Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Apr 1962, p. 7

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ST. MARY'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Richmond Hill Rector: Rev. J. F. O’Neil Assistant Curalc: Rev. J. R. F. Moore » GOOD FRIDAY 10.30 am. â€"- ONE HOUR DE- VOTION AND SERMON 10.30 am. â€" Children's Servicc in Wrixon Hall TU. 4-4236 Church. TU. 4-7083 SPECIAL EASTER SERVICES THURSDAY. APRIL 19. 1962 8 pm. â€"- HOLY COMMUNION Institution of the Lord's Supper. Jesus and His disciples gathered for the first Holy Communion (l Church. TU. 4-7083 SPECIAL EASTER SERVICES THURSDAY. APRIL 19. 1962 8 p.m. â€"- HOLY COMMUNION Institution of the Lord's Supper. Jesus and His disciples gathered for the first Holy Communion on the evening before Good Friday. We will observe this important event by celebrating Holy Communion on Thursday” April 19th. at 8 pm. GOOD FRIDAY. APRIL 20. 1962 11 mm. A service composed especially for Good Friday will be used. This is a very appropriate and, beautiful service and lasts about‘ one hour. I EASTER SUNDAY. APRIL 22,‘ 1962 8 am. â€" lloly Communion 9.30 am. â€" Special Easter Sun-t day School tages_7_ and over) _ THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH (Convention of Ont. & Que.) Stop 17. Yonge Street Rev. Minton Johnston. D.D. Minister Mrs. Cameron Andrew. Organist 10 am. â€"â€" Senior and Intermed- iate School â€" Junior School and Nursery MORNING WORSHIP 11 a.m. 7 pm. â€"â€" lligh Fellowship and Young People’s We cordially invite you to vorship with us 11 am. LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH (Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada) Church Street Langstni’f Edwin H. Mitchell Pastor Phone AV. 5-3401 LORD'S DAY SERVICES "lilth rnanunnu bllflllun Rev. Harold W. Davies. B.A.. Minister EASTER SUNDAY. HOPE {10.30 a.m. â€" Morning Worship ' and Church School ' MAPLE 10.15 am. â€"â€"- Church School l for all ages l 11.30 am. â€"â€" Morning Worship‘ LllTI-TERAN l THE ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (2 miles south of Maple) ‘ Pastor - Norman E. Wagner £11 a.m. â€"â€" The Service ‘915 am. â€" Sunday School and Bible Class 51‘. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH “’alter Scott School, Markham APRH.22 on the evening before Good Friday. We will observe this important event by celebrating Holy Communion on Thursday. 11 mm + quy Communion i9.50'é.m. â€" Sunday School ‘ 'n'oad Special Easter Sunday Schoqu a,m,_.MonN1NG SERVICE Re“ Albert E, Myers, B.A., "1395 2 t0 6' 7 pm. â€" EVENING SERVICE 3.1),, s_T_M., Pastor Nursery for ages 0 to 2 - Supervised Nursery at all Lord's EASTER SUNDAY. APRIL 22 The Junior Congr‘cgalion ls reâ€"i day activities 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School quested to attend the Special:M]D_WEEK HOUR. Wed” 3 pm 11 am} _ Morning worship Sunday School i Prayer, Praise. Bible Study Nursery provided 7 P~m- â€" “01y Communion 1Women's Missionary Fellowship â€"â€" Preacher: Mr. Robert Flowers Thursday, 1 pm , , â€"‘ Evening Mission Circle 2nd and‘othef Denomlnatlons EMMANUEL 4th Thursday, 7.45 pm. I L Y ANGL'CAN CHURCH Junior Ambassadors, Friday ‘ GORM E Y , Mackny Drive . Richvale 7 pm. , UNITEléfligilsglIIOINARI m"- “"1?