Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Apr 1962, p. 11

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M" ‘ If y PRGCLAMATION TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN DO HEREBY PROCLAIM 'APRIL 30th TO MAY 6th TO BE WHEREAS. MENTAL ILLNESS IS CANADA’S NUMBER ONE HEALTH PROBLEM AND SHOULD BE THE FIRST CONCERN OF EVERY CITIZEN. Mental Health Week A. H. RUTHERFORD, REEVE “Mental Illness - - By authority of a Resolution of Council, I hereby proclaim Day- light Saving Time to extend from 2 am. Sunday, April 29, 1962, to 2 am. Sunday, October 28, 1962, in the township of Markham. All residents are hereby noti- fied and requested to govern themselves accordingly. H. C. T. Crisp Wilfred Dean Clerk Reeve PROCLAMATION This message re: ORAL POLIO VACCINE (SABIN) is directed to Every Man, Woman and Child in North York Twp. The Ontario Department of Health and your Board of Health have requested your Health Department to organize a series of clinics where all North York Infants, Pupils and Adults can be given a dose of the Sabin vaccine (about 6 drops in 143 oz. distilled or deionized water) by mouth. This will greatly increase the protection already given you or your children by the Salk vaccine or will give good protection to anyone who has not had Salk vaccine. In the summer of 1961 many millions of doses of Sabin vaccine were successfully given in several countries. Many, many thousands of these persons who had received Salk vaccine obtained additional valuable protection and many who had not received “Salk” before now have protection against Polio. It is IMPORTANT that all members of a family take the vaccine and if at all possible all on the same day. Our general plan will be to visit about 10 schools daily where we will give the Sabin vaccine to the pupils in the morning; in the afternoon at some of these schools we will treat the infants (over 3 months of age), the Pre School Children and the Mothers. In the early evening we will give the vaccine at the District Collegiate to all older members of the household and to all other Adults. No person can be given the Sabin vaccine Without a. signed request. Your school pupils will take their consent cards home for you to Sign and return within 2 days to their teachers. Consents for adults and pre schoolers willbe signed at the clinics. Extensive publicity will be given later in the newspapers re the time and location of pre school and adult clinics. There are thousands and thousands of Adults and very young children in our Township and in Metro Toronto who are not well protected against Polio. This is your chance to receive additional protection if you have had Salk vaccine and to protect you and yours against an outbreak of the dreaded disease â€" POLIO â€" if you have not had the “Salk Shots”. _,.-‘ GOD SAVE THE QUEEN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT TO NORTH YORK CITIZENS A. H. RUTHERFORD, Reeve, OF N 0 Longer Hopeless” Township of Vaughan Miss Nancy Cober was able Max Hazel left Malton Thurs- to return home on Monday af- day to spend several months ter spending several weeks in with his sisters and brothers in Briarbush Hospital, Stoufirille. Germany. This will be Mr. Mrs. D. Fennell and Mr. and Hazel‘s first spring in Germany Mrs. Allan Pope spent Easter in 51 years. week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A number from our commun- Lu‘ry Pope and family of Sud- ity attended the Sacred Pro- bury. ductions musical programme at Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kirstein, Eaton Auditorium. Toronto. on Miss Barbara Kirstein and Mr. Monday and Tuesday. .. .,4 Miss Nancy Cober was able Max H to return home on Monday af- day to s ter spending several weeks in with his Brim-bush Hospital, Stoufiville. Germany Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wideman and family spent Easter with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Baker of Gowanstown. 0n Good Friday, Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Doner entertained 33 relatives It dinner in honour of several A-pril birthdays and an- niversaries. They included their ‘2 sons Earl and Allan, their daughter Gra Ind families, and also six gr t-gra-ndchildren, Mr. Wes Hoover of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Leek and family of Headford. side. Miss Kathryn Reesor sper Several days with her brothe: in-law and sister. Mr. and Mr Arthur Byer of Belleville. Pa Mr. and Mrs. Allan Doner ha dinner Friday with Mr. an Mrs. Desmond Meade of Tore) to. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Heft an children spent the week-er. with their parents. Mr. ar Mrs. Heft. and Mr. and Mr Schwartz in the Owen Sour district. mt- .....l ml... Anfhnn‘l Ni: G. Gifii’ein motored to Phila- delphia to visit relatives at Easter. "Minus Ethel Byer spent Sunday and Monday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Byer of Clif- ford. Mr. 1nd Mrs. G. Harmon and David spent the Easter holiday with their oon-ln-law and dau- ghter. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mac- Klnnon and family of Seven Isles, Quebec. Mfs.‘Géorgc Cober I: again confined to bed. HTherJoseph children were on “Open House" on Channel 6 April 16. Sealed tenders, plainly mark- ed as to contents, will be accep- ted by H. C. T. Crisp, Township of Markham. R. R. No. 2, Gorm- ley, Ontario, up to 12 o'clock noon on 1 Monday, April 30th, 1962 for the supply of two 6 cylinder. automatic transmission. 2 door sedan police cruisers, equipped with heavy duty front seats, heavy duty shock absorbers and heavy duty generator: or pref- hrnbly, ultema-tqrs. Bidders to make allowance on‘ trade-in of one 1961 2 door 6 cylinder Pontiac with automatic trmsmission. Any further particular: required ‘may be obtained from the un- ‘dersigned. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. C. WIDEMAN Chief of Police, Tomhhphof _M>arlghqm._ BILL DING says: BOWDEN LUMBER Col (Home Improvement Division) Stop 23 Yonge St. Richvale AVA-4921 - TU. 4.1121 lvenlnn: Cult Bowden TU. 4-1868 THE TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM R. 2, I Gormley, Ontario CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED Telephone Gormley 5201 GORMLEY NEWS 3132:3318) Agg§°¥3gaf°r°ntm 0”} Obviously. among the impor- 1936 he became Chief Medical Remit visitor “335‘ Mr anditamt members of that team will Officer for the Sun Life of 5 ‘ - ‘be the doctors whose profes- Canada in Torontoâ€"I post he Mrs. George French were Rev. - ,- - ‘ ~ - or side. dental“, have been leaders in ServingaToronto militia regi- Ig:t:11’z‘l;thR§::0£r against}!!! big job of getting the hos_ ment. the Governor Gener'al's "Haw “(13’st Mr and Mrsgpitel under way. realizing the Hg?“ Guards’ ‘5 “5 medlcal Arm B 15 f h 11‘ .11 P 'serious shortage of hospital beds 0 wer. When war came' .Dr' iir yer 0 1e eVi e, a. in this part of Ontario. Among Hethrington hecame medical .Nll. and Al an Doner had those doctors will be DI: Hagar speCialist at military headquar- dinner Friday With Mr. and Hethrington‘ B'A" MB" M_R__ ters in Toronto and later, as Lt.- Mrs. Desmond Meade of Toron- C-pchnh)‘ ERIC},me ED Col. Hagar Hethrlng‘ton was in to. Dr. Hethrington is president.Charge °f medlcme ‘t camp n-..A.u. nunvufinn n aha-n {n Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Heft and children spent the week-end with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Heft. and Mr. and Mrs. Schwartz in the Owen Sound district. “Mr. 2nd Mrs. Anthony Nigh have returned after spending the winter in Florida. iMrs. Art Byer of Belleville. 9a.. spent Easter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Reesor. J. H. Heise received a phone call Saturday afternoon, inform~ ing him that the barn on his Fordwich property was des- troyed by fire. Mrs. Emma Bovair of Wood- ville spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Boynton. Miss Jillian Parrott of Tor- onto was an Easter guest of her uncle‘and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. G. Campey. Special missionary services‘ will be held in United Mission- rary Church Sunday, April 29.} ‘Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hawkins will ‘be guest speakers in the Sun- day School. At the morning ser- vice Rev. Ross will be the speak- er. Miss Annie Yeo of Nigeria will bring the closing message Sunday evening. There will ‘be uwluu‘] V.....-..°V , no service Friday evening be- cause of flhe graduation exer- cises at Emmanuel Bible Coll- ege. Kitchener. 0- 7.._l In..- H,“ -..--..-__-_, We welcome Mr. and Mrsl John Brooks. Rebecca and Jen- nifer, of Toronto, who have mov- ed into Limberlost which they purchased recently from Mr. G. Campey. - - - ‘ an... _-.. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Reesor left Tuesday morning to visit their son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Witmer and children of Salem, Ohio, and their son-in-Law and daughter, Mr. and ‘Mrs. Wen‘ger and child- ‘ren and Wakarusa, Indiana. ‘ V‘F-Allrvg . Mr. and Mrs. John Gilmore‘ and son of Wuairnfieet spent Eas- ter week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cliflord Winger. Bishop and Mrs Alvin Win- ger and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Henderson and family spent Easter Sunday with Rev. and Mrs. Allan H-eise of Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hawkins were guests of honour at a shower Thursday, given by Marie’s relatives at Richmond Hill. WIVITiss Dawn; Barrett had a tonsilectomy at York County Hospital, Newmarkem. Wednes- uu, . Easter visitors of Mr. and Mrs. George French were Rev. Wm. Vanderbent of Richmond Hill, Rev. .133. Sider of Peters- ‘bur‘g. Rev. and Mrs. Harvey Sider and daughter of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Brill- inger and boys of Toronto. GROWER â€" FLORIST Sine. 1880 The finest in floral designsl and bedding plants. PHONE 33 “i ALpine 7-1471 *‘ ‘ or AL. 7-1363 Keele Street Maple. Ont. . MILLER filong Experience Assists Paroject Head Of Medical Group Is Helping As Hospital Plans Are Finalizing Dr. Hemhrington is president of the medical advisory com- mittee of the hospital. a group Richmond Hill's new hospital will soon change the look of the town’s southern skyline. And when that happens a team will swing into operation, dedicated to the task of helping those sulfering from illness or disease or. on a happier note, contributing new citizens to the district’s fast-growing population. made up of medical men who have been co-operaitin-g in the job or! getting the haspi’cal pro- ject going. It is in effect an executive committee of the hos- pital’s medical staff. Its presi- ‘dent is an ex-ofiicio member of ithe hospital’s board of trustees ‘and is the liaison between the liospi‘t‘ai’s governing body and its medical men. Dr. Hethrington brings a wide medical training and experience, both in war and peace, to his duties. Born in Toronto, he at- tended the University of To- ronto, gaining his B.A. in 1925 and winning his Bachelor of Medicine degree three years later. He interned at St. Mich- ael's Hospital and mhe Sick Children's Hospital. afterwards serving in England for three‘ years at the famous London Hospital and taking courses at other British hospitals. He served with the London County Council for a year and won his ‘M.R.C.P. in 1931. Returning to Canada, Dr. Hethringbon was again asso- ciated with St. Michael’s Hos- pital, afterwards starting his own practice in Toronto. In Lions Club officers and mem- bers joined Victoria Square Dis- trict Lions Club at their inter- club meeting in the Victoria Square Cmnmunity Hall last Tuesday. Guest speaker Inspector John Mullen of the Metro Pol- ice Department was introduced by Lion president Forest Dul- lege. Inspector Mullen gave a talk on frauds and forgery. He showed cheques and stamps and other equipment used in this type of crime which, he stated, grossed a sum amounting to millions of dollars per year in Toronto. He was thankedi by retired inspector of detectives. Lawson Mumberson. The report of the club nomin- ating committee was received; and the following ofiicers were elected by melamatlon, for 1962-1963. President: Lion Forest Dul- lege lst vicenpresident: Lion George Brands: 2nd vice-presi- dent: Lion Frank Donnelly; 3rd vice-president: Lion Jack Stew- art; secretary: Lion Art Wilson; treasurer: Lion Jack Smith; tail twister: Lion Carl Walker; 2 year directors: Richard Jones and Everett Vanderkooy; 1 year directors: Geoffer Campey and John McCague; past-president: Frank Williams. A Lion rummage and auction sale will be held August 10 and The last euchre of the series sponsored by the park commit- tee was held in the community hall last Thursday. with eleven tables of players. Prize winners were Mrs. Sandiford, Mrs. NorJ man Jarvis. Mrs. Olive Orr. Art Brown, Bill Sandie and Ed. Williams. Ladies’ series prize was won by Mrs. W. Orr. Men’s series prize was won by Bill 'Muirhead. A euchrc party sponsored by? Victoria Square District Lions Club will be held in the Vic- toria Square Community Hall, April 27. Pro'ceeds from this euchre will be used to buy equipment for the baseball league Sponsored by the Lions Club. Church News On April 29th Dr. A. I". Bin- nington will be in charge of the church service. A W'ir‘hie Victoria Square Commit- tee of Stewards is to meet in the Sunday School room April 30 at 8.30 p.111: irartr 8.30 pfm. in Victoria Square Church. Neighbourhood Notes gllowing hér recent opera- F’I‘VHeioEEic-ial board of Victoria Square Charge