THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday, April 5. 1962 11 'These Are The Leaders Of The Chamber Of Commerce w maize-Riggs 1.200 Square Feet. 2nd Floor. Richmond Heights Centre. Will Divide. Call ME. 3-566] GriFfiIi Contracting (‘0. Ltd. I962 Public ' Speaking Contest ' I, The Richmond Hill Pub- lic Schools’ public speaking lcontest will be held on ‘ lThursday evening. April . l5th at the following mean lo YOU ? 1. It is a symbol of General Motors excellence and quality. 2. It means the car has been road tested and its faults thoroughly re- conditioned. lschools. 7.30 p.m. 3. It means satisfaction guaranteed. k\.a {WNW t t . ‘ y ‘ p gr 7' ‘1 I l , L Junior - grades 4, 5 and 6 - 4. It means a WRITTEN WARRANT} Signed by authorized personnel. E ' ’ ‘ -. ' . at Beverley Acres Public e... .. . . " I School 61 Pontiac 4 D00]. parisienne Wagon V8. 59 Riley Sedan. radio. New“? Representing many lines of activity and all parts of Rich- ing the Bayview district; Arnold Haworth. merchant, a rep- ilnietr'agilï¬gï¬o' gait): ‘ automatic transmission. radio. white- 59 Chevrolet 2 Door Brookwood Wagon, 5 - mond Hill are the officers and members of the Councd of the resentative of the Richmond Heights district; Murray Cass. Senioir grade}; walls wheel discs cylinder. automatic transmission - ' ‘ - ‘ ~. ‘ . . . . . ‘ ' s . . l ' ' . 81 Corvai†Dooquma Com! gauging, 59 Vauxha†Crew. 6 “linden standard 1, Richmond Hill Chambei of (ommeice, pictuied heie on the managei of the Canadian Impeiial Bank of Commeice. Bay- at Walter Scott pubhc 4 speed transmissmn. FadIO. \\'hlte“3“5v transmission, momma. whitewans, I occaSIon of one of their first meetings. Prom the left in the View Avenue. also a Bay'view representative on the Chambers school 51 iiiiiilndiigsgon 6 cylinder. standard whee} discs _ front row are Joseph Pritchard. president of the Pritchard directorate: Douglas Miller, manager of Allencourt Lanes and Iâ€" transmission. radio, ‘\\'lllle“'ails. extra 53 mallfacstingg’fg iqrtj‘rtl‘s‘l’giszli’gfMalta}; X-Ray Manufacturing Company. Industrial Road;Harold Mills. an Allencourt director; William Perry, head of Perry-hill If): - “g; 60 gziirzqgt“2h°1§1for Impala Hardtop V8, 58 Oldsmqbik 4 Dom. Sedan 98"automatic president of the long-established H. J. Mills Ltd. company. Wood Industries. Industrial Road, manufacturer and an indust- gi automatic transmission, radio. wiiite- grarli‘smissnzin. power steering. power growers of roses by the hundreds of thousands. one of the dirâ€" rial division representative; Lauder Glass, meat market pro- 5 . ' ra'es. ra io, \’ i I v . . . . . . . . . 60 {lggrdggfdtop La Sabre. aut9m_ seats, wheel (1,533?“ “m (“‘5' power ectors representing horticultural and agricultural activities: prietor, representing the down-town area; Vern Dynes. Jewel- E atic transmission. i‘adi0.11p0\velr sgee‘rmg. 58 i‘gerï¬eg. 4. Doordï¬ldteautVB. Tuttomaltlic Stewart Coxford. vice-president of Radio Station CFGM. 2nd Ier. director representing Richmond Heights. Absent when the t 2 STORES .- ' ' r ' S, a 5 1551011.]?! 10. \V - . 7 I l . . . . . t . ï¬xghigfghï¬igh‘gsne“a 5' “ lee 15C whee] discs. power °s.