Rum cleaner and floor' polisher. V. 5-4228. c1w42 RICYCLE, 13" front wheel, eather seat, $4.50. TU. 4-5359. c1w42 ASHER in working condition, 30. Baby carriage $15. Hi-g‘h hair $7. TU. 4-5164. c1w4g HESTERFIELD suite, bann, and condition, $20. TU. 4-5710. c1w42 0 GAL. hot water tank with wo elements, like new, $20.00. 84-1920. c1w42 ï¬OMBINATIONA Qompacï¬ 'yac- AKVIEW BEACH (Easter ecial). 3 bed-room furnished ottage, water and hydro. Sandy each, For information call TU. -2505. c1w42 11 length. perfect condition.! USKRAT COAT, mink styled,! 8-40.7Est‘arte sale_ $300 value} WANTED to buy water pressure :ystem. BA. 5-8259; *1w4g ehine. Excellent conditiBn. $15. [‘U. 4-2798. c1w42 VASHING MACHINE, in good rendition. AV. 5-4224, not after l p.m. c1w42 )URO shallow well pump wi-tll tontrols and tank. Phone AV. 5- ’LAYPEN $5; ’s’un Emopy for :arriage $3. AV. 5-2420. *1w42 ZAST IRON BELL, complete; :ome walnut, oak and pine fur- niture. AV. 5-3891. c1w42 VHNIATURE electric chord or- ;an sacriï¬ce. $50. TU. 4-4197. c1w42 'e-conditioned ï¬nd tuned by Al' Pyle, $275.00 cash. TU. 4-3614†c1w42; }00D used furniture for sale. )all Frank's Movers and Stor- Lge, 28 Industrial Rd.. TU. 4. L613. tfc3 lADIO, beautiful cabinet, AM ‘M and two short waves, record dayer with automatic exchange. ‘rerman make Graetz. Phone .‘U. 4-1629 after 7 pm. c1w42 EAUTYREST. Marshall. Sim- ons, Serta, Seely and other ring mattresses repaired, re- rned just like new, medium rm. extra firm. Two-day ser- ce, Eiderdowns recovered. On- rio Bedding Co. AV. 5-1591. tfc44 GIRL’S SUMMER CLOTHES ize 1; 4 cotton dresses, 2 ny- n, 2 coat sets, several bonnets, sun-dresses, 4 sun-suits. ize 2-3; 5 cotton dresses, 1 or- andy, 2 sun-dresses. 11 freshly laundered. starched. .new. TU. 4-1570. c1w42 )xen yoke $10.00; dough table 10.00. Both pine. 285-1971. 0.000 BALES straw; zoo tdhi my, 200 tons feed oats. Will lellver. AV. 5-2236. TU. 4-2236. tfc19 rcn, $30. Drapes. 26 ft: wide 150. TU. 4-4712. c1w42 i:â€" '$75_."'i€ep'1ié§' cB'n'édeh'dSi‘ 9;: loi'ljle Libga‘l. nc42 inAND TUBE, 520 x 13. new 12.00. TU. 4-5494 after 6. LTROLLER, butler, swing. play- »INGER leeadle sewing mach- FIREWOOD Dry hardwood in 12" and 16" engths. Delivered free. Any ‘uantlties. AL. 7-8831 tfc14 DRY BASEMENT INSURANCE there‘s only one positive short arm policy - a dehumidiï¬er. :uy it or rent it from - HERRIDGE ELECTRIC T.V. Appliances, Sales, Repairs. 'arts, Rentals, 4-D Levendale Rd. TU. 4-3211 Itoumme LARGE PIANO. has been fully TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer 11 popular makes for sale In- uding new and "ebuilt stand- d portable and electric mod- 5. Special rental rates aVau- 1e to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. Iichmond Hill BEEF & PORK BY QUARTER 0R SIDE prepared for your freezer or locker. Fast Freezer Service. tustom killing and curing of meat 8 specialty. SCHELL'S MEAT MARKET TOP SOIL ORDINARY SANDY LOAM SOD, SEED, PEAT MOSS QUALITY DOES COUNT WHEN YOU BUY {ICE BLACK PEAT LOAM SPECIAL MIX [CH BLACK SANDY LOAM WELL ROTTED MANURE 24 not after 9 pm. c1w42 FILL _1 items may be picked up at Ir location by truck. car or ‘llvered ‘GIN MILLS LOAM & SOD C0., LTD. \ AV. 5-1514 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH BATES. lst Insertion 50 each word, mln. charge 750 Second and subsequent Insertions If wording unchanged. 50 per word, min. charge . . . . . . 