- Jackson ‘ A WARM WELCOME AWAITS; "m n I, "Mn" “hm” EMMANUEL ANGLICAN CHURCH Mnckny Drive - Richvale Rev. Fred C. Jackson TU. 4-2418 Mrs. .las. E. Howard. Organist GOOD FRIDAY. APRIL 20 Il a.m. â€" Family Service EASTER SUNDAY. APRIL 22 Brooke & Jane Streets Rector Rev. H. Reginald llowdcn. B.A.. L. Th. Organist and Cholrmaster. R. S. A. Mullen. A.R.C.T.. ILMJI‘. SERVICES DURING HOLY WEEK Wednesday â€" THORNHILL 10.15 am. â€" Holy Communion‘ FRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Maundy Thursday â€" No. 7 Hwy.. v.» in. west of Yonge 7.30 pm. â€" Holy Communion hm. Dillwyn T. Evans, Minister 7.30 pm- â€" Holy Communion i Mr. Robert Davis. Organist Good Friday â€"- Good Friday Servica 12-3 pm. â€" The Three Hours 10.30 am. Conductor. The Rev. E. DavidiEASTER SUNDAy_ APRIL 22 Busby 19.45 am. â€"â€" Church School The choir will present music} for all ages from ‘11 a.n1. â€" Morning Worship “God's Own Sacrifice Complete'w “He [5 Risen As He Said" Saturdly â€" ‘7 am. â€" Evening Worship 8 lm- _ HOI-V communion '7 am. and 10 am. - A 15 mi 930 am- â€" H°1Y Communion Devotional and Communion 11 am. -â€" Holy Communion service The Rector‘s Easter Message 7 pm. â€" Evening Prayer Preacher The Rector &.A.J.m (Anglican) HOURS OF SERVICE All Saints' Church - King City 10 am. -- Morning Prayer 11.10 am. â€" Sunday School All Saints' Church - King City ST. ANDREW'S 10 am. â€"â€"- Morning Prayer ‘ PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 11.10 am. â€" Sunday School 1 . MAPLE. ONT. -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- ‘ 1nd S'l‘. STEPHEN‘S CHURCH i ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. Maple ‘ 7th CON.. VAUGHAN TWP. The Anglican Church of Canada Rev. B. F. Andrew. Minister Rector. Rev. Ramsay Armitage, EASTER SUNDAY. APRIL 2'2 M.A., D.D. ilO a.m. â€"â€" St. Andrew‘s Church 8 am. â€" Holy Communion E11.15 a.m. â€"â€" St. Paul's Church 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer 1 COME TO CHURCH Holy Communion on 2nd Sun- day of month at 11 11 mm. â€" Sunday School ~ Holy Baptism by appointment 7 â€"â€"_â€"â€"__ l ST. MATTHEW'S ST. JOHN’S ANGLICAN ‘ UNITED CHURCH You“ at Jefl‘ersnn‘ Oak Ridges Crosby Ave.. Richmond Hill Rev. D. C. H. Michell. LLB. Rev. William W. Patterson Good Friday â€" GOOD FRIDAY 11 am. â€" Litany and Interces-.ll a.m. -â€" Divine Worship Easter Day â€" 11 um. -â€" Ho]; 1 pm. â€" Eve I.m. â€" Holy Communion p.m. â€" Evening Prayer (Short) (Followed by “Fireside” in Parish Hall) 1 ANGLICAN Starring RICHARD TODD 8: JEAN SIMMS "A MAN CALLED PETER" PARISH OF KING A Cordial Invitation Is Extended to All to Attend HOLY TRINITY TIIORNIIILL â€" Holy Baptism EASTER DAY Full Length 20th Century-Fox Picture 1n Technicolor. Cinemascope Church School ‘ H Church School PRES Holy Communion IRcv. J Litany and Interces- sions EASTER SUNDAY APRIL 22ND, 7:00 RM. THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN ST. MARK'S ANGLICAN Yonge at Elm Grove, Oak Ridges Rev. D. C. H. Michell, LLB Good Friday â€" 10 am. â€" Litany and Inte Easter Day - 9.30 am. â€" l Rev. J. N. Hepburn, Minister Mrs. Vera Diamond. Organist and Choir Leader EASTER SUNDAY. APRIL 2219 vnpuunon an... v..." EASTER SUNDAY. 'AFKI'II‘zz Crosbx Avenqe. 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School and worsmp SETVlCe n..,u,,n. n_l.~-l Bible Class 11 am. -â€" Morning Worship 11 am. â€" Nursery Department GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE 11 AM. “He Is Risen As He Said‘ 7 pm. â€"â€" Evening Worship "What A Man!" EVERY WEDNESDAY 7 am. and 10 am. - A 15 min EASTER DAY 5.40 am. -â€" Sunrise Service Hi~C Group 9.30 am. â€" The Sunday School 11 am. â€" Divine Service Nursery & Kindergarten meet 7 pm. â€"- Hi-C meeting RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - Your Invitation To Visit THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH BAPTIST 