A home and school meeting with an entirely new format was featured at the March let meet- ing of the Woodland Home and School Association. Instead of the usual lecture situation or a panel, two gentlemen, Mr. Keith Richan of Phillips Electronics Industries Limited and Mr. Bill Towill of Honeywell Controls Limited, staged an informal dis- cussion on the subject of car- eers In Industry and the school drop-out situation. Thmughout the discussion. members of the audience asked questions and generally kept things moving. Both speakers Itressed the need for more high- 1y skilled workers in present day Industry. During the war, when labour was scarce, many young people left school and went into industry, which was glad to get them at the time. ow. however, these people are ï¬nding that they haven’t suf-I flclent education to progress in; their ï¬eld. Much ls being done‘ n the field of adult education‘ 0 remedy_ this, both by govern-t Woodland Home & School Mr. Richan who recently spent ome time in Holland pointed u-t that adult education was uch more common in Europe. onditions in Europe now are uch that those with training re guaranteed good jobs and is has cut down the flow of migrants to Canada. It was felt that the school top-out situation is not as bad 5 it was a few years ago be- ause more and more drop-outs ment and by industry Itself which often pays tuition fees to enable employees of promise to continue their education. 74 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursdatharch 29, 1962 FRANK wflféé A course of weekly classes beginning in Richmond Hill, April 3, 1962, at 7:30 p.m., in hygiene of pregnancy, how baby grows, food for the family, feeding of the baby, the hospital stay and other subjects of importance to expectant mothers. Registrations now being accepted at: Richmond Hill, 15 Yonge St. N. Woodbridg‘e, 68 Pint Street Special Spring Prices which include sharpening, drain and reï¬ll crank- case oil, clean and reset spark plug, adjust car- buretor, and steamcleaning, Free pickup and delivery. AX. 3-8 Don Mills Rd., South of N0. 7 Hwy. SOD & SEED SUPPLY CO “'0. Thornhill and District News COMPLETE LAWNMOWER SHARPENING AND SERVICE Machines May Also Be Left at Our Store, 7059 Yonge St. ROTARY LAWNMOWERS . . . . . . . . . $10.00 POWER REEL LAWNMOWERS . . . .Sll.50 HANDMOWERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 6.00 Other Prices Aii'ailable By Request Senior Posture Queen Carol Smith receives congratulations from Technical Director Robert Templeton at the “Health’s A’ Poppin" show sponsored by the Thornhill Secondary School. A grade 12 student, Miss Smith is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Smith of Denby Drive in YORK COUNTY HEALTH UNIT FOR EXPECTANT MOTHERS PRENATAI. CLASSES S286 TELEPHONE AV. 3-2331 Thornhill Notes ‘are ï¬nding that there is no em- ployment available for unskill- ed people. The speakers felt that there was a lot of adult education services supplied by the government which do not get enough publicity. On the other hand, many private adult education courses receive the widest publicity, and often these courses are of little real value. Any person contemplating tak- ing such a course, was advised to investigate it very thorough- ly before investing a lot of money in it. A meeting of the 3rd Thorn- hllll Cub and Scout Mothers’ Auxiliary was held at Holy Trinity Parish Hall on March 22. Plans were discussed for the father and son banquet which is to be held on April 13. Mrs. Olive Harrington from the York Summit executive committee presided at the in- stallation of the officers for the coming year. The new officers are: president, Thonl Tytler; vice-president, Lillian Horton; secretary, Peggy Sproule; treas- urer, Rose Hudema; social con- venor, Jo Neely; sewing conven- or, Bee Tremaine: membership convenor, Mabel Crawford. The meeting was quite Well attended with approximately 50 persons present. The topic and the manner in which it was pre- sented aroused a good deal of discussion and audience parti- cipation. 