2 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. March 29, 1962 *1, work affecting eon- for Robert McLaughlin, who foundai terdam. The Netherlands . structlon men and Holland The special room. to be used ed the company from \Vhichr ‘ Marsh labourers". Mr. Rua- by the headquarters directoruGeneral Motors of Canada 7 sell explained. Mrs, Vermaas, and for execu- emerged I The relief roll for March tive meetings. is a memorial to I . V. g g ' . listed a total of 209 indivld- Mrs. Henderson's father. the Rig-ink 1:21:15? b1; - ' uals receiving township late George William McLaugh- f . . , I aSSlstance. lin, who was one of the foun- “110013 as it is 1“ ’e‘eral Omel- LAKE WILCOX “The Liberal†in slums pleased to publish items of in- terest regarding people and events in the Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our news correspondent in King City is Mrs. William J. Houston, telephone TEmple 3-5457; and in Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox, “rt Eleanor Charuk. Bayvlew Ave North phone PR 3-5354. i Catcher Alerted Calls for the services of the dog catcher, Mr. Walter Loxve of Bradford, are gradually in- thc advent of Spring. Mr. Lowe may be phon- ed directly or messages may be creasing with left at King Township office. Donates Canada Room In a “Canada dors of the Canadian automo~ bile business. Beneath a picture of Mr. Mc- Laughlin ill the Canada Room will be an inscription in Esper~ anto to the “successful Can-l adian businessman, who alwaysi had time and energy to spare; for the betterment of humanity and whose interests extended countries. She articles promoting interest in Esperanto and was delighted with the progress of the current course concluding at Doris M. Patton School for adults. After taking 20 lessons under Mrs. Henderson's instruction, 14 men and women are expected to try a written examination in has written HALL’S SERVICE STATION no. I'll. 4-436] mid-April to many lands beyond the seas".iihe language on April 3. The memorial tribute mentv Esperanto enthusiasts from ions his birth February l7.rKing are planning to attend the 1869, at Tyrone, Ontario andlCanadian Esperanto Congress his partnership with his father, Jilly i at McMaster University. Room". donated by Mrs. Doug- las C. Henderson of King, will be officaily opened at the chief office building of Universal Esperanto Association in Rot- was». 1.“‘I“‘_!“F-_-M“_!~‘_!1 King City Notes Mrs. Albert Holman played'annual money-raismg ‘ the organ and Mrs. Fred Gray in King Memorial Park. , auction Fire Hall. Graduating {mm “19 C-G'I'T" Among attractions will be a Miss Ruth Agar was presented with a life membership in the Women's Missionary Society at the Easter thank-offering meet-I i log of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church W.M.S. W.M.S. President Mrs. Don- ald McCallum made the pre- sentation of the certificate to Rev. and Mrs. Gordon Agar‘s daughter. The C.G.I.T. leader, Mrs. Howard Clegg gave her a. book, “Seek And Find", by Frances Russell. During the C.G.I.T. re-afi'ilia- tion service. yearly seals were given to Misses Mary Agar, Carolyn Holman, Linda Clegg and Elizabeth Barrett. ’I‘he C.G.I.T. sang and Mrs.‘ Clegg led in prayer on the OF H l 10 ‘0 tr DOu 135 c. Kendal. on of ..Haw_ variety oiloanathat will meet m“ 1,, , J ‘ - ‘ ‘ theme, "The Light or The Delhi. inï¬ll-91i- i ,horfm mus... 5 m†need,y°uv.,,pp,ec,a,e _ World" Miss Mary Agar read Secretary of lay studies in Conva esc n: , "00 5 9.4,“. m: s Iq a S lure lesson Toronto for the presbyterian Wendy Campbell, daughter of She has received an honorary the convenience of House~ 550 slim? Erase '23i73 ' fill c 1p M C llum' welcomed Church in Canada, Mr. Coles Mr. and Mrs. Alex Campbell of diploma from the United Max- Mid" “Mrby 0m“ and 1333 69'?! 5m “'6'? " sifs'f' 0Ma le Aurora and was an official delegate to ses- William Street, was in York 106.111. States Social Action Ad- neiilhbm'ly "NICO And the ‘g‘ligg 3?†(gill 503$ gl‘hlfletOllOThe gig lhdies present sions in New Delhi and he il- County Hï¬spltial. Newmal‘kei.lTlflgslffégon.aflg?e§l byl tReHDi- My “mm†make'sfamum 701,6 {39:3, 19,“ 83:71 ' .f tonsi ec om . 