(Home‘ Improvement Division) Stop 23 Yonge St. Richvale AV. 5-4921 - TU. 4-1121 Evenings: Craig Bowden 3 TU. 4-1668 BOWDEN LUMBER Co. IBA. 2-4015 t With the north group in charge, the meeting followed the flame theme as the previous month‘s meeting a further ï¬tudy of the life of the pion- eers in York County. The book by Helen Bingham, on the life of Holy Ann. “An Irish Saint†was most interestingly reviewed by two members, Evelyn Hall and June Schope. This story was all the more interesting, since one of the association’s members is now living in the home where Ann came, as a young Irish maid to the home of Dr. and Mrs. Reid. In keeping with pioneer tra- ditions, the ladies concluded the meeting with a delightful lunch of strawberries and ice cream, in a meringue ring. but with this difference - a home freezer played an important part in the proceedings! , United Church News l Thornhill United Church we1~l comed to their service on Feb- ruary 25th the members of the lst and 2nd Thornhill Cub Packs with their leaders Mr. Gordon Hill and Mr. Roy Simp- son; and the lst and 2nd Thorn- hill Scout Troops with their Accompanied on the piano by BILL DING says: ~. OUR ASPHALT TILES IN COLORS GAY -' AND QUIETER TONES FDR YOU TO LAY leaders, Mr. Jim Antonaci. Mr. Herb Rogers and Mr. Harry Johnson. Guest preacher for the occasion was Rev. George G, Connolly, B.A., B.D., National Secretary for boys’ work in the United Church of Canada. His sermon was entitled “Youth and the Church 01- Be Prepar- ed." Following the benediction, while the congregation remainâ€" ed standing, the colour party received the flags and left the church, followed by all the Cubs and Scouts. 3 The Women’s Association of homhill Baptist Church held Its regular monthly meeting on ' uesday, February 20th at the ome of Mrs. Ken Hall, West- !wood Lane. 0 LOCAL TRADEMARKS Inc. Private Park 2 BEDROOM WITH BALCONY $115 2 BEDROOM $110 1 BEDROOM WITH BALCONY $100 1 BEDROOM $95 FREE RENT UNTIL MAY lst GARAGES AVAILABLE. For Information ll DERVOCK CRESCENT Broadloom Hall, Elevator Service, Inter Com System, Free TV Outlet, BAYVIEW 8. SHEPPARD LUXURIOUS APARTMENT BUILDING (2 Blocks East of Bayview To Rean Drive South on Rean Drive to Dervock Cres.) THE LIBERAL, RichmondiHill, Ontario, Thursday, March 8, 1962 Let our estate planning oflicers have the oEFortunity of ex Iaining to you our valu- a e services in t e construction of a well planned Will. 62.16 You needn’t be wealthy to warrant a Will! In fact, the less you have to leave your loved ones, the more important it is to conserve it and make the most of it. We, as executors of man estates, know the Etfalls, the endless di culties and bitter 'sappointments that result from "home- made†Wills, or worse, from no Will at all! hornhill and District News GUARANTY TRUST 366 BAY STREET EM. 6-1531 Thorn/1 ill Notes ANYTHING AIetro Toronto Offices TELEPHONE AV. 5-2331 D15 â€" BA. 2-2428 BA. 2 - 2916 should make ANYONE COMPANY OF CANADA who owns Will! A series of discussion groups for adults, a seminar on basic Christianity. have been arranged for each Thursday evening in Lent. Invited to attend are: all those who are considering join- ing the church; all who wish to strengthen their faith; all who are confused or skeptical; all prospective Christian Education workers; all who wish to come, regardless of reason. The ses- sions will begin sharp at 7:59 pm. and each will include a At the evening service, the film “One Love - Conflicting Faiths" was shown. This film told the story of a Roman Ca- tholic boy and a Protestant girl who eloped without realizing the complications of a mixed mar- riage. Welcomed to the evening service were the members of the‘ Anglican Young People's Assoc- iation and their leader, Mr. Philip Townshend~Carter. Mrs. Minton Johnston. Mrs. D. Pollock sang two beautiful solos. “How Great Thou Art" and “Lord Let Me Live To-day.†‘This was part of the devotional period, led by Mrs. Jessie Smith. DON MILLS CENTRE HI. 7â€"6453 Swansea will be the home of Lane, Richvale. