JOHN ADDISON CKVR-TV CHANNEL BY A NEWSPAPER EDITOR at 6:10 pm. THURSDAY APRIL 19th QUESTIONED ON GREENFIELD KILLS CRAB GRASS SEEDS AS THEY SPROUT! why I got into politics? Liberal Candidate For York North ILANCO PRODUCTS DIVISION ' ELI LILLY AND COMPANY KANADA) LIMITED 0 SCARBOROUGH. ONTARIO WHILE WEARCN LABORATORIES Gr‘é'éniielf WATCH E. T. STEPHENS INVESTMENTS LIMITED .205 YONGE STREET RICHVALE BARBIE I New Greenfield Double Action Crab Grass Killer contains Treflan, a new in- gredient developed by Greenfield that Is 95 to 100% effective in killing crab grass seeds as they sprout. 0N I And Greenfield gives your lawn its first spring fertilization as well as providing the specificfertilizing ingredi- ents that your lawn requires I It con- tains nitrogen, phosphorus and potas- sium in 10-5-5 proportion â€"- for that all-important first feeding - Greenfield ls available at all authorized Greenfield hardware and nursery dealers. MORTGAGES Greenfield“ we“ nausea wanna ton vouv AV. 5 - 3785 Ask your dealer about the Lawn Fact Booklet. Members of Richmond Hill Town Council who were origin- ally critical of-the fact that the town made an annual contribu- tion of $500 to the Metropolit- an Toronto Industrial Commis- sion had changed their mind as ‘to the value of the organization, ‘it was revealed at town council meeting. Town Will Continue To Support Toronto Industrial Commission Opinions Radically Changed Another “ï¬rst†for Richmond Hill was won at the recent Kiwanis festival held in Toronto, and pictured here are the people who scored it. The triple trio from grades 7 and 8 at the MacKillop Public School, competing in the class for girls "Where Research Works for You" (La-l3." They Brought Another "First" To Richmond Hill He explained that it was a non-governmental agency, set up by business men and main- tained by them. It had been re- sponsible for three industries \ooming to the Hm. he said. Mayor James Haggart and Councillor John MacDiarmid recently visited the Commis- sion's office in Toronto and, in recent days, Mr. William Wil- son, general manager of the commission, had paid a visit to a meeting of the Richmond Hill Industrial Com-mission. The work of the Toronto body was explained and it was pointed out that it cOVered not only Toronto, but the entire area. The work of the commission, it was said, was designed to bring industry into a wide district, with the feeling that if this were done both Toronto and its feeder area would benefit. It would be a "grievous error†to drop the connection, said the Mayor. or ANTIQUES, DISHES, { GLASS AND BRASSWARE, BEDDING. Electrical Appliances, Carpenter 8; Handyman’s Tools, Large Quantities of Articles along with Old Homestead Furnishings, etc.. Properties of MRS. EVA M. THOMPSON . and ROY SMITH at LOT 8, CONCESSION 5. WHITCEUIAICHA TWP.. a-t Bethesda, 1% miles north of Gormley and Stouï¬ville Road, on SATURDAY, APRIL 21, 1962 Findilgy oyal kitchen range, with a“, v. .. any..-“ nun-5:, vuu :7 irievservoir and warming oven ‘6. E. Refrigerator ‘Coffield electric washing ma 4.1., chine Elegtrqhx vacuum cleaner wlth ' attachments 7-piece Provincial bedroom suite 9 piece dining room suite Davenport, good ' Pine secretary desk and chests 7 trunks and chest Antique chest of drawers Walnut drop leaf table Several odd ‘stands. antiques Churn and butter sets Several odd kitchen chairs Living room and parlor type chairs. old and good Dining room tables Approx. 7 barrels of dishes Several pine tool chest: 2 brass dinner gangs 3 electric mantel radios 2 beds, spring and mattresses Feather ticks, pillows. etc. Storage, steamer and travelling New and used woollen blankets Large quantity of library books Golf clubs and bags Dishes, utensils, glassware, along with numerous house- hold and kitchen effects Very large quantity of carpen- ter tools. in excellent condi- tion Seyeral beehives, doors, win- dows, etc. 12 gauge shotgun Two 22 cal. rifles Garden tools, etc. ‘ Several other pieces of house- hold furniture, such as chests of drawers, stands, stools, an- tique chairs. etc. NOTE: This sale has a lot of very old and choice household eï¬ects, etc., and owing to short- ;ness of time for sale, full list- lngs could not be completed but for anyone a-t all interested. ‘it would be worth their while to ‘attend. AUCTION SALE Sale starts at 12.30 p.m. Terms cash day of sale, without reserves. Properties sold. James R. Smith, Clerk KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE. EXTENSIVE CLEARANCE Auctioneers Markham 346 Stouï¬ville 96208 fl . . . For sound municipal and ish.