Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Apr 1962, p. 1

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I961 Surplus To Save Borrowing Prepayment Discount} To Be Discontinued Separate School Householder Nearly Breaks Even On Taxes Public school Home Assessed At $5000 Up $13.80 the tax rate for 1962. That result was achieved by holding down expenditures during the year to $89,893 less than budgetted for. Income was $39,950 less than estimated, but the net result left a surplus of over $50,000. Auditor Stewart Joscehn rec-:ers because. if it were allowed ommended that the surplus for in the budget, the tax rate should be used to provide ajwould have to be fractionally working reserve. This, he said.‘higher to compensate. Auditor would save the town a con- Joscelyn agreed that the change liderable amount in interest was a sound one. Many muni- when it was forced, as it always cipalities, he said. did not allow is. to borrow pending receipt such a discount. of taxes, and would create a Clearing Up Titles better working capital situa-‘ As recommended by the York tion. County registrar some time ago. Wash Out Discounts ‘council took a step towards Another radical change madelclearing up unsatisfactory regis- in arriving at the 1962 millltration of land titles in older rate was the washing out otsections of the town, where discount for prepayment of properties do not show on a taxes. It was said that the dis-.registered plan. The move was The town‘s present position“f showed a debenture debt of approximately 171/2 per cent. That, said Auditor Joscelyn. was reasonably satisfactory. If it crept up to 20 to 25 per cent of assessment, that would not be good, he declared. Council members stressed the need of not creating more debentures than were retired in any one year. There was a danger point, said Deputy Reeve Tom Broad- hurst, chairman of the finance committee. It could be ex- pected that in 1962 approxi- mately $100,000 over retirements could be expected, due to school expansion. M a y o r Haggart pointed out that supplementary assessment through new build- ings could help materially in keeping the debenture debt within controllable limits. VOLUME LXXXII, NUMBER 42 Another radical change madelclearing up unsatisfactory regis- in arriving at the 1962 millltration of land titles in older rate was the washing out of‘sections of the town, where discount for prepayment of properties do not show on a taxes. It was said that the dis- registered plan. The move was count had not proved to be theistrongly supported by local help it was expected to be in lawyers. Council allowed $1,500 securing early payment of taxeSIfor this purpose in the budget. which would save bank borrow-‘It was said by the registrar that lngs. Elimination of the dis- it would cost about $30 per lot count, it was pointed out. (“(1:10 effect proper descriptions} not affect the average taxpay-iThe amount set aside will take} The administration of Richmond Hill for 1961lcare had left a budget surplus of $50,043, town councillors'ffa“:i were pleasantly surprised to learn as they received the the audited statement of 1961 affairs prior to striking clear the tax rate for 1962. That result was achieved by Th holding down expenditures during the year to $89,893 Sho“ less than budgetted for. Income was $39,950 less than afigfi estimated, but the net result left a surplus of over reas‘ $50,000. crep’ -1- Trustee Alters Opinion Favours School Bus Now Stressing that the problem is council’s. Trustee Goodwin reported that the oral recom- mendation of these men was the formation of a committee by council to study the problem. and, with the help of technical aid In traffic‘ engineering from the two departments, reach a long-term solution. Vaughan Pupils May Ride Yet of council. school board» police and planning departments. and safety of children on their way to and from school would be only one facet of the overall problem. He thought it wise to wait for the official memor- andum on the inspection of the problem areas. using this {or a basis on which to approach council to ask its co-opera'tion 1 “My opinion has swung over,’ stated Trustee Terry Goodwin, referring to the necessity of trans- portation of children to school in certain areas, at the recent meeting of Vaughan Township School Area Board. He was reporting results of a meeting with two representatives from each of the Department of Transport and the Department of Highways, who are “honestly and sincerely interested in these problems not only here,. but all over the province." Such a committee. he said ,,,,, Pictured here are some of the people who contributed to the out- standing success of the horticultural society's Spring fair, held in the Lions Hall at