George S. Edwards CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT TU. 4-1821 (Est. 1880) Stop 23 You" 8%.. Blohvale Days Evening! TU. 4-1121 Craig Bowden AV. 5-4921 TU. 4-1668 link of Nova Scum Building Aurora Telephone Aurora PA. 7-9451 Garages, Recreation Rooms. Kitchens Alterations 0! Au Kinda ! - Free Estimating Services - Guaranteed Workmanship - Easy Payment Plan (No Down Payment Required) Material and Labour ACCOUNTANTS LET US IMPROVE YOUR HOME NOW Bowden Lumber Co. COMPLETE ALTERATIONS CEMENT & STONE WORK PLASTERING & CARPENTRY Terms Can Be Arranged Wm. Clubine PLASTERING CONTRACTOR KING â€" PHONE TE. 3-5295 â€" 5453'/z YONGE STREET BA. 5-4701 Deciantis-Rice GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building Repairs & Alter-anon. Drain and Concrete Work AV. 5-5881 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT LEONARD R. ROSENBERG Ii. D. M elsness, D.C. x-RAY cor. Windhurst Gate 8; Bayview (1 block south Bayview Plaza) Phone TU. 4-1075 CHIROPRACTIC Building Trades Dr. P. R. M acf arlane DENTIST 9 Gas Extractions ‘ 50 Yonge St. North ‘ TU. 4-1177 ~ 1 Dr. John Simpson ‘ DENTIST ‘ 7725 YONGE STREET ‘ AV. 5-4442 Thomhill, Ont. Dr. W. J. Mason DENTIST 55A YONGE ST. SOUTH TUrnet 44511 Richmond Ell] Dr. W. R. Redford Dr. J. M. Wachna DENTISTS 15 Yonge St. North Richmond Hill TU. 4-4601 -’ ILA. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Arthur G. Broad FREE ESTIMATES TU. 4-1215 Dr. J. Perdicaris Dr. J. M. Dryer Dahl & Son Construction 21 Bedford Park Ave. Richmond Hill 'I‘YFmer 4-4251 CENTRE BAYVIEW PLAZA BEVERLF‘.“ \CRES MEDICAL-DENTAL l. E. Clark DENTIST Open Evenings Gas Extractions 78 YONGE ST. S. RICHMOND HILL TUrner 4-1462 PHONE OFFICE TU. 4-3571 By Appointment By Appointment PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY DENTAL Richmond Hill HELEN SIMPSON LYNET’I‘ Helen Simpson Flowers METRO WIDE DELIVERY HERRIDGE ELECTRIC ? TV-APPLIANCES SALES REPAIRS 1 PARTS "I'll. 4 - 3211 WIRING - RENTALS 40 LEVENDALE ROAD Body & Fender Repairs Complete Reï¬nishing I! you haven’t heard of our re- putation, enquire from your friends \ All work guaranteed 144 Spruce Ave. Stop 22A Yonge St. Richvale Member - Florists' Telegraph Delivery Association for appointment, ph. AV. 5-3631 Richvale Auto Body General Business We personally handle all sale bills and advertising ENGINEERING 8. ELECTRICAL TU. (.1701 Richmond 8111 Coaches for all Occasions Licensed Auctioneer York & Ontario Counties langdon's Coach Lines ltd. Individual Attention Hair Styling Permanent Waving Air Conditioned Dryers 80 Yonge St. South Richmond Hill TU. 4-2321 Maple Plaza AL. 7-2590 PHON ‘9 Alvin S. Farmer SAND and GRAVEI. Crushed Stone Loam and Fill Formerly Bloor & Yonge Sts. (at St. Clements) TORONTO 12. ONT. Ph. HU. 5-1145 FOR INFORMATION D. Albert Brown Coifl‘ures Soft Water Shampoo RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE 285-1416 SPECIALIZING IN PUREBRED CATTLE, FARM STOCK, FURNITURE AND IMPLEMENTS SPECIAL MACHINERY GENERAL REPAIRS Hair Styling 8. Beauty Salons 73 CENTRE ST. EAST RICHMOND HILL Leno’s Machine Shop 36 Years Experience 2518 YONGE ST. Sellwood Salon FLOWERS E. CHARITY GARAGES ONU‘ I ‘4: “ S311 GORMLEY. ONT. STEAMFITTING WELDING AV. 5-1974 Telephone TE. 3-5351 DEALER ‘TROYER NATURAL SCIENCE SERVICE Receiving Hours: 8 mm. - 8 p In. or otherwise by appointment Toronto Humane Services ErnieBrock 8. Son INSURANCE SERVICE TU. 4-4555 AV. 5-3616 PAINLESSLY DESTROYED by Ipproved S.P.C.A. Method Insurance â€" Mortgages Fire, Auto. Liability Motor Vehicle Finance Service TELEPHONE PA. 7-9488-9 Suite 2, Lowrie Building 15 Yonge Street N. Richmond Hill TUrner £4551 H errington Insurance Agency Roy A. Phillips Bus. AV. 5-3630 Res. TU. 4-3935 GENERAL INSURANCE For All Your Insurance Needs Savage ‘ Insurance Services GENERAL INSURANCE ‘ Fire, Automobile. Plate Glass Automobile Financing. :to. Office 15 Yonge St. N. Residence 73 Leisure Lane Richmond Hill TU. 4-1219 TOP QUALITY John S. Walkington 113 INSURANCE at LOWEST RATES! BARRISTER, SOLICITOR AND NOTARY PUBLIC AURORA, ONTARIO Telephones Office: PA. 7-9438-9 Res: PA. 7-5046. l. BUCKLER Donald M. Findlay QC. King