..~_....-.- 0. u AAVIJ “"" “"‘" “WW†St. Gabriel Church RichmondJCommunion segi‘c‘eu'i‘uesday at w. I Hill East is holding a Holy"! am. and also at 10:15 (am. S Communion service at 8 p.m.1Wedne5day. Evening prayer will Thursday, and a Special service‘be held at 7:30 Wednesday fol- will also be held at 11 a.m.‘lowed by the ï¬nal session of Av 'Good Friday. Another communflthe Deanery School of Religion. ' lion service will b; held at 8 Holy Communion will be held .a.m. Easter Sun ay with a again at 7:30 Thursday. A Good 8120 YONGE ST' THORNHILL {special Sunday school class for Friday service will be held from mecmmwwomwawewm. “children between the ages 0f112â€"3 pm. Friday. 011 Easter x“m'm“m“«VmVaV~V~VAV«W\.. a 91V“ Both ministers grew up in Maple where they attended public school, and later com- muted to Aurora each day to attend high school. While at: tending university they roamed together. Dr. Forrest now makes his home at Lorne Park, while‘ Rev. Manning and his family live near Maple. His life long friend Rev. A. C. Forrest D.D., editor of the “United Church Observer", will preach the 33rd anniversary service at High Park Presbyter- larl Qhurch pm April 15. A Maple resident, Rev. Ro- bert W. Manning M.A, S.T.M., who has been minister of High Park Presbyterian Church in Toronto for the past 18 years, has decided to retire because of 111 health. ‘your office machine speciallst’ 88 Baker Ave.. Richmond Hill Day or Evenings TU. 4-17-15 ‘ Typewriters - Adding Machines SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS Their are the Ascot 27 Hotel, Rexda e Blvd., Chicken Villa Tavern. Dundas St. W., Clover- leaf Hotel, Evans Ave.. Constel- lation Hotel, Dixon Rd. (all din- ln-g lounge and lounge licensesm Rev. Manning Retires Because Of Ill Health Applications from seven establishments in Etobicoke Township for liquor licenses have been approved. the Liquor License Board of Ontario an- nounced this week. Jean Yoteï¬'. 101 Trayborn Dr., Richmond Hill; Mrs. R. Allen, 104 Rockport Crescent, Rich- mond Hill; M. Licastro, 27 Gos- ling Road. Maple, Ont; Kay Paxton, 91 Hunt Avenue. Rich- mond H111; A1. Sutherland. 64 Etobicoke Voted Yes In December Bd. Authorizes 7 Liquor Licences The Richmond Heights Mer- chants Association thls week announced the winners of the- ï¬ve lucky draw prizes of $20. each in connection with their Easter promotion at the centre. Four of the ï¬ve winners were Richmond Hill residents and the other lucky winner was from Maple. The following are the lucky people who are $20. richer by having ï¬lled in a free coupon at the Richmond Heights Centre. Jean Yotefl', 101 Trayborn Dr., Richmond Hill; Mrs. R. Allen, 104 Rockport Crescent, Rich- mond Hill: M. Licastro, 27 Gos- ling Road, Maple, Ont; Kay Paxton. 91 Hunt Avenue. Rich- mond Hill; A]. Sutherland, 64 Levendale Road. Richmond Hill Draw For Live Bunnies Due to circumstances beyond .their control the distribution of the live chicks which was to have taken place this Saturday. ‘April 21, at the Kresge Store has had to be cancelled. But 1in order not to disappoint the ‘many boys and girls of the area ‘Mr. Tom Mills. the Kresge {manager has arranged to have a FREE DRAW for the live bunâ€" mies that are on display in the iKresge window. All you have to do is ï¬ll in a coupon at the store and if your name is drawn at 4 pm. Saturday. April let, and you are accompanied by a parent you will be a winner of a real live bunny for Easter. Announce Lucky Prize Winners Richmond Heights Centre Draw 16 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, April 191%? CHESTERFIELD SUITES AT FACTORY PRICES GOOD VARIETY OF STYLES AND FABRICS. Will show them at no obligation. CALL TU. 4-1981 HYDRAULIC momma EXCAVATING, TRENCHING. WATER LINES We take th K. A. SUMMERS RENTAL SERVICE um RIDGES, ONTARIO PR. 3-5397 SPRING PLANTiNG ENDEAN NURSERIES We Have Fertilizers & Grourrr] tonditioners And Spreader Rental Service, Evergreens, Shrubs, Trees, Roses, Grass Seed, Etc. YONGE ST. 1/4 Mile North of Richmond Hi" AVenue 5 - 5122 lee portable models at ‘Wight's Pharmacy" l.. H. SIMS We take this opportunity to greet you and your family with every good Wish at this Holy season Reeve Dean gave the board some hope of help when he stat- jed that the council had discus- sed the matter in committee and the ï¬gure of 35% had been suggested as a share for the‘ board. He said that council would study