SUNDAY EVENING â€"- 7.30 - MARCH 2 â€" Friday 9 p.m. 9.30. Symphony Orchestra Reâ€" Maple Community Centre, Mod- hearsal, Richmond Hill Library em and Old Time Dance, spon- Audltorium. New members wel- sored by Maple Lions Club. come. Phone TU. 4-1435. bTickets $2.50 couple, available *1w35, c1w361from any Lion or at door. A QUALITY PAINT JOB If your car is of recent vin- tage but is in need of a paint Job, it will pay you to have it done. The result will increase your own satisfaction and the car's value when you trade it in. How your car is painted. however, will decide how long that satisfacm tion and value last Insufficient paint ‘ applied over an un- prepared surface will mean renewed‘ rust spots in a few months and wast- M. R. Bear ed money. n15 Pitted and rusted spots are landed to the bare metal and 3;: reprlmed. Then the entire sur- Ce, face of the old paint and re- 83‘ primed areas are hand rubbed 'er smooth. Name plates are remov- p ed before this process and are then replaced after the ï¬nal MA drying. Chrome trim is masked, 5th of course, but so as to permit and the paint to be applied under the II the entire car is done at Dodge Ontario, this is how we will do it: then replaced after .the flnai‘MARCH 24' SATURDAY _ The dryingi Chrome mm 15 maske‘?‘ 5th Richmond Hill Ladies Cub of course! but 50 as .to perm†and Scout Auxiliary will hold the paint to be applled Wider their annual rummage sale in the edgeS- the Richmond Hill United Three coats of quality paint Church Christian Education are then applied evenly under Buildingi c1w35 dust-free conditions (thick coats ‘tend to develop cracks eventu- Illy) and the paint baked in alChamber commerce sailing-oven to give it a factorleirectors Plan Meet : Now You Cg Wash The price‘ we .ch'arge for this Officers and directors of the guaranteed quality paint Job Is recently-formed Richmond Hill approximately‘ $95. AI_t _w0_u1d Chamber of Commerce gill h_old be possible to do the job for less money providing that the prep- aratory steps of sanding, prim- ing and rubbing were eliminat- ed and a single coat of paint applied and dried in the open air. But the price should be at least half as much to permit you to do the job again in six months when you will need to. St. Gabriel's Anglican Church, Crosby & Bayview Aves. Rich- mond Hm are holding a Bake Sale Ind Fashion Show on Monday, March 5, at 3 pm. [1‘5 allluuldllUC \‘VGD WCGIAII Uhl . . _ THE DODGE ONTARIU and he did not feel like resnlac- 01101“ and trlos from R1911“ CAR CO. LTD. mg it. Ambulance Charges were mon_d H111 Pubhc S’chools scored I959 Yonge St. at Game: difficult to comet he said‘ 95. gljatlfymg resplts 1n’the _recent Willowdale pecially from the Ontario pm- Klwams Musgc _Fest1va1 1n To- _â€" vincial Police- “mm The “imnmg Of. an award is comparatlvely ineldental to _‘ ‘ I I ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ E ‘__‘ ‘ ‘ ‘; the greater a_ll-round _mpsi‘ca}} THE DODGE ONTARIO CAR CO. LTD. 5959 Yonge St. at Cummer Willowdale m """"""""" LIMITED I98 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL Turner 4 . 44;] Richmond Hill Lions HaII MONDAY, MAR. 5th COMING EVENTS NOTICE I MARCH 5 â€" Monday. School for Stewards_ and Elders York at Presbyter)? United Church, Sutton United Church, Sutton. at 7:00 pm. RefreAshAments. clw35 MARCH 17 â€" The Monday Night Mixed "Bovglir‘lg‘ _I:.ea§ue MARCH 3 â€" Saturday. Child- ién's Films at the Public Libv rary, 10.15 am. aggi 2_ gm: “Pr'i'vate Detective Blomkvist.†Seats available for afternoon show 25c. *1w35 are having a St. Patrick’s Day dance at the Lions’ Hall on Centre St. Dancing begins at 8.30 pm. Admission 50c per person. Refreshments available. c3‘w35 ‘1- """"" -P|"" M Tlgie recent drive was an oultti stan ing success, Mrs. Todd to Dlrectors an ee “The Liberal." Returns so far‘ Officers and directors of the had been slightly over $3.500, recently-formed Richmond Hill showmg a big increase from Chamber of Commerce will hold last year: when Richmond Hill their first meeting on Tuesday, Contrlbutlons were $2,591 arid March 6th, President F. J. Pick- those from Richvale $270. The ing announced this week. tWO Places 09mbin8d this year. The meeting win take the boosting their total collection form of a dinner gathering. to by 25 per cent. MARKHAM VILLAGE: Cutting ‘off of ambulance service in the ivillage was threatened when the proprietor of the local funeral home told village council that his ambulance was wearing out land he did not feel like renlac- ing it. Ambulance charges were difficult to collect, he said. es- pecially fijom the Ontario Pro- The meeting will take the form of a dinner gathering. to give members a chance to be- come acquainted, and will be followed by a business meeting during Which committees will be formed and a program of woxt'ik for the chamber origin- ate . Plans for a membership drive will also be formulated. 