†business economy downtown, is a s a. for instance, must be lively - “. . . Richmond Hill has been working by night because ofia natural centre in the histori- ‘hoteis, apartments, entertain- cal post. it is trying tOday t0 ment and recreation facilities remain as a natural centre. and and working by day because of£in the future it should continue ï¬nancial, business, shopping and‘tO be a natural centre. PX‘OVld- cultural activities such as musicwlng 0f COU'I‘Se that advantage 15 dance and art studios, libraries taken Of Its Strategic 1003151011. and book-stores _ for this is and providing that the provincial the age of change in technology,,g0V0I‘n_m§nt, regardless of which in humanity and in living. In- P311305 "1 POWCI‘. and the Met- dustrial and business location‘ropohtan Toronto Planning men are not going to emoseiBoard recognize and support their companies’ operations to,thls VltalltY- communities that 'will fail to * * * * attract or satisfy their employ-j “. . . Regardless of what plan ees. Nor are they going to ex- for community development pose their companies’ invest-ï¬ichmond Hill might adopt it ment to a community economy can be overruled by the Metro- which rides on the opening and politan Toronto Planning Board closing of the front door of one to the extent that your connoil giant industry, even if taxes may will be directed by the province be loW." lto pass by-laws implementing * * * * the plan for the Metropolitan ‘. . . Companies are not go-Toronto Planning area. Metro- lng to become involved with politan Toronto Planning Board: communities whose voters have (has made) a Richmond Hill poâ€"‘ aided or abetted the city fathers Dulation prediction 0! 18.000 in obsession to reduce mainten- persons in 1980. Actually the ance on public utilities to a population stood at 17,242 at the minimum or below, or even not beginning 01’ this year. On the to provide them in full measure face 01’ it» it would appear that (for example additions to mun- the MetroDOIitan Toronto Plan- icipal halls, up-to-date ï¬re fling Board plans to limit the equipment,‘ modern hospital fa-lgogulation growth in Richmond _nus,, u 4 ". . . In the fashion of 11 mir- “. . . Unless private invest- ror man’s cities reflect his needs ment continues on the part of and desires spiritually, politi- citizens, ï¬nancial institutions. caily, socially, economically,|business and industry for dev- physically and culturally. It is‘elopment. renewal and redevel- signiï¬cant to note also thatlopment on a sensible and prud- where man’s cities have failedlent basis Richmond Hill will to provide for this full mixture of man’s needs and desires they have failed to flourish." ,- _- u..- ..-vuv.auuwnu 4 ‘. . . Companies are not go-!Toronto Planning area. Metro- ing to become Involved with politan Toronto Planning Board communities whose voters have (has made) a Richmond Hill p0< aided or abetted the city fathers Dulation prediction 0! 18.000 in obsession to reduce mainten- persons in 1980. Actually the‘ ance on public utilities to a DODUIaï¬On stood at 17,242 at the‘ minimum or below, or even not beElnning‘ 01’ this year. 011 the‘ to provide them in full measure face 01’ it» it would appear that 1(for example additions to mun- the Metropolitan Toronto Plan- icipal hang, up-to-date ï¬re nlng Board plans to limit the equipment, modern hospital £a- Population growth in Richmond cilities, additional sewage treat- Hill to only 758 additional Der- men-t plants, storm water drain-‘SORS over the next 18 years- age systems, ' improved parks§lp§p Bichmond Hill has over