12 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Second and subsequent insertions if wording CARDS 0F THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES. BIRTHS. per insertion 1.0 as possible but not later than 10 am. on Wednesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment, or telephone “154-1105 and you will receive invoice. ARTICLES FOR SALE (Continued) WARSOâ€"PT Breaker for frost or concrete. BA. 1â€"6651. *1w36 RADIO with phono-jack, also record player. Both $21.AV. 5- 1426. BABY CARRIAGE. good con- dition, convertible, blue 8: grey. IONE MU‘SKRAT COAT TU. 44083. *1w36 ength. TU. 4â€"5535. 'SMOOTl-I top mattress. any size, only $27.50. Murray Upholster- ing. TU. 4-5776. gan, new. TU. 4-4197. sonable. AV. 5-1516. c1 TU. 4-3777. TU. 4-1919. in good condition. Call AL. 7- TU- 4'7709- .2435 after 6 pm. c1w36 BED with hea 800 BUSHELS good feed tur- nips. 10 cts a bushel. Take part new condition. AV. 5-3416. or all. Gormley 5247. c1w36 BABY PICTURES . are priceless when taken by the can Loughlm Lum Lagerquist Studio, TU. 4-2791. PIY- AV- 5-1109- , tfc3 MOVIE PROJECTOR s *ers. Cheap. TU. 4-3211. REAL ESTATE WANTED tfc36 - FIREWOOD Dry hardwood in 12" and 16" dresses, $2 - $16 at the Resale CLIENTS FOR Shop, 12 Centre Street E. Rich- ed .10 bales or over TU. 4-2549. C. Mashinter. tfc30 2 FEATHER comforters, ilkâ€"e new, kitchen stools, small tables. TU. 1176. 4-3917. _ ‘ c1w36 DaVld GOOD used fiï¬iture for sal: Call Frank’s Movers and Stor- age, 28 Ind Maple, King, Gormley Areas. Residence TU. ustrial RIL. TU. 4- PROPERTIES 2613. ' “C3 URGENTLY NEEDED TWO Kroehler rocking chairs, LIST NOW hostess chair, heavy oak table MR- 3- G- PALMER (suitable for workbench) kiddy BA- 2-2548 car. TU. 4-5658. clw36 10,000 BALES straw. 260 tons hay, 200 tons feed oats. Will ROYAL TRUST CO. Real Estate Department small acreages an and these areas up and deliver . AV. 5- 9'9, . y 561w†W. .I. Muiholland Real Estat w- , - Broker, 1437 Yonge St. FIREWOOD HARDWOOD for sale. 4" WA‘ “881 ff 3 lengths $12 00 per cord. No de- â€" c cushions, 3 sets to choose from only $129.50. Murray Uphol- stering. TU. 4-5776. l K ilEAVY GAUGE steel roofing, 0 squares or over, $10.00 per q.; under ormley Lumber, phone 5710 others HERB SILLS LTD. tate Board rmley. c1w36 AT. 8-1143 Woodbridge PCE. bedroom suites, doublE 30' 94901 USED CARS c1w36 ELECTRIFRKN'E 0’.‘ deluxe push-button. timer, utomatic oven, like new. No offer. 884â€"3280. ouse trailer; for sale or 52¢- C-‘Ji Oak Ridges PR.u33- cellent. TU. 4.2739. c1w36 II a c _. 1953 OLDSMOBILE, automatic, Seely and other ring mattresses repaired, re- rned just like new, medium In, extra firm. Two-day ser- ce, Eiderdowns recovered. On- ning. $85 cash. AV. 5-1584. ~_ __ clw36 1955 METEOR. quite reasonable condition, automatic and radio, Io Beddm Co Av 5_1591_ $495 cash. Terms if required. g “C44 285-3636. clw35 â€"~~--â€"-~« TYPEWRITERS 61 WILL) S, 6-cyllnder statlon wagon, Powerlok transmission. Sacriï¬ce. AV. 5-1285, evenings. c1w36 _ automatic transmissmn. radio. heater. best offer. G. Calder. 415 Bent Cresc. ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer 1 popular makes for sale in- is.†PONTIAC ding new and rebuilt stand-I I (1 portable and electric mod- §_ special rental rates Mal-L Richmond Hill after 4 pm. ile to students. I ,,,,_--L__ . . -_*1_“'35 , L. H. SIMS :1958 FORD Fairlane 500, 2 (11‘. 88 Baker Ave. ,hardtop, V-8. Dual range. auto- lohmond Hill TU. 4-1745.