Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Apr 1962, p. 18

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18 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thurs AUCTION SALE Will Chief Be Auctioneer? 2 MoCORMICK-DEERING rTRACTORS. Disc Harrows. Cultivator Household Furniture, Many Antiques- The property of EARL ROBB LOT 15. CON. 5. VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP Corner of Jane Street and Sherwood Sidcroad SATURDAY. APRIL 28 Farm Machinery McCormick - Dccring Fat-mall IM) Tractor on rubber com- plete and good McCormick ~ Decring Farmall tBl Tractor on rubber. com- plete and good McCormick ~ Deering 3 furrow- ed. ace bottom tractor on rubber. near new iPoIice Not Need a new bath-tub? You might soon be able to buy one from a rather unusual retailer Richmond Ilill's Police De- partment. It's a brand new one â€" still in its crate. as a matter of fact. _ How come? The answer is comparatively simple, The tub is one of a wide variety of art- icles which usually through p10“'the "lost, stolen or strayed" - . route. comes into the possession Mccormmk . Decrmg 2 (“rmw‘ of a police department. in this ed molmted “Bum. 910‘“ goodit'ase the tub was stolen from a McCormick - Decring 812 [Ot‘libuilding site in Beverley Acres tractor spring tooth cultivaâ€" mum wars ago and never claim- tor on rubber. near new ..d by’ um (Miner. It. along with Set near new Bissel double disc Mimi odd articles. may be dis- harrOW-‘l posed of through an auction sale M-H 13 disc grain drill which the police department is Fertilizer attachment for above.considering holding to clear its Set 5 section light drag harrows.‘shclves "931‘ new ;\ bath-tub is the largest item SEE 3 sea-1”“ llefli'y barrows in the. police department's “de- Set scotch tops for horse collars. partment store" at the PI'CSE‘HI complete with side straps moment but in between it and Many other articles not men- what is Probably the SmaHCSl tioned larticle â€"- (~qu links â€" there's Pile of scrap iron ya wide range. Umbrellas. fenc- Household Furniture ing. lanterns. hub caps. clothes. Sherlock Manning upright piano toyS. bicycles. add to the variety. Plano stool VaiuablesrhrerClaimc-d Upholstered parlor settee. an- it i tique - ° 8 Upholstered parlor chairs. an- S g F I] “We pm as ions ‘ Small parlor table ('otich ‘ ‘ Domestic sewing machine u Dresser Washstand ‘ Wooden wardrobe , . f . .62.. a“ Kn?" leaf table gm" Milli? ITC’hIIIiQH-Rirlgllle Club a _l ' . â€" prcsc . . _ . Gyzzrsogldmne CUpboald' bo‘of Richmondllill at the Rich- Several kitchen 12:23:. £33.“.translations Chesmrfidd and “1?”: 14th was pronounced an enjoy- guget k I kitchen table able gum?“ a rac witi mirror ‘ 2 small tables. Kitchen Cabinet cmnnwlltamr D: Owe” Brown 2 Kitchen “0015 excelled in describing the {fish-. Modem Fri Maire kitchen 1 ._ ions and putting nervous 1n- rlc rangeIggood as me“. e M ‘etle models and their children A ' v . . at ease. lxinettes that modelled ntique kitchen cupboard i . . .~ - Real good electric washing ma- “(ere Flag Ham-M Srhlrleyrfilcm’ chine [Laurene ewanson. laura 10m- . .pson, Anne Maddocks, Lorrie Egg: garisdzilmw'cli” Gemmlll. Mae 'l‘homson. Mur- Whhe colored d ‘pimgs icl Flaglcr and Anita Snow. White color d wreismv d Fashions and accessories were e as san supplied by Children’s Fashion gwmden beds complete Shop. Nordica's. Shields Foot- ani‘igtligugiifirl‘.