Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Apr 1962, p. 10

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On being called to deliver 3 His E: Ipiritual note to those assem-rocco in bled, Rev. Mr. Evans of Thorn- itude of hill Presbyterian Church left for their an lndellible impression when also re-e he reminded them of the re- Mr. Eva cognized value of church Hoc- to the key Lelgues across Canadalproudfull from which over seventy per- league l cent of all present NHL players years wi‘ ha§_ received their first start. ,incurred v.-- -- . .._â€"...._ .- law-lulu; nu usuuus Mr. Evans urged all boys pre- and emphasized that credit [or sent to follow the example oflsuch good sportsmanship and such established NHL stars aslclean play was indeed a re~ Gordie Howe. Bobby Hull, Redlflection on the efforts of so Kelly and Gum-p Worsley all oflmany fine men for the guidance whom had publicly aflinnedland example provided through~ their faith in God and had out the season. and John MacKay '(ThdiHHfli Presbyterian) and past-president L123}! _Dz_avis ot_‘_ H_01_y 'lfrirnlty. His Excellency, Bishop Fran- ds A. Marrocco. St. Edwards; Rev. Farther, W. E. Cambray, St. Edwards; Rev. Father E. G. March-and. St. Edwards; Rev. Mr. H. Reginald Howden, Holy Trinity; Rev. Mr. Howard J. Veals, Thorn-hill United; Rev. Mr. Dillwyn T. Evan-s, Thornhill Presbyterian; and the host on this occasion: Rev. Dr. E. S. Grassland. St. Lukes. Mvr. Hepburn then presented the remainder of his executive, Vice-President Don Macdonell. (St. Paschals‘. Treasurer Lou Roman (St. Lukes). Directors Llo‘ycl_ filvidge (Holy Trinity) QM The programme was started by the introduction of the cler- gy who were present and among whom included: President Stuart C. Hepburn, United Church. acted as chair- man in a well-conducted pro- gramme that included the in- troduction of Clergy, the exec- utive. team officials and pretty kitchen hostessess and as well as presentation of crests to all boys and championship trophies to the winning teams. The main event, of courSe. for the boys proved to be the serving of the‘ Wigners-buns-pop and ice-cream This year's party was held in the auditorium of St. Lukes, and was attended by almost three hundred fathers, mothers and enjthusia§tic boys. With full clergy represent- ation. league executive. com- plete roster of team managers and coaches and all hockey players of the pee wee and min- or-atom hockey divisions on hand the Thornhlll Church‘ Hockey League culminated its “using what surely must have been the greatest hot-dog feed in' the history of Thomhill on March Blst. On hand to help in the festivities were ladies from the Thomhill United Wo- men's Organization and Young Ladies of St. Lukes C.Y.0‘ Plan an HFC Shopper’s Loan to cover a new suit for Dad . . . new Spring and Summer clothing for the whole family . . . even gifts for graduations, weddings and anni- versaries. You make better buys with cash and avoid bills It the end of the month. Instead, you simply pay HFC MONTHLY PAYMENT runs one small monthly AMOUNT amount. HFC money “F 3e so 20 12 LOAN “It: mm M65 mm service is always help- .â€"__._.â€"_._____.