Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Apr 1962, p. 13

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I-| HERBERT R. BUTT DAYLIGHT SAVING Richmond Hill 24 Elizabeth St. N. TUrner 4-1312 'The charming Dennis Moore Dancers were featured at the successful Richmond Hill Horticultural Spring Fair. The talented children entertain- ing the large crowd in attendance were at front Ernie Van Tent and front row (left to right) Dianne Kosowan, Sandra Harris, Diana Sanlon, Patricia Whereas the Town Council, by resolution has authorized me to issue a proclamation requesting the citizens to observe a period of Daylight Saving for the current year, commencing at 2 o’clock am. on Sunday, April 29. To carry out this request of the Town Council it will be necessary that all clocks and watches be advanced one hour at 2 o’clock 3.111. on Sunday, April 29. The Toxm Council most respectfully asks the hearty co-operation of all citizens in making a success of this movement for the public benefit. Proclaimed pursuant to the instructions of the Town Council. Richmond Hill INSURANCE APRIL 29 th PROCLAMATION GOD SAVE THE QUEEN RICHMOND HILL DEPENDABLE SERVICE ULU a Will": chum. “35 Dee West Side Yonge Street ‘4 pile north of Richmond Hill NEW” by to“, council as it Telephone W. J. HAGGART. Mayor. Gay Dennis Moore Dancers At Local Horticultural Fair Tomnm, Ontario EMpire 2-3456 112 Yonge St. Toronto On May 5th the mothers of the Guides and Brownies of Henderson Avenue School are showing a film “Toby Tyler" to be shown at the school. This is being sponsored to raise more money. This show will be 25¢ each and the first showing will be at 12:30 for the Brownies and their parents and the second lshow at 2:45 pm. for the Guides and their parents. If any Brow- nies cannot make the first show- ing of course they will be able to see the second showing and the same applies for the Guides, they may see the first showing if unable to attend the second showing. We hope that all ‘Brownies, Guides, parents and liriends will make this project 'go over the top with a wonder- lful turnout. Socials on April 9th at Henderson Avo‘ ensue School, with some sixty. people attending. President Dr. C. E. Phillips, in opening the meeting, re-: ported on his visit to Markham Township office and his inter- view wi-th Township Clerk, Mr. Harry Crisp, relative to the high cost of water in the Grandview Estates area. also the excessive cost and quantity of water go- ing into the sewers. evidently caused by leakage. Alter exam. ination of this situation, an of- ficial report is expected in ten days, when talks will be resum- ed with Markham Township officials. At this point, Mr. Stevens stood up and said that after his two or three visits to the town- ship ofiflce, he believed that it was advisable for the ratepayers __L an L- A..- __LA..__J,L‘A __.‘_L1I Brownie 1nd Guides Lois Ann Barret, one of the Powell Road Brownies has been‘ in anson Hospital and we are very glad to hear she is now recuperating at home. on Bright- bay Crecent. The Brown Owl of the Powell Road Brownies, Mrs. Barbara Rogers is in Toronto General Hospital for a possible three month stay. We wish her a speedy recovery as her Braw- nies certainly miss her and hope she will be back with them real soon. The twins, Ean and Brain Galbraith of Brightbay Crescent have had ‘the Chickenpox but now are recovering and are looking forward to a belated birthday party. They with a few little friends are going down to the city to an Easter party. Their‘ grandma is treating them to this delightful surprise. Marilyn Potts of Brlghtbay Crescent is stlll In the hospital and has had her tonsils and ad- nolds out. We all hope ehe will be feeling fine real soon and Gmandview Sunday School send thelr best wishes and prayers to have her back with them again, Home and School Henderson Avenue Home and School Association Meezlng will: be held on A'prll 30, at the school. This will be the last meeting for the season so we strongly urge everyone to at- tend and meet vour new ex- Grandview Estates WILLOWDALE Marguerite Hm AV. 5-5573 Correspondent Some of the committees