President Kenneth Sutton “‘9', First Vice-President Donald T‘ Hadwen. Second Vice-President Met Stan Kerr, Third Vice-Presi-k dent Jack Loughran, Treasurer mg George Armstrong, Secretary I125†Ted Wallas, Tail Twisters John I ‘ Jones and Jack McMinn, Lion Tamers Ross Farquhar and Rob- ‘1: art Walker. "M Under the chairmanship of Mr. G. T. Thompson, the nom- inating committee presented a slate of officers for the coming year. at King City Lions Club dinner meeting in All Saints' Church auditorium. Since no new nominations were added. the following slate was acceptediby the_ members. Messrs. John Langdon and Stan Roots were named one- year directors and Messrs. Jos- op'h Houlton and Howard Clegg. two-year directors. Following the dinner and bus- iness meeting. 25 Lions travell- od by chartered bus to be the guests of Victoria Square Lions Club. They heard an address by Mr. John Mullen. Toronto police force inspector in charge of the squad investigating frauds and conspiracies. SOMETHING TO SELL "LIBERAL" CLASSIFIED FOR RESULTS was s. TRUCKS FOR RENT Kenneth Sutton ls K.C. Lions Head i (Sherwood Motors) REXDALE CAR 8. TRUCK RENTALS lTD. R. R. l MAPLE ALpine 7-1461 King City KING CIIY, OAK RDGES “The Liberal“ is an aye pleased to publish ilt‘ln: tel-est regarding people and events in the Oak Ridge Wilcox and King City districts. Our news corresp< Ln King City 1: Mrs. William J Houston. tele 7 TEmple 3â€"54.57; and in Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox Expert Auto Body, Collision, Repairs and Repaintlng FREE ESTIMATESâ€"G.M.A.C. FINANCING C. M. LESLIE MOTOR PRODUCTS LTD. BY THE DAY â€" WEEK â€" OR YEAR ALL POPULAR MAKES AND MODELS TU. 4-1105 0R AV. 5-3316 J. 1111 MAPLE â€" RICHMOND HILL ALI. CANADA INSURANCE “083411108 Highways without traffic Far fetched? Not really. Without the protection of insurance, today's crowded highway: would be virtually emptyâ€" if, indeed. they had been built in the ï¬rst place. Without automobile insurance, for instance, how many of today's 6,000,000 Canadian drivers would risk the liability claims which a single accident might bxing? Without other types of insurance, who muld dare gamble many millions of dollars to build cars in the ï¬rst place? If the cars were built, how many dealers could dare risk having possibly hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of vehicles in his care without insurance protection? Last year. automobile insurance companies in Canada paid out more than a half million dollars a day in claims â€"5190.000,000 in the year; Without insurance, the motoring public would be faced with the impossible ï¬nancial risk of out-of-pocket payments of this mammoth accident bill. In many ways. insurance makes our present way of life possible. LLBERAL, Richmond Hill, â€" on beth of on: 200 competingâ€" lte, automobile and casualty insurance companies BODY SHOP G.M. Dealer [Easter quge Because of conflicting dates, Kingcrafls members have chang- ged their open meeting to Sun- 'day. May 6. At eight o'clock in All Saints’ Church Auditorium. Dr. G. Brock Chisholm will be heard on the topic, “Our Re- sponsibility For Peaceâ€. Marks Birthday King City’s Teen Toppers don- ned panty apparel for their an- nual Easter dance in All Salnts' Church Auditorium Inst even- ‘May Wedding The All Others To Serve Men's Club of KIng-Teston-Las- kay United Churches ls sponsor- Ing the showing of. “The Big Fisherman", tomorrow evening in All Saints' Church Auditor- Miss Ellen Wilson of King City and Mr. Jack Doupe of Shel-burne are planning a quiet wedding for May 5 in King City United Church. Mr. Doupe was employed ai the King City bank branch be- fore being transferred to the Orangeville bank. Washington