“ wear and Dyihes”.leilyfllcgs.tall . from Richmon eigi 5 en re. 2 China tailet sets “at. were w 1‘ d b. F -‘ . i. . pp 1e 3 ran gggleolgoggéhqulfcddoluEdit 110$ icctle Originals, hairfistyles b3 ‘. n Spl‘mg D. Albert Brown Coi ures an 33$):ch hcglellectric lamps imakmwp by Beauty Counselor}.1 e The Kinsmen Club of Ric - Melotte cream separator mond Hill also contributed to Parlor 1‘1“! the evening by modelling their A lot of very old homestead are versions of “'62” fashions for. “€195 ‘ women. Draw prizes were won A lot of old china dishes. glass-13y Mrs. Edwards. Mrs. Mac- Wal‘C. ornamcnlS. etc. Murray. Mrs. Baldwin. Mrs. Jim Number of other articles not Dunk, Mrs. Ferguson. Mrs. mentioned Roy Russell, Mrs. Joyce K. At- Terms: cash. No reserve. kinson. all of Richmond Hill. Farm sold. Sale. 1 pm. sharp. Additional winners were: Mrs. KEN & CLARKE PREN'l‘ICE, Finnegan. Toronto; Mrs. Hardy, But May Soon Hold Bath-tub Sale day. April 19. 1962 In Hardware Business During the year many other made to find the owners and in items find their way into the the. majority of cases they ate ‘liands of the police but many claimed. Others are picked up of them are reclaimed. ’I‘Iiese in ditches. back yards. gaidens. “ ‘ ~ " " -- houses. streets. ponds, are the valuable onts such as vacant I . :rings watches and other expen- parks, fields and‘alleys. Man) ‘ i ' property. You of the articles without an ap- sive personal I h V 1wouldn‘t think that it would be parent owner have obviously easy to lose a stepâ€"ladder. but been the property of children, IRichmond llill's Police Depart- lt lakes a lair-sized space in ment can prove to you thal.the basement of the municipal nevertheless. it is among the building to house the lost and lodd articles to come in. Almost found“ department. Chief Rob» everything from the proverbiahbins said that he is constdering “soup to nuts" seems to turn tip holding an auction sale at an ‘in the course of time. says Pol- early date in order to make ice Chief R. P. Robbins. room for a new collection. Where do all these articles .\'o announcement has yet come from? All kinds of places. been made as to who will he says the chief. Naturally. stolen the auctioneer. Could ll be the goods find their way into the chief himself who finally yells .department but every effort isfi'Going - going - GONE. 7 éToronto Diocesan Council Anglican Young People SWNETERS Soil texturized first quality styles in sizes 14-20. All the latest shades. fl «7 \,.CHILDREN'S FANCY x - COTTON DRESSES t A . . . Pullovers . _ ee ‘ for Easter morn . . . Rig variety _ ‘_ ‘ of styles and colors in floral. g‘ing- (llassu' i v - I The 15th Annual Youth Con-vibe theme “Your Money or ham checks or plaid pl‘lnlS at Cardlgans ‘fercnce sponsored by the Torâ€"flour Life“. The conference Kresgevs‘ Sizes: 3_6XI onto Diocesan Council of the.will. at this point. actually be- Cardiganq Anglican Young People's Assocâ€" come two in one. for the univer- . sity and working delegates will with fancy collars leave behind the high school students in St. Mary's Church ople, ranging in age from 161‘and pay their first visit to St. to 25 vears will be taking part.Gtabriel. Following lunches at in the~ conference April 27ih.}lhe two church halls and elec- 28tih and 29th in St. Mary's andllion of the 1962-63 diocesan St. Gabriel Churches in Rich- council executive. delegates will inond Hill and All Sainlsienjoy three hours of free time Church. King. ll'or tours. sight-seeing and shop. Theme of the conference â€" 9mg Al 5100 Pm. saturdav “Your Monev or Your Lifeu _itihey will reconvene in All will be exlpléred with the helpiSaints Ohurch. [\ing for a huge of the Re“ David Bushy and banquet and dance at which Rev. David Jones of the Chris-tnmany 0f “‘9 Clergy and govern‘ ian Education Division of tlielmem Offk'ial‘“ “'ill make an 8P' I ._ , . . c, h pearanee. Anglican Clinich. 