'Litany and Inter-9.45 a.m cessions Interme( Divine Worship Holy Communionlll YOU 111 am. â€" Nursery garten 8.30 am. â€"â€" Easter RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. G. Iligglnson. B.A.. B.D. EASTER SUNDAY. APRIL 22, 1962 9.45 am. â€"â€" Primary. Junior. Intermediate and Senior Sunday School 11 am. â€" Easter Worship 7 pm. â€" Choral Festival Friday. April 20. at 11 am Good Friday Service 9.45 am Rev Rev B. Paed. EASTER SUNDAY 8 am. â€" Holy Communion 9.45 am. â€" Intermediate and Senior Sunday School 11 am. -â€" Sunday School and Nursery 11 am. Easter Service 7 pm. â€" Film. “A Man Called Peter“ For further information call AV. 5-2131 THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA MAPLE PASTORAL CHARGE Rev. Harold W. Davies. B.A.. Minister Rev. C. E. Hunking. Minister 10 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Worship 7.30 pm. â€" Evening Service Rev. Howard .|. Veals. B.A.. SEVENTH-DAY l96208. czwui ,ADVENTISTS CHURCH a * * * "‘ (Pastor H. G. Fischbachcr) iSA'l‘.. APRIL 28. 1962 â€" Auc- Meeting every Saturday lion sale of farm machinery, 2 in the Masonic H311 McCormick Deerln‘g tractors, Crosby Avenue_ Richmond H11] new cultivator. disc harrows. Worship Service 9.20 am, household furniture, number of Sabbath School 10.30 am. antiques and 01d homestead 8'“ Everybody we1come ticles, old china, dishea glass- __ iware, etc, at Lot 15. Concess- CALVARY CHURCH gion 5, Vaughan Township, cor- - RICHMOND HILL nei of Jane SL. and biierwood 96 Hum Ave., Richmond Hm Road. property of Eat."I Robb. Affiliated .vith the Pentecostal Sale at 1.30 pm Term cash. Assemblies of Camd. No reserve. Farm sold Ken & Rev. P. A. Sorensen. Pastor Clarke Prentice, Auctioneers, TU. 4-4387- Markham, Ont. c3w41 CALVARY CHURCH - RICHMOND HILL 96 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill Affiliated .vith the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada P. A. Sorensen. Pastor TU. 4-4387- SPECIAL GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE AT 8 PM. Large still picture of Crucifixion Soloist. Mrs. Harvey White EASTER SUNDAY 10 am. -â€" Sunday School ‘11 am. 4 The Pastor ‘7 p.m. â€"- The Pastor Wed. 8.30 pm. - Prayer Meeting Rev. RICHMOND HILL IFREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner of Elmwood and Ruggles Rev R. ’11 Ilolton Minister .ion 5, Vaughan Township, cor- ‘nei of Jane St.. and Sherwood Road. property of Ear: Robb. Sale at 1.30 p.m Terms cash. No reserve. Farm sold Ken & Clarke Prentice, Auctioneers, Markham, Ont. c3w41 m i at t SAT., APRIL 28 â€" Extensive Auction Sale of walnut furni- ture, silverware, refrigerator ,and deep freeze, TV set, elec-j ‘tric stove, electric washer, glass- ware_ dishes, bedding, Chester- ‘field and chairs, antiques, garâ€" ‘den tools, etc. Property of Joe Fisher. Lot 12, Con. 5, Mark- ham Twp., 1/2 mile north No. 7 Highway. Sale 1 p.m. Terms cash day of sale. No reserve. See list for details. This will be Rev R. T. Holton Minister See list for details. This will be Church of the Light 3nd Life one of the best furniture sales. Hour, CHML. 9 a.m. Sunday Gordon Seller. Auctioneer, EASTER SUNDAY SERVICES‘AginCOUl‘L AX. 3-4771. *2w42 10 am. â€" Sunday School l ' * * * Special Program ‘SAT., MAY 5 â€" Extensive auc- Classes for all tlon sale of late model tractors. 11.30 am, â€" Come Let Us wax-.‘Iarm machinery, electrical ap- ship pliant-es, household furniture, Subject: “I Believe in Easter"diShES. rugs, farmers‘, garden- 7 pm. -â€" Family Gospel Hour ers' and handyman’s tools, etc., Wednesday_ 8 pm, â€" properties of L. Hawkins, Mr. Prayer & Bible Study Kennedy. C. M. Madden, P. Fri. to Sun., April 27-29 â€"â€" Murray Mrs. Moore. J. George Week~end of Witness with and others. at Lot 21. Concess- Rev. Bob Ferris Hon 8. 