wil'l mee§ May wfiz-ZVPat Ottaway returned home from hospital last Mon- DR. HETHRINGTON VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS bus-load of fihe King Citylthn CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLI R. It. 2 Gomley â€" Telephone Gormley 5421 Jack Smith; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Walker; and Sandra. of Richard Jones Sunday with Mr erkooy; 1 year quill. (18H 5 Bill 26; Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Mum- berson will celebrate their d by thirty-fifth. wedding anniver- Mons sary, Apnl Mr. and Mrs. Vic_ Roy Glover wxll cglebrate their Hall twentyâ€"fifth weddmg anmver- this’ sary April 27; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley DeFoe will celebrate their twenty-fourth wedding an- niversary, Apljjl 30. buy ;eball r :nna Serving a Toronto militia regi- 1 ment, the Governor General’s Horse Guards, as its medical officer when war came, Dr. Hethrington became medical specialist at military headquar- ters in Toronto and later. as Lt.- Col. Hagar Hethrlngton was in‘ charge of medicine at Camp Borden. Dropping a step in irank to go overseas, he went with No. 5 General Hospital, Winnipeg. regaining his former rank overseas when he was in charge of medicine at No. 18. After the war he becameâ€" and still isâ€"a consultant at Sunnybrook Hospital, the vet- erans’ hospital in Toronto which serves this area. He returned to civilian practice as director of the out-patients department at St. Michael’s Hospital. He is assistant professor on the Fac- ulty of Medicine at the Uni- versity of Toronto. The owner of a farm at Klein- burg, Dr. Hethring‘ton decided to take an interest in the new“ hospital to serve the southern‘ part of York County. He has also started a local practice.‘ sharing an office in Richmond} Hill in addition to maintaining the one in Toronto. On his farm! the doctor raises the somewhat rare Rhodesian Ridgeback dogs -a hobby he has followed for six years. That he has followed it successfully is indicated by the fact that "Kra-ai Kennels” â€"the name of his placeâ€"won best of breed at the famous Westminster Show at New York,‘ with another animal winning? “best puppy" at a specialty show. Incidentally. Dr. Heth- rington’s interest in the African continent goes beyond his dogs. He was the Canadian Medical Association’s delegate to the South African Medical Congress at Cape Town last year. L Dr. Hethrington was on the water polo and swimming teams while in University. He is mar: tied, with a son irn the adver- tising business in Montreal and a daughter serving as a high school teacher in Toronto. An- other daughter is an economist witlh the Argus Corporation. | Mrs. Hethrington takes an active interest in medical ab} fairs and is a member of 'the: executive of the Women’s Auxil- iary to the Ontario Medical As- sociation. She is chairman of the organizing and membership committee and is also convenor of the Women’s Auxiliary to the Ontario Hospital Association ‘and vicedpresident of the local cancer society. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilson and boys, of Islingrton. spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John Empringham. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Donnelly and Dianne in the sudden passing of Mr. Donnelly’s father, Charles Donnelly. Miss Norine Graham and Da- vid Boymon flew by jet to Ca1- gary. Good Friday to spend a week with Mr. and Mrs. Jdm Boyn-ton and girls. Mrs. L. Krnépp and Irene spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Empringham and girls. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Steak- Iey and the MacDonald children spent Sunday with Mrs. James Kennedy rand family at Aurora, Mr. and 'Mrs. Frdnk Smith of Toronto had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley DeFoe. V Mr. and Mrs. Lesli-e Hart and family called on Mrs. A. P. Wheler at Algimourt. Sunday. Mr. Frank Barker and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nixon and fam- ily of Manjlla had Saturday ev- ening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barker and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nichol. will celebrate their twenty-first wedding anniversary. April 26; Mr. and Mrs. Reid Brumwell will celebrate their thirty-sec- ond wedding anniversary, April Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Buchan- an of Don Mills uhad Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nichols and. Faye. Birthday greeting: to Mrs. Nelson Boy-nton, April 26; Mrs. L. Hart, April 27; Mr. L. L. Nichols, April 28; Ronald Orr, 12 years, April 30; Allan Orr, May 1. FACTORY S P A C E 900 FEET AVAILABLE Reasonable Rent Industrial Road ‘3 Richmond Hill ME. 3 = 5661 Walter Ridley Whitby. spent and Mrs. Wes. THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontariol'Ifhm-sday, April 28. 