'llllollbll t ei Sunday “in see the delegates generosity of many local re-l Sidents the 300 delega‘es Wholattending morning service with will be in attendance Wm heltheir hosts at the church. Fol: lowing a one oclock luncheon. billeted in the homes of many} . . .. ‘ . Anglican families in the area. at A“ Sam‘s 1‘,”‘g' the?” Wln‘. The programme of the conflbe a service of installation and ference bgains in St Mawvslguesit speaker at which time. Church Righmond Hm. at 7530'the newly elected officers are pm. Friday‘ Am.” 2701 whhltovbe installed in their respec- registration and reception ot'lu‘e Posmons- delegates, to be followed byI The yiast t‘wo conferences of the main business session of the the APP-Av were held "1 Baffle weekend and hhe intmductionlin 1960 and Peterborough .in of the conference theme. 9961. We of this area are inâ€"i Saturday will begin “hm aideed pleased to host the 1962. solemn service of Holy Com-. gathering of the A.Y.P.A. whichi munion in St. Mary's Church is the official young peoples celebrated by the Lord Bishop organization in the Anglican! of the Diocese after which Church and we take this Op-l breakfast will be provided by WNW” ‘0 “"S‘h 3‘” members the ladies of the church. The every success in their coming‘ remainder of the morning will MESH NYLONS For shimmering leg appeal . you’ll want these for your new Easter Ensemble. Sizes: 9-11. Handsome shades for ’62. iation is to be held in this area during the latter week of April. Approximately 300 young peâ€" ms .. $4.93 $437 SPRIN HBAGS Fabulous assortment of styles in soft leather-like genuine marsh~ mallow. Black. Brown or Bone. $2.98 Ladies' SL|P&PANTIE Sets Rayon Celasuede“ styles in white and colors. S-M-L. Each set G For that added touch of smartness Matching sets in $1.59 Set new Spring shades Also Oblong ScarIs At 5911 including white. in many delicate hues PRE'I'I‘Y PARTY NYLON FROCKS for TODDLERS Lace and embroidery trims R». u ,_ “q dad MILLINERY Leaders in our Spring. par- .u__ :5â€" Nonn Stretch GLOVES White and colours ade of fashion . . Luxuri- ous styles in various brands and straw fabrics. Colors Auctioneers iMaple: Mrs. Hughes, Agincourt, James Smith. Clerk ers Snow. Weston: Pr. DOUBLE WOVEN deliberations. .' l i- T -‘ Viirrr‘ , . . v ' then be taken up \‘tllJIl two and matchmg 511p Included. boxed. you 11 be proud to wear m Phone Markham 346 or Stoufl-‘ville 96208â€" i .â€" i Say HAPPYEASTER With Coral Bel FLOWERS AND PLANTS Easter Lily Plants: each bloom or bud . . . . . . . . . . 50c 3 Blooms or Buds on plant . . . . . . . . Hydrangeas.‘ pink, blue, white, red . . Spring Gardens: featuring hyacinths, begonias, - - - coleus. Priced from Mums: in. pots. Yellow, white, pink . . . Gardenia. Plants: exotically beautiful Cut Flowers: We have a glorious selection for mixed bouquets. Attractiver boxed. 10 OX the Easter parade. PRICED FROM to Many styles and colors in sizes 2 to 3X. lengthy- sessions to be based oh‘Fa" To See Increase §|n Stall, Pupils . The enrollment in Richmond. ‘Hill public schools on Marchl 31st was 3.456. members of thel public school board learned at their recent regular meeting. It' is estimated that 297 pupils willl leave grade 8 in June. reducing. public school population to 3.159. It is likely. however, that. .the influx of juniors will more! ‘than compensate for the number lost and it is considered to be a safe bet that there will be well‘ over 3.500 pupils when schooll ‘starts again in September. Present teaching staff num- ‘bers 110. Revsignations and ileave will see lIi‘aL number de- creased by eight. Sixteen new‘ teachers will be taken on, thisi number providing for exipected‘ expansion of pupils and to pro- vide the necessary reserve. Fivel ‘have already been emiployed.