7 Markham ’llownship, THE ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (2 miles south of Maple) Pastor - Norman E. Wagner Sunday â€" 9.30 am. â€" Remembrance Ser- vice 11 am. â€" Bible Hour 8: Sunday School 1‘7 p.m. â€" Gospel Meeting BRETHREN [N CHRIST CHURCH Wm. Vandchent. Pastor ’l‘el.: Richmond Hill. TU. 4-3155 Heise Hill (Gormley) 10 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Worship Service 7.30 pm. â€" Evening Service Wed., 7.45 pm. - Prayer Meeting Vaughan (3111 can.. 3 miles north of Concord) 11.15 am. -â€" Worship Servlce Concord (Schoolhouse) 10 am. â€"- Sunday School Oak Ridges. Aubrey Ave. Roy Nigh. Pastor Tel.: Gormlcy 5544 10.30 am. -â€" Sunday School 111.30 am. â€" Worship Service 7.30 pm. â€"- Evening Service Tues.. 8 pm. â€"â€" Prayer Meeting RICHVALE GOSPEL CHAPEL 24 Oak Ave. Services Bible Reading ‘5 CHURCH or cums'r Wed.. 7 pm. â€" Pioneer girls;Welcomes you at 7 pm. each group Lord's day Young people's and ladies' 1 Corner of Laurie Rd. Ind meetings as announced ; Concord Ave" Concord "Jesus saves and (here is no Isaiah 1â€"18: Come let us reason other way" 1 together saith the Lord. 7 pm Tues. CARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH Hugh Robert MacDonald 3.11.. 13.0. Lm. â€"â€" Worship Service and Sunday School Hugh Robert MacDonald THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH Church School ISAT., APRIL 21 â€" Auction sale lot farm implements, household â€"- ChUI‘Ch 5011001 furniture. number of antique for 811 38.98 _ articles, Ford tractor and plow, . â€" Mnrmng Worship l.H.C. combine. 6 it. cut PTO, -â€"-â€" in first class condition; thresh- ing machine 28x42, New Favor~ lie; Chevrolet Car, 1952 model. At Lot 2, Con. 5 King Township, THE 1,12 mile east of Highway 400. UTEERAN CHURCH lThe Estate of the late Albert es south of Maple) Rmhards- N0 I'BSCI‘VE, farm _ Norman E_ Wagner ‘sold. terms cash. Sale at 1:30, - The service Gordon Orr, Jack Walkmgton, _ S h ] dclerks. Alvin S. Farmer, auc- afflngfi'cf 00 an tioneer. Phone Gormley 5311. and Kinder- ommunion Prayér and CARD 0F THANKS ‘ We wish to extend our heart-l felt thanks and appreciation forand the acts of kindness. messages‘ of sympathy and beautiful flor-l and al offerings received from our friends during our bereavement in the death of our mother. lled‘ We especially thank Rev. C. G. Higginson for his consoling ‘words and the Pipher Funeral Home for their kind. efficient L 'management of the services. Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Hallin U... *1w42, call \ «Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nichol- son of Thornhill announce the engagement of their daughter. Doris Gayle Hall to David Peake Bishop of Kansas City, Missouri. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bishop of Downsview. the marriage lo take place on Saturday, June 2nd. at four o‘clock, at Holy Trinity Angli- can Church. Thornhill. ‘1w42 CARD 0]“ THANKS Mrs. Ruth Cowan wishes to thank all her friends and neigh- bours for their many kindnesses. also for the lovely flowers and cards received. She is progress- ing nicely. c1w42 CARD 0F THANKS I would like to thank all who sent cards, gifts and vislted me during my stay in hospital. Mrs. Frances Sinclair Thornhill CARI) OF THANKS 1 wish to extend my sincere thanks for the beautiful cards, letters of cheer. flowers. fruit