ST. MARY'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Richmond Hill Rector: Rev. J. F. O’Neil Assistant Curate: Rev. J. R. F. Moore SUNDAY. APRIL 29, 1962 EASTER I - LOW SUNDAY 3 am. â€" HOLY COMMUNION 9.30 am. â€"- MORNING PRAY- ER (.lunior Church School, 2-11 yrs )‘ Presentation of Lenten Mite ‘ ~ Boxes l 11 am. â€"â€" MORNING PRAYER‘ (Senior Church School. 12-14 yrs. and Infant Car.) SPECIAL PREACHER AT MORNING SERVICES Rev. David Jones. B.A. of A.Y.P.A. Conference ‘4 p.m. â€"- HOLY BAPTISM ‘7 pm. -- HOLY COMMUNION (Corporate for Church School Slam Wednesdly, May 2nd â€" 10 am. -â€" Holy Communion THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA THE CHURCH of ST. GABRIEL TU. 44236 Church, TU. 4-7083 SUNDAY. APRIL 29. 1962 Sunday After Easter [I am. â€" Holy Communion 9.30 a.m. â€"â€" Special family ser- vice for Sunday School children and their parents 11 um. â€"â€" Morning Prayer 4 pm. â€" Holy Baptism '7 ixm. â€"- No iservl’ce ST. STEPHEN’S CHURCH \ Maple } The Anxllcnn Church of Guild: Rector. Rev. Ramsay Armin“, M.A., DJ). I am. .- Holy Communion 11 mm. â€" Morning Pnyer Holy Communion 9n 2n_d Sun- HOLY TRINITY THORNHILL Brooke a: Jane Streets Rector Rev. 1!. Reginald Howdcn. B.A.. L. Th. Organist and Choirmasier. It. 8. A. Mullen, A.R.C.T.. R.M.T. Wednesday â€" ‘ 10.15 am. â€" Holy Communion SUNDAY. APRIL 29. 1962 lot Sunday After Easier I am. -â€" Holy Communion 9.45 am. -â€" Bible Classes 11 am. â€"- Church School 11 mm. -â€" Morning Prayer (Presentation of Lenten Thankâ€" oifering Boxes) Preacher: The Rector 7 pm. â€" Evening Prayer Preacher The Rector Crosby and Blyvlew Avenues Rev. E. E. Mchnnan 407 Lynctt Crescent Mlchv Drive - Richnle “@111be KPRIL '29. 1962 3'0" Fred 0- Jickson 945 mm. â€" Primary, Junior, TU- 4-2413 Intermediate and Senior Sunday II". Jn. E. Howard. Organist school SUNDAY. APRIL 29. 1962 11 .,m. â€"â€" Nursery and Kinder- cuss the problem. garten 10 mm. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Service 11 mm. â€" Sunday School 1. “After Easter" 11 mm. â€"- Morning Prayer 7 pm. â€"â€" Evening Servico “Waiting on God" nouns 6F SERVICE . All sums Church - King City 10 mm. â€" Morning Prayer, 11.10 day of month at 11 11 am. â€" Sunday School Holy Baptism by appointment Yonxe It Jefferson. Oak Ridges Rev. D. C. H. Michell, LLB. ST. MARK’S ANGLICAN Yonxe at Elm Grove. 011: 316505 Rev. D. C. H. Michell, LLB. SUNDAY. APRIL 29. 1962 9.45 mm. â€" Bible School Classes for all 11 mm. â€" Morning Worshlp '1 pm. â€"- Evangelistic Servlce Wed. 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting A Friendly Welcome I: Extended To ALL AT The Young Church with the 01d Memn THORNHILL 1 BAPTIST CHURCH (Convention of Ont. & Que.) ; Stop 17, Yonge Street Rev. Mlnton Johnston. D.D.. Minister Mrs. Cameron Andrew. Organist 10 mm. â€" Senior and Intermed- iate School 11 mm. â€"â€" Junior School md Nursery MORNING WORSHIP 11 mm. 7 pm. â€" High Fellowship and Young People's We mrdially invite you to vorshlp with us IFellowship of Evangelical i Baptist Churches In Clmda) ‘ Church Street Langstefl Edwin H. Mitchell Pastor Phone AV. 5-3401 ‘ LORD'S DAY SERVICES 9.50 am. â€"â€" Sunday School 11 mm. -â€"- MORNING SERVICE 7 pm. â€" EVENING SERVICE Supervised Nursery at all Lord's day activities MID-WEEK HOUR. Wed.. 8 p.111. Prayer, Praise. Bible Study Women's Missionary Fellowship Thursday, 1 pm. Evening Mission Circle 2nd and 4th Thursday, 7.45 pm. Junior Ambassadors. Friday A WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU ANGLICAN RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH (A Feilowshlp Church) 50 Wright Street (Oppoflte the High School) Piston G. Forbes ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN EMMANUEL ANGLICAN CHURCH PARISH 0]“ KING mm. â€" Sund‘iy School LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH BAPTIST (Anglican) SERVIC ST. JOHN'S BAPTIST CHURCHv Richmond Hill 5 «Convention of Ontario 8: Que.)