3r‘d Thornhill Cub & ScOut Mothers’ Auxiliary Cubs and Scouts who have hobbies will be glad to hear that the annual hobby show will be held at Richmond Hill on April 28th Carol Smith Thornhill Secondary School Posture Queen AV. 5-5494 TU. 4-1133 AT. 8-1741 "The Liberal" I: always pleased to publish Items of Interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhill area - - - - - - - Our representative in Thornhill is Mrs. Margaret McLean. who may be reached by phoning AV. 5-2331. On April 14, you may see some of the cheerful C.G.I.T. girls around to your door in their trim uniforms. This time they will be asking you to buy packages of chocolates at 25¢ each. Funds raised this way will be turned over to the prov- incial organization to help maintain Camp Ahshunyoong, near Barrie where all C.G.I.T. girls have a chance to go for 10 days during the summer. During the winter the girls had two toboggan parties and will shortly be going on a bowl- ing party. Their mother and daughter banquet is to be held on April 24th. The group meets â€" Tuesday evenings from 7:30 to 9 pm. at Thornhill United Church and all teen-agers are welcome to join. Hospital Auxiliary The Thornhill Branch of the York Central District Hospital Auxiliary will meet at Holy Trinity Church on April 4, at 10:30 am. Mrs. F. Jackson who was the provisional president of the York Central Auxiliary will speak on the beginning of the auxiliary. Mrs. R. J. Miller, newly elected president of the auxiliary will speak on the pres- ent work of the auxiliary and will install the recently elected executive of the Thornhill chap- It stopped work on the new post office building because a building permit had not been taken out. In addition. a petition is being circulated locally disapproving of the loc- 1 ,al by-law. home from hospital and is pro- gressing nicely. The ’flu bug has attacked both Mr. Davis and Ronnie but at last report was on the wane. Flo, who will be houseâ€"bound several w e e k s , would appreciate a visit from anyone who has a spare mo- m-enzt. Hockey season is coming to an end but the all-star team from Thornhill United, is prac- tising for Easter holiday games. Mr. and Mrs. Russil (sister to Barb Everists) have just be- come the proud parents of twins, a boy and a girl weighing 6-14 and 7-5 lbs. respectively. Mr. Nye of Highland Park Boulevard, is in hospital after a bad fall this week. The regular monthly meet- ing of the Horticultural society was held at Thornhill Public School March 20th. Mrs. M. Riley introduced the speaker. lRay Halward, chief propagator at Royal Botanical Gardens, Hamilton. Mr. Halward spoke .pnmarily on trees and shurbs, Seeds were handed out at the door, and Mr. Halward explained, how to treat these seeds for best results. He hopes on future visits to Thornhill, to see many seedlings as a re- sult of this information. He explained it is only through such experiements that we can trees. are to be hardy in this locality. A map and invitation was extended to all to visit 4 the Royal Botanical Gardens. ; Coloured slides of the gardens scription and directions for con- structing a “mist tent" for propagating soft wood cuttings in the summer. ; A lucky draw was held and m any people won spring blooms {hill Public Scool. determine if these plants and“ |ter. New members are still , being welcomed into the group.I Bolton : Bolton Town Council is quite willing to tackle all: comersâ€"including the federalkvere shown, followed by a de-Ilengthy illness. government. DyUVIGL IIIWIL uulaus Llll§ wccn.. Obituary i Gordon Hawkey Eagleson,‘ Yongeview Avenue, Langstaffh beloved husband of the former Marion Caffin and father of, Joan, John, Glen and the latel Crestwood Rd. News Correspondent Mrs. Fred St. John 75 Crestwood Road Willowdale Telephone AV. 5-3443 Powell Road Home and School “Fun Fair†will be held May 5. Used clothing or jewellery may be donated for the fair by phoning Mrs. Olive St. John, Av. 5-3794. Articles may alsoi be sent to school with the child-w ren. . Birthdays Donna Webb celebrated her tenth birthday last Saturday. Hospitalized Mrs. Barbara Rogers. captain of 4th Thornhill Brownies, is in Branson Hospital. Paul Antonacci had his tonâ€" sils removed last week at Bran- son Hospital. Mrs. Hobbs Passes Mrs. Arlie Ruth Hobbs, form- Ier resident of Steeles Avenue ;West, passed away at Women's l College Hospital, Toronto. on 18 after a Service took ;place March 21 at R. S. Kane 'Funeral Home. Interment was at York Cemetery. She is survived by her hus- band Herbert and son Roger. ‘ Dave Wilson. one of our local Sunday March 1 ation of the new office which from Ernie Kohler's greenhouse. Irishman, celebrated March 17 ,is claimed to be too near the Meetings are on the third Tues- with a party street line, contravening a loc- day of the month at the Thorn- all his old Irish friends and in his home for ineighbours. 