650 FOR. BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per Insertion of 500 COMING EVENT NOTICE: 50 per word: min. charge 750 CARDS 0F THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES, BIRTHS. per Insertion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 Classiï¬ed advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 10 mm. on Wednesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment, or telephone TU. 4-1105 and you will receive invoice. THE LIBERAL, Richmond ARTICLES FOR SALE ANTIQUE TU. 4-1745 BARGAINS! 11 cu. ft. refrigeâ€"r- tfc49 ator. Chrome table extends 54".‘ â€"COUNT Antique Edison gramaphone,‘ BUY records. Silver coffee pot, night “i LOAM table, vanity bench. scatter rugs, Ix ruffled organdy curtains, etc.‘ DY LOAM Boys' trench coats. BA. 5-7891i “ANURE after 6.00 pm. c1w42 Phone 220 c4w39 c1w42 c1w42 «C40 tfc39 BABYfARRIAGE, in good con- dition. 884-3984. c1w42 REFRIGERATOR, good condi- tion, suitable for apartment or cottage. Sell cheap, AV. 5â€"4019. c1w42 COW MANURE and peat loam, ï¬nest quality. Small load $5.00. large load $15.00. Call collect TU. 4-2538 or PR. 3-5922. tfc39 END OF LEASE ' Fabric sale, also many items of ladies' wear reduced to clear. Wynâ€"Dot Ladies’ Shop, Bay- view Plaza. TU. 4-2214. c1w42 rose wine, nice condition, 350. AV. 5-3755. *1w42 TRAVEL TRAILER, McGinnes's, 15 ft, sleeps ï¬ve, electricity and propane. Good condition. Aurora, PA. 7-9618. c1w42 POTATOES FOR SALE. Apply to Forrest Jones, R. R. 2 Maple or phone AL. 7-8915. c2w41 FRUIT JARS, used mice, 75c per dozen. Oanner. TU. 4- 7123. . c1w42 household furniture. No reason~ able offer refused. TU. 4-5012. clw42 RICH LOAM. DRIVEWAY STONE, TRENCHING. SAND & GRAVEL Call JACK THWAITES. BA. 1-8911 toll charges accepted CHESTERFIELD SUITE, 3 pce BOY’S SUIT, navy. Suburban coat, grey, size 14,'almost new. TU. 4-7263. c1w42 new, $25.00 for duick'salé. AV. 5-2528. c1w42 5% OUTBOARD Johnson m0< tor, like brand new, hardly used $125 or best oï¬er. TU. 4-1421. c1w42 USED Bicycles and Trikes for sale and repaired, reasonable. Pick-up and delivery. AV. 5- 5979. tfc40 CHESTERFIELD, 3-piece sec~ tional_ Chartreuse, almost brand new. $85.00. AV. 5-5528 after 7.00. TU. 4-2139. c1w42 WANTED by the Resale Shop - girls' coats and suits, ladies’ spring coats. The Resale Shop, 12 Centre St. 151., Richmond Hill. ' c1w42 POTATOES, No. 1, 75 lb. bag $1.25. Straw & Hay 50¢ a bale delivered. 10 bales or over. Wednesday, TU. 4-2549. C. Mashinter. tfc34 RALEIGH racing bicycle, $70 G.E. REFRIGERATOR, good condition. TU. 4-7197. GAS STOVE, propane, 30" Gurney, 4 burner, automatic oven, modern con-trols, timer. etc. Moving. $85. 257-1532 ev- ening 6-7. c1w42 DOUBLE WHITE porcelain wash tubs in mahogany, unit complete with faucet. Good condition. Phone evenings. TU. 4-7657. *1w42 LADIES‘ suits and dresses $2.50 to $24.00. Resale Shop, 12 Cen- tre St. E., Richmond Hill. Spec- ializing in nearly new clothing for women and children. c1w42 BEDROOM SUITE aHd othei‘ CHESTERFIELDS recovered and re-built. Your old suite like new, at a reasonable price. Easy terms. Free estimates. Murray Upholstery. AV. 5-4767. tfc39 GARDEN TRAC’TBR and at- tachments, Waterloo 40, large 6 h.p. in new condition, plow. 3 ft. sickle bar, scuffler. and large trailer. $300.00 or nearest cash offer. Stan Burns, TU. 4-1596. SOME FINE antiques, also bed- room furniture, bric-a-brac, ei- ectric radiators, Thor washing machine. linen, etc. garden fur- niture, etc., smoke damaged by ï¬re. C. S. Shaw, 40 John St, Thornhill. Call Friday and Sat- urday April 27 and 28. *1w42 MOTHER'S HELFER SERVICE Experienced baby-sitters. home- maker’s service and day work. Call day or night. TU. 4-7253. “c321 RUSPAN drop leaf dining room table, nutmeg ï¬nish. in good condition. 