5t SHIRT SE Rv‘mï¬ {E‘Academic Courses Best! e, sponm ‘ 4 . 15 Club. x?- Industrialist Declaresj-i-jf 1w35; ‘ the greater au-rounu muswal training of such an event; but it is also pleasant and encourag- ing news. Out of 13 choral groups from our schools, two obtained ï¬rst prize, ï¬ve second 'prize, three third prize, and three fourth prize. Teachers Hear System Challenged The morning segment of the conference featured three out- standing speakers, Mr. A. H. McKague, Assistant Superin- tendent of Secondary Education for the Province, Mr. E. H. Lindsay, Viceâ€"president of Gen- eral Electric and Mr. J. W. Singleton, Superintendent of Burlington Secondary Schools. The afternoon session was de- voted to further professional development when teachers joined their choice of twenty- it together it comes out wrong!†Society is complicated, he said. and education, in the words of Thomas Huxley “should train you to do the things that need to be done. when they should be done, whether you like it or not." He said that shop work might keep a student in school longer but a shop student would be of little value to a large corpora- tion nor would he get an edu- cation in the true sense. Mr. Lindsay felt that students from the academic courses were a Bowlers To Aid March Of Dimes.l Sunday, March "‘1 Repeating the gesture of pre- vious years. the ABC bowling alleys. Richmond Hill. will con- tribute its entire revenue on Sunday, March 11th, to the March of Dimes, Mrs. Norman Todd, in charge of the drive, has announced. The alleys will open on that date from one to eleven p.m. Co-operation of everybody concerned was “wonderful,†said Mrs. Todd, asking “The Liberal" to extend thanks on her behalf to those who worked and those ‘who contributed. Top Kiwanis Awards For Richmond Hill Schools 71:117.»? The Vice-president of Gen- eral Electric, Mr. Lindsay, started his views on “Education and Employment" with the story of “an educational toy designed to help the child adjust to the world today - any way you put it together it comes out wrong!" Society is complicated, he said. and education. in the words of Thomas Huxley “should train you to do the things that need to be done, when they should be done, whether you like it or not." He hoped that there would not be a trend towards lowering the standards of the high school because of the trend to voca- tional courses. Three Needs Apparent In his summation, Mr. Lind- say said that we must face up to three things: (1) The need for better and wider spread education and the recognition that vocational edu- cation is not education in the true sense. not a good founda- tion for advanced studies. Highest honours were secured by the choirs of Miss F. Thom- son, MacKillop School, whose two first prizes achieved 86% and 87%. Mr. H. G. Fowler is music supervisor for Richmond {Hill Public Schools. (2) The experience of corpor- ations with persons coming to them with vocational education has led them to place secon- dary school vocational courses at the bottom of the totem pole of educational requirements. (3) The primary obligation of the schools is not to cater to the business community but to the individual student and to the community in which he lives. Mr. Lindsay completed his advice by saying that schools should not conform their cour- ses to. what business needs, or Walter Scott - (Mn 2nd prize. Grade 8 Choirs MacKillop - (Miss soy} 1 lst prize. McConaghy - (Mr. J. Hlncks)- 4th prize. MacKillop - (Miss son) - 3rd prize. Grade 7 & 8 Choirs 3rd prize. Gliaider 777Choirs - Boys says it needs 100 Cases Heard1 In Record Court Approximately 100 court cases were heard last Monday, at one of the longest sessions of Rich- mond Hill Magistrate’s Court since its inception almost two months ago. Most of the cases idealt with were traï¬-ic charges laid by Richmond Hill police. A number of dog cases, where people were summonsed for al- lowing their dogs to run at large, were also handled. Many of the traffic cases were speeding offences although a number of “failing to stop†charges were also dealt with. Also included in the extensive docket were such offences as failing to change the ownership of a vehicle, failing to report ‘an accident, having an unsafe vehicle and careless driving. Magistrate R. G. Pearse, in sentencing a number of the of- fenders, recommended that they attend a traï¬ic clinic which is held in Richmond Hill regular- Old Metro Line Car Barn Burns In Sunday Fhe Heavy damage was caused tol the brick building which looks south down Yonge Street at the first of the Bond Lake curves, ‘last Sunday around 6.30 p.m_. ‘ Auuu “an...