and other treats. also phone calls and visits during my recent illness. They all were apprecia- ted. SALE REGISTERS SAT., APRIL 21, 1962 â€"â€" Ex-’ tensive clearance auction sale of antiques, household furnish- ings, dishes, glass and brass- ware, linens. quilts, bedding, :1- ectrical appliances, carpen'cr and handyman's tools. - large quantities of numerous articles, along with old homestead artl- cles, etc., properties of Mrs. Eva M. Thompson and Roy Smith, at Lot 6, Concession 5, Whitchurch Township, at Beth- esda. Sale at 12.30 pm Terms cash on day of sale, no reserves, properties sold. This is a choice sale for collectors of antique ‘articles, etc. See bills. Ken & Clarke Prentice. Auctioneers. Markham 346 or Stoufl'villc 96208. c2w41 SAT., MAY 5 â€" Extensive auc- tion sale of late model tractors. farm machinery, electrical ap- pliances. household furniture, dishes, rugs, tarmers', garden- ers' and handyman's tools, etc., properties of L. Hawkins, Mr. Kennedy, C. M. Madden, F. Murray_ Mrs. Moore. J. George and otherS. at Lot 21. Concess- ion 8. Markham Township, Prentice's New Idea Farm, on No. 48 Highway. 11/; miles north of Markham Village. Sale at 1 pm. sharp, rain or shine. Terms cash day of sale. See posters for full particulars. Ken 8; Clarke Prentice. Auctioneer, phone Markham 346 or Stouff- ville 96208. c3w42‘ separate entrance. Rents for $65 per month. garage on land- scaped 60'x150‘ lot. Mr. Slater, AV. 5-1156. RICHVALE 4 BEDROOM 7 room stone front. 11/; storey bungalow on 165’ x 325’ lot. Can be subdivided. Township water; Builder's special. $18,900. Mr. Slater, AV. 5-1156. $86 A MONTH RICHMOND HILL $15,900, 22‘ living room. open fireplace. separate dining. 3 large bedrooms, 2 baths ex- clusive district. close to Yonge Street. Mr. Slater. AV. 5-1156. SAT., MAY 12 â€" Auction sale of farm stock and implements, 18 head of registered vaccin- ated and TB tested Holstein cat- tle, team of work horses, IHC tractor Farmall “M”. threshing machine Geo. White 24x42,1 manure spreader, Oliver Hay Baler. new model 62T. full line of farm implements. bulk milk tank. cap. 1600 lbs.. new in 1958 DeLaval. 2 unit DeLaval milking machine. household furniture, at Lot 21, Con. 5 Vaughan Township, corner 400 Highway and Maple Road. Prop- jerty of Alex Bishop. No reserve. ‘as farm sold. Terms cash. Sale Lat 1 pm. D.S.T. Alvin S. Far- mer. auctioneer. Gormley 5311. iGordon Orr, Jack Walkington. clerks. (‘Hl‘RCH OF CHRIST Roy Crook m f rowan OF SALE €1W42 $1.000 down. suitable lerms. Solid brick semi bungalow In _ lexcellent condition. INT-['9‘ 0N BLUEGRASS BLVD. LANGSTAFF. 111% acres of in- dustrial land, with six-room house. AV. 5-1887. c1w42 $10,000 FIVE-ROOM bungalow .very good condition, with gar- age. $2,000 down payment. TU. 4-4954. c2w42 PRIVATE 4-year-old six-room brick bungalow, large lot. many extras. Call TEmple 3-5177 King City. c1w41 FOUR YEAR old ranch bunga- ‘low. offering easy living. just steps away from all conveni- ences. Six clean, bright room, all nicely decorated. and a plea- sure to call your own. See it now. Call AV. 52951. T. Murâ€" phy, Broker. clw42 PRIVATE SALE of solid brick 3-bedroom bungalow. storms and screens Included, 5% N.ll. A. mortgage, Yonge St. Call owner. 3241. TU. 4- clw42 located close to, l l 2-51; liviI plac kitc 4â€"pi r001 AV. Ide: SU'I sch: thrt ing roti atic 'pav For Mr: J. 1 511.800. Two storey. semi-den tached brick house. Oak floors. forced air heating with oil. in nice location close to schools. and shopping. First mortgage. at 515%, carries for $7300 ‘monthly. including taxes. TU.