Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Apr 1962, p. 5

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Dr. J. P. Wilson and Mrs. Wllg Mrs. F. M. Redelmeler en- lon returned recently from tertalned on Friday at a lun- Brownsville. Texasâ€"just across cheon in honour of her mother. from the Mexican border â€"-Mrs. 0. D. Dearden. and Mrs. where they enjoyed a month of M. Appleton. recently arrived perfect weather I from England. LA... The choir of St. Mary‘s An- lllcan Church will usher in the solemnity of Holy Week on Sun- day evening at 7 pm. by pres- enting one of the great choral works of Christendom. This year it will be an Easter Choir Cantata. “My Redeemer Liveth" arranged from themes by Han- del and Mozart. This will take the place of the usual evening service at 7 pm. Palm Sunday. All are invited to attend. [gag/an, .SZwlio TU. 4 - I342 GET YOUR ..... , RACING FORM PAT'S VARIETY 44 Yonge St. S. 884-0026 Permanents Bleaching ' Tinting 25 LORNE AVE. RICHMOND HILL Lairdredding Editor Margot Crack AT When Jane Dean. Janice James and Judith Dodson were asked to perform their piano trio at Beverley Acres School for the finals of prepared and Impromptu speeches for Grades ‘5 and 8. last Thursday, Aprll 15th. their playing afiorded the ‘laudience the opportunlty of AL A__ uu ...... incaring and seeing why these‘ ‘youngsters had received second‘ ‘prize certificate at the recent Kiwanis Music Festival. Robert \Freeman performed well in two ‘solo numbers, as well as open- Hng and closing the program ‘with “0 Canada” and “God Save "the Queen". All these young- sters are pupils of Miss Ruth .Gall'son. A.D.C.M. of Richmond Hi1 . of French and German songs; dances, etc. A well-known group‘ of Bavarian dancers from Tor- onto wili be guest artists. This event is an innovation in the field of education to promote an interest in the study of foreign languages and the culture of other countries. Refreshments will be served in a continental setting in the auditorium of the high school on Friday, April 13th. at 7.30 The students of Richmond Hlll High School are holding a Continental Carousel â€"â€" a gay. light-hearted ‘va’rjety program , d4. -._ .Anne F. M. Redelmeler_en- of Richmond On Tuesday of Holy Week. April 17th, there will be a quiet evening for women in St. Mary's Anglican Church from 7:30 to 9 p.m. This will he :mducted by one of the Sisters of St John the Divine and all wom in of the parish are invited to attend Calling All Chilgren The Library Puppeteers are doing a puppet show in the public library this Saturday morning at 10:15. Come and join the fun! The last of the mid-week Lenten Services at St. Mary's Anglican Church will he held next Wednesday at 7:30 pm This service will be a celebra- tion of the Holy Communion commemorating the institution of the Lord's Supper which is historically associated with the Thursday of Holy Week. Word has just been received that Mr. Hendrik Gijsbert (Ted) Benckhuljsen of Boskoop. The Netherlands. formerly of Richmond Hill, will be married on April 18 to Miss Johanna Suzanna Cljsow of Utrecht. The reception will be at the hotel "Florida" and their address will be “The Homestead," Rozenl‘aan 35, Boskoop. Mr. Albert Kaye of Richmond Hill was awarded the 1961 Ken- L Products Bench Show Award Trophy at the Awards Dinner held in Toronto. Mr. Kaye's dog Ch. Dina-Ken's Little Pip. am- assed the most winning points in dog shows during 1961. Winners of the trophies are determined on the basis of their show winning activities through- out the year, recorded by the Canadian Kennel Club. Making her television debut this past Sunday. was 11 year‘Clarke; Donald George. son of old Merldith Scott. of Richmond Hill, doing an Irish Tap on “Uncle Jerry’s Club,", on WBEN -TV from Buffalo. Meridith showed great promise in her performance. let's h0pe that ‘thls will be only the beginning of greater things to come in the entertainment field. Her sisters, Vicki and Shelley Scott were also on camera as guests on the show. The Scott sisters are pupils of Mrs. Sylvia Garson. I son of 'Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Embree; Lori-Ann. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Jackson; Allan Rob- ert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Kent; Susan Leslie, daughâ€" ter of Mr, and Mrs. Douglas S. Smith; Eleanor Dorothy, daugh-i ter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Titshall; Patti Ann. