// 1 “JLOANED / ‘\ A FREE Start Playing Today Our 8-week Beginners CourfJe at $2.50 weeleI includes the free use of an Instrument In your home. Call TU. 4-5272 Today MUNDINGER MUSIC Yonze & Centre Sts. Richmond Hill IN THE MA'ITER OF an application by the Ontario Water Resources Commission on behalf of the Corporation of the Township of Markham for approval of the entering by the said Corporation into an agreement with the said Commissiom for the construction by the said Commission of a storm sewer system at} an estimated cost of $360,000, and IN THE MATTER OF am application by the said Corporation for approval of its proposed By-law 1894, being a by-law providing for the imposing of a sewer rate on owners oer occupants of land who derive or will or may de- rive a beneï¬t from the said storm sewer system Within registered Plan 2446. IN THE MATTER OF: Sections 39 and 41 of The Ontario Water Resources Commission Amt (R50. 1960, c. 281), TAKE NOTICE that? The Ontario Municipal Board hereby appoints Friday, the 27th day of ril, 1962, at the hour of ten o’clock in the fore- noon (local time) at the auncil’s Chambers, in the Township of Markham (at Buttonville) for the hearing of all persons interested in support of or in opposition to the application for approval of the construction of the storm EWelrszystem described in Schedule “A†attached hereto and proposed By- w 4. Willowdale Meadowview Willowdale Steeles Jewell Highland Park Blvd. Jewell Woodward Jewell Grandview Jewell Meadowview Jewell (Extended) Highland Park Blvd. Woodward Grandview Grandview Avenue Dudley Avenue Dudley Avenue Meadowview Dudley (extended to STORM SEWERS 0N Steeles Avenue Steeles Avenue Dudley Avenue Highland Park Blvd. Dudley Highland Park Blvd. Steeles Willowdale Willowdale Woodward Woodward Willowdale Grandview stage; Alana Steeles Avenue Dudley Avenue Highland Park Blvd. Dudley Highland Park Blvd. Steeles Willowdale Willowdale Woodward Woodward Willowdale Grandview 120’ TB}. of Yonge 100’ W. of Willowdale Steeléis 120’ E. of Yonge 110’ S, of Woodward Dudler 270’ R. of Willowdale Steeles Highland Park Blvd. 120’ El. of Yonge Dudley Woodward 100’ E1. of Dudley Dudley Dudley Highland Park Blvd. Dudley Highland Park Blvd. Willowdale Willowdale Highland Park Blvd. Woodward Avenue Dudley Willowdale Grandview Willowdale INCLUDING PRIVATE SEWER CONNECTIONS, CATCH BASINS AND NECESSARY APPUR'I'ENANCES smog N O T I C E TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM The above appointment is for the hearing of an application made by The Ontario Water Resources Oammission on behalf of the Corporation of the Township of Markham for azpproval of an agreement with the Commis- sion for the construction by the iCommission of a storm sewer system at an estimated cost of $360,000 and for the repayment of the same over a period of thirty years. After allowing an estimatedï¬grant of $75,000 from the Department of Highways. the estimated annuahcost of the storm sewer project is $26,087. which includes interest, debt restirement, operating cost and reserve for renewals, replacements and contingencies. It is proposed to raise the sum of $15.180 by a frontage rate of me per foot; $3,020 by a connection charge of $7.55, and $7,887 by a special levy of approximately 7 mills on the storm sewer area. On the basis of thesie levies a house on a 60‘ lot assessed for a. total of $2,500 would pay annually the following amounts: 60’ Frontage at 60c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 36.00 Service Connection at $7,55 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.55 Sewer Area Levy 7 Mills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.50 . . Any owners or persons affected and who are unable to attend at the hearing may ï¬le their objections with the Clerk of the Township of Mark- ham or with the Ontario Municipal Board, 145 Queen Street West. Toronto, on or before the 24th day of April, 1962. All plans, reports and estimatés may be inspected at the office of the undersigned during business hours. 1962 CNR Ditch) DATED at Toronto, {this 8th day of March, 1962. ' (Signed) B.7VICKERS THE MUSICAL INSTRUMENT E; :4 OF YOUR DATED AT THE TOWNSHIP "OF MARKHAM this 26th day of March. ' H. c. T. CRISP. ‘ SCHEDULE “A†TO THE FOREGOING APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING Section 64 of ‘the Ontario Municipal Board Act (R.S.0. 