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. W. Wilson, The Rev. Colin Anderson following their return from a ducted the ceremony, and honeymoon trip to the United Diana Reynolds of Islin States. played the wedding march nu. auu iurs. u. a. W. Wilson, Ine 118V. Colin Anderson con- following their return from a ducted the ceremony, and Miss honeymoon trip to the United Diana Reynolds of Islington. States. played the wedding march and _ , organ music. The bride who was DecoratEd Wlth White Chry' given in marriage by her father, santhemums and gladioli. Rich- wore a gown of peau de soie, vale Gospel Chapel was the set- fashioned on princess lines. ting for the wedding of Miss with a scalloped neckline edged Kathleen Mason, daughter of in lace seed pearls and sequins, Mr. and Mrs. James Mason, and a flowing skirt. The bride Dudley Avenue,Thornhillto Mr. wore a crown of pearls and Donald Wilson. son of Mr. and sequins with ï¬ngertip veil. She iMrs. C. H. Wilson, Westwoodca‘rried pink and white roses,‘ “The Liberal†is always pleased to publish items of interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhill area - - - - - - - Our representative in Thornhfl] in Mrs. Margaret McLean. who may be reached by phoning AV. 5-2331. It was decided that the group would meet at 8:15 on the fourth Tuesday of each month and that most of the meetings would be held in the Church parlour with at least one meeting at the Villa and some in private homes. En- velopes for voluntary contribu- tions were distributed and sug- gestions were made for fund raising. The group is to prepare the Lions dinner on April 16th. ‘The group is working closely with the Canadian Mental Health Association volunteers and plans to assist in bringing‘ inmates of approved homes to Mrs. Johnson’s home for perma- nent waves several times during the year. The group has also of- fered its services to the York Central District Hospital Auxil- iary. Announcement was made V V.“ __. The 16 ladies present were then introduced to their new executive; Co-Leader. Mrs. Vi Johnson: Secretary, Mrs. Betty Headrick; Treasurer, Mrs. Lynne Radford: Suns‘hine Con- vener, Mrs. Flo Hall: Social Con- vener, Mrs. Hazel Cairns; Tele- phone Conveners, Mrs. Sheila .White and Mrs. Jean Bryce; and‘ gVelfare Convener, Mrs. Marie cott. Unit 2 of the United Church Women met at the church on Tues, evening. Feb. 27th. The imeeting was called to order by ‘the group leader, Mrs. W. Do- herty. The devotional was con- ducted by Mrs. Vi Johnson with a bible reading and discussion and the singing of two hymns. Anyone who would like a visit from the ministers of Thomhill United Church for any reason is invited to call and make an appointment for a visit. In a congregation of such size, it is impossible to rely on the “grape-vine" to notify the min- isters of the need for a visit. Please call either the church office at 285-2131; or Mr. Mac- Donald at 285-2551 or Mr. Veals at 28‘5-4148. I The purpose of this course is to stimulate discussion and to allow a frank airing of doubts ;and differences. Any person \who is searching for a faith or is puzzled by the claims of the United Church of Canada is in- vited to use these seven even- ings as an opportunity to review the faith of Protestant Christ- ianity. The March 15th session will 2 be be on “The Christian’s know-relig ledge of God" â€" is God limited at t] to Christianity, what about oth- hert er great world religions? On of March 22nd the topic will be man “Sin and Redemption": on * March 29th “A Look at the Church"; on April 5th, “The World to Comeâ€; on April 12th “The Christian Lifeâ€; and onF C April }9th “Questions People 0 Ask" - what about marriage and divorce in the United Church? c What about faith healing and exte] spiritualism? Cnm The first lecture will be on March 8th on “The Existence of God" â€" what is religion, why can’t matters of faith be proved. what do we mean by “God?