‘matic. radio. spotlight. Backup _ tfc49;lights, dual exhaust. Continental LOUIS ALUï¬ï¬ï¬iM\rspare tire kit. snow tires. Fin- SALES _ SERVICE lSlled in red-and white with mat- e service all makes of alumim chlng Interior. Call AL. 7-2435 CASH RATES. lst insertion 51: each word, min. charge 750 unchanged. 5c per word. min. charge . . . . . . 65c FOR BOX NUMBERSan extra charge per insertion of 5045 COMING EVENT NOTICE: 50 per word: min. charge 750 Classiï¬ed advertisements should be in as early in the week MINIATURE electric chord CHILD'S Maple dresser, 1:93â€"- clw36 ONE NEW crib mattress 24" x 49". Phone AV. 5-5300. c1w36 x“ ' c1w36 PIANO, good condition, $60. clw36 c1w36 PIANO, upright_ excellent con- WANTED - Boat and motor for d‘Ewn- §15°- Grey Wilton rug- ï¬shing' will pay up to $100.00_ 12 x 14 , $50. TU. 4-2127. c1w36 clw36 HOMART semi-automatic wat- APARTMENT size refrigerator 91‘ 5939"†$7500 or be“ ‘1“;15 C W dboards, sacrific_e, spring and mattress included, c1w36 N PREFAB GARAGES from $2 her and Sup- tfc31 R“ CONNOR washing machine. 2 mm, years old, excellent condition, HOUSES WANTED for sale lengths Delivered free All or PERI 3.53m “C35 : - Y to rent. Call Av. 5-2951. T. 5 ROOMS frig and stove in- Wfl:§gfll_£CI‘ Murphy Real Estate. tfcl5 eluded, pogsession March 313i, MATERNITY suits, slacks and Homes - business sites - small . acreage. Mr. Tyson, HU. 9-1851. "10nd Hlu- clw36 Evenings, TU. 4-2432. 0. H. POTATOES, No. 1. 75 1b bag, Pratt. Realtor. tfc35 $1.25. Straw 50c a bale deliver- . . FARMS WTNTED Waiting buyers for farms in Unionville and Substantial cash green, gold; odd chairs, available, Mr. Williams. AV. 5- 4-5976. McLean Ltd., Realtors. c1w35 K HOMES, FARMS. BUSINESS PR. 3-5102 tfc12 deliver. AV. 5-2236, TU. 4-2236. FARMS, _ uclg homes in Vaughan, Markham US'ED'b‘icycFm and King Townships. We have repaired, reasonable. Pick waiting buyers for property in PM â€"‘ . We are nearly sold out of prop- ‘EHESTERFIELE, and c“fairierties, houses, lots, acreage, rand_ new. loo/o nylon frieze farms businesses gas Stations material, foam rubber back ' ' ‘ Buyers waiting, some with cash. with good down pay- ment. Prompt efficient service. Nine salesmen to serve you. 25 years Real Estate experience $10.35 per square. Members of Toronto Real Es- '53 and ’56 Nash Ramblers. Bes clw36 1951 Hillman, running condition, """ ‘hé‘ needs body work. 340. TU. 4- THREE bedmm“ b cylinder, radio, one owner, ex- power brakes, radio. good run-. .1100 acres, Dufferin Street. own- THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, March 8, 1962 1 TO RE NT 1257-2522. furnished and heated. 884-219 $65 a month. 177 Essex Avenu ‘TU. 4-4893. 13 BEDROOM bungalow, Richmond Hill. AV. 5-2951. 1Murphy Broker. ’ BACHELOR apartment, avai 0 oi TU. 4-1952. welcome. Reasonable. 1955. c1w3 0F IFURNISHED ROOMS for rent! ' tfc34 BACIELOR apartment, stove. Iirig supplied. TU. 4-2273. nc29 .‘ONE room. light housekeepin tfc35 THREE rooms. all convenience Cl\\'361 T. (319034 able March 7, Bayview plaza. cleS 2 BEDROOM apartment. chvil_d TU. 4- 8 am. or after 4 p2, tfc3 PAINTING paperbangin’gfl‘re estimates. Colour samples Rollincon. TE. 3-6671.‘ PAINTING & PAPER HANGING R. E. Dunn. TU. 4.2793. 2.1 6. S R I? ways and parking areas. 4-1538. 1: GENERAL Carpentry. recrea ations. Call TU. 4-2505. 6 THREE unfurnished share bathroom. March 3. TU. 4-2132. Availabl 36 cl w3 w FOOmS, dio with the know how. TU. 4â€" e 2791. ____*_ti‘ca 5 ERANK7S WELL DRILLING 4-ROOM apartment, separat adults preferred. 