‘ Minister: Rev. J. M. Ward Meeting MacKilIop Public School 955 am. â€" Sunday School 11 a.m., â€" Morning Service 11 am. â€" Nursery 8: Primary! A church handy to the town's1 north-west section & Elgin Mills Everyone cordially invited RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. N. Hepburn. Minister- Mrs. Vera Diamond. Organist and Cholr Lender SUNDAY. APRIL 29. 1962 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School and ‘ Bible Class '11 am. -â€" Morning Worship 1] am. -â€" Nursery Department 2.30 p.m. â€"â€" Bible Study and Discussion Group 7.15 pm. â€" Young People’s Soc- iety - Your Invitation To Visit THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH No. 7 Hwy., 1/1 m. wet or Yonge Rev. Dillwyn T. Evans, Minister Mr. Robert Davis. Organist ‘ SUNDAY. APRIL 29. 1962 9.45 mm. -- Church School for all ages 11 mm. â€"â€" Morning Worship "After Easter?" 7 pm. â€" Evening Worship “The Pause That Refreshes†EVERY WEDNESDAY 7 mm. and 10 am. - A 15 min. Devoiional and Communion Service PRESBYTERIAN ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. 7th CON., VAUGHAN TWP. Rev. B. 1". Andrew. Minister SUNDAY. APRIL 29, 1962 10 mm. â€" St. Andrew's Church 11.15 n.m. - St. Paul's Church COME TO CHURCH RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. G. Higginson, B.A..VB.D. ST. MATTHEW’S UNITED CHURCH Crosby Ave., Richmond Hill Rev. William W. Patterson SUNDAY, APRIL 29, 1961 9.30 mm. â€" The Sunday School 11 mm. â€" Divine Worship Nursery and Kindergarten meet. 2.30 â€" and continuing gfter- noon and evening. Hl-C Rally, Unionvillo. THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. Hugh Robert MIcDonald. Rev. Howard 'J. Veall, 3A., B. Paed. SUNDAY. APRIL 19. 1961 9.45 am. â€" Intermediate and Senior Sunday School 11 mm. -â€" Sunday School 1nd Nursery 11 am. â€" The Sacrament of 1h: Lord’s Supper ‘7 pm. â€" The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper For further lnformntldn call I AV. 5-2131 ST. ANDREW'B PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MAPLE, ONT. and Rev. Hugh Robert MacDonald, 9.45 mm Rev. Harold W. Davies. B.A., Minister THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA MAPLE PASTORAL CHARGE SUNDAY, APRIL 29. 1962 HOPE 10.30 mm. â€" Morning Worship 1U.JU lJu. â€" luULuuls "vainly and Church School MAPLE 10.15 am. â€" Church School for all ages 11.30 am. â€"- Morning Worshlp l LUTHERAN THE ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (2 miles south of Maple) Pastor - Norman E. Wagner 11 am. â€" The Service ; 9.45 am. -â€"- Sunday School and Bible Class ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN CHURCH ‘ Walter Scott School, Markham Road ‘ Albert E. Myers. B.A.. B.D.. S.T.M.. Pastor SUNDAY. APRIL 29, 1962 9.45 am. â€"â€" Sunday School ‘ 11 am. â€"- Morning Worship Nursery Provided 1 Rev. SAT.. MAY 5 â€" Extensive auc- ‘ tion sale of late model tractors. farm machinery. electrical ap- pliances, household