ANGLICAN ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH Richmond Hill Rector: Rev. J. F. O’Neil Assistant Curate: Rev. J. R. F. Moore SUNDAY. MARCH 18. 1962 LEN'I‘ II 8 a.m. - HOLY COMMUNION 9.30 a.m. â€" HOLY COMMUN-i ION I (Jr. Chlii'cli School, 2-11 yrs.) 11 a.m. -â€" MORNING PRAYER (Senior Church School. 12-14 yrs. and infant Care) 7 p.m. â€"â€" EVENSONG YOUTH SERVICE I and Fireside afterwards Wednesday. March 21 â€" 10 a.m. -â€" HOLY COMMUNION (Nursery provided) 7.30 p.m. â€"â€" Evensong and Ad- dress 8.15 pm. â€" Deanery School of Religion THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA THE CHURCH of ST. GABRIEL [Crosby and Bayview Avenues Rev. R. E. McLennan 4:07 Lynett Crescent TU. 4-4236 Church. TU. 4-7083 SUNDAY. MARCH 18. 1962 8 a.m. â€" Holy Communion 9.30 a.m. â€" Sunday School (ages 7 and up) 11 a.m. â€" Morning Prayer (Nursery. Junior Sunday School. ages 2-6) 7 p.m. â€"â€" Evening Prayer Fellowship Meeting for all who work with children and young people. EMMANUEL ANGLICAN CHURCH Mackay Drive - Richvale Rev. Fred C. Jackson TU. 4-2418 Mra. .ias. E. Howard. Organist SUNDAY, MARCH 18. 1962 LENT 11 10 a.m. â€"- Church School 11 a.m. â€"- Church School 11 a.m. â€" Morning Prayer 7.30 p.m. â€"- Youth Group Film on the Great Religions of the World HOLY TRINITY THORNHILL Brooke 85 Jane Streets Rector Rev. H. Reginald Howden. B.A., SERVICES ST. JOHN’S BAPTIST CHURCH Richmond Hill (Convention of Ontario 8: Que.) Minister: Rev. J. M. Ward Meeting MacKillop Public School 9.45 a.m. â€" Sunday SchJol 11 a.m. â€"- Morning Service 11 a.m. â€" Nursery & Primary north-west section and Elgin Mills. Everyone cordially invited BAPTIST CHURCH Stop 17, Yonge Street Rev. Minion Johnston. D.D.. Minister Mrs. Cameron Andrew. Organist late School â€" Junior School and Nursery MORNING WORSHIP II a.m. 7 p.m. â€" High Fellowship and Young People's We ‘cordially invite you to vorship with us PRESBYTERIAN RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. N. Hepburn. Mrs. Vera Diamond. Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY. MARCH 18. 1962 9.45 a.m. -â€" Sunday School and Bible Class 11 a.m. â€" Morning Worship SACRAMENT OF TILE LORD‘S SUPPER 11 a.m. â€"- Nursery Department Friday 8 p.m.. March 16 â€" Preâ€"Communion Service and Reception of new members THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. D. T. Evans. B.A.. Minister Organist: Mr. Robert Davis SUNDAY. MARCH 18. 1962 9.45 a.m. â€" Church School (Grade 1 to adult classes) 11 am. -â€" Morning Worship 7 p.m. â€" Evening Worship Guest Preacher: Rev. Daniel Firth. Chalmers Presbyterian Church, London, Ont. EVERY WEDNESDAY - 7 AM. & 10 AM. FOR 15 MINUTES MORNING DEVOTIONS AND COMMUNION ll a.m. WELCOME L. Th. Organist and Cholrmaster. R. S. A. Mullen. A.R.C.T.. R.M.'1‘. Tuesday â€"- 7 a.m. â€" Holy Communion Wedn‘esday â€" 10.15 a.m. â€" Holy Communion SUNDAY. MARCH 18. 1962 2nd Sunday in Lent 8 am. â€"- Holy Communion 9.45 a.m. â€" Bible Classes 11 a.m. -â€" Church School 11 a.m. â€" Morning Prayer Preacher: The Rector ,‘Hallowed be "hy Name - - Thy Kingdom Come - - Thy will be Done“ 7 p.m‘. â€" Evening Prayer “Saved by a Look" Preacher: The Rector PARISH OF KING (Anglican) HOURS OF SERVICE All Saints’ Church - King City 10 a.m. â€"- Morning Prayer 11.10 a.m. â€" Sunday School ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Maple The Anglican Church of Canada Rector. Rev. Ramsay Armitage. M.A., DD. 8 a.m. â€" Holy Communion ll a.m. â€" Morning Prayer Holy Communion on 2nd Sun- day of month at 11 11 a.m. â€" Sunday School Holy Baptism by appointment ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN (Yonge at Jefferson. Oak Ridges) Rector: Rev. D. C. H. Michell, _ LL.B. Morning Prayer . . . . . 