285-2248. full entrance. 2 pc. washroom, stove, cl W36 Pump installed and serviced. Frank Gerritz, R. R. 2 Aurora. PA. 7-5272. tfc50, SAND AND-CRAVEIZTrusheâ€"d e PA. 7-5046. SELF CONTAINED. three-room apartment store, heated, $90.00 per month AV. 5-1031. spacious, TU. 4-1731 evenings. reasonable, available June 99. "OTK RIDGES, two bedroom house, child welcome, $100 a month, includes heat and hydro. $105.00 monthly. Mr. Bunting. AV. 5-1156. H. Keith Ltd._ Real- tor. c1w36 BEAVERTON-CENTRE FURNISHED ROOM in quiet adult home, gentleman preferr- ed. Parking, $8.00 weekly. TU. 4- 3801. *1w28 MODERN four-room apartment, nicely situated, separate entran- ces. Available May 1. Business couple preferred. Aurora PA. 7- 4769. *1w36 5 ROOM bungalow, for sale or rent. city conveniences. South Road, Lake Wilcox. Good 10- cality. Private beach. ME. 3- 8880. tfc33 RICHMOND HILL, fully equip- ped. 2-bedroom lower apart- lnent. Immediate possesion. Con- tact Miss Anderson 9-5 p.m. at EM. 6-9961. c1w36 2 BEDROOM modern apart- ment, soft water, fully equipped kitchen, parking. Apply Super- intendent, 50 Benson Ave., Richmond Hill, phone TU. 4- 7518. tfc36 APARTMENT 2 bedrooms, broadloom, frig and stove, cloth- es dryer, soft water, indiv1dual thermostat, parking. Apply low- er apartment, 100 Markham Rd. or Al. 7-8840. tfc30 FURNISHED room, convenient location, modern bungalow. Richmond Hill, garage home privileges. Young professional or business man or woman. Give particulars. Write Box 78. The Liberal. *1w36 PORTABLE TEL‘E’WSION“ Rent a portable TV Reasonable weekly or monthly rates. Delivery and Pick-Up Richmond Hill TV, 34 Yonge S. AV. 5-8756 d e 6 t tfc28 ungalow, at- EIGHT‘ROOM house for im- mediate rent on Yonge Street. $75.00 monthly. PA. 7-9488 and tfc28 modern over c1w36 $110 - 2 BEDROOM apartment fully equipped kit- chen, parking. TU. 4-4601 or tfc35 5-,RO0MED furnished bungaloilvj Phone PR. 3-5908 after 7 p.m: c1w36 LOCATED at Maple, modern apartment. Couple only. Apply renovations, garages, recreation small. Free estimates. T. Price. AV. 5-3653. N KING CITY WELL DRILLING Pump equipment installed and serviced. George Adams, Box 192 King City. Phone King TE. 3-6321. CALL US for your sand, gravel, fill, top soil and black loam. Prompt rates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple, ALpine 7-8876. CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS Building, alterations & repairs, CARPENTRY - DECORATING: Recreation rooms, etc. Large or small Webb & Enlior. AV. 5-2546. First class work. Carolyn Bar- For good prices see our show- room. Wallpapers, drapes, etc. - stone, loam and fill. E. Charity, Richmond Hill. TU. 4-1701. tfc8, PLANNING A DANCE? Call us for stem and hi-fi DANCE MUSIC Reasonable rates, courteous scr- ' vice. TU. 4-7287. tfc36 CHILD STUDIES ' A SPECIALTY LAGERQ"IST STUDIO TU. 4-2'791 tfc3, EXCAVATINGâ€"&_GRADING_ Front end loaders and trucking. Hourly or contract. AV. 5-53328. tic-4 E. w. PAYNE Drains septic tanks. All types Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert work- manship. Phone Walker and‘ Mitchell. AV. 5-2526. tfc15 Lfc SNOW PLOWING from drilye Ur. c-lw34‘ tion rooms and kitchens. Alterâ€" 0211735 BABYâ€"PICTURES . try the friendly Lagerquist Stu-‘y'oU MISCELLANEOUSIMISCELLANEOUS; Mama _, _, 7 L. Knappett, TU. 4-3089 beforeISEPTIC tanks pumped. 