lopl-eo worn ttm new this low-cost way. Pickwpnlr of Firestone Champions, or even two pairs - when you buy four, you get one [feel Hurry â€" supply is limited. Firestone Champion tires are made with Shock-Fortiï¬ed Nylon cord. This Firestone prooes takes the stretch out of Nylonâ€" Welds cords together to form a super-strong casing. You‘ll get long, low-cost mileage {tom the non-skid Firestone tread too. It's made with Rubber-X, the longest Wearing compound ever used in Firestone tires. Drive in now. Get ready for carefree driving. Richmond Heights Centre CHECK YOUR SIZE AND SAVINGS 760W 71m 6770-15 750-ï¬ Size 15 MONTH "man GUARANTEE ELLACKWALL TUBE-TYPE i I 37.90 I 28.42 I BLACKWALL TUBELESS All prices basedvon exchange of Regular I Pick a Pair | Regular [Pick a Pair ' ’air Price | Sale Price You Save [Pair Price l Sale Price | You Save 37W 37.96 33.90 35.90 28.42 26.92 28.42 25.43 9.43 9.48 8.48 8.98 9.4? your TU. 4 - 4401 retreadable 43.96 41.90 43.90 43.90 39.90 EHITEWALL TUBE-TYPE WHITEWALL TUBELESS fMaybe Forced To Operate Thornhill 0n Shift System For Least A YearI Mr. T. Thomasson, vice prin- cipal of Thornhill and taking charge during the illness of Principal A. S. Elson reported that tabulation of the option sheets returned indicates that Thornhill will have a total of 1.375 students next year, approx- imately 200 more than had been expected. or can be accommo- dated. At the present moment. and until the Bay-view School addition is completed there are just not enough classrooms in the system. It had been reluc- tantly decided to institute a shift system at Thornhill in September 1962. Mr. Thomasson presented to the board for their approval a tentative shift sys- tem providing for classes of 32 minutes each, with one half of the student body starting at 8:15 in the morning and ï¬nish- ing at 1:35; and the other half starting at 11:15 and ï¬nishing at 4:30. It is expected that the shift system will be in effect for a year but will not be nec- essary when the Bayview addi- tion is completed. 1375 Students l[Hiigh School Trustees “has A Trustee Mrs. Kathleen James was particularly in- dignant over the teacher situation. “After we sat down and spent all that time working out a salary schedule which we thought was competitive with any other, to still have not enough teachers is like‘a slap in the face", she stated. She took particular exception to the1 board’s recent advertisement which stated “Univer-‘ sity graduates who are willing to qualify are invited to apply". The new school superintendent, Mr. J. Ross Stevenson pointed out however, that there were just not enough students graduating from the College ofl Education to nearly ï¬ll the demand and that the same situation would probably prevail for the next ï¬ve or six years. “I wouldn’t be surprised to see us going right into (the universities to ï¬nd teachers next year,†he state . ' The bulk of the time was spent at the April 9th meeting of the York Central District High School Board discussing two unpalatable facts; the shortage of high school teachers and the necessity of operating Thorn- hill Secondary School on a shift system for at least one year. 32.92 32.92 32.92 29.92 31.42 trade-in 10.98 10.95 10.487 10.98 9.987 To help out in the emergen~ cy at Thornhiil, where due to Mr. Elson’s illness. Mr. Thom- asson is teaching three classes, acting as princllpai and also hir- ing new teachers, Mr. Eubank offered to spend a week or as much time as needed assisting Mr. Thomasson. Mr. Kippen was in agreement and the board ac- cordingly accepted Mr. Eu- ban'k's offer with thanks. For Woodbridge High, Prin- cipal Morrison reported an en- rollment of 328 with a 93.8% attendance for March. He re- ported a very successful variety night on April 6th with many of the students taking part and doing very well. He also report-‘ ed that 11 students from theschool ‘had attended the badmin- ton tournament on April 7th and won the Georgian Bay District Athletic Association badminton championship. Principal W. Morrow report- ed an enrollment of 722 at Rich- mond Hill High with an attend- ance of 95.3% during the past month. ‘ Woodbrldge Mr. Eubank reported that Bavvlew High now had an en- ‘rollmenrt of 455 and the attend- ance for March was 94.5%. He noted that the school had had a very successful variety night on April 6th. ‘ Richmond Hill Mr. Axelson thanked the board and told them, "When I left the board at the end of last vear, I did so with a great deal of relief but I am beginning to feel that I had a great deal to be thankful for in serving this board for four years. I got my second and third education from it and it has done me a great deal of good. My whole life has benefited from my apprecia- tion of the problems of educa-j tion and in many other ways. I‘ ‘wish each and every one of you all the success you can hope for in this kind of work." Bayvlew