Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Mar 1962, p. 2

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The test explosion of atomic bombs behind the iron curtain â€" the consequent newspaper and other pubâ€" licity about fallâ€"out â€" sees public interest in defence against nuclear weapons increase measurably. Bomb shelters are built. (The public might be considerably interested to learn how many of them are constructed quietly and unobtrusively.) Author- ities are expected to be on their toes making defence preparations. Gen- eral tension prevails. But. a series of tests apparently having been concluded, the bomb and fallout fade from the front page. Mr. K. makes cooingr noises and the tension relaxes. The Berlin situation eases â€" and with it the threat of war â€"â€" and the fears of yesterday disappear. Hoping for the best in the best of all possible worlds, many of its inhabitants go about their busi- ness untroubled by the fear of what might happen if somebody pushes the wrong button or pulls a trigger at the wrong time. A “fool’s paradise?” Let‘s hope not! Let’s hope that sanity prevails as the world continues its long strug- gle towards universal peace and that those who go trustfully about their business are justified by events. “The home and school associa- tion is not a platform from which ed- ucators acquaint parents with polic- ies, but an assembly for the exchange of ideas having as their purpose the provision of the best education that parents and teachers can imagine," the article also declares. We believe that, in Richmond “The home and school movement has made a significant contribution to education by constantly striving to develop parental interest in improv- ing education opportunities for their children. In many cases it has been instrumental in achieving notewor- thy advances in school curriculum and facilities," says a recent issue of the Royal Bank’s always-worth-while Monthly Letter. Its theme “Leader- ship in Education” is developed to indicate the many strong forces at work on the improvement of the ed- ucational system. The article, whose study we strongly recommend to all who are interested in educational leadership, deals with many facets of the ques- tion. For the purpose of this editorial. however, we are dealing only with home and school aspects. But, eveh though We hope that fires may decrease through the tak- ing of greater precautions and the “Golf widows" found out a long time ago what to do about this busi- ness of being deserted by their hus- bands as soon as greens and fairways became usable in the spring. In the winter “curling widows” adopted a. similar cure. Taking a leaf out of the “old man’s" book, they became golfers and curlers themselves. What was sauce for the gander became per- fectly proper for the goose â€" if the ladies will forgive the description. But there’s another group of ladies, left alone for even longer But there’s another group of ladies, left alone for even longer hours than golf or curling widows, for whom a parallel solution is im- possible. And not only do they have to stay home and look after things while the man of the house goes his way, in addition they are often call- ed on to render a considerable amount of free public service in taking mess- ages â€"â€" sometimes flavoured with a strong dose of criticism â€" and in acting as an intermediary between their husbands and members of the public. Those ladies are the wives of men who hold office on town council. school board. planning board or one or another of the ever-Imiltiplying In deciding that those who ap- pear before it claiming to speak on behalf of ratepayer and similar asso- ciations must, in effect, present their credentials, Vaughan Township Plan- ning Board has made a wise move. As a news story in this issue of “The Liberal” indicates, those claiming to represent associations must validate their claims and show the extent of the authority granted to them to speak on behalf of others. Otherwise they are considered as speaking only for themselves. There is no suggestion that those who have appeared before the board on behalf of such associations in the past have done so with anything but the highest motives. But the fact remains that the planning board is entitled to know in all such cases just how much weight should be at- tached to presentations and whether the representative does, in actual 9: An Independent Weekly: Established 1878 cu L Subscription Rate $3.50 per year; to United States $4.50; 100 Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Member: Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association J. E. SMITH. Editor and Publisher W. S. COOK. Managing Editor F. J. PICKING. News Ed] “Authorized as second class mail. Post Office Department. Ottawa" Worthwhile - JusI In Case THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, March 1. 