Finances Trustee Stone, chairman of the finance committee reported expenditures of $23,145.59 for the month of January and re- ceipts of $21,365.75. It was ac- cordingly moved that $3,000 be transferred from capital account to general account on loan. He also reported that an advance of $30,000 on debentures for the Woodland School addition had been received and that the first draw had been made by he contractor of $14,601.15. Salary Schedule -Trustee McKay, reporting for e property committee. noted that the sanitary reports had in- rlcated that all the schools un- er the board's jurisdiction vere in satisfactory condition. Custodians' salaries were dis- cussed and a schedule was a- ed upon of $3,050 minimum nd $4.400 maximum. Yearly ncrements were to be 3240.001 Markham Area No. l March 4 will be the last of he weekly Sunday night double- eaders. "Is there any indication that the department is holding this up deliberately?†enquired Trustee Mc- Kay. “There is no indication of this,†reported Trustee Parker. “It appears to be just departmental red tape.†Still Awaiting Arrival 0f Oral French Teacher i The oral French lessons in the T.S.A. No. 1 Mark- 'ham Schools could still not be put into operation, tht board was advised at their meeting last week at Ben derson Avenue Public School. The delay, reported Trustee Parker, chairman of the education committee, was due to the fact that the proposed teacher had been required by the Department of Education to go back for are-check of her physical examination. The programme for the ï¬nal week before the play-offs m'll ;ee Roselawn Dairy trying for :heir thlrd straight “1n over the improved Rover Crew in the first game and Doncaster's en- my, the Royals will take on the Hornets for the rubber game in :he night cap. Josephine Bencic. 113 Hender- son Avenue will celebrate her 15th birthday on March 6. 3f the 5th Newtonbrooli hike}; when the Rovers broke their lit-lug of defeats as they played to a 4-8“ tie‘ ioselawn 8 S 2 {oyals 8 4 2 {cl-nets 8 5 3 l iovers 8 0 7 Last Sunday’s Results \ Roselawn 3. Royals 1 ‘ Rovers 4. Hornets 1 '(Hornets awarded victory Rovers defaulted) iemalning Games Watch 4 â€" Rovers vs Roselawn 8 Royals vs Hornets 9 All games played at the I ford Arena. In the other contest. the Rose awn Club snapped out of their wo week slump‘as they trounc- d the Hornets 6-0. ‘HORNHILL HOCKEY CLUB Intermediate House League P W L T Pt. oselawn S S 2 1 11 oyals B 4 2 2 10 Zornets 8 5 3 0 10 The ï¬rst place Doncaster Royâ€" Ijoclggy ’[eam w_ere opponents DONCASTER Thornhill and District News Mr. Alfred H. Hartland (left), popular sexton of Holy Trinity Anglican Church, won a handsome Elgin wrist watch when his lucky golden key turned the lock on the treasure chest in Cole’s Phone AV. 5-5205 Correspondent David Barbour Henderson Ave. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, March 1. 1962 Roselmm 8 pm Hornets 9 pm played at the Brad- TELEPHONE AV. 5-2331 'Green Lane “HOW do the Child. Mrs. Aimone reported that Pen mutate? asked Trustee althOugh there had been some Mrs. Almone. Mr. Evans rephed discussion in the Markham that they have.“ many as 60 Township Council “Out the youngsters coming back at 12:30 Green Lane railway crossing at Henderson .Avenue School. there had been no official no- working 0'1 the“ 0w“ and that flee of progress on the matter_ there was also a lunch-tune On her suggestion the secretary program at 16111 Avenue, while was instructed to enquire “Out at Thornlea they have installed this matter and report back a chinmng bar- at the next meeting. Trustee McKay suggested that With respect to emergency Mr. Evans make recommenda- measures. Mrs. Aimone report- tions about other full-time or led that her committee was gath- part time instructors. ering information from various Trustee Parker. chairman of sources and that transistor ra~ the education committee re- dios had been purchased for ported that the series of grade ' In reporting for the health safety and recreation commit- tee. Trustee Mrs. Louise Aimone noted that first aid equipment in all the schools had been checked and the procedure for first aid has been found in or- der. She noted however. that the schools did not have the first aid requirements as set down by the Workmen's Com- pensation Board and on her‘ motion, the trustees agreed to equip the schools to meet the compensation board require-‘ ments. Bicycle Roadeo and overtime pay $2.00 per hour. with part-time help paid $1.50 per hour. Custodians are to have two weeks’ vacation af- ter two years and three weeks’ vgoation, after ten years’ ser- v1ce. Trustee McKay reported that the township had constructed a sanded and graded pathway on Proctor Avenue and the child- ren were now using it. The Woodland School addition is 35% completed and the archi- tects are satisfied that the progress is good in spite of