and playgronds, etc.) in an efa fort to keep taxes low â€" for‘ they know that some day a whopping big tax will have to be applied in order to prevent complete collapse. To enter~ prising business and industrial concerns normal land costs and taxes are a small part of the cost of doing business in a pro- gressively ï¬nanced and well Following are some of the highlights from the address on town planning given by Richmond Hill’s planning director, Harold Deeks. and playgronds, etc) in an efâ€" 5,000 families maybe it should‘ fort to keep taxes low â€" for be thinking in terms of a ra-‘ they know that some day 3 tion card system of family or- whopping big tax will have to derin: â€" of course the whole be applied in order to prevent thing probably should be on a complete collapse. To enter- selective basis. . . . All things prising business and industrial considered is it not also doubt- concems normal land costs and ful that the Metropolitan Plan- taxes are a small part of the ning Board could plan this com- cost of doing business in a pro- munity in detail? â€" even in gressively ï¬nanced and well broad terms or planning for rounded out community." Richmond Hill the Metropolit- Ian Planning Board has shown “.n'“ r." “nu-J“ itself limited as to accuracy.†itself [1 Minor Car Accidents “ ‘See $325 In Damagesigolitén' ‘ Two hundred and seventy- ï¬ve dollars damage and a cut lip resulted from a car accident at the intersection of Markham Road and Yonge Street in Rich- mond Hill early Sunday morn- in-g. The mishap occurred when a‘ car driven by Ross Armstrong of Rlchvale was in collision with another driven by Matt- hias Wenzl of Naughton Drive, Elgin Mills. Wenzl is said to have been turning off Yonge Street onto Markham Road lwhen he was struck by the Arm- ‘strong car. The Wenzl vehicle sustained $200 damage and the other $75. Wenzl's son Albert received a cut lip. The accident is still under investigation. Fiï¬y dollars damage resu1t~ ed in a minor rear-end collision on Yonge Street at. Crosby Av- enue involving a car driven by Lloyd Castello and one driv- en by Victor Pallas last Sat- urday. The Castello oar $30 damage and the other received about $20 in damages. Vaughan Welfare Aid March Costs lowered Sixty-ï¬ve fewer persons re-‘ :eived welfare In Vaughan Township during March 1962 ,han during the same period last ,rear. In March 1961 the town- ship granted welfare assistance '0 192 people in the amount of :4,69‘7.66. During the same nonth this year only 127 people 'eqmred aSSistance, which to- :alled $3239.52. This is a sav- ing of $1,458.14». < Town Planning Highlights 16 and under, captured top spot. In the picture, from the left, are Eve Harwood, Ruth Carter, Margaret Queen, Valerie Howard, Miss Florence Thomson, leader, Nancy Ford, Maureen Hay, Linda Whorpole, Donna Griffin, Patty Tonner. T" r o ? Time for a Royal Bank termplan loan! It's the business-l Has your had It‘ way to ï¬nance the purchase of big-money itemsâ€"maybe way to ï¬nance the purchase of big-money itemsâ€"maybe a TV set, or car, or living room rug, or new refrigerator. And you can often save money in interest charges, too. Borrow up to $3,600, take up to 36 months to pay back your loan in regular instalments. Meanwhile, it’: lye-insured. Compare the cost, get all the facts on Royal Bank termle loans next time you need “buying moneyâ€. Get our termplan loan booklet, or talk to the manager of your nearest Royal Bank branch. You want a particular kind of house, in a particular neighbourhood, at a rice you can afford. We understand. e’ve een in real estate for sixty years. And we probably have that home you want. A great number of houses are placed in our hands for saleâ€"and in addition, we can offer you all the houses listed on Photo-Co-Op. Of course, if on want to sell before {{ou buy, you’l find National Trust ealtors just as fast and de endable. Come in and see us. We’re rig t in the neighbourhood. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, April 12, 1962 {-like, low-cost ROYAL BANK a NORTHTOWN SHOPPING CENTRE Phone BA 2-1179