3rd Thornhlll Scouts The winter has been an active one for the 3rd Thornhill Scout Troop. 'During January and February, the following boys completed their Tenderfoot tests and were invested: John Ercolini. Keith Brotherhood, Scott Tremaine, Bill Harper, Scott Jollilfe, Brian MacGregor, Hugh McKenzie. The latter ï¬ve also received their Leaping Wolf badges. The climax of Scouting week came on February 24 when, in spite of stormy weather, about 20 scouts set out for Ox-Trail Camp to enjoy a week-end of winter sports. They were sup- ervised by Scouter Sharp and Assistant Scouter Trant. The following day, the boys who ‘were still mobile participated in the church parade at Holy Trin- ity Anglican Church. Probably in preparation for future skiing events, the boys are now taking the St. John Ambulance course in ï¬rst aid. The course will be completed this week and will be followed by examinations. C.G.I.T. The C.G.I.T. group at Thorn- hlll United Church invite you all to their annual April Show- er tea and bazaar to be held at Thornhill United Church on Saturday afternoon, April 7, from 2 to 5 11.111. As well as their usual delicious tea, the girls will have a table of craft work for sale, as well as a bake table and white elephants. The craft work features shell jew- ellery, stuffed animals, braided bracelets, and foam rubber an- imals ï¬lled with soap. With their leaders, Mrs. Marion Davis and Mrs. Ella Woolley, the girls have been working hard on this project, their main fund-raising activity of the year. The funds from this project will be used for their own group. Birthday greetings to Mrs. Mary Jones, Garden Avenue, who celebrates her birthday April ls‘t, and to Judy Curtis who will be nine years old on March 29th. Mrs. J. Honor. Morgan Drive, is entertaining friends and re]- atives at a card party on March 24, in honour of her birthday. Shower The April meeting of the Mark-Vaun W.I. will be held on April 5 at the home of Mrs. Sim, Roosevelt Drive. Roll call is to be “What the institute means to me.†Mr. and Mrs. H. Johnson and Lynette sp-enIt last week-end visiting friends in Ottawa. They reported that snow of the pre- vious week had almost disap- peared from the streets in 0&- tawa. Mrs. G. Davis has returned home from hospital and is pro- gressing nicely. The ’flu bug has attacked both Mr. Davis and Ronnie but at last report was on the wane. Flo. who will be houseâ€"bound several w e e k s , would appreciate a visit from anyone who has a spare mo- m-enzt. fg'qm ’Ijhorghill Uniï¬ed, is prac- to Barb Everists) have just be- come the proud parents of twins, a boy and a girl weighing 6-14 and 7-5 lbs.‘1jespective1y. On March let, Miss Donna Palmer was the guest of honour at a kitchen shower given by Miss Nancy Murray of Willow- dale and employees of the Pru- dential Insurance Co. where Donna is employed. ‘ Mark-Vaun Women’s Institute ‘ Correspondent Mrs. E. Harris 39 Woodward Ave. AV. 5-1889 Last Monday, Thornhill Lions invited all local group leaders of Cubs, Scouts, Brownies and Guides to their regular dinner and presented them with a gift of money to be used for activ- ites. Neighbourhood Notes Main event of the evening ls Highland Park Thornhill. Watching proceedings are Cathy Lennie (left), Mary Ann Baker" an Signe Ingimundson. Langstaff 8. Thornlea News CORRESPONDENT: MRS. B. LEPKEY Phone AV. 5-3489 l Rev. Martin Wedge of Wortley ‘Road Baptist Church, London, will be speaker for a week of evangelistic meetings April 8- 15. Rev. Donald Holliday. pas- tor of Campbell Avenue Baptist Church, Windsor, will bring 3special music during this week. ‘Obituary Missionary Robert CIubln-e" and family