Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Apr 1962, p. 11

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V ‘ [uuuluuvc LU A n a A . y x g t 1 L i . 1 . . ; u A . A u . A, W‘Muirhead. Mrs. V. \Veedon. Mrs. ‘A. Frisby. Mrs. L. Hart. Mrs. G. |Brands and Mrs. J. MeCague. P [Agriculture and Canadian m. ‘dustrics: Mrs. W. Orr, citizen- ship ahd education: Mrs. H. Mcâ€" Cague: historical research: Mrs. H. B b r: home on mics nd healtiil: 311‘s. C. Vicalkgr; puglic F0 relations: Mrs. M. Jarvis; press R torszslvlrs. G. Morison and Mrs. J’m 'th. {ClhurcllimNgwsfl secretary: Mrs. W. Sandie; Aud- lIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-GetResults-TU. 4-1105 Fl HERBERT R. BUTT PROMPT COURTEOUS SERVICE GUARANTEED LAWN CO. Phone 884 - 5810 RICHMOND HILL HIGHLY RECOMMENDED by LAWN EXPERTS You can't afford to neglect your lawn at this low price. Remember that a bad lawn spoils the appearance of any property. Have it done .the easy way. Call us any day except Sunday. Richmond Hill TUmer 4-1312 24 Elizabeth St. N. Richmond Hill For Square ONLY R. D. I.I'I"I'LE 8- SON CAN DELIVE I962 FALCON FOR ONLY - * N0 CHATTELS * N0 ('O-SIGNERS * UNLIMITED SUPPLY 7:: YOUR CHOICE OF COLORS * FL'LL NEW CAR WARRANTY R. D. LITTLE & SON We spray a high concentrate double action liquid fertilizer which feeds through the leaves as well as through the roots. This is giving amazingly fast results. High Food Content Liquid Fer- tilizer will keep your lawn healthy. Also ideal for flowers, shrubs and trees. SPRAYERS OF LIQUID FERTILIZER, WEED KILL, SUPPLIERS 0F SOD INSURANCE FOR AVERAGE SIZE LOTS A foAAA‘ A A 4' A ONLY $7.75 DEPENDABLE 31353-315}! SERVICE Telephone Toronto. Ontario EMpire 2-3456 112 Yonge St. Toronto COMPETENCE EXPERIENCE RELIABILITY »owomm¢”mmm Jarvis was convenor. The roll call was answered by “Grandmother’s remedies and use". There was a display of the oldest article in your home and Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Jarvis showed moving-pictures of historical and local places. Mrs. G. Francy conducted the election of officers. Honorary president for 1962-63 is Mrs. W. .Madill. President is Mrs. Harold Hill and first vice-president is. .Mrs. Reid Brumwell. Second vice-president is Mrs. A. Orr and secretary is Mrs. John Mc- Oague. Treasurer will be Miss Mary Muirhead with assistant secretary-treasurer Mrs. V. We- edon. Pianist is Mrs. J. Barker with assistant Mrs. R. Frisby. District director is Mrs. E. Em-l pringham and alternate is Mrs.I H. Hill. Branch directors are Mrs. D. Rumney, Mrs. H. Bar- ber, Mrs. S. Boyniton. Shower committee consists of Miss Mary Mrs. L. Mcnacucni, lunueuy in Victoria Square. but now of Lansing, who, on April 23, will celebrate her “list birthday Birthday greetings to: Ann Buchanan. April 18; Douglas Hill. April 19; Cecil Nichols, April 20; Clarence Steckley. April 21; Freddie Walker, April 22: Treavnovr Canning. \April 22. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wilson will celebrate their twenty-first wedding anniversary April 23. Mrs. Treanor Canning is in private patients. Toronto Gen- eral Hospital. room 714, Where she underwent surgery last 'week. Mrs. Carl Walker is in Women's room 507. Several from here attended the Easter Seal show in Maple Leaf Gard-ens Sunday. Local Police Charge nib p;l’lflfl( Ara: M2" College Hospital, Dr. A. F. Binnlngton was in charge of the church service Sun-day morning, when Holy Communion and the reception of new members was held The following Were received into the membership on pro- fession of faith: Misses Janet Wilkins and Mary Matthews and Messrs David Barber and Donald Matthews. Dr. Birmingâ€" ton was assisted by the Clerk of Session, Heber McCague. 