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Weldon; Susan Elizabeth. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Whalen. *xrrtlr .â€". nu. , a -L--I l..- ! Mr. J. A. Cameron. who has‘ lbeen a guest at the home of \his brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cameron. Tar- eyton. for the past two months. will be leaving on Thursday for Winnipeg for a brief stay with his brother, Mr. Dan Cameron and family, before returning ihome to Vancouver. This week-end the C.G.I.T. girls will call at your door sel- ling chocolate to help raise funds for Camp Ahshunyoong, a non profit camp for all boys and girls of York County. They hope you will support their cause by buying their wares. T.V. Highlights On Saturday Miss Sandra Cel- sie of Elgin Mills. a very accom- plished young singer. now mak- ing frequent appearances on radio and television. will be the guest star on “Hi Time”. the Channel 9 programme. tele- vised at 6 pm. 'LastflFrid'ay. Sandra appeared on CBC. TV on "Country Hoe- down". Received in Baptism last Sun- day morning in the Richmond Hill United Church were the following: Roger George. son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bell; Owen Robert, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Clarke; Donald George. son of The Curtain Club‘s fes- tival winning play "Don’t Listen Ladies" will be play- ing in Winnipeg on Satur- day evening. May 19th. Three repeat perform- ances to help raise funds for the trip. will be held at Hart House Theatre. Tor- onto. on Thursday. Friday and Saturday. May 3, 4. and 5. Tickets can be ob- tained from the box office (WA. 3-5244) $1.50. Local Branch Of Mutual Life Of Canada Celebrates First Anniversary: v. a. “_ At the April 9th meeting of the Beverley ' Acres Y.W.C.A. Neighbours Group. Mrs. Gordon Purves. the campaign chairman for the Richmond Hill Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society, gave an informative and inter- esting talk following a film cal- led “The Woven Thread". The film run by Mrs. Mitchell was on scenic views of Canada and the work the cancer society are doing coast to coast. Mrs. J. D. Pears thanked Mrs. Purves and Mrs. Mitchell and presented a cheque for the cancer society from the group. Mrs. H. Monks attenan me opening night of “Spring Thaw" at the Crest Theatre, as the guest of Mrs. Gordon Hawkins of Toronto. * It I! Ii Congratulations to (Mrs) Ben Rice who has recently joined the staff of Valentino Travel Service Ltd.. of Toronto. Valentine Tra-vel are experi- enced travel advisers, and are particularly well known for their tours. personally conducted by Mrs. Peggy Valentine. and Hher staff. An outstanding member of New the Garden Club of Toronto. and Mrs. Ernest Redelmeier. whp Buy “IFS. Duncan IUCuI/llllvlvn. "UV â€".._â€". has long been associated with During their stay they visited Guiding, was asked to arrange with Dr. G. T. Kean and Mrs. flowers for the tea table at the Kean at Rutherford, New Jer- reception given at the Maurice sey. '--â€"- new **)i* reception given at the Maurice Cody Hall for Lady Baden-Pow- all last week. Mrs. Redelmeier cleverly chose the world Guide colours, blue and gold. wihh arrange- ments of deep blue flags. forsyâ€" thia and yellow chrysanthe- Entertaining for Miss Sandra Reeves, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James P. Reeves. prior to her marriage to Mr. Bruce Mad- ill at the Church of St. Gabriel on April 28th. was Miss Betty Nobes. a co-worker at the Tor- ontoâ€"Dominion Bank, who held a miscellaneous shower at her ‘home on Elmwood Avenue. and \Mr. W. Madill and her daughâ€" ‘ter, Mrs. Allen Lennox, of Painâ€" ‘swick, who co-hosted a miscel- laneous shower at Bondheavd \Ha-u, Bond‘hea‘d.‘ mums LcL. nu _,,.." swick, who co-hostedr'a miscel- laneous shower at Bondhea'd Hall, Bondlhea‘d. 1: t t it Mr. Julian Glggs. assistant campaign manager of the Can- adian Peace Research Institute. who is a sociologist by profes- sion was the guest speaker at the regular meeting of Unit D. of the United Church Women at their regular monthly meet- ing held in the ladies parlour of Richmond Hill United Church on Thursday last. Group Leader Mrs. D. W. Barnett, presided and following an interesting question period, refreshments Were served. Featured will he puppets, magician, and musical selections â€" together with bingo, euchre, bake sale. lucky dip. refreshâ€" ments and grand prizes. 