Richmond Hill on April 14th. From the left are: Mrs. Gordon Langley, who was in charge of local handicrafts; Mrs. Doug Boyd, MN. Ivan Grant, Miss Gladys McLatchy, secretary of the society; W. S. Urqu- Public Library, 56 Yonge N., Richmond Hill, Yonge N., :hmond Hi;l, pg . They Helped Make ,The‘Springfair..Afl,§95<ess in setting up the suggested com- mittee. May Come In Fall “It doesn‘t look hopeful to getting anything helpful done before September lst." he con- tinued. “We will have to come to some conclusion, which will‘ be tentative, at the time oil setting the budget. but after talking to these men I am more convinced that bus trans- portation should be provided in at least two areas. on a tem- porary basis. until a permanent solution of the problem can be am‘ived at. But we must have some safeguard against this be- ing used as the opening wedge to provide township-wide trans- portation which would force taxes up five mills. which many ratepayers cannot afford." care of 50 lots and councillorsBudget ls Pared felt that if this plan was car- Council faced ried out over a term of years would have inc the situation could be easily of operating th: cleaned up. $22,000 when it Mr. Joscelyn said tho-t the situation with regard to collec- tion of past due taxes was reaâ€" sonably good. Both he and council members, however. were 'unhappy about equalization of assessment â€" the complicated system used to ensure equal treatment for all municipalities, with their different assessors, in setting of county rates. 1There is a strong move on foot to have all assessment in the county carried out on a county basis to ensure uniform assess- ment.) Lincoln County was the first county in Ontario to carry out county assessment, said Mr. Joscelyn, and it was working well. '“Ladies In Retirement" Starts 8 Nights Apr, 24 The Curtain Club Theatre will again be open for the en- tertainment of Richmond Hill, when “Ladies In Retirement" starts a run of eight nights next Tuesday. April 24th, at 8.30 pm. The plain-directed by Cicely; Thomson. is a comedy thriller guaranteed to keep the audiâ€" ence on the edge of their seats with suspense. but nevertheless chuckling at the antics of Miss Louisa and Miss Emily and the incorrigible Albert Feather. These parts give scope to Dor- othea Painter. Muriel Gillard ;and Dennis Stainer respectiveâ€" ly for some amusing perform- ances tinged with pathos on the part of the “old ladies", MiSS ‘Ellen Creed who brings the .macabre note into the play. is “In Essentials Unity; in Non-Essentials Liberty; in all things Charity" RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1962 Council faced estimates whichl would have increased the cost of operating the town by some $22,000 when it started its final drive to set the 1962 tax figure It not only succeeded in cut- ting off that amount but also eliminated sufficient expendi- tures to cut the town’s part of the mill rate frraction‘ally below that of last year. l Hospital Tenders ‘Opening Date Will "Be Set Back Week Conclusion of the day-long job, which followed many even- ings of work, saw Deputy Reeve Tom Broadhurs‘t, chairman of the finance committee, win con- gratulations. “The chairman has done a magnificent job,” ‘said Reeve Floyd Perkins. Other council members added their praise. “It’s because everybody got together with goodwill," said the Deputy |reeve. played by Elizabeth‘ Jackson, "1,8 me efficiently sinister in all her “mom actions. and her victim, Miss the Who Leonora, is a newcomer to the Mr- 5" Curtain Club. Beau Fitzer. Aid- 651 If {ht ing and abetting Albert Feather V1065 51“ ‘is the pert and pretty maid. fil‘e \Ve!‘ ‘Lucy. whom the audience will the Size ‘recognize as Marilyn Louw. A Additior "‘saner" note ls introduced into could or this collection of odd charact- cost to 1 ers by the appearance from:Hill. time to time of the kindly sis-'ZO-Bedn ter from the convent. Sister} The l Theresa. played by Jean Ralls.‘that a 21 I The Curtain Club box officeiin a tau Theresa. played by Jean Ralls. The Curtain Club box office will be open for tickets reser- vations begining on April 17th, phone number TU. 4~0072, and from past experience of sold out houses. the Curtain Club lurges its friends to secure tic- ‘kets immediately to avoid dis- appointment. Tenders for the York Central Hospital projected for Richmond Hill were to have been opened on April 25th. The date has been deferred for approximately a week. ' Reason is that tenders for the extension of York Coun- ty Hospital, Newmarket, were returnable on April 24th. In order to prevent any confusion and to smooth the path for con- tractors. the Richmond Hill tender date has been post- vponed hart, president; Sharon‘Cowan and Charleen Rayson, C.G.I.T. girls who helped