6 chairs to match with black web seats, small chest of drawers, similar ï¬nish. AV. 5- 1288. c1w42 SPRING DRAPERY SALE Order Now & Save! Wall to Wall, 12 ft. wide, 9 " length and fully-lined, $45.00. Traditional 8: Modern Designs. Phone TU. 4-2214 WYN-DOT LADIES’ SHOP Bayview Plaza, Richmond Hill c1w42 BABY SITTING FOR SALE (Continued) Jntario, Thursday, April 19, 1962 . 1.00 c2w41 c1w42 *1w42 WILL GIVE day care toichild in nice clean home. TU. 4-5257. c1w42 YOUNG GIRL requires house- work, will live in. Write Box 1117 The Liberal. *2w42 ERESSMAKING and altera- tions. Mrs. MacDonald. TU. 4- 5057. t£c21 KITCHENS. bathrooms washed, painting, paperhangin-g. low rates, fast service â€" TU.4-2902. c1w42 YOUNG MEN. 16-19. looking for work. Anything considered. Can you help us. Call Salva- tlon Army. AV. 5-5126. Lfc52 EXPERIENCED office clerk de- sires work. Banking or general ‘office duties. In Richmond Hill 1or Willowdale. Part time. TU. 4-4307. c1w42 “SECRETARY - several years experience dictaphone. short- hand and typing would like per- manent position. Write Box 116 The Liberal, or phone PA. 7- 9233". c1w42 Murphy Real Estaie. Hbvsms WANTED for sale or to rent. Call AV. 5-2951. T. HARD WORKING, energetic truck driver seeks work of any kind. Will consider anything. 5 years’ experience. Chauffeur's license. TU. 4â€"2747. nc2w42 HAVE YOU a small acreage for sale, with or without house. within 40 to 50 miles of Toron- to? We have clients with cash. Phone Mr. Tyson,'HU. 9-1851, evenings TU. 4-2432. PROPERTIES WANTED We are nearly sold out of prop- erties, houses, lots, acreage. farms, businesses, gas stations. Buyers waiting, some with cash. others with good down pay- ment. Prompt efficient service. Nine salesmen to serve you. 25 years Real Estate experience HERB SILLS LTD. FARMS, small acreages and homes in Vaughan, Markham and King Townships. We have waiting buyers for property in these areas. W. J. Mulholland Real Estate Broker, 1437 Yonge St. WA. 4-4881 TRANSPORTATION wanted from Elgin Mills to Queen Eliz- abeth and Highway 27. Arriving 8.30 a.m., returning 4.30 pm. Phone TU. 4-3383. c1w42 RIDE WANTED from Uplands Avenue and Yonge to St. Clair and Yonge. between 6.50 and 7.15 am. AV. 5~3304. c1w42 Members of Toronto Real Es- tate Board AT. 8-1143 Woodbrldge R0. 9-4901 Large and small, estates, com- mercial and industrial property and holdings. For your com- plete and accurate estimated value, please call Mr. Pugh, BA. 5-8828, Residence TU. 4- 3624. JOHN TRACY LTD. REALTOR 5587 Yonge Street, Willowdale tfc42 * Complete Bookkeeping Service * Free Pickup & Delivery * Special Low Rates WPLOYMEN T WANTED SOLD! SOLD! SOLD! . any YOUR m-m now 'mu LOW-COST mmmsvnnn INCOME TAX RETURNS REAL ESTATE WANTED W H URGENTLY REQUlRED HOMES 0.1-1. PRATT REALTOR Transportation WANT‘TO MAKE BEAUTIFUL MUSIC? * Small Business *Personal xxx§ gxxx RXDRT TV . & HI-FI We specialize in Xxx XXX LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA DON'T BE CONFUSED? TU. 4-5792 Call Now axxx xxxx 2: Also c3w40 tfc38 tfc15 tfc36 tfclO ley, all conveniences. Gormley 5632. clw42 ICENTRAL furnished room. up- stairs. Close to everything. Parking. TU. 4-1547. c1w42 1 FURNISHED bedroom In pri- vate home. 285-2248. tfc42 Fï¬NISHED ROOMS for rent. 257-2522. tfc34 REPAIR garage and equipment to rent. AV. 5-5205. tfc41 2 UNFURNISHED rooms, 32 TWO BEDROOM basement ap- artment. Phone TU. 4-7179. Richmond St. TU. 4-5385. c1w41 BACHELOR apartment, avail- able now. B-ayiriew Plaza. TU. 4-1952. c1w42 HOUSE FOR RENT 4 ROOM apartment with cook stove and two piece washroom. 