11 a.m. Teen Age Bible Class 9.45 a.m. Sunday School . . . . . . . . 10 a.m. 2nd and 4th Sunday (Sunday School bus from Elgin Mills 9.45 a.m.) ST. MARK’S ANGLICAN (Yonge at Elm Grove. Oak, Ridges) ‘ Morning Prayer 9.45 a.m. Holy Communion .. lst Sunday Sunday School 9.45 a.m BAPTIST RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH (A Fellowship Church) 50 Wright Street (Opposite the High School) Pastor: G. Forbes SUNDAY. MARCH 18. 1962 . 9.45 a.m. â€" Bible School 9 Classes for all ‘ ll a.m. â€" Morning \Vorshlp , 7 p.m. â€" Evangelistic Service Wed. 8 p.m. â€" Prayer Meeting A Friendly Welcome Is ‘ Extended To ALL AT i The Young Church with the Old Message LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH (FelloWShip ol' Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada) Church Street Langstal'l; LORD‘S DAY SERVICES I 9.50 a.m. â€" Bible School ’ .Il a.m. â€" MORNING SERVICE, 7 p.m. _ EVENING SERVICE Supervised Nursery at all Lord‘s Day activities .\IID WEEK IIOUR. Wed. 8 p.m. Prayer. Praise Bible Study Women's Missionary Fellowship Thursday. 1 p.m. Evening Mission Circle. 2nd 5: 4th Thursday 7.45 p.m. I Holy Communion Junior Ambassadors Friday 7 pm. A \l’.\R.\l \l'El.(‘O.\lF. AWAITS YOU l ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MAPLE. ONT. and ST. PAUL’S CHURCH. I 7th CON.. VAUGHAN TWP. Rev. B. F. Andrew, Minister SUNDAY. MARCH 18, 1962 10 a.m. â€" St. Andrew’s Church 11.15 a.m. â€"- St. Paul's Church COME TO CHURCH UNITED RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. G. Higginson. B.A.. B.D. SUNDAY. MARCH 18. 1962 9.45 a.m. â€" Primary, Junior, Intermediate and Senior Sunday School 11 a.m. â€"- Nursery and Kinder- garten 11 a.m. â€"- Morning Service The New Delhi Conference Delegate Joan Ledger Reports 7 p.m. â€"- Evening Service “Light In Darkness' ST. MATTHEW’S UNITED CHURCH Crosby Ave.. Richmond Hill 1 Rev. William W. Patterson SUNDAY, MARCH 18, 1962 9.30 a.m. â€"- The Sunday School 11 a.m. â€" Divine Worship Nursery 8: Kindergarten meet 7 p.m. -â€" Hi-C, meeting to Teen Age Young People Mr. Kuen Lee of Hong Kong, student at Toronto University, will visit among us for the day, and speak to Sunday School, congregation, and Hi-C. THORN HILL UNITED CHURCII Rev. Hugh Robert MacDonald, B.A.. B.D. Rev. Howard J. Veals. B.A.. B. Paed. A church handy to the town's‘ (Convention of Ont. & Que.) . 10 a.m. â€" Senior and lntermedâ€": Minister‘ COME, YOU WILL BE MADE; ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH ‘ Walter Scott School. Markham Road ' Rev. Albert E. Myers, B.A., B.D.. S.T.M.. Pastor SUNDAY. MARCH 18, 1962 . 9.45 a.m. â€"â€" Sunday School I ll a.m. -â€" Morning Worship ‘ I Nursery Provided l Other Denominations ‘ GORMLEY UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH Rev. C. E. Hunking. Minister (10 a.m. â€" Sunday School ‘11 a.m. â€"â€" Morning Worship (7.30 pm. â€" Evening Service THORNHILL CALVARY CHURCH RICHMOND HILL ‘ 96 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill Affiliated .vith the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada ‘ Rev. 1’. A. Sorensen. Pastor TU. 4-4387 10 a.m. â€" Sunday School Ill a.m. â€" The Pastor 7 p.m. â€" The Pastor Wed. 8.30 p.m. - Prayer Meeting. I SEVENTH-DAY ‘ ADVENTISTS CHURCH (Pastor H. G. Fischbacher) Meeting every Saturday in the Masonic Hall Crosby Avenue, Richmond Hill Worship Service 9.20 a.m. Sabbath School 10.30 a.m., Everybody welcome RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner of Elmwood and Ruggles Rev R. T. Holton Minister Church of the Light and Life Hour. CHML, 9 a.m. Sunday Friday, March 16. 