Visit Friends will be remembering tomorrow as Mr. Andrew Mc- Clure’s nine’cy-ï¬rst birthday. Men’s Club Film Mrs. Mabel Halli spent a week in Washington, D.C., It cherry blossom time. Annual Trend Ten Ilear Dr. Chisholm ï¬ll; year’s Trend Tea in aid Ontario, Thursday, April 26, 1962 TE. 3-5301 King City Notes of the Canadian Cancer Society will be held by King City and District Unit at the new home of Mrs. Egmont Frankel, "Brule Wood", on May 24. ‘ Mrs. Larry Rubin, campaign chairman for Aurora and Dist- rict Branch and Mrs. E. E. Har- rison, campaign chairman for King area. tallied collections to dattf, $1,712 toward the $2,000 goa . Kin: Canter; Club _- Ma's. Hater was reâ€"elected President, heading the following executive: Past Presidem, Mrs. Charles Black; vice-president, Mrs. Norman MacMurchy; sec- retaxryatreasu-rer, Mrs. Charles Black; district director, Mrs. Black; institute director, Mrs. Norman Mac'Murohy; pianists, Miss Marjorie MacMurchy and Miss Helen Hunter. Joins Police Force Mrs. Frankel is founder of the women's services division of the Canadian Cancer Society. Tea For Canvassers "ï¬r’sf’James c. Williamson of Nor-th Keele Street, entertained at tea for team captains and canvassers, who have been rais- ing funds for King City and District Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society. -__._. -._v Ten members attended the King Gamma Club meeting at the home of Mrs. Norman Mac- Murc’hy at Strange. Mr. J. D. Hisey described the slides shown on coloured ï¬lm, explaining how dyes are ar- ranged to make proper colors for the special ï¬lm. Mr. Bruce Shtpley of James Street, is now a member of the Ontario Provincial Police, sta- tioned at Toronto headquarters. "Tl-13' M‘s} meeting will be at the home of Mrs. W. Craig, Oak Ridges. Laskay WJ. Mrs. Pearson Smeltzer gave an encoul‘alglng talk on the mot- to. "H You Feel Too Old To Do A Thing, Do It," at the Larskay Women's Institute meeting at the home of Mrs. Norman Ethe- ridge. Mrs. Charles Hater presided while roll call was answered by the naming of native country boys and girls who became prpmineqt in_ other places: During his 11 years with the CN.R., he was station agent at King three and a mu years. ‘Bospltallugd _ “The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items or in- terest tegardlng people and events in the Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Om- nowa correspondem in King City in Mrs. William J. Houston, telephone TEmple 3-5457: and in Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox. In. Eleanor Charuk. Bayvlew Ave. North. phone PR. 3-5854. 7 M}. William Hm: has been a patient in York County Hospital. David Hum, son or Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Hunt of King Street, is convalesclng after an appendectomy. King City W.I. Mrs. Stuart Hunt or mug Street, is convalesclng after an appendectomy. King City WJ. Past President Miss Lillie Anderson presided for the elec- tion and installation of officers at King City Women’s institute meeting at the home of Mrs. E. J. Munroe, Heritage Park. Mrs. Austin Rumble presented the following slate. which was seconded by Mrs. Harold Rat- e‘iff: Mrs. Burt Wyer. re-elected pzesident; Mrs. Donald McCal- lum. ï¬rst vice-president; Mrs. E. J. Munroe. second vice-pre~ sident,‘Mrs. Howard Neill, sec- Oak Ridges â€" Lake Wilcoxl :Branch of the Canadian Cancer( Society met recently at the Ridge Inn and the ï¬rst pant of the evening was devoted to the making of dressings under the ‘leadership of Mrs. William Ha- anpaa and Mrs. Gerry Day. The remainder of the meeting was -‘a farewell party given in the honour of Mrs. D. Deller, chair- man of women‘s services. She organized the