Work: while you drive to end excessive gas ' c ooooo prion. Acti- vate: lazy carburetors. I :13" . . 20-01. _ 0: “I. 3% can I E; h.â€" - ./ V § ' ' ‘ 2' 6'1 EXHAUST EXTENSION ‘neamg‘on Popular Ion uni M tub. I o. H‘ “,5... hip]: anus“. “nun-ya 1'3 Gian? sixe. Clips on prcscnf rmrrcr I Kath . . I Reduce! qlare‘ Chroma I "In" “anduds‘ Gya'ameed Handle! "p '0 40° lb . . ' rrrrr 1i 1 2 End : yr.. or I15,000 mules Mon 9" had 5 an, as ow 4 '3 ~ I Set. V ' ‘ X "H. I l , I a c h TU. 4-1196 CANADIAN» TIRE ASSOCIATE STORE AV, 5- 1 Popular long “night Cube Iypn. High lush. hiplo chroma (inlsh. 1 Each . , ' 8 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. April 19. 1962 INSTANT CREDIT FOR ALL SERVICES? AND MERCHANDISE AT C. T. C. WITH TERMS TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET No Down Payment Necessary and FREE CREDIT On 30 Day Accounts 3. SAVE ON lONGER SERVICE llFE â€" quality constructed throughout 2. SAVE TIME â€" Speedy, drive-in service SAVE 3 WAYS at CANADIAN TIRE l. WHOLESALE DISCOUNTS â€" Save up to 50% GUARANTEED BLOW-OUT PROOF QUIET O SAVE GAS lONG LIFE CUSTOM ENGINEERED FOR PERFECT “NEW CAR†FIT OPEN MONDAY NIGHT “I. 9 P.M. VOLKSWAGEN 1955-59, 4-cyl 1949-54, B-cyl. (exc. conv.) 1955-56, 8-cyl. . . . . . V . A , , . . . . . , 1957, 8-:yl. (exc. conv.) ,. 1958-59, B-cyl. (exc. conv.) FORD and METEOR 1949-52, 6-cyl. 032, 36, 39, 40 (exc. conv.) . . . . . ‘ . . V . . . . V . . . . 1953-54, 6-cyl. (exc. conv.) ...... 1955 to 1959, 6-cyl. . PLYMOUTH 1949-52, 6-cyl. P18, 20, 22, 23 DODGE 1949-52, 1953-54, 1955-59, PONTIAC 1951-53, 6-cyI. 20, 22 1954, 6-cyl. 20, 22 1955-56, 6-cyl. 20, 22 (en. conv.) . ..... 1957-59. 20, 22, 70 CHEVROLET MAKE AND YEAR SINGLE EXHAUST PASSENGER CARS ONLY 1949-53 (exc. conv.) 1954-58 (uc. conv.) 1959 ................... Similar savings on other passenger cars, including imports. lig discounts on Mote-Master Exhaust Equipment for commercial vehicles. Bracket: for tall pipe installation (extra, where needed), Clamps, each .19 (ex: conv.) 6-cyl. (ext. conv.) 6-cyl. ................. Installed 6.45 .20 Gian! size. Clips on present minor. deunex glau. Cluomc framu. Il'ngh". Each . CHEVROLET AND PONTIAC (MOST) 1949-53 "Do-lt-Your- self" Muffler Discount Price 9.95 000.0050 5.55 421.2 666 56.88. 6.50 6.50 DO-IT- YOURSELF DISCOUNT PRICE MUFFLER INSTALLED DISCOUNT PRICE 5505 ï¬AAA 7800 11 15.95 Above Prices Include - Labour, New "Turbo-Fire" Spark Plugs, H.D. Points, Condenser, Rotor. Set Timing And Adjust Carburetors 8. Test Compression. We Guarantee Easier Starting 51 Improved Performance With Our 1 Point Tune-Up 4 Cyl. â€" $9.95 6 cyl. â€" $11.95 8 cyl. â€" $13.95 IT’S TIME TO GET GROWING! Heavy-duty metal ï¬nes «â€"resilient, tough to “and rough, hard abuse. Speeds up raking, etc. 334;. 