recently ministered! in Sunday School and Church' services. Mr. Clubine, home on furlough from Jamaica, is teach- ing part-time in Markham High Sch-col, where he taught before‘ taking on missionary duties. y Local residents are happy to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Karrer and Giselle back to their home on Sussex Ave. Due to the nat- ure of his employment, Mr. and Mrs. Karrer have been moving back and forth to Niagara Falls and Barrie in the last two years. We hope they will be able to stay in our community for a good period of time now. Baptist Church News The young peoples group was host to youth groups from Rich- mond Hill, Newtonbmok and; Bayview Baptist Churches re-I cently. Seventy-two y o u n g, people gathered to hear special, > mgsic and words of testimony. Gordon Hawkey Eagleson, Yongeview Avenue, Langstaff, beloved husband of the former Marion Caffin and father of Joan, John, Glen and the late The lst Langstaff Brownies held their March meeting on March 20, when Barbara Neil and Laurie Dow received their Golden Bar. The Brownies were pleased to welcome Mrs. Dorothy Wil- son 5 their new guider. They are coking forWard to a long and happy association with her.‘ hhe 11th birthday celebrations with the elections of officers for thg cgming yerar. Ladies in charge of refresh- ments are Mrs. Glassey, Mrs. Edwards and Mrs. Hicks. lst Langstaff Brownies Correspondent Mrs. Fred St. John 75 Crestwood Road Willowdale Telephone AV. 5-3443 Powell Road Home and School “Fun Fair" will be held May 5.I Paul Antonacci had his ton- sils removed last week at Bran- son Hospital. Mrs. Hobbs Passes Mrs. Arlie Ruth Hobbs, form- er resident of Steeles Avenue West, passed away at Women’s College Hospital, Toronto, on Sunday March 18 after a Thornhill Lions Club Presents Cheques To Scouts And Guides Leaders of local Scout. CUb, Guide and Brownie! Linn Priotfmnn “mmmmnnacis 2nd Thnrnhill e ....... Leaders of local Scout, Cub, Guide and Brownie’ Lion Priestman remexnhered naci, 2nd Thornhill Scouts; Gord groups were guests at the Lions club dinner held at,that a few years ago the club Hi1], lst Thornhill Cubs; Bob Thornhill United Church on March 19th. Followingihad contributed $100 for each 01“ 2nd Th°mhm 5c°ut5i ROY - - - iyoungster, but that this had be- Simpson. 2nd Thornhill Cubs: the dinner, Lion Bob Priestman had the happy duty come too expensive. The com Bob Shaw 3rd Thomhm Cubs: of presenting each of the leaders with a cheque from tribution by the Lions this year John Banks. 4th Thornhill the Thornhill Lions Club to aid them in their year’s‘to these groups totalled $325.00. Seouts: Don Willison. 4th Thorn- work. There are now 613 youngsters involved in thesei Present to 11909in? the gifts 1"“ cubs; Harry Webb. 15‘ Con“ - ‘7 A ‘ ; cord C b "A" . ' 1 groups, an increase of 59 over last year 5 total of 554. gï¬ggï¬lï¬ciï¬gg (1303?: fix-Jef- Connor,u ist Langstcalif 53533 of 2nd Thornhill Guides, Miss Ken Walters. 1st Langstaff Cubsi t Norma Davis of 4th Thomniu "A" Pack: and Cliff Wysdale.i [If e ueen Guides, Mrs. H. Mowder, 1st 1st hangs-tart Cubs “3" Pack. Thornhlll Brownies; Mrs. J.Glee Club Sumner. 2nd Thornhill Brown- FOIIUWing the dinnet‘ and the ies; Miss Vera Dockman, 3rd presentations to the Scout and Thornhill Brownies; Miss Ruth Guide leaders. the meeting was Barrett. 4th Thornhill Brownies; entertained by a group of gen- Mrs. M. Page, 5th Thornhill tlemen. the Scarboro Glee Brownies; Mrs. Simmonds, lst Club. directed by Mr. Sid Bag- Concord Brownies; Mrs. Harper, nau- This is a group of Unitt’d lst Langstafl‘ Brownies; Mrs. Church men. representing 12 Vera Moore, Thornhlll Guide different Unitt-‘d Churches in Commissioner, Mrs. B. Jewett, Scarboro. Starting Off With a Thornhill South Guide Commis- lively presentation of “Stout sioner. Hearted Men". they continued Representing the scouts and with such contrasts as “The Cubs were Herb Rogers of lst WhiffenPOOf Song". “The Rio [Thornhill Scouts: Jim Anton- Grande". a sea chantey, “You (Photo by David Barbour) Funeral services were held at Wright and Taylor Funeral Par- lours, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, March 19. Entombment was