the weather and that they ex- wpect the contractor will meet his Fdeadline. Mrs. Almone announced that a bicycle roadeo would be held at Easter to remind the child- ren to have their bikes in good repair and to see that they knew the road rules. "There is a continuing safety program in all schools" reported Mrs. Al- mone. “But bulletins will be issued from time to time on specific aspects of safety." Since Henderson Avenue has been paved from Steeles Av- enue to John Street with a con- sequent increase ln traffic Mrs. Aimone recommended that a letter be sent to Markham Township asking them to con- sider the installation of side- walks. Green Lane Crossing It was also reported that the plans for the construction of the stage and gym at Hender- son Avenue School would be ready shortly. Principal Jack~ son reported that the changes required at 16th Avenue School were progressing favourably: _ Wins Thornhill lucky Draw “The when!" is always pleased to publish Items of Interest contributed by m readers in the Thornhill area - < - < - - - Our representative In Thomhlll ls Mrs. Margaret McLean. who may be reached by phoning AV. 5-2331. â€". NI“ u. Mr. Evans suszested that the with the lowest t board look into the question Dagmar Constructi of arranging for hockey games for $22,033. Half 01 on an indoor rink and noted win he paid by1 that a seven game schedule National Railways would cost only $60.00. He came close to the e expressed himself as extremely by Township Eng gratiï¬ed by the supplying of Mlklas. Work wil equipment by the board and as quickly as possi the home and school associa- felt that melting : tions. noting that all the equip. the GEM store ment was in constant use, and might cause heaw that all the schools were well‘* equipped. ‘ With respect to public re- lations, Trustee Aimone sug- gested that the board prepare a brochure to be made available to all new people in the area, describing the board and its system and including a short history of the area, its bound- aries, the number of teachers and pupils and the location of schools. This would let the rate- lpayers know how much time the board spends in acquiring pro- perty and trying to get good teachers, Mrs. Aimone felt. Permission was granted to go ahead with the brochure. Trustee Stone suggested that a note be included about home and school executives. Mrs. Al- mone reported that the rate- payers in the Schickedanz‘ Subdivision had requested a letter of information about board meetings. The secretary, ‘Mr. Sand felt this information would be provided by the bro- lchure and he would try to get lit out by the end of the month. ‘Trustee Aimone noted that the ‘16th Avenue School was to be officially opened at the end of March and that the principal had been advised about the contest to name the-school. each school. She suggested that he secretary arrange that in- :trudtion in the use of fire fighting apparatus be arranged ‘or the teachers and custod- 1ans. Mr. Evans advised that the program consisted of instruc- tion in the classrooms. in the gymnasiums and on the out- side rinks where lesson games and house league games all took place. A course of study has been given to each teacher and two half hour periods of RT. are given the children each week. with Mr. Evans visiting each classroom once every three weeks. Junior and senior teams in volleyball. hoc- key. floor hockey and basket- ball had been organized. with teachers and principals giving freely of their time. Hockey Mrs. Aimone then introduced to the board the area’s physical education director, Mr. Evans who gave a report on the phys- ical training activities in the schools. Jewellery Store, Thornhill. He is seen receiving the watch from Proprietor John F. Cole. (Photo by David Barbour.) vvvvvv ssflProctor Ave. Sewers 8 vocational guidance lectures ‘was proceeding on schedule. Two successful lectures had been given, one by Trustee Frost and one by Rev. M. C. Johnston of Thornhill Baptist Church. Mr. Parker also report- ed that he had met with the principals on the question of setting up a second special edu- cation class. A number of sug- gestions and recommendations had been made. he advised, but they are not prepared to come up with a recommendation until they have further infor- mation. Mr. Sand also read a letter from the Thornhill District As- sociation for Retarded Children asking for financial aid for three area children who attend Thorn- haven School. On a motion of Trustee Stone, seconded by Trustee Parker. the board 3-; greed to continue to pay $10.00l per mon_th for each child attend-l ing the school. 