285-2248. tfc42 COUPLE to share bungalow with small family, reduced rent for babysitting. Child welcome. TU. 4-5505. c1w41 DETACHED 3-bedroom bunga- low, recreation room, near schools and shopping. TU. 4- 3685. c2w42 OAK RIDGES, two bedroom house, child welcome, $100 a month. includes heat and hydro. PR. 3-5370. tfc35 TOOLS FOR RENT Floor sanders, saws and drills. Hand sanders. jig-saws and nail drivers. AV. 5-1109. tfc21 BAYVIEW PLAZA_ one bed- room apartment. $80.00, elec- trically equipped. Apply to Sup- erintendent, TU. 4-1952. c1w42 SELF-CONTAINED flat, fur- nished or not, parking. Close to bus and church. Adults. TU. 4- 1204. c1w42 SPACIOUS office suite in med- ical centre in Bayview Plaza. Reasonable rent. AV. 5-5134. c2w41 LARGE bright room, clean, fur- nished or unfurnished, suitable for one or two. TU. 4-4650. 3 ROOM apartment, with bath and separate entrance. Private parking. AV. 5-1321, AV. 5- 3761. *1w41 LOVELY apartment, furnished equipped kitchen separate en- trance, large grounds. Business Adult. $20 weekly, Aurora. PA.â€" 7-5597. tfc41 THREE rooms and kitchen. heated, stove, refrigerator avail- able. 52 Yonge St. S., Richmond ‘Hill, $75 monthly. Call RU. 3- 6229. c4w41 AURORA. 3 room apartment. conveniences, $65. PA. 7-9488 or PA. 7-5046. t£c39 BEAUTIFUL spacious store, 54 Yonge St. South. Possession May lst. Suitable for any kind of business or officeflCall RU. 3-6229. « c4w41 APARTMENT for rent in Rich- mond Hill. living room_ bed- room, kitchen and bath. unfur- nished, $60.00 a month. Call WA. 1â€"4167. c1w42 UNFURNI‘SHED apartment, 3 rooms with bath, private en- trance, business couple prefer- red, abstainers. TU. 4-3218. Split level bungalow, 3 bed- rooms, 2 bathrooms and recre- ation room. Vacant. TU. 4-2735. c2w42 2 BEDROOM modern apart- ment, soft water, fully equipped kitchen, parking. Apply Super- intendent, 50 Benson Ave., Richmond Hill, phone TU. 4- 7518. tfc36 COIN LAUNDRY for sale, at“ 74 Yonge St. s., Richmond Hi11.| Good steady business showingl excellent revenue. Best equip-; ment. Owner will show buyer‘ how to service equipment and? operate store. Requires only an’ hour a day, permitting owner to pursue other interests. TU. 4-1317, clwfl GOLDEN opportunity, ï¬sh and chip store for sale. Write Box 113 The Liberal. c1w42 TOOLS TO RENT Cement mixers, floor sanders and edgers, ramset gu-ns, ro-to- tillers, rotov'ators, also 500 other tools. Wfllowdale Rental & Sales. 6026 Yonge St., BA. 1- 1711. ltfc42 RICHMOND HILL RENTALS 3 and 4 bedroom homes, from $90 a month. A large selection available. Call AV. 5-1951 Charles Marple Real Estate tfc37 FURNISHED accommodation adult home, free parking, own phone. cooking if desired, near buses, suit working man, or el- derly lady working or retired. Phone 884-5734 after 6 pm. anytime week-ends. clw42 2 BEDROOM apartment in mo- tf darn, quiet. clean apartment __ .__.__c building. Lover grounds. gar- MOVING & STORAGE age included, air conditioned Frank's MOVIDE & Camge. halls, own heat control, exhaustjpacking and Storage- Experienc- fan, venetian blinds, storms‘ed _service anytime. Pickup and and bus stop. 884-4904 12-1.3o'dehvery. Good rates. TU. 4- naon. 5-9.30 pm. or apply tol|2513» Av- 5'5101- “cm 216 Church Street. c1w42, n..,,_.,...n,. n.nnn“mnv YOU CAN MAKE MONEY Raising Chinchilla. Stonehouse Chinchilla. 