__._ 5100 s..... s 6.12 s 9.46 fu1,neighbour1y and 550 2373 32.86 51.24 ‘ - I - 750 31.65 44.13 59.21 confident“ BMW] 1000 41.45 58.11 91.55 and see. Presentations, Hot Dogs&lceCream Winds Up Church Hockey Season S 100 5507 750 1000 1600 2200 2500 . . . . . . SPORT SPOTS...... Whatever or however this trouble comes. the timing is simply uncanny and, from experience we know that it is not confined to any one particular make of television set. There have been three in our house, all made by different companies and all sets peformed, or rather failed to perform, in the same manner at the same crucial times. Like we said, it’s positively uncanny. Not to mention disooncerting, frustrating, annoying, infuriating and darned expen- sive! Guess we’ll just have to call on a neighbour whom we haven’t seen since we cut the grass for the last time in 1961. Wonder if he still lives there?? um un'maib'mmin um um: and m MmmlrmmLmumhflua could III hum 10 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontarlo. Thursdaz, April 12. 1962 -â€" SPORT SPOTS -â€" How is it that every time 3. Stanley Cup series or the Grey Cup comes along the family T.V. set decides to take a holiday? Maybe it’s something engineered into electrOnic circuitry to please housewives or could it be some insidious plot on the part of tube manufacturers? u” a... Any . Following this game a group of factory employees had rented the ice for a little fun. One player stopped one on the end of the nose, and that tender extremity promptly broke. Scant seconds later another one stopped a shot just below the nose and won some seventeen stitches in the upper lip. And Ben Casey never got one piece of the action! (Continued from page 9) mond Hill Tree Service Team started it off early in the first period of his team’s game with the Orphans. MacMillen was cut over the right eye, got it taped up and finished out the game as if nothing had happened. If the injury bothered him at all it certainly did not show as he made many brilliant saves. v F. E. Gama, Manager 15 Yang. Street North Tole; PLAN A LOAN T0 931i? HOUSEHOLD FINANCE 107.52 WW 23 73 41.45 68.81 BiShOP Fran- St- Edwards; 3 Cambray, Father E. G. RICHMOND HILL â€"- SPORT SPOTS â€"â€" 32.86 44.13 58.11 94.11 129.41 147.05 $ 9.46 51.24 69.21 91.56 146.52 201.46 228.93 for their newly acquired trophy High 1 also re-echoed and reaffirmed with an Mr. Evans' inspiring message 356 singl to the boys. His Excellency ed a 783 ‘proudfully recalled that the 734 (308 lleague had operated for two (323) and years without any boys having Vern Th incurred a penalty for fighting (249)_ Jo}- and emphasized that credit for Thomaso. such go'od sportsmanship and bons 572 Manager Jack Sloane and Captain Chuck McCaIfery re- ceived the Bolger Trophy for the pee wee victory while Thor- nlhill United Manager Ron Bagg and Captain Bobbie MacIntosh accepted the inaugural present~ 311011 of the Davis Cup for win- ning the minor~atom laurels‘ His Excellency. BlshopVVMar- rocco in expressing the grat~ nude of the St. Edward Team Highlighting the whole a!- fair was the awarding of troâ€" phies and crests to the two championship teams. St. Edward Pee Wees and Thornhill United Minor-Atoms. Presentations of the John R. Bolger Trophy and the Lloyd Davis Cup were made by former NHL star Murray Henderson, a veteran of sever- al years service with the B05- ton Bruins and now a local re~ sidem of Thomhlll. The entire slate of twenty~ five coaches and managers were then introduced and presented with hockey crests for all boys of their teams. This fine body of men included the following: John MacKay. Bruce Stevens, Earl Patton and Dick Tanner of Thornhill Presbyterian Church; Lou Ronan, Ernie Bre- nnan and Jack Flanagan of St. Lukes; Norm Davidson, Ed Windsor, lvor Francies, Stu He- pburn, Ron Bagg. Bob MacIn- tosh and George Shll’ton of Thomth United; Bob Law, Ian Ross, Bob Cameron, Jim Jar- rell, Don Jackson, Lloyd E1- vidge, Les Moore and Ted Tom- 1kins of Holy Trinity Anglican; Church; Jack Sloane, AI Col- lins and Ray Bilz of St. Ed~ wards Church. Willowd‘ale. Vice-President M-acdonell was asked to