aid To Employment ilnterchange Of Water \Across Yonge Planned Work To Begin On Town Building Council last week opened tenders for the job, the lowest being that of the Wien Con- struction Company of Richmond Hill for $61,400. Necessary checks by the w_orks depart- ment have been made and a contract signed. in all things Charity" Three tenders were opened by Markham Township Council this week, covering a water- ma-in crOSsing under Yonge Street near Elgin Street in Thom-hill. Purpose of the instalâ€" lation is to provide an inter- change of water between Vau- ‘g-han and Markham Townships in case of an emergency. The cost will be split between the two municipalitiesi Lowest of the three tenders was that of the Carroll Sharp Construction Company, at $5,115. The other two were both in the $6,800 neighbourhood. ing before the court and be- cause she was uncertain of fu- ture court dates, adjourned the case sine die. “The police art that time were‘ notified of this decision. How- ever, and this is my fault, the school board and the parents of the children were not notiï¬ed. Therefore, Mr. Turton and the ‘children, with the parents, ar- rived at the 5th. attention. She will probably then set a date on which she can hear the case in New- market." Feels Purpose Served School trustees at their last meeting said that they felt that the purpose of bringing the matter, and the subject of van- dalism. into tho open had been court bn January ERMarkham, WhitchurcM EkAnnexation Proposed To Help Stouh‘villeI Bulk of the cost will be borne by using $25,000 of the sub-div- ision fund, an amount provided in the past by sub-dividers for town work necessitated by their developments. Three-quarters of {the labour cost will be borne by the provincial and federal government under the winter works plan. Markham Township will 1059‘ $125,780 in assessment if Stouffâ€" ville is successful in a hearing before the Ontario Municipal Board in April. The village is seeking land abutting the road to Ringwood â€" the town line between Whitchuroh and Mark- ham Townships â€" which would square off the western limits. Both townships, Whitchurch and Markham, are involved, and their councils will hold a meet- ing on March 6th to decide on their attitude to the application. For some months the Richmond Hill Parks Board has been making plans for the building of change houses and wash rooms in the main town park. A change of thinking has now resulted in the board dis- cussing the subject with arena authorities, consid- ering whether it would be better to build on the front of the arena instead of erecting a separate build- ing. “Coming Events," we community directory of in- teresting dates to remem- ber on page Three. (planation ism Story served and decided to take no further action. “We have showed that we were not falling down on our job of trying to stop vandalism,†said. Trustee Joseph Rabino- witch. “We have accomplished something." “The Nidd letter throws a different light on things,†said Chairman Harold Sanderson. “But.†he emphasized, “vandal- ism is still a continuing prob- lem." “We were frustrated when we were trying to clean it up,"‘ said Trustee Ron. Firman. George Hill, hardware mer-j chant and Douglas Boyd, silver-‘ smith, were named as directors for the down-town area. Nelson Gage, meat market proprietor and Murray Cass, bank man- ager, were named for the Bay- view area. Allencourt will be represented by Douglas Flatt, supermarket manager, and Dou- glas Miller, Allencourt Lanes bowling alleys proprietor; with Vern. Dynes, jeweller, and Ar- nold Howarth, children's fur- niture and toy store, represent- ing Richmond Heights. Recogâ€" nizing the importance of hor- ticultural activities to the town, Harold Mills, president of the H. J. Mills rose-growing com- pany and Robert D. Little, mo- tor sales company head and in- ternationally-known horticul- tural expert, were named di- rectors on behalf of horticul- ‘tural interests. The town’s in- dustrial section is represented on the directorate by William Perry, industrial display manu- facturer, with another director to be named by the executive at its first meeting. Professional interests are represented on the board by John Lawlor, law- yer, and Dr. Cameron Cowan. “We have showed that we were not falling down on our job of trying to stop vandalism,†said. Trustee Joseph Rabino- witch. “We have accomplished something." Parks