†etc. )rief lecture as well as a dis- cussion. Wed In Richvale Gospel Chapel MR. AND MRS. D. J. W. WILSON The boys played another ex- cellent hockey game last Monday at Richmond Hill Arena, against Charles Howitt. Score was 3-3. Stars of the game were Peter Webster with 2 goals, and Barry St. John with 1. Sick List Ronald Young is home from school sick this week. The annual “Fun Fair" will be held in May this year. Anything useful may be sold, rummage, nick-nacks. jewellery and plants. Phone AV. 5-3794 and arrange to have them picked up. Mrs. Olive St. John was voted to be in charge of the “Fun Fair." The boys played another ex- cellent hockey game last Monday at Richmond Hill Arena, against Charles Howitt. Score was 3-3. Stars of the game were Peter Webster with 2 goals, and Barry St. John with 1. QLJ- I :_L On February 25th. the lst and 2nd Thornhill Cub Packs and Scout Troops held their church parade. The leaders, Messrs. Gordon Hill and Roy Simpson and the lst and 2nd Scout Tro “led, by Mr. Jim Anltonaci, Mr. H. Rogers .and Mr. H. Johnson. The colour. party received the flags and left the church followed by all the Cubs and Scouts. The 2nd Cub and Scout troop are from Hen- derson Avenue School. The minister for the service was Rev.'George G. Connolly, B.A., 7 Grade prize was won by Mr‘ McRoberts. Twelve cakes were baked for the occasion, one by each ex- ecutive member, and auctioned off by Mr. McRoberts. Total proceeds amounted to $16.00. 10 lVlI‘. and lVll‘S. (20mm of 3‘1 Correspondent Almond Avenue goes our hear- Mrs- Fred S" John :tiest congratulations on the 75 CrestWOOd Road ‘birth of their baby on February Willowdale ‘ 25th. Telephone AV. 5_3443 TO Mr. and Mrs. G. Stark who have just moved into 39 Delair Powell Road Home and School Avenue, we wish to welcome Association held its regular . ‘monthly meeting February 26, tsliimsto our commumty‘ the meetmg being a $0013] ev' The father and son banquet :gggglgefnbg 3:125 ï¬llfvgï¬mffoggg held at Thornhill United Church turned out a great success on birthday. Binvo, cards. bridge . . . _ ~ and darts we: played. FEBIFPI.YL..?7-fl.£he}z ‘:€1.e__.°‘:sr Lucky door prizes were won by Mr. Walters‘ 43 Crestwood Road. and Mrs. Barbara Rogers. Crestwood Road. ,5... When the installation of e-dim quipment is completed early in 1963, the building will be able mg to serve 6,500 telephone num- cu bers. an increase of 1,500 over out the present capacity. mm For Bell Addition pi Construction has begun on an: extension to the Bell Telephone Company building on Yonge St.“ in Thornhill. The contract was awarded to Internorth Conâ€" struction (1960) Ltd., Cooksvillc. The one storey extension will be 20 feet by 42 feet without basement. Constructed of rein- forced concrete and concrete slabs, it will have brick walls and a flat roof to blend in with i the existing building. A choral demonstration un- der the leadership of Mr. West- lake proved to be very enter- taining. The songs sung by some of the grade 5 and 6 students were very enlightening espec- ially in two and three parts. They ended singing the sounds of a calliope. Next there was a demonstra- tion of gymnastics by some of the boys and girls under the guidance of Mr. Evans and Mr. C. Morrison for the boys and led by Mrs. Joyce Allen for the girls. There was perfect co-or-l of the next general meeting of the U.C.W. on Tuesday. April 3rd. and plans for future gen- eral projects which will include a grand rummage sale in the Fall. a travelling luncheon and a rug demonstration and dis- play on June 8th and 9th. Group 2 began a study of great world religions at their meeting and at their next meeting Mrs. Do- herty will continue with a study of the religion of primitive Award Contract For Bell Addition Crestwood Rd. News A couple on Highland Park Boulevard celebrated their Gol- den Wedding Anniversary this past week. Mr. and Mrs. Cald- well were ï¬fty years married on February 28th. Both Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell are enjoying Ireasonably good health and are SON now looking forward to their and White mums. .Diamond Anniversary in ten E The maid of honour was Mrs-gears time. They were deluged iJovce Banks. cousin of the bride,‘\\:1th cards. good wishes, and and Miss Colleen Hawes \\'as!