88 Baker Ave.. Richmond Hill Day or Evenlnn TU. 4-1745 Typewriters - \dding Machines s‘ALES ~ SERVICE - RENTALS vour office mIcMne sprelallst’ Willowdale M eadowview Willowdale Steeles Jewell _ Highland Park Blvd. Jewell Woodward Jewell ' Grandview Jewell Meadowview Jewell (Extended) Highland Park Blvd. Woodward Grandview Grandview Avenue Dudley Avenue Dudley Avenue Meadowview Dudley (extended to Painting AND _ Paperhangmg .VILLOW PAINTING After allowing an estimated grant of $75,000 from the Department of Highways. the estimated annual cost of the storm sewer project is $26,087, which includes interest, debt retirement, operating cost and reserve for renewals. replacements and contingencies. It is proposed to raise the sum of $15,180 by a frontage rate of 60c per foot; $3,020 by a connection charge of $7.55, and $7,887 by a special levy of approximately 7 mills on the storm sewer area. On the basis of these levies a house on a 60' lot assessed for a total of $2,500 would pay annually the following amounts: 60’ Frontage at 60c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 36.00 Service Connection at $7.55 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7.55 Sewer Area Levy 7 Mills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.50 . . 1962. '. CNR Ditch) Steeles Avenue Steelea Avenue Dudley Avenue Highland Park Blvd. Dudley Highland Park Blvd. Steeles Willowdale Willowdale Woodward Woodward Willowdale Grandview STORM SEWERS 0N Any owners or persons affected and who are unable to attend at the hearing may ï¬le their objections with the Clerk of the Township of Mark- ham or with the Ontario Municipal Board. 145 Queen Street West, Toronto, on or before the 24th day of April, 1962. All plans, reports and estimates may be inspected at the office of the undersigned during business hours. The above appointment is for the hearing of an application made by The Ontario Water Resources Commission on behalf of the Corporation of the Township of Markham for approval of an agreement with the Commis- sion for the construction by the Commission of a storm sewer system at an estimated cost of $360,000 and for the repayment of the same over a period of thirty years. INCLUDING PRIVATE SEWER CONNECTIONS, CATCH BASINS AND NECESSARY APPURTENANCES $360,000 TAKE NOTICE that The Ontario Municipal Board hereby appoint: Friday, the 27th day of April, 1962. at the hour of ten o’clock in the fore- noon (local time) at the Council’s Chambers, in the Township of Markham (at Buttonville) for the hearing of all persons interested in support of or in opposition to the application for approval of the construction of the storm Ewelrggï¬stem described in Schedule “A†attached hereto and proposed By- w . a . o IN THE MATTER OF an application by the Ontario Water Resources Commission on behalf of the Corporation of the Township of Markham for approval of the entering by the said Corporation into an agreement with the said Commission for the construction by the said Commission of a storm sewer system at an estimated cost of $360,000, and IN THE MATTER OF an application by the said Corporation for approval of its proposed By-law 1894, being a by-law providing for the imposing of a sewer rate on owners or occupants of land who derive or will or may de- rive a beneï¬t from the said storm sewer system within registered Plan 2446. IN THE MATTER OF: Sections 39 and 41 of The Ontario Water Resources Commission Act (R.S.0. 