24 hour lContinucdl lservice. C, Burns. PR. 3-5085 e 5 Appliances. Sales. {Parts Wiring - Rentals. 40 chcndale tress, “‘ HELP WANTED PART TlME hairdresser wcck-cnds. 285-1416. TU. 4-7861. clw3 tic4,‘ A.,HERRIDGE ELECTRIC. T.V “Cl Repairs, GE. TU. 4-3211 down payment or second mort- ‘gage can be arranged. TU. 4- c2w3 for c l \v36 ACTIVE \VOSIKN for general help in shoe factory, full time. for 314.900: 3 bedEoom Richvale. Private. AV. 5-2170. 7 r c4w3 $10,000 FIVE ROOM clapboa bungalow. oil heated, very good condition. r $3.70 4954. 51/35." MORTGAGE solid brick Bungalow ft. fenced lot 1125 sq. ft. 0 living space. Storms paved drive. Call now. .\V. 2951. T. Murphy. Broker. (‘1 6 KINGâ€"CITY REAL ESTATE house large landscaped lot, 100 x 300. garage. $13,900 Richmond Hill 6 room‘ . . on 130 Price $15,700. Immediate SCFCCHS, J “‘36 MODERN 3-bedro on large lot, 5% Sage. 5lshoppi near Yonge Street and ng. Only $14,750. d owner TU. 4-3241. c2-w35 HOUSE on Elgin Mills Rd., 5 room frame, 3 bedrooms, large living-room, oak floors, tiled bath, tiled breezeway. Full ,sized dry basement, attached jgarage and patio, new drilled well, oil heated. lot 103 x 426. pos- 0 5 {session Phone TU. 4-7084. *1w36 FORCED TO SELL IPrestige location. Brick Bun- galow. Reasonably priced. No real estate fees â€" yet. TU. 4- om bungalow, N.H.A. mort- Call K POODLES - brown toys - cham- pion stock. AV. 5-1868. I n MORTGAGES CLIENTS' FUNDS to purchase lst and 2nd mortgages. Mr. Mc- Lean, AV. 5-1176. David McLean Ltd. Realtor. tfc29 MONEY available for good first‘c and second mortgages, reason-1a. R 4 piecefable rates. Medcof, Lawlor and'5927 LeClaire. TILEISI. tfc2 SOLICITOR has client's funds‘ available for nortgages at rea- sonable rates. Mr. Cooper. BAA 5-7321. “C401 K I PETS FOR SALE ight. BABY SITTING BABY sitter available, every except Tuesday nights. Age 14 years. TU. 4-7330. c1w36 MOTHER’S HELPER T IDE m. a HOUSE wanted to rent. $90.00 month. Richmond or north. Write Box 88, The Liberal. SERVICE Experienced baby-sitters, home- maker's service Call day or nigh and day work. t. TU. 4-7253. tfc32 a ransportation wanted to Yonge and Al- lcorn or Avenue Road and Al- orn, leav1ng approximately 8 returning 5 p.111. TU. 4- fter 6. clw36 § WANTED TO RENT Up to Hill c1w36 ,AV. 5-2934. N lllrl'CCl local bank, Grade 11 cducat Oihcttcr, AV. 5-4961. ,nccded for Richvale compa MAN fotfscl‘vicc slilll' on ‘ln man to give 13 year Old lunch. twice a week. TU. 3930. CAPABLE weeks. 285-5689. housework. Livc-ln. Attracti bedroom with private bathroo References. AV. 5-3162. clw L’INOTYPE‘O’PERATOR Linotype Operator, two-thirdel' required for busy weekly news- . . - _AV_ 543535. . paper. Opportunity for right . .1 in. ~ ‘_ Quick sale, brand new, best ofâ€" automatic wringer and pump. for appomtment clwliï¬ 3§5°§lélzete “II-‘(III‘IEE ESTIMATES man‘ Phone Ml“ C0019 TU-O‘I‘ flee‘rvlgles TUE-111.2362 all) R051 fer. G. Calder 415 Bent Cresc. thermo-tub. $65. TU. 4-7385- â€"râ€"Ԥ †' “05 nc2w36 0 II Pr tt R it r anal-4 m ’ 11.1,“,36 clw36 TOOLS FOR RENT _ _r_r__ tfc31,\_.P . .l, K . . a .rea 0 ~ p. ' , \‘N Floor sanders, saws and drill]. SNowpfow1N6, _ TOWING 0 PORTUNITY HU- 9'1831 CHESTERFIELD Suite, two POTATOES. N0. 1. 75 1b. 1133 Hand sanders’ jig_saws and nail Complete automotive service. Local woodworking plant has ‘ H _7_7_ c1w35 pieces. mulberry shade pile fab- $145 Straw & Hay 50° 3 bale drivers. AV. 5-1109. tfc21 Colonial E550 9052 Yonge “PPOI'Wnlt-V for young man aged PRIVATE SALEï¬ ric. Perfect condition $65. AV. denveredv 10 bales or over. TWO b d arm-lent one Street AV 53958. 