briefly outline the history of the league and in doing so emphasized that the principles embodied in the operation of the Thomhill {Church League called for partâ€" icipation of the many. regardless of their, as yet, untapped and undeveloped potential. proudly acknowledged the fact that they regularly meditaxted in prayer before each game. Telephone TU 4-4431 Life Insurance availablo an I” loans phy High man was Les Chidley ned with an 806 helped out by 3 age 356 single. Stan Shadoff record- ncy ed a 783 (350), Art McGeachie the 734 (308), Mike Parrett 726 EWO (323) and Vic Palmer 718 (263)“ {11g Vern Thompson hit for 706} mg (249), John Allen 689 (252), Jackl fgflrhomason 682 (275). Vic Rib-l u.“ “5 gum usuch ,yuu uuuw, .uJuaI. ; J. mu JW‘ t . For a hook ball, line your- Osition 311;”. Remember. tthe.league's best with Ida Madlll self up on the left side of the owem. always adjust it: the mum: 711 (253‘. Dot WEbstel'lane. Just how far left of cen- same direction in which your carded 665 4254). Marge Black‘tre you stand depends on the a- ball is missing - - if you missed 633 (225‘. Molly Freeman 627 mount of break you have on the pin on fl! left side. shift «245m. Rita Cornack 626 (286». your ball. ‘your start position a trifle lett. Gerry Stewart 620 (276) and If you are aiming by usingJNEXT: The Back-up Ball - 1 Audrey Harris’ 774 (280) was Pins. Jean Nugent‘s Lucky Strikes and Irene Bartlett's A1- ley Cats vying for the top plac- ing in the roll-ofi's. Elections were held last week for league executive pasitlons for next season. President-elect ls Madge Nicholson. Del Saint wlll handle the secretarial chore with Ida Madill looking after thg money as treasurer. Play-offs in itfiévliez‘iigue start this week with Ida Madill's Tail gliders. Hilda Ludlow's Two Bill Jones has an average of 235. Art McGeachie 229. Stan Shadoff 228. John Allen 218 and Vic Palmer 208. Jeanne Rich- ardson is tops in the ladies' group with a 213 average, Pat Jones has a 209 going and Mur- iel Steven 199. Madge Nichol- son has an average of 197 and Ev. Jones a 190. " Thursday Afternoon Dorothy Hincks topped the "1030“ When it hits the Pins. ladles‘ scores with a 721 [291). mixing them fhoroughly- On the Jeanne Richardson 717 (270), other hand. If it breaks more Pat Allen 530 (251) and Pat than six feet in front of the Jones 502 {243). headpin. it h_as 105t most of its Bill Jones has an average of 591“ by the “me “- Strikes‘ 235. Art McGeachie 229. Stan The amount 0f "break" You Shadoff 228. John Allen 218 and 39‘ 0" a “00" 1’3“ depends 0“ Vic Palmer 208. Jeanne Rich-many “C‘m- “WWW Wt" ardson is tops in the ladies' cularly tn! fi°°r fimSh "1 the arm". uer . 01': um-..“ 13-;13ne- Len McLean fired 653 (233),l Jack Harcourt 650 (250). Ron! Ribbons 648 (235), Bill Jones‘ 646 (272) and Ed. Fleming 643 (229). Ken Clubine finished with a 629 (235) count. J. Ma- travers 621 (242), Joe Jeff: 621 (273), Jim King 620 (256). Bob Steven 608 (233) and Robbie Amos 602 (230). 659 (268) Eastslders . The Eastslders are turning In some very plain and fancy scores as the season comes to a close next week. Jim Murphy knocked over a total of 612 (207). Dorothy Fos- ter 611 (216). Mel Ward 611 (233), Anne Piirto 609 (245), Ivy Hudson 603 (235), and Ella Turnbull 603 (218). Clare Hudson was the top producer on the night with a count of 767 (299). Fran Stan- way hit for 744 (251), Art Fos- ter 676 (244) and Harry Saint 614 (242). Top man on the night’s ac- tion was Bob Hudson with a total of 856. Henry Knuckey was second with 818. Mel Raw~ linson rolled 774, Norm Heintz- ‘man 773. A1 Richardson 764 and 10111 Lemperg 758. Army. Navy, Air Force With the league well into the play offs, next week will he the last night of action in the lea- gue. ; Team standings in the league ‘are listed below: Tim Saul is pacing the high average race by clipping along at 240. Bob Hudson has a 237 av- erage, Norm Roberts 233, Henry K‘nuckey 233 and Al Rich-ardw son and Norm Thomas 232 each.