with ushering, serving of tea and other duties which helped make the fair a smoothly-flowing event. At the back is seen the bottom of the 18-foot map which helped accent the theme of “Canadiana”. (Photo by David Barbour.) fiflmmfl ;Town Has No Guarantee EThat Hotel Will Be Built Public Medina Campaign Chairman Walter Scudds of Beverley Acres‘stress- ed that we are not simply voting on a promised hotel but whether or not we want to abdica‘te our local autonomy and turn con- trol of our town over to an out- side authority appointed by the provincial government. If our people flavour a yes vote then the number and location of cock- .tail lounges and restaurants sell- ing liquor by the glass will be uthe sole decision of the liquor board located in Toronto. Con- trary to what some people are saying our local council will have no say in the matter whatâ€" soever. No Guarantee sand the public is being pro- mised. “If we vote yes and turn our town over to a group of outside promoters all you and I, the taxpayers, will have is a verbal promise from a bunch of strangers," said Mr. Scudds. “Our town council has been remiss in its duty in failing to se- cure a legal undertaking from these promoters that a certain type and size hotel will be built and by such a date”, added Mr. Scudds. As to the promised revenue from the sale of liquor. he es- ‘timated the municipality would gonly receive back from the prov- A well attended public meeting of the Richmond Hill “Vote No” committee'was held Wednesday evening of last week in the auditorium of the public library” Those attending heard a free and frank discussion on the vital public issue of whether or not Richmond Hill should throw its doors wide open to the indiscriminate establishments of liquor outlets. The meeting was very ably 4 East. The liquor act requires only« that a 20-bedroom hotel be built in a town the size of Richmond Hill. The act only requires 50- bedroom hotels in cities with a population of 100.000 and over. Mr. Scudds estimated that the tax revenue from a 20~bedroom hotel or motel would only be ‘57 or 58 thousand a year which .is a lot less than the S35 thou- Norman Ritchie of Cefitre Street Chairman Ralph Kerslake of Pleasantville, said Brampton, which is the home of American Motors has been far more suc- cessful than Richmond Hill in attracting industry and that they had done it without the aid of liquor outlets. He also cited Aurora which is the home of Sterling Drug as another town that secured a major in- form of report would be made quarterly, Councillor Alec Camp- bell, chairman of the personnel and welfare committee. told Richmond Hill Town Council this week. The report for the ‘first three months of the year To give the committee and members of town council a clear and up-to-date picture of the welfare situation, a standard ‘oom hotel. Continuous complaints aboutl ’the dangers created by hunters‘ Welfare Situation Will Go To Council To give the committee and members of town council a clear and up-to-date picture of the welfare situation. form of report would be made quarterly, Councillor Alec Camp- bell, chairman of the personnel and welfare committee, told Richmond Hill Town Council this week. The report for the first three months of the year is to be available for council at its next meeting on April 30th. It is expected that the report will be available for discussion by council one month after the end of each quarter_ said Coun- cillor Campbell. a standard ‘ in Vaughan Township, mostly temporary visitors from the have finally led to the passing of a by-law by Vaughan Town- ,chvarge of firearms except by :residents in certain cases. i The by-law says that “no per- ‘son shall discharge any gun or lother firearm, air gun or any claSS or type thereof in the municipality of the township of Vaughan" except owners of agricultural lands. who are not prohibited from shooting in defence and preservation of their property. They may not luse a weapon above 12 gauge 'if a- shot-gun and .22 calibre if a rifle. The wlord "owner". the by~law says, Includes lessees, ‘.bona fide employees of the own- < city during the hunting season,l I ship which prohibits the dis-] ICouncil Unhappy} uAs Schoo| Board? iRequests $21.0]! The chairman of the finance committee of the Richmond Hill Town Council was given au- thority at that body's last meet- ing to reply to a letter from the Richmond Hill School Board which requested council to pay‘ for a broken window at Pleas- antville School_ said to have been smashed by a golf ball. The letter pointed out that. by virtue of an agreement between the council and the school board, the former undertook to make repairs. when notice was given in writing. Cost of repairs was said to be $21.01. id 2. . ........... $8 to he s 10] I Commercial and industrial included $3 500 in the library S°h°9l§ ‘5 h” th’9ugh the 53‘.