\‘lSlt01‘S as they unofficially held bridesmaid. They were attired in"'0pen house" last Wednesday. rose and turquoise peau de soie, On the sick list this week is carrying rose and blue mums Cameron Ross with the chicken-1 and rose nosegaysv pox, while David Huha has just‘ Mr. Carson )Iclndless of To- recovered from German measles} route was the best man with Mr. Bebty Hansen (formerly oft Robert E. Mason, brother of Woodward Avenue) spends' the bride gentleman attendant. much spare time at her kitchen? Ninety-two guests were enter- window up Maple way observing; tained at the reception held at a red tailed hawk as he dives Summit View Gardens, and. swoops for his (inner. ‘ and white mums. The maid of honour was Mrs. JOYCe Banks. cousin of the bride, and Miss Colleen Hawes was bridesmaid. They were attired in B.D., National Secretéi‘y foi' Boys’ Work in the United Church of Canada. The father and son banquet held at Thornhill Uni-ted Church turned out a great success on February 27. There were over 100 at this Cub and Scout an- nual event. For dinner they had roast beef. mashed potatoes,‘ green peas and for des<ert, cake and ice cream. For entertain- ment they had. Dave Stewart, cowboy entertainer. The boys and Scout Leaders H. Rogers and Mr. Antonaci and Akela Gordon Hill all agreed it was a ï¬ne show. To Mr. and Mrs. Condi of 34 Almond Avenue goes our hear- tiest congratulations on the birth of their baby on February 25th. Out in the hall was a bake sale sponsored by the Guide and Brownie mothers group. And believe me. all those delicious pies. cakes. cookies, etc., went like wild ï¬re. On the whole the evening was a great we- cess. Here and There l After a very enjoyable Even- ing everyone sat down to a nice cup of coffee or tea and cookies. C. Morrison for the boys andï¬ led by Mrs. Joyce Allen for the girls. There was perfect co-or- dination by both boys and girls. for the year. Mr. Sloane then told of the help needed to ï¬x up the hockey rink as the boards were loose and needed repair- ing. He would appreciate it If any fathers could come out on a Saturday morning and help put it in shape again. The home and school meeting held at Henderson Avenue. School on February 6 was a huge success with as many as 160 parents attending. Mr. R. Sloane has graciously consented to re- place Mr. McCullough as act- ing vice-president until the end of this term. The -treasurer‘s re- port was tabled showing a bal- ance of $331.36. Principal Mar- tindale spoke on the great ab- undance of clothing collected Grandview Estates WILLOWDALE Marguerite Hill AV. 5-5573 Correspondent Betty Hansen (formerly of Woodward Avenue) . spends much spare time at her kitchen window up Maple way observing Thornhill Home and School Association is having a Theatre Night on April 18. The show is “Spring Thaw" at Crest Theatre. Township School Area 1 school board is attempting to ascertain the number of child- ren eligible for kindergarten in ‘September through a survey form which will be delivered by the pupils of the school. Any- one with a child who is ï¬ve years old in 1962. and who has‘ not received a form please phone AV. 5-3132. ‘ The room count and ï¬ve dol- lar award was won for the third time this term by Mrs. Tan- quiy's room, but because of the rule of only being allowed to win twice in a term, the prize went to Mr. Evans. There was a demonstration of gymnastics under the guidance of Mr. Evans and Mrs. Allen. Girls did exercises set to music and the boys followed with tum- bling exercises. The grand fin- ale was a pyramid by the girls who attempted to out-do the boys at every opportunity. The children have practised every noon hour for the past few weeks to enable them to put on this display. There were four- teen girls as follows: Jennifer Weir. Diane Amselmy, Lynn Sutton, Roslyn Ritchie, Sandra Dockman, Dorothy Lennie, Judy Fulton, Anne Russel, Annabel Jones, Veronica Aimone, Nancyt Chambers, Susan Pollock, Geor-‘ gann Tanks, and Laurel Ken: nedy. The sixteen boys