1960, c. 274), :and Section 380 offll‘he Municipal Act (R.S.O. 1960, 249) v â€" and â€" CHOICE THE'ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING Hlights And Pheasants ‘IAre Markham Subjects Lights on a commercial golf driving range situated on Yonge lStreet are to be checked by the township engineer. Markham ‘Townshlp Council decided at ilts regular meeting. following complaints. One man said that ;he had nearly been hit by a ltrain while crossing tracks to him from seeing a moving train until he was less than two car lengths from it. Council decided to defer ac- tion on the purchase of young pheasants to provide for fall hunting after Township Clerk Harry Crisp reported that on application for the banning of the discharge of ï¬rearms in an- other district was to be pre- sented to council. 1e had nearly been hit by a rain while crossing tracks to he east, the glare pxjeventirgg Gralndview 100†E. of Dudley Mezudowview 300’ W. of Jewell 120’ N. of Steeles 100†E. of Willowdale Highland Park Blyd. 100’ E. of Willowdale Woo‘ ward 100' E. of Willowdale Graudview Willbwdale Meam'lowview 100’ 'E. of Jewell 100’ E. of Jewell 100’ E. of Jewell 120’ of Yonge 100’ ll . of Woodward Granélview 120’ E. of Yonge Meadnwview lQ‘ROM ONTARIO Clerk. Township of Markham the Ontario Water Resoï¬upces Meadowview Willowdale CNR outfall Ditch 600’ E. of Jewell Highland Park Blvd. Jewell Woodward Jewell Grandview Jewell Meadowview Jewell CNR outfall Ditch 600’ E. of Jewell 600’ E. of Jewell 600’ E. of Jewell Dudley Avenue Grandview Meadowview Dudley CNR outfall Ditch Dudley Highland Park Blvd. Dudley Highland Park Blvd. Willowdale Willowdale Highland Park Blvd. Woodward Avenue Dudley Willowdale Grandview Willowdale By F. J. Picking A ticket or summons for a moving traffic offence can be part of an educational system with the saving of life as its ultimate aim or, in the opinion of one man in York County who has a great deal to do with the subject, a form of what he calls “cafeteria justice.†The term is self-explanatory. the right-hand side. That sched- You make a traffic "bloomer"|ule doesn‘t take the conditions -â€"-you pay so much based on a surrounding the offence into regular schedule. It's just like consideration â€"neither does it a menu, with all the prices down have any educational value. It â€"tickets every offence with a _ï¬xedrprice.A ‘ _ __ . “Cafeteria Justice" Disliked Complaint About Court Appearance Sparks Explanation By Magistrate P.F.E. 7661 - (b) . 61 Secretary T0 61.05 At least that‘s the opinion of Col. 0. S. Hollinrake. OBE, QC. Magistrate of York County. He should be qualified to speak. He's been sitting in judgment in the court at Newmarket for a good many years. Now. with growth of population in the southern part of York County ‘forclng it he supervises â€"and ‘sometimes conducts â€"the new additional court in Richmond iHill. = \Are There Two Systems Magistrate Hollinrake's opin- ion was sought when an irate citizen complained. not that there was one law for the rich and another for the poor, but that one man could be penaliz- ed over and above another for an exactly similaa‘ traffic of- fence. He had, he told “The Liberal", been summoned tocourt to answer a charge of failing to stop when the red traffic light said "stop". A piece- worker, he had 'been forced to suffer the loss of a day’s pay in addition to the fine which was imposed. _ But. he complained, his neigh- bour had committed an exactly similar offence. And all that said neighbour had to do was to remit the amount shown on the summons. A nice, cozy ar- rangement which, although it meant spending money. didn’t cause a double loss. It Could Happen Why should he have to lose‘ a day's work and travel to‘ court when his neighbour did- n’t, he asked “The Liberalâ€. He was forced to â€"aufter all, he didn’t want to be hauled off to jail for failing to obey the de- ï¬nite order commanding his appearance. In turn “The Lib- eral†asked Magistrate Hollin- rake It was quite true, said His Worship, that such a thing could happen. That is, that one man could mail in a ï¬ne and the other man have to appear in court. But, he said, there was a bit of a misunderstanding_ther¢. If the man charged failed to appear he wouldn‘t be hauled off to a cell. The case would be tried in his absence and, based on evidence given by the officer‘ laying the charge, a