local branch and became president. President of the branch Mrs. S. Duffield. presented her with a Caduceus pin and a pen and pencil set. After serving for six years, the retiring secretary~treasurer Mrs. William Willoughby wns thanked and presented with a painting, the work of Mrs. Am- old Peter. ‘ During Sunday morning ser- vice at King City United Church Rev. Martin R. Jenkinson wel- comed 15 people into the fel- luwshivp of 11119 church by pro- fession of faith and 14 trans- fenring from other churches. E. J. Munroe. second vice-pre- sident, Mrs. Howard Neil), sec- retarvutreasurer; Mrs. Howan Hayward, assistant secretary- treasurerr; Mrs. William Wil- louvghby, district director; Mrs. McCallum, assistant district dir- ector Mrs. Harold Ratcllfl pointed representative County Hospital Board. of last year's annual and reports of standing tees were read. Three services of Holy Com- munion were observed Easter Sunday morning at All Saints' Anglican Church. with special choral music art the 10:30 ser- vice. Join Church J olning by profession of faith were J-ane Abrahams, Brain K-nlgh-t, Shirley Knight, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth anston. Don- a-ld Butler. Banbara Lutes, Rose- mary Davidson, Mr. George Mc- Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Beverly Feindell, Douglas Parsons, Brian Forsyth, Diane Wallace and John Wilson. . Mrs, A-lex Knight thanked the hostess. .Refreshments con- vened by Mrs. Neil] and Mrs. Willoughby were served with the assistance of Miss Anderson. Mrs. Ra¢cliff, Miss Eva Dennis and Mrs. Knight. Easter Services Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Baddeiey‘ transferred from St. Clair Avenue United Church in Tor- onto: Mr. and Mrs. Glen Fergus- on. from Prospect Park Church, Toronto; Mrs. R. Peter Findlay, Kebtleby United Church; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gilbert, Trin- ity United Church in Huntsville. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Jenkins, Division Street Church in Owen Sound; Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Lutes, Downsview United ‘Oh‘urch, Mrs. George McDonald. Bethe! United Church in Heath- cote; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Paw- iiw, Wyoming Uni-ted Church in Wyoming. Ontario. [Honor Postman Mrs. William Wiiloughby gave two recitations. Solos were sung by Miss Helenï¬unter and Miss Mary Dennet-t. Refreshments concluded the social evening planned by Mrs. Norman Etheridge and Mrs. Norman MacMurchy. Gnu Fires Problem Friend‘s acquired ï¬hrough the 38 years Mr. Ernest Cuxmmlns has been delivering mail along King's Rural Route 2 were pleased with his "wonderful" speech at the community party in his honor. Well over 100 people crowded Every player received a crest LaSkaY ITI'StitUte Hall for the and prior to the presentation of presentation celebration indicat- trophies several officials con- in: ï¬le high regard commonly rented with the Saturday hockey [felt for the retiring “pestleâ€. spoke. Ernie Babson, town re- i__ 011 bQ‘h-ali _01 {£51de _a‘10_ng creation director, thanked these On behalf of residents along the route, Mr. Marvin Hunter made the presentation of a purse of more than $450, which ‘would make Mr. Cummins' ipianned trip to England in May allï¬tihe more enjoyable. Mrs. Chapln described Norway House on an Indian Reserve in Manitoba, where she and her fusband. a retired United Church minister. Were stationed . 