1962 the man of the house goes his in addition they are often call- to render a considerable amount ae public service in taking mess- â€"â€" sometimes flavoured with a g dose of criticism â€" and in g as an intermediary between husbands and members of the c. Those ladies are the wives of who hold office on town council. )1 board. planning board or one 10ther of the ever-multiplying Not much, perhaps, can be done about it. There might even be cases (though of course not in Richmond Hill or its neighbouring municipali- ties) where Mary is glad to see the back of Joe â€" or vice versa â€" on oc- casion. Jokes to one side, there are many times indeed where the civic service of the man of the house means long absences from home and family and, consequently, more than a little sacrifice. Planners Plan Protection leadership In Educaiion (Ebe To The ladies! In York County â€" as in most other parts of North America â€"â€" small groups of dedicated men and women are fitting themselves to act as firemen if, in spite of every attempt to prevent it, fire does break out. They are the people who, under the direction of the Emergency Measures Organization, are taking training which will fit them to act if action should be needed and the bombs should be loosed. Their activities are deslcribed in this issue of “The Lib- era ”. Incidentally, there is another as- pect of home and school existence which is in danger of being overlook- ed. That is its value as a training ground. Often members of a school board get their first indoctrination as members and officers of a home and school association. And, in a sur- prisingly large number of cases in Ontario, members of other govern- ing bodies graduate such as munici- pal councils and the Ontario legisla- ture itself come up by the home and school - school board - municipal council - legislature path. All of which, in our opinion, makes for grad- uated training in the mysteries and problems of democratic government. use of better materials, it’s as well to keep the fire brigade around for some time yet. You never know! Their services, We hope, will never be required. In the meantime they should be acknowledged. With- out pay, ‘without glamour, without fanfare, t y are doing a fine “just in case” jo of preparation. One point does seem to have been overlooked. While much .of the train- ing that EMO volunteers take is use- less except in the case of actual nuc- lear explosion, other parts of it might have a distinct peace value. Training and first aid work can, as past events have shown, he of outstanding use in the case of disaster. For that rea- son alone those who are cheerfully spending their time on emergency measures training may be building better than they realize. Hill, this purpose was furthered strongly when the public school board and leaders of the town's home and school associations met and openly discussed problems of mutual inter- ests at a joint gathering last year. This newspaper said at the time â€"- and again stresses â€" that the meet- ing was of real value in creating a. good climate. It hopes to see it, in the interests of the board itself, the association, and the end product - the pupils â€" repeated this year. public bodies required to make democ- racy work in a. modern municipality. There was a day when council or board or commission met once a month. With comparatively few com- mittee meetings, the municipal wheels could be kept turning without too much of a trespass on private life. That day has long since disappeared. The complexity of modern municipal government means that those who are elected are forced to spend many hours away from home and family while serving fellow-citizens. Wives and families become “casualties” to an extent in the battle of civic ser- vice. fact, speak as his neighbours would have him speak. The fact remainsâ€"especially in such a fast-growing municipality as Vaughan Townshipâ€"that a minority group could at some time or other abuse the situation. It wouldn’t be the first time, by any manner of means, that a noisy minority has won its way by claims and statements out of all proportion to its real impor- tance. Who is to say that two or three persons. calling themselves the Ratepayers Association of Blank- town, and possibly the only members of that organization, truly represent the bulk of thought in their area? In deciding to make such represen- tatives lay their credentials right on the line, Vaughan Township Plan- ning Board has displayed a lot of common-sense. The action is defi- nitely in the interests of the ma- jority of property owners and a protection of their rights. F. J. PICKING. News Editor r u L ’1 10c single copy The sounds‘of birds always gladden the heart. but few of us ever stop to listen or try to understand their meaning. The next time you are out, listen ever so carefully. What do you hear? Is it the call note of a cardinal? Are you perplexed because he can