‘ toristart in September. 500 MenIerS ‘OI Auxiliary To Coming Hospital Nylon Gloves $1.57 *ch. Can. Celanese 'l‘r. Mk. Beautiful EASTER CARDS For That Extra PERSONAL FRIENDLY GREETING A wide selection for all. Special titles and relative cards. I Floral... 5.: .. 35¢ EASTER NOVELTIES Madeâ€"up baskets and toy items combined with candy, novelties and Easter trim. Priced from t0 .... Plant $1.50 . . each $3.00 up T-SIRTS & PO HIRS FOR TODDLERS & CHILDREN Stripes or Plain. Sizes: 1 to 3 and 2 to 6. 59c to 98c oy's Ranm con TROUERS INFANTS DRESSES 8. DIAPER SETS Nylon - Terylene â€" Fancy Cot- tons. Sizes: 6-12-18 Months. $1.98 Each INFANTS' & CHILDREN'S ... $2.50 . . . $2.75 .. $4.40 Present membership of the Antelopei Laden» York Central Hospital Auxil- (‘harcoal,Blue. iary. formed only a compara- Sizes; 6_16_ . . ‘ . tively few weeks ago. is now mam 01 Fancy Styles' .more than 500. At a recent Assorted colors. lmeeting of the executive sev- ‘eral new unit chairmen were introduced by Mrs. R. .1. Miller. president. New branches have been formed at Buttonville. Jef- ferson and Richvale. with Mark- 39c and 49c DECORATED Pedestal EGG ham and Maple organization meetings still to be. held. In Richmond Hill. branches are . - being formed under one chairâ€" In smart WlndOW box- man Mrs. W. Pocknell. A campaign to raise building funds for both York County hospitals will commence short-. Only ly, While auxiliary units will " not take. part in this drive. in- ‘ dividual members may offer their services. “Great enthusiasm is being shown by youth groups." said Mrs. F. Jackson. "and work must be found for them to do.“ A gift shop committee will soon be formed. as there is much Decorated and name in special box. KreSge'sMade-upEASTERPLANTERS Imported flower holder with Easter Daffodils preliminary work to be done - . v . before the hospital is completâ€" and I‘ll} 'Of'theA alley ,ed. Mrs. Ernest Redelmeier re- _ quested names. addresses and ’ preferences for work of all (lonlplete '* c S branch auxiliary members. The auxiliary has taken memâ€" bership in the Ontario Women's Hospital Auxiliary Association. The next meeting of the board will be held in the Richmond Hill Public Library on May 17th at 10 a m. S'l‘OL’FFVlLLE : Long distance charges are to be eliminated on calls originating in Stouff- ville. made to Markham and L'nionyille, when dial telephone BOYS & GIRLS Please Note We will not be giving away Raby Chicks on Saturday due to unt'orseen circumstances. HOWEVER: 'l‘here will he a FREE DRAW on our Live Bunnies SA'I‘l'RDAY. APRIL 21 .‘\T 1 PM. POLO SHIRTS Many pat- I.IFE-LII\'E I’OLYETH YLENE EASTER FLOWERS With long sleeves. terns. stripes and colors. Daffodils. Tulips. Narcissus. Easter Lily. All Sizes. Reg. $400 value. 10¢‘19c'39c service commence: in the fall, _ . , - .. .‘ .. Rates on an individual resid- Closed Good Frlda} If Fm“ Wimp l'a- (lld:\.li.'i.nlii~mui he rncr ‘iric ui‘l increase from n .,.<_.‘, _ _,_, .. _, ‘_ ._, V... ‘ at'iltml’allmd ll. W1?“ " SW m Mn- and SATISFA nonrandom? ED ORMONEY c FORD ST. RICHMOND HILL 200 Feet West of Yonge 0an Wed. & Thurl. Till 9 p.m. dividual business line from S7 05 Ito $8.

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