17‘ t0 23. Must be mechanically pleasantvme‘ executive type, 5'3755- €1W35 fledgistday' TU' 4'2549'“ bedroome :ggrgnfé3nt Yonge ' ' “C32 mligded Iand Interested In cab- split level. large living room. . - 351 er' c - - â€" ,- -â€"---- “We ma 1118- For interview, open fire lace' with raised (viii/)1?sgllizerllsctiglsalg.t oNncfargg.“geseg- St., Richmond Hill. TU. 4513316 CHIMNEYS can AV. 56132 clw36 p y . . K‘â€" COOK, male orHEEIe, exper- lcnccd only please. Also full time dishwasher __V% .k.._._ good wages for l-joht person sionally landscaped, N.H.A. PLUMBING - HEATING Apply La Calm-m, 55 Yonge st mortgage 514%. Low down pay-, A. MILLS & SON LTD. south, Richmond Him TU. 4-,ment, attractive terms.~ Phone Jam'IeIsJDi ZSztgrml‘t 0083. c1w36 AL. 7-2415 or TU. 4-1550. r‘_7rm‘ 7 V clw36 2 GIRL GUIDE lcadcl‘s urgently c1w36 be experienced. Apply Dan's Es- so Service, 66 Bayview South. 7 H » Â¥ _ c1w36 PLEASANTVILLE. knï¬ily wt; girl c4w young woman for housework. one day every two Baywiew-Stecles area. tfc36 A CAPAELTE‘uo'mEn‘ior general and waitress, brick bungalow in quiet like setting. Bcautifully kept in ion with low down pilymcnt. N. 512% Mortgage. show. Call Allan Golliltly. 3-5745. ll_V. nst ELMWOOD ACRES Modci‘n ranch bungalow. years old, large 4- room, 36 ultra-modern many extras. ment. W. J. MULHOLLAND Low down Street - WA. 4-4881 veâ€" ._-..-.. e m_ BUNGALow SPECIAL Decorated To Suit Buyer 36 extra large size. Low 512’?) N.H.A. on bus line. four blocks to school and Shopping, Oil heat. aluminum storms and doors on hearth. floor to ceiling windows, large finished family room, 3 bedrooms, two bathrooms, dou- ble garage, large patio. Profes- ï¬tter-I3 RALPH ELM‘S’DECORATING Painting, paper-hanging, inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. TU. 4-7902. (I f Mills, Ontario. chkory 4.3735 with walk-in closets and 4-pc. tC31 clw36 tiled bathroom With large linen DO ['1‘ Now RTmXLâ€"E closet upstairs: Downstairs has REduced .pme? °“ Alum}??? News Correspondent required Ughldgkilgllgll \gll‘llnliol'folgtrlnCollilgi giirs‘Rxmflfggfl‘s All“ minimal I for busy Rifhvale “03- Here's ters and 2 extra rooms ideal for b ' ' ' “W34 itycllilindciggnsim your commun' offices, bedrooms or bachelor MASONRY CONTRACTOR Stonework, Fireplace, etc. V. Ostergaard 148 Yonge St. S.,E Richmond Hill, phone TU. 4- 5688. tfc23 CARPENTRY WORK, additions, rooms, tile floors. No. job too tfc28 CO. LTD. in tfc13 delivery. Reasonable , . “£33 CONCRETETMASONRY prompt service WALKER & MITCHELL AV. 5-2526 tfc8 PAINTING de qu D. mi tl'i jobs. Prompt service. lfC3 DRESS.ALTERATIONS _ c1w36 gent, 9018 Yonge St. at Rich-1 PAINTER & DECORATOR K “ WANTED USED FURNITURE WANTED â€" pianos and used 'furniture. Cash prices paid. Call Frank’s Movers and Storage. TU. 4-2613. AV. 5-5101. tfc'l, K We Have A Problem! 32 Moved from small home to lar-‘5 gel‘ one. Now need sturdy pine or early Canadian type furniture which can be fixed or re-finish- ed. Also old “ball and claw" pedestal dining table wanted. AV. 5-5735. clw36 M ,FARMS FOR SALE KING TOWNSHIP .