Save with State Farm's low insurance rates for careful drivers call us. 900 FEET AVAILABLE Reasonable Rent FACTORY S P A C E - STATE FAR MUTUAL luv/Inn .................. Painting AND Paperhangmg WILLOW PAINTING CONTRACTORS (‘ALL BA. 1-2861 THEN Yflll ARE lIKElY Ill BE 0 0 OQQQ Ambitious. wide awake. You love life. You‘re hard to discourage. If you can't reach a man by 'phoneâ€" you may even write! . . . alertlyincluding.ofcourse: I Your correspondent's full and correct postal ad- dress I Your own name andreturnaddressin upper lefl corner I AND THE CORRECT POSTAL ZON E NUMBER IF YOU ARE WRITING TO QUEBEC, MONTREAL. OTTAWA, TORONTO, WINNI- PEG. OR VANCOUVER. Help us to speed your mail -â€"checktheyellow pages of you Telephone Dureclory Ior full postal information. GUARANTY TRUST 81 Yonge 5!. N Richmond Hill Rcs. Phone Gormley J. Wilson Berry. l’rrsidrnt Kenneth Shepherd Office. TU. 4-2291 31 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill Res. Phone Markham 724 Blur" Toronto Office: â€" AUTOMOIILEINSUIANCECOIPAIY Canadian Head Office. Toronto, Ont. Company of Canada DON MILLS CENTRE HI. 7-8453 ME. 3- 5661 Industrial Road Richmond Hill Oï¬iCB, TU. 4-2291 866 BAY STREET EM. 6-1531 Ln TERM DEPOSITS WW3 WNW STATE FARM Lloyd Harvey if 08' 5369 l Story Of Congo Tells Of World Activities Miss Margaret Gordon of Richmond Hill was named vice- ‘president. with Miss Ruth John-‘ ‘son becoming secretary and Mr. IW. Hamilton of Richvale being [named treasurer. As a tribute 1to their work in the past, Mrs. P. C. Hill and Dr. Lillian Lang- staff were named honourary .presidents. V. It was pointed out that. due ‘to the formation of a strong ‘auxilary for the projected hos- pital for Richmond Hill. a certain amount of difficulty in obtaining membership might be experienced. But. as the Red Cross branch would supplement .hOSpital activities in certain fways, such as enhancing inter- ‘est in the supply of blood. it ‘was decided to go ahead. Inter- [est was shown in one of the Red Cross activities â€"its water safety serviceâ€"and as there were a number of ï¬elds of pub- lic service not covered by exist- ing organizations, it was decid- ‘ed that there was a vital need ‘for a Red Cross branch in rap- ‘ idly-growing Richmond Hill and ‘district. lIHistory Detailed Histbry of two previous bran- ches in Richmond Hill was de- tailed by Mrs. P. C. Hill, who said thaf in addition to the well- known unit which operated during the second world war an The Board of Governors of the York County Hospital at Newmarket at their March let meeting received a delegation from the York County Health Unit and the Canadian Mental Health Association to discuss the addition of a twenty bed psychiatric set-up to the plans for the hospital. Dr. Robert King, medical of- ï¬cer of health for the county spoke on the general need for this type of ward and advised the board that grants of $250,- 000. were available to help with the costs involved. subject of course to government approv- al at all levels. Dr. King further told the board that psychiatric beds were ‘now being discussed and incor- ‘porated in the plans of other 1hospitals in the province, Clt- ing the hospital at Brampton, the Sarnia Hospital and the Branson Hospital in North York. Dr. S. E. Jensen, director of Mrs. Floyd Wilson, Mrs. Ray Hut- ,n “.4 Jennings and Mrs. Harry the York County Mental Health; Clinic at Newmarket presented a brief which outlined the ad- vantages to patient, community: and hospital in having a psy? chiatric treatment centre in a community hospital. A patient admitted to such a ward is at» tended by his own doctor, his own family is within easy reach, he does not have to be certiï¬ed, and is thereby able to retain the privileges of his citizenship. Should a patient in another ward of the hospital develop serious nervous symptoms. expert psy- chiatric help is at hand, immed- iately. Patients in a psychiatrlc ward in a modern hospital are no longer subject to the restraint imposed by the custodial me- thods which necessitated barred windows and locked doors in the mental hospitals built a hundred years ago. With the development "‘of modern psy- chiatry and in the most up-to- date surroundings patients gen- erally respond to treatment in a matter of thirty days, rather than. as previously, a matter of three