The board recessed at 9:30 to honour last year's chairman of the board, Mr. Eric Axelson. On behalf of- the present board, Chairman Robert Ross present- ed Mr. Axvelson with a hand- some brief case in honour of the service he gave to the board. . It was reported that work on I the Bayview addition is slightly {ahead of schedule and that ei- [ther the classroom or the shop 1 wing could be completed for ;school opening in September. ’Considerable discussion took . place as to the advisability of‘ purchasing pontables. Trustee ‘L. Clement stated that he had made an economic study oil portables and that the exper- ience of the Richmond Hill Pub- lic School Board had been that they were not necessarily mon- ey down the drain, but that they could be used for several years in a growing system. It being the feeling of both Mr. Eubank and the new principal of Bay- view that it would be preferable to have the shops completed for September, Trustee Snider sug- gested that the contractor be asked if it would be possible to have the shops and two class- rooms completed by September. Mr. Boyce from the architect's office promised to have this in- formation for the next meeting and said he would enquire what the additional cost would be to have the work speeded up and both wings completed for Sep- tember, although he fut that the cost of this would be pro- hibitive. Honour Axelson _% Bayview Addition Chris Taylor - TU. 4-1903 RICHMOND HILL EAST Grant Marshall - TU. 4-3859 RICHMOND HILL WEST John Graves - TU. 4-4219 YONGE STREET SOUTH Herb Smith - TU. 4-1697 Richmond Hill "Vote No" Committee WALTER SCUDDS MANAGER If You Have Any Questions , , ' John Quinn - TU. 4-5176 PLEASANTVILLE Regarding the April 28th liquor plebiscite any of the area captains listed below will be pleased to assist you in whatever way poss- ible. If you wish to know where you vote, hours of polling, transportation, or any other information please contact your area repres- entative â€" BEVERLEY ACRES 295 Blue Grass Blvd., TU. 4-5390 NEWMARKET : The mill rate for 1962 will be 67.6 for indust- ri'al and commercial properties land 62.8 for residential. The residential rate has increased one mill and the other 2.8 mills. Result is that a house assessed at $4,000 will pay $4 a year more -â€" approximately _a cent a day. MARKHAM VILLAGE :Eigh- teen applications have been re- ceived for the vacancy created by the resignation of one con- stable on the village's police force. Deputy Reeve Lawson Mum- ‘berson, drawing from his long police experience as a senior police officer. said that he had Councillor Allan Sumner, a consistent supporter of control, 'algain brought the topic to council’s attention. Councillors Hoover and Hooper, while not opposing the ban too strongly. pointed out that it might be difficult to enforce as ï¬reworks could be bought in adjacent municipalities. 1 The purchase and setting of! of ï¬reworks in Mark'ham Town- ship is to be regulated, town- ship council has decided. In future they may be sold in the township only in the week be; fore Victoria Day and the week before Dominion Day. They may be discharged only on those two days unless a special permit is obtained from the township ‘ Elizabeth, who started 4-H ‘work in 1952 has completed 16 of a possible 19 club pro- jects. and is presently working on her 17th. She has also en- tered in the C.N.E. judging competition twice, was a dele-1 Markham Township Restricts Sale Control Of Fireworks Now law Miss Barker is the ï¬rst York County nominee in 12 years. \She was chosen by a panel of ‘jud-ges consisting of the assist- ant deputy minister of agricul~ ture, the supervisor of county and district home economics, and the director of extension for the Department of Agricul-i ture. Elizabeth Barker Junior Farmers, out of 19 nom- ‘lnees from all over Ontario at a Junior Farmers conference at O.A.C. recently. A young Markham Township'gat Junior Farmer and 4-H Club H01 member has been chosen as a attl provincial representative of On- We tario Junior Farmers, to take has part in a ten-week overseas to; tour. Elizabeth Barker, of the of‘ Third Concession, Markham, was ers chosen. along with three otherlrn After hearing a letter from we4 Mr. Elson and Mr. Templeton '1 recommending the purchase of pre an offset duplicator demonstrat- m'd ed to the board last month, it adv. was decided to purchase this age machine at a cost of $1,696.75. lico. Markham Township Girl Wins Rare Farm Honour In Striking contrast to the days when early settlers tookl‘ ‘over a day to reach Richmond? {Hill from Toronto - then “MudJ ‘dy York" - Mr. A. S. Mahaffey.1 business manager of Scholastic Publications Ltd. of Industrial Road, Richmond Hill, and ï¬rst It was renorted that the Plan- vice-president of the Richmond ning commlttee would meet Hill Chamber of Commerce. is next week to discuss plans for‘on a business trip