8 p.m. â€" Irish nigh-t presented by F.M.Y. Rev. Bob Ferris. speaker. Special singing. SUNDAY, MARCH 18. 1962 10 a.m. -â€" Sunday School Classes for all ages 11.30 a.m. â€" Worship Service The Minister 7 p.m. -â€" Family Gospel Hour Wednesday, 8 p.m. â€"- Prayer & Bible Study For further information. call TU. 4-7097 BRETHREN IN CHRIST I CHURCH Wm. VanderBent, Pastor Tei.: Richmond Hill, TU. 4-3155 Heise Hill (Gormley) 10 a.m. â€" Sunday School 11 a.m. â€" Worship Service 7.30 p.m. â€" Evening Service Wed., 7.45 p.m. - Prayer Meeting Vaughan (3rd con.. 3 miles north of Concord) 11.15 a.m. â€" Worship Service Concord (Schoolhouse) 10 a.m. â€"- Sunday School Oak Ridges. Aubrey Ave. Roy Nigh, Pastor Te’l.: Gormley 5544 10.30 a.m. â€" Sunday School 11.30 a.m. â€" Worship Service 7.30 p.m. -â€" Evening Service Tues, 8 p.m. â€" Prayer Meeting CHURCH OF CHRIST Welcomes you at 7 p.m. each Lord's day Corner of Laurie Rd. and Concord Ave.. Concord Isaiah 1-18: Come let us reason together saith the Lord. IRICHVALE GOSPEL CHAPEL , 2,4 Oak Ave. I Services Sunday â€" 9.30 a.m. â€" Remembrance Ser- vice 11 a.m. â€" Bible Hour 8; Sunday School 7 p.m. â€"- Gospel Meeting Tues, 8 p.m. â€" Prayer and Bible Reading Wed, 7 p.m. â€" Pioneer group Young people’s and ladies' meetings as announced “‘Jesus saves and there is no other way" CARD OF THANKS , We would like to express our appreciation to all of our friends and neighbours and also to the classmates of our son Tommy, for their thoughtfulness after his recent eye injury. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hughes c1w37 girls Ikltlltr'k iCARD or THANKS ‘ Mrs. Betty White wishes to Illial‘lk the many friends and neighbours who sent cards. {fruit and flowers to her, during iher stay in St. Michael's Hosâ€" SUNDAY. MARCH 18. 1962 9.45 a.m. â€"- Intermediate and Senior Sunday School 11 a.m. â€" Sunday School and Nursery 11 a.m. â€" Morning Worship 7 p.m. â€"~ Evening Worship 8 p.m. â€"â€" Iii-C and Y.P.L'. AV. 5-2131 For further information call CARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH Rev. Hugh Robert MacDonald, B.A.. B.D. 9.45 a.m. â€" Worship Service ‘ and Sunday School THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA MAPLE PASTORAL CHARGE Rev. Harold W. Davies. B.A.. Minister SUNDAY. MARCH 18. 1962 HOPE 10.30 a.m. â€" Morning Worship and Church School MAPLE 10.15 a.m. â€" Church School for all ages 11.30 am. -â€" Morning Worship LUTHERAN THE ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (2 miles south of Maple) Pastor - Norman E. Wagner II a m. â€" The Service 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School and Bible Class pilal. Mrs. Arthur C. White c1w37 # it it It I ,CARD 0F THANKS I wish to thank all my friends and relatives for their many ,cards and hospital visits during my recent stay in Branson Hos- pital. , William Bryson I c1w37 O )0 it t CARD 0F THANKS Mr. Art Leech, Richmond St. iwishes to thank his many lfriends. relatives and neighbours for their acts of kindness, well Iwishes, flowers and cards. dur- ing his recent stay in Toronto (General Hospital. c1w37 titer CARD 0F THANKS ye" Pictured above is the Turton family of Richmond Hill. From the left are seen Mrs. Mary Turton; Barbara, the oldest daughter; Catherine, the third daughter; Margaret, the sec- They Shared Orbit Day With Col oneIJoh By F. J. February 20th, 1962 Astronaut Lt.