ï¬ne would} be imposed. There was a danoi ger, he said, that the ï¬ne might} Be heavier than if the chargee' had appeared in court, for the reason of his failure to advance any extenuating circumstances, permitting the justice on the bench to give him a break. Two Types Of Summons There were now two types of summons, said Magistrate Hollinrake. One was a new form. comparatively. Known as a uniform traffic ticket it was handed by the officer making the “pinch†to the allegedly guilty motorist. It specified, in great detail, all the conditions surrounding the offence. That, said Col. Hollinralce, had a great bearing on a judgment, for there was a lot of difference in even the way a simple act of failing to stop at a stop street could be performed. It could be a reckless dash endan- gering others or a simple lapse without any danger being in- volved. The uniform ticket carried a notice that the offender could, if he or she wished, plead gull- ty. This would be mailed to the court. Circumstances Important In such a case the amount of the ï¬ne would be determined from the detailed information supplied by the arresting officer and set out in the uniform traf- ï¬c ticket itself as to the circum- stances under which the offence was committed. This and the driver’s previous record would determine the ï¬ne that would be set and the driver notified of the amount. He would still be given the opportunity of appearing in court if he so de- sired. Even with the uniform traffic there are still certain offences to which the driver cannot plead guilty and settle out of court. -â€"e.g.. resulting in MACKILLOP ~ eral different courses; Sciencei On March 28th 0. M. MacKil- and technology. business and lop Memorial Home and Schoal commerce, art and science etc. Association was privileged to This will comprise 50% of the have a speaker of such outstand- course. the next consisting of ing merit as Mr. Andrew H. Mc- cultural subjects. The aim of Kague. Assistant Superintendent this is to produce a well round- of Secondary Education for Ont: ed individual. Also there is to ario. be more emphasis on English Mr. McKague is widely ex- since that is our only way of Derienced in the problems of communication. Mr. McKague ls widely ex- perienced in the problems of education in both the element- ary and secondary school level. He is a graduate of the Univer- sity of Toronto and the Ontario College of Ed_uca_tion. Some people have said that we are on a building spree but new schools must be built to accommodate the new vocational students. By 1970 the number of students wil be doubled with- W331}; VMcKague stressed the im- portance of proper training of students for the future de- mands of our society. 7 Anyone without grade 12 ed- Parents and friends please ucation or a background of keep Wednesday May 9th open scientiï¬c training will be vir--for our final association meet- tually unemployed by 1973. ling. This is going to be an in- In secondary school the ntu-lformal social evening so don’t dent will have : choice of sew-miss it your home 6': school association damage or injury. careless dri ing. speeding in excess of 2 ‘m.p.h.. a second or subseque. offence, or where the circun stances surrounding the offenc are in the opion of the mag lstrate too serious to permi settlement out of cogrt. The other form of summon: was the usual one sent by mai after the offence. calling on the accused person to appear at a certain time and place. If he failed to do so â€"if there was any doubt as to whether the in- dividual involved had failed to receive the summons. then it was re-issued and served to the person in the case or to a re- sponsible person at the same address. Fines Are Scheduled _ In certain types of offence this summons may. at the dis- cretion of the police. carry a notice that a plea of “guilty†may be made by mail and the ï¬ne remitted with it. This would‘ cover such matters as licences. faulty equipment such as lights, local by-laws such as prohib- ition of U-turns, obstructions and similar offences. The sched- ule of ï¬nes is supplied by the magistraie to the police depart- ment. Rights Protected _ The rights of the individuall were still protected. said the magistrate. Inf he could not ap- pear in person a lawyer or agent ‘could appear‘onr him: n. But, Magistrate Holllnrake was asked. why the difference in the form of summons? That he said, was up to the police. But he emphasized again that every individual was entitled to make his plea in court and to ;c1aim consideration if circum- ‘stances warranted it. “HE-6111}, lirereclared, could be an education. In his jurisdiction, every possible effprt was. madg V.