“ bud et to éake ca of books condition as public school. With g re residential assessment only car- for the school and $3 400 for . ' ' ‘ ' . rymg 90 per cent of the school the school for retarded children, tax that commerce and industry before they decided to send us . such bills, taking money out of pays' atBut’ Egalln’ {he dm}? 1m one pocket and putting it in sap” 8 SC 0°. .axes egs the other?” asked Deputy Reeve tgesnooatl’s": Thfillrblumfi'gg“ t e Tom Broad'hprst, coincidentally $ ’ d tastlfi’ W1 bye s 11‘ 1°01?- finance committee chairman. pal; .0 e p“ flc 25.;920 Sup' The threat of‘bi/llihg for $21.01 W e” “@9359 ° $ ' - appeared to irk chum“ mem- The mill rates for 1962 are hers, who discussed the play- as follovys, With the 1961 rates ground situation at some length. Show“ “1' brackets after “1.9 A suggestion by the school board 1962. Fate- Pu‘bhc SChOOlv “251' that signs banning the playing den-tial property, 56.99_(54. 3) of golf in school grounds public school, commermal and brought a statement that the ‘nduswlalv 6157.66.18); Sepa‘ Signs would cost more than the rate school, re51dent1al, 59.50 damage. “A Sign is worth noth_ (59.43); separate school, com- . "mercial and industrial, 64.37 ‘ ‘Pg.““1955..y_‘lԤf§?_3’335 it “I” (61.98). School Extension Tenders Opening On April 26th lSchool Damages‘g‘g lProbIem Recurs‘w‘E Will Bill Towm? The threat of billing for $21.01 appeared to irk cbuncil mem- bers, who discussed the play- ground situation at some length. grouna Sl’LuaLan m. sum: wugu... A suggestion by the school board that signs banning the playing of golf in school grounds brought a statement that the signs would cost more than the dam-age. “A sign is worth noth- ing unless you can back it up,” declared Mayor Haggart. 1962 1 den-tia" public indust rate : (59.43) merciz (61.98) For Eight contractors had asked for particulars cov- ering the projected nine- room extension for the Crosby Heights Public School. members of the Richmond Hill Public School Board were told at their last meeting. Tenders must be in by 4:30 pm. on April 26th Ind will be opened by mem- bers of the board at their regular meeting that night. Vandalism at public schools got another airin-g at the last meeting of Richmond Hill Pu-b- lic School Board and, as a re- sult, the town will receive a bill for a broken -window at Pleasa'ntville school. Damage at the town’s public schools was a source of major controversy during 1961, with disputes be- tween the school board, the town council and the police de- partment being featured in a situation which finally saw a group of parents taken to juv- enile court, with indecisive re- It was pointed out that, under $90vfi its agreement with the town, the remc municipality was responsible for Whil! uhe grounds after 5 p.m. and DOSE] up to 8 am, when the areas hous were used as public playgrounds. cost The same agreement specified Publ that the town would pay dam- used ,ages, it was said. The bill for re- Bi pairs will be sent to town coun- year ‘ cil. rtook ! ,. .,, , ,_, lPheasant Purchase Cancel|ed Vaughan Bans Firearm Discharge if a- shot-gun and .22 calibre if a rifle. The word “owner”. the by-law say-s, mcludes lessees, 'bona fide employees of the own- Wm DISTRICT SINCE 1878 SINGLE COPY 10c Iowm, Eiiaééfiasi! 61 Municipal Spending Come In And See . . . . . EUROPEAN and CANADIAN HERRIDGE ELECTRIC New Address: 40 Levendale Road In terms of a house assessed at $5,000, Richmond Hill residential property owners who are public school supporters will pay $13.80 more tax this year. The differenceâ€"and moreâ€"is accounted for entirely by portions of the tax dollar over which council has no control. Council actually reduced the increase by cut- ting its rate below that of last year. County, high school and public taxesâ€"again on the basis of a house assessed at $5,000â€"jumped $15.55. Council cut its rate $1.70 on the same assessment, thus making the $13.80 net increase. Town's Share Decreased County,Education,More HI - Fl STEREOS Commercial and industrial taxpayers show a much bigger increase, with educational costs registering a severe impact due to a new provincial regulation which says that the tax for edu- cation may only be 90 per cent on residential property of what it is on commercial and indus- trial property. Using the $5,000 yardstick again. the actual dol- lar increase will be $23.95. Here again the saving effected by council on local adminis- tration costs helped reduce the additional county. high school and public school increases. Separate school supporters, with the school rate declining materially this year do better.i comparatively