90 - "01' 0 003 c 0n. o [17.53 95.x: heard a first-hand description lustrated his report with slides Sol-36“; Ends 3’ for her “flung. of British Guiana and the living conditions there for women from Mrs. W. J. Hiscocks, a Presby- terian W.M.S. President from Markham. who liVed in George- town, British Guiana. When she last visited the country five years ago, food was costly and coffee sold at $4 a und, Mrs. Hiscocks related. he laid sugar cane was the main crop and rice the staple food. Few white people live in British Guiana, where malaria used to be more prevalent owing to crowded housing and several families sharing a dwelling . . She reported improvements Were being made in' medical care and living conditions. _ The narrow roads are crowd- ed with bicycles, donkey carts dud people walking. but no ltreets are paved, said Mrs. Hiscocks. In such a hot climate, 80 degrees was considered cool. The topic coincided with the study book the W.M.S. is follow- provlded piano accompanimenti A carload of visitors from, dry goods table, a sale of anti- v nd while the ofâ€"'the newlyoorganized Lion's Club‘ques, toys, home-baked delicac- £35329 azarsnnlielng received byiin Noblelon was welcomed by ics and a rummage table of C.G.I.T. members. Mrs. Fred Curtis gave the prayer. Mrs. Ronald Bolton convened refreshments and on her com- mittee were Miss Jessie Gellatl'y Mrs. W. H. Wood, Mrs. Curtis and Mrs. William Willoughby. Guests At Bolton Members of St. Andrew‘si Presbyterian Church attended', the Sunday evening service at' Cavcn Presbyterian Church. Bolton, when Rev. Stuart Coles of Woodbridge and Acton gave, a report on the World Council of Churches meeting in New, The program was under au- spices of the Senior High Fel- lowship. High School Ceremony The long-awaited official opening of King City School is scheduled for Friday, April 6. Highlight of the program. starting at 8:15 p.m. will be the formal opening of the school by guest speaker W. R. Stewart, B.A., assistant superintendent of secondary education in Ont- ario. The public will be greeted by Principal Bernard T. O'Brein. The tour of the 25 classrooms and teaching areas is expect- ed to commence at 9:45. Everyone is welcome to attend the event and inspect the new school on King Sideroad. Camera Night King City Lions’ Club mem. bers brought pictures they had taken at various club activities to the dinner meeting last week at Temperanceville United Church. Several slides shown ing thin year. on the projector featured the the president, Mr. Ray Love, guests how they have a typical lively evening. i Waiting Lists The Lions' Club has its strongest club since it was‘ chartered ten years ago, in the: opinion of Past President and Publicity Chairman Wilbert Jen- nigs. _ He reports club rules limit membership to 40. The enthus‘ iastic and active roll stands at 39 at present, and three eligible men who would like to join the popular group are on the wait- As the skating season at Nob- leton Arena ends, Lions Ken Sutton, G. T. Thompson, Allan O‘Brien and Jack Walkington supervised the King City young- sters pleasure skating last Sat- urday afternoon. This coming Saturday will be lche last for the season when bus transportation is provided by the Lions' Club for the young skaters. Supervising will be Lions Harry Goulding, James Wemyss, Clifford Coutts and Aubrey J. Gordon. Plan Fall Function Activities of King City Fire- men’s Women's Assooiation are not being limited to euchre parties, the annual turkey din- ner, and monthly club meetings in members' homes. When the group met at the home of Past President Mrs. Donald McCallum, Springhill Road, Mrs. Robert Berwick pre- sided over the discussion about a late September bazaar, bake. sale and tea, to be held in the Oalt Ridges 8: lake Wilcox Socials Barbara Haanpaa sixer of the Ghillie Dhues, was chosen as :epresenta'tive of lst Lake Wil- cox Brownie Pack to attend a social evening in Toronto packs. Only one from each group is able to attend. The pack is still in need oil another assistant leader, who would help take in some of the girls on the waiting list. Any- one interested. please contact Eleanor Charuk at PR. 3-5854. Cub at Scout Capers During the absence of Lon Hopkins, Miss Jade Seager, as- sisted by Mrs. N. Brown, has been handling Cubmaster duties of, 151; Oak Ridges Cub Pack. First outing of the spring was held last Saturday afternoon. mott. Models Mrs. Louise Winch, Mrs. Marion Plant, Mrs. J. P. Farquharson, Mrs. Shirley