§§SnԤ." edbivesr | \‘Ice-pi‘eSIdent; A. L. Mahaffey, busniess manager of Scholastic picture was taken (by Lagerquist) were Robert D. Little. pres- t i 59 Triumph TR 3 brakes I Tab Publications Ltd.. 1st vice-president; I“. J. Picking. presâ€" ident of the R. D. Little and Son car sales business, who re- ; “ ‘ l g ident. newspaper editor and radio commentator; Tom Mills. presents the horticultural and industrial interests as a directâ€" Fl%::;:i£‘°sf. Al _ secretary. manager of the S. S. Kresge Ltd. Store. Richmond or; Douglas Flatt, manager of the IGA store at Allencourt (5 Ph i I Heights; Roy Chandler, manager of the Bank of Nova Scotia Plaza and one of the directors representing the Allencourt ETU 4 181.,onffb 4 7811 - ’ and Chamber of Commerce treasurer: Douglas Boyd, silver- area: Dr. Cameron Cowan, medical man and one of the profâ€" é 'AT All HO'URS . smith and a director representing the down-town area of Rich- essional section's directors. i We Deliver mond Hill. Ind the back row from the left are John Lawlor, Toronto & Surrounding lawyer and a irector representing professional interests; C. I Districts MOTORS LTD. LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS PHONE TU. 4-1105 , Nelson Gage. meat market proprietor and a director represent- CHEVROLET, OLDSMOBILE, F.85, CORVAIR, ', w Stephenson Sale; ENVOY, O.K. USED CARS . . M Brings Good Pricesiz: Ste NI AVe - TU. “Excellent attendance _ _ ex.‘.. Just North of Richmond Heights Centre 5:133.dream,“5,3333%;; . Alvin S. Farmer of Gorinley. relative to the auction sale of1 : 40 head of Grade Holstein Cat» ,tle on Tuesday, March 27th. 1.. This dairy herd was owned, O , ‘by J. W. Stephenson, Conces- O sion 2. Markham Township. Buy- .0 ers were present from distantIQQ areas. bidding spirited. comm-g handing top prices. $470 was paidizg I0 9 AMI ‘for one cow, and $70 for her Dear Friends: 0 0 calf. 1 â€" - 9 . . I - - A - ‘ $35oothigcg?wEngeaifgï¬ggwï¬gifé‘;‘09 The starting of a lawn is very important, the real secret is the after care. We may use the ®\\T‘\‘dmlliillillilflltiiWWIm. Ibringing $140. while three hei-i very best Seed or Sod to establish a lawn, but without reasonable after care, any good lawn Will I . t _ i“ P .X. lfex‘s sold for $425- Machinew peter out. Grass. like any growing thing, needs nourishment. and equipment also sold well, the bulk milk tank was bid to‘ Th ' ' ' ~ ~ ' o' ' ' 'n a ood lawn. use the handy $1.000 and the Model B_ All†e followmg is a piogtamme that we use in the Spiing for maintaini g g IChIalmel‘S tractor realized $465.: Roll lawn once each way, not too heavy a roller. This will press roots that have been pushed to the surface by the winter frost back into the soil. reference guide I I canadian Peace Fertilize as soon as possible as the Spring Rains will wash the fertilizer down into the roots where it will do the most good. A balanced fertilizer such as So-Green (7-7-7) developed by lawn care specialists â€" to produce thicker, greener grass and healthier root systems. Recom- mended for â€" Lawns, Golf Greens and Fairways. Trees, Shrubs, Flowers and Gardens. offered weekly in I Research Meeting Friday Evening The "Liberal" On April 6th at 8 p.m. in the Richmond Hill Pub- Classiiied Advertising Columns and ‘ fliniiliiiii’"nfeé"°ttpdict}; The Canadian Peace Reâ€" search Institute. and the part this area can play in the national campaign to O. O Top-dress lawn with a Black Sandy Loam by placing small piles all over the lawn and turning the rake over and drawing the loam towards you. The loam will fall into the low spots. Cover lawn to a depth of 1/4 inch to 12 inch. $ OOOOOOâ€.:OOOâ€OQ If your lawn is thin, we suggest that you sow our special Seed Mix that we recommend for overseeding at a rate of One Pound per Four Hundred Square Feet. the Business Directory get it