0n Easter Sunday at 11:30 am. Rev. G. Fitzpalrick will be in charge of the service. Good Friday The annual service will be «held for Victoria Square charge in Brown’s Corners United Church on Good Friday at 11 am. The choirs from Head- ford and Victoria Square have been invited to join with Brown's Corners choir. Dr. A. Senior Women‘s Institute will be held in Victoria Squ The Apu‘il meeting of the Se- Community Hall April 19 at nior Women’s Instimute was ’held 15 pm. last Tuesday at the home of Neighbourhood Notes Miss Mary Muirhea‘d. Mrs. M. Special birthday greetings Lama: “12: nmwenor. Mrs. L. McEachern, formerly F. Binnington will preach United Church Women Victoria Square United United Church Women will hold their Evaster-Thank-Offer- inug meeting in the church April 25 at 8 pm. Mr. J. D. Measurer, lay missionary to Indians on Georgina Island, will speak and show pictures of his work. The men have also been invited to attend this meeting. Nursery Classes A nursery class for pre-school Mrs. D. Drury, Bil children is being held at Victor- is back at her her ia Square during bhe church'good weather. service. Leadership should con-lEnchre Party sis-t. of one adult and one teen-l Mr. and Mrs. Jack ager. Any teen-agers lnterest- Mr. and Mrs. Bob ed in helping are asked to con-“tended the Thornhill tact Mrs. David Houck at Gor- 91, euchre party h ‘mley 5501‘ home of Mr. and ‘Euchre .Barton, Beverer Ac The last euchre of the seriesiday. Winners were Kathy Bowman of MacKillop Public School was the winner of a brand-new trophy when ora- tors from the six schools in Richmond Hill com- peted with each other for town honours. Besides winning locally, she will be one of those repres- enting Richmond Hill in York County contests, at which winners from all over the county will assemble. Kathy is seen here, holding the trophy given for the first time this year, and contributed VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS RICHMOND HILL vvll 4v; vuv ..-_.v .u- - __, .7 vice-principals ana aésiéténtsltoi'ghe principals (Since 1927 WEEKLY CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE R. R. 2 Gormley -â€" Telephone Gormley 5421 fie Winner - And Those Who Donated Her Trophy AV. 5-1105 INCLUDING ALL CHARGES FOR 3 YEARS | An Oak Ridges man has beenlnianarger, Douglas Flatt. charged with car theft by Rich- Fortified by hot chocolate mond Hill police. The man, and food at noon in the Scout Steve Mitchell, 21 is said to Hall -â€" these perservering boys have stolen a car from the used continued their bottle drive un- ca-r lot of R. D. Little and Son til 2.30 pm. â€" to bring in the in Richmond Hill late Sund‘aymeeded fund-s. “Many thanks to night. iihouseholdens who co-operated" He was picked up in Cooks- is the sincere message from the ville bv Toronto Townshin Po-‘lSt RiChmOIld Hiu Cub and He was picked up in Cooks- is the sincere message from the ville by Toronto Township Po- 1st Richmond Hill Cub and lice later the same night and Scout Group- appeared in Magistrate‘s Court lst Jefferson Cub and Scout in Richmond Hill Monday butrGroup ‘ was remanded until April 19 ml “Many thanks" from the ex- Newmarket Court. ecutive and president Bernie The car was found to be miss-‘Corless of rthe lst Jefferson Cub ing from the lot after a routineland Scout group to the reSIdents check, 7 of Jefi‘erson- Elgin Mills area Birthday greetings i0: Ann Buth-an‘an. April 18; Douglas Hill, April 19; Cecil Nichols, April 20; Clarence Steckley. April 21; Freddie Walker. April 22: Trea‘novr Canning, ‘April 22. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wilson will celebrate their twenty-first wedding anniversary April 23. lelibe held in Victoria Square Mrs. Treanor Canning is in private patienlt’s, Toronto Gen- eva-l Hospital. room 714, Where she underwent surgery last week. Mrs. Carl Walk-er is in Women‘s College Hospital, room 507. Local Police Charge??? Oak Ridges Area Manic; Following Car Theftw Rev. Howar J. Veals was in Bristol, Mrs. . Hambly, Wal- charge of the service at Carr- ter Campbell. Joe Rowley, Mrs. ville United Church on Pavlm.C‘ampbell and Mrs. Iris Bree- Sunday. Communion was. held. don. Mr. Veals complimented thelAttend Shower ladies of the U.C.W. on the ap-‘j Mrs. J-ack Barton and Mrs. pearance of the church, due to‘David Barton of Richmond Hill the new ‘broadloom recentlylattended a shower for Miss laid. and the house Cleaninngeanna Dobbish of Downsview which had been accmnvplishedflat