--“ ,7, to impress on those charged with an offence that it wasn't just a sum of money at stake but perhaps, some day or other, the life of a human being. He tried to point out that what might be a simple. almost un- premeditated offence in one case, might be the cause of a death in another. The ï¬ne should be based on the circum- stances and the driver’s record, he believed. That was why he was in fav- our of court appearances â€"and did his utmost to encourage themâ€"instead of an invitatlog to “charge it up to expenses†which the opportunity to settle out of court gave. Prefers Appearanqe _ Summing up â€"failure to ap- pear in court will not necess- arily, in ordinary oases. result in the issue of a bench war- ant for the arrest of the person involved. But that failure to appear may â€"and there’s an accent on that word “mayâ€â€"re- suit in a heavier ï¬ne. And, if ‘an individual gets a uniform traffic ticket, it’s up to him or her whether “cafeteria†justice is taken advantage too whether an appearance in court is made. From Magistrate Hollinrake's point of view, the latter is pre- ferable. And, ï¬nally, the mat- ter of which type of ticket or summons is iSSued is up to loc- al pelice. What would happen i! Tor- onto courts attempted to treat traffic offences as he didâ€"de- veloping a consciousness that appearance in coui‘t was not necessarily only punitive but a1- so a possible means of reducing the traffic toil? There would have to be a great many more courts operating, said York County’s senior magistrate. What About Clinics? 7 A ï¬nal question! What about these traffic clinics? Did a per- son have to go, especially when it was stressed in court that at- tendance therea‘t was voluntary. ‘There was a twinkle in the mag- ‘isterial eye when it was stressed that it was completely correct that these clinics were indeed voluntary. It was just an effort to make sure that a driver was completely qualified to drive. A bad report from a clinicâ€"a failure to attend, might set up a chain of thought which would eventualy lead to a de- cision that maybe it might be as well to have that particular person’s licence suspended un- til proof of ability to handle a vehicle safely was made ab- undantly apparent. In other words, you don’t have to go to a traffic clinic 1f the magistrate invites you to. But you don’t have to stick your ï¬nger into a buzz-saw, either, to see if it’s sharp. eral different courses; Sclean Among his many certificates Mr. McKague holds that of spec- ialist 'm vocal music. The Mac- Killop School choirs demon- strated for him and the parents present. the musical selections for which they won two ï¬rsts and one second prize in the recent Kiwanis Festival under the competent direction of Miss Thomson and Mrs. Nesbltt. WWitihr 3 few well chosen words Mrs. R. Redelmeler thanked the spgaker. V‘V’il‘ihewmeeting ended with re- freshments served by the social commihtee. Parents and friends_please th Richmond Hill Cub Pack Scout and Cub Handicraft and‘ The 4th Pack met as usual for Hobby Show ieir Wednesday meeting on York Summit District Council larch 28th. The Grand Howl have completed arrangements vas led by Mike Brooke and for the Scout and Cub Handi- aken by the Akela. craft and Hobby Show to be The Cubs enjoyed two games held in the Richmond Hill Un- ~ 8 knotting relay race which ited Church, Richmond Hill on refreshed their knowledge of Saturday. April 28th‘ 1962 from the reef knot. and a "steam off" 2.00 to 9.00 pm. game - which literally released Ribbons will be awarded a lot of hot air. It consisted of scouts for the best exhibits in blowing a balloon over a cord. the following mummies; scout. This same was run by the Kan. crafts. Art, Wood Models. Wood- J°¢ GOOdler- work. Nature. Bird Houses and The three new chums who were welcomed into the Pack two weeks ago are progressing well toward their Tenderpad. They are: Kim Todd, Cliff Ran- dall and David Stephens. The meeting closed with a prayer and the Grand Howl led this time by Bobby Long. York Summit District Cub Sixers Council Held Ninety-five bright and happy cubs met at