Mental Health der of the world-wide mental Among those attending the‘health movement. Dr. Clarence 10th annual meeting of the Can- M. Hincks addressed the even- ndian Mental Health Associa-ing meeting. tlon at Hart Home. Toronto on March 2nd were the president United Chum“ women of the York County branch, Mrs. Twelve members of group 2 P. A. Townshend-Carter. Mrs. of the Thornhill United Church Donald Strickland. the execu- Women met at the church par- tive secretary and Mrs. R. L. lours on March 27th. The de-i Moore. chairman of the vol-votional was taken by Mary unteer visitors. Several inter-Whelan. The group assists in eating workshops were held dur- the work of the local branch in; the afternoon and the foun- of the mental health association NOW AT HEINTZMAN - NORTHTOWN Drawbars . . . Reverberation . . . Touch- Response Percussion . . . Permanent Pitch â€" to name a few. Come in today and see this new easy-tn- play Hammond Spinet, $1295. delivered (including bench) Phone today for a free home demonstration at HEINTZMAN - NORTHTOWN NOW SHOWING SAME DAY. SERVICE IN BY 11 ON REQUEST OUT BY 5 Open Every Morning 7 am. Closed Mon." Tues., Wed., 7 11.111 Thurs. & Fri, to 9 p.111. Saturday to 6 pm Thornhill and District News (Northtown Shopping Centre - South Side) EXPERT REPAIRS 5385 Yonge Street, Willowdale THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. April 5. 1962 a [gamma/ltd spmet organ Have Opened A New CASH & CARRY STORE IN THORNHILL NORTHTOWN SHOPPING CENTRE WILLOWDALE This is a true Hammond Splnet with double keyboard, twin speakers, pre-set; tabs, and many exclusive features until now available only on more expensive Hammond models: NORTH-END CLEANERS 8. SHIRT LAUNDERERS TELEPHONE AV. 5-2331 NEXT T0 THORNHILL I.G.A. STORE Thornhill Notes Suits or Plain Dresses . . . . . . . , Pants, Plain Skirt or Slacks . Shirts, Beautifully Laundered Offer Expires April 14, 1.962 CASH AND CARRY ONLY OPENING SPECIAL Pick-up & Delivery From. Main. Plant 3199 Dufferin St, RU, 7 = 5666 "The Liberal" I. always pleased to publish Item. of interest contributed by its readers in the Thomhlll uel - - - . . . . Our representative in Thornhlll is Mn. Margaret McLean. who nu: be reached by phoning AV. 5-2331. Cash & Carry Store .7773 Yonge St. Thornhill. Ont, 285 = 3621 Through the courtesy of Mr. J. T. Stephens of 18 Shasta Drive, the children of Thornhili Nursery School, were invited to make a tour of the Roselawn Dairy’s plant in Toronto. Some 30 youngsters. accompanied by their three teachers and about 10 mothers made the trip on Friday morning, March 16th, and by all accounts had it won- derful time. The men at the plant were most helpful. lift- ing youngsters up to see things, The children were most fasc- inated with the machine which folded up the paper cartons and conveyed them out to where they were put in boxes. They were also impressed by the evident cleanliness and the en- ergy with which things were scrubbed outâ€"especially the large milk tank which was con- veniently being given a good going over. The considered opinion of my young sprout was “A dairy is a noisy place†â€"which made me not too sorry I had been unable to go on the trip! To publicize the concert, Mrs. G‘ S. Robinson of No. 7 High- way. Concord. is opening her home for a tea on April 17th. The tea will be held from 3 to 5:30 in the afternoon and from 7 to 9 in the evening and1 as well as the usual tea and‘ conversation, will feature musi- cal artists. On April 4th, the ladies of the U.C.W. have been asked to supply 10 loaves of sandwiches to be used to feed indigents at the Fred Victor Mission in Tor- onto. And don't forget the C.G.I.T. tea and bake sale on Saturday afternoon. April 7th. Everyone is invited to attend, enjoy the tea, select their choice of baked goods, and incidentally help the girls of the C.G.I.T. raise funds to continue their program in the area. Nursery School On May 8th the members of group 2 will joln with group 5 in holding a luncheon. The lun- cheon will be arranged around a Canadians theme and will feature a talk by Thor Hansen, an authority on Canadian anti- ques. ' The ladies of the U.C.W. are also co-operating in the plans to raise money for the organ fund. On May 3rd a concert featuring the Adelphian Con- cert Choir from the University of Puget Sound, Tacoma. Wash- ington will be held. This choir is just completing a tour of the British Isles and will come direct from an appearance at town hall, New York. to Thorn- hill for their only Canadian performnnlce. As well as their own projects, group 2 takes part ln the gen- eral activities of the U.C.W. On March 16th. some 40 members of the U.C.W. attended a b0w- ling party at Newtonbrook Bowl. The three projects for the year are to be the two-day rug-making demonstration in June. a mammoth rummage sale in the fall and a travelling lluncheon, the time of which is ‘yet undetermined. The next ‘general meeting of the Thorn- hill U.C.W. will be on April 3rd lwhen a dessert and coffee meet- ing will be held at the church at 7:30 pm. Group 2 will hold their next meeting at. the Villa Hospital on April? 