the matter further and the board would be advised. The members asked that {Hey receive a decision within a month. L. S. Frost, chairman, in pre- senting the case for the board, explained that the funds were derived from areas which when‘ built up, required the board to move in and purchase a school site. In many cases, he said. the board had been able to move in early prior to the subdivision being developed. and in this way they saved paying the high development price for land. However. he revealed that in the case of the Wycliffe subdivision, the price of the school site was $34,000 and the government grant was only $910. Members of the board of Markham Township School Area No. 1 appeared before Markham Township Council on Monday evening seeking some adjust- ment of the lot fees which they‘ requested be shared with the board by council. MarkhamSch.Area Asks Help Purchasing Sites Etobicoke voted yes just in December authorizing the sale of liquor by the glass in both cocktail lounges and restaurants. Acting on this vote the province has now granted seven liquor licenses. Hollywood Tavern, The Queens- way (dining lounge license); Mayfair Restaurant, the Queensway (to be reclassified as a tavern, dining lounge ll- cense); and Old Mill Tavern, Old Mill Rd. (dining lounge license). All popular makes on hand Suecial Students’ Rates Maple charge of the United Church of Canada is also hold~ ing a Good Friday service at 10:30 and traditional Easter Sunday services will be held at 11 am. at Maple, proceeded by a Holy Communion service at Hope at 10:30. uxuuuvutc, auu uluibl. uuuicrau Both Thornhill United andichurch' Agincourt, for a sun- Presbyterian Churchesare hol- rise Service Sunday_ The 591-. ding a mint Good Friday ser‘ vice will be followed by a ‘vice at 10:30 In the Presbyter- breakfast. ian Church. Thornhill United isl holding a Holy Communion: St. Mary’s Anglican Church Easter morning, which is to beheld Holy Communion services followed by a Young People’s Wednesday at 10 3m. and 7:30 breakfast. Regular services will pm. and morning and evening he held at 11 am. and at 7 p.m.lprayer services were also held a special ï¬lm will be shown. during the week. Special ser- Maple charge of the United vices will also be held Friday Church of Canada is also hold~ and Sunday and Easter com- ing a Good Friday service at munion will be held at 7, 8, 9:30‘ 10:30 and traditional Easter and 11 3.111. Easter Sunday. A §ynday services will be held‘at choral service will be held at! Richmond Hill United Church is holding a Good Friday ser- vice at 11 a.m., April 20, and an early morning Holy Com- munion service will be held at 8:30 Easter Sunday. In addition to the special services, regular services will also be held. A choral service will be held in the evening. Langstaff Baptist Church, an- otherpne holding special meet- ings during the week, had as guest speakers Rev. Martin O. Wedge of Wortley Baptist Church, London, and Rev. Don Holliday of Campbell Avenue Church, Windsor. Christian Churches and reli- gious organizations throughout the area will observe the Eas- ter week-end with special ser- vices and meetings. A number .of churches have been holding Easter services during Holy Week and all churches are hol- din-g services on Good Friday. Thomhill Baptist Church is holding a Holy Communion ser- vice Friday at 11 am. and two regular services will be held Easter Sunday. The church’s W.A. was one of the local church organizations holding ‘Easter meetings during the week. At its regular meeting Tuesday the W.A. presented an Easter play. Large crowds enjoyed the Richmond Heights Centre Easter Fashion Show held last week-end at the centre. A large group of models displayed the latesth spring styles for the whole family. Some of the charming models are row? (left to right) Mrs. Turner, irch ser- and om- 1 at tion ular . A l in and hol- ser- 'ter- St. Paul‘s and Zion Lutheran Churches are holding a joint Holy Communion service Fri- day a’c 10 am. in Zion Church south of Maple. St. Paul’s Church Easter Sunday service will be held at 11 am. in Wal- te-r Scott School, Markham Road. The two Congregations' young people will join those of Bethesda Lutheran Church, Unionville, and Christ Lutheran ‘Church, Agincourt, for a sun- rise se-rvice Sunday. The ser- vice will be followed by a! breakfast. l fat Summit Golf Course at 5:30. g'l‘his will be a joint service lwith the St. Matthew’s youth group joining with a King City ,youth group. Regular church service will be held at 11 mm. I r r"â€"â€""â€"â€"'l --â€"-- â€"v- --- St. Matthew’s United Rich- sén; ind vice-presideï¬t, Mrs mond Hill East is holding a W. Sayers; secretary-treasurer Good Friday service at 11 am.