from grades seven and eight were: Ralph and Randy Lampe, Bill Fleming, Bill Harris, Peter Scul-f thorpe, David Axelson, Ted. Foxley, Donald Jennings, Don Kindness, D. Robertson, Ted Long, David Anstey, Peter Aim- one, Danny Milford. Bobby Goodyear, Peter Van Art, and helping with the mats were Rod Snider and Ken Ross. an McCutcheon, Joanne Hughes, Dexter Hallwood. Judy Stevens, Elizabeth Bick, Heather Exkel, Debbie Pack. John Pack, Gail Robertson, Joyce McCoy, Jeni- fer Higgs. a brief business meeting, when arrangements were made for volunteer fathers to help repair the boards around the hockey rink, Mr. Westlake led the children of grades ï¬ve and six in a choral demonstration. There were scale songs and eX< ercises. ear puzzles -â€" when Mr. Westlake attempted to guess them. There was also two and three part singing, rounds and an interpretation of a calliope. Children taking part were: Jo- anne Ritchie, Ross Johnson, Doug Turner, Peter Aimone, David Kiddy, Mary Priestman, Nancy Wenger, Wesley Mac- Lean, Eddy Hill, Eddy Barton, Timmy Fulton, Elaine Welt, Sus- an McCutcheon. Joanne Hughes. DJ‘L, n.u., mauonar secret. for Boys’ Work in the Univ Church of Canada, who Spt on the topic: “Youth and Church" or “Be Preparedâ€. asked the boys to remembei small phrase consisting of l two-letter words: “If it is to it is up to me." W LAGROVE CRAFTS Full Line of Knitting Wool Knitted & Hand Woven Articles Cor. Yonge and No. 7 Rear of Barber Shop Thornhill Correspondent Mrs. H. Harris 39 Woodward Ave. AV. 5-1889 The regular monthly meeting of the Henderson Avenue Home and School took place February 26 in the school auditorium. Mr. Sloane, newly elected vice-presi- dent, was in the chair. After 2nd Thornhill Scouts and Cubs father and son banquet was held at the Holy Trinity Church on February 23rd. Over la hundred fathers and boys sat down to a meal served by the ladies of the church. This year's banquet was an eventful one for the troop, especially in the‘ advancement of the boys on their badge work. Charles Lusk, chairman of the meeting repre- senting the group committee, asked the two assistant scout- masters. Scouter Old and Scout- Highland Park An outstanding event at the recent father-son banque the presentation of Queen’s Scout badges to two lads. They in the story below, was made. From the left are Scouter Ha district council; Scouts Geoffrey Demnster and Rnrl Lennar Thornhill Lads Given Queen's Scout Badges \_ iLAGROVE cn ’Iit is up to me." l Full Line of Kn Wool g Knitted & Hand‘ Articles 4 1 Cor. Yonze and Mr. Leonard was asked to ‘present his son with the gold Icord which consisted of 18 pro- ï¬ciency badges and Queen’s ‘Scourt badge. Mr. Dempster pre- sented his son with the Red and White cord and 12 proï¬- ciency badges and Queen's Scout badge. The troop has a "Scam: of the Year†award won be Roddy Leonard this year. B.A., B.D., National Secretary for Boys’ Work in the United Church of Canada. who spoke on the topic: “Youth and the Church" or “Be Preparedâ€. He asked the boys to remember a small phrase consisting of ten two-letter words: "If it is to be] Geoffrey Dempster rand? A church parade was held onI February 25th at Thornhill United Church, attended by lst and 2nd Thornhill Scouts and Cubs. The boys were addressed by the Rev. George C. Connolly, er Russel, to present the proï¬- ciency badges earned by the boys from summer camp to the time of the banquet. Mr. Turner of York Summit district council presented the two Queen Scout badges to Scouts Roddy Leon- ard, Grandview Avenue. and Geoffrey Dempster of Wood- ward Avenue. These are the first two scouts to achieve these badges since the troop was formed in February, 1953. 'o-letter words: “If it is to bef is up to me.†V \m LAGROVE CRAFng Full Line of Knitting Wm] I . ' I Give Your Car Coat: I a New Lease On life I, the recent father-gm} bagguet of the 2_nd Thornhill Scouts and Cubs was -..L ‘ 1 . lads. They are seen here as the presentatioï¬, describgi Scouter Harry Johnson, Mr. H. Turner of York Summit Rod Leonard. W 7 (Photo by Lagerquist.)