‘ Frank Cull was the winner of ‘the tourney with a count of 887 with Mario Vettese taking sec- ond spot with a count of 817 Vettese was the blg winner as he also collected the five strike and headpin pot. ABC Major ABC No. 2 74 points, Davis & Day 63, Dynes Jewellers 60. Macdougall Pontiac 57, Turnbull Groceries 55, ABC No. 1 50, Bowen Bombers 45, ABC No. 3 45. Liquifiame 43, Sports 41, Dobby's Sport and Cycle 40, John's Boys 40, Michael’s Gift Shop 39, Hall’s Fuel Oil 37. Al- bion Construction 23, Frank’s Movers 16. Gary Wise was tops in the male division with a total of 592 (245). Cliff Grimes tallied 567 (223), Jim Nugent 555 (227). Andy Jensen 552, Ed Patterson 551, George Bun-ston 5421204) John Gilchrist 541. Garrett Ri- chardson 537 (212) and Len Moss Jr. 533. ABC 60 Ball Tournament Edna Maybury led the scor- Ing parade for the ladies with 559 (215). Sandy Richards roll- ed 508 (188), and Dot Boyer 504 (202). Vi Lawrle tossed 483 (177), Iris Scammell 473 (167) and Peggy Weldemvan 462 (164). Pam Graham still has a 162 average and seems to have first place well under control in this division. Ben Pignxateili leads the men with a 173 average fol- lowed by Garrezt Richardson. at 172.Ted VVflson and Ed Pafler- son are each tied with 170 aver- ages. 7 A i Thomson‘s SunOco lead the league with a total of 30 points, followed by Rumble Transport with 29 and G 8; G Hl-Hopes a the 28 point mark. Turner Taxi has 27 points going. one point better than Bunston Carpentry‘s 26 points. Guarnaccio Ltd. now own 25 points, Professional Bowling Service 23 and Thriftv Shoppers 22 points. CFGM-lalo have 19 points in their favour while Rose Gardens bring up the rear with 19 points. 10 Pin Mixed League (298) and Pete Evans 9 PIN ‘3 PATTER i For most bowlers. it's not first dot left at centre. Roll {wise to try controlling the a- your ball over the centre dart ‘mount of break by changing to hit the headpln: stand one your delivery speed. If you dot to the right (on the centre want more break. give the ball dot) to hit the left corner pin; more spin by gripping with stand one dot to the left of your thumb lower down. This your starting place to hit the way, your hand can twist more right corner pin. In this method. during delivery. you always roll your ball over If you want less break. grip the centre dart. with your thumb held high on To hit the 3-pin, just move the ball. This way you won‘t half the distance you go when have your hand so much under- trying for the corner pine. heath the ball when you start If you find these precise the swing, so you won‘t be able spot pesitions aren’t exactly to twist your “Tist as much ri ht fer the particular hook during your delivery. be you threw. adjust your For a hook ball, line your- Osition thaw. Remember. self up on the left side of the owever. alwm' adjust in the lane. Just how; far left of‘cen- tune direction in which your The hook is so Widely used because it is both an effective ball - - with lots of mixing action to take down pins - - and it ~is also an accurate ball. It is far easier to control than a curve. t The closer to the headpjn a hook “breaks”, the better it works. If it breaks to the left When it is just about one foot away from the headpin. the ball ‘still has most of its spinning motion when it hits the pins. mixing