the home of Mrs. John R. Membership Tea IBarton, Downsview, on April 10. ladies of the U.C.W. on the ap- pearance of the church, due to the new jbroadloom recently laid. and the house cleaning which had been accomplished. Membership Tea Your correspondent had a call from Mrs. Dorothy Spears who! asked me to let the Richvale Carrville ladies know that there is a membership tea on Friday April 27. from 2 to 4 pm. at the Emmanual Anglican Church Mackay Drive, Riehvale, for the Richvale Branch of the York Central Hospital Auxiliary. Mrs. D. Drury. Birch Avenue. is back at her home for the, good weather. ’ Euchre Party Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barton and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Walker at-' tended the Thornhill L.O.L. No, 91. euchre party held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Barton. Beverely Acres. on Fri-i Mrs. Jack Barton and Mrs. Mew. D.C.M. for Markham-Um David Barton of Richmond Hill ionville assisted by others of attended a shower for Miss the District Staff. and Mrs. M. Deanna Dobbish of Downsview Randall of 3rd Markham. and at the home of Mrs. John R. Gordon Hill, lst Thormhill. Barton, Downsview, on April 10. The purpose of the course Fourteen friends of Deanna’s was to instruct new Scouters in were present. the underlying principles of Mrs. Kenneth Wood had atraining boys in the "Scout [baby boy on March 11, at York way", and in the methods of County Hospital, a brother for Cub training. For the day, the Mathew and Christopher. adult leaders become cubs and 18th Birthday participate in the Grand Howl A happy birthday to Ray Ceremony. in cub games. hand- Baker, who is 18 years old on icrafts, campfire with songs and April 28. skits. knotting, semaphore sig- Nancy Middleton entered in nalling, and outdoor activities. the Richvale District Brownie One Six caused a little excit- and Guide competition on ment in Markham stores, when ‘April 14. and won first prize in as their outdoor project, they the cookie baking competition. were-sent out to buy as many Donna Lyn Ash of Moore- things as possible with ten pen- field spent Sunday night with'nies. Some merchants mistook her uncle and aunt, Mr. and them for the Mounties. Another Mrs. Bill Ash, Edgeley. and on Six set out to list and describe Monday came to her grandpar- all the important landmarks of day. Winners were: Mrs. L.. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Middle-lMarkham. while a third Six col- ton, to spend the week. ilected about a bushel of "natur- lal” things â€" weeds, bugs, ston- es. etc. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. BERT MIDDLETON CARRVILLE NEWS Telephone AL. 7-8920 l “Highly successful" said Cub- 'master Mel Collier. who dir- ected the “bottle drive” of the lst Richmond Hill Scout Troop, together with B and C Cub Packs. in which 50 members ‘took part on Saturday of last lweek. I Starting at 9.00 am. -â€"-these factive. eager boy's â€"â€" together lwith leaders Vic Palmer, Mel 'Co‘llier and Charles Inglis, :driven by eleven of their fat- Ihers and mothers in this door- lrto-door collection, soon loaded Spirit of Sqqutlng “The world needs the scout spirit more than anything else. If people would apply the scout spirit â€" the most intractable problems would yield to treat- ment” . . These inspiring words were delivered by Viscount Amory â€"â€" United Kingdom High Commissioner to Canada â€" in his addreSS last week to the Boy Scouts of Canada pro- vincial council for Ontario at Port Hope. up their cars with empties, which were converted into cash by I.G.A.’s Allencourt genial manager, Douglas Flatt. Superintendent Gordon McIn-“ tyre of the Richmond Hill public school system spoke on “making‘ the most of teaching experi-l ence" when 110 women teach-3 ers, representing 22,000 memq bers of the Federation of Wo- men Teachers Associations of Ontario, held a session in Tor- onto last week-end to confer with university. Ontario Depart- ment of Education and Feder- ation officials. The theme was “planning and developing a tea- ching career." Miss Bertha