the All Saints Ang- lican Church on March 24. for their annual sixer‘s council. The program began with the grand howl, fl-a‘g recognition and inspection followed by a steam-off game in the form of an obstacle race under the dir- ection of Akela Rene Bamford. District Commissioner Ron Scul‘thorp, was introduced to the boys. and how they enjoyed his most interesting yarn. ninety flve boys and you could have heard a pin drop. Walter Smith as frisky as a tumble-weed. took charge of the tumbling game. ably assisted by the male lead- ers and one female leader who courageously assisted as the Wolf Cubs similar to their ne- mes-sake followed the Old Wolf in Ahis_sprinvg_ tumbling. Akel-a Mavis Randall led the leaders in a game much to the delight of the boys who cheered them as they sped lightly and llssomly on their way! The camp ï¬re followed and Akela‘ Ban Rigsby directed the cubs‘ through their songs, bringing the mood and atmosphere of the true camp fire though sitting on the floor surrounded by four walls. An amusing skit and a story comple¢ed this part of the programme. The Grand Howl followed by the Cub prayer brought the Sixer's Council to a close. Promptly at 4.30 pm. the King Ladies’ Auxiliary servad delicious refreshments to the eager Cubs. Ari-augments Were in charge of Mr. Fred Conley and Mr. Keith Conley along with district staff of York Summit. A; special vote of thanks to the officials of All Saints Anglican Church, King, for their gener- ous hospitality. JI/Ii’lllfl’amI-P/mingfl‘flllflml WIM/Iaal-II'IMI'IIJM’ amnczummpl reï¬nement a There’s alm 701/ Mill] ipassengerwflflllll' generous leg: . . .plenty of awn/175m, [limb/a [Ill/MW! aiiï¬â€™Ã©'ï¬i-sc' surprzsmg ag ‘ § 5. E. V 3; E k“ E 5. § § E § § E1? TUrner 4-2864 â€" STOP 24 YONGE STREET, RICHMOND HILL â€" AVenue 5-1128 Bruce Macdougall Motors Limited SCOUT NEWS ’9 CUB and Ribbons will be awarded Scouts for the best exhibits in the following categories: Scout- crafts. Art. Wood Models. Wood- work. Nature, Bird Houses and Feeding Stations. Metal crafts. Photography, Electronics. St- amps. Coins. Handicrafts and also for patroleptries. Ribbons will be awarded to the Cubs with the best exhibits of Art Work. Toy Making. Wood- work. Coin Collections. Nature Collections, Stamp Collections. Cub Craft. Meccano or Erector Sets, Puppet Show Equipment. Bird Houses and Feeding Sta- ‘tions. Baking and also for Six lEntries. In additiori an open class will cover all entries other than tho- se listed and a display of Scout- ers Hobbies and Handicrafts will be shown in the hope that it will serve to encourage the boys with their own hobbies. Judges have been secured from Hobby and Craft Clubs. Schools. Businessmen with bus- Sixtyutwo per cent of Can-1 ada‘s population lives in centres of 5,000 or more, ï¬gures re- leased by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics covering the 1961 census reveal. They revealed something of interest to Rich- imond Hill also - that in the ‘ï¬ve years from the_195§ census Census Figures Tell Story Hill's Five-year Climb‘, Was Ontario's Greatestk to the 1961 one the Hill had completely outstripped all other centres in Ontario. over 5,000 population, in its parts of growth. Population 31: the time of the 1956 census was 6,677. At the time of the 1961 census it had swooped up to 16,446. (Since then it has soared well over thenâ€"it his soan the 17,000 mark.) Nearest competitor in growth} percentage was Cornwall. It climbed from 18,158 to 43,639, but this was achieved by a mas- sive annexation in addition to growth within its own old bor- ‘ders. Richmond Hill’s rate of THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, April 5, 1963 inesses relating to the categor- Cub Packs and Scout Troop! ies involved and Hobbyists with of the York Summit District an interest in Scouting. In ad- which encompasses the area dition it is hoped to have aNorflh from Steele: Avenue. to local television personality take the King side road and West part in the judging. During the from Highway 400 to Highway day nature ï¬lms and movies on 48, including all 0:! Markham. Scouting will be shown continu- It is expected that these boys ously. will enter over 700 exhibits in The ï¬rst meeting of 16th Executive members of the Avenue Home and School was new organization are Mr. Far- held March 28. This club will mer, president: Mrs. Hewitt, not