1960, c. 281), Section 64 of the Ontario Municipal Board Act (R.S.O. 1960, c. 274), and Section 880 of The Municipal Act (R.S.O. 1960, 249) â€" and â€" CONTRACTORS CALI. BA. 1-2861 Ice portable models It ‘leht’u Phlmlcy' L H SIMS DATED AT THE TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM this 26th day of March DATED at Toronto, this 8th day'of March,_19(iZ. SCHEDULE “A†TO THE FOREGOING APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING N 0 T I C E TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM The International Plowing The location in the county is, Match - one of Ontario's big- - gest annual attractions - will be at the moment’ uncertain A held in York County in the fall!C°lmty mum?! is ex§mi_n_in8 Grandview r 100’ E. of Dudley Meadowview 300’ W. of Jewell 120’ N. pf Steeles 100’ E. of 'Will‘owdale Highland Park Blvd. 100’ E. of Willowdale Woodward 100‘ E. of Willowdale Grandview ‘ Willowdale Meadowview 100’ E. of Jewell 100’ E. of Jewell 100’ E. of Jewell 120' E. of Yonge 100’ N. of Woodward Grandview 120‘ E. of Yonge Meadowview ‘of 1965 120’ E. of Yonge 100’ W. of Willowdale Steeles 120' E. of Yonge 110’ S. of Woodward Dudley 270’ E. of Willowdale Steeles Highland Park Blvd. 120’ E. of Yonge Dudley Woodward 100’ E. of Dudley Seek Sites For Plowmen '62 Match Delegates Y.W. Neighbours Attend FROM All popullr nukes on land Sneclll Student! mm ONTARIO Clerk, Township of Markham H. C. T. CRISP. (Signéd) B. VICKERS Secretary Meadowview Willowdale CNR outfall Ditch 600’ E. of Jewell Highland ParkBlvd. Jewell ' Woodward JeWell Grandview ' " Jewell Meadowview Jewell CNR outfall‘nimh 600’ E. of Jewell 600’ E. of Jewell 600' E. of Jewell Dudley Avenue Grandview Meadowview Dudley CNR outfall Ditch Dudley Dudley Highland Park Blvd. Dudley Highland Park Blvd. Willowdale Willowdale Highland Park Blvd. Woodward Avenue Dudley Willowdale Grandview Willowdale The county committee places names of spots which it consid- ers suitable before the provin- cial committee, which makes the ï¬nal selection. The location is chosen well ahead of the time of the match as arrangements for it are extremely complex and publicity on a broad scale has to be arranged for. uvuuy; ‘ Seventy-ï¬ve Youn Adults sites. Among them are the Mas. from Nine Young swemen.s sey Harris farm In the southemChrisuan Associations in South- part of Markham Township, the'em AOn-tario recently met at Bales Bros. and Walker farms intFlemingwood Acres in the Hock- East Gwillimbury. and the farm‘ley Valley. The local Richmond of William Sellers, Reeve of‘HlllY.W.l\je1ghbours sent three Sutton and this year's Warden‘representatwes.1\Irs.Drummond of York County, at Sutton. 5Fraser,_ne\vly elected Chairman The county committee places of their Advisory Committee, names of spots which it consid- Mrs. Harold Sorensen and Mrs. ers suitable before the provin- Harry Service members of the cial committee, which makes the East Elmwood - Glenbrae Gross. ï¬nal selection. The location Is Mrs. Fred C. Jackson Y.W. chosen well ahead of the time Extenswn Secretary attended as of the .match as arrangements 3 discussmn leader and resource fm- it are extremelv complex consultant. 'per party. On Wednesday morn- ing the Richmond Acres Group ‘held an Auction of delicious home-baking at the home of Mrs. Mac Richardson, on Wed- nesday afternoon there was a delightful tea, craft display and bake~sale at the Pleasa-ntville ;home of Mrs. Robert McMon- ‘agle. The Beverly Acres and ‘Walter Scott groups donated ch eques from funds previously ra- ised. So all expenses were fully met. The delegates set off gaily on h'iday evening gratefully a- ware that they had the full sup- nnrt and :mod wit-hm nf fhoir n- P.F.E. 7661- - (b) - 61 61.05 Rewards were given to the faithful in the Headford United Church Sunday School when attendance badges were present- ed to those who had met the year's requirements. In the class of Mrs. Harry Burton. Valerie Snyder. Joyce Homer and Roderick Calder received their ï¬rst honor. a pin. in the class of Mrs. Summer Lee: Diane and Debbie Gootch. ï¬rst year pins, to Lary- Burton and Tommy Clarkson, third year ‘bars. Class of Miss Cora Brodie; Jean Clark, second year wreath, Kathleen Burton, third year baa". Rosemary Leek. eight year bani Class of Miss Elizabeth Barker: ‘Linda Snyder and Bruce Terry ‘ï¬rst year pin, Connie Burton and Jenny Calder. third year’ bar, Gloria and Gordon Lee,1 ‘fourth year bar. Hi-C members, ‘Sharon Johnston and Murray ‘Clarkson, fifth year bar, Austin Johnson, seventh yea-r bar.’ Officers in the Sunday School,» David Rumble. tenth bar and Charles Barker, eleventh bar. Class of John Rumble; Keith, and Richard Burton. third year' bar. Michael Calder second year wreath. Bobby Lee, fourth ,year bar. Billy Clarkson, fifth, iyear bar, David Terry. eight‘ year bar. ‘ Ayrshire Banquet ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Bar- ker. Mr. and Mrs. George Bar- ker, Charles, Elisabeth and Trevor Varley attended the Tor- onto Ayrshire Club Banquet held In the United Church. Myrtle. Of special interest to Headford people in the present- Mr. and Mrs. George Clarke Senior. are proud grandparents of a new grandson born to Mr. and Mrs. George Clarke J union of Markham, last Friday. Among the membens of the cast of “The Toy Shop" one of Ithe numbers of last week’s Un- ‘ionviIIe Skating Clwb Oamival were Laurie and Kathy Mel~‘ vln and Beth Stew-art, who‘ were mice; Susan Stewart. 1 ballerina, and Mary Lyn Snider a Eember of The Ballet Four. The generous response from' Former agricultural repre- neighbours is appreciated by sentatIV'ev_ "Moff" Cockburn the local committee. Showed Plctures of interest to Mrs. Robert Britnen. chair- the club and Frank Cook, Bnad- man of the branch expressed‘ford Save Ilfï¬n‘ceful address on her gratitude for the articlesm‘le PfisponSlbllity 0f maintain- for sale and the work contribu't-lin'g high standards. ed. She said the response \vasl Elizabeth Bau‘kel‘ was the excellent and the success of theggyest 0f GOT?†Mlll'l'a'y, Wood- venmre was due to an who vxlle on. Apnl 8. Gordon was a helped, 4-H ‘Tl'lp to Britain‘ winner in Sunday School }961- Hï¬â€˜had the happy thought Brown’s Corner: United Ohuwh Women sent invitations to a “make-believe tea" recentâ€" ly. Return letters have been received from points as far a- way as Whitehorse and many other parts of Canada. To date the gifts sent in have amounted to‘more thfm $99.00. The executive committee 'of Brown's Corners United Church Women, Unit 1 met at the home of Mrs. Gordon Bnumwell last Tuesday. to arrange the April meeting of the unit, which will be held at the church April 17. at 8:15 pm. Guest speaker will be Mrs. Loren Guild. Headfoa'd women assisting at the rummage sale April 7, spon- sored by GHV Branch of Cent- ra'l York Hospital Auxiliary were, Mrs. Carl Wallace, Mrs. Elmer Leek, Mrs. Harry Burton, Mrs. George Barker and Rose- mary» Leek. Mrs. Joe Rbbihgon, newly appointed chairman 0! Button- Now April is here the Cancer Campaign is getting underway. Mrs. Gordon Purves is lining up calnvassers, and. in this area, a- mong those working will be Mrs. DeNike, Mrs. Douglas Hood, Mrs. Aubrey Stephenson. Mrs. Norman Reid and Miss Mary Rodick. A benefit euohre will be held at Buitonvine W.I. Hall, April 27. Rev. Dr. A. F. Binnington ministered Communion at Brown’s Corners United Church last Sunday, and received six new members â€" Mr. and Mrs. Biruce Armstrong, Mrs. Ann Ain‘ley, Tom Arnold, Jeffrey Coleman and John Steffle'r. On Tuesday 153; ï¬i‘s. Arthur Gossman in East Elmwood, was hostess at a fund-raising su-p- ’dramatic triologue “Man In ‘The Middle". The very able stars were Miss- Ann-a Fuller, ers. Service and Mrs. Soren- ‘sen. Miss Fuller is from British Honduras and is at present on ‘the staff of the National YWCA. Following the tragic storm ‘which almost wiped out her ihome city of Belize. Miss Ful- ilecr was loaned to the Canadian Red Cross to accompany and ‘ ssist in distribution of Canadian Gifts of emergency supplies to British Honduras. It is hoped that Miss Fuller will shorty visit Richmond Hill and that the trio will give a local pre- sentation of their thought pro-1 vokinvg drama. All Y.W. Neighbours in Rich- mon-d Hill cooperated in in-l geneous ways to send these Conference delegates. | The Sunday Meditation: and Qiscussions were based on a Southern Ontario Area Conference ER. 2. Gormley BUTTONVILLE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. I. n. LEAF R. R. 2 Gormley Phone AXmlnster 3-8188 HEADFORD NEWS Mrs. Loren Guild I able Fuller, Soren- British em on (WCA. storm It her s Ful- nadian y and nadian lies to; hopediEvaIOYment shorty :1 that a pre- st pro- Rich- in in- these mm: d, was I 511-!!