1,111 Students 1 The secretary. Mr. Sand, read letters from the home and school associations of Hender- son Avenue, Thornlea and Woodland Avenue schools, thanking the board for their contribution, of $50.00 for the setting up of the hockey rinks. In giving his report as sup- ervising principal. Mr. Sand reported 1.111 children enrolled in the area schools during Jan- uary with an attendance of 92.22%. He handed the board members a report from Mr. Westlake on the Ontario Music Educators’ Conference which he had attended and one from Mr. Martindale on the reading \workshop he had attended. Mr. Sand asked that the board consider their appointments to the Thornhill Library Board and advised that the two pres- ent appointees. Mrs. E. Percival and Mr. G. Zinkan were both willing to serve for another term. The board agreed to xe- appoint both. Contract ls Awarded Tenders for Proctor Avenue storm sewers were opened by Markham Township Council, with the lowest being that of Dagmar Construction Co.. Ltd.. for $22,033. Half of this amount ygill_ be paid†by the†Canadian National Railways. The figure came close to the estimate made by Township Engineer Dusan Miklas. Work will be pushed as quickly as possible. as it was felt that melting snow piles at the GEM store parking lot might cause heavy run-off. 80 Richmond St. West. Toronto Consultation by Appointment Phones: Thornhill AV. 5-3315 Toronto EM 4-2780 Legal Mulholland sEE THE FRIGIDAIRE FAMILY OF DEPENDABLE APPLIANCES! See them room ll RICHMOND HILL TV AND APPLIANCES Night was celebrated Thornhill Secondary School on February 16th with a record 50 to 55 grads attending, and a total attendance of over 250. Organized four years ago by the boys and girls athletic as- isociations. the grad nights haVe ‘become increasingly popular. This year. as other years. a feature of the entertainment was a basketball game between the grads and this year’s sen- ior team. The grads went down to defeat at 57 to 33. Next the lady teachers bravely en- tered the arena against the girl grads in a game of hit-pin baseball which demonstrated more high spirits than skill. The teachers were dressed in wierd and wonderful castumes which added to the fun and no-one knows what the final score Was. During half time in the boys basketball game the boys gymn team put on a display of gym- nastics and some of the girls gave a demonstration on the trampoline. The grads are all admitted free for the evening and on en- tering the girls were presented with a rose and the boys with a carnation so they could be iden- tified by the rest of the student 'body. The refreshments featured an anniversary cake and after this grads and students enjoyed ati The invitation which went to each grad included a chatty newsletter written by Mr. Seath. In his own inimitable style. he noted that of the class of '61, Cherry Allen. Lois Davidson, Thelma Haggar. Nancy Halla- well. Bill Johnstone. Pat Mac- Donald. Aimo Manninen. Gillian McTaggart-Cowan. Jennifer Robinson. Ron Stagg. Jane Twiss. Vicki Watt. Bruce Why- ard and Greg Harley are all at- tending University of Toronto. Other ‘61 grads attending Wa- terloo University are Richie Charles. Suzanne Ball, Elliott Saunders and Charles Juryn. Mary Lou Bowden is studying nursing. while Joanne Wilson and Jeanne McLean are at Tea- chers' College. Bob Blackburn is at York University. Lynn Hall is at O.A.C., Nick O'Beirn is at Ryerson. Steve Crutcher is at R.M.C. and Ralph Finkle is out making an honest living. What Are Grads Doing? Some of the earlier grads, Joan Heffron. '58, Mary Lou‘ Fugler '59. Albert Naylor ’571 and Jane Redman '57 are alli married. Harvey Brown ’57. isi majoring in animal husbandry at‘ Guelph; Fraser Craig ’60. is at Ryerson: Jim Gardner '57 is? with the Department of Lands and Forests at Pembroke; 3111‘ Gibson ’57 belongs in the young Negro spirituals fall into three categories. Mr. White noted. First, those that express relig- ious fervour, such as “0 What a Beautiful City", “Deep River," and "I’ve Heard of a Place Call- ed Heaven". To demonstrate, Mr. White sang the latter, play- ing his own piano accompani- ment. During half time in the boys basketball game the boys gymn team put on a display of gym- nastics and some of the girls gave a demonstration on the trampoline, Spirituals Gave Negro Strength! Bear Burden 0f White Bondage? (By Margaret McLean) The fourth annual Grad‘s Night was celebrated at Thornhill Secondary School on February 16th with a record 50 to 55 grads attending. and a total attendance of over 250. Successful Thornhill Grads Night What Are They Doing Now? 34 YONGE ST, SOUTH RICHMOND HILL AV. 5=3756 spiritual of which few people are aware. Mr. White related that he had been made aware of these when studying at Howard University in Washington. “To- day,†stated Mr. White, “There is some concern that democracy as a way of life has not been extended to all people who live and were born in a democracy". Democracy had ï¬rst been tried, he noted by the Greeks. but it also encompassed slavery, and this was the cause of its disin- tegration and disappearance. Much the same thing took place in the Roman empire. “Two hun- dred and ï¬fty years ago the negro sl-ave was aware of this. And he was intelligent. He found he could use religion as a means of expressing his ob- jection to the status quo," stat- ed Mr. White. “Walk All Over God’s Heaven.