-Col. John Picking , was “Orbit Day" for Glenn. And on the same date 3. Richmond Hill family pretty nearly went into orbit too as one bit of good news succeeded another. The family as a whole is pictured above. It’s that of the Turtons of 160 Church Street: South. There’s a story bind the picture, too. It was taken two years ago by the federal Department of In migration. The Turtons a least those of them who ha made their appearance on cart) up to that time - came to Can Births . SMITH Mr. and Mrs. David Smith, nee Ramstead, wish to announce the safe arrival of their baby daughter born March 1, 1962, at Branson Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. McKinnon. *1w36 Ik III it It! TAYLOR â€" Dick and Noreen happily announce the arrival of their chosen son, Richard Paul. c1w37 Inflemariams BAKER â€"â€" In loving memory of our dear mother Bernetta Florence, who passed away March 16th, 1959. God knows how much we miss her, Never shall her memory fade. Loving thoughts shall ever) wander To the spot where she is laid. -â€" Lovineg remembered by her daughters, Mae, Irene and Dorothy. *1w37 * s n- It! GREENFIELD In loving memory of my dear wife, Edna Greenï¬eld, who passed away March 15, 1958. My lips cannot tell how I miss her. My heart cannot tell what to say) God alone knows how I miss her. In a home that is lonesome to- day. â€"â€" Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by husband John. elw37 I'll"!!! GREENFIELD In loving memory of Edna Greenï¬eld, who passed away March 15, 1958. A wonderful mother, woman and aid; One who was better, God never made. A wonderful worker, loyal and fair, 'l‘enderly helpful, 0 Mother, you were Just in your judgment, always right. Honest and liberal, ever up-‘ right. Loved by all, our pride they" share, Pride in the wonderful one you, were. â€" Sadly missed and lovinglyi remembered by sons, daughter and grandchildren. c1w37 '1‘ it it 9! EDWARDS â€" In loving memory" of our dear son John, who passed away March 19, 1961.) He is gone but not forgotten, And. as dawns another year, In our lonely hOUFS 0f thinking.,ing is 6 room, fully split level,‘ are always,including large, spacious living) Thoughts of him near. I out of the ordinary be- wda in 1947. Seeking for a Bri- ‘sh family which had made a orth-while adjustment to Can- dian life, the department chose he Turtons. Their picture was 'sed in connection with a pub- icity release which told of the ucccss of such families in Can- ida. Kenneth Turton, head of the “Ian, is business administrator "or the Richmond Hill Public School Board. He landed in Can- ada, not quite sure where he would go or what he would do, ahead of his family. He went straight to Brantford. His rea- son for choosing that city was simplicity itself. He looked at a map, saw that the population of Brantford was around 35,000 - decided that was the size of town he wanted to set- tle in rather than a large city - and that was that! He found employment with the Massey- Harris Company first, later be- AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE 8.; DOUBLE LOT, Furniture. Electric Appliances, Utensils. tools, etc. The property of WENDEL LUTZ on Part Lot 11. Concession 4, White urch Township 1,4 mile eas ol‘f Don Mills Road on SATURDAY. MARCH 24 Philips Styline 11, 21 inch tele- vision, near new and good Findlay automatic electric range, near new and good Westinghouse Frostâ€"free electric refrigerator, 6 cu. ft, near new and good Electric kettle President electric vacuum clea- ner, cylinder type with at- tachments Acme electric washing machine Corner Brumer step coffee table Kitchen step bench Babies’ butler chair Hardy Axminster rug. ï¬gured 9’ x 12‘ Scatter rugs 2 Shaneyon trophies. wall orna- ments, etc. Brass set of glassware Cuckoo wall clock Boys' small sturdy desk Set of shelves Cooking utensils, etc. Spring