them fhoroughly. On the other hand. If it breaks more Generally. the slower you roll the ball, the more “break” you get' on it. Roll it faster, and you get less "break". ‘ When throwing a curve ball, ‘you roll your hand upwards [toward the top of the ball, in 1a counter-clockwise rotation, during your forward swing. To throw a hook, you allow your wrist to twist only half way around as you are delivering it. The “hook” is similar to the curVe ball in that it veers from right to left across the lane. The curve, however, moves in a long, smooth are all the way ‘down the lane. The hook ball travels most of the way in a straight line, breaking 0fo shar- 1p1y to {Jhe left just ahead of the‘ headpin. 7 ‘ A _ _1 The “hook” ball is the type of delivery rolled by more how- lers than all types of ball com- bined. Most people find it the most natural ball to throw. How To Roll 1 Hook Ball ‘ Team standings are as follows: Current Overt Series All Manufacturers Life 54 193 Dynes Jewellers 45 135 ‘RH. Auto Wreckers 43 139 Turnbuil Groceries 34 135 Allencourt Pharm. 33 101 iHughes Shell Ser. 29 117 Aliencourt Lanes 28 133 Dan‘s Esso Ser. 28 94 Nutri-Bio 24 94 Canadian Tire 23 32 Kent Clothes 19 57‘ Rothman's King Size 17 72 Al Richardson and Stan Sha- dofi fought off the challenge of‘ 46 entries and won the Majors" Doubles tournament with a to? tal of 587 pins. Dan Boyle and Harold Hewlett teamed up to win second place money with a total of 566. Manufacturers Life Dynes Jewellers ‘RH. Auto Wreckers Turnbull Groceries Allencourt Pharm. lHughes Shell Ser. Allencourt Lanes Dan‘s Essa Ser. Nutri-Bio Canadian Tire Kent Clothes Rothman's King Size Arne Skretteburg continues to dominate the high average race with a 248 going in his fa- vour. Tim Saul is enjoying a 240 average. A1 Richardson 239. 8111 Jones 238. Larry Bishop 237, Stan Shadoff 235 Bob Wgeks 233 and Art Mczéeacme 23 . Roy Russell paced the league with a fabulous 941 count and a high single gems of 410. Stan Shadofl’ ended the nlght with a total of 911 and a single game of 416. Larry Bishop tal- lied an 845, Art McGeachie 837, Bob Weeks 819, Les Chidley 784 and B11! Jones 764. Games over the 200 mark were rolled by Del Saint (245). Lorna McBrlen (240). NOreen Clouter (225), Connie Smith (221). and Jean Smith (218), Bev. Brocklehurst finished with (216), Jean Nugent (211), Dorothy Garnett (211). Gladys Rogers‘ (210), Ruby Piercey (207). Lor-‘ \raine Carwardine 202), and Ruth‘ Proctor and Hllda Ludlow 200 even. , Allencourt Major 1 By Bert Garside & Jim Hon“ Chief Bowling Instructor- Double Diamond Advisory Council Hazel Ritchie 600 (2.57) HOW TO BOWL FIVE PINS 54 43 34 33 28 28 24 23 19 . THE HOOK BALL . If you aim by the “Rear Sight“ method of switching the spot where you stand. start off by positioning yourself over the first dot left at centre. Roll your ball over the centre dart to hit the headpln: stand one dot to the right (on the centre dot) to hit the left corner pin: stand one dot to the left of your starting place to hit the right corner pin. In this method. you alwayeyoll your ball over Roll your ball over the centre dart. Suppose you hit the dart, but miss the headpin on the left side. Shlfi: your body a lit- tle to the left. and roll again over the cemtre dart. Once youv 've found the proper place to stand to hit the head-pin, you on aim for the right and left earner pins by rolling over they first dart to the right or left‘ respectively; you hit the 3-pins‘ by rolling between the darts. different dam in from: or the foul line for sighting, sta-nt off by positioning your right foot over the first dot to the left of centre in the