years. Wards are open and patients move freely about. oc- cupying themselves with games, crafts and visitors. Seek Psychiatric Ward At Newmarket Hospital The Board of Governors of the York County Hospital at Newmarket at their March let meeting received a delegation from the York County Health Unit and the Canadian Mental Health Association to discuss the addition of a twenty bed psychiatric set-up to the plans for the hospital. Dr. King further told the board that psychiatric beds were now being discussed and incor- porated in the plans of other hospitals in the province, cit- ing the hospital at Brampton, the Sarnia Hospital and the Branson Hospital in North York} Dr. S. E. Jensen, director of Mrs. Nelson Thompson’s pa- per on the Mennonites settling north of Aurora in 1812, sometimes known as the "Friends" or “Davidites†and the finding of a farm magazine of 50 years ago by Mrs. Clayton Beynon with an article in it written by Mrs. James Gillies of the East King Institute were interesting historical research items. Mrs. Floyd Wilson, Mrs. Ray Jennings and Mrs. Harry Hut- chinson Jr. were winners of the ladies prizes and Harry Hutch- inson, Jim Gilham and Harry Stuart winners of the men’s prizes at the W.I. Euchre held in the Temperanceville School- house. Red Cross Unit For Hill And District Formed The March meeting of the} W.I. was held at the home of‘ Mrs. Fred Hare with Mrs. Jack Mackiin in the chair. Mrs. Mau- rice Beynon reported from the board meeting as Alternate District Director. Mrs. Don Chalk heads a committee to prepare an exhibit for Schom- ‘berg Fair, and Mrs. Fred Hare ‘will convene the nominating ‘committee. Richmond Hill’s third Red Cross branch was givenlsaid the principal speaker of the - - ' ‘ ’ -!evening. Reuben C. Baetz. as- an oï¬'mal send-off at a meeting m the town 3 councfl‘Sistamt national commissioner chamber last week. After effective _service during two of the Red Cross. who had wk- wars the umt stopped functiomng m 1947. It Wlll be en part in major _refugee move- revived as the Richmond Hill and District Branch and me"“- one Of “15 latest aC‘W' . . . . ities was in the Con 0. He ave Ed. Butlln of Thornhlll, spark-plug in community etc-la moving ï¬rsbhandgdesmipgï¬on tivities and a long-time resident .of Richmond Hilllof conditions_there. intersper- before moving to Thornhill, Will be its president. lSIFg the tragic tale of events \Vith flashes of humor. There Miss Margaret Gordon oflactive one had existed in theiwere three Congos. he declared. Mrs. Milton Wells held a panel discussion on the grading and government approval stamp on meat which was most inter- esting. Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Walker Jr. and baby son Bobby. Bruce Knowles and Ron McClure had dinner on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Walker Sr.. and Brian and Johnny. April Birthdays Glen Middleton. on April 10. 4 years old: Gary Broom. 9 Carrville United Church Wo- men will hold their April meet- ing at the home of Mrs. James Williams on April 4 at 2 pm. Annual Spring Fair The annual spring fair will be held at Ross Doan School on March 31, i ravioli-Walker“ Si‘.ï¬.ranidiBrian 13111.3 the pubflc With "is WOI‘K and to pl'OV’lde IundS "ireâ€"fair would be complete tertained several or her Class- and Johnny. for its educational programme and for civic improve- without its good things to eat mates from the Bayvrew High APT" Birthday! ments. It also offers gay and colourful entertainment and the pretty tea garden with S°h°°l °“ her 15th birthday- Glen Middleton- 011 April 10. ' ' . . - , ; ‘t d rations of rovinciai Miss Linda Watt of Scarboro 4 years old: Gm, Broom, 9 against a horticultuial backgiound. This 3831 the azwefsc‘ivm provide applace for spent the week_end with her years 01¢ April 17; Cam] Am, background will also be Canadian achievements in the grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. friends to meet and relax over Mitchell. 