- Mr. Ramjit Hall. native of India but now a Canadian Cit- izen and representative of the Dept. of Citizenship and Im- migration gave a very stimula- ting key-note speech on the Conference Theme “Design for Living and the special Needs of Women and Girls". There were lively discussions on the implications for girls and “'0- men in Christian Citizenship, Family Life, Preparation for and Comm-unity Responsibility. A banquet with a beautiful floral arrangement and all the other trimmings,‘ attended in slacks proved to be great fun. The banquet speaker, Mrs. Ireland of Gait, gave a sparkling add‘resa and accom- panied herself on the guitar as she presented folk songs old and new. A hay-ride, sing songs and good fellowship made the week- end memorable. I nation that was made to Freeman ’n- Barker for the performance of rt- his cow, Sunshine Hollow Fay ry who. in 12 lactation periods rs. produced 126,136 pounds of m, milk. Twp year; an the same The 1961 delegates brought pictures and suggestions and were prepared to answer ques- ‘tions and in every way offer aid to make the going easier tfor the 1962 group who leave Canada May 17. Dangerous Fire 4-H ‘Trip to Britain' winner in 1961. He had the happy thought to combine a reunion with his three fellow winners as guests along with the four 1962 win- ners. Elizabeuh represents York ngnty. A grass ï¬re swept acrou the ï¬eld from the Shubrook home on third line on the Lftemoon of April 5. Famed by a south west mind it leaped the road to burn the ï¬eld of dry grass between the farm of Stewart Rumble and the home of Doug- las Calder. Efficient flailing with wet sad“ by Stewart and Dick Keys kept the ï¬re from the Calder home, which Is sur~ rounded by cedars. The Rich- mond Hill Fire Brigade answer- ed the call immediately and had the ï¬re under control in quick time. \ Mrs. A. F. Binningbon con- ducted the devotional service, ‘and Mrs. William Rodick, for- ‘mer president of W.M.S., in- :trqguced the speaker. "um. 1W0 years ago [1118 same cow ranked third highest 1n Cagada for production. Elizaâ€"'beth Béi‘iiéf was the guest of Gordon Murray, Wood- ville on_ April_ 8, Gordon was a C. STLWDEN '{ichmond H'r’ TU. 4-12’ Last Wednesday Mrs. J. D. Booth of Kettleby was guest speaker when Brown's Corners United Church Women held their ï¬rst thankoffering meeting since the ingeptlon of u..-.... -- Drains Cleaned & Repaired U.C.W. Mrs. Booth is l-éidEEéIIiï¬ development chairman for York Prgbytpry. Mrs’. Hirold Sterner o'c‘cupied the chair and Mrs. S. J. Eng- lish played the piano. Mrs. Stgghen-spn sang. Hostesses were Mrs. Birming- ton. Miss Mary Rodick and Mrs. Frank Oliver. assisted by Mrs. D. Hood and Mrs. George "14.4, Clarke Sanitary Contractor April meeting of Buttonvllle W.I. will be held April 18, at the home of Miss Cora Brodie. Leslie Street. Mrs. George Hoo~ per will give a make-up demon- gm‘atlon, and the election of of: ficers will be held. Hostesses will be William McGim-p- sey, Mrs. Harry Lak and Miss Cor-a Brodie. Brown's Corners U.C.W. Friday evening at this week at Buttonville W.I. Hall, But- 'tonville W.I. members are spon- Ysoring a euchre party, the pro- ceeds at which win aid crippled children. Bugtohyillc W_.I. Meeflnz ville unit of the York Central Hospital Auxiliary, and Mrs. George Kelly