were we under the heading of health at recreation, public relations. fin- ex- ance and education. In addition â€" to Woodland School, the board is endeavouring to acquire more property. Eventually, the-re will the a twelve room school. Re- garding Henderson Avenue School, a limit as to size has been reached, and eventually another school with 14 class- rooms will be required, which will be n senior school, and [Henderson Avenue a Junior .schooi. ecuxtive who will be offlcally in. stalled at this meeting. Mr. R. Templeton, technical director at Thomhill Secondary School will beAghg guest speaker. _ “Schools â€" education â€"-hy- dro â€"- high water rates â€"- leak- ing sewers â€"- were among the topics discussed at the month- ly meeting of the Grandview Estates Ratepayers Association on April 9th at Henderson Av. ensue School, with some sixty people fatten-ding: At this point, Mr. Stevens stood up and said that after his two or three visits to the town- ship oflfice, he believed 'that; it was advisable for «he ratepayers not to be too optomstic until c‘ifianges were made in the coun- c‘. “I: the water alright to drink now -â€" us we have re- ceived notices stating to boil all water for drinkin ?" was asked by Mr. Phillips. he reply was that "though there was a great change in the colaur of the water -â€" it was safe to drink". the discolouration be- ing caused by entry of foreign ‘maiuter when the water main was lowered. Some residents who live on Woodward and Highland Park Avenues stated lthat they had not received any {notification of water difficulty. President Phillips advised the residents malt dogs should be kept on their own property, also that supervision be exer- cised regarding children on the lawns of other people. In case 35%;, anyone should call AV. Supervising Principal, C. J. Sand. of this area was next in- troduced as the speaker for the evening and spoke of the h1s~ tory of the first schools and how they gradually built up this area. The school area board was elected in 1960 -â€" a five mem- ber board, elected on rotation basis. rooms will be required. which will be a senior school, and Henderson Avenue a junior school. “We have a good group of teachers" said Principal Sand. “physical education supervision, and now introduction of French for pupils in grades 6. 7 and 8. We have one special class â€" called the auxiliary class â€"- a selected group of children from 7 and 3 grade pupils that meet one afiternoon a week. We are making our children conscious of the value of education . law. theology. sales and enginee- ‘ring, with doctors and nurses to speak too. “ ‘What does the world expect of boys and girls in education' is their main theme".cone1ud- ed the speaker. After answer- ing a number of questions [from the audience, Prinicpal Sand received a great ovation from the members. President Phillips thanked the speaker, mat! in pinched éhn mMHnn in- The fire reels were quite busy} up this way last week-end as. there were about seven fires in‘ this area. In one, a paper which; was alight, escaped from a can‘ in which rubbish was being burned and started a small grass fire. Farmed by the wind the} blaze was soon blazing in the‘ next-door-neighbour's yard as well. It wasn't until the fire was out and she was told about it that Mrs. J. Bavley realized it was in her yard. More serious was the are in - uh h {Fania Evison(alo Some of the lectures are 0th e omeo P s of Elgin Mills). The family had gone to Newmarket Hospital to visit their son Douglas, who was badly scalded earlier last .week. At home the Sunday roast was left to cook. however, something went wrong and a fire started. Dinner and stove ‘were ruined and such extensive 'smoke damage was done that the family had to sleep else- Where Easter Sunday night. iBereavement “ ‘Whet does the world expect 0! boys and girls in education' L9 their main theme". conclud- ed the speaker. After answer- ing a number of questions from the audience, Prinicpai Sand received a great ovation from the members. President Phillips thanked the speaker, and. in closing the meeting, in- formed those present that there ‘are