24th.! ‘ and their particular contribu-‘sho ‘tlon is to see that residents of to l the approved homes do not lack out for beauty care. Vi Johnston inf‘ asked for ladies to volunteer to the drive three 0! the patients from the Newmatket to her home on Ap- mat r11 10th where they will have hot permanent waves. The group soc reported a total of 8. visitors to E sick people during the past MI, month. M ,‘ The children’s next trip is Mrs. Alf Walne is progressing favourably after her recent op- ‘eration in Branson Hospital. Karen. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fowlston. is in Sick Children’s Hospital. Mrs. memo is convalesclng at home {after her recent operation at ‘Branson Hospital. :Birthdays to prepare. Mr. McRobert’s room, grades seven and eight, won the parents' attendance prize. Sick List Bobby Geno. eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Geno. broke his right leg while playing baseball last Monday. The injury occurred when he fell whlle running to base. Because he cannot have a walking cast yet. he ls man- ouvering on crutches. Powell Road Home and School Association held its regular meeting March 26. Because sev- eral of the executive members were present, Mr. Palin took charge of the meeting. A ï¬lm, The Ten Twelves, deal- ing with children in that age group was shown. Mrs. Olive St. John brought work to the school which everyone helped Janie McEwen celebrated her seventh birthday this week. Di- ane Petrushevey was six March 29. Mrs. Pat Fowlston celebrates her birthday this week. Accident Adult communicants classes are cominuing each Thursday evening at 8 pm. in the church parlour. The April 51311 class will discuss “The world to comeâ€. On April 121th, the subject is “The Christian Life" and on April 19th. "The Questions People Ask." Registrations are now being received for the girls' camp at Sparrow Lake. There are two camps for junior girls. July 2nd to 14th and July 16th to 28011 For senior girls there is one camp, July 30th to August 11th. The camp is sponsored by the United Church of Canada. The cost is $46.50. Further infor- mation is available from the church office. (And if it is run as well as it was some thirty (horrors!) years ago, your daugn gtgr is sure to enjoy it, as I i .) n avvll no wen-b, ‘ informative and entertaining for' the children. these trips broaden their horizons and provide much ' material for imaginative play. both at home and at school. Socials Recent guesLs at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Headrick of 85 Meadowview were Mrs. Head- rick's parents. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Robertson of Burns~ town, near Renfrew. Ontario. “I would like a show of hands of the taxpayers here who are in favour of this plan which will dump 85,000 people into this area and triple our taxes,†stormed one angry ratepayer during the question per- . iod which followed the presentation of the plan. How- ever as the question period came around following a ten minute intermission period, there were only approxi: mately 30 ratepayers left in the auditorium. 0f these,1 four raised their hands signifying disapproval of the‘ plan, and some 20 or so showed themselves in favour‘ During Easter week, the Head. ricks are looking forward to: having Mr. Headrick's sister and her husband. Mr. and Mrs. V. Currie, and their two sons visit from Ottawa. United Church News The Sacrament of Baptism was celebrated at Thornhiil Unitedl Church on Sunday. March 25th and through their parents' pro- fession of faith, the following were welcomed into the church: Elisabeth Anne Craib. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Craib. Carol Anne Delonig, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George B. Delong, John Stuart Smith Ellis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter J. Ellis. Bryan Thomas Robertson, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Robertson, Jeffrey Ernest Strang, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest C. Strang. Sharon Eliz- abeth Webb, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Webb. Bar- bara Jane White. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roland G. White, James Brian Greenshields, son of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Green- shields. and Catherine Norma and Steven Norman Craib. children of Mr. and Mrs. Harry IA. Craib. . of it. When asked the direct question, Planning Director Ron Forrest stated, “There is no indication that our taxes will be trebled. maintained." An economic balance will be Chairman Alec Maynard of Bayview, south of the C.N.R. the Markham Township Plan- line; and Thornhil l 2. extending ning Board chaired the meet- from Yonge to B‘ayview. north ing. When a member of the of the C.N.R. line to the Thorn- audience the planning board took any notice of objections to their plan, he reiterated several times “The planning board makes its assessment on the number of people who write in. We would be very glad to hear from every one of you. Your letters will be taken up at our next meet- ing." Letters should be sent to the planning board. c/o the municipal offices for the Town- ship of Markham at R.R. 2, Gormley. Four Parts The proposed plan was out- lined on four maps, several sets of which were posted about the answered Mr. Forrest. auditorium. These maps illus- questioned whether hill Ladies' Golf Club. The whole plan envisages a jump in population from the present 14.000 to 85.000 in 20 years. with popula- tion densities varying from four to 23 people per acre. The area designated “Thornhlll 1†Is expected to have a density of 20 per- sons per acre while Thorn- hill 2 was shown with 23 persons per acre. “Why are you raising the population density in these areas" questioned Mrs. Ed Per- cival of Elgin Street. “We have to be realistic." "When services such as water and sew- trated the four parts of the age come into an area. this form plan.†namely,_ land use. corn: of development is m be exnect- On April 29th new members will be received into the church by profession of Faith and by transfer. Anyone wishing to transfer their membership is Asked to fill in an information card available at the church. planned for April 19th when Ithey will visit the Richmond 11ml Library and see a puppet show. Future trips are planned to a ï¬rehall, the zoo and Tor- onto Island. As well as being ipformgtive and entertaining for the children. these trips broaden their horizons and provide much material for imaginative play, both at home and at school. Socials 85 Baker A?!“ Mahmoud Day or Evenings TU. 44 ‘you: ofï¬ce Typewriwrs . Adan; Magma: SALES - SERVICE 4 RENTALS Crestwood Rd. News coilï¬ious SERVICE PROMPT Correspondent Mrs. Fred St. John 75 Crestwood Road Wlllowdale Telephone AV. 5-3443 gas portabl modeh as 'nght‘s humanr‘ L. H SIMS For Square The proposed plan was out- lined on four maps. several sets of which were posted about the auditorium. These maps illus- trated the four parts of the plan. namely, land use. com- munity plans in the residential areas, a roads plan of the major road systems and a development plan which relates only to the two urban areas, the one in the south-west corner of the town- ship and the Unionville area. Mr. Forrest emphasized that what was being pre- sented was an overall, broad, general plan for the whole township and that they were not at present dealing with the urban areas and the villages. More de- tailed plans would be pre- pared and submitted to the board and to the public for these areas. The map devoted to land use showed some eight types of land use. Urban-residential develop- ment included single family dwellings. apartments, schools. parks, public utilities, retail and service stores. Community-com- mercial areas permitted retail commercial buildings, profes- sional offiices, places of enter- tainment. etc. Highway front- age usage, proposed only for Unionville and in the south- west corner of the township, permitted such commercial uses as oifices. showrooms, motels. hotels and other uses catering to motorists, as well as some ‘apartment sites. Land desig- nated as major open spaces. was to be publicly owned land. Prior. to the development of parks on these sites. they will be per-' mitted to be developed for en-‘ ‘tertainment as golf courses, etc. ‘ The second map of the set was titled the “community plan" and dealt with the two urban areas and the rural-resident or village areas. This map was an outline of official objectives, stated Mr. Forrest and estab- lished the number or commer- cial establishments, schools, parks. open spaces, churches which would be required. The south-west corner of the town~ ship where most of the urban area was concentrated has been divided into Thornhlll 1. ex- tending from Yonge Street to Rural - residential area: are located around