LEAVE THESE TIRES ON FOR A SURE-FOOTED QUIET RIDE - - - all the year 'round â€"Another Canadian Tire First SUPER-LASTIC COUNTRY GENTLEMAIN TWIN - PLY DE LUXE NYLON NOW, YOU CAN ENJOY driving safety, convenience and comfort â€" 12 months in the year â€" and without mortgaging the happy home . . . The all-new Super-Lostic COUNTRY GENTLEMAN features a multi- eeason power tread that’s a brute for hauling through snow and yet It's whisper-quiet for summer driving . . . on bare dirt or paved roads, In wet or dry Weather. If you're going to need new tires, come Springâ€"why drive around on "old baldies"; banish the hazard of inp and slideâ€"get a safety rideâ€" rsow, and next Summerâ€"with a pair of COUNTRY GENTLEMAN tires on your rear wheels. INSTALLâ€"THAT’S ALLâ€"no seasonal changeovers. Look At These Down-To-Eartls Prices â€" AND NO TRADE NEEDED 670/ 15-710/ 15 USE YOUR CREDIT . TueELEss ............. 5 (TIRE INSTALLATIONâ€"50a EXTRA) NO TRADE NEEDEDâ€"but we will buy your old tires and PAY YOU CASH â€"up to $3 eachâ€"for unused miles NO TIME NO MILEAGE NO RED TAPE ON LIMIT LIMIT ADJUSTMENTS INSURANCE-GUARANTEE _ “w .Rf ' g ‘H . ' p“ Oualily LEAF SPRINGS Chevrolet and Canadian Pontiac, I940-57 9.80 to 14.60 ea. Ford and M t , I949-59 . . . . . . . . . Dodge and Elyer‘itrouth, I936-59 . . . . . . Similar low prices for commercial vehicles F tS ‘ B h' â€"t .22". "Ettaâ€"‘12."‘S... 122°? r'f. : : : : : ; :: 15'82 is"? ._....___--.._....., i MOTO-MASTER CUSHION COMFORT snooK 3.4.0 ABSORBERS So good they're guaranteed for l5,000 1 miles or I year to give you that “new-car" _ ride without dipping, bottoming, nose-div- sir‘Ig or swaying. Improves steering. Par- ‘3 tIcuIarIy so during winter driving condi- ~ 3 tions. Available in loop or bayonet type. Tue-1196 "MOTO MASTER" A Name You Can Trust We Install What We Sell nt Spring Centre Clutch Plate and Pressure Plate for a factory re- “. .. We will exchange your prese built matched assemblyâ€" Complete www.23- Make and Year ASSIgl‘ElcTSIIY ct’lllalt‘eh Exch. only Exch. I Chev. I955-59 (mast) 15.40 6.35 Dodge and PIym., I942-59, 6-cyl. (except fluid dr.) For(d Products, 1949-54 most) 15.80 7.25 Pontiac, I946-54 (most) 11.85 6.40 Also available tor most other popular cars. MOTO-MASTER MUFFIERS 0 Quiet 0 Save gas 0 Long life 15.50 7.95 0 Custom engineered for perfect “new-car" fit MUFFLER MAKE AND YEAR "Do-lt-Your- INSTALLED SINGLE EXHAUST PASSENGER salt" Muffler DISCOUNT CARS ONLY Discount Priie PRICE OI‘IEVFIOLET 1949-53 (exc. conv.) . . . . . . . . GOI'IV.) T953-6T . . 1954-55. 6-cyl- 20. 272 (exe- tor-V.) 555 7_90 , . FOREIGN "[5- ° """" :2 CAR P - ' ea 1949-52, 6.: I. P". 20. 12. 13 6.50 8.75 MUFFLERS (m -------------- 6.50 3.75 Mote-Master Guaranteed Re-Manufactured “53'5" 6"" ('“' mi") " 650 8 Automatic Transmission Exchange '“"â€â€˜ M" """"""" i l I completely dynamometer checked, tested under drrving conditions to test comparable to original 1949-52, 64 I. D31. 35. 39: 4° 6.50 equrpment. Rebuilt with only the finest quality ("c' ""3 " ' I 6 50 8 parts. Guaranteed 90 days or 4,000 miles. * A NEW "53'5" 6"â€. I.“ “mm 5.50 c.....i::,‘£f..if’lgso.so ...... 15‘3“oo MUFFLER IF ' __' Ford and Meteor, 6-cyI., V-8, I IT BLOWS and I 5 IO 7 Single Range, I95l-59 . . . . . . 