produce so many different sounds and you 'are not sure of his identity? Can it be a mimic? The sound of birds is not a‘ language in terms of our sym-l bolic language, but a means of communication. It may convey his location, his' identity, his sex, his age, or perhaps some- thing about the events taking place around him. The main difference lies in the inability to put the elements of their vocabulary together in new combinations conveying new meanings, the lack of the crea- tive element of our language. A The songs and calls of birds have been studied for a long time, but the difficulty in des- cribing them accurately made it impossible, until quite re- cently, to build up a store of common knowledge necessary for scientific study. Dr. J. Bruce Falls, assistant professor Zoology at the Uni- versity of Toronto, outlined and illustrated many new experi- ments in this field of study at the February 16th meeting of the Richmond Hill Naturalists. The tape recorder and sound spectograph has made it possible to carry the methods of experi- mental science literally into the field and, for anyone with the necessary equipment, to study the most complicated song ob- jectively. r Dr. Falls said most birds pro-1 duce vocal sounds, but somej species also have' other kinds.‘ He illustrated some of these dif- ferences in sounds - the thump- ing sounds made by the roughed grouse, sapsuckers drumming on telephone poles, bill snap- ping and squelchlng notes by the bittern - as well as call and song sound and examples of local dialects. The vocal sounds of birds can be divided somewhat arbitrarily into songs and call notes. Call notes are usually rather simple and short. but each species has several different kinds, e.g. 21 different sounds have been dis-‘ tinguished in the calls of chaf- finches. In comparison with calls, songs are usually louder and longer and have to do with the attraction of a mate and the defense of territory. How often ‘a bird sings varies considerably with the seasons, the stage of breeding cycle in which the bird is involved, the time of day and the weather. Birds with a single repetitive song. like many of our warblers and spar- rows. sing less often than those which “mix it up a bit." Com- pare the mourning warbler with his short song and the red- eyed vireo with his continuous singing all day. It is said that the red-eyed vireo holds the world‘s record of 22,197 songs 1in one day. Among the new developments of the Bell Tele- phone Company is a home inter-phone system with a microphone at the front door. They call it a sales- man-chaser, and if you have one, any salesman at your door will just have to go back to his office and call you on the telephone like the others do. Birds learn the songs of their neighbours and later on pay little attention to them. They recognize the songs of strangers and reserve their aggressive be- haviour for strange intruders. There are also minor differ- ences between the songs of in- dividuals of a species which even we can recognize. Experi- ments carried out in the field In an interview, during his recent Toronto ap- pearance. Chubby Checker explained how he invented the Twist. “It’s for people who can’t dance,” he said. . . . We know that. But HOW did he invent it? As if prompted by the Ontario N.D.P. member’s suggestion that election costs be limited to 15 cents per voter, a Quebec Liberal MPP says Eskimo votes can be bought for a piece of bubble gum. . . . Let’s see the Conservatives beat that for economy. Mimico’s problem of finding a new job for their Building Inspector Book is complicated by the fact that he is also, already, their weed inspector, sanitary inspector, health inspector, drain and plumbing in- spector, and (why be half safe?) their special in- spector. It looks like their town hall is going to have an elevator installed. The newest supersonic bombers of the US. Air Force will be equipped with a warning device using a woman’s voice. . . . Their problem now, will be to find pilots who will believe her when she says “No!” If the United States and Russia are going to continue capturing spies and exchanging them, we suggest that they start putting the news on the sports page. Last week’s “Liberal” described the “promo- tional feature” of a local record shop whereby pros- pective purchasers may listen to an album before buying itâ€"really giving us 78-ers the “progressive” Jazz. An Italian-named winner of a purchaser’s prize was pictured in a Toronto car dealer’s advertisement. His occupation was given as: Italian importer. . . . And he’s been a busy little bee, hasn’t he? A Toronto Township councillor says Malton area farmers aren’t allowed to grow corn because it could be a hazard to air traffic. This sounds a. little hard to believeâ€"unless they’re distilling it. Scientists are unable to explain the “glowing particles" encountered by Lt.