‘ er eager to sell. $33,000. Modest down payment. Balance on 1 mortgace. For further informa- tion call. W. J. )IULHOLLAND REAL ESTATE BROKER WA. 4-4881 n doors and windows. New after 6 p'm‘ CIW36 reening. glass. closers. latches FINANCE COMPANY SALE justments. etc. Plus repairs JUST RELEASED THE basic doors and windows. FOLLOWING CARS. isenlng, Weatherstripping, NO MONEY DOWN. TAKE ulking, etc. OVER PAYMENTS ‘ lying Aluminum Doors LI'ldOWS??? Call us. ghest quality, lowest prices. "56 Meteor $8.61 weele ‘55 Pontiac $8.61 weekly 0F . _ de DON MILLS ROAD 200 acres Queensville - modern 2â€"storey home. all conveniences, 011 heating, 3-car garage. Front- and bathroom vanities, stereo, hi-ï¬, china cabinets. Free estim- ates. Morris Harrison, TU. 4- 2838. Chesterfield sets recovered â€" sired. phone AV. 5-1682. TREES ARE OURâ€"BUSINESS Free Advice Recovering and re ‘kind of furniture on Scandinavian furniture. Fre estimates. Call anytime. TU. 4-481 If w 1105. __________ Experienced secreta immediately. Shorthand essen tial. Some knowledge of book- keeping an asset. Send full cations and required for (1 Secondary Sc include some dupli for the technical An interest in CO would be an as Offers a 5-da ing conditio fits. Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. Housekeeper required by recent widower with four children un- er 7. Three bedroom bungalow, fully mccllanise month. d. you can orking with Clitol‘, SECRETARY particulars of qualifi experience in writ g to J. A. BENNETT, BURSAR St. Andrew's College » Aurora, Ontario CLERK _ TYPIST hool. Applications including full tails of age, experience and alifications should be sent to:- d. Ashworth, Business Ad- nlstrator, York Central Dis- ct High Scllool Board. 25 EMPLOYMENT . ._ tached garage, excellent loca- Re rigerator ML_ I2“'36 tion. Public, separate, high gag-V 1331:5311?) Yonge Sta uni-button, defrost butter 1956 MORRIS MINOR, goodlschool, shopping centre. House -° Vite-W -_ '_ - ‘L EU’TEFEFY wants ,0 do a? ondltloner 653 Benson Ave, condition. TU. 4-3763. after 6in excellent condition Avail' MOVING .& STORAGE lice cleaning duran th night 84-4085. c1w36 p.m. c1w36‘able approximately April 20th.?1'aflik'5 léovtmg 85,3 Carla“! Call 884-1676 ° 6 r13-36 TRTIL‘E’ ‘ _ C ‘ - - . Reliable tenants only. One year per mg an s orage. _xperlenc- Le as... r 'V ‘W _ g, , ' 85112106}. SALE on [1,333 85:21:10; ‘fa$at*1ease_ would consider option to ed serv1ce anytime. Pickup andpRESSMAKING and altera- . . ° ' o e“ ‘purchase. $125 per month. TU. deliVETY- 000d rates- TU. 4-ltlons- Ml‘s- MaCDonald- TU- 4-I ew box trailers, all Slzes $68. 4'5237- Cl“'35_ 4-3937. c1w36 2613, AV. 5-5101. tfc16I5057. {[921 nld up or $12.00 weekly res-1958 CUSTOMIZED Meteor, 6 7 CUSTOM CARPENTRv itchens remodelled, bedroom PL ing tfc15 TU SPECIAL piece $69.00. Nylon freize $99. years guarantee. Terms if de- A. Smith, Upholstery. tfc43‘ lim RICHMOND HILL TREE 535 SERVICE AND FORESTRY YO COMPANY RICHMOND HILL for OWNED AND OPERATED BY HAROLD VAN DYKE DAY CAR-Ejailablc, full or part-time, for children over two years. AV. 5-4184. EXPERIENCED Truck dl'i\'Cl‘ seeks steady work. Will consider anything. Reliable. hard workâ€" ing. TU. 4-2747. TYPING. standard and general office work, ICan you hel Ition Army. A cl w35 UMBER wishes small plumb- repalrs, reasonable rate. . 4-7328. *2w35 nc3w36 or clectric.‘ part c, in Richmond Hill. 884- ]. clw36 UNG MEN, 16-19, looking work. Anything considered. p us. Call Salva-, V. 5-5126. tchZ‘ TELEPHONE 884-7774 Free Estimates Lfc2 UPHOLSTERY e typi prices. ‘ A \f, 3 resi-3 nce, business, AV. 5-5345. Reasonable Inlet asse CHAIN SAWS age on three roads 1‘... mile on maln road. excellent barns with. 48 stanchions. good pig barn: "60 Corvair $15.61 weekly '57 Meteor Htp.. $12.81 weekly, '58 Ford $11.04 weekly i 1'59 Pontiac $13.29 weekly 1 CALL ED ROSE AT AV. 5-1105, OR PA. 7-5001 l ee estimates. All work guar- teed. Call anytime day or ening, TW. 5-2968 TW. 5- 57. 