25 yea“. King Township’s Deputy Re- eve, Norman MacMumchy acted as chairman and Mrs. L. J. Den- nett played musical accompani- ment far the entertaimnent. The gathering joined in com- munity singing led by Mr. Russ Movgan and the triple trio from Strange School favoured with two selections. Members of the May Carson Unit of King City Uni-ted Church Women met at the home of Mrs. Martin Jenkinson to hear Mrs. Roscoe Chapin 70f Unionyilie. Two and three grass ï¬res a day are frequently keeping ï¬re- men busy throughout King Township. Chief Constable Harold Rus- sell told "The Liberal" ï¬ve court cases are pending in con- nection with ï¬res spreading out of control. Permits (or lighting open air ï¬res are available without charge at King Township Office or from ï¬re departments 1:! King City, Nobleton, Schom- berg, Newmarket. Aurora and Bradford for King residents. Each ï¬re can costs township The Macpher or police villages a $100 fee. the outstanding Lions’ Anniversary Robei‘t Brownin Mr. John Dew is chairman of Bowling League the special evening King City The last ball; Lions' Club is planning for next and the last pin Tuesday, May 1, to celebrate?d by the Lake the club's tenth anniversary. ‘Iï¬Ã©gflie for Q19 Lions' wives and friends and former members have been in- vited to the dinner at All Salnts‘ Church Auditorium. The pro~ gram will include speakers, en- tertainment and dancing. May Canon Unit was ap- to York Minutes meeting commit- _.._Â¥ __.. a special evening. sponsored by Mrs. Donald Gunn, Port Credit, Aux-om and District Branch of fonnerly of oak Ridges, be. the Canadian Cancer Society. to came the bride of Brian Alex- whioh women of the pwblic have ander Edmond, son of Mr, and] been invited. Beginning at 8 Mrs. w. A. Edmond of Aurora. pm. in Aurora Legion hall. an The former Miss Gunn was educational ï¬lm entitled “Breast born in King City and was â€"Selif Examination" W111 be pre'rhristened at St. J oh'n’s Anglican sented- iCAhurch. Jefferson. She attended l Doctor Betty Knowles will be Oak Ridges public school and on hand to explain the ï¬lm and is a graduate of the Aurora and to answer any ques‘tiOHS- District High School. Her hus- Brethren In Christ Church lband is also a graduate of the 513601313385â€? Services were Aurora High School and both held at the Brethren in Christ are graduates of the University Qhugcih _a-nd_ as is the cilswm. of Toronto. Legion News High Three Flat. Jean Traynor; At a recent meeting of the Men's High Three Handicap. Ladies Auxiliary to Branch 570 Jack Craig; Ladies High Three Royal Canadian Legion. zone Handicap, Geraldine Hill; Commander Mrs Mabel Clarke Men's High Single. Flat, Tom of Woodbridge made her annuallmso; Ladies High Single, Flat, visit. She commended those wholma Ransome: Men's High Sing- have stuck with it through 1e Handicap, George Ireson; thick and thin and expressed Ladies High Single Handicap, the hope that many of the mem- Audrey Middleton. l bers who have dropped by the All trophies will be presented; wayside will return to enable at their banquet which will be the AUXIUM'Y to operate in 3 held May 4th at the Compass more active way in the future- Restaurant in Newmarket. Many of the ladies plan to join Afternoon Ladies League other auxiliaries of the zone at The Thursday afternoon bow- a social evening planned by the ling league wound up their 1961- la-dles of the Stouffville Branch 52 season when a banquetJt the next MondaY- lRidge Inn recently at_whic_h a social evening planned by the ladies of the Stouffville Branch next Monday. Canadian Cancer Society Canadian Cancer Society Oak Ridges â€" Lake Wilcox Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society met recently at the Ridge Inn and the ï¬rst part of the evening was devoted to the making of dressings under the leadership of Mrs. William Ha- anpaa and Mrs. Gerry Day. The remainder of the meeting was a farewell party given in the honour of Mrs. D. Deller, chair- man of women‘s