†promised the negro that he eventually would be able to enjoy all the same lthings and go in the same places as his white masters. “It’s Me 0 Lord, Standing in the Need of Prayerâ€, expressed the neg- ro’s need of strength, endurance and stamina to put up with the status quo and was a form of passive resistance. The line “‘Every Time I Feel The Spirit Rising In Me, I Will Pray,†re-‘ minded the negro that physical resistance was useless. Singing was a release for his feelings and was safer. In the song line, “I ainf't got long to stay here." was a way of informing. friends that the singer was es- caping north on the under- ground railway. ’l‘he speaker was thanked by Lion Jim Timur-ins, who not only thanked him in verse. Dut brave 1y sang his composition, to much applause. dancing. Newsletter Iier grads. Mary Lou Naylor ’57 ’57 are all Joe West, ’59 is now in Eng- land with Loblaw Groceterias; Susa-n Purves '59, toured Eur- ope last spring; Yvonne Renton ’60 was man-led last Septem- ber and Louise Martin ’61 and‘ Karen Wright ’61 are both altar bound in the near future. Many thanks to Mr. Searth for providing me with all this news. In return, I will remind all my readers to attend the phys. ed. department's annual “Health's- a-Poppin" nights on March 22nd and 23rd so they can see how future grads are shaping up. The commercial grade held a reunion at the home of Mrs. Hurson on January 8th which was 'attended by 1960 and 61 graduates. Grade 12 commercial students and the commercial teachers. Each of the grads re- ported to the group, telling a- bout her place of employment, type of work and some of the experiences encountered in the business world. of national Revenue: Beverley Bourgard with Prudential In- surance; Marilyn Chamberlain with Shell Oil; Philip Hammond with the Bank of Nova Scotia, Thornhill; Ethel Jackson with Co-operators Insurance; Valerie Jackson with 20th Century Fox; Susan Lee with the legal firm of Rosenberg. Smith, Walsh and Kroll; Louise Martin with North American Life Assurance; Pat Moore with Laidlaw’s Lumber; Irene Moore with Cornelius Manufacturing; Bev. Morris, with the Navy, having left Feb- ru-ary 20th for Cornwallis to be- gin training as a Navy X-ray technician; Carolyn Severn is with the 5.8. Kresge 00., Mar- ilyn Wise with Norwich In- surance, Connie Wright with hydro, and Karen Wright with Excelsior Life. U. of T. and Bill at Ryerson: John Hanna '60 is at U. of T. as is Jim McGhee ‘60. who topped his year last year. ' Pauline Paul '60. is studying nursing and Anna Rasmussen ’60 is teaching public school in Northern Ontario and re- portedly loving it. Brian Smith '59, Bill Stratton ’60 and Doug Thomson ’60 are all Toronto and District rated basketball of- ficials and have been handling local high school games. Sandra Stewart '60 is teaching public school in Leaside and sporting a diamond; Nevil Thomas ’57 graduated at the top of his class in commerce and finance and has been offered a teaching fellowship at McGiil University: Neville Twine '59 is studying for the ministry at McMaster University. Nick Tanquiy ’60 is studying electronic engineering at Waterloo and had a bout of mononeucliosis as well as mumps within this past .year; Allan Whyard '60 is in his se- cond year at U. of T. as also is Brian McLean ’60. Of the 1961 graduates. Linda B_akerHis witp the Department ids Night married‘s list and is also a proud parent; Don Gibson '60 is in his second year physical and health education and played football with the varsity juniors last year; Rae Gottschalk ’61 is studying nursing; Barbara Howes '57 is teaching phys. ed.. at North Toronto Collegiate; Alex and Bill Harvey are still hard at it, Alex in dentistry at U. of T. and Bill at Ryerson; John Hanna '60 is at U. of T. United Church News Each Sunday evening in Lent Rev. MacDonald will hold as last year. “Open Season On The Preacher" and will answer all questions submitted. signed or unsigned. on any subject. Communicants' classes will begin the second week in March. A class for teen agers will be held on Sunday even- ings following the service. be- ginning March 4th. The adult Communicant class will meet beginning March 8th. This lat- ter class will take the form of a seminar on basic Christianity. Discussion and questions will study book “Jesus Christ. the Light of the World". Mr. Hart- ley. Holy Trinity‘s student min- ister. was also present at the meeting and gave the ladies an interesting account of his sumâ€" mer‘s work at Weirdale in nor- thern Saskatchewan. The ladies of the WA. have just ï¬nished quilting a very large quilt which took almost