board officials say that it is not likely that cost would be reduced but that a more efficient opera- tion mizht be the outcome, together with an improve- ment of the appearance of the park and arena. The change house project is one of two major items being considered by the parks board at the present time, the other being the extension of the Crosby Park. Jail Farm Offer Not As Expected Sale May Be Off Sale of the Jail Farm at Langy staff. after opening of tenders“ by Toronto Board of Control last week. is considered un- likely at the present time. In spite of optimistic forecasts by officials, only one tender was received for the 635 acres re- maining after the taking off of 185 acres by the Ontario De- partment of Highways for re- routing of No. 7 Highway. It amounted to $1,347,000 - ap- proximately $2,120 an acre. It was believed likely that the pro- perty would bring at least three .million dollars. Change House Change Under Consideration sunny... .00.--.“ The offer was referred by the Board of Control to the city’s real estate director. with instructions to report back this week. Of the 635 acres in the farm, 535 are for industrial and com- mercial use, with 100 acres zoned as residential. of taxâ€. naining after the [aKlng on u; ouuauug. w.me_......., -..., ........ 35 acres by the Ontario De-‘and reSIdents dld not know eachl Allan Horwood partment of Highways for re-‘other and, consequently, did The Richmond Hill Hydro-El- routing of No. 7 Highway. It {lotpull together in the munic- ectric Commission announced amounted to $1,347,000 - ap- lpahty’s best interests. To em- this week the appointment of proximately $2,120 an acre. It phasize his point he asked Mr. R. Allan Horwood as the was believed likely that the pro- those who had not been rest- new superintendent of the local perty would bring at least three dents of Richmond Hill for at system. Mr. Horwood who was million dollars. least ten years to stand. Ichosen from among 29 appli- The offer was referred by Practically three-quarters of cants comes from Ontario Hy- the Board of Control to thelthe audience rose - even in- dro. He replaces Mr. Verne Sni- city's real estate director. withtcludmg the town’s Mayor. Guest der who recently accepted the instructions to report back this‘speaker of the evening was position of a manager of the week :J.T.A. Wilson. director of sales Hanover P.U.C. 0f the 635 acres in the farmland marketing for Davis and A native of Richmond Hill 535 are for industrial and cam-i}lenderson, manufacturing sta- Mr. Horwood has served with mercial use, with 100 acres tioners of Toronto, and a di- the provincial system since Au- zoned as residential. rector of the Ontario Cham- gust 1944. Mr. and Mrs. Hor- The township receives 54.200 ber of Commerce. Mr. wood and their two children re- from the city annually in lieuIWilson delved far back side on Mill Street. .. . an.-.“ ._ .......- m- hm"..- (Dhntn hv Lazeraulst} “Coming Events," the community directory of in- teresting dates to remem- ber on page Three. COMING EVENTS HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 SINGLE COPY 10 Officers And Directors Are Given Acclamations Richmond Hill was “a townl with a view and a vision." de- clared Mayor James Haggart, welcoming those attending. He said that the Chamber could play a major part in assisting in the development of the town. Five of the Hill’s seven council members were present at the meeting, Deputy Reeve Tom Broadhurst. Councillor Al. White, Councillor Mrs. Margar- et Southwell and Councillor John MacDiarmid accompany- ing the Mayor. Reeve Floyd Perkins, explained the latter, was at an official York County function and Councillor Alec. Campbell had a previous en- gagement. New Members Joined Chairman F. J. Picking of the isteering committee which has been looking after organiza- tional work, was in charge of the meeting. In giving the com- mittee’s report, he emphasized that the ’group had felt that it should not act as a nominatâ€" ing committee to select a slate of officers. A completely in- dependent committee consisting At the conclusion of the meeting. a number of individ- uals and businesses joined the Chamber of Commerce. The number, said Chamber officials, was greater than was expected at an organizational meeting. By Larry Emrick Richmond Hill’s new Chamber of Commerce got off the ground last week, at an organizational meeting held