attended the ex- ecutive meeting of the auxiliary at Richmond Hill Library last Thursday. Mrs. Walter Craig has been in and away {mm school re« cently. Mis. Georg-e Kelly celebrated her birthday April 3. Euchre . ware that they had the full sup- port and good Wis-hes of their as- sociates and their husbands who nobly volunteered as "Sitters" for the week-end. Septic Tank: Pumped Phono ’l‘U. 4-8040 |-‘lCubs ‘300 young people are expected P, The lst Jefferson Scouts andrto attend the conference. It is lSiCubs father and son banquet has>for this reason that members of tflcome and gone, and undoubted-line congregation of St. John‘s I'lly it lived up to the expecta- Church are being asked if they 3"tions of the boys. 01' the lOOgcan provide billets for some of dpeisons expected. between 80 the young peeple. If you have e'and 90 turned out. One of the the room and desire to accom- "more prominent dinner guests modate a guest. or more. please d was Ron Sculthorpe. District contact the Rev Mr. Michell. ’ Commissioner for the York Sum-{Guiding Rally l'mit District. April 4. marked the date of y! The dinner. Pl'epal‘e‘i I Iand a never-to-be-forgotten evening y served by the mothers' all-Ullaâ€? in the lives of some 5,000 mem- " consisted of turkey with all the be†of the "Great Game of F: trimmings, followed by applelGuid.ing"_ ‘ n:- null Inn nu--.â€" } The ï¬re, started on a neigh- ‘bours’ land, swept across the‘ \back of an adjoining neighbours‘; lot and down onto the McN‘air‘ property where it then com: pletely destroyed the barn which stood directly in Its path. f Fortunately the livestock, 1n- cludin-g two newly purchased sheep and a two day old lamb were saved through the clear- headedness of a Wimbrldge Cleaner driver. who was passing. Youth Conference The 15th annual Diocesan Youth Conference is meeting April 27, 28, 29. at St. Mary’s and St. Gabriel’s Churches in Richmond Hill, and at All Saints' Church in King. About I Masters David and John Rob- ertson of Brookside Rd.. play- ‘ed hosts to 5-year-old Master ‘Jimmy Wilkie of Oak Ridges. who spent the week-end at their home. A small grass ï¬re and a lot of wind damaged about $1,000. worth of barn and equipment owned by Clark McNair of Brooksida on Wednesday, April Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rushlow (nee Linda Hall) of Toronto spent last Saturday at the home of Jim’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph R-ushlow on Brookside. Recently the “Crow’sâ€"nest of} Turmoil Abbey" was the happy‘ setting of a double birthday party. The receivers of the good wishes and gifts were Peter andi i Paul Ratchford of Brookside Rd. Peter shared his fun with schooll chums B-ruce Thomasson andlv ‘Bradley Morris, while Paul had Stewart Chubb and Robert Hail]- \gren as his guests. The bro- thers and sisters of Peter and Paul could not resist joining in,‘ the fun of an afternoon that was? very much enjoyed by all. I“ Members of the W.A. of St. John's Church plan a spring tea to be held in the parish hall, Thursday. April 26, at 2 pm. Along with the tea a rummage and bake sale will be held. Neighbourhood Notes Present at the ï¬reside held last Sunday, was Mrs. M. Bey- non of Aurora, accompanied by Mrs. John Kerr of Clarkson and Miss Laura Young of Lorne Park. I A ï¬reside was held in the upper room of the parish hall ‘at St. John’s Church last Sun- day, April 8th. Speaker for the ‘evening was Mr. Walter Ermine, a member of the Church Army, hailing from Alingiy, Saskat- chewan, where he hopes to re- iurn when he completes his training with the Church Army. 