111 Had- dington Ave.. RU. 2-6806, Tor- onto 12. tfc41 PORTABLE TELEVISION Rent a portable TV Reasonable weekly or monthly ‘ rates. Delivery and Pick-Up Richmond Hill TV. 34 Yonge S. TU. 4-7456 AV. 5-3756 ' tfc28 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY WEST OF YONGE TO RENT in Gorm- Gormley clw42 c1w42 c2w42 c1w42 PAINTING paper-hanging. Frey éstlmates. Colbur saanTes. A. 30111112011. TE. 3-6671. Lfc15 HOME IMPROVEMENTS Asphalt drives. aluminum doors, windows, railings. awnings. Ran Woods. TU. 4-1514. c4w39 MISCEIï¬NEOUS BABY PICTURES try the friendly Lagerquist Stu-t dio with the know how. TU. 4-1 2791. chl FRANK'S WELL DRILLING I SAND AND GRAVEIï¬x-ushed stone. loam and fill. E. Charity, Richmond Hill. TU. 4-1701. Reasonable rates, courteous ser- vice. TU. 4-7287. tfc36 ROTOVATING Custom rotovating. aerating, lawn and garden maintenance. Tom Mashinter, TU. 4-1170: CARPENTRY, kitchen cabinets, built-ins, arborite, floor and ceiling tile, done with guaran- tee, Iowest prices. 884-7625. nc4l Pump installed and serviced. Frank Gerrltz. R. R. 2 Aurora. PA. 7-5272. tfc50 CHIMNEYS Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert work- manship. Phone Walker and Mitchell, AV. 5-2526. tfc15 EXCAVATING 8; GRADING Front end loaders and trucking. Hourly or contract. AV. 5-5332. tic48 RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting, paper-hanging, interâ€" ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. TU. 4-7992. t C31 E. W. PAYNE Drains septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 285-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 MASONRY CONTRACTOR Stonework, Fireplace, etc. V. Ostergaard 148 Yonge St. 5., Richmond Hill. phone TU. (- 5688. t£c23 CARPENTRY WORK. additions, renovations, garages, recreation rooms, tile floors. No. job too small. Free estimates. ’1‘. Price. AV. 5-3653. ucza KING CITY WELL DRILLING CO. LTD. Pump equipment installed and serviced. George Adams, Box 192 King City. Phone King TE. 3-6321. tfc13 CALL US for your sand, gravel, fill, top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonab!e rates. J. B. DeFerrari. Maple, ALpine 7-8876. tfc’l CONCRETE - MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRACW'IRS Building. alterations & repairs, _ 213mm serylce CARPENTRY - DECORATING PAINTING Recreation rooms. etc. Large or small jobs. Prompt service. Webb & Ennor. AV. 5-2546. 1 CUSTOM CARPENTRY Kitchens remodelled, bedroom land bathroom vanities, stereo, hl-ï¬, china cabinets. Free estim- ates. Morris Harrison, TU. 4- 2838. tfc15 For good prices see our show- room. Wallpapers, drapes, etc.- Harry Bargent. 9018 Yonge St. Richvale. AV. 5-1591. tfc6 DRESS ALTERAT!0NS First class work. Carolyn Bar- gent. 9018 Yonge St. at Rich- vale. AV. 5-1591. tfc6‘ PAINTER & DECb'flTOR ‘ TREES ARE OUR BUSINESS RICHMOND BILL TREE SERVICE AND FORESTRY COMPANY RICHMOND HILL OWNED AND OPERATED BY HAROLD VAN DYKE TELEPHONE 884-7774 Free Advice Free Estimate; c UPHOLSTEBY SHELTON-MANSELL MOTORS Recovering and repairing of any‘ LTD. kind of furniture. Experienced 7010 Yonge at Steele: on Scandinavian furniture. Free Willowdale estimates. Reasonable prices. Austin - Morris - M.G. - Austin- Call anytime. TU. 4-4813 resl- Healey - T.VR deuce. business, AV. 5-5345. AV. 5-4925-6â€"7 ac“ . awn Est. 1946 Call us for stem and DANCE MUSIC Keep Your Wedding Fresh Forever PAINTING & PAPER HANGING R. E. Dunn. TU 4-1793 PLUMBING - HEATING A. MILLS & SON LTD James D. Stewart TU. 4-2201 PLANNING A DANCE? Candid - Studio - or Both WALKER ‘8; MITCHELL AV. 5-2526 CHILD STUDIES A SPECIALTY LAGERQUIST STUDIO LAGERQUIST STUDIO Beautiful Photographs No Extra Charge TU. 4-2791 BRIDES TU. 4-2791 hi-fl tfc41 tfc43 Lfc8 tfc3 Lfc8 t£c3 iHARDWOOD & Tile Floors lsupplied and installed. 