meet regularly. but when a vice-president: Mr. Fitchett, topic of interest comes up ntreasurer; and Mrs. Bartlett. meeting will be arranged. secretary. The organization is not affil- The April meeting of tho lated with the Home and SchoollLangstaï¬ Young Women's In- ‘Federation. because officials stitute will take place at the ‘wanted to determine how much home of Mrs_ Shirley Moore. interest there was in a home house_ April 11_ Theme of the and school in this area. evening is “Historical Research The ï¬lm. “The Test". was and Current Events." with Mrs. shown. and f0110Win8 this 8 Pan: Carole Suter as convenor. The ï¬lm, “The Test". was shown. and following this a pan- el discussion was held. Panel members were Lynne Evans. in teacher at Henderson Avenue School. Miss McCowan. Mrs. McQueen. Mr. Fitchett, Mr. Gerard and Mrs. Clarke. Mr. Meyers. principal of 16th Ave- .nue. was moderator. . A motion was made to award? a scholarship of $25 to the grade 8 student with the high- est proï¬ciency. Presentation of the scholarship will be made at a ï¬raduation banquet during the fa . Tentative date for the offic- ial opening of the school is and Current Events." with Mrs. Carole Suter as convenor. Roll call will be the collec- tion of penny round-up bags. Oï¬'icers for the coming year are as follows: president - Mrs. Claire Willett; ï¬rst vice-presi- dent - Mrs. Kay Morris; secret- ary-treasurer - Mrs. Fern Rus- 1sell; assistant secretary - Mrs. Joyce Curtis; district director - Mrs. Ruby Manol; historical re- search and current events . Mrs. Audrey Kupchanko; agriculture and Canadian industry ~ Mrs. Betty Pattison; home economics and health - Mrs. Verna Ablett; citizenship and education - Mrs. Peggy Morris; public relations Tentative date for the offic- ial opening of the school is April 11. gain was 146.3 per cent whereasl Cqmwall's was 140.3 per cent.‘ Anokher of the fastest-growing municipaliï¬es was Welland, where population increased ap- proximately 120 per cent from 16,405 to 36.079. This again was chargeable to extensive an- nexation as well as normal 39ml}: .l St. Catharines also saw phen~ omenal growth, climbing from 39,708 to 84,472, an increase of 112.7 peg c_er_1t. One of Richmond Hill’s neigh- bours - Aurora - hustled along during the same period. Start- ing with a populaflon of 3.957 in 1956. it climbed to 8,791 for the 1961 census. Newmarket, with a count of 7.368 in 1956,‘ ‘ran up to 8,932 in 1961 count of noses. Brampton, whose pop- ulaflon was 12,587 in 1956. clim- bed to 18,467 in the ï¬ve-year period between each census. Tï¬ere are 1600 boys in the Here’s almost 5 feet of hiproom, with equally generous legroom and headroom both front and rear ...plentyofspaoetoseatsixhuskyadultx. Acadian’s wheelbase is a trim 110 inchesâ€"long enough for comfort, but short enough to give you surprising agility in a car this roomy. langstaff 8. Thornlea News The simplicity of Acadian’s clean, uncluttered lines lends an air of classic reï¬nement to this good-looking car. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. B. LEPKEY Phone AV. 5-3489 Choose Acadian’s 90 hp Econoflanw 4â€"cylinder engine, or peppy 120 hp Ewnoflame 6'cylinder power. You’ll rejoice at Acadian’s budgutrwiu priw...mzdthewayAcadimb-anelaon such a miserly amount of regulargas! the show - MES. Margérét Blow; teleâ€" phone committee - Mrs. Joan Suter. The next meeting of Thorn- Iea Home and School will he held April 11. It ls hoped to have, as guest speaker, a mem- ber of the Department of Lands and Forests staff. who will show slides on hunting and Vï¬shlngu A luckil’h'r’a'w to} a ï¬shing r'od will be held at this meetlng. _ Children of Thornlea School have been raising money for the Junior Red Cross this month. Projects included musical ex- ercises. puppet shows and can- dy sales. Proceeds have been turned over to the Red Cross. NBi'rt'hda‘irr greetings to Mrs. Heathcote, Ruggles Avenue. who celebrated her birthday March 30. V VMrs. Arlie Hobbs died sud- denly March 18 at Women‘s Col- lege HorspitAal. _ (Ml-{7131‘be had been in tail- ing health for many years but retained an interest in Institute affairs. Rev. W. C. Sellars 0! Newton- brook United Church, conduct- ed the service at Kane Funeral Home, Yonge and Sheppard on March 21. Interment took place in York Cemetery. Mr's‘IhBBB‘sV is Eurvived by her husband, Herbert and one ton, Roger.