‘Mrs. Sorensen; assistant sec which will be preceeded by Hi- retain-treasurer. Mrs. C. Har C yummy-211?. iunrise service ging; _cor§_esppnding secretary ___r Holy Trinity Anglican in Thornhill is holding a Holy {gornmunioz} sgrvice Tuesday at - LllC uuaLuL-uuua 1:811“; 01 all uie ’ St- Mary Immacm‘a'te Roman members. when she said Mrs. [CathOh‘C in Richmonï¬i H?“ 01" Sanderson had fulfilled her :Sel‘Ved Holy W98k With Its 311- duties during her three years ;nua1 retreat. conducted by in office in a most commend~ Father John gage S. J. Holy able way. Through her con~ Week ceremonies started Palm scientious fulï¬llment of her Sunday With the blessmg of the duties. the club is in a sound Palm and mommg and evening and satisfactory condition both mass was celebrated Monday, socially and ï¬nancially, with Tuesday and Wednesday. 011 several new members being ad~ Holy Thursday, evening high (led to the roll call. mass will be celebrated follow- ed by all night Adoration at the Mrs. W. Sayers headed the Repository. Liturgical ceremon- nomination committee. She re~ ies will follow on Good Friday quested Mrs. Zuefelt to officate at 3:00 pm. Ceremonies of the in installing the following of~ Easter Vigil will be held at fieers for 1962: Honorary pre~ 10:45 p.m. Holy Saturday, fol-jsident. Mrs. C. H. Sanderson; lowed by the ï¬rst mass of Eas-lpresdient, Mrs. J. Dewsbury; ter at 12:00. list vice-president. Mrs. Soren- St. Matthew's United Rich-sen; 2nd vice-president. Mrs. mond Hill East is holding a W. Sayers; secretary-treasurer, Good Friday service at 11 am. Mrs. Sorensen; assistant see. which \‘vill be preceeded by Hi-lretary-treasurer, Mrs. C. Har- 12â€"3 pm. Friday. On Easter Sunday Holy Communion will be held at 8 am. followed by morning prayer at 11 am. Eve- ning prayer services will be held at 7 pm. Richmond Hill Preby’cerian Church is holding a Good Fri- day service at 11 am. April 20 and the regular Easter Sunday service will be held at 11 am. Although Emmanuel Anglican Church in Riclwale is holding combined services with St. Mary's Anglican Church In Richmond Hill and Holy Tri- nity Church in Thornhill, the church’s traditional family ser- vice will be held ut 11 am. Good Friday and the regular Easter communion will be held Sunday. ;seven and 12 to follow at 9:30. Holy Communion will be held again at 11 am. and at the ‘same time a Sunday school class for children from two to ‘six will be held. Another com- imunion service will be held iagain 7 pm. Speaker at the eve- nin-g service will be Robert Flowers, a theology studem from Toronto. Richmond Heights Centre Easter Fashion Show a; 333m†Mrs. G. Clubine; press secret~ iary and public relations, Mrs. J. Bayley, district director, Mrs. C. H. Sanderson; alternate, Mrs. J. Dewsbury; branch dir- ectors, Mrs. H. H. MacKay and I Before relinquishing the chair, Mrs. H. Sanderson (the retiring president) in a few well chosen words expressed her gratitude for the support given her by the executive. and all the members during her three years in office, and promised her support to the new presid- ent. Mrs. J. Bayley expressed the unanimous feeling of all the members. when she said Mrs. Sanderson had fulfilled her duties during her three years in office in a most commend~ able way. Through her con~ scientious fulï¬llment of her duties. the club is in a sound land satisfactory condition both lsocially and ï¬nancially, with ls_ev_era.l new members being ad~ The annual meeting of the Richmond Hill Women's Instit- ute (with election of officers) was held Thursday, April 12th, with a good representation of members present. The conven- ors of the standing committees presented excellent reports out- lining the year's activities, in~ eluding visits made by the me- mbers to industrial plants. Mrs. H. McKay paid tribute to the excellent manner in which Mrs. J. Dewsbury had handled the important job of secretary treasurer for the past three years. With considerable grants to charitable organiza- tions etc. the bank total still showed a satisfactory balance, as also the separate account design~ ated for the special hospital fu~ nd. To carry on with this worth- while project will be the aim of the club for 1962. Two speci- al visitors were welcomed. Mrs. H. Wellwood and Mrs. Zuefelt (a former member now living in Midland). The program opened by a choir singing “God Save the Queen†in French, fol- lowed by French songs in which the choir ably demonstrated the inita-tive h-armony of the sea, a windmill and the sound of bells. Mademoiselle Suzanne Higgins imparted a real Parisian flav~‘ our to the evening by her 553-. 