1982 A yes vote on April 28 will make our Town a. ‘liquor oasis’ in a large no-liquor-outlet area spreading all the way from: south â€" St. Clair Avenue in Toronto north â€"â€"- to Barrie west â€"- past Brampton east â€" past Scarboro and Markham Our municipal neighbours have all recently voted Nd to similar liquor questions and they have left our community as the only potential ‘watering hole’ ,in a large geographic area. You can be assured that numerous liquor outlets would be estab~ lished to service this large population area â€"â€" many more than would be necessary to serve our own Town. 'And don’t be misled; so long as liquor outlet operators comply with our present zoning and‘building by-laws, our citizens and Council . A--J..l__. -3 1:1II1AI1 AII+‘A+I ‘WILL RICHMOND HILL becomea “TIGHT LITTLE ISLAND”???? our ylwcuv LUJLulb uuu v... ...... o .. are powerless to control the number or location of liquor outlets. Every 01, 2, and 4 Commercial area in Town is already zoned for hotels and motels, and restaurants in shopping centres and bowling alleys and on our Main Street could be licensed to serve beer and wine with ‘meals'. What’s Going to Happen Next???? The Prouincial Government-just introduced legislation to permit! -â€" service of liquor in dining lounges and cocktail bars for any daily 13 hour period. â€"â€" room service of liquor for 13 hours daily in hotel rooms and motel rooms. The Government has promised even more changes in the Liquor Control Act in the next few months. Because we don’t know what’s going to happen next or how it might affect liquor outlets in our community, don’t you agree that a yes vote for liquor at this time is a. blind vote. The ‘hotel’ issue: Frankly stated, a. million dollar â€"â€" 6, 7, or 10 floor hotel has been dangled over us as a promised reward for our yes vote on April 28th. But the proponents of this scheme do not credit the citizens of Richmond Hill with much native intelligence or business sense! For while a. yes vote will certainly bring liquor outlets into the comâ€" munity, there is no reason to believe it would bring this promised hotel. N0 GUARANTEE â€"»~ N0 CONTRACT â€"â€" NO AGREEMENT â€"â€" NOTHING has been signed by the promoters and our Council stating that any hotel or building will be built â€" EVER! We have been asked to trade our community right to control liquor for the proposed revenue from this projected hotel â€" BUT -â€" if there is no guarantee that this hotel would be built. we are. in effect. being asked to sell out for nothing. Hardly a fair deal! We respect our Town This ballot will permit the sale of liquor by the glass in cocktail lounges and bars and hotel and motel rooms ln licensed hotels. motels and taverns. YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT” REMEMBER We Respectfully Solicit Your Support VOTE N0 with an X on both ballots on April 28th (with the pencil provided in the polling booth) For iniormation or transportation please call: TUrner TUE Walt Scudds Beth Smith (hf! Taylor Ralph K611th is a. voluntarily organized representativo group of your fellow citizens. has no profit motive and no paid workers. has no undisclosed source of funds other than public appeals. is not a prohibitionist or ‘dry’ movement. vat This ballot will permit the sale of liquor by the glass with meals in motel and hotel dining rooms - in motel md hotel rooms - and beer and wine with meals in local restaurants. It will determine the future of our Town. Your VOTE NO Committee respectfully submits the following information to support its request that you place an: IMPORTANT APPOINTMENT SATURDAY, APRIL 28th Your VOTE NO Committee: - beside NO - on both questions. between 8 am. and 7 pm. at to answer these 2 questions: Are you in favour of the sale of liquor under a dining lounge licence for consump- tion with meals on licensed premises? Are you in favour of the sale of liquor under a lounge li- cence for consumption on li- censed premises? and the intelligence of its Citizens You have an 4-5390 4-1697 4-1903 4â€"4018 John Quinn John Graves Grant Marsha David Howard YES YES TUrner 4-5176 11

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