†__ The building is now occupied ified as a furniture store operated move by Harry Simpson. The proprie- tor. following his usual custom, â€"‘ had been working during thel day and the fire is said to have ‘broken out shortly after clos-[ about 1900 and was orginally a ' ' ' " ' " ‘ ' ’ car barn for the old Metro- News editor and announcer of politan Railway, which at that CFGM, Richmond Hill, for the time ran electric cars up Yonge last three years. Don Watson Street from North Toronto to leaves this week to take up neWS Sutton. In those days Bond Lake duties with the new Globe and was a very popular picnic spot Mail broadcast over Station and organizations by the dozens CKEY, Toronto. made it their Mecca during - A Westerner - and an empha- summer months. tic “Blue Bombers" fan - he _ , u..- --..L 2,... ‘kv-AA After serving its original pur- pose it remained closed for a time, later becoming a car sales outlet. g’fhe building was con§trt§9tediTO Toronto Station J. Peace)- F. Thom- F. Thom- $50.00 $425 STARTING TIME-8 PM. FULLCARDTOGO JACKPOT NUMBERS CALLED Pastor Albert Myers conduct- ed the service, and, after the ex- periences of 18 years in scout- ing work, delivered an inspiring and appropriate message.“ Richmond Hill United Church was the scene of Sunday's An- niversary Church Parade and Service, in which the 5th Scout Troop with Scoutmaster Drum- mond Fraser, and A.S.M. John Turner, together with “A†Cub Pack, Akela A1 Clarke, and “B†Cub Pack, Akela Ted Duffy. also with the newly formed 5th Richmond Hill Rover Crew. Skipper Ralph Kerslake, partl- cipating. The impressive sermon, “Sing- ing in the Dark," delivered by the Chaplain, Rev. C. G. Higgin- son, was taken from the Scrip- ture of St. Paul in prison, Acts 16, 9 to 33. The Lesson was read by Queen Scout Bill Fahey. Supply Of Water Meeting Subject For Oak Ridges A number of property own- ers from the east side of Oak Ridges recently appeared before Whitchurch Township Coun- cil requesting the supply ing of water through a new system, the water being pur- chased from King Township. Council, after investigating the ‘situation, called a meeting which was held at the Oak Rid- ges Public School. Ratepayers lfrom the area within the bounds Council, after investigating the situation, called a meeting which was held at the Oak Rid- ges Public School. Ratepayers from the area within the bounds of Yonge Street, north from the Lob Cabin to the Ridge Road; the South Road from Yongei Street east to Benson Avenue; Wilcox Road from Yonge Street east to and including Joyce’s Point; and the North Road from Yonge Street east to and in- cluding the residence of Silvo Bolsonello, were present. The situation with regard to taxes in arrears in the neigh- bourhood was pointed out, and property owners were told that a considerable portion of ar- rears of taxes would have to be liquidated before anything more definite could be arrang~ ed. Whitchurc'h Council has a-‘ greed to call another meeting within a few weeks to see what ‘can be done. Reeve Clifford anllwork pro- mised that, in the meantime, council would get an estimate of cost and a preliminary re- port on the installation of a waterworks project and a sup- ply main from _King Township. District residents last yearvoted against a proposal to have water services installed in the area. The recent move was sparked by two petitions, one signed by 80 qualified persons requesting the water service ‘and the other signed by 34 qual- ;ified persons opposing the CFGM Newsman Moves - A Westerner - and an empha- tic “Blue Bombers" fan - he has lived in the east for three years. While working in Toron- to, he will continue to make his home in Richmond Hill. 29 YONGE ST. S. SHORT RIB or BLADE MONARCH PANCAKE MIXES AYLMER “CREAM STYLE†OLD TYME 12 oz. bttl Fancy Corn 2150mm MAXWELL HOUSE Instant Caffee 10 02- iar 5] AYLMER FRUIT COCKTAIL McINTOSH or SPY 3 lb. cello bag YELLOW RIPE B BLADE BONE REMOVED im33c RICHMOND HILL HIND QUARTERS OF Cut & Wrapped For Freezer 4 Approximately 120 lbs. ‘ â€" _ ‘ LEAN MEATY "5â€â€˜i5Kï¬â€˜E RIBS lb. 49c 14 oz. cello pkg. DUNCAN HINES Cake Mixes 2m:- Tomato Juice 48oz;tin LIBBY’S FANCY DELSEY “WHITE 0R COLORED†Toilet Tissue 2roIkag. "Choice Quality" 215 oz. tins RED RIPE lEAN SLICED COOKED 2 pouch pkgs‘ . 19c