8 years old April 23; arts and crafts, Dominion-wide. the cup that cheers. The“ win Clarence Steckley. _ Jane Manning and cathy W°°d be a snack bar for the young- Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Jaryis on .jtpril 27; and Ronnie Gray, The current presentation cov-‘of Canadiana. stel‘s too, have returned after. spendmg Aprllï¬o- ers a very wide area and hasGardening Tips f ‘isitors need take no thought three weeks in Florida. They Surprise Birthday Party been made possible by the co-' The information bureau willLfor dessert on that day for the also spent 1 few day! It Trea- On March 25. Nancy Middle- operation of many agenciesifeature advice from gardening‘home baking booth will live up sure Island- . _ ton was 10 years old and her The Canadian Handicrafts Guildvexperts. The committee on civic to its reputation of the best in Mr- PEFC- Elwal‘d II _1 Panel“t daddy. Bert Middleton has a is sending exhibits illustrative improvement has well advancedlpies. cakes and cookies. in the Wellesley Hospital, Tor- birthday March 26. On Sundaytof the arts and crafts of the,plans for tree planting and will‘ So come to the fair! And be Onto. a Surprise birthday Party was3provinces. There will also be an'oï¬er property owners aclvice’sure to come early. When you Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stong. f Weston, Mr. Wayne Wellman held and Mr: and Mrs. James opportunity for local artists and‘and lists of suitable trees. There leave do take along with your . Ash and family of Moorefield. craftsmen to show what is be-lwill be a display of the latestiflowers andAcookies! a member- of Toronto had Suflday evening .. .1:__.-_ min. rurâ€" nnA Mr. Cnr- Surprise Birthday Party been 1 On March 25. Nancy Middle- operat ton was 10 years old and her The C: daddy. Bert Middleton has ais sen birthday March 26. On Sundayof the a surprise birthday party wasiprovin held and Mr. and Mrs. James opport Ash and family of Moorefield, craftst Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Knight anddng dc Christine 0]! Doncaster. Mrs.‘ An Oliver and Helen Oliver ofglectior Richmond Hill. Mr. and .\Irs.l“The Jack Barton and Mr. and Mrs.;tory." Bob Middleton, Glen and Den-:Canï¬d ise Middleton were present to‘sen :1 help make the event a plasma CARRVILLE Correspondent Mrs. Bert Middleton Phone AL. 7-8920 active one had existed in the‘ 1914-1918 war also. Mrs. l’ill,‘ a Red Cross life member, spoke of the volume of money and supplies contributed by Rich- mond Hill citizens through the unit, and said that in the 1939-1945 war the activities of the branch had attracted wide- spread attention. Among other work. said Mrs. Hill, women of the Hill had made and sent nearly 4,000 pounds of jam to beleagured Britain. “1 hope the 17.000 people here now will support the Red Cross as well As our 1.300 population did in 1939." said Mrs. Hill. Work of the Red Cross on international, national and local levels was described by Mr. John Wilson of Toronto. pres- ident-elect of Red Cross in Ont- ario. He said that Richmond Hill was one of the few com- munities of its size without a Red Cross branch. Five of its public schools and one high school already had junior Red Cross branches, he said. The cost of Red Cross only amount- ed to thirty cents per head for every Canadian, said Mr. Wil- son, as he described its many services. including help in time of disaster. Told About Congo It would take a generation for the Congo to settle down, One of the greatest evils at- tached to mental illness, that of "stigma" which affects not only the patient but the family and the entire community is there- by removed as patients in these wards are not certiï¬ed and it is generally conceded that they are suffering from some ner- vous disorder. Chairman Charles _Reesor of Markham Village of the county board of health spoke in support of the proposal and drew atten- tion to the very strong repres- entation from the mental health association which includ- ed former Warden W. L. Clark of Unionville. and Councillor Mrs. F. P. Mof’fatt of the Aurora Town Council. Mrs. P. A. Townshend-Carter of Thornhill, president of the mental health association told the board something of the as- sociation and its activities. Sev- eral very pertinent questions were asked and Dr. King oï¬er- ed all the help needed in in- vestigating the possibility of in- cluding such a set-up in county hospital plans. vestigating the possibility of in- After this most entertaining eluding such a set-up in county sideligh-t. the programme con- hospital plans. tinued. taking the form of a These proposals were receiv- talk by the principal, his topic ed with interest and sympathy being “What is Science? Why by the bOal‘d of governors as is it taught in Elementary meriting serious investigation. Schools". ,0[ me arts auu cunts ul. tuc plaua Lu]; ucc pluuuug auu \viu‘ au cuulc u: u". man. .u... .n. v~e r ; provinces. There will also be anioï¬er property owners advice'sure to come early. When yo Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stong. opportunity for local artists and and lists of suitable trees. There leave do take along with your f Weston. Mr- Wayne Weumï¬n |craftsmen to show what is be- will be a display of the latest flowers and cookies, a memberâ€" of Toronto had Sunday evenlng ling done in our own town. and most valuable in books, ship card, To associate yourself dinner With Mr. and Mrs. Gor- An internationally known col-periodicals and government bul- with the horticulture society is don Mortson and fantxly. _ ilection of original paintings|letins Coloured slides will belto become a Part Of an inter- MF- and Mrs- 05911 N1Ch°15 “The Gallery of Canadian His-Ishown throughout the after-iesting and worthwhile endea- and Miss Faye attended the tory," has been procured. The'noon. vour. At the municipal hall. the Baccalaureate of the 1962 grad- ICan dian Tourist Association is The naturalists will have a library and the churches, wher- uating class of Victoria College lsen mg posters oi provincial dispfay, bringing in a breath oi ever you see their sign. the hor- in Victoria College Chapel. The £293.. The entire decor and’spring from the great r"tdoors ticultural society has been president. Dr. Moore preached ltheme o! the show will be that and there will. be book pur- there. Join the good causal on the subject. “The Matter of Annual Spring Fair The current presentation cov-(of Canadiana. ers a very wide area and haslGardening Tips been made possible by the co-i The informat operation of many agencieswfeature advice The Canadian Handicrafts Guildexperts. The cm is sending exhibits illustrative improvement 11; of the arts and crafts of the plans for tree 12 provinces. There will also be anzoï¬er property opportunity for local artists and and lists of suit: craftsmen to show what is be-lwill be a displ ing done in our own town. and most valu. Canadian Achievements In Arts & Crafts Local Horticultural Theme It’s coming â€" “Canadianaâ€, the 1962 version of the annual Spring Fair of the Horticultural Society on Saturday, April 14, from 1 to 6 o‘clock at the Lions’ Community. Hall. Each year the society presents this fair as the high spot of its year's activities to famil- iarize the public with its work and to provide funds for its educational programme and for civic improve- ments. It also offers gay and colourful entertainment against a horticultural background. This year the By Elisabeth Grant W. E. BUTLIN. one small one with cities as modern as any in the world built by the Belgians and tak- ing in only four per cent of the country’s population. A larger segment, taking in 13 per cent. consisted of company towns in connection with mines and industrial activities. The remainder lived on a very low plane of existence. Responsibility for the troubles in the Congo was laid squarely at the door of the Belgians. said Mr. Bae'tz. They had run every- thing and, overnight. had pulled out leaving the task of govern- ment to completely untrained At the March meeting of the1 executive of the York-Simcoe Home and School Council, held at the Lillian McConaghy Pub- lic School in Richmond Hill. plans were made for a one-day conference and workshop as part of this year‘s annual meet- ing, to he held on May 26th ‘In addition to the election of officers to take place at this time; it is planned to have work- shop groups or conferences on programming, publicity, publi- cations, audio and visual aids, family living and a group for‘ presidents._All members of home and school associations will be most welcome to this one-day conference, which will include a luncheon and a dinner meet- ing. Further details of prog- rams. location, etc, will be given later through “The Lib- eral", as well as through each individual association. McCONAGI-IY The March meeting of Mcâ€" Conaghy Home and School As- sociation was held in the aud- itorium on March 19th. YORK-SIMCOE Following a brief business meeting members were invited by principal Garnet McDiarmid