73 Newbury Drive. New- il‘ke t. * 1 W36 170 acres workable, 30 acres; bush. Price 835.000 with reason-I able down payment. W. J. )II'LIIOLLAND REAL ESTATE ROKER WA. 4-4881 ‘RE 1 2 Cycle Oil. Chain Oil. Etc. Service At Its Best Major Repairs - Tune Ups New Chains. Plugs, Files Pocket Chain Breakers ,a ca lmcr “Authorized Dealers" Pioneer & Homelite T to TU. 4-1124 day LIABLE MOWER SERJCE llabl U323 el‘al. .DAY CARE‘aJailnblcTiiilfor part time, any age, convenient ‘to Maple residents. AL. 7-8715. pairing of any BOORKEEPERfiullâ€" . Experienced books. IYOL'NG manâ€"desires work in Richmond Hill area â€" cleaning. dishwashin; etc, from clw36 sci of $75.00 per 4 Swallow Court, Don (Rue extra money. write and enjoy people phone our W. S. Cook at TU. 4- nc2w36 â€" 13' required c1w36 uties in Thornhill Duties will eating work department. mmercial art set. This position y week, good work- ns and fringe bene- N 77W~7 a tfc36,‘ PRIVATE SALE ‘ 7-ROOM, 11/2 storey, detached house with private driveway and garage; 2 large bedrooms apartment uit’ii separate front:? entrance and 2 pc. washroom. Hardwood throughout. forced- dl‘aft gas ful‘nacc, central to all. churches, schools, transportation and shopping. Principals only. $19,500 or best cash Offer. TU. 4-2151. - c1w36 RELAX ON THE PATIO Yes, this custom-built brick bungalow has sliding thermo- pane doors leading from the diningroom to the patio. Large L-shape living-room with ï¬re- place, 3 spacious bedrooms, ar- borite kitchen, tiled bath with oversized vanity and wall mir- ror. Located in King City on scenic 70x215 lot. $16,700 with $2,500 down. EARL V. STEWART Real Estate & General Insurance 21 Yonge St. N., Aurora $14,900.00. Attractive 3 bcdrooml3140- parkl side and out. Can be purchased 5 3 bedrooms, cxlla living room and diningl kitchen, well constructed. 2 car garage, 133 5" Real Estate Broker. 1437 Yonge" ('1w36 $1,500 down, full price $13,950. cd rccrc and fort and modern. residence ToP Richmond Maple Unionville Concord Thornhill Langstaif 0 Low We M. C. E 24-HR. PHONE SERVICE INCLUDING WEEKENDS Member Phone PA. 7-5‘076 â€"â€"â€"-j ROOM and BOARD‘ xx. ROOM & BOARD available 1n -: nice home. 884-3390. *1w35“ ROOM & BOARD available for j'. gentleman in Richvale area. AV. 5-2230. v tfc23 ROOM & BOARD available for two respectable working men.‘ 1"; block to Yonge. AV. 5-5152. 2 c2w35 f ATTRACTIVE furnished room .. available. business woman or ~ teacher. board optional. TU. 4- '.-. 1555 after 5 pm. tfc33 5. BUSINESS UFOR SALE _ Attention Hairdressers. onc Op- ,' el‘ator beauty parlor I'Or l‘Clll, rear of barber shop. 5 Sheppard " Ave. West, corner of Sheppard . and Yonge. Good opportunity » for right party. reasonable rent. , Immediate possession if desired. ,~ Phone BA. 5-6575. clw36 ‘ RADIO, TV & HI-F‘I 010000 WANT'TO MAKE BEAUTIFUL MUSIC? BUYYOERBLFINOW 0 trial balance. pay roll. ng and general Office duties. 5-5534 after 7.00 pm. ‘ cl'11361 ‘ dc“ :NXIOL’S‘abont_aTermMEII a ‘ employment. Knowledge of; al work. machine operation. mbly. tools. Please give me' ll. TL‘. 