Day and Misses Carol Barton. Peg- gy Clark and Nan Woolley, parâ€" aded fashion trends for the coming season as Mrs. Bea Bailey of Aurora gave the commentary. Grant McCachen of the Inn gave the audience a sneak preview of what the bestâ€" dressed fisherman will wear this year. With Mrs. Charles Connor her model, Mrs. Betty Fitzslm- mons presented spring hair styles and tips on hair care. The bake table, convened by Mrs. Lena Woolley and Mrs. ’failed to add to their 31 points, while the Roughriders drop from second to fourth manag- ing 3 points total 29. Although the Pin Pickers picked up 4 points, they drop from fourth to ï¬fth, with 27, as the Skunks. who failed to add to their 22 drop from ï¬fth to sixth. On a gain of 2 points the Blowers manage to hold on to seventh spot where they are joined by the Hill Billies who were eighth, prior to a 7 point gain, both with 19. Screwballs couldn't add to their 18 point total, thus droppinng from sixth to eighth and Bill's Bouncers bounce along: in last place although they gain- ed 5 and now have 15 points. ‘ clothing. Any donations from missionary and members who showed theifricnds of the club will be wel. come. Members decided to donate $25 to the forthcoming Cancer Society campaign. The dozen members are still planned to prepare a turkey supper in the autumn at King City United Church. Mrs. Berwick has been re- elected president. Mrs. Len Robb is secretary and Mrs. John Monkman. treasurer. Author Honored An unusual honor has come to a King City woman, Mrs. The inscription in Spanish clles tribute “for her contribu- tion as a writer to the promotion of international culture through her book, ‘For The Greater Glory', recognized at the eighth Mexican Book Fair. Her character study of half a dozen well-known people may be borrowed at King Memorial Library. After producing two books, Mrs. Henderson told the Liber- al she is “in the thinking stage" of a third. Guide To C.G.I.T. Just off the press is another of Mrs. Douglas C. Henderson's writing efforts, this time a course of study to be used as a guide to C.G.I.T. seniors, 15 to 17 years. Actually the course “on com- munity awareness, for the Christian teen-agers who faces a new world“. could be benefic- ial to any teen-aged girls, Mrs. Henderson feels. The studies and projects sug- gested are undenominational and require a minimum of six weeks to complete. The author outlined the community pro- gram after working with an Aurora C.G.I.T. group. ‘ The new course is sponsored by the National Committee of the C.G.I.T. movement. Hockey Dance Mr. Howard Clegg and his Lions' committee were in charge of the successful dance held last Friday night in All Saints' Anglican Church Auditorium. The dance and draw were a fund-raising effort to support King City Lions’ Club junior hockey league work. The ï¬nal game last Saturday concluded an active season for 140 village boys, who formed 12 teams in the club league. Talent Night Entries have started coming in already before the May 11 Helen Laing, was, as usual, In the men's high total OflTalent Night at King City Com- The annual campaign for quickly sold out. three games, Jack Cralg was posite School, in aid of the funds for the Cubs and Scouts Mrs. Jack Blytth and Mrs, ï¬rst on a 763 total and 296 high King-Vaughan-Whitchurch girls will take place during April. The group committee of the area pack and troop is sponsor. ing the drive. Mothen’ Auxiliary March meeting of the Moth~ er‘s' Auxiliary for Cuba, Scouts, Brownies and Guides was held last week at the home of Mrs. Doris Smith, vice-president of the organization. The auxiliary has decided to donate $2.00 to the group with the greatest rep- resentation present at meetings. March prize was won by the cub pack. Meetings are held the third Thursday of each month. For further information, please call Mrs. Margaret Wood, sec- retary, PR. 3-5440. Plans for a garden party and tea were discussed but a definite time and date has not been de- cided. Girls' Club "Calling all Girls" between the ages of 10 and 14 to the retently re-organlzcd girls' club meetings which are held l-‘ri- day evenings at the Brethren in Christ Church under the dir- ection of Mines Marion Dion and June Barnsdaie, the non- denominational club fe'aiurcs games, crafts, stories and sing- songs. Home and School