to join him in the schools tele- vision room. Here through the magic means of the television screen, we had the privilege of meeting Mr. McDiarmid‘s brot- herâ€"Mr. Robert McDiarmid of Vancouver BC. who was ap- pearing as guest on the pro- gramme. “Live a Borrowed Lifeâ€, with which many of us are familiar. Mr. McDiarmid made quite a creditable show- ing answering with ease many questions concerning the life of the German master strate- gis’thield Marshall Erwin Rom- me . Having not seen his brother for more than two years, it was a pleasant experience for Mr. McDiarmid to see him appear- ing on television. your home 6: school association speaker of the C. Baetz, as- commissioner who had tak- people. A man who had been a clerk one day found himself a cabinet minister the next, said Mr. Baetz, leading to un- believable chaos; A resident of a shack. promoted in the effort to get government going found attendance. inn. nmu m iiiiiwcu himse†the occupant of a big, took charge of the worship ser- modern house built for a 891- "ice “Si-“9d by Frank gian official. So rapid was the Brum‘XeH' Mrs. Jim sm‘th- Mrs- change that, with an the mod. Bert Nichols and.Mi‘s. Roy Glovâ€" ern facilities available. his fam- er- Mrs- C8011 N1°h°15 Save the ily would be found cooking over topicv "Re_SDOHSibilitY"- an open fire in the yard. Mr. Mrs. Wilbur Brumwell show- Baetz described the work which Ed Slides 0f the tl‘il) She and had been done by the Red her husband and son Mark took Cross in fighting disease and to California recently. Mrs. L. maintaining life. Mumberson. the president took “There is no turning back,†charge of the business portion he declared. as he said that the of the meetinl question was often asked as Girl Guides “There is no turning back," he declared. as he said that the question was often asked as to whether the Congo was worth bothering with. The fact re- mained that the country was there -â€"the people were there â€"and something had to be done about it. he inferred. Reeve Complimented The speaker was introduced by John Passmore of Jefferson, former president of the Ontario division of the Red Cross So- ciety. and thanked by President F. J. Picking of Richmond Hill Chamber of Commerce. who spoke of his personal experien- ces with the Red Cr055 both in war and peace. Reeve Floyd Perkins, representing the may- or. extended a welcome and was complimented by the Ontario presidentâ€"elect on his know- ledge of Red Cross history. The reeve. endorsing the formation of at Richmond Hill and district unit. explained that he had for- merly been a school teacher and. as such. had had an intim- ate connection with junior Red Cross. ‘ A veteran. present at the meeting, said that after seven- teen years he was happy to‘ have the opportunity of saying1 “thank you" to the Red Cross for what it had done for him and many others who. as prison- ers of war, had received in- Ivaluable Red Cross parcels. Some people felt that children really cannot understand the subject. Mr. McDiarmid demon- strated that even by answering childrens’ first questions “Why? and “How?†intelligently, we are acquainting them with the first glimpse of the world a- round them. Children of kindergarten age are asked to classify things in two‘ groupsâ€"eitherâ€"living or never having lived and from this basic knowledge all matter is broken down into its various categories and studied to dif- ferent degrees as the child pro- ceed through his school years. TM Mlnhié‘mmlfl has n uxnalf’h Mi}. McDia‘rmld has a wealth of knowledge on his subject and with the aid of prepared leaf- lets and an excellent film, he impressed on the parents, the fact that science, if taught with the right approach, is not nearly as difficult as some people are inclined to believe. Parents and friends of the Association are asked to set aside April 13th as a special date. It will be our annual spring "fun" night. This year the main attraction will be a first rate show for the students plus added attractions for par- ents and excellent door prizes. Please keep this date in mind. Mark it on your calendar today. Refreshments rounded out a pleasant evening. Protection is to be provided at the Hillsview crossing. Mark- ham Township Council has de- cided. The road approaching the crossing will be widened and signals will be