01d [hardwood floors resanded. TU. 34-7157. c4w40 SEPTIC tanks pumped. 24 hour service. C. Burns. PR. 3-5085 Interior, Exterior. Experienced decorator. Lawrence Ouellette. TH. +5557 after 4 pm. *1w42 SPECIAL Chesterfield sets recovered - 2 piece $69.00. Nylon freize $99. 5 year: guarantee. Terms 1: de- sired. A. Smith, Upholstery. phone AV. 5-1682. tic“ Discing, mtovating and mowing. H. Redman‘ TU. 4-3045. tfc42 REPAIRS Lawn mowers, garden tractors, all equipment, etc. Lawn mower sharpening on latest model ma- chine. Open until 9 p.m., 103 No. 7 Highway, Langsvtaff, AV. 5-2973. *3w42 MISCELLANEOUSI HELP WXNTED Welding, Alterations and repairs to machinery. Hydnaid Scientiï¬c & Technical Co. Ltd., 23 Mark- ham Road. Richmond Hill. 285-2564 SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $20-$25 Tile-beds cleaned. Fast, clean. modern service. C. STUNDEN TU. 4-1245 Richrr ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Commercial and Domestic, new installations and additions. Guaranteed repairs to household appliances. Hydnaid Scientiï¬c & Technical Co. Ltd., 23 Markham Road, Richmond Hill. 285-2564 POWER MOWERS AND OUTBOARDS All makes overhauled and ser- viced. Hydraid Scientiï¬c 8: Technical Co. Ltd., 23 Markham Rd.. Richmond Hill. GARDEN SUPPLIES Cedars for hedging. $65 per hundred. White Birch, 8'-10', $6-$8. Clumps $10-$12. Sugar Maple $6 each planted. Loam‘ 2% yards $8 delivered. Manure. 3 yards, $10 delivered. Large Sugar Maples, good specimens planted and guaranteed. Order now. Complete grading and sod~ ding job with Merion Blue Grass, 65¢ per square yard. Cell C. L. Knappett, TU. 4-3089, Bay- view. ROOM. breakfast and pack lunch only wanted. Must be close to Yonge Street. Call Richmond Hill Tree Service and Forestry Company 884-7774. c1w42 MUSIC TEACHER - modern ~ classical - Mrs. Margaret R. Felton, B.A., R.M.T. - phone 884-5272. - phone 834-5272 '60 PUNTIAC, turquoise, like new, $1,625. AL. 7-2460. c2-w42 ’53 INTERNATIONAL truck, Voice - classical - modérn - folk -Mr. J. Watson, Mus. Bac., A.R. tires, custom radio, $100.00. 884-1920. c1w42 250 cc., in good condition, $1002 TU. 4-1278. c1w42 ’56 DODGE automatic, power brakes and steering. radio. nice clean car, $485.00 or offer. TU. 4-4650. c1w42 '57 DELUXE Dodge coach. Aut- omatic, radio, perfect shape, $50.00 and easy payments mon- thly. For quick sale, phone AV. 5-5411. c1w42 ROOM AND BOARD in quiet home required for grade 12 girl, near ’I‘hornhill High School. May lst and June. AV. 5-4242. c1w42 MOTORCYCLE, 195; 35:15:, 1959 FORD, automatic, 2-door, perfect condition $1250. TU. 4- 3470. c1w42 1961 CHEV. 1/; ton truck, fully equipped, including automatic transmission, radio, etc. Orig- inal cost $3,200, top condition. Best offer. can accept trade. See at Canadian Nutria Ltd. Banan- trae. Ont. c1w42 1953 PONTIAC Hardtop, new good motor and tires, $175. AV. 5-2321. c1w42 1958 PONTIAC Sedan Delivery, $250.00 and take over payments. AV. 5â€"4639. c1w42 1960 Austin A55 II. one owner, only 20,000 miles. $1,195. 1959 Riley 1.5 Sports Sedan, Michelin X tires. one owner. $975.00. 1959 Renault Sedan, twoâ€"tone, blue and white, $675.00. 1959 MG Magnette Sports Sed-an $1,195.00. 1958 Ford Squire station wagon, one owner. 22,000 original miles, $725. SHELTON-MANSELL MOTORS ROOM and BOARD PIANO {VOTCE â€" THEORY CUSTOM PL’6ï¬Cï¬NG USED CARS GOOD USED CARS MACHINE WORK DECORATING (Continued) 285-2564 Richmond Hill tfc40 c1w42 c1w42 c1w42 c2w42 c2w42 “W43 i533 9, nu.