City, Ph. TE. 3-5451 Phone TE. 3-6684 COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Bus. ALpine 7-2621 Res. ALpine 7-122‘ Yonge Street. Oak Ridge- PR. 3-5071 Bank of Nova Scotia 31113.. Aurora. Ontario Corner Agency Limited GENERAL INSURANCE FIRE - AUTO - LIABILITY Floyd E. Corner, INSURANCE 25 Grandview Ave. Thornhill AVenue 5-1379 Kirby Brock Manle, Ont. The Bank of Nova Seoul Building Complete Insurance Service 24 Adelaide St. W. -â€" NO CHARGE -â€" Roy V. Bick Easy Payments A. Burnett General Insurance Banister. Solicitor, Notary ' CATS lEGAL St. - TE. 3-5283 LTD. Q.C. EM. 3-0311 Richmond Hill King City Stuart Parker, Q.C. AV. 5-1477 Lawlor & LeClaire BARRISTERS-SOLICITORS 15 Yonge Street N. Richmond Hill. Ontario TU. 4-7191 1'! Queen Street 15.. Suite 544 Toronto 1. Ontario EMpire 6-2362 T. C. Newman, Q. C'. BARRISTER 85 SOLICITOR Suite 2. Lowrle Building 15 Yonge St. N.. Richmond [1111‘ Every Thursday Afternoon ‘ TUrner 4-1551 ‘ Toronto onico - 18 Toronto St.‘ Phone EM. 3-5877 1 James H. Timmins BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. 1 NOTARIES K. M. R. Stiver, Q.C. Joseph Vale, (2.0. J. M. Peppiatt, BA. William Errington, B. Com. 195A MAIN 81‘. Ph. :TW. 5-4571. Newmarkét, ’. Rabinowitch, B.A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC 65 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill TU. 4-5829 Richmond Theatre Block Res. TU. 4-21" Variant: and Mann Dr. Cameron Cowan Dr. Jas. McKinnon Dr. J. P. Wilson 4 Church St. 8. Richmond HI.“ Oflice Hours By Appointment TU. (-4471 Barristers and Solicitors 6197 YONGE STREET WILLOWDALE. ONTARIO BA. 5-8806 BY APPOINTMENT 31 Yonge St. N.. nichmond Hill Northern Building Office: TUrner 4-3121 If no answer call PBospect 3-5327 Dr. D. A. McBurney Lav-,1; AMVL‘ (By Appointment) the imp“ Medical Centre Bayview Plaza and nude ed as a 1 Richmond Hill. Ont. 510115 W1 Ofï¬ce and Residence TU. 4â€"404olmembers. Barrister, Solicitor 8; Notary Public 15 YONGE ST. NORTH Richmond Hill. Ontario Stiver, Vale, 'enm‘att, Errington Norman A. Todd, Plaxton, Deane & Drew Barrister, Solicitor. etc. RICHMOND HILL 15 YONGE ST. NORTH Richmond Hill. Ontario Office TUrner 4-1780 Residence TUrner 44863 By Appointment Kenneth A. Garlepy BA. 5-1557 W. E. Nell Mann TU. 4-4618 THORNHlLL Richmond Hill Office 15 Yonge Street N. AV. 5-5144 Thornhill Office AV. 5-1197 RICHMOND HILL 7 Duffel-1n St. Barrister, Solicitor. Notary Public AVenue 5-3165 MEDICAL Dr. H. Socol THORNHILL lEGAL (Continued) TU. 4-1543 McLaughlin F.T.C.M., L.M.w.U.. F.R.C.C.O Available for instruuion In in Richmond Hill Phone mornings HU 5-2591 or Leave message at. TU. 4-3523 Eyes Examlned Glasses Fitted ‘ Optical Repairs NOW AT 3242 YONGE ST. In North Toronto Opposite Park Theatre 9 mm. to 6 pm. Including Sat. BU. 8-8949 Evenings by appointment "' EYES EXAMINED * PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED "' CONTACT LENSES * OPTICAL REPAIRS Hours 10 - 6 daily Saturday 10 - 2 Evenings By Appointment ROOM 205 LOWRIE BUILDING 15 YONGE ST. N. \ RICHMOND HILL J. C'. Horvat,B.A., 0.1). OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted Prescriptions Filled 8; Renal" Yates & Yates Ontario Land Surveyors 1-05 Willowdale Ave., Willowdale Ont, BA. 5-3031 Res. George T. Yates, O.L.S. 53 Bedford Park Avenue Richmond Hill. TU. 4-294! Telephone 147 Yonge St. N. Oï¬ice TU. 4-1432 Richmond Hill Dr. W. Allan Ripley VETERINARY SURGEON 240 KING ST. KING CITY Marguerite Boyle WELDING SUPPLIES For all your welding needs call FOX WELDING 8; INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES LTD. 25 Grenfell St. Oshawa Serving the welding trade and hospitals from Newmarket to . Cobourg Authorized Dealer for Vaughan Liaison jNow Much Better {Council ls Told Elocution, Public Speaking Platform Department Dramatic Art Richmond Hill's work com- mittee had discussed the widen- ing of Yonge Street from Tray-1 born Drive to the Elgin Mills Road, chairman Floyd Perkins told members of town council, with members of Vaughan Township Council and had straightened out a number of problems. More details would be discussed with the township and the highways department soon, he