such centres as Victoria Square. Locust Hill, Gormley and such. Land desig- nated for rural use could be used for purposes of agriculture and anything incidental thereto. These areas would also be avail- able for such uses as golf course, public swimming areas, and in- stitutional uses. Mr. Forrest emphasized that measurements and boundaries of these are-as were not precise on the maps as the plan was not a zoning document but a docu- ment of general policy. Community Plan Industrial areas permitted manufacturing and storage oper- ations, as well as service sta- tions. offices. etc. Lands desig- nated for institutional use would be devoted to such things as cemeteries, golf courses, air- ports. hospitals. Rural Land lPresent Official Plan Planning Director Forrest Promises 2 F" The Pri‘e 0* 1 DeveIOpment Will Not Triple Taxes GENERAL ELECTRIC By Margaret 1. McLean people er a-ra a d th ' “11‘ . I Markham Township‘s proposed oï¬icial plan waslgisdfï¬rmverLbuildgngs.e†“l By Margaret 1. McLean Markham Township’s proposed official plan was presented to a group of some 150 ratepayers at Thorn- hill Secondary School, March 29th. and was given a mixed reception. A111»: 5n 5:14! Students’ Eaten COMPETENCE EXPERIENCE RELIABILITY in: on Land A rounthe “Boom; It Up" performed “1th hula hoops was ‘created and directed by Kathie 3A5t and went over very well. ‘Carol and Wendy Brain made a happy duo in. "Four Suit Shoes" as did the Paddling Hatters. Jill Andersen, Cathie Lennie, Sharon Rumble, Lynda Henry, Bonnie Barnes. Jan Cruise. Susan Alcock and Dye..- , WW, _rr _______ The girls’ gym team, dis- guised as the Flying Flappers. did just’lbout fly. The team consisted of Wendy Sowden. Marcia Medcalf, Joan Every. Jan Cruise. Janet Jay. Angie Mlckleborough, Barbara Griffin, Carol Martin. Laurine Davis, Susan Austen, Gail Gibson. An- ne Foxley. Marilyn Kelly. Lynâ€" ne Tanquiy. Pat Robinson. Beth Donkersley and Cathie Percival and they put on a anally ï¬ne performance. The Bouncing Jacks. Bob Jamieson, Ted McGhee and Brian Good gave an energetic performance on the trampoline; so energetic in fact that at var- ious times there was some doubt as to whether or not Mc- Ghee would return in one piece from the wild blue yonder when he disappeared up into the cur- tains. The boys' gym team. consis- ting of Bob Jamieson. Harry Morrison. Dave Kennedy. Brian Good. Branislav Pajevic. Bruce Clark, John Rumble, Ted Mc- Ghee Joe Peuhes. Terry Aim- one. Terry Adkins, Bob Sproule and Pat Harvie put on a most impressive gymnastics display ans. werq _w§rm1y applauded. In a routine composed by B. L. Lockhart. N. Easter and G. Anderson a group of "Perfect Young Ladies" was sent into a flutter by three not-so-per- fect young men. Another plea- sing number was “Two for Tango" where Janet Taylor and Branislav Pajevic performed a lively Spanish-type dance. \ The skit “St. George and the Dragonet" also got a big hand. Here the dragon, presumably composed of Sharon Rumble, Dyann‘e Snary and Bonnie Bar- nes in equal parts. was charged with devouring maidens out of season. In a highly successful two night stand, Health’s a Poppin', ;Thornhiu Secondary’ SchooPs annual revue played to capacity audiences on hdarch 22nd and 23rd. Theme of the revue. presented each year by the boys’ and girls’ athletic assoda‘tion‘s was the roaring twenties, and the aud- itorium was colourfully decor- ated with murals depicting the twenties. while the costumes of the performers were also in keeping. Funniest spot in the Show was the ï¬nal number entitled “Masks and Wigs" where some nine school stalwarts pranced about in female garb and form- ï¬d a lively Charleston chorus ne. With an area of 310 acres and a population density of 20 persons to the acre. Thornhill 1 is expected to have a popula- tion of 6,000 people. From this it has been established what the various requirements will beâ€" 21/2 acres of shopping centre. 3.77 acres of neighbourhood type commercial businesses, 979‘ school children requiring 28l classrooms (and another school the size of Henderson Avenue School), 15% acres of park- Iands. 5.4 acres for churches, or three church sites. The gross population density, Mr. Forrest pointed out, estab- lishes the type of area it will be. In North Bayview No. 2, the Bayview Glens area, the population density will be eight “We have tn be realistic." answered Mr. Forrest. "Wlhen services such as water and sew- age come into an area. this form of development is m be expect- ed hecause the services are so expensive." T113;an 1 Population High School Students Display Varied Talents The area designated "Thornhill 1†is expected to have a density of 20 per- sons per acre while Thorn- hill 2 was shown with 23 persons per acre. “Why are you raising the population density in these areas" questioned Mrs. Ed Per- cival of Elgin Street. Health's A Poppin' Bayview, south of the C.N.R. line; and Thornhill 2. extending from Yonge to Bayview. north of the C.N.R. line to the Thorn- hill Ladies' Golf Club. The whole plan envisages I jump in population from the present 14,000 m 85,000 in 20 years, with popula- tion densities varying from four to 23 people per acre. “Sf-.31.]