-Col. Glenn as he orbited into dawn over the coast of California. . . . It could have been some of those Hollywood Starlets just getting home. - ‘QCOI’l by Georg. Mlyu O Yesterday’s news is not necessarin dead. Nature Notes By Richmond Hill Naturalists indicate that the rhythm of the song and pitch of the notes are important features by which birds recognize their own species. The problemrof how birds acquire their songs and calls has also been studied. In some cases, young birds taken from their nests and raised in cap: tivity away from their own kind‘ develop nearly normal songs which leads us to believe that they inherit part of their song. In other cases, captive birds develop peculiar songs which suggests that learning their normal song is developed from other members of their species. However, it was found that the critical learning period for a lyoung bird is just before the age‘of one year when its song is fixed for life. Birds can learn each other”: song. This fact was Illustrated on tape in three songs of an eastern mea- dowlark - its normal song and then two others similar to car- dinal songs. The latter even degeived a cardinal. This field of research has re- sulted in a break-through in our knowledge of the language of birds. We are now better able to describe the sounds of birds, study their structure and variations, and appreciate their adoption to special functions. Dumping 0f Garbage Brings $25. lmpost To Metro Glass Man A partner in a now defunct Toronto firm was fined $25 plus costs of $5. by Deputy Magis- trate R. G. Pearse in Richmond Hill Magistrate's Court recently. Allan Carson of Hancock and Carson, a glass and glazing out- fit, was convicted of dumping garbage in Markham Township on or about January 23. Evi- dence showed that he had dump- ed three large boxes of glass and ‘papers in a ditch on the Ger- ‘man Mills Road. In convicting the accused, Magistrate Pcarse indicated that these matters should be brought to the attention of the public and the seriousness of the of- fence pointed out. At the annual meeting of the Orange County Lodge of North York, held at Aurora on Febru- ary 10th, with Past County Mas- ter John Hurst of Keswick offic- iating as Installing Master, the following officers were installed: County Master - Walter Oselton, Newm-arket: Deputy County Master - John Sanders, Rich- mond Hill; County Chaplain - William Broun, Sutton: County Recording Secretary - Don Stap- less, Newmarket; County Finan- cial Secretary John Leece. Ma- ple; County 'ITeasurer - J. W. Joyce, Pefferlaw; County Mar- shal - Sam Templeton. Wilcox‘ Lake: County lst Lecturer - David Cowan, Nobleton; Coun- ty 2nd Lecturer - William H015 stock. Jackson‘s Point; County Deputy 2nd Lecturer - Don Wood, Schomberg; County Audi- .or - J. Montgomery, Nobleton; Count Auditor - Harry Gould, Schomberg: County Tyler. Al- ‘bert Cue. Zephyr. John Sanders Elected Deputy Orange Master Consider Her Ways. and oth- ers. by John Wyndham (M. Jos- eph, 1961). Mr. Wyndham has earned a high reputation as a writer of science fiction for the imaginative subtlety which he con-trives to make his fantasies grow out of plausible everyday happenings. Most of: the short stories in this collection are concerned with dislocations of the normal experience of time: a man or woman. as a result of an accident or some unsuccess- ful scientific experiment, is projected backwards or forwards in time into a totally unfamiliar world. Twilight of Honor. by Al. Dewlen. (McGraw-Hill, 1961). A trial for murder in a Texan town is the central event of this book. Outstanding characterization, es- pecially of the public defender Wen Paulk who is assigned to save the accused from the gal- lows and the Singer family. I met a Lady. by Howard Spring (Collins, 1961). London, and Spring’s favourite Cornwall are again the principal locales for another of this author’s de- tailed narratives of interlock- ing families. George Ledra tells this story of his love for an old- er woman Sylvia, an actress, whom he eventually marries, and of her daughter Janet. who becomes the second wife of an old friend of George’s, a man successful in business through the way of the 1940’s. How Not To Kill Your Hus- band, by K. C. Hutchin. (Haw- thorn. 1962). A British physic- ian and medical writer advises wives on the art of “husband care". The manual covers such health matters as exercise, diet, ailments, and diseases, domes- tic chores, dangers of overwork, drinking and other related mat- ters. A special section deals with heart diseases, their pre- vention and cure. The author emphasizes that this manual is not a substitute for personal medical advice, but rather its purpose is to help the reader become health conscious and aware of the warnings of dis- ease. The King‘s Bed. by Margaret Campbell Barnes. (Macdonali. 