services. She organized the local branch and became president. President of the branch Mrs. S. Duffield, presented her with a Caduceus pin and a pen and pencil set. Mr. L. Rubin and Mrs. D. Findlay, of the Aurora Unit were present and joined the group in extending best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Deller for their new home in Toronto. Members of the Oak Ridgesâ€" Lake Wilcox Branch of the Can- adian Cancer Soctety will attend time they were awarded their trophies. The league champions were a team who call themselves "Captain's Folly". Their cap- tain was Lil Atcheson and bow- lers were Gladys Nicholson. Mona Bayford, Dorothy Mal~ colm, Emily Lloyd and Ida Ran- some. The consolation team, .of which Fern Leslie was captain. consisted of Peggy Cragg, Mar- guerite Samuels. Orma Craig, Peggy Duffield and Marg Cla- gue. Individual award-s went to Pauline Price for high average. Charlotte Brockton for high three flat, Fern Leslie for high single flat, Eva Willis for high three with handicap, and Sarah Hinson for high single with handicap. Out of Town Wedding Etook place April let at St. Hilary’s Anglican Church, Cook- sville, when Catherine Louise lGunn. only daughter of Dr. and A wedding of local interest mapumc Klng, Kln King l-rindei are slightly ov response of next season's 1! ing the beginr Until now t2 dergarten has support from the village ar the class of 2! from the immt 12 live outsid( For the ï¬rs has a lengthy â€" 41 to date out 33 childre: section ready garten. All interes being invited meeting start evening (Aprfl Anglican Chu; nnssihilihr r This is a repeat resulting from he very favourable man- ‘ner in which last year's show vas received. The Women’s Auxiliary of St. Mark's Anglican Chapel, will present a spring fashion trend gm at ï¬he chapel hall April Mrs. Harvey Sider of Toron- to, who. with her husband. ls leaving for work in the mission fields in India, was guest speaker. St. Mark’s Anglican Fashions, presented by a de- partment store, will be com- mented on by the store's fash- ion consultant. Doctor Betty Knowles will be on hand to explain the ï¬lm and -t-o answer any questions. Brethren In Christ Church Special Easter services were held at the Brethren in Christ Church and as Is the custom, rbhe Sunday School presented the programme. Last minute rtickets are still available from women's aux- iliary members. St. Paul’s United The Senior Citizens' Club of‘ St. Paul’s United Church will hold its ï¬nal meeting for this {year next Thursday in the Sun- \day school room of the church. The Women’s Auxiliary of St. John’s Anglican Church is hold- ing a combined tea, home baked goods and rummage sale at the ‘parish hall Thursday April 26th. \Hockey Leagues meed through me efforts of Rev. ‘Gondon Winch, the club has been meeting bi-monlth‘ly as a nonaprofit social organization during the fail and winter months. St. J ohn’s Anglican Some 225 boys many from the Oak Ridges â€" Lake Wilcox districts, attended closing cere- monies of the Atom and Squirt hockey leagues recently. Many of the boys were awarded tro- phies for gheir playing. “numerous men. who so dili- gently gave of their spare time to help youngsters learn the game of hockey" and Bill Dlns- more thanked those who helped with the Squirt teams. Alf. Child spoke on behalf of those helping out with the Aton}s._ _ Don Wallace spoke on behalf of the Canadian Order of For- resters, sponsors of the Squirt all-star team. and thanked the boys for rtheir ï¬ne showing this season. The Aurora Recreational Com- mission Trophy was awarded to league champions, the Can- adiens, coached 'by Don Mat- news. The Clarence Davis Trophy for top scorer went to Gavln Smlth. The