mattress Odd dishes Chrome stool Several potted house plants 14 gal. basket bottle Window curtains and drapes L4 lawn chairs Lawn ornaments, etc. Several other pieces of house- hold furniture and effects. etc. Odd carpenter tools, etc. Lantern In loro rotary power lawn mower. good Boy's 18" bicycle Numerous other articles, etc, The real estate consists of two lots. 100‘ frontage and 150' depths, at Connaught Ave, known as Preston Lake Shore Development subdivision, Plan No. 404. of lots 8 and 26. Dwell- dining, kitchen room with cen- ond. In front are Janet, six, and Elizabeth, ten. The solitary man is Kenneth Turton. business administrator for Richmond Hill Public School Board. coming building superintendent with the Barber-Ellis envelopt manufacturing firm, then spcn. some time with the Paul Revere Insurance Company. Was Board Chairman He took an active interest in educational matters even then. getting elected to the Brant- ford Board of Education. Spen- ding six years on that. board. which administers 26 public and three high schools, he became mm SAT., MARCH 17 â€" Important Extensive auction sale of feedâ€" er and beef cattle. Internation- al truck. M-H No. 33 tractor, A- power farm implements, farm tools. miscellaneous articles, baled hay, straw, grain, choice high-class residential household furniture, electrical appliances, dishes, crystal, glassware, drap- eries, bedding, utensils, garden and lawn furniture, tools, etc., at Lot 25, Concession 4, Markâ€" ham Twp.. on 18th Ave., Mi. known as Kilcoo Farm, property' of Bill Siberry. Sale starts at 1 p.m. sharp. Terms cash. No reserve. Farm sold. See sale bills for full paticulars. Ken 8: Clarke Prentice, Auctioneers, Markham 346, Stouffville 96208. James Smith. Clerk. 4: It: v I! SATURDAY, MARCH 24th â€" Auction sale of modern, new, full 6 room split level house. with double lot, also household furniture, including television, electric range, washer. refriger- ator, utensils, rotary mower, tools, etc., at Part of Lot 11, Concession4, Whitchurch Twp, l2; mile East off Don Mills Road, property of Wendel Lutz. Sale at 1.30 p.m. Terms cash on household furniture without reâ€" serve. Property offercd subject to reserve bid. Terms, conditions and full particulars made known day of sale. See sale bills. Ken & Clarke Prentice - Auctioneers, Markham 346 or Stouffville 96208. c3‘w36 s- t m a TUES., MARCH 27 â€" Auction sale of 40 Head of Grade Hol- stein Cattle, fresh cows and springers, heifers and calves, blood tested and TB tested, on D.H.I.A. since 1951. Average production for year 1960, milk 12,186 lbs., butterfat 430, aver- age test 35.3. 1 Unico milk tank, .300 gal. capacity, new in 1957; Allis-Chalmers tractor, model ,B.. good condition: about 3.000 ‘bales of hay, about 1500 bales of straw, about 400 bus. oats. Above cattle are large and in good condition. Have been using Central Ontario Cattle Breeders since it was started. No reserve, giving up milk business. At1 Lot 25, Concession 2 E. Mark-' ham. Property of J. W. Steph-. enson. Terms cash. Sale at 2 p.m. D. Goulding, clerk. A. S. Farmer. auctioneer, phone GOT-y mley 5311. c1w35 #**III THURS, MARCH 29 â€" Auc-‘ ,tion sale of Farm Stock, Imple- ‘ments, 6 Head of Cattle, 75 Hogs, feeders and sows; Case Combine, motor driven: Case Tractor, model 300, with 3 point hitch, including full line of farm implements, about 3,000) bales of hay. 100 bales of straw, quantity of household furniture. At Lot 23. Con. 6, Markham. The property of Clarence Sum- merfelt. No reserve, farm sold. ‘erms cash. Sale at 1 p.m. Jim‘ mith, clerk. Alvin S. Farmer,‘ '1 S Days of sadness will come o'erlre