furniture, dishes. rugs, farmers', garden- ers‘ and handyman'a tools, etc., properties of L. Hawkins, Mr. Kennedy, C. M. Madden. P. Murray‘ Mrs. Moore, J. George .and others. at Lot 21. Concess-, ion 8. Markham Township. Prentice‘s New Idea Farm. on No. 48 Highway, 11,5 miles north of Markham Village. Sale at 1 pm. sharp, rain or shine. Terms cash day of sale. See posters for full particulars. Ken 8: Clarke Prentice. Auctioneer, phone Markham 346 or StoufE- Ville 96208. c3w42 3“! ‘SAT.. MAY 12 â€" Auction sale of farm stock and implements, 18 head of registered vaccin- ated and TB tested Holstein cat- tle, team of work horses, lHC tractor Farmall "M", threshing ‘.--L:_- fl..- ‘llL-itn OA‘vA‘) THE ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (2 miles south of Maple) Pastor - Norman E. Wagner 11 mm. â€" The Service 9.45 mm. â€"â€"- Sunday School and Bible Class R", “bufgf‘mem BIA“ SAT. MAY 12 â€" Auction sale‘ DELUXE BUNGALOW i cum ED" 5.1M" Put“ of farm stock and implements, Oversize 6 room bungalow, Grif- Sloan. who passed "my May‘ SUND ’ 18 head of registered» vaccin- ï¬th built. walnut panelled rec. ' ' ' 2. 195], g 9.45 uni“; 2595113)? ated and TB tested Holstein cat- room and bar. open ï¬replace, RlChmond POIICClI often 'it md think of him, “ 11 lm. _ M - tie, team of work horses. IHC immaculate. close to schools, When 1 am all alone. r Nursergnggvmgasmp tractgr Faerall threshing shopping and bus. $16,500. Two Men For U.S- For memory is the only thing‘l _ mac 'ne e0. V ite 24x42. That ief can call its own. manure spreader, Oliver Hay LARGE BUNGALOW BARGAIN After AI’I'ESt In Town _ gal, mined and lovingly . . i I y . other Denomlnatlons Baler. new model 62T. full line $1,500.00 donn. 6 room solid Two men a†being held bylremembered by his Wife Mary. my dear husband, Robert} of farm implements. bulk mill; brick bungalow, large kitchen. . I , ' *1w43‘ CALVARY CHURCH tank. cap. 1600 lbs.. new in oil heat. close to schools and Richmond Hill Police for dis-1 .. . .. .. RICHMOND HILL 1958 DeLaval. 2 unit DeLaval shopping. on bus line. Full priceiposal. They were tracked dow.1n 96 Hunt Ave., Richmond mil milking machine. household $13,950. N.H.A. mortgage. ‘by Chief R. P. Robbins and 1115 SLOAN â€" In memory of a dear' Affililted with the Pentecostal furniture, at Lot 21. Con. 5'; men following the arrest of one brother, Robert Sloan who Assemblies of Canada Vaughan Township, corner 400‘ APARTMENT SITE of them while stealing a carton passed away May 2nd, 1961. Rev. P. A. Sorensen, Pastor Highway and Maple Road. Propâ€" on Yonge Street south of Mark- of wine from a parked car. ' Gone dear brother. 80M to “5'5 TU. 4-4387 erty of Alex Bishop. No reserve. ham Road. A check-up after arrest dis- Away from sorrow, care and SUNDAY. APRIL 29. 1961 {as farm sold. Terms cash. Sale closed that both men were [pain _ ‘10 am. â€"- Sunday School .at 1 pm. D.S.T. Alvin S. Far- Call Mr. Tyson evenings. TU. wanted in Los Angeles, Califor- May_ you rest in peace :11 am. â€" The Pastor rmer. auctioneer. Gormley 5311. 4-2432 or at O. H. Pratt Realtor..nla, on car theft and other Until we meet again 7 pm. â€" he Pastor 'Gordon Orr. Jack Walkingon. HU. 9-1851, Member Toronto charges. and are alsn wanted in] â€"â€" Sadly missed by Hugh. " "‘“" 4- "---~~â€" ‘-â€"-*¢-- -'--‘-- inâ€! Item. mum. .1w43.Monun; and Alberta. lAdA and Harold. ¢1W43 10 mm. â€"- Sunday School ‘2: 1 1 11 am. â€" The Pastor ymer. 2 7 p.111. â€" The Pastor Gordo Wed. 8.30 pm. - Prayer Meet‘gl: clerks CARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH ‘m. â€"â€" Worship Service Ind Sunday School UNITED PRIVATE GORMLEY Qpacious six room brick ranch UNITEIéHIgasglIthARY bungalow. Close to schools, shopping, etc. $15,900. 