April meeting of Oak Ridgcs Public School Home l'ld Scnool Association willbe held Mon- day, April 2nd. in the school auditorium. beginning at 8 pm. Last month's meeting was very poorly attended and the exec- utive hopes that this month will; Iee attendance in the seventies again as it was during the ï¬rst two meetings following its re-i organization. A monthly attendance prize is awarded to the class with the: largest number of parents pres? ent. ltor is in attendance for consul- Grant McCachen were conven- ors. Drum Workshop The spring production of the Aurora Drama workshop, “George Washington Slept Here." will be presented at the Dr. R. A. Williams Secondary School, Friday and Saturday, April 18 and 14. Joan Seager of Lake Wilcox will play the fem- inine lead, her son Jeremy will play her “nasty†little nephew while daughter Jade will por- tray a "shady lady". Mrs. Seager, seen on Channel 9': “Free and Easy" last Monâ€" day will again appear Wednes- day, April 4. Cancer Society The Canadian Cancer Society, Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox branch, will hold its annual campaign for funds from April 2 to 17. If you would like to donate time as a canvasser, call Mrs. Stan Dufl‘leld, Aubrey Avenue, Oak Ridges, PR. 3-5035. This year’s objective for the Aurora and District Branch, which includes chapters in Re-I gency Acres, King City. Schom- berg, Nobleton, Oak Ridges and Lake Wilcox, as well as Aur- ora is $9,500.00. Health Unit 3 Registrations are now being accepted at York County Health Unit, 963 Yonge Street, Aurora, for prenatal classes. Weekly classes will begin April 5, at 7.30 pm. Tile York County Health Unit also operates a “well baby clin-‘ to" second Tuesday of each month, from 1.30 to 3 pm. at St. Paul's United Church. The next will be April 9. A team of registered nurses and a doc- tation as well as the free ad- ministration of toxoid, polio and; game. Ray Hunter placed sec-, and as his 264 game ï¬gured in‘ his total of 714 while Stan. Forster rated third with 2951 and 709. In the ladies’ division, Gloria Searle rolled a 233 game and a 626 total to take ï¬rst place. while Freda Munro took second with 193 and 566. Lil Atcheson was third rolling a 199 game} and a 546 total. l About People ; W. H. Glenney attended the Toy Dog Breeders' Specialty, Show. held in conjunction withi the Sportsman's Show, March; 17. He officiated in the presen-‘ softball team. The Liberal Candidate for North York, John Addison and Mrs. Addison are shown congratulating Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davidson of Belhaven. at: the reception marking the Diamond Anniversary of the Davidsons. Forty- three Davidsons attended the function held in the community hall, on March 19. Varied entertainment is in- ‘ dicated by the talent listed with the committee, Peter Rawlings, Fred Peck and Larry Monkman. Deadline for entries is April 13. Top numbers will receive cash prizes. 0n Township Staff From three applications for the position of office clerk, Mr. Clare A. McKay of Oak Ridges was selected by King Township ‘ Council to join the township staff and assist Clerk Harold Rose. End Movie Program With the advent of Spring and tation of a purse, a birthday.the call of outdoor play, King gift to Mrs. Charlotte WalkerpCiiy Home and School Associa- of Toronto. A lady of 93 years.;ti0n has discontinued its ï¬rst she handled and showed herseries 0f Saturday morning own pomeranian at the show,m0Vl€ Programs In All Saints' and attends all the meetings oft this club, of which Mr. Glenneyl is president. 1 He also showed his Toy Mam, chester, “Shining Star", which won “best of breed" and a love~, 1y silver tray for her masterï¬ Just the day before this Mr; Glenney celebrated his 77th birthday. i More honours are cooling to Bob Wall. son of Mrs. C. Walk Besides the awards listed in this column last week. he was just voted defenceman of the second all-star team in Junior O.H.A. hockey. Dennis Deller has been con-; fined to his home for nearly a month and will enter hOspital April 8. Mrs. Kay Nash is feeling bet- ter after being conï¬ned to her} home for several weeks due to illness. ‘ Agnes, daughter of Mr. and, Mrs. William Good, celebrated‘ her 11th birthday yesterday. ‘ Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Walter LaVigne on the Churcll