speaking, than public school supporters. On a $5,000 residential assessment, they will only pay 35 cents more. The decline in their school rate, plus the saving on town administration costs, was great enough to practically bal- ance county and high school increases. \Education Costs Biggest Bite For those who do not want to fuss around with mills to cal- culate their tax position for the year, there is a simple formula. For each hundred dollars of tSaw Over $2 Million Go l Major amounts included in lthe year's expenses included $114,000 for administration. $12,572 was spent on the in- dustrial commission. Public welfare cost $24,334. The pub- lic library was given $30,000. It took $2,138,738 to run the town of Richmond Hill last year, the annual audited statement revealed when it was presented to town council this week. That amount included the paying off of $391,700 in de- bentures. er or lessee of the property in question, or a child of such own- er or lessee who is over the age of 16 years. . IL‘L ’I‘he by-law does not prohibit moo shooting at a lawful shooting clair range or gallery, skeet club or 0 meet, or in an organized hunt ture which has been approved by the in, township. mlglc Much Consideration d n Vaughan Township Council 63" ‘has taken its time in adopting war: the legislation. In recent mon- t w. ‘ths it has heard delegatons of g ‘ ‘those opposed to a shooting ban c F: and those in favour of some mll‘ ,form of control, and has given on ' iample opportunity for both C :sides to present their cases. Ag- aha ‘riculturists have been emphIa-ticlwas in their demands for a ban on‘sho indiscriminate shooting. recit- nee >ing many instances of danger- sen ‘ous situations. They said that the by-law does not prohibit lg at a lawful shooting or gallery, skeet club or or in an organized hunt has been approved by the assessed value â€" the figure shown on the notice received from the town assessorâ€"take the following amount and mul- tiply by the number of hun- dreds; public school. residen- tial, $5.70; public school. com- mercial and industrial. $6.16: separate school. residential $5.95: separate school. commer- ‘cial and industrial, $3244. I . ».u. .u... ..._ For instance. a public school supporter's residence assessed at $4,700 would pay 47 times $5.70 or $267.50. The figures. using this formula, will not come dead on to the exact cent in all cases, but the difference will be only a matter of cop: pers. \107 Ballots Cast :‘iln Advance Poll One hundred and seven Rich- mond Hill citizens cast ballots Tuesday in the advance poll of the forthcoming liquor vote. Poll-s were open from 8 am. to 5 pm. and from 7 pm. to 10 pm. in Richmond Hill Pub- lic Library. The vote will be held April 28. 4:___.l nun“ Allr-A- _ The numbgr was considered to be fairly high compared to the numberr of vote§ usually cast in an idvance poll] was the County of York rate, which swallowed $168,475. 011 the other side of the led- ‘ger, to provide the money for these expenditures, were rev- enues of $2,188,781. With the changes in the provincial liquor l-aws an- nounced this week by Pre- mier John Robants private clubs can now be licensed. This means that the Rich- mond Hill Curling Club will now be eligible for a bar licence. Other changes in the liquor laws announ- ced by the premier includ- ed longer hours of sale for cocktail lounges and hav- ems. Liquor can now also be sold and legally consum- ed in 'hotel rooms. The largest portion came from taxpayers, who contributed $1,671,651. Penalties and in- terest on taxes brought $11,051. The province, through road sub- sidies and grants, put $134,000 into the town's treasury. Inci- dentally, the town receives revâ€" ,enue from both the provincial ‘and federal governments, which do not pay taxes on their propâ€" erties in the town. In lieu thereof, the province gave the municipality $5,637 and the na- tional government paid $5,000; ElvfiEBeEEfiIâ€"éâ€"Ehfifige}. recdvércd during the year were $279,563. hunters from the city set fires, had a complete disregard for property of others. breaking fences and trampling crops. Stock was endangered, it was claimed. 0n the other side of the pic- ture, hunters felt that if shoot- ing was restricted to residents much of the danger would be done away with. Some propos- ed a group of volunteer game wardens who would police the ‘township. Council felt that a icomplete ban on shooting with a minimum of exceptions, was the only way to cure the situation. Council decided not to pur- chase pheasants this year, as it :was felt that with the ban on shooting they would not be lneeded. In addition their ab- Isence might help in enforcing liquor Licence Private Clubs e mig‘ by-law

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