‘ ‘E4-2475. c1w42 218 ALTAMIRA AVE. :5” $1,500 down. full price $14.500Jtré‘ Six room solid brick detached 10w bungalow, only three years old. lot newly deconted. Storms and $86 screemns. heavy wiring. Private sacrifice. Call collect ME. 3- 3658. c1w42 EXECUTIVE HOME BAKER AVENUE $5,000 down. one open mort- gage, atta’ched garage. Asking only $18,900 for this distin- guished 2-storey square plan, 12 foot ultra-modern kitchen. combination living and dining area. 3 twin-sized bedrooms, 2 baths, very choice landscaped lot. Loaded with extras. Mr. Pugh, BA. 5-8828, Residence (I‘U. 445624 John Tracey L‘td., Realtors. clw42 PRIVATE SALE Country Living in the heart of Richmond Hill 2 blocks from Yonge St. at 90 Centre Street West on well treed 73’ x 310‘ lot. Modern distinctive bungalow with many up-to-date features: tiled bath- room. built-in storage cup: boards, exceptionally well ap-‘ lpointed kitchen, completely fin- ished recreation room. fireplace, broadloom. etc.. 2 large bed- rooms. Realistic price. Princi- pals only. TU. 4-1317. c1w42 PRIVATE SALE £151,600 to one 6% mortgage Pleasantville, executive type; split level. large living room} w. R. CASE. REALTOR open fireplace with ralsed 96 Yonge St. 5., Aurora hearth, floor to ceiling \vindows.‘PA. 7.4288 WA. 1-1( large finished family room, 3 c1“ bedrooms, two bathrooms, dou- *" " -#" ble garage, large patio. ProfeS'l “LIBERAL” CLASSIFIED sionally landscaped, N.H.A.‘ GET RESULTS mortgage 514%. Low down pay-l JUST PHONE ment, attractive terms. Phone Tu 44105 AL. 7-2415 01' TU. 4-1550. 0R Av_ 5.3316 2 BLOCKS TO YONGE $15,900 gleaming white clap- board. G-room bungalow. excep- tional condition, fireplace. bmadloom. storms and screens, water softener, covered patio. beautifully landscaped. $3,500 down. Mr. Pratt, AV. 5-1156. all? Mr. Joseph. RU. 1-931_4 FAMILY HOME PLUS OFFICE In the heart of Richmond Hill. steps from Yontge, separate en- trance for office, 11/1 storey, 7 large rooms, 2 baths, garage, $17,900. Mr‘ Pratt. AV. 5-1156. 7 room stone front. 11/; storey bungalow on 165‘ x 325’ lot. Can be subdivided. Township water. Builder's special. $18,900. Mr. Slater, AV. 5-1156. 1/; ACRE IN GORMLEY $13,900 8 rooms, 2 storey brick, good well and pressure system, new hot water oil furnace, large semi-modern kitchen, $2.500 down. Excellent value. Mr. Pratt, AV. 5-1156. RICHMOND HILL $1,500 down, only $14,900 full price 6â€"room brick bungalow, beautiful living room with ca- thedral ceiling. patio, paved drive‘ good financing. Mr Caron, AV. 5-1156. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LANGSTAFF INCOME HOME $122500. 5 rooms and 4-pc. bath, 4 rooms with 2 pc. bath and separate entrance. Rents for $65 per month. garage on land- scaped 60'x150‘ lot. Mr. Slater, AV. 5-1156. 5% NBA. 566 MONTHLY 51,500 down, owner's immacu- late 6 room ranch bungalow on large landscaped lot with patio, lpaved driveway. many extras. ~3er Bunting. AV. 5-1156. MODERN 4-BEDRO0M HOME $1.580 DOWN $12,900 solid brick semi. in Richmond Hill, spotless, 1.300 square feet, small down pay- ment. 6% mortgage. Mr. Slater. \AV. 5-1156. 