- ucï¬â€˜fl’eters' Restaurant, ' Thomhill â€"â€"1Phone AV. 5-5671 *3w40 tfc42 tic! WOMAN to baby sit in while EXPERIENCED saleslady for variety store. Bayview Plaza. TU. 4-0090. c1w42 mother works. Neal Drive. TU. 4-7994 after 7. c1w42 LIGHT housekeeping. live in of out. Call TU. 4-5166 after 7.00 TWO LABOURERTS. Concord WAITBESï¬ WANTED, pm um; RELIABLE person to cafe/£31; one child while mother works. live-in or out. 884-5808. c1w42 MIDDLE AGED woman tahélï¬ care for two school age child- ren, live in. TU. 4-5505. c1w42 _~__h““fl First class sod. Kentucky, Mer- ASSISTANT for nursery school‘ion Blue. also ï¬eld sod. Laid in Richmond Hill. mornings on-;and delivered. Free estimates. 15/. experience preferred. Call Call TU. 4-2538. PR. 3-5922. PR. 3-5730. Thursday morning , tfc42 930-1130. c1w42 W CAR WASHER and light service station duties. Apply Gabriel’s Texaco Station. Richmond Hill, TU. 4-7601. c1w42 CLERK-TYPIST, female. part time, mornings or afternoons. full time later. Richmond Hill ï¬rm. Call AV. 5-5451 between 8 and 6. c1w42 MANAGERESS required for golf and country club in the Gormley area. Typing necessary. For appointment phone Gorm- ley 5741. c1w42 4 SALESMEN REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY Due to phenomenal success of our new low dowu payment plan we require immediately 4 new car salesmen. Experience in the automotive industry is not nec- essary as we will train you. We oï¬fer a basic salary of $75 weekly plus commission. All we ask is the willingness to work and the ability to learn. For ap- pointment phone Ray Ball. ISales Manager, R. D. Little and JSon, Richmond Hill, AV. 5-1105. c1w42 Floral Co. Ltd., Concord, Ont. AV. 5-1136. clw42 FEMALE, experienced in cred- its and collecting, typing essen- tial, good salary. AV. 5-4681. c1w42 |POODLES; small blacks. regis- tered. from champion nl'md lines. Terms can be arranged. $99.00 up. Phone Gorgng CAPABLE young girl or middle aged woman to live in and care for children, in exchange for room and board. Write Box 109 “The Liberal". c2w41 NURSE. REGISTERED for night duty, 12-8, ï¬ve day week. Apply Mrs. Stewart, The Villa Private Hospital, AV. 5- 4931. c2w41 ATTRACTIVE and personable young lady to train in banking, minimum grade 11 education. Phone Mr. Parsons, HU. 9-2143. c3w42 SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR - Receptionist for radio station‘ CFGM. Typing necessary and. some general clerical experi- ence required. Call Mr. Cox- ford. AV. 5-4915. c1w42 MAN to train, to manage grro- cery outlet â€"â€" small retail chain. Good opportunity for advance- ment. Write statian age, qual- ifications and phone No. to Box 115. “The Liberal". c1w42 RESPONSIBLE young women, 18 - 40 baby sitter â€" housekeep- er. July and August at sum- mer cottage. Must be good swimmer. $80 a month. 884-1509 clw42 Duties will be varied and in- teresting. Working conditions, etc., are excellent. This is a permanent, full time position, 8.45 to 5.00 p.m._ ï¬ve days week- ly. Initial salary. $3,180 per annum. For initial appointment. phone WAlnut 3-6611, local 549. clw42 AVON COSMETICS LEADER“ IN THE FIELD - Act now! Inn quire without obligation. Writef District Manager, Miss Ziegler,I Box 141, Guelph. giving phone.