0n arriving at the open doors of the cafe (gymnasium-aud- itorium) we Were greeted by two lines of youthful garcons, serviettes draped on arms, who escorted us with professional grace to one of the gay cafe tables. In the romantic half- light of the cafe a 20-foot. Eifâ€"1 fel Tower loomed up against} the wall to the left of the* stage while at the right stood a 10-foot Parisian kiosk gain plastered with colourful travel posters and topped by a brilli- ant red cupola. In this atmos- phere one really felt transpor- ted into another world. Richmond Hill W.|. Elects Officers Last Fwidlay night this re- porter decided to venture into the Continental Cafe at Rich- mond Hill High School to see the Continental Carousel. Talented High School Students Continental Carousel International Flavour Sï¬ï¬ï¬l VICTORIAN ORDER OF 1 NURSES RICHMOND HILL BRANCH Miss E. Woodbyrnel An enjoyable social half hour followed the meeting. De- lightful refreshments were ser- ved by the hostesses, Mrs. Bro- die, Mrs. Bu-tler'and Mrs. G. Taylor. Special thanks are due to the pianist, Mrs. C. Harding, without whose services the meeting would be dull. ing committees, home economics and health, Mrs. H. H. MacKay;‘ whistorical research, Mrs. F. S. \Rumble, Mrs. H. Davis; citizen- ‘ship and education, Mrs. Lamb) ers; agriculture and Canadian Industries, Mrs. H. Davis tele- phone committee, Mrs. G. Clu- bine and Mrs. A. Eden; audit- ors, Mrs. H. Burnie and Mrs. G! Irwin: hostesses, Mrs. Marsden,, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. G. Irwin, Mrs.) W. Middleton, Mrs. J. Step- henson, Mrs. Hawkes, Mrs. W.! Anderson, Mrs. J. Pollard. i Mrs. J. Pollard, reception com- mittee, Mm. W. Sayers, Mrs. W. Anderson, Mrs. J. Butler; pianists, Mrs. C. Harding and Mrs. H. B-urm'e; sick committee, Mrs. J. Russell, Miss A. Tyn- dall, Mrs. L. Clement; refresh- ment committee, Mrs. C. Hard- wick, Mrs. W. Andrews, Mrs. B. Pa‘ttenden; convenors of stand- 7 Those who did ndt give the Carousel a whirl certainly mis- s-e(_i _a lively merry-go-round of During the intermission the garcons and a corps of gain dressed waitresses served light refreshments. The highlight of the evening was a group of Ba- varian dancers from the Harâ€"l monie Club in Toronto known as the Trachten Gruppe-Almenï¬ rausch. They wore authentic Bavarian costumes and per- formed dances involving artis- tié verve combined with athletic agility. The program ended with a "Sing Along†with “Mitch†‘(John) Perkins. The words of well-known French and German songs were projected on a sore- en so hhat the audience partic- ipated wholeheartedly. Richmond Hill Municipal Hal] gaiety. ductive rendition of La Vie En Rose. Another choir offered some of the beloved and me- lodic songs of Germany. John Perkins sang a romantic Ger- man love song in a mellow ten- or voice. A hilarious farce was well acted in French by Grade 10 pupils. A colourful travel ï¬lm of Germany was well re- ceived. 900 FEET AVAILABLE Reasonable Rent Industrial Road Richmond Hill FACTORY S P A C E PHONE TU. 4-4101 V. O. N. Jane Fumerton, Pat Higgs, Brian Front row (left to right) I and Denise Harcourt. ‘ ME. 3- 5661 [ALBION TOWNSHIP : Public school supporters have voted to ‘establish a township school area which will include two twoâ€" ‘room and nine one-room Schools. The vote was 345 in fav~ our and 152 against. The area will not include the school area at Mono Mills and school sec- tions at Bolton and Caledon East will not be included in the new area. The vote turn-out was light, only 497 votes being fallgd out of a possible total of , O . Many were lucky in winning the excellent door prizes donâ€" ated by various local merch- ants. Congratulations to Mrs. H. McCague of 18 Arnold Street, Richmond Hill_ the grand prize winner of the evening. J McConaghy McConaghy Home and School Association extend a great big vote of thanks to all those tak- ing