Heataliter ï¬replace. fully in_ auctioneer. phone Gormley us. I Many think the wound ls heal- ed. I But they little know the sorrow That lies in the heart concealâ€" ed. ‘ â€" Sadly missed and lovineg striated. builtâ€"in garage, full basement and rear porch. Ilouse situated on Lot No. 26 of Plan 404. skirted by several elm. maple. willow and poplar trees. This is a desirable property. easy commuting distance to Murray and Lorraine Acre-Iremé‘mbered by Mom. Dad anddowntown Toronto. ‘man (Richmond Hill Auto) Wreckers) wish to extend their most sincere thanks to all the members of the Richmond Hill Volunteer Fire Brigade when ‘their driving shed and workshop. was destroyed by ï¬re recently.’ lWith very special thanks to Con- Istable Ted Green, who was ï¬rst on the scene and rendered val- luable help. This is especially commendable as phone service and hydro was immediately de- ‘moralizcd. Also thanks to E. Kelly Markham Township ’policeman. also not omitting the wonderful personal services of (\Irs. Doris Gadon. in serving Icoliee to the ï¬remen. clw37 family. ’-‘lw37 i â€"I SPACE 900 FEET AVAILABLE Reasonable Rent Industrial Road Richmond Hill ME. 3- 5661 It will be offered for sale at approximately 2.30 p.m. on day of sale. subject to a reserve bid. 10% of purchase price cash on day of sale. balance to be set- tled in 30 days. of which partI can be left on a 151 mortgage with quarterly payments. Fur- ther particulars day of sale or apply to owner on property. This dwelling is in ï¬rst class condition and almost new. Sale at 1.30 Terms on furniture. cash on day of sale, .\'o reserve. KEN & CLARKE PREN’I‘ICE. auctioneers Phone Markham 346 Stonf‘fviile 96208 HT c4w35, C forage harvester, with extras,. c4w34, 24 HOUR TOWING Anywhere - call Unionville !276 - days: or Unionville 649.] nights - Reverse ' charges. Tribbling's White. Rose llon Mills 8; No. 7 Highway is chairman - the position which to was holding when he came 0 Richmond Hill to look after )usiness administration of the flowing system. It's time to get back to Feb- ruary 20th, insofar as the for- tunes of the Turton family are concerned. It started with the receipt of news from daughter Barbara. oldest of the five daughters, who has been teach- ing in Brantford for five years, that she had been accepted by the Department of National De- fence as a teacher for children of armed forces personnel in Germany. She will go overseas for the start of the next school year in September. Second Heard From I Then came news from the second daughter, Margaret, a student at McMaster University, Hamilton, who let the family know that she had been award- ed an Honour “M,†the highest award a student can receive. at the Students’ Council inaug- uration. Dr. H. G. Thode, pres- ident of the University, said in mile east of Victoria Square.yDFesentin'g the award according to the university’s own news- paper that Margaret, as Presi- dent of Womens‘ Residences, had “demonstrated her ability as a leader" and was deserving of the award. . The orbit continued. Next came a letter from third daugh- ter Catherine with a clipping from the Brantford paper show- ing her picture as she symbol- R “LIBERAL†CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS TU. 4-1105 [FOR SALE BY TENDER: Frame insul-brick bungalow located at 109 Henderson Avenue, Thornhill, Ont., be- ing part of Lot 25, Regis- tered Plan 2368, Township of Markham. This house, must be moved from pres-‘ ent site. Persons interested may phone AV. 5-4186 or address Mr. J. L. Cann, c/o Canadian National Rail- ways, R. R. No. 1 Maple, Ont., for full particulars. n Glenn ically lighted a lamp for her “little