lane floor where yog spot yogrgpproach. In the Clancy series the Hot-i nets won against Bert Robinson 5-2 at Woodbridge and tied 2-2 with Faustina at Lakeshore Ar- ena. The Hornets now go ag- ainst Bert Robinson in a two game goals to count series for the Clancy series championship. Despite being out of action Var a month due to a severe knee injury, Dave Broderick has set ‘va new scoring record for the Hornet team. Over a stretch of 40 gnmes. he rapped in a total of 57 goals to come up with an average of 1.425 goals per game. Congratulations to the high Scoring Mr. Broderick! Last week was an extremely busy one for the Hornets as they played a tom of five games, winning three, tying 1 and losing 1. The loss came in the “Little N.H.L.” series and wes a calamitous 105 to Scar- boro as it eliminates the Hor- nets trom further play in the series. In a game at Newmarket Iastj Friday. the Flyers were troun- ced 4-0 as the North York Lea- gue got under WAy. An inspired Newmarket attack kept the Fly- ers off balance for the first two periods. In the third period the Flyers stormed to the attack but were unable to beat the‘ iNewmarket net-minder. the next game of the series should‘ rove to be a real thriller as the lyera will be fighting to stay alive in the series. gradericl: Sets. and Phyl Richard other skips. The winner of the 9 1m. draw was Doris Vance. Peg Austin. Marie Gibson and Ruth Chandler. The second high three game winner was Mrs. Yott. The high two game was Mrs. Noble's Hamilton Victoria rink. Mrs. Molly Hood and her Union- ville girls Were one game win- ners. The three game winner and also the trophy winner was on the 11 am. draw . The second ILC s were the three game was Phyl Richards, skip, Dot Wilson. vice, Pat Thompson, second. and Nona lule narm Trophy is the ultin ate was won by Nona Bedwel ‘skip. Dorothy Harley, vice. Lo Nordin. second and Ann Swar‘ lead. Runners up were Dot \Vi son. Julie Bowden. Mary Ba row and Norma Doyle. The Brokenshire Trophy We won by Peg Austin. She w; supported by Joan Taylor. H zel Booth and Mildred Chassi Runners up were Joan Kir patrick. Nona Bedwell. Jedd Marple and Helen McGowa Doris Vance won the secm‘ event at Avonlea’s two day her spiel. Her rink was compose of Nancy Butler. vice~ski| Lorraine Waters. . second, an! Joan Webb, lead. Broderick Sets Scoring Record In Hornet Play John 'Bookalam opened thefii’fxg°‘\vs; scoring fer the Flyers as heThrée ot scored on a pass from Phil‘ Dobbs that broke him into theflmgfl clear. The winning‘ {all} wasm is ve A-LA L" n, n - --- â€" â€"-â€",â€"v ---- (Ladies Curling) lBedwell. le . I. 7 By Ruth Chandler Newmarket “12:: ‘Sggggridgzanzfimatr‘agfi A Richmond Hill rink won‘Qne game mond mu on Wednesday oflhe ngfield Trophy. at them”8 ClUb e1 last week The win sent the Fly-1°pen imitation bonSplel‘ held‘c' R' Mills ers into the North York Leagueon Apr“ 4th: J9“? Butler’ Skip" Th9 Vim finals against Newmarket Blanche Smith. Viceâ€"skip. Anja tertamed fo John Bookalam opened the Beggs. second and Joyce Davev, homes. Th0: scoring for the “yen as heilead. were the lucky winners. M31518 Gib scored on I a“ from Phil,‘Three other rinks had the same June Morga Dom” that broil)” him into themumb'er of pomts. b_ut the But- Anita Brokc clear The winning mly wasrler rink had the highest plus. This was It is very interesting to note able bonsi fired by Jimmy Zubek from ajtha't three of the rinks with success wgs Wild scramble amund the WOOd' 30 points each were from Rich- of Janet Bu bridge net. mond Hill, the fourth was Mrs. The play- Newmnket I . Flyers 0 ,Yott's Weston rink. Doris Vnnmroka a...» n Bob Finlay's bantam