to England the new high school at Richvale which, with air travelling time and decide when it should beincluded, will see him away completed. from his desk for less than a "After hearing a letter from week. Elizabeth Barker Going Abroad n Township 1 4-H Club :hosen as a ative of On- ‘rs, to take ek overseas 'ker, of the arkham, was three other 'gate to the 1958 4-H Junior Homemaking Conference and attended National 4-H Club Week in Toronto in 1959. She has been junior institute direc- tor, treasurer and vice-president _of the Buttonville Junior Farm- ers, of which she is a member. In addition she has been a jun- ior member of Markham ‘Fair directors and has assisted with the heavy horse competition at the Richmond Hill Fair. In 1960 she won the hand milking com- petition at the Markham Fair and was also York County Dairy Princess and central area win- lner that year. ' The young people leave Mal- ‘ ton airport May 17 flylng BOAC ‘ and will arrive in Scotland May ‘ 18. They will return by Empress of Canada docking,_at Montreal approximately August 1. Her companions will be Marion Brown, R. R. 4 Salt, Donald Mc- Guvgan, R. R. 7 Alvi‘nston. and Ross Tedford, R. R. 3 Chatham. Their director will be J. A. Dal- rymple of the Kemptvill-e Agri- cultural School. Council decided to advertise the by-law for the information of residents. seen many accidents as the re- sult of uncontrolled discharge of ï¬reworks, including loss of eyesight. He felt that control was desirable and that the by- law, which requires an adult to be in charge when ï¬reworks are let oï¬â€˜, was on the right track. Elizabeth is presently work- ing as a dental nurse In Rich- mond Hill. The tour is actually an ex- change tour. At the same time the Ontario representatives are ‘in the British Isles, representa- xtives from there will be in On- ‘tario. The delegates will live with other junior farmers while they are overseas and will visit such places as the Royal High- land Show. the equivalent of our Royal Winter Fair, and a seed testing station at East Craigs. Cors-torphine, Scotland. Mlss Barker received official ecognltion for her achievements from Markham Township Coun- cill after she had been chosen for the tour. “She has brought an unusual honour to our munl- cipality and I feel she should be complimented by us on her achievement," said Deputy Reeve Lawson Mumberson. 80 lb. 80 lb. Bag The Chamber's second vice- plfesiden-t. Stewart Coxford of radio station CFGM, also took advantage of air travel a week gage, spending a week in Mex- [0-6-4 FERTILIZER Chamber Of Commerce 'Veeps' On The Wing $3.00 EA. Plus Tax Hitzi - Sabina - Mugo Pine - Pyramid Cedars $3.50 Plus Tax EVERGREENS For One Week Only Ending Sunday April 22 SUPPLIES AND FLOWER SHOP 9201YONGE STREET RICHVALE â€" 6 Cubic Foot Bale PEAT MOSS SAVE ! SAVE ! SAVE ! -7 FERTILIZER $4.75 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK “The Biggest Little Business in Richvale†$4.75 fl Director of Planning Chairman ' (‘I“““j‘l-“I“‘ I“““““““‘J ' TOWNSHIP of MARKHAM PLANNING BOARD ‘ y):m'm"m“m“m'm‘m“m"“m'm~m'r\'m'm'u‘ \" x" \‘Ix'ï¬m‘m'wm'm‘m‘ mVA'AVAVAVAVAVWV‘ï¬A A A A A A A A Bring the Chil- dren to See the Clown COCA COLA 5: A BOTTLE With All Orders; of $3.00 or Overl FREE BALLOONS FREE . FREE‘ 6 CUT Rosesl R. FORREST With Every $3.00 Purchase OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 25 This Secondary Plan affects all landown- ers in Township Lots 1 to 9 in Conces- sions 8 and 4, between the proposed High- way No. 404 in the west and the Ontario Hydro right-ofâ€"way in the east. Copies of the Amendment are available for inspection at the Municipal Offices. Buttonville. during office hours. A Public Meeting of the Planning Board will be held at 8 pm. on Wednesday, 25th April, 1962, at the Municipal Offices, But- tonville, to outline the proposed SEC- ONDARY PLAN for DON MILLS IN- DUSTRIAL AREAS Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4. 61-l6 MORTGAGES E. T. STEPHENS INVESTMENTS LIMITED 9205 YONGE STREET RICHVALE We, as executors of man estates, know the gitï¬llls, the endless di culties and bitter 'sa Pointments that result from "home- mad: ’ Wills, or worse, from no Will at all! Let our estate planning ofï¬cers have the oEFortum'ty of ex laining to you our valu- a e services in t 6 construction of a well planned Will. You needn’t be Wealthy to warrant a Will! In fact, the less you have to leave your loved ones, the more important it is to conserve it and make the most of it. GUARANTY TRUST 366 BAY STREET EM. 64531 ANYTHING Metro Toronto Offices should make ANYONE COMPANY OF CANADA AV. 5 - 3785 who owns Will! We Also Do Maintenance 18 Years’ Experience MUSHROOM LOAM 5 YARD - 18.00 CUT ROSES $1.25 DOZ.Plus Tax Mixed with Peat Loam SANDY LOAM 5 YARD - 18.00 CUT FLOWERS DON MILLS CENTRE KI. 7-6453 Lili'es, Hydrangea, Mum Pots, etc. H. A. MAYNARD I AV. 5 - 42"