installed Hillsview Crossing Protection Planned The township will pay twelve and a half per cent of the in- stallation cost and 50 per cent of maintenance. AURORA: Town council au- thorized its solicitor to proceed with legal action against Con- solidated Building Corporation, to collect approximately $7,000, said to be the balance due on adjustments in connection with the Regency Acres Sub-division. veying plaan and cut flowers and demonstrations of flower ar- ranging. - -â€"»=-â€"--.:. On sLage the Dennis Moore dancers will bring their own in- terpertation of the spring and fair time. The library puppet- eers will delight the children. Tea Garden The March meeting of the United Church Women was held last week in the Sunday School room with 26 ladies in attendance. Mrs. Reid Brumwell took charge of the worship ser- vice assisted by Mrs. Frank Brumwell, Mrs. Jim'Smith, Mrs. ‘ Bert Nichols and Mrs. Roy Glov- ,er. Mrs. Cecil Nichols gave the r topic, "Responsibility". Heather Harper, Margie Watt and Donna Otter were enrolled into the sisterhood of Guiding on Thursday evening last by Captain Mrs. P. Rumney. Janet Varley received her cook's badge. and Judy Varden receiv- ed her pioneer badge. Euchre , There were 17 tables of eu- cln'e players at the Victoria Square Community Hall last week. Prize winners were Grace Hockley. Mrs. W. Orr, Mrs. M. Jarvis; Bill Mull-head. Wilf Dean. Ron Heisey. Ladies' trav- elling prize: Mrs. A. Frisby; gents’ travelling prize. Fraser .Gee. Lucky draw for a hamper of groceries was won by Harry Nelson. A fashion show of new spring hats will be held at 3 pm. and a tea and bake sale from 2 to 4 pm. in Victoria Square com- munity Hall on March 31. Guid- es and Brownies .of the lst Gormley Company and Pack are donating and selling candy. Pro- ceeds are for the Cancer Soc- iety. Rummage Sale Another euchre party will be held April 6 at 8:15 pm. Fashion Show 8: Tea The Headford, Gormlev and Victoria Square Branch of York Central Hospital Auxiliary is sponsoring a rummage sale of hats. shoes. clothing and white elephants in the community hall on April '7. from 10 am. to 2 pm. Anyone having articles to donate please contact Mrs. R. G. Britnell at Gormley 5471 or Mrs. J. McCague at Gormley 5409. Spring Luncheon A spring luncheon sponsored by the local association at the lst Gormley Girl Guides and Brownies will be held on May 2. at 1 pm. in Melville United Church. Tickets are available from any mother of a Guide or Brownie. Guest speaker will be Miss Edith Milne. adminis’ratnr of the Girl Guide Provincial Training Centre at Doe Lake. This luncheon is to take the place of the annual ba'aaar and to enlighten ladies on the work of the Girl Guide Association. Lions The annual Municipal Night was held last week by the Lions Club, when the reeve of Mark- ham Township and all members of township council were pre- sent as well as the township en- gineer, D. Miklas; planning dir- ector. Ron Forrest; assessment commissioner, Robert Thomp- son; and road superintendent, Treanor Canning. Guest speaker was Mr. Eric Baker, an ex- reeve of York, and a charter member of the Ontario Conser- vation Authority. who talked on ‘municipal life and conservation work in the community. Reeve Wilfred Dean brought greetings from the council members and the township Family Movie Matinee A family movie matinee will be held in Buttonville Hall on April 7, at 2 pm. Walt Disney’s picture, “Secrets of Life.†show- ing fascinating facts about the host of small creatures in nat- ure's vast kingdom, will be shown, plus “Building and Sail- ing of the Mayflower." Junior Choir The Junior Choir will practice in the church on Saturday, Mar- ch 31, at 1 pm. Thé students of S. S. No. 7 Markham were presented with their two-year safety plaqqq at The C.G.I.T. will meet in the Headford United Church Mon- day evening, April 2, at 7 pm Safety Award a special gathering last Friday. The pupils have completed two years without an accident. Reeve W. Dean and P.C. Don. Dukes of the township police were present as well as Lions Frank Williams and John Mc- Cague. Mary Sceckley and Gor- don Berta received the award on behalf of the pupils. Neighbourhood Notes Birthday greetings to Linda Sanderson, eight years. March 30; Jim Smith, March 31; Anita Orr, 10 years, March 31: Heoer McCague, April 2; Laurie Tyn- dall, two years, April 2. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tatton celebrated their ï¬fth welding anniversary March 27; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boynton. celebrate their 4lst wedding annIVersary March 30; Mr. and Mrs. Alan Chadwick celebrate their 17th wedding anniversary, April 4. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nichols and Miszs Faye attended the Baccalaureate of the 1982 grad- uating class of Victoria College in Victoria College Chapel. The president. Dr. Moore preached on the subject. “Thu Matter of Miss Sharon MacDonald en- tertained several of her class- mates from the Bayview High School on her 15th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Jarvis have returned after spending three weeks in Florida. They also spent a few days at Trea- sure Island. VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE R. 1!. 2 Gormley -â€" Telephone Gormlcy 5421 Life and Deat Miss Faye Nichols is a member of the graduating class. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Steele! lay and the MacDonald child- ren had Sunday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Watt and family at Scarhoro. .9... Mr. Charlie Hart. Mr. and 6 Mrs. Leslie Hart and family. Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Jarvis at-z tgndgd a family party for Miss A Lcuucu a Aauluy yany 101‘ .vussl‘ Charlene Hill. a bride-to-be of this month. at the home of Mr. O and Mrs. Bill Rennie at Scar-‘z bOl‘O. o Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Buchan- 9 an of Don Mills had Sunday. evening dinner with Mr. and. Mrs. Cecil Nichols. “ Spotless blue ï¬nish, with matching interior. \"â€"8 motor with standard transmission. Outstanding in every way. Just $110 Down $43.20 Month T'u-tone, maroon and grey. One owner car 1n A-l condition. This is the sec- ond car you are looking for. A-l QUALITY Used Cars 57 Meteor Sedan 60 Anglia Immaculate tu-tone, red and white, with matching interior. Equipped with V-8 motor, automatic transmis- sion, radio, whitewalls, etc. A luxury car at a low, low price, Down Month 59 Dodge Mayfair YOUR FORD DEALER YONGE ST. NORTH RICHMOND HILL AV.5-IIOS, PA.7-500| Down Month R. D. LITTLE & SON JOHN ADDISON, who has been chosen Liberal candidate for the federal con- stituency of_qu|_<_North, has Opened a campaign ofï¬ce at 40 Yonge Street in is an historic riding which runs from No. 7 Highway to Lake Simone and from Nashville to Mount Albert and northeastward to Port Bolster.‘ JOHN ADDISON lives in King township where he has a farm. He is alsoacommulaer, operating a successful automobile business in Toronto. He is married to the former Joan Bums, who was raised in this constituency, and they have two children,a boy dock and a girl Toni Raey. From now until federal election day, John Addison and his velunteer werkers will be readily available at the above address for any infOrmation or assistanceyou may desire. Drop in anytime or, if you prefer, call Mr. Addison at his home where the Oak Ridges number is PRospect 3-5193. If you would like to join the men and women who are helping John Addison to win the forthcoming federal election and represent you in' Ottawa, you wili receive an enthusiastic welcome. Even an hour or two each week will help materially to elect a hard-working and effective representative for York North. YORK NORTH LIBERAL ASSOCIATION RICHMOND HILL. PUT YORK NORTH BACK ON THE MAP m JOHN ADDISON, your LIBERAL A'l' TERRIFIC SAVINGS THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday, March 29, 1968 (insededbthorkNorflvUbereMssoc-iatbfl Tu-tone candidate “#994 O O O 33 i? RICHMOND HILL i W & APPLIANCES§ RICHMOND HILL 9 AV. 5-3756 g TU. 4-7456 3 > W 7: :1: > Z 0‘ o~ 00 THE DOOR IS OPEN FRIGIDAIRE - G.E. - ADMIRAL - ELECTROHOME AUTHORIZED DEALERS 34 Yonge St. S. Sedan. gleaming metallic green, with matching interior, V-8, automatic, power steering, many other extras. One owner car in A-l condition. Only 6-cy1inder, automatic transmission. An ideal delivery unit, priced right for quick sale. Only I 56 Monarch Fordor $95 Down $39.80 Month 59 Chev., 1/2-ton Panel Tudor Hardtop, blue and white in colour. Fully equipped with V-8, stick shift, radio, etc. A very sharp model. Only Down Month 56 Ford Fairlane $95 Down $41.60 Month