Alf Child Tropllv for top goalie was awarded to Brain Lang. The Robln Hood Trophy {or the most valuable player vgent -to Greg Natale. T-he Stewart Patrick Trophy for the Squirt league champions was awarded the Boston team, coached by Harold Graham. The Keith lebet Trophy for leading scorer, resulted in a tie between Malcolm MacIntyre. Ken Thompson and Ed O'Mah- any. The Robin Hood Trophy for the most valuable player went to Michael Smith. The Jean Moffat Trophy for ’che most improved player was awarded to Roy Sherman. The Macphef'son Trophy for the outstanding goalie went to Robert Browning. The last ball has been bowled and the last pin has been down- ed by the Lake Wilcox Bowling League for the 1961-62 season and the results are as follows. The Grand Champions are the Pin Pickers, with 6,456 pins to their credit. David Neal, Mary Lahey. Bill Newsted, Betty Dun- can. George Ireson. Marg Ful- lerton and Douglas Murray make up the team, The consolation prize went to the Blowers with 6.230 pins. Len Dion. Lorraine Forester, Vi Cameron, Brenda Gibbs. Peggy Cragg and Elva Ireson are the players. v w- R"... The Winners were: Men's High Average, Ray Hun-l 2 Oton0bee ! ter; Ladies High Average. Ei- BA. E leen Newstead; Men's High Three Flat. Stan Forsten Ladies WI Oak Ridges, High Three Flat. Jean Traynor; took a great interest in the Girl" Men's High Three Handicap. Guide movement and was for Jack Craig; Ladies High Three several years commissioner fox-1‘ Handicap. Geraldine Hill: -the district. Men's High Single. Flat, Tom About People 3150; Ladies High Single. Flat. Ivor Williams is spendingi Ida Ransome: Men's High Sing- time at the York County Hos-‘ 1e Handicap, George Ireson; pita‘l, Newvmarket recurveririgI Ladies High Single Handicap, from a foot operation. I District President Mrs. Ross Armitage and Secretary Mrs. George Smith of Newmarket, were guests at the annual meet- ing of the Temperancevllle Wo- men's Institute held at the home of Mrs. Jack Macklln 921 April 11th. While living in Oak Ridges the bride and her family oc- cupied the house that now is the St. Mark’s Anglican Chapel on Yonge Street. Her mother The slate of officers prepared by the nominating committee was presented and accepted. Oflicers for 1962-63 are: Hon- orary presidents: Mrs. Norman Rumble, Mrs. Wesley Lloyd; president: Mrs. Jack Macklin; 1st vice president: Mrs. Milton Wells; secretary: Mrs. Wilbert Jennings; treasurer, Mrs. Ev- erert Phillips: district director: Mrs. Maurice Beynon; alternate district director: Mrs. Wilbert Jennings; institute directors: Mrs. Nelson Thompson, Mrs. Clayton Beynon; Mrs. Maurice Beynon, Mrs. Fred Hare, Mrs. Wilbert Jennings. Mrs. William Mitchell. Standing Committees â€" Home economics convenor: Mrs. Mil- ton Wells; health convenor: Mrs. Fred Gardiner; citizenship and education convenor: Mrs. Don Chalk; agriculture conven- or: Mrs. Clayton Beynon; Can- adian industries convenor: Mrs. Ray Jennings; historical re- search convenor: Mrs. Nelson Thompson: public relations con- venor: Mrs. Fred Hare; visiting committee: Mrs. Don Chalk. Mrs. Wilbert Jennings, Mrs. William Mitchell, Mrs. Clayton Beynon; pianist: Mrs. Nelson Thompson; assistant pianist: Mrs. Fred Hare; auditors: Mrs. Fred Hare, Mrs. Don Chalk. 1 There will be a meeting in the Temperanceville Schoolhouse on April 30th at 8 pm. to plan the W.I. meetings for 1962-83. Con- venors please bring suggestions for roll calls and program. Mrs. Jack Macinn will at- tend the presidents’ conference on May 9th and 10th at the OAC, Guelph, and will report at the district annual meeting at Vandorf on May 17th. -â€"- International Day. Linch committee: Mrs. W. Jennings, Mrs. C. Beynon. There will be an auction sale at this meeting or plants and bulbs, dishes, home baking or anything you bring. STEEL LINTELSi I BEAMS Iemperanceville PINDER BROS. LTD.I RICHMOND HILL 1 STEEL FABRICATIN G Portable Crane Service Kept in Stock To Custom Speciï¬cations Lake Wilcox Socials Ivor Williams is spending time at the York County Hos- pital, Newvmarket recovarmg from a foot operation. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Charuk and f-amily spent part of the holiday week-end visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joe Reid and family at Markd-ale. Mrs. Rita Szeler spent the week-end visiting her sister in the States. Response ls Excellent King Kindergarten King kindergarten mothers are slightly overwhelmed by the response of registrations for next season's kindergarten start~ ing the; beginning of October. Until now the non-proï¬t kin- dergarten has had considerable support from residents outside the village area. Currently in the class of 25 children, 13 are from the immediate district and 12 live outside school section 2. For the ï¬rst time the group has a lengthy list of applicants â€" 41 to date â€" indicating avb- out 33 children from this school section ready to start kinder- garten. All interested mothers are being invited to attend the meeting starting at 8:15 this evening (April 26) at All Saints’ Anglican Church to discuss the possibility of introducing an afternoon kindergarten, in ad- dition to the morning one. A maximum of 26 children can be accommodated in one class. i wucu JOHN AflfllSflN Mrs. R. 0. Kerslake has ag-W reed to come as teacher for another year, but her assistant, Mrs. Owen Parrish of Richmond I Hill, won’t be retumlng. {g * The top element gives fast; recovery when there is a‘ heavy demand for hot water. The lower element{ provides storage for fu-? ture use. 3 CKVR-IV gunman. L Low cost RentaI Plan $1.70 per month plus cost of power. Let Us Discuss Our Hot Water Service With You WHEN YOU NEED IT AUTOMATICALLY HOT WATER THURSDAY APRIL 26th at 6:15 PM. Liberal. York North HYDRO IU. 4 a 351! BARRIE ON. ‘pggggngn!!! BEIï¬iéTAï¬Iâ€"(E .'“‘I!"“““‘““ [\iuui‘iii‘iiiuunh‘i LIBERAL CLASSIFlEDS-GetResults-TU. 4-1105 :ERANK PASSED D p 1 Wil'n‘lrfluln l 3 EU. 5-1313 Representatives: Branch Office “MENTAL ILLNESS Whereas Mental Illness is Canada's number one health problem â€" and should be the ï¬rst concern of every citizen â€"- 1, Clifford Wallwork, of the Township of Whitchurch. do hereby proclaim April 30th to May 6th to be Mental Health Week. PROCLAMA‘I‘ION DOMESTIC FUEL OILS AND BURNER SERVICE HALL'S SERVICE STATION LID. «aranteed protection and savingsâ€"plus high dividends PUMPED and CLEANED Complete Septic Tank Repair NO LONGER HOPELESS" Service Accurate Septic Tank Service Get the most from your insurance dollar = ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA The company with the outstanding dividend record III. 4 - 4361 R. R. 1 Willowdale The Mutual Life RR. No. 1. King City, 0111. Lane Poot, 253 Rogers 311., Newmarket. Ont Ron H. Heater. 45 Foreht Cram. Aurora, Ont. H. Larry Cummer 12 Kersey Cres., Yongehurst P.0 I’tichvale:I Ont. Norman W. Greensldes, C.L.U., 477 Timothy Street. Newmarket, Ont. P11. James Crossland, C.L.U.. 150 Kennedy St. Wu Aurora. Ont. Ph Roy L. Langford, 76 Prospect Street. Newmarket. Ont. Ph. Fred M. Pugh, Stouï¬vflle, Ont John F. Kell, Robert Allison, Richmond Hill 6A Levendme Road. Richmond Hill, Ont. Ph.: 285-5414 Stuart S. Greenham, Branch Manager. See the‘Man from QQQIQE ME. 5-1000 Ph.: Bus. 285-5414 Res. 884-3572 Ph.: Bus. 285-5414 Res. TE. 3-5748 Ph.: Bus. 285-5414- Res. PA. 7-6718 Ph.: TW. 5-4221 Ph.: TW. 5-6257 Pk: 584-3610 TW. 5-9240 PA. 7â€"4774 Ph.: 5W