in Richmond Hill High School attended by busi- ness men and women from all sections of the com- munity. Basic planning has been proceeding since last November, when a steering committee was named by a group of business men. It reported last week and, as a result, the new Chamber was officially launched and officers and directors named. of John Graham, president of radio station CFGM; J. E. Smith, publisher of “The Lib- era †and Mayor .James Hag- ‘gart, had undertaken the job. Mr. Graham presented the proposed slate of officers and directors, which was adopted by acclamation. The officers are: ,president, F. J. Picking, news editor, “The Liberalâ€; lst vice- president, A. S. Mahaf-fey, bus- iness manager of Scholastic Tab Publications Ltd., Industrial Road; 2nd vice-president, Ste- wart Coxford, station manager†CFGM; secretary, Tom Mills, manager of the S. S. Kresge store, Richmond Heights; trea- surer, Roy Chandler, manager of the Bank of Nova Scotia. Cover Municipality In selecting a slate of officers to present to the meeting, said Mr. Graham, the nominating committee had\tried to choose a group of men who had the ne- cessary qualifications and who would represent the town as a whole, also new citizens and long-term ones, and in addition would cover a broad field of activity. Many New Citizens Chairman Picking emphasiz- ed the great need for a Cham- ber of Commerce which would act as a consolidating body.‘ The rapid changes in recent years, he said, had led to a situation where many businesses and residents did not know each other and, consequently, did not pull together in the munic- ipality’s best interests. To em- phasize his point he asked those who had not been rest- dents of Richmond Hill for at least ten years to stand. imibvhistory M trace the op "“‘“"'°°m“‘es â€" Reauty Consultants See Advertisement This Issue, Page 11 Invites the Ladies of Richmond Hill to a special promotion of SANS SOUCIS COSMETICS THURS. FRI., SAT., MARCH 1, 2, 3 Allencourt Pharmacy ALLENCOURT CENTRE era .ion of Boards of Trade and Chambers of Commerce over many centuries. emphasizing the important part they had played in the development of commun- ities and nations. At, the con- clusion of his address Mr. Wil- sun presented the new Chamâ€" ‘ber with its certificate of mem- bership in the Ontario Cham- ber. Ed. Nokes, a resident of Richmond Hill and a member of the staff of the National Chamber of Commerce. who has been an active assistant in or- ganizing the Richmond Hill Chamber, also spoke briefly and presented the organization with its certificate of membership in the National Chamber of Commerce. Hospital Head Speaks Chairman Douglas Storms of the York Central Hospital Board was a speaker and told of the work which had been done in organizing for thL new hospital to be located on Vaughan Road in Richmond Hill. Tenders for construction of the first stage would be called soon, he said. The important part the hospital would play in the town's econOmy was stressed. An interlude which drew em- phatic applause from the au- dience was the appearance of the Choraliers, a mixed group of singers under the direction of Richmond Hill musician Ri- chard Edmunds, which renderâ€" ed xeveral numbers. Policy Declared Key-note of the Chamber's policy was sounded by Presi- dent Picking as he brought the meeting to a close. Pointing out that Richmond Hill had many severe problems, which the Chamber of Commerce must join with town council and other citizens in solving, he declared that the Chamber would adopt an active policy in its approach to them. He quoted Marshal Foch, generalissimo of the allied armies who was called 1on to unify military action in \the first world war. when the allies were facing defeat. “My right is retreating, my left is shattered My centre is pierced: I am attacking," the Marshal declared. as he embarked on the campaign which brought vic- tory within a few months there- after. “That must be our atti- tude as we deal with Richmond Hill’s problems." said the presi- dent. “We must co-operate with others, as the allies co-operated with each other, and we must attack these problems, not just sit and look at them." Appoint Hydro Superintendent Llullvvvn L n... A native of Richmond Hill Mr. Horwood has served with the provincial system since Au- gust 1944. Mr. and Mrs. Hor- wood and their two children re- side on Mill Street. {Photo by Lagerqulst)