Flyers edged Woodbridge 2-1 at Rich- mond Hill on Wednesday of last week. The win sent the Fly- ers into the North York League finals agginst Newmarket. NewmarketMeets Flyers In Final N.Y. League Tilt “LIBERAL” CLASSIFIED GET RESULTS JUST PHONE Mééé TU. 4-1105 Mr. J. Eilbeck, district direct- or of the Community Programs Branch, addressed the recent meeting of the newly-formed ‘Markham committee, giving pointers which would lead to efficient administration and serve the best interests of resi- dents. He cautioned the com- mittee to work with organiza- tions - not to operate them. He} suggested that the committee should present a budget to the township council for im-l ) If 25 people are interested, a one~dvay school for baseball and basketball coaches may be held in Markham Township, as an activity of the new Mark- ham Township Recreation Com- mittee. Those interested should con-tact Mrs. D. J. Metcalfe, secretary of the committee, at Box 28, Unionville. This school would be held in co-operation with the Community Programs Branch of the Ontario govern- ment. The three game winner and also the trophy winner was on the 11 am. draw . The second three game was Phyl Richards, skip, Dot 'Wilson, vice. Pat Thompson, second. and Nona Training For Ball Team Coaches Now Possible, Markhamites Told Recreation Committee Starts Work 30 points each were from Rich- mond Hill, the fourth was Mrs. Yott's Weston rink. Doris Vance and Phyl Richards were the other skips. ~v,.\, “we The BroRé-r-l-s‘hire Tfo h w won by Peg Austin. Sphéy w} ‘supportéd by Joan Taylor. H 312:; aglmlgooth and Mildred Chassi to the number of their mem- bers, with a financial statement, in order to secure any assist- ance needed from the township committee. The committee will hold its? regular meetings on the last! Wednesday each month at 8 pm. in the township offices at‘ Buttonville. Existing recreational organiz- ations In the township are being gskefl to send In information as mediate needs. and then spend time evaluating the recreational requirements of ghe cemmunity. upAflu .._...~_, . Monies 9 nt on recreation in 1962 woud be eligible for grovlnclal grams. said Mr. Eil- eck. He recommended that existing recreational organiza- tions should be encouraged to donate funds to the recreation committee. which in turn would make certain outlays. These would be eligible for provincial grants in 1963. This waswamt-Héx:6ughly enjoy- able bonspiel and much of its success was due to the efforts [of Janet Burns. The visiting rinks were en- tertained for lunch at members homes. Those entertaining were Maisie Gibson. Cecil Coiweil. June Morgan, Janet Burns and Amp-i Brokenshire. IBedwell, lead. Mrs. Cathers‘ ;Ne\vmarket rink won two games. One game winner was a Gra- fr’l‘itencmyuentry skipped by Mm I The play-off games in which ‘the Earth Trophy is the ultim- ate was won by Nona Bedwel]. skip. Dorothy Harley. vice. Loi Nordin. second and Ann Swart lead. Run-nets up were Dot Wi son. Julie Bowden. Mary Ba my. ang Norma Doyle. Phone 285-1973 Singer Sale A Thon DOOR PRIZE RICHMOND HILL Special Notice: The Draw Will Be Made at 2:00 pm on Saturday, April 14th. a sparkling window CALL COLLECT A MIJ for a Window cleaze: Winter is past See a brighter EASTER f SINGER SEWING CENTRE Mrs. Walcroft, Home Economics Teacher at at Bayview High School, wiII make the draw. ALL CONTESTANTS WELCOME J COLLECT wmogw CLEANING 884 - 5602 EYE â€" SORE? 18A YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL Established 1878 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill EASTER through TU. 4-2931 HY

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