'Mr. Ermine spoke on his con- version to Christianity and what it has meant to him. Later those present competed in A short Bible quiz and the evening was rounded off with the serving of refreshments. W.A. ALV After dinner, the lst Jeï¬er-‘mat g son Scout Troop presented its attend former leader, Mr. E. Ensor,Elizab With I plaque. in appreciation groum for the time he served as their might Scoutmaster (a total of four Guide year5)- fnunrh The dinner. prepared and served by the mothers' auxiliary consisted of turkey with all the trimmings. followed by apple pie and ice cream. Auuuucl l 7 The Cubs of 151 Jefferson] This dis Pack would like at this time to by Joan thank the members of the Mot- Jeï¬epSOn ‘hers’ Auxiliary and the group toff of the committee for making the even- and 3â€,“ ing such an enjoyable one. Gray, Church News I A: 2 nu Cancer is the name given to the uncontrolled growth of body cells. Often this growth can be completely stopped -â€" if caught in time. Fight cancer with a checkup and a cheque. FACT FOR THE WEEK: Elgin Mills & Jefferson News CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Richmond Hill Unit CORRESPONDENT; Mabel Louise Robertson Brookslde Road TU. 4-1398 the ï¬reside held‘ was Mrs. M. Bey- ;, accompanied by 7r of Clarkson and Young of Lorne nest ofl 5 happy virthday he good of St.| i It was during that evening 5:1“ that girls from all over Ontario I“ attended a rally at the Queen 01‘. Elizabeth Building, C. N. E. of! grounds. in order that they 311' might meet their World Chief Not only did your correspon- dent see and hear the incom- parable Lady Bâ€"P, but we had the honor of exchanging a “Guide Handshake" with her. As a member of the 2nd 0n- tario Lone Rangers. your cor- respondent was privileged to attend. accompanied by her fel- low member in Lones, Miss Car-‘ oline Phillips of Um'onvflle. The girls were driven to the rally by the captain and lieutenant of l the lst York North Land Ranger‘ Divjsion Company. ‘ Guide (and wife of their late founder) Lady Baden-Powell. This district was represented by Joan Munroe of the ï¬rst Jeï¬er§op Brownies. Adele Cos- 'I' - PASTE PARAMETI‘ES 20-02. REG. $7.50 TABLETS APRIL CLEARANCE ASPIRIN RESDAN Consult Our Expert Cosmetician, “Miss Lee Collinsâ€; On Your Beauty Problems ‘bn y6ur orig neéds! LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN f the ï¬rst Jefferson druidâ€"5s Brown Owl Mrs. David 4 Levendale Rd. â€" Richmond Heights Centre SOUTH BLOCK TU.4-4444 FREE DELIVERY 9am. to 10pm. EXTRA FREE VALUES ON DELIVERIES RICHMOND HEIGHTS DRUGS PARAMETTES BOTTLE OF 100 REG. $6.00 BOTTLE OF 100 REG. 93c With Each $1.00 Order FREE Absorbent Cotton. Value 39c With Each $2.00 Order FREE Dr. West Tooth Brush, Value 69c With Each $3.00 Order FREE Hibitaine Lozenges for Sore Throat, Value $1.00 With Each $4.00 Order FREE Silicare Baby Lotion by Revlon, With Each 5.00 Order FREE 1 lb. Box Chocolates, Your Choice, Neilson’s, Cadbury, etc. MODESS 48’s REG. $1.86 $3.98 LARGE REG.\$2.25 $3929 CREST REG. $1.05 $1.39 $1.59 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, April 12. 196 69¢ 69¢ 1" - I I u I I I It’i‘i‘i‘u’ I as RICHMOND HILL 1 {‘90 COMMERCIAL CLEANERS 53553553555355.9555 355535355555555555 :““““‘I“‘-‘I\‘ lcnmond H111. Ontario, Thursday, April 12, 1962 __1_3 F‘Iiï¬iII-I-‘I‘i-i‘i‘: SUN GLASSES 3 FOR $1.00 3 FOR $1.00 FRESH FILM '/z VITAMIN IRON TONIC CIGARETTES FREE ROLL FILM WITH EACH ROLL BROUGHT IN FOR DEVELOPING Best Quality Advertised in LIFE 620. 127. 120 BLACK & WHITE REG. 60c REG. $1.98 - $4.98 MALTLEVOL 12 REG. $3.50 $3.09 PER CTN. 20’s FOR FOR FOR FLOORS SANDED. STAINS REMOVED - WAXED We specialize in all types of floors Complete professional work . . .Free information, estimates on floors. .. Jazziéqyflervices and Supplies $2943 when you need it to pay those bills! ATLANTIC FINANCE Call or drop in . . . CORPORATION LIMITED 31 YONGE ST. NORTH RICHMOND HILL PHONE 884-4458 7, ...' $1.25 PHONE TU. 4 . 3714‘ COUGH SYRUP KLEENEX 400’sâ€"A LL COLOURS REG. 36c ICE CREAM BRYLCREAM REG. 0R SUPER SILVERWOOD’S REG. 39c PINT PIN TS 89c LARGE TUBE REG. 980 REG. $1.19 FOR FOR REG. 510 VICK 44 69¢ NW†Value $1.50 59c 79¢