. N. Mulholland, SAND â€" GRAVEL 1 GEN. HAULAGE i GARDEN SUPPLIES Musical interludes were pro- vided throughout the show by the Barbershop Quartette, Dave Rutherford. Bruce Clark, Dave Iverson and Avo Kittask. accom- panied at the piano by Judy Nicholls, and by a lively jazz combo who call themselves the Continentals. These were King- sley Butler, Dave Agg, Tom Joyce. Glen Cooper, Ava Kit- task. Glen Moffat, Dennis Buck-‘ ingham and Dave Kennedy. This talented and enthusiastic group of young musicians struck up the band between numbers and livened things up to such an extent that one exuberant young lady at the back of the hall was compelled at one point to break out into a perform- ance of the ubiquitous twist. The gay backdrop and art work was after a design by Mrs. Trott (but I wonder if she ap- preciated the thanks the pro- gram notes give her for “ad- vice on the theme“; she couldn't have ï¬rst-hand knowledge of the twen‘tlesl). Mr. Lazar train- ed the Barbershop Quutette: and the unqualified success of the whole affair was due in large part to "a host of other willing helpers" as the pro- gram put it, too numerous to mention. The secondary plan for Thornhill 1 and 2 is already prepared and public meet- ings to discuss it will be held in the next few weeks, Mr. Forrest stated. There was some dissatisfac- tion expressed by those attend- ing the meeting that it had not been well enough publicized and that the audience had been al- most encouraged to leave before the question period, by holding a ten-minute recess prior to it. Mr. Forrest pointed out that each neighbourhood would re- quire A secondary plan before it could be developed. except for part of the south-west cor~ ner where land has already been released for development. There would be other public meetings for each secondary plan. Secondary plans will go into more detail. will show more uses, more collector roads and will be on a larger scale. and will be followed by zoning plans. be far fewer buildings. Industrial The industrial areas pro- vided for in the plan follow very closely the present in- dustrial areasâ€"one in Rich- vale. two in Langstaï¬. one in Thornles-Green Lane area. a large area. divided into four sections in the Don Mills Road section. one It Gormley. a small new area south of Unionville. a small industrial area at MountJOy and at Milliken. Total land designated for industrial use is 3.171 acres. The map showing the road plans was not new. Mr. Forrest stated. but had been in effect for six or seven years. it show- ed roads varying in width from 66 feet to 120 feet and showed proposed intersection improve- ments. No deï¬nite time was in- dicated for the roads plan. but roads would be developed as ineeded and in accordance with ‘the township‘s ability to acquire them. “Development Plan" The fourth map in the group was called a “development plan†and indicated the staging of the urban and residential develop- ment. The plan does not at- tempt to forecast the timing of the development, but each stage is dependent on the substantial completion of the prior stage. The releasing of land for the various stages will depend on the maintainence of a satisfac- tory industrial-residential ratio and adequate municipal water and sewage disposal facilities to permitthe stage. And if anyone is inclined to get a little depressed about the state of the world these days. just let him go to one of these high school productions: no-one could help but be impressed by the tremendous enthusiasm shown by these youngsters as well as the determin- ntion and Just plain hard work which was evidenced on every hand. With these fine young people on their way up. no-one should be depressed about the future! 80 Richmond St. West. Toronto Consultation by Appointment Phones: Thomhil] AV. 5-3315 Tog-onto EM 4.2780 THORN HILL AV. 5-1523 '. M. McDonald 4 LEGAL Action Finished in Gleaming Porcelain iBOTH DRYER 8. WASHER ‘ V Tums $299°° 3 LOW DOWN RS. PAYMENT FOR Up 0 AV: 5=3756 34 YONGE 515. TU, 4 = 7456 24F“ Nine Pound Tuh 3 Zone Washing TV. & APPLIANCES FOR 1962 O De-wrinkled Position Timed Controlled 52D21 2 Speed Dryer