'Show times are at 6:45 and 8:30 b I {Peace Research Forms Topic Of ’New Group Meet i About thirty local residents and representatives of various Pictured above is Stuart Greenham (left), branch manager, Mrs. Greenham, Mrs. G. Harris and Geoff Harris, superintendent of agencies. Celebrating the first anniversary of the Rich- mond Hill Branch of the Mutual Life of Canada, I Enjoying last week-end In of New York were Mrs. H. R. Butt to, and her daughter Miss Suzie Congratulations to (Mrs) Ben Rice who has recently joined the staff of Valentine Travel Service Ltd.. of Toronto. Valentine Tra-vel are experi- enced travel advisers, and are particularly well known for their tours. personally conducted by Mrs. Peggy Valentine, and Twenty-one members were present at the weekly meeting of St. Gabriel’s Friendship Cir- cle. The Ladies enjoyed exer- cises â€"â€" fourteen varietiesâ€"and Craft members were busy mak- ing cream-filled Easter Eggs. Next week, the Craft will be engaged in dipping the eggs in chocolate and decorating them. Coffee was served by Mrs. Jean Whitman and Mrs. Joan Hill. “Variety Night" - an excel- lent show to be staged by the McConaghy Home and School Association toamorrow niglht. Friday April 130h â€" and should delight both young and those not quite so young! Mrs. H. Monks attendeg th Following the Curtain Club's recent success with their pro» duction of “Don’t Listen Ladies” at the Central Ontario Drama Festival. Ann Featherstonhaugh, award winning set designer;Est- her Postlethwaitc. production manager, and Mary Monks who received the supporting actress award, appeared on the CKVR TV. programme. “Women’s Show" on Tuesday last. Laqndramat Madness! Having deposited five quarters in her washing machines, a local resident dashed out to her car and was a little dismayed to find it wouldn't start. Im- agine her chagrin when she realized that she was tr!- ing to put 25 cents in the St: Matthew's United Church Women are holding their an- nual spring rummage sale on Saturday morning April 28 from 10:30 am. to 1 pm. Of- fered for sale will be clothing, books, china, jewellery, house- hold articles, furniture. If you have rummage to contribute to uni: worthy cause, please call ‘TUrner 4-3713. Arrangements have been made to pick up your contribution at your door. The following children re- ceived the Sacrament of Bap- tism at a service conducted by Rev. W. W. Patterson on Sun- twenty-one members of the agency were enter- tained at a dinner gathering at the Summit View Restaurant. The office is located at 6A Levendale Road in the Richmond Heights Centre and ser- vices the area from Steeles Avenue north to Sut- ton. (Photo by Lagerquist) day morning, April 8, in St. Matthew’s United Church: Glen ‘Steven, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mansell, 61 Cartier Crescent: Judith Dawn, daughy tem‘ of Mr. and Mrs. John Crook,‘ 55 Cartier Crescent: Linda Dar-‘ lene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.‘ Robert Madeley. 119 Wood Lane: and Wendy Louise, daugh- ‘ter of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Her-l ridge, 326 Paliser Crescent. I Mrs. M. Maxwell of Kerry- brook Drive recently returned from a few days in Canton, Ohio. where she was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Simmers. Mrs. Sim‘mers was formerly a resident of Richmond Hill. Itirter! THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, 'Aprirlrlz, 1962 Egym! eatin SAVINGS! LEAN, SHORT RIB TULIP ROAST MARGARINE 2 lbs. 47: MINCED BEEF 3 lb. 95¢ BAYVIEW PLAZA An Experienced Manicurist To Our Staff D. Albert Brown Coiffures RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE 285 - I416 - Telephone - 884 - 7003 Is Pleased To Announce The Appointment 0F .‘N‘ETSiGAGE . Albert Brown VICTORIAN ORDER OF. NURSES RICHMOND HILL BRANCH Miss E. Woodbyrne Richmond Hill Municipal Hall Our 8-week Beginners Course at $2.50 weekly Includes the free use of an instrument in your home. Call TU. 4-5272 Today MUNDINGER MUSIC Yonge 5: Centre Sts. Richmond Hill TU. 4-7691 lb. 45c jLOANED f FREE

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