4-5736. Joe. 431 Pal-l Ave c1w35 evening 10 pm. any evening. Mon- to Friday - honest 8; re- 6. Write Box 87, The Lib-V clvs‘Sl WITH A LOW-COST LIFE-INSURED V; X X XXXXX X X X X X X xxxxx XXXXX X X X X XXXXX XXXXX x X x X XXX x x Xxxxx x XXXXX XX x X X XXX XXXX Q x 33 X X kxxxx x x x x x x xxxxx XXXX xxxxx x XXXXX X LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA c1w36 1 RICHMOND HILL. , PRIVATE SALE l"l..'\- 814.900 one A plcasure to gaze, detached, TEflwall to wall broa clw36 â€"KEEEE . NO._7 IIIGHIVAYâ€" landscaped- screens. .call owner. TU. 4-4547. â€"-â€"â€"~_ NURSING HOMES Nursmg home, the best in com- Whitfield House 646 Davis D12, Newmarke’t , Phone TW. 5-5921 HOME OWNERS YOU HAVE HIDDEN MONEY Real Estate Loans Arrang-,‘ ed In One Visit In the Fol-5 lowing Areas: I O lst & 2nd Mortgages 0 Up To ZO-Year Terms 0 No Hidden Bonuses O Loans On Frame, Insul and Brick Homes. Chattel Mortgage On Your Car or Furniture Phone, Come In or Write ASK FOR MR. CLEMENS 21 Dundas Square, Toronto Brokers’ Association _ 7 V c1w36 4 BEDROOM 5-2379. 6% N.H.A. Mort- many extras. dloom, finish- alion room, fenced & Complete storms For appointment c1w36 white, 5-1972. I tered, care. Quiet, spacious, Registered nurse in.5339. ay Your Bills King: Gormley‘ Stoufl’ville‘ Oak Ridges Richvale Hill Interest Do Not Put A BEBER l.TD. M. 3-6251 Ontario Mortgage MRICAN small, SHETLAN’D‘sh oughbred, female, spayed. shots been given. 884-5239. ' from $100.00 up. nge St. COLLIE ' puppy month, sable and white $10. AV. eskimo intelligent. Samoyed pups. Innoculated. AV. eep POODLESEmalI blacksfregis-‘FRENCH champion lines. Terms can be arra Phone *1w36 ‘) u femalc, clw36 LOST giKITTEN, Grey, pllps‘ hack. Markb tit-28 thor- I (log, lady, ollnd Paris University, nge'i,,tion in French. Gormley groups. Conversation, Hti'cï¬29. lions. AV . 5-4542. CALL It Don Butler TV. Service 46 Cartier Cres. ; Richmond Hill AV. 5-2200 EX E IEN E IN YOUR PROPERTY . SERVICE RELIABILITY striped. graduate will give tili- individually or transla- c3w35 , § brown 11am Road and Baker. Child’s pct. Reward. TU. 4-1363. c1w36 All l\' of GIN GHAMS, asst’d. checks I j yd. S and plaids, 36†Wide & COTT N PRINTS, Reg. up to 79c yd. yd. BETTER QUALITY PRINTS 53¢ yd. Kitchen Drape Material, Reg. up to $1.25 for 535 ad. For The Selling Season lust Ahead transmission, One owner. radio, I960 PONTIAC I960 I960 STRATO-CHIEF 2 door, 6 cylinder, automatic, Sun- tan Copper and White, real clean. Lic. No. A71027 CHEV BEL AIR door, 8 cylinder_ equipped with radio, automatic, etc. In Copper & White. Lic. No. H66694 RAMBLER 6 cylillder, standard transmission. In Laurel Green. A real gas saver, sharp! Lic. No. A7003l r) a. THESE USED CARS MUST GO l96l PONTIAC lAURENTIAN 2 - I960 VAUXHALL 4 door sedan, 6 cylinder, automatic whitcwalls, Lic No. B11284. Super Sedans ill exceptionally good ('Oll(llllOll. I959 AUSTIN CAMBRIDGE One owner. Carefully driven since new. Like new. Lic. No. 18242 I959 FORD COACH 2-tolle blue and white, 6 cylinder, automatic transmission, radio, whitewalls. A real clean car. Lic. No. 205203 I957 METEOR I956 6 cylinder, standard transmission, cheap transportation for the econ- omy minded buyer. Lic. No. 143564 PONTIAC 8 cylinder, standard transmission. Finished in Robin Egg Blue. Lic. No. A72166 These Cars Must Be Sold - No Reasonable O‘lfer Refused RUCE MACDOUGALL MOTORS LTD. Pontiac, Buick, Vauxhall. Pontiac Acadian, GMC Truclis STJust South of Richmond Hill 884 - 2864 7 285 - "28 89c yd. l PSUN’SDRY GOODS Richmond Hill