a year to do. Their knitted child- ren‘s sweaters. scarves and mitts. etc.. go to the Indian Mis- sion Schools and together with children‘s dresses and blouses. etc., which they work on all “The Broken Mask" was shown. The film is an examination of racial prejudice as it is found Iin our society. Hospital Auxiliary The Thornhill chapter or branch of the York Central Dis- trict Hospital Auxiliary..held a meeting on February 22nd at the Thornhill Public Library. The provisional president. Mrs. Gaither Zinkman opened the meeting. Mrs. H. R. Howden who is vice-president of the whole auxiliary then spoke to the 30 or so persons about the responsibilities. aims and du- ties of the auxiliary. A nomina- ting committee was formed. consisting of Miss Jane McLar- en. chairman. Mrs. Clayton At- kinson and Mrs. Ross Wesley. This committee will enquire a-I mong the members and see who‘ is willing to fill the various posts on the executive. I On February 18th in recog- nition of the beginning of Bro- ltherhood Week. a colour film l A groqu of 25 ladies turned out to the bi-monthly meeting of the Holy Trinity W.A. on February 22nd. Some of the ladies gathered at flhe church at 10:30 in the morning for a work party and quilted. After lunch, the ladies continued on with their hand work, sewing and knitting while Mrs. Andrews the educational secretary, con- tinued discussing the group’s The election of the officers will take place at the next meeting which will be held at the library at 10.30 am. on March 7th. From then on the meetings will be held on the first Wednesday of each month. at a place yet to be determined. Twently-four people paid their membership fee of $2.00 and joined the auxiliary at last week's meeting. It is not known as yet just when building on the hospital will start. but the ladies have been told that it is expected that it will be completed sometime by the end of 1963. Until such time as the hospital is in op- eration, the main job of the aux~ iliary will be fund raising. There is still something like $30,000 to be raised. Nursery School Some eighteen mothers of children attending the Thorn- hill Co-operative Nursery School attended a general meeting at the home of Mrs. E. Burden, 14 Erica Drive on Monday even- ing. February 19th. Two films were shown, from the National Film Board. “He Acts His Age" and “The Frustratinz Fours and Fascinating Fives†and were much enjoyed by the mothers. Holy Trinity News Communicants' classes will thern Saskatchewan. begm the second week "1 The ladies of the W.A. have March. A class for teen agers just ï¬nished quilting . very Wm be held 0“ sunday even' large quilt which took almost I ings followmg the servxce. be- year to do} Then. knitted chi1d_ ginning March 4th. The adult fan‘s sweaters scarves and c°m.m“."i°ant Class Wm . meat mitts etc. go to. the Indian Mis- begmmng March 8th. This lat- Sion 'scho’ols and together with ter class will take the form of - . a seminar on basic Christianity. gelidriaischdrteï¬zgs £23k bï¬usgff aiï¬ditqigeitégg year. go into the bales for misâ€" many will come to review the 5'0" work out west facts of their faith. Socials Thornhill Notes :63 Yonge St. North Richmond Hill, Ont. ( Phone TU. 4-7851 BOOKINGS FOR SEA-AIR TOURS AND CRUISES STEAMSHIPS I AIRLINES N0 BOOKING FEES [E I. Dupont and is being post- led to Switzerland. The family will go ï¬rst to the United States where they will stay with Mr. Houtz' parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Houtz at Rutledge. Penn. and leave for Switzerland on July lst. They are looking for- ward to living in Geneva where eight year old (usually known as Hoot) will attend the inter- national school. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Boyden of 44 Arnold Avenue who celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on February 20th. The Boydens en- tertained some sixty friends. relatives and neighbours at an Mr. Boyden‘s brother. Mr. Fred Boyden of Downsview who was best man at the wedding was present. as was Mrs. Boy- den‘s father. Mr. John Mullen and his wife, of Detroit. Other guests were from Scarboro. Preston and the Toronto area. Mrs. Boyden received wearing a brown wool jacketed dress. with a corsage of orange toned tea roses. Assisting in serving tea were daughter Barbara. who celebrated her eighteenth birth- ‘day on Wednesday. February i215t, and 12 year old.Debbie. ‘The table was decorated with a ilovely wedding cake and spring flowers, arranged by Mrs. Joy Whithead who also assisted in the kitchen with Mrs. Fern “At. Home“ on Saturday. Febâ€" ruary 24th. Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Houtz of 1 Raymond Avenue. Thornhill. are leaving our village the mid- dle of next March. Mr. Hou‘tz. who is with Dupont of Canada. has been appointed European manager of photo products for Finkle Prop. HERBERT GOODHOOFD TRAVEL SERVICE