5% N.H.A. Attached Garage 15,900 owners immaculate cen- tre hall ranch bungalow. on landscaped lot. 25' living-din- ing room, finished recreation room, low down payment. im- mediate possession. W. Bunting, AV. 5-1156. c1w42 FOR Fle .IOB PRINTING PHONE TU. 4-1105 AV. 5-3318 KEiTH REALTORS tfc42 tfc36 clw42 SPLIT-LEVEL Ideal family home west of Yonge Street, near shopping and schools. Charming decor throughout, many extras includ- ing new draperies. frigidaire. rotisserie stove, finished recre- ation room. built-in garage. paved driveway. AV. 5-1905. For further information call Mrs. D. Carter. BEST OFFER TAKES 2-storey home. has spacious 22' living-room with natural fire- place, separate dining-room, 16‘ kitchen, double-sized bedrooms, 4-piece bath. 2 piece powder- room. Must go this week-end. AV. 5-1905. King City ‘ * * "‘ * CUSTOM-BUILT brick bllnga-JAYLOR _ In loving memory low with breezeway and attach- of a dear mother 'and wife. “1 garage: Large L‘Shaped “V'? Florence Taylor dormeer of lngâ€"room with field-stone fireâ€"l May Avenuc.‘ who pa‘ssed place. knotty pine. kitchen.l away on Apr“ 24m. 1961_ aborile bathroom with vanity. In We loved and honored walk-out basement with studio In death remembered Endl “Yo "1°er mtg"? p055i519'! â€" Ever remembered bv hus- xc usxve r951 en- a area. r1-‘ - ‘ . ced to sell at $18,500 with good yandr‘al‘igi‘1y.z_rNew” terms. w Real Estate 8; General Insurance 21 Yonge St. N.. Aurora Phone PA. 7-5076 2 bedroom bungalow. with at- tached garage, open stone fire- place in living room, full base- ment, large lot, priced for quick *sale at only $14,900.00. Call Jim Spencer. 257-2650 for ap- pointment or CH. 1-1164. Ack- row & Wells Ltd., 1980 Weston Rd.. Weston. c1w42 Look At These Specials $1,000 down payment for at- tractive 3-bedroom brick bunga- low with single garage on large lot. 6% mortgage carries for $80. per month. close to public and catholic schools. $9.500 AURORA. comfortable ’ 'rl ; older type home, located in a‘NEw 5P” ‘5 nice area of town on a lovely‘ 1 View 1‘“ °V,erl°°king the rou'anster parade time will soon be‘ mg countrySIde. Includes threelhere and the high_soft_beauti_‘ bedrooms. modern kitchen,newiiu1 chapeaux are now at Mad- furnace, neat as a pm through'leleine‘s_ out. Owner will consider your‘ down payment for a quick sale.‘ Fancy Swiss braids. light-as- T‘air straws, a multitude of gay $13,000 AURORA. Your wholelflowers fashion Spring '62 sil- family will rave about this fineflhouettes featuring bretnn sail- lfully detached bungalow thatiors. bubble toques. cloches. tall family will rave about this fine,“ fully detached bungalow that is being offered well below mar- ket value. Many features will appeal to you, including the three spac-‘ ious bedrooms, the modern kit-l Chen, the economy and conven-‘ ience of storms and screens. the quiet south end location and the down payment â€" only :$1,600 to one 6% mortgage. J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SON LTD.. REALTORS EARL V. STEWART HI FOLKS All-l. v: - WA. 1â€"1691l(at Fairlawn) HU. 8-5406 c1w42‘2 bus stops below City Limits c1w42 1\\'4 In filemurfiams Eeatbs AD'HQ'T‘DOVF. in ARMSTRONG. in loving mem-' cry of a dear mother and grand- mother. who passed away Easter Sunday morning, 1961. Soné Ted aid George and Ileen and sister Lucy. c1w42 CASEMENT -â€" In loving memâ€" ory of Margaret Casement,_ who passed away on April 26th. 1952. You left us suddenly Your last thoughts unknown But you left us memories We are proud to own. Always a smile, never a frown Always a hand when someone was down Always so thoughtful,,true and kind What a wonderful memory you left behind. â€"â€" Sadly missed and always remembered, Roscoe Casement and family away on April 24th, 1961‘ In life loved and honored. In death remembered. â€" Ever remembered by hus- band and family. c1w42 WC! ale/e171 e Easter parade time will soon be here and the high-soft-beauti- ful chapeaux are now at Mad- eleine‘s. pillboxes Come in and treat yourself td a few of these lovely so color- ful chapeaux at ~ - - 9 am. â€"6 p.m.; Friday to 9 pm Millinery & Accessories 3319 YONGE ST. Walla/01' Over 1,000 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. April 19. 