1961). When Richard III was de- feated and killed at Bosworth. his uniqUe campaigning bed. al- ways taken on his travels, was left abandoned at the inn where he had lodged. Many people were variously affected by the presence of this bed: as an ar- tistic show-piece. a hidden trea- sure chest, the incitement to greed and murder; to Dickon. Richard‘s natural son, a warn- ing and an artistic memento; to Tansy. the inn-keeper's daugh- ter. who had sheltered Dickon after the battle. a tragedy. WVCezanne, by Henri Perruchot (Perpetua, 1961). In this impres- sive biography, the gutthj paints: (Book reviews from the Richmond Hill Public Libra"! a moving and tragic picture of the great artist, Cezanne, set against the struggles of the im- pressionis'ts, and the rise of Zola. Africnn Genesis, by Robert Ardrey. (Collins). A personal investigation into the animal origins and nature of man. This provocative book challenges our assumptions of human unique- ness that colour every corner of modern thought. This is the story of an unprecedented search. and a story of man that has never before been told. Two LocaI Lads To Work Abroad Two Richmond Hill youths are presently on a trip that will take them a tenth of the way around the world to “seek their fortune." Paul Fairfield, 29 Starlight Crescent, and Garry Donald, Oxford Street, along with 50 other young men from all over Canada left Toronto, February 15 to spend two years working in England for a large grocery chain. ‘ u._l__ ...-.. The plan to send young men‘ to England to work for the gro- cery chains there was initiated‘ to develop Canadian methods of merchandising in the English grocery chains. The Canadian Lobllaw chain is sponsoring those Who go. but when they reach England they will be met by representatives of Fine Fair Foods Ltd.. for whom they are to work while they are over- seas. The applicants were able to pick the city they would prefer to work in and if possible they are placed in that city although for the most part they are be- ing sent to south coast towns. Paul Fairfield has been a resident of Richmond Hill for seven years. He went to Mac- Killop Public School and then to Richmond Hill High School. After completing grade II he went to work for the T. Eaton Co. and while there took a one- iyear merchandising course at nights. “It is probably as a result of completing this course that he got the chance to go to England," said his mother. When he returns to Canada in two years he would like to join the R.C.M.P., a position he ap- plied for some time ago. Paul is hoping to be sent to Portsmouth because he has relatives llving in that city. Garry Donald, the other boy going, also received his primary schooling at MacKillop and Mc- Conaghy Public Schools, then graduated into Richmond Hill High. He was in grade 12 when he decided to apply for the job and when he was finally accept- ed, he left school to go. Prior to his trip to England he had worked at the Loblaws store at Finch Avenue in Willowdale. When he returns Garry would like to continue his education‘ then take up a musical career,‘ a subject he has been intereste( in for some time and also 0 1e tL ghich he has devoted much the. Have You Read These? I'i HERBERT R. BUTT THE NEED FOR REVERENCE Just how important is reverence? Goethe said: “The soul of the Christian religion is reverence. First there is reverence for God. We reverence God when we keep Him in our thoughts and make Him a part of our daily life. We feel reverence when we enter into one of His churches and listen to the sacred music that is being played there. The stillness of the sanc- tuary becomes a part of us, and the reverence that wells up in us culminates in a prayer of thanksgiving to the Most High. If we feel reverence for Him, we will feel reverence for all the life that He has created. A new-born babe will be a being of beauty and prom- ise and an old one will be reverenced for his years and the wisdom he has garnered through life. Those whose ages lie in between extreme youth and age will call forth reverence because it is they who sustain and nurture the world with the work of their hands, the thoughts of their brain and the love that spills from their hearts for others. We reverence those who set us good examples and those who encourage us along life’s journey. We extend our awe to the mysteries of God’s creation . . . the stars . . . the sun and the moon and our own earth. Our earth with its mountains . . . valleys . . . plains . . . rivers and lakes. We are spellbound before the wonderful variety of the plant and animal kingdoms. All this inspires reverence in us. For it is all a great mystery. The one thing that we do know is that reverence produces strength in _a person, and it is a strength that is not easily put aside for anyone. R Richmond Hill I. TUrner 4-1312 : INSURANCE CANADIAN MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION. YORK COUNTY BRANCH MADE HEADWAY IN 1961 "It is with great pride that we review the ach- ievements of York County Branch during 1961,” said