‘ c1w421 SECRETARY | David Dunlap Observatory re- quires experienced secretary‘ with typing? and shorthand! CHAINMEN for large railway yard project. Related construction surveys experience. North Toronto lo- cation, must have own trans- portation. Job to run approxi- mately until late 1964. Salary range $267-$282. CN - CANADIAN NATIONAL Room C-34 Union Station c‘lw42 MEADOWBROOK GOLF CLUB mE to good home, two part Persian kittens. AV. 5-3946. LIVE Easter? bï¬nies for sale TU. 4-1231, after 8.00 pm. AMERICAN eskimo pups, pure white, small, intelligent. Also Samoyed pups. Innoculated. AV. 5-1972. tfc28 LOCKER ROOM STEWARD 5th Line Markham Township PETS FOR SALE Married women preferred. AND WAITRESSES, full or part time, Apply in person. c2w41 clw42 c1w42 c1w42 LOAM & TOPSOIL First class Peat Loam and Cow Manure. Now is the time to order. Call TU. 4-2538. PR. 3- 5922. tfc42 incubator and 1 house and other ; ment. AV. 5-2842 DEEP WELL PU’MP. jack aid head, complete. Phone Stouï¬- ville 90805. Ed Fockler. c2w42 USED FURNITURE WANTED â€"â€" pianos and used furniture. Cash prices paid. Call Frank's Movers and Storage. TU. 4-2613. AV. 5-5101. tic? LAYING HENS SOMETHING TO RENT “LIBERAL†CLASSIFIED AD GET RESULTS PHONE TU. 4-1105 AV. 5-3316 SIMPSDN’SDRY GOODS‘ TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL 12 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill Maple Unionville Concord O lst & 2nd Mortgages 0 Up to 20-Year Terms 0 Low Interest 0 No Hidden Bonuses 0 Loans on Frame, Insul and Brick Homes We do not put a Chattel Mortgage on your Car or Furniture Phone, Come In or erte - Ask for Mr. Clemens R. LYNETT Clerk-Treasurer Real Estate Loans arranged in One Visit in the Following Areas: Richmond Hill Thomhlll Stouï¬vllle Maple Langstafl Oak Ridge: Unionville King Richvale Concord Gormley BAYVIEW SODDING M. C. BEBER _I.'I'D. SEALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned for the supply of 1 only 1962 - 540p truck, combination body POULTRY‘ FOR SALE HIDDEN MONEY and hoist 1 only 1962 - l/z-ton pick-up truck until 5:00 PM. Monday, April 30th, 1961 at the Municipal Building, 56 Yonge Street N., Richmond Hill. Speciï¬cations may be obtained from the un- dersigned. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accep- ted. GARDEN SUPPLIES WANTED Free Parking at 220 Victoria Street 24-Hour Phone Service Including Weekends Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers’ Association SLIMS TO PAY YOUR BILLS 21 Dundas Square, Toronto EM. 3-6251 for sale. also large brooder poultry equip- 2. *1w42 IN YOUR PROPERTY YOU HAVE Melbourne Plaids WANTED TO RENT or lease 3~ bedroom dwelling within town limits and three blocks Yonge St. Garage or adequate parking two cars. One family, 4 adults, excellent references. Write Box Landscaping and garden main- tenance. Lawn-s cut, seeded or sodded. H. Sorensen. TU. 4- YOUNG FAMILY requires 2 or 3 bedroom home, North W11â€" lowdale. Concord, Richvale area. Reasonable rent. HU. 9-4318. c1w42 LADY ralslng few ponles, wants pasture, shed and living accom- modation for self. Would rent small farm with or without pur- chase optlon. 291-0513 evenings. clw42 GARAGE required. Richmond- Trench-Kerrybrook area, TU. 4-3824, evenings. c1w42 5838‘ keeping, for quiet wof'king lady. north end. Richmond Hill, TU. 4-7510 after six. clw42 112 The leeral BUSINESS GIRL wants small apartment in Richmond Hill. immediately. Write Box 114 The Liberal. c1w42 BOOM WANTED, light house- ESTATE FUNDS to purchase Ist and 2nd mortgages. Call Mr. McLean, AV. 5-1176. David Mc- Lean Ltd.. Realtors. tfc39 MONEY available for good first and second mortgages. reason- able rates. Medcof. Lawlor and LeClaire. TU. 4-7191. ï¬cz SOLICITOR has client's funds available for mortgages at rea- sonable rates. Mr. Cooper. BA. 5-7321. tfc40 Wool Worsted Arnel Flannel EXPERIENCED GARDENER Commissioner of Works Dan River Stripes Corduroys MORTGAGES $9.95 $6.95 $4.95 $3.98 $3.98 Richmond Hill‘ WANTED TO RENT 0. S. WHALEN c1w42 *1w42