150.00 OUTâ€" 1949-54. a-cvl- (m- m†~-| ' 8'45 “32° J.“ 192'???†3"" "55-56, l-cyl. , . . . . . . . . . . . 5-20 ' w - ___._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" . e .l e, . . . . QUEgï¬ONS similar flying; on other passenger earsE, Includl‘lt'sfgrl’cz': Also available for other cars, including standard ASKED 5‘9 ‘EI‘I‘:“'.“'I’I°“ #:‘t'Ta‘ï¬: fï¬iai‘ii. iiiiitglllaetion MET II E G CI. E C E I clamps, each - I transmission. Installation extra. (extra where nee t STORE AND SERVICE DEPT. IS NOW OPEN Monday ‘Iil 9 P.M. Thurs. & Fri. 'til 9 Iâ€"MOTO - MAS- TER GENERATOR " ' . STARTER MOTOR â€" Regain mbu'lnnd formo" ' i that new car performance and "Owl" cars and starting ease . . . exchansa 3* trucks using stand- . . . . Exchan e me 9 p ard - t 2 Auto - Lite Delco - yp ' as low as , , , . . . Remy and Ford systems. Factory rebuilt to "new car" standards 3â€"V0LTAGE REGULATOR 'â€" Protects your battery, generator . . . you are assured of guaran- _ ' teed service equal to original and electrrcal system. Auto-LIte, equipment. Delco-Remy and Ford systems. 6-volt Rebuilt to manufacturer's origI- (most) . . . . 1 Ital specifications. Exchange IZ-volt (most) . . . 12.55 PM“ as low as . . . . . . LUCAS GENERATOR FOR _ mou BRITISH CARS â€" For most iâ€"MOTO MASTER'GN .. . . . COILSâ€"Saveu to 30%lMeet B'msh “'5 "“IU‘I'M Ausl'm all specificatioIiIs of original Hillman, Morris T r i LI m p h e . . . .f. ' ’ qUIpment qualrty. Screntr Ic Standard vangua'd' vau‘ha†balance of windings assures and Ford. Rebuilt to original maximum efï¬ciency a. l" manufacturers’ specifications. .peeds_ Sunda'd type, for mos. 15.75 4.4 Pulley . . . . . . as low as . . . . . . 5â€"MOTO-MASTER IGNITION KITâ€"Re-power your car with perfect-fitting ignition replace- ment partsâ€"proven and tested to meet the most rigid require- ments. Kits include a set of fa c t o r y-assembled, matched points, heavy-duty condenser and dielectric rotor. For most cars, m... .85 .. 2.15 6â€"MOTO-MASTER “TURBO- FIRE" SPARK PLUGSâ€"Get extra power and extra mileage out of every gallon of gas. Re- place worn plugs with "Turbo- Fire" for a hotter spark, faster starts, smoother idling. Worth $l.05. For all cars, .65 each OUR SERVICE DEPT. Is Equipped To Handle Everything from Minor Tuneups To Complete V Motor Overhauls Front & Rear SPRINGS INSTALLED $5.00 EACH SHOCK ABSORBERS INSTALLED $1.50 EACH MOST CARS ""73 1 ~93 Easy-to-Install TWIN-JET a“ AUTOMATIO é WASHER cleanâ€"tree from splash and spat- ixle sprays cleansing fluid onto CANAD AN T I; fingertip touch. I fa universal fit. Excepiwnal “IUEI 3.98 .yrerIIISIIIELII jiuKeep your windshield sparkling ter of passing cars. Twin-jet noz- . each side of the windshield at _: Complete kitâ€" ' '1 e...»- we...» a 0 CHOICE OF 6 SMART COLORS appealing to the eye, Iâ€"OUTLET BOX MOUNTING BARâ€"For 12 to 18" centres; easy to install . . . . . . . . .29 Zâ€"PLAIN COVER â€" For 4- inch outlet box . . . . . . .13 3â€"D U P L E X OUTLET RE- CEPTACLEâ€"Brown . ,. . .16 4â€"BAKELITE DUPLEX RE- CEPTACLE â€" 3-wire ground- ing type. Standard Duty .39 5â€"TOGGLE SWITCHâ€"Brown Bakelite .21 SILENT MERCURY SWITCHâ€" Brown Bakelite . . . . . . . .98 Ivory . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 19 III‘Iminated "Asongy COAT‘NG I/z HOUR Pull Chain Light iZ-wire sets, for pow- $31 tools, etc. E1.1:; 2.49 4.29 22 oz. HEAVY DUTY SILENT SWITCH â€" Single pole: l5 amps. Silver contacts , . . .59 6â€"SINGLE OUTLET PLATEâ€" Brown Bakelite . . . . . . . .15 7â€"DUPLEX OUTLET PLATE â€"Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . .08 8â€"WALL PLATEâ€"For single toggle switch. Brown Bakelite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03 9â€"2-GANG TOGGLE SWITCH WALL PLATEâ€" Brown Bakelite . . . . . . . .19 Ivory Bakelite . . . . . . . . .29 3-G A N G PLATE â€"- Brown Bakelite .28 .. w Wm? § g OUTLET BOXES i 4" with knock- outs . . . . .35 av." _ . . . . . . . .35 4" with Rome: type clamps SWITCH BOXES 3 With Clamps, 7 Romex . .42 Less clamps, Romex, ‘ BX . , . . . . . . .35 .42 Z-fuse SURFACE WIRING DEVICES i Duplex Receptacle ' . . . . . . . . . . . .85 Socket . , . Keyless Light Socket 3-WIIY Toggle Switch . . . . 1.45 1.14 1.49 EXTENSION OOIID SETS l0-ft. 25-". 50-". ELEIIQIIITWATERRRooE MAer 0 DRIES IN 0 APPLY WITH BRUSH ROLLER or SPRAY GUN Enioy dry basement walls and floors, and at the same time freshen them up. BLEN-DIT MASONRY COATING makes drab cellars more prevents dampness, water seepage. Resrstant to alkali and abrasion. No need for pre or after-wetting upon application. A specific remedy for leaky basements. Brushes and splatter marks easrly cleaned up with water. Priced for savingsâ€"at Canadian TIre. BIen-Dit Colorant Tubes, from . . . . . . . . . . .14 . BLEN-DIT LATE! OORDRETE REPAIR Stronger than concrete! Repairs damaged concrete, masonry surfacesâ€"indoors or out. Use prior to applying Blen-Dlt Masonry Coating for a smooth, unbroken surface. 53/. lbs. ....2'10 lZlbs. ....3'35 ZZO-volt size, Z-blade, I-blade, DISCOUNT COUPONS On Everything You Buy at Canadian Tire CHECK THESE EVERY DAY LOW LOW PRICES AND SAVE EVEN MORE WITH THIS Added Bonus! DEDUCT an EXTRA 5°70 LL PRICES SHOWNâ€"Whether on Television, in Newspapers or Store Displays 5% Cash Discount Notes are yours on all purchases of 59C or mere (labor excluded) Spend Discount Notes as Money â€"-at Canadian Tire! NY .35 I1‘/4 lbs. Slop active Ieaks--BLEII-DIT Waterproof PIIITY Stops water leaks . . . fills holes and cracks. Easy to apply. Use in or outdoors. Easily holds bolts, hooks, fixtures, etc., in concrete or masonry. Fast setting. 44oz. ....1'os FOR THE “DO-IT-YOURSELF" ELEGTRIOIAN IO â€" OUTLET BOX CON- NECTORâ€"For Romex, BX, eta. . . . . . . . .1 IIâ€"90-DEGREE ANGLE BOX CONNECTOR -â€" For Romex, BX, etc. . . . . . . . . . .. .22 IZâ€"BOX CONNECTORâ€".07 IBâ€"CEILING RECEPTACLEâ€" For 3%" 0r 4" outlet boxes. For use with wall switch. Por- celain . . . . , . . . . . . . .39 I4â€"CEILING RECEPTACLEâ€" As above but with pull chain .64 WIRING CONNECTORâ€"(Not illustratedIâ€"Bakelite. Pkg. of 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 In complete your room. washer and dryer, farm installation: KNIFE SWITCH BOXâ€"Use as motor disconnect switch, etc. 30-amp., HO- 3.15 R O M E X WIRE â€" 3- wire type, 2 I4-ga. wires plus ground. ft. ZSO-ft. .08 16.49 As above, but lZ-ga. tt. 250-tt. .11 21.98 Heavy Duty Service Wire â€" 3 - wire IO-ga. with ground. Fr. .23 Galv. Straps -â€"-for Rom. ex, etc. 25 for .15 200 for .79 IRE ASSOCIATE ST ORE AV. 5-IIOI