established. hop- O I A for? (Espraaanscogr‘ng‘ï¬rég : This spring we are pleased to announce our ('OMPLETE LAWN and GARDEN MAIN- public meeting to which TENANt‘E DEPARTMENT. This service can be arranged on a monthly contract basis from : Dr. Norman Alcock the to. I : spring clean-up through until fall. 0F I :inderdofhthe insituite will be . iiilgl :iiowiierisyiniithiisytv 1:13;- , Q May we also remind you that it is NOT TOO LATE to have your lawn mowers sharpened Auto Parts Plastering enstaiii theinli, alridcliepl‘ee ‘ z and serviced ready for the spring. Our COMPLETE MOWER REPAIR SERVICE is located at . ... seniv -h I , , ..V_ . _ -. ‘ Alr Condltwnmg Painting & Decorating 1 denomiéstiorlosm aS Brillilcce : oui DON hiILLStTIARD, so for out pick up and debt 91} seiyice Just phone AR. 3 8286, 01 leave a . . . clubs. and home and school mesbage a 0m s 016' Dressmaking Radio 8; TV Serv1ce associations have been in- O O Trusting the above suggestions will result in a deep green, healthy lawn that will stay I vited to attend the Friday ' I that way all Summer. I remain, Meeting. Dr. Ursula Franklin. Phy- DriVing SChOOlS Rental Service 0293663 “ooooow‘éoo‘é‘o‘o eooww“‘i 999â€. o o o. 90 9:90 Sincerely yours, PIumbing&Heating Rooï¬ng i “din formerly with the .. F. V- watts. Building & Supplies Septic Tank Service iiiiliieiiiifyoiitaiiprom‘t "9W 1 o . r _ _ . ‘ L _ in Reseaich . . T r . H, A ‘ ‘ 1 q, Carpentry Healing Speaalists 3:31???““gggefcfstgf key VISIt ISRAth WAII‘S SOD & SEED SUPPLY C0. 1423. - . i ‘ r- Eavesimughing Fuel sons are urged to attliaiid for your chance on a FREE TRIP TO MEXICO I d I ~ this important meeting. Electrical Work 13" Stapmg FOR THE _ ‘ .fspgï¬ï¬t..a;;;?iis PREPARED "NEST ' ' p22???†TOP DRESSING 10AM 80 lb. bag $20.00 40 lb. hag 32.95 :i ('I‘. YD. Zn It. i... WAD $15- FERTILIZER 5‘35 ‘Best by Every Test’ ‘ LAWNS ° GARDENS ' TREES ’ SHRCBS ()ne cu. yard will top-dress eighty sq. yds. (720 sq. ft.) half an inch in depth :zzzz:zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz:zzmzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Lawn Mowers Surveying THE TOWNSHIP OF .. Monuments Typewriters MARKHAM .. Movers & Storage washer Repairs R. R. No. 2. Gormley, Nursing Homes Upholstering h 's ‘ l "tht NOTICE of HEARING :: W ° LIST YOUR SERVICE Now In This Proï¬table Classiï¬cation. Put Your Name lsliiaiilgtg 9‘ It Weekly. Get Your Share or The Proï¬ts! 835$.VBuoli’tZ‘Eige‘oi.‘ iiiexi'zti.’ MlLLlON SEEDS PER rouse For Fast Service Phone day of April. 1962 at 7.30 pm. :3 T". 4 I I 6 Thai-Vaatgpil’icgtidtipihcalihonheai‘dz: has been submitted by Mrs... 31-862. The owner requests re- .. â€"â€""â€"' lef-Sleawfipom 1323 aflaodi:h(dr;fi lg): Rimlaw No. not Section 17 Iii z: SO D 81 SE E D u u asst: trial 2.5.2:: u U s e T H E L I B E R A L Fothbe from lot linethan the 9O law permits. O. ceived by me at this office prior 9. totheheai‘ing. †.\I A N. SHENFIELD. N . . Just North of ~ :: 7059 YONGE ST. Av. 5-5494 â€" Av. 5.5495 â€" Ax. 3-8286 Ont 'i .. Mattresses welding 3' 0 99 CUM/3 o. llepartment of Agriculture in Print. Where Thousands of Prospects Will Read Adjustment at the Municipal†(‘ONTAINS ABOUT THREE o'clock. .\I'ld‘ d .\I y .\1 b ‘l tl ' - Av. 5 - erI oleLotaSO, ORSgigt‘ereiie (Plano Signed, written submissions B U S I N E SS D I R E c T 0 R Y a "d “‘l“ “mm†“m be 3‘ "Creators 0f Beautiful Lawns ’ Home Paper of the District Since 187R Township Ofrllai'liliam. Committee oi Adjustment .9 †I Q. r _MWMâ€Â¢ MW, . .323333333333