part in any way, in making the April 13th "Variety Night" a tremendous success. The variety show numbers were well presented and enjoy- ed by a large audience of child- ren _and parents alike. Other attractions were well attended. and the bake table, a tribute to our McConaghy mothers, was completely sold out early in the evening. Home & School 61 61 61 61 61 61 60 60 59 Chevroic. Convertible Impala V8, auto- matic transmission, power steering, power brakes, radio, whitewalls, wind- shield washers Falcon Sedan, standard transmission Pontiac Station Wagon Parisienne, V8, automatic transmission, radio, power brakes, whitewalls, wheel discs Corvair 2 Door Coupe, Monza 92 HP. Engine, 4 speed transmission, radio, wheel discs Comet, 6 cylinder, standard transmis- sion whitewalls, radio, wheel discs Volks Coach Deluxe Chevrolet 2 Door Impala Hardtop, V8, automatic transmission, radio, white- walls, wheel discs Oldsmobile 2 Door Super "88" Hardtop, automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes, radio, whitewalls, wheel discs. windshield washers Oldsmobile 2 Door Hardtop Super “88", automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes, radio, whitewalls, wheel discs, windshield washers 6 cylinder, '3, Brian Atkinson, Margie Holmes and Jim Ewing. right) Marni Mills, Susan Mills, Janet Pridham (Photo by David Barbour) CHEVROLET, CHEVY II, OLDSMOBILE, F.85, CORVAIR, ENVOY, O.K. USED CARS 355 Yonge St. N. AV. 5-4991 - TU. 4-1194 Just North of Richmond Heights Centre We intend to be in business for a long, long time and We need your friendship. Therefore you must be ABSOLUTELY SATISFIED. We invite you to try out any of the following Used Cars. Priced Realistically and Sensibly. AFTER YOU HAVE PAID YOUR MONEY FOR A WILSON - NIBLET'I' 06* w: maca- vou ? NO (0??) USED CAR M) WRIT'FEN WARRANTY MOTORS LTD. (Home Improvement Division) Stop 23 Yonge St. Richvale AV. 5-4921 - TU. 4-1121 Evenings: Craig Bowden TU. 4-1668 BOWDEN LUMBER Co. BILL DING says 9 LOCAL TP'IKVMRKS. Inc. ' standard transmission, radio, whitewalls 59 Buick 4 Door Sedan LeSabre, automatic transmission. power steering, radio, whitewalls, wheel discs, windshield washers 58 Oldsmobile 4 Door Super “88", automa- tic transmission_ power steering, power brakes, radio, whitewalls, wheel discs, windshield washers 58 Meteor 4 Door Niagara V8, automatic transmission. radio, two-tone, white- wails, wheel discs, power steering, power brakes 58 Oldsmobile 4 Door Station Wagon 88, automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes, radio, roof rack 57 Oldsmobile 4 Door Super “88". autom- atic transmission, power steering, power brakes, wheel discs, windshield washers 56 Oldsmobile Sedan 83, automatic trans- mission, radio, two-tone, wheel discs y, “nu..- standard transmission 59 Triumph TR3 59 Ford 4 Door Sedan, Custom, 6 cylinder: 59 Cheyrolgt Tudor Biscayne, 6 cylinder, 'RICHMOND HILL ‘TV 8. Appliances AV. 5 - 3756 i TU. 4- 7956 ‘REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF RADIOS - TV ~ HI-FI - TAPE RECORDERS Television Rentals TELEVISION TOWERS FROM $49.95 By Day - week - or Month TELEVISION ANTENNAS Bidders to make allowance on trade-in of one 1961 2 door 6 cylinder Pontiac with automatic transmission. Any further particulars required may be obtained from the un- dersigned. Th; lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. C. WIDEMAN. Chief of Police, Townshtpï¬ of >anrk_halm,_ for the supply of two 6 cylinder. automatic transmission. 2 door sedan pollce cruisers. equipped with heavy duty front seats, heavy duty shock absorbers and heavy duty generators or pref- erably, alternators. U Sealed tenders, plainly mark- ed as to contents. will be accep- ted by H. C. T. Crisp, Township of Markham, R. R. No. 2. Gonn- ley, Ontario, up to 12 o'clock noon on PHONE ALpine 7-1471 or AL. 7-1363 Keele Street Manic. Ont. GROWER â€" FLORIST Since 1380 The ï¬nest in floral designs and bedding plants. PICKERING TOWNSHIP : Council, after a hot argument. decided on the purchase of four Volkswagons for the use of municipal employees. One council member claimed that employees had bought cars which they used for township business with the understanding that they would be given mile- age. Monday, April 30th, 1962 Installed THE TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM ALL WORK GUARANTEED R. 2, 'Gormley, Ontario. . MILLER FROM $29.95 SALES AND SERVICE