Mrs. P. Townshend-Carter at the fourth annual meet- ing of the York County Branch, held on February 14, at the Wells Public School in Aurora. According to lylrs. Townshend-Carter’s presidential report, the York White Cross Volunteer Services have been step- ped up considerably. York County has the most active post hospital care in the province. About 135 interested and faithful volunteers visit patients in Approved Homes. There have been a number of pro- jects. White Cross Volunteers along with the resi- dents of one of the homes organized a successful tea and bake sale which netted them $400 to be used for an active social and recreational program. Another project started last June was a volunteer visiting program to the Ontario Hospital at Aurora. Ten vol- unteers under the able direction of Mrs. Francis Jan- kowiak visit the hospital each week. The York County Branch are very grateful to Dr. Rice and his staff there for their whole-hearted co-operation. A third type of visiting is in the infant stages of development County Branch, CMHA can be proud of the fact that there has been definite progress in improving treat- ment for the mentally ill. Thanks to funds from York County plus Provincial and Federal grants, a mental health clinic, the first in Ontario, was established in Newmarket last year, under the capable services of Dr. Svend E. Jensen, L.M.C.C. The clinic services are available to persons referred to it by the family physician or public or welfare services. . a specially picked group of volunteers pay good neighbor visits to the clinic’s patients at the request of Dr. Jensen. The president of Y.C.B., Mrs. Town- shend-Carter paid a special tribute to Mrs. John Large who so ably organized the Christmas Gift Campaign. Thanks to the generosity of the public, the untiring efforts of the campaign committee and the assistance of the Senior Citizens of Richmond Hill, Christmas for many. patients in York County was much happier. During Mental Health week, May, 1961, a blitz drive for funds was held in 17 communities in the county. A total of $9,423.32 was donated. Three thousand dollars went to research and to the provin- cial office. The remainder was used for branch ex- penses, White Cross Volunteer programs, education, literature and publicity meetings, etc. The success of the fund-raising drive was due to the untiring efforts of former Warden William Clark, campaign chairman, and Mr. Harry Toombs who worked in close coâ€"operation with Mrs. Strickland and Mr. H. C. Smout of the Ontario Division. The association is also very much indebted to the canvassers of the campaign. As far as the educational program is concerned . . . Y.C.B. has furnished speakers for many organiz- ations. Y.C.B has taken part in discussions, publicized Mental Health Week, and extended invitations to all organizations to visit the Ontario Hospital in Aurora last May. The executive secretary has supplied all county newspapers with information, news and inter- views concerning Mental Health Week. A mailing list of 750 people now receive the branch Newsletter. Special mention should be made of the Village of Markham which has the first community committee. Its purpose is to bring mental health information to the locality and to help co-ordinate their own volun- teer program. The project of the scientific advisory committee under the chairmanship of Dr. Rice was concerned with rehabilitation. As a result of their work a meeting of all agencies and organizations was called to discuss this matter. It was unanimously de- cided to develop a rehabilitation council. This'is now under the able chairmanship of Mr. J. D. Pearson who has presented a brief to county council for their consideration. Mrs. Townshendâ€"Carter stressed the fact that the C.M.H.A. were mindful of the many people who made these programs and projects possible. On behalf of Y.C.B. she expressed her sincere appreciation to all for their tireless efforts in the cause of mental health. 24 Elizabeth St. N. Richmond Hill DEPENDABLE SERVICE Telephone Toronto, Ontario EMpire 2-3456 112 Yonge St. Toronto rr. Rlcbmvnd 884 - 7632 ENJOY SUNDAY MOVIES Sunday, March 4 Continuous from 5.30 pm. ‘ ALSO jM0n., Tues., Wed- ‘ March 5, 6, 7 Continuous Daih from 7 pm. (6 pm. on Saturdays) Saturday. Children's Matinee 2 pm. CINIMASCODE COLOR by DE LUXE PICK UP & DELIVERY DAVIDLADD‘ARIHURU'BUNNELL HERE cams THE F! t FURIES or r31 CIFICI CINEMASCOOE [ill ‘ 0731M PLEASE NOTE Saturday Matinee 2 pm. only “MISTY” ._ PLUS â€"â€" COLOR CARTOONS Thurs., Fri., Sat. March'l, 2, 3 mammmnz-mmmm mm DULCIst Mum MAMA/1A [MCECYLD IV 5 WM! (Wm ‘r‘E-[unuv Ir MOVING A SPECIALTY iihum Mancoum UDIE GARY WWI/CW "£"ZAUDI‘ Radio Dispatched RICHMOND DELIVERY SERVICE Queue.” INDOUCID v ‘DOL95€$_ Mat/mm/M/AI‘ mums DAssm w-mwudD-nchd Hhiiiifiatim ‘ ‘ ACAIEHDLAV If new» MAW/.4.) mum Mil/mm GARK

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