now 82 family members of Ithe Grandview Estates Rate- payers Association and that the next meeting was scheduled for May 14th. ote arpolice cadetâ€"has beeri held over by tmwl council as it would he has been living). The funer- mean the employment of anoth-al was held Saturday, April 21 er man. at th. Wright and Taylor Fun- AURORA : A Arqulestito proxy- Cooney and Dzinera Stepanovs. Middle row (same order) Craig Shuttle- worth, Fred Hill, Jennifer Morton, Janis Neundorf, Karen Cook, Janet Pridham, Debbie Allen, Lynn Allen and Linda Lismore. Back row (same order) Eddie Miller, John Turner, Candace Turner, Janice Goodman, and Brenda Armstrong. (Photo by David Barbour) el Sympathy of the community fiis extended to the Jack Hollow. __‘ell family on the death of Mr. eiHollowell’s father, Mr. George ‘riHoliowell. Mr. G. Hollowell, a former resident of Elgin Mills _ passed away Thursday. April 19 i- at eight pm. at the West Lin- choln Hospital in Grimsby (where dihe has been living). The funer- lst Jefferson Cubs are busy‘ preparing for their annual hob-l by and handicraft show this Sat.urday. April 28 in the hall of Richmond Hill United Church. Displays will be submitted by cubs. scouts. rovers and leaders of York Summit District who are chosen to compete. Contes- tants have been requested to bring exhibits in between 8 and ‘10 ofrthe morning of the show. As in the past the hobby show will be open to the public shatt- ing at 2 pm. Saturday and con- tinuing until nine that evening. All are welcome. Church N cw: After the grey of Lent and the despair of Good Friday. Easter Day was one of trium- phant rejoicing. At St. John's Church the junior choir present- ed the anthem "In Joseph's Lovely Garden" in which the soloist was Miss Linda Taylor of Muirhead Crescent, who sang beautifully. Lilies and daffodils were grouyed in lovely arrange- ments to decorate the church for the Holy Communion ser- vice. The whole service was one of “Death Vanquished" and the church swelled to the strains of “Jesus Christ is Risen T0< day.” In the evening there was a short service after which Mr. Arthur Hilien, accompanied by Miss E. Flood, gave an illus- traged “galk 9!} the Easter Story. Tuesday, May 8, heralds the commissioning of the graduates of the Church Army Cadets (among them Mr. Arthur Hillen, now at St. John's Church), will be held at St. James' Cathedral in Toronto. On the following Sunday. Mr. Hillen will preach the sermon at St. John's Church on the town line. Neighbourhood Notes After a slx~month absence from our community we are happy to welcome back Mrs. Giles Kerswill. Mrs. Kerswlll has been staying with her dau- ghter and son-In-Iaw, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holmes in Sudbury and from there went to stay with Mr. and Mrs. Boughner in Sarnia. Upon her return home Mrs. Kerswill was in turn visit- ed by her family Mr. and Mrs. ‘Roy Holmes, daughters Janice and Patricia who stayed for the Easter week-end. The Ernest Ensor family also gathered for Easter with Julie returning from Toronto and Ne. Michael Ensor coming home on leave tram Camp Borden where he is pgesentiy stationed. ? mum” tiru aptioml at am ml Be sure to see “The Tommy Ambrou Show" on Bruce Macdougall Motors Limited TUmer 4-2864 - 510? 24 YONGE STREET, RICHMOND HILL â€" AVenue 3-1128 ‘ WATCH JOHN AflfllSflN CKVR - TV CHANNEL THURSDAY APRIL 26th at. 6:15 PM. Liberal. York North ran W THE LIBEBAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, April 26, 1963 BARRIE ON A GENERAL MOTORS VALUB the CBC TV network on Friday cveninan. Check your local lining; for channel and than. will be received for an addition to Our Lady Help of Christians School, Richmond Hill, by the undersigned. up until Tuesday, May 8, 1962, at 4 pm. Plans and specifications may be obtained from the architects for a deposit of $25.00. PAVED DRIVEWAYS MARKHAM PAVING C0. TU. 4 - 1023 GILLELAND AND JANISS. Archite LOW SPRING PRICES 3" OF ASPHALT 1 FULL YEAR GUARANTEE Up to 24 months to pay FOR A FREE ESTIMATE CALL NOW! TENDERS 234 Eglinton Ave. E Toronto, Ontario CtS 13

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