said. . Apparently there had been a mix-up in communications, said Reeve Perkins. He had found‘ that Vaughan Township Coun-; cillors did not know about the ‘proposed projection of Trench Street. Councillor A1. White: ‘said that Vaughan had not been ‘given the proper picture on ‘sewage disposal on the west side of Richmond Hill and the municipality’s proposed plans. Both members of council gave the impression that conditions and understanding had improv- ed as a result of their discus- sions with Vaughan Council 9.30 - 5.30 Weekdays Wednesday & Saturday Afternoons by appointment Open Friday Nights CAN. LIQUID AIR CO. LTD. OPTOMETRY KIN GSDALE ANIMAL HOSPITAL DR. CARL HEDER . TEMPLE 3-5401 VETERINARY SURVEYORS “HOMEWOOD HALL†Thornhill 31 YONGE ST. NORTH Phone TUrner 4-3962 PIANO and SINGING MUSICAL WELDING r. Lowrie, R.0. '. Kirchen, R.0. D’Alton TU. 4-4641 723-7743 Articles On Hospital's Personnel Spark Many Requests ForOpenings Nurses, Others, Seek HOSpital Jobs Chairman Storms expressed himself as delighted with the number of nurses and former nurses who had been in touch with him. Some 150 will be re- quired to staff the new hospital. A number, he said. were mar- rled women who were prepared Richmond Hill’s new cham- ber of commerce. through care- ful planning by the steering committee which was given the job of preliminary organizing, is led by a council which rep- resents each of the main sec- tions of the town, in addition to industrial, professional and hor- ticultural interests. Realizing that, because of the rapid growth of Richmond Hill in re- cent years, there would be bus- iness men who did not know those in other sections suffic- iently to make a well-judged selection. the nominating com- mittee presented a complete slate. at the same time making provision for further nomina- tions from the floor at the gen- eral meeting of business people which got the chamber “off the ground.†Covers All Town - Covers Malt Many Areas Of Action Represented By Chamber Of Commerce Directors Recent articles in “The Liberal†describing the am- ount of employment which will be created by the con- struction of the new hospital in Richmond Hill have brought an unexpected result. They were published in the normal course of conveying information about local activities to residents. But, since their appear- ance, Chairman Douglas H. Storms of the York Cen- tral Hospital Board and “The Liberal†have received many calls from local people seeking employment. Al- though the ï¬rst sod has not even been turned yet, they appear determined to get on to the list of those who will staff the hospital when opened â€" an event anticipated for 1963. Although Chairman John Graham of the nominating com-‘ mittee gave ample opportunity at that meeting for nominations from the floor, none were re- ceived. Consequently the slate as presented by the nominating committee. which consisted of Mr. Graham, who is president of Radio Station CFGM, Pub- lisher J. E. Smith of “The Lib- eral" and Mayor James Haggart, was named by acclamation. Cover Many Occupations 7 The members of the council - the name given under the fed- eral Boards of Trade Act to the Two Richvale youths, Allen Hartford and Garry Smith, who were each convicted of more than a dozen break, entry and theft charges in Magistrates’s Court March 1, were sentenced to 15 months in reformatory last Thursday by Magistrate 0. S. Hollinrake. The offences were committed over a vyearâ€"and-a-haH period and netted about $1,800 worth of loot. The two were arrested recently after the Rolling Hills Golf and Country Club in Whit- 9ht11rch Township was broken un 0. Discipline Lack Said ResEonsible Richvale Youths Given Reformatory Sentences During his final submissions, defence counsel Donald G. Plaxton of Richmond Hill claim- ed that a possible reason for the crimes was lack of disci~ pline in the youth's homes. Evi- dence showed that both boys came from large families, Smith being the oldest of 12 children, and Hartford being one of five children. It was also pointed out that both Hartford’s par- ents were working and although Smith’s mother was at home all the time she had “quite a