Auditorium. At the ï¬lial showing, 162 girls and boys applaud-ed Walt Dis- ney's, “Beaver Valley", and the story of an Eskimo boy, “An- gotee". Fire Chief David Glass operated the projector. Tile home and school com- mittee. Mrs. G. G. Mann, Mrs. W. A. Iiichlliam and Mr. Ron- ald Bolton were pleased with the large turnouts, the co-oper- ntion of parents in supervising the children, the Fire Depart- merit in showing the pictures and King Memorial Library for {ordering ï¬lms and absorbing shipping costs. The association will likely take a vote regarding the se- lccted movies in the fall, to decide whether or not to start them earlier for December, January and February indoor entertainment. Thrilling Reading For the large number of fans who prefer mystery thrillers, King Memorial Library has the following it e w l. y - purchased , v ~ - â€"“ Vavbent" by J. C. St. Marks Anglican laccmatlons' A record 0: these arrival of a 9 1b. 3 oz. son at how‘s .‘u - .. Christain Youth Club of sdand Wight gain“ 1‘ kepi- York County Hospital. March giff°ikp Bï¬ï¬mfig“,§§m§0'n§? Mark's Anglican Chapel is look-,Bowllns League in. ‘ a ‘ 8“ re“ ' ' ing for more members. partic-1 lt's just about all over, but Mrs. H. A. Orton of Aurora Robertson; "The Ghost Squad", ularly girls. All tcen-agets are competition for Lake \Vilcox,5pem last week a; the home ofgucfe‘?511,r.1\gl’v :gEam: H%r::eey_ welcomed at the meetings, which Bowling .Laague ï¬nals is Set-liter son and family, Mr. and moonu‘ U‘ar‘u“‘gwn. uDeath 15 are held at the chapel, Monday tins terriflcallv keen. inrs, William Orton. ' ' evenings. St. Paul's United The Untouchables have re-‘ Jacqueline. six-year-old dau- gained first place from last A profit of $121 was taken in! week's drop down to second and gliter of Mr. and Mrs, Bert Larkman. was rushed to Newâ€" An Artist", by Stephen Gard- iner; “One Man's Enemies" by Truss; "Son of Darkness", by Walton: "Undiploma’tic Exit". - 4-Door 2-590: by St. Paul‘s Church Women as now lead the ï¬eld with 33 points marge: Hospital last week to bv Sherwood. hm Secret station wagon I proceeds from the spring lun- gaining 7, followed closely by undergo an emergency amen. macaw bv ’Tmss; “Jungle 3“ ...totallynew cheon and fashion show held at,the Broncos who move up from demomy, Tables third to second with 32, 8150 now, she is Ridge Inn recently. were decorated in St. Patrick's Day motif, and the luncheon was on a gain of 7 points. The reign of the Corner Cut-. Progressing nicely , expected home in a ‘few days. Welcome to Mr. and Mrs. E. convened by Mrs. Alex Galla- ters was short-lived as they drop‘Bmwn and family who recently titer and Mrs. William McDer- from first tontltlrd 7“:th illf‘tvf moved to Woodland Park from BODY SHOP Expert Auto Body. Collision. Repairs and Repainting FREE ESTIMATES -â€" G.M.A.C. Fl‘NANClNG C. M. LESLIE MOTOR PRODUCTS LTD. 1 King City GM. Dealer 'I‘E. 3-5301 .,Tottenham. Mr. Broun's bro- .ther and his family are also recent arrivals at the lake. Prior to the dog shows at the ,Sportsnlan‘s Show, Mr, and Mrs. Sid Taylor. owners of the Glen- El-Tee Kennels, attended a pre- show dinner at the lord Simcoe :l-lotel. Child", by Burke: "Cache Lake Countryâ€, Rowlands: “Bears in My Kitchen". Merrill; and "No Bedtime Storyâ€. Crawford. Relief l'nchanged Milder weather which us. ually means more employ- , ment has not changed the relief picture for King ‘ Township yet, according to l Welfare Officer Harold Russell. He did not expect to see much imprm‘ement before i May 1. “It's a short season ; Why Elm Hundreds of thousands of Canadian lamilles have complete con- fidence In HFC. You, too, will like borrowing from a reliable company backed by 84 years oxperience. You'll like our AM‘NI MONTHLY PAYMINY PLAN prefer HFC is the way we re- Abmn payments inciudo Drintipll und inlaruil apeci your wish for privacy. W and are build on Dvomul repairman but do int-Juan lhu coll oi life insurance L l/fe Insurance available at low group rate HOUSEHOLD‘FINANCE f. 2. Game, Manager 1! Yong. Street North Telephone TU 4-4431 RICHMOND Hlll. "Rom CORVAIR MONZA d-Door Sedan with sports-car flair! gig-sag THEM A YOUR CEVROLET DEALERS-TODAY! 7 355 YONGE ST. N. (just north of Richmond Heights Centre) wusou a NIBLE'I'I MOTORS LIMIIED CHEVROLET - CORVAIR. - OLDSMOBILE DEALER lU. 4-1194. AV. 5-4991