Kidd of the Wal~ ter Scott Public School was one of the delegates in attendance at the session. P. S. Superintendent ls Toronto Lecturer of the Hill’s public schools. In the back row are seen Earl Orser, vice-principal of MacKillop School; John Peace, vice-principal of Walter Scott School; James Orser, vice-principal of Beverley Acres School; John Hincks, assistant to the prin- cipal, McConaghy School. In the front row are Donald MacWilIiam, vice-principal, Crosby Heights School; Kathy Bowman; Peter Ross, assistant to the principal, Pleasantville School. ‘ Sixteen new Cu'b leaders of York Summit District partici- . Hambly. Wal- pated in an all day basic train- Jgg R0)\’1_E)’,_MI‘S. ing course on Marrchfl30t‘h at SCOUT .'/' NEWS '1 " CUB and for their most generous‘ response and to \the can- erou‘s response and to.-the can- vassers who “made the rounds” in the drive for funds, over the week-end. Due to the scattered area, there are stifl some homes to be visited. 4th Richmond Hill Cub Paék A special feature of the meet- ing of this pack on April 4th was the presentation of First Stars 'by the Akelva to Glen Davey. Bobby Long and Mark Tennant. 'Dhese cubs now hav- ing “one eye open”, should set an example to the other boys in the pack who still have First Sitar tests to pass. A knowledge of the points of the compass was an advantage in the game called “Lodesto- nes" taken by the Bagheera, Mrs. Hilda Birkett. Those who Were adept at finding east or west, found they had won a pocket full of alleys! Baloo. Bob Painter. told the final part of the story of Rikki. the brave little mongoose which Akela began last week. This is one of the favourite stories from Rudyard Kiplin-g’s Jungle Book. The meeting closed with a prayer. and the ‘Grand Howl taken by Akela and led by Nicky Birkett. udWBUll combo. , Guests at the home of M and Mrs. Milton Sherman la: week-end were Mr. and Mr Howard Barber and family ( Owen Sound, Mrs. Basber‘s mo her. Mrs. Lind and Mrs. Unde‘ wood who were bound for Win mpeg. Mrs. Walter Craig, who he been ill for several weeks, able to be at school this week Mrs. George Kelly entertaii ed women from surroundir areas last Thursday when ti Libenal candidate for the ridir of North York was guest s-peal er. John Addison, who is ne to political circles, explains that his presence in the fiei is due to concern over rlsir unemployment in Canada ar. the increasingly large defic in financing. Said Mr. Addison: “The Lil anal Panty believes in fr: trade. It is our aim to l) ove I‘nmn Ilhnmmnlnvnmnnl-n tn man-1:1 auu 1115 eedpiec On Sunday evening, April 8th, the cubs joined with the scouts and attended church parade at St. Mary‘s Anglican Church After the service. the cubs, and scouts held a joint meeting for‘ /the purpose of conducting a “going up" ceremony in which Mike Brooke was welcomed into uhe Scout Troop and tookl leave of the Cubs. Hugh Redelmeier was pre- sented with his, First Year Ser- vice Star and Kim Todd and Cliff Randlall â€" two new chums â€" were presented with their Tenderfoot badges. They took part in the Grand Howl for the first tme as the meeting closed. York Summit District holds Cub Leaders Training Course St. Andrew's United Church in Markham. The course was un- der the direction of Mrs. Mary Mew. D.C.M. for Markham-Un- ionviile assisted by others of the District Staff. and Mrs. M. ‘Randail of 3rd Markham. and \Gordon mu, lst Thomhiil. The second session of the course took place on April 6th at St. Andrew's United Church, Markham. The Cub Leaders who satisfactorily complete this course receive preliminary tra: ining centificates which mark‘ the first step in their training.‘ They then go on to complete the two parts of the Wood Bad- ge Training Course. Leaders taking the course were Mr. and Mrs. John Wil- son. Mrs. Florence Clayton, Mrs. Irene Ramage, Mrs. Elaine .Souler. Mrs. Lois Graham and Sam Murdoch of the 3rd Mark- ham; Miss J. Seager, lst Oak Ridges; Mrs. Betty Rumble and ,Mrs. Eva Watson. lst Maple: ‘Mr. Joe Worrell, lst Richmond Hill; Bob McKenna. 3rd Rich- mond Hill Martin Denzer and Pete Gavin. 