sister" at a capping ser- vice for Brantford General Hospital student nurses. Cath- erine, of the Student Nurses As- sociation, also gave the address to the junior class. Remarkably enough, the "lit- tle sister" was a Richvale girl. Marlene .Iamieson, top student and award winner of the junior class. The date was also Mar- garet's birthday. Exam Result Confirmed Ten-year-old Elizabeth enter- ed the Turton orbit day perfor- mance by receiving confirma- tion of her music examination results. The Grade Sixer won 83 per cent in her Toronto Conser- vatory of Music piano exams. That seemed enough for one day, but there had to be a re- peat performance. Next day Mr. Turton received a letter from England to say that two of his sisters would visit the family in Richmond Hill in October. They are the first of the English re- latives to make the trip since the family landed in Canada. This story started off by say- ing that the Turtons had been recognized by the Department of Immigration as a family which had adjusted extremely well to Canadian life. Judging from “Orbit Day,†February 20th, that almost seems like the understatement of the year. romwm- 57 Fairlane 500 A sharp one. Two-tone yellow & white onomy look at this one. Two-tone red & white. Equipped with V8, automatic, power steering, radio. Down Month 57 Meteor Tudor , V8, stand- ard transmission. For power plus ec- 599. Down $43.80 Month Sedan white, THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday, March 15, 1962 7 I HOME OWNERS I YOU HAVE HIDDEN MONEY IN YOUR PROPERTY . To Pay Your Bills Real Estate Loans Arrang- ed In One Visit In the Fol- lowing Areas: I I l I I I Richmond Hill King Maple Gormley Unionvillc Stouï¬ville Concord Oak Ridges Thornhill Riehvale Langstati' O 1st & 22nd Mortgages O Low Interest 0 Up To 20-Year Terms O No Hidden Bonuses O Loans On Frame. Insul and Brick Homes We Do Not Put A Chattel Mortgage On Your Car or Furniture Phone, Come In or Write ASK FOR MR. CLEMENS M. C. BEBE-R LTD. 21 Dundas Square. Toronto EM. 3-6251 24~HR. PHONE SERVICE INCLUDlNG WEEKENDS Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers' Association NOTICE 1.953 FORD, Quebec licence plates 507109. serial No. 0470B- 5366353. This car ordered of! the road by the police depart- ment, stored at Bruce Macdougâ€" all Motors, Richmond Hill, for the past 60 days. If same is not claimed by March 10 will be sold for storage charges. TU. 4-2864 285-1128 â€" Office Space CALL Don Butler TV. Service 46 Cartier Cres. Richmond Hill av. 5â€"2200 / PROMPT com-mance counraous EXPERIENCE SERVICE RELIABILITY “Of one tree are ya all the fruit and of one bough the leaves. The world is but one country and mankind its i citizens. Let not a man glory in that he loves his country, let him rather glory in this, that he loves his kind." Address enquiries to Box 9 The Liberal or phone TU.‘4-1592 [.â€-t-l-(l-l_l---_--“--~ A-l QUALITY Used Cars A'I' TERRIEIC 55 Monarch Fordor Sedan Spotless Maroon with matching in- terior. \78, automatic, truly a ï¬ne car. Down Month SAVINGS 57 Pontiac 4 Door Sedan Two-tone green. 6 cylinder, standard transmission. For reliable, economi- cal transportation. siostow. $43.50Month 57 Mecury Montclair 4 Door Hardtop, two-tone green & equipped with power seats, windows, brakes and steering. A lux- ury car at a low, low price. $127.Down $46.60 Month R. D. LITTLE aSON YOUR FORD DEALER YONGE ST. NORTH RICHMOND HILL AV.5-1105, PA.7-5001 To Rent 1,200 Square Feet, 2nd Floor, Richmond Heights Centre. Will Divide. Call ME. 3 -5661 Griffin Contracting Co. Ltd. BAHA'I WORLD FAITH I WORDS FOR THE WORLD I Baha’i Writings i .I Don’t miss this