1 15 wide. Lightweight metal â€"â€" easy to handle. Sturdy steel tray, tubular steel frame. puncture-proof semi-pneumatic tire, two- Ione finish. 3 cu. ft. 8 l capacity. . i . . . . a . , i . . capacity For good look: and hard wearing qualities without special care. Highly vigorous tor a permanent, attractive mm- 2.85 4-lb. lug. LAWN RAKE STEEL FENGE Garden Wheelbarrow GRASS SEED “ZANW LAWN MASTER FLEXIBLE Organic growth ela- ments for quick growth, lasting nourishment of lawn or gar‘ ‘1, around flowers, sl/ 3. I154: I Isl: . \W § .m‘k W FAST ACTING LAWN ORGANIC G Heavy-gauge steel wire, 12" h i g h, painted gveen. Conforms to any shape . . . around flower beds, etc. 1222.2; 1 .39 FOLDING Curved blade type. Tempered, tull polished blades, riveted to malleable lron handles. Ratchet adiustment. Tempered spring and clip. 9" overall . ,. . t . . . . PRUNiNG SHEARS Heavy-9a. steel with bevelled edges. Use sand or water ballast. Big 12 x 20" O OH drum I, “'7 8.25 For quick, lush green growth on large areas where economical, pev- manenf weed-free grass i1 desired Z-lb. GRASS SEED 16†LAWN SPREADER The easy way to Ipread need, fertilizer, etc., on your lawn. Easy-set control dial accurately dispenses it. 30-lb. capacin _.-,._...-- ... _â€" .-. -_r..-.., even-flow tray. Heavy- gauge steel construction with attractive two-tone finish. 7" rubber tire wheels. mm GLENDALE ' 1.22 garden Hate. iinc die-cafl'coup- lingx. 7/16" inside diameter. 50- 1 'fl Lighlweighf _g_reen_‘ transparent For u-leeding ban span. Conditions soil, feed: the grass Provide: lush green growth I. ill-kept llwns. 33.1"?" 1 .75 REPAIR-A.-LAWN Grass Mixture .74 .39 1.79 New-car buyers willingly pay a premium for Nylon Tires as optional original equipment. Canadian Tire features Twin-Ply (double strength, double-size) Nylon at big savings. Speedway proved nylon shrugs oft impact hazard, eliminates dangerous high-speed heat build-up areas. Smartly engineered tread design in latest, improved iet cold rubber. TOUGH, HANDSOME SUPER-LASTIC FREE lAWN MOWER TUNE-UP & REPAIR SERVICE Road, load tested to orig. cquipl standards. Guavanfeed I yr.. or 15,000 miles Mon can,.::h low 4- 1 o BRAND NEW MOTO-MASTER “CUSHION-COMFORT" No Nun llmlt 750/14 670/15 600/16 Clean and Adjust Carburetor Check Ignition â€" Replac Change Oil (4 Cycle) Sharpen & Balance I Blade & Replace Hub 6.95 IF BLADE TIPS REQUIRED ROAD- H AZA R D No No "red Cape" mileage limit on adiuslments (If Necessary) TRES -95 NO TRADE Inn/1 R Ann/1!. NEEDED INSURANCE Prevent tear-end sag, get a Imoo'h, level ride. Handle: up to 4004b extra load. 5 _ Sn. NO DOWN PAYMENT MOTO-MASTER SHOCK SPRINGS .. _ to end excessive gas consumption. Adi- vate: lazy carburetors. 20-01. a R Work; while you drive COIL SPRING LIFTERS Restores original spring position . . . simply install one lifter in each spring. .65’ CARBURETOR CONDITIONER GUM-RID Replace Spark Plug