1962 (M (’llle‘ and- HARTIN. Mary E [stel- chael's Hospital HILI RAWDING. Beverley De'White â€"At the Ontario Hospital, Orillia. on Friday. April 13. 1962. Beverley De'White. be- loved son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rawding Lake Wil- cox. Ontario. and dear bro- ther of Beatrice. Edwin. Alva, Gladys. Arthur. Reginald. Elden. Frederick. Sandra and Richard. in his fourteenth year. Service was held from the Thompson Funeral Home Monday. April 16. interment Aurora Cemetery. clw42 REEVE-NEWSON, James Fred~ erick At Meaford General Hospital on Saturday. April 14, 1962, after a lingering illness. James Frederick Reeve~Newson, aged 53. son of Mrs. and the late Mr. John S. Reeve-Newson. father of John Ross and grandfather of David; dear brother of Mrs. Victor McMullen. Rested at the Davidson Funeral Home, Thornbury. Service was in the Chapel on Monday at 2 pm. Interment in Thorn- bury Cemetery. In lieu of flowers. donations were re- quested to the Canadlan Can- cer Society. c1w42 ARTIN. Mary E â€" At St. Mi- DAVIDSOl‘ chael's Hospital‘ on Thursday, (nee Kef. April 12, 1962 Mary Eliza-3 are hap] beth Harlin. late of York' arrival 01 Manor, Newmarket and 305 7 025.. A Elmwood Ave.. Richmond Hill, County in her Blst year. Loving mo-l Jill and ther of Clarence of Wood- ‘ ville, William of Toronto. and‘ILOCKING Garfield of Richmond Hill.§ happily-i Rested at Pipher Funeral‘ a (laugh Home, Richmond Hill. lnter- April 16 ment Richmond Hill Ceme-‘ oral Ho tery. *1w42 Debbie. lLl. â€" Kathleen Margaret Murphy. wife of the late Charles F. Hill. Saturday. April 14. 1962. at Providence Villa Hospital, Toronto, dear mother of Alice 1Mrs. Murray Wcstgate) of Toronto. Ed- ward C. of Richmond Hill. Re- quiem High Mass Tuesday at Blessed Secramcnt Church, Toronto. Interment Mount Hope Cemetery. new TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL GOOD FRIDAY GARBAGE COLLECTION Household garbage, regularly picked up on Friday â€"â€" THIS WEEK ONLY â€" will be picked up on SATURDAY, APRIL let. Trash, regularly collected on Friday will be collected on TUESDAY, APRIL 24th. R. LYNETT, Clerk DAVIDSON â€" Earl and Jane tnee Kefierl of R. R. 1 Maple. are happy to announce the arrival of Wendy Aileen. ’7 lbs. 7 025.. April 5, 1962. at York County Hospital, a sister for Jill and Donna. c1w42 RICE â€" Bill and Carol mee Hine) are happy to announce the birth of a baby boy. Stev- en Michael, 7 lbs.. at Bra~nson Hospital. April 10th. *1w42 Interim Report On” Water Given A preliminary report on the request for a water system on the east side of Yonge Street in Oak Ridges was given to Whitchurch Township Council this week by the municipality’s engineer. Eric Jorgenson. Before anything approaching final figures could be given, he said. it was necessary to find if King Township would sell water to Whitchurch and. if so. at what rate. Council suggested that Town- ship Clcrk Jack Crawford should arrange an appointment with King Township. preferably in the ollice of Dr. A. E. Berry or lhe Ontario Water Resources Commission. happily-announce the birth of a daughter Judith Anne. on April 16. 1962. at East Gen- eral Hospital. A sister for Debbie. c1w42 Office Space To Rent 1,200 Square Feet, 2nd Floor, Richmond Heights Centre. Will Divide. Call h'iffin Contracting 18mm ME. 3 - 5661 in and June Ltd

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