time" looking after the rest of the family. Asks For Probation Pressing for probation for the two youths instead of a prison term, Mr. Plaxton stressed that although the boys were convict- ed on 13 charges. it was the first time either of them had been brought before the courts. He thought that the trials alone would serve as a lesson for them. He also stressed the co- NEWMARKET: Town council‘ has finally appointed a three- man parking authority. after lengthy discussions. Precision Repairs Pay Off To You We make all repairs with the precision born of long experience. Our jobs never have to be “re-done†later. You save money in the end! COOK'S BP Compiete Service To All Makes of Cars Auto Service ELGIN MILLS TU. 4-3151 to go back to work and wereprepared to take refresher cour- ses if necessary. He again point- ed out that establishment of the hospital would have a big effect on the town’s economy and that its $750,000 annual pay- roll would be a substantial ad- board of directors of the organâ€" ization - represent a wide var- iety of interests in addition to giving thorough representation to all sections of Richmond Hill. The president, first and second vice-presidents and the secre- tary and treasurer, while they happen to represent several in- terests. are not chosen solely on that basis. Directors of the chamber, however, are chosen on a regional or occupational basis. Richmond Hill has four main trading sections - down-town, Richmond Heights, Allencourt and Bayview. Each of these is represented on the directorate by two men. In addition. indus- trial interests are represented by two directors, the same rule applying to professional inter- ests. As a recognition of the Hill's important place in the rose-growing world and its other leadership in horticultural af- fairs. two directors in that cat- egory were named. Fifteen Categories 7 Fifteen different business oat-‘ egories are represented on the chamber of commerce council. Included are a business mana- ger of a book-publishing house; an accountant who is also a ra- dio station manager; three heads of department and other stores; two bank managers; a silver- ‘smith with an international re- iputation; a hardware merchant, operation between the accused and police after they had been captured, and also the fact that in none of the cases was there any evidence of violence. He cited one example of where the youths ran away when the own- ers of the house they were breaking into, entered the house. Summing up, Mr. Plaxton said “if the boys are put on proba- tion, what is the likelihood of their coming back - I do not think they will ever be brought before the courts again." Although the magistrate a- greed in some respects with the defence, he said that the boys were not amateurs but that the crimes were calculated and well carried out. The sentence, to be served as six months definite and nine months indefinite was given so that the boys could return to school in September if the par- ole board saw fit to release them after six months. Save with State Farm's low in- surance rates for careful driv- ers. See me. vvvvvvv - 5 IAI I: I'AK WMQUTUAL man-- up! Mm James Grainger 130 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill, Ont. TU. 4-1529 Canadian Head Ofï¬ce. Toronto, Ont. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, March 15, 1962 AUTDIOBILI INSUIANOI “I?!†STATE FARM Plenty of notice of vacancies would be given, said Chairman Storms. At the present time only one permanent member of the administrative staff has been appointed â€" Hospital Adminis- trator G. Chatï¬eld. The board is considering the appointment of a superintendent of nurses, in order that whoever is chosen will have plenty of time to make a careful selection of the nurs- ing staff. Technicians are also to be considered shortly. dition to local income. Will Give Notice As for construction itself, the picture is still the same, said Mr. Storms. “When we started, I warned people that a very large amount of preliminary work had to be done before construction began," he said. “This has all been going ahead steadily and our architects are In addition the council has