5th Thornhill. The purpose of the course was to instruct new Scouters in the underlying principles of training boys in the "Scout way", and in the methods of Cub training. For the day, the adult leaders become cubs and participate in the Grand Howl Ceremony. in cub games. hand- icrafts, campfire with songs and skits. knottinvg, semaphore sig- nalling, and outdoor activities. (Photo by Lagerquist) :ct, they as many ten pen- mistook Another describe blooms a garden of hats. The G. A. Gough family \villl travel to Moosejaw for a vac-l ation during the Easter holidayzl Miss Beverley Burr plans a jaunt to Nassau; and Mrs. F. H. Leaf will be at Virginia Beach. Easter services at Brown‘s Corners United Church will include: a Good Friday service to include the congregations of Headford and Victoria Square. .Churches. Dr. A. F. Binnington lwill preside and members of all ‘three church choirs will sing. Easter Sunday at 11:30 a.m. Dr. A. F. Binnington will preach and there will be special-mus- ic by junior and senior choirs. There was a well attended service at Brown's Corners United Church on Palm Sun- day. Rev. Gerald Fitzpatrick conducted the service and sol- oists were Mrs. A. W. Miller and Mrs. Clayton Jones. Mrs. Donald Reesor played the or- gan and Mrs. S. J. English led the choir. On Friday evening. growp No. 3 of the United Church Women, with Mrs. Frank Oliver as con- venor. served dinner for 75 farmers from Prince Edward Island who were being enter- tained by Massey-Ferguson per- sonnel. The group was on a week‘s tour of various points of interest in the Toronto area. On Saturday evening. Button- ville W.I. members served din- n-er for young people from Nor- folk Junior Farmers and Girls’ Club groups who were the gu- ests of the York County exec- utive land Union‘ville groups. Don Brodie. a York County Junior Farmers executive dir- ector. and Beverley Burr of the Unionville Girls‘ Club were host and hostess. During the day the group vis- ited points of interest such as Malton Airport_ Casa Loma, CFTOâ€"T.V. station and Roman- dale Farms. Following dinner at Buttonville W. 1. Hall they danced to the music of Fergie Lawson and his threeapiece combo. , Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sherman last week-end were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Barber and family of Owen Sound, Mrs. Basber‘s mot- her. Mrs. Lind and Mrs. Under- wood who were bound for Win- nipeg. Mrs.HWalter Craig, who has Mrs. George Kelly entertain- ed women from surrounding areas last Thursday When the Liberal candidate for the riding of North York was guest speak- er. John Addison, who is new to political circles. explained that his presence in the field is due to concern over rising unemployment in Canada and the increasingly large deficit in financing. Said Mr. Addison: “The Lib- eral Parity believes in free trade. It is our aim to 1) over- come unemployment; 2) provide a health and medical plan; 3) raise old-age pensions to $75.00 and make pensions portable; 4) provide for low interest on sec- ond mortgages and arrange mor- tgages on older homes". Miss June Collard of Victoria Square introduced Uhe speaker, and Mrs. Ellis Miller of Mark- ham gave courtesies. Crippled Children Benefit NEWMARKET : A new bridge is being planned for Water Street to replace the present one beside the Fairy Lake dam near the centre of town. There were 22 tables of eueh THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, April 19. 1962 YUP-Em- and 7-3 P LA N TS We have a large assortment of at Flowers and Flowering Plants RICE'S FLOWERS VISIT 231%; LAWN CLINIC AT 2%: GARDEN CENTRE At Reasonable Prices. FLOWERS TELEGRAPHED ANYWHERE â€" EXPERT ADVICE ON YOUR LAWN PROBLEMS! * Bring your weeds for identification Featuring a complete line of Garden Supplies including FERTILIZERS, PEAT MOSS, WEED KILLERS & LAWN GRASS SEEDS. YONGE STREET at THORNHILL West Side, 1,; mile south of No. 7 Highway Faster with ‘ Friday, April 20th, and Saturday, April let Gladiolus Bulbs for the Ladies!

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