at Union Cemetery, Co- bourg. Pallbearers were: 0 r v i 1 Knight, F. Carter, William Whittimgstau. Douglas Lynn, Edward Caffin and Bob At- kins. A member of Langstaff Bap- tist Church, Mr. Eagleson served as church clerk and usher for many years. Rev. Edwin Mitchell, pastor of Langstaff Baptist Church officiated, and Mrs. Mitchell sang one of Mr. Eagleson's fav- orite hymns. “City Four Square". Elaine Vdied recently Mr. Eagleson had been set- iously 111 for man'y months prior to entering Toronto General Hospital, on J a-n‘uary 3rd, where he was a patient until his pas- sing, March 15. CLEANERS. & SHIRT LAUNDERERS Announce The Opening Of A CASH & CARRY " STORE IN THORNHILL Open Every Morning 7AM Closed Mon. Tues. Wed. 7pm I'hurs. 8. Friday To 9 pm. Saturday To 6pm. SAME DAY SERVICE IN BY ll ON REQUEST OUT BY 5 NEXT TO THORNHILL |.G.A. STORE THURSDAY MARCH 29th BALLOONS For The Ladies For Children Marathon prize winners were Mrs. Barnes, Mr. D. Thomas, Mrs. French, Mr. Richardson, Mrs. J. Powell, Mr. Smith, Mrs. May Barbour and Mrs. Jean Greenha-m won prizes in bridge. Mrs. Hooper and Mr. Dewsbury were progressive euchre win- ners. Most lone hands in the marathon were H. Flewwelling and Dan Thomas with 18 each. Phone AV. 5-5205 Jimmy Edgar celebrated his 5t}: birthday last Friday. Doncaster community ladies club realized $164.00 from their recent bridge and euchre mar- athon. The marathon was com- pleted at Buttonville Hall, March 19. Proceeds were turned over to Bill Menzies of the Thorn- hil_14and_ district hockey club. Consolation prize winners were Mrs. Malinskl, H. Martin, Mrs. Ina Dickinson, Mrs. Ada Rowe, Mr. Kelly, Mrs. E. Fox, Mr.Sinc1air and Joe Greenham. The final game of Thomhill Intermediate Hockey League, will be at the Bradford Arena this_ Sunday, atâ€? pm. The gamé'will bé between the Pgornets and Roselawn Dairy c ub. Mrs. J. Steele celebrated her 91§t birthdiayiMonday. Francis Léfler is home from hospital. Most lon-e hands in the Pro- gressive Euchreâ€"â€"Mrs. Hooper with 8. Richmond Hill Branch 375 REGULAR MEETING Second Monday of each month at 8 p.m. LEGION HALL .Cï¬anadian Legion . Carrville Road One Block west of Yonge St. All Veterans Welcome DONCASTER Correspondent David Barbour Henderson Ave. SUITS or PLAIN DRESSES..98c PANTS, PLAIN SKIRT or SLACKS . . 49c SHIRTS Beautifully laundered .. I9: OFFER EXPIRES APRILM, I962 CASH a. CARRY ONLY PICK-UP & DELIVERY From Main Plant 3199 DUFFERIN ST. OPENING SPECIAL RU. 7 - 5666 EXPERT REPAIRS Following the dinner and the presentations to the Scout and Guide leaders. the meeting was entertained by a group of gen- tlemen. the Scarboro Glee Club, directed by Mr. Sid Bag- nall. This is a group of United Church men. representing 12 different United Churches in ‘Scarboro. Starting off with a lively presentation of “Stout iHearted Men". they continued :with such contrasts as “The iWhiffenpoof Song", “The Rioi Grandeâ€, a sea chantey, “You‘ Will Never Walk Alone". and‘ the grand Negro spiritual, 1“Ride the Chariot". i Other guests for the evening were Mrs. Doris Fitzgerald. Thornhill’s local historian, and Mr. John J. Dadswell. On behalf of the Salva- tion Army’s House of Con- cord. and Mr. A. S. Elson. principal of Thornhili Sec- ondary School. Lion Bob Priestman made an appeal to the Lions to try and ï¬nd a local home for 1 young man presently at the House of Concord. who is doing very well at high school and who it ls felt. would bene- ï¬t from a move to a priv- ate home until he ï¬nishes his education. Anyone who could help in this matter is asked to contact Lion Bob Priestman, Lion Pres- ident Bill Doherty or Mr. Elson. “We have a real chal- lenge here,†stated Lion Priestman, “and if we come up with a way to assist this boy, We will be doing a real job.†CASH &CARRY STORE 7773 YONGE ST. THORNHILL, ONT. 285 - 3621 J. N. M ulholland, Q.C. Tribbling's White Rose Don Mills & No. 7 Highway Anywhere - call Unionville 278 - days; or Unionville 649J nights - Reverse charges. 80 Richmond St. West. Toronto Consultation by Appointment Phones: Thomhill AV. 5-3315 Toronto EM 4-2780 24 HOUR TOWING SAND â€" GRAVEL GEN. HAULAGE GARDEN SUPPLIES THORNHILL AV. 5-1523 ’. M. McDonald lEGAL