a jeweller, a car dealer who also happens to be a specially dis- tinguished amateur horticultur- ist; the head of one of the firms engaged in Richmond Hill's old- est industry - rose growing; two heads of manufacturing firms; a lawyer; one medical doctor and, to complete the list of var-‘ tied occupations, one man who ‘is an editor, author. radio com- mentator and research consul- ‘tant. a butcher and the manager of a large bowling alley. The council is carrying on or- ganizational work at the pres- ent time and, When that is com- pleted, will develop projects for the benefit of Richmond Hill and its businesses and citizens. TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM At the request of the Council of the Township of Markham, The Ontario Water Resources Com- mission has investigated the possibility of extend- ing the present water works system in the Town- ship at a total estimated cost of $250,000 which would be repaid to the Commission over a period of 30 years. The proposed project would consist of the following: WATER MAINS TO BE CONSTRUCTED AS FOLLOWS: 0N FROM TO High Pressure Trunk Main Steeles Avenue Leslie Street Bayview Avenue Low Pressure Plant Supply Main Steeles Avenue Leslie Street 1,800’ W. of Leslie St. Relay Section of existing L.P. Supply Main Leslie Street 10’ N. of 210’N. of Steeles Avenue Steeles Avenue Emergency Connection to North York 12-inch System Steeles Avenue at Leslie Street New High Pressure and Low Pressure Connections to Plant Steeles Avenue at Former North York Treatment Plant Together with the following items: 1| 2. Purchase of former North York wells num- bers 2 and 3 and Steeles Avenue plant from Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto; Restore, rehabilitate and return to service of Steeles Ave. aeration, ï¬ltration chlorination and pumping plant; Installation of new stainless steel screen at deep well No. 2 on Leslie St., 900’ N. of Steeles Avenue; Provide, install and place in operation a sys- tem of automatic electrical controls between wells No. 2 and No. 3 and Steeles Ave. plant and between Steeles Ave. plant and Don Mills Road plant. Before proceeding with this work, it is pro- posed to enlarge the present water area to include all of the following lands: Lots 26 to 36, inclusive, in First Concession; Lots 1 to 11, inclusive, in Second and Third Concessions; East-half of Lots 12, 13 and 14 in Third Concession; West-half of Lots 1 to 14 in Fourth Concession. To meet all expenses for existing waterworks and to pay The Ontario Water Resources Com- mission for providing and operating the proposed additional works, $89,351 would have to be raised annually. It is proposed to raise $38,000 from the sale of water; $13,320 by a frontage levy of 25.45c and $42,000 by a levy of 7 mills on the en- larged water area. 0n the basis of these levies, a house on a. 100-foot lot, assessed for a total of $3,000 and con- suming 32,000 gallons of water a. year would pay the following amounts annually: 100’ @ 25.45c $25.45 Water consumption 24.00 7 mills on $3,000 assess. 21.00 Any owners or other persons affected by these charges may ï¬le their objection thereto in writing with the undersigned on or before the 30th day of March 1962. All plans, reports and estimates may be in- spected at the office of the undersigned during business hours. 1962. Clerk-Treasurer First publication this 8th day of March, 1962. Dated at Buttonville this 6th day of March, NOTICE H. C. T. CRISP, nearing the end of what is a big job. We can't start with building until that stage is com- pleted." he said. But. he assured “The Liberal." all plans were moving on schedule and. before long, the magic day when the ï¬rst sod would be turned would arrive. REPAIRS REPAIRS Guesswork Is Eliminated NEW SCIENTIFIC METHOD “CHECKED†Electronically WITH THE STROBOSCOPE AL PYLE If no answer a PIANO 'I'IINING Due to other commitment: ll will not be possible to fill orders taken nl'ter March 17, orders taken after March 17 will be completed In October. ‘ no answer at TU. 4-3614 flu in; daytime, call TU. 4-1105 or Av 5-3316 5 BEAVERTON RD. TU. 4-3614 FREE ESTIMATES $70.45 Thank you, Al Pyle