110 Eva- Re" C‘ " "um" M‘m‘" hill Crescent. TU. 4-3593. c1w43 10 mm. â€" Sunday School , . _.#-- 7*-._._7_.._ 11 mm. â€" Morning Worship SUMMER COTTAGE 7.30 pm. â€" Evening Service LAKE FRONT cottage' month A: “mm Adults only. Inside SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS CHURCH (Pastor H. G. Fischbacher) Meeting every Saturday in the Masonic Hall Crosby Avenue, Richmond Hill Worship Service 9.20 am. Sabbath School 10.30 am. Everybody welcome RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner of Elmwood and‘fluggles "Kain. T. Holton Minister Church of the Light Ind Lii'e Hour. CHML, 9 mm. Supï¬gy â€"WEI§l{-END'0F WITNESS Friday. 8 pm. â€" Public Service Saturday 8 p.m.Vâ€"â€"V-‘ Yggbh Rally SUNDAY. APRIL 29, 1962 10 am. â€" Sunday School 11.30 mm. â€"- Worship 7 p.m. â€"â€" Evangelistic Service Rev. Robert Ferris, Irish Evan: gellst will speak at all these services Special Music and Singing will ‘ be featured Be sure Ind vote ‘NO‘ on Sat- urday, April ZBih BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH Wm. VanderBent, Pastor Tel.: Richmond Hill, TU. 4-3155 Helsc Hill (Gormley) 10 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. - Worship Service 7.30 pm. â€" Evening Service Wed., 7.45 pm. - Prayer Meeting Vaughan (3rd com. 3 mile: north of Concord) 11.15 Lm. â€" Worship Service ‘ Concord (Schoolhouse) 10 am. â€" Sunday School Oak mam, Aubrey Ave. Roy Nigh, Pastor Tel.: Gormley 5544 10.30 mm. â€"- Sunday School 11.30 am. â€" Worship Service 7.30 pm. ~â€" Evenlng Service Tues., 8 pm. â€" Prlyer Meeting RICHVALE GOSPEL CHAPEL 24 Oak Ave. Services Sundl! -â€" 930 am. â€"â€" Remembrance Ser- vice 11 :.m. â€"- Bible Hour 8: Sunday School ' 7 pm. â€"- Gospel Meeting TlieL. 8 7ppr Bible Reading Wed., 7 pm. â€" Pioneer girl: group Young people’s and ladies' meetings as announced "Jesus saves and there is no other way" CHURCH OF CHRIST ‘ Welcome: you at 7 pm. tach Lord's day Corner of Llurle Rd. and Concord Ave., Concord Isaiah 1-18: Come let us reason together saith the Lord. SALE REGISTERS SAT., APRIL 28. 1962 â€" Auc- tion sale of farm machinery. 2 McCormick Deerlnug tractors, new cultivator. disc harrows, household furniture, number of antiques and old homestead ar- ‘ticles, old china, dishes, glass- ware. etc. at Lot 15. Concess-, ion 5. Vaughan Township, cor- ner of Jane St, and Sherwood Road. property of Earl Robb. Sale at 1.30 pm Terms cash. No reserve. Farm sold Ken & Clarke Prentice, Auctioneers, Markham, Ont. c3w41 SAT.. APRIL 28 â€" Extensive Auction Sale of walnut furniâ€" ture, silverware, refrigerator and deep freeze. TV set, elec- Lrlc stove. electric washer. glass- ware. dishes, bedding, Chester- ï¬eld and chairs. antiques, gar- den tools, etc. Property of Joe‘ Fisher. Lot 12, Con. 5. Mark-1 ham Twp., 1/1 mile north No. 7 Highway. Sale 1 pm. Terms cash day of sale. No reserve. See “st for details. This will be one of the best furniture sales. Gordon Seller. Auctioneer, Agincourt, AX. 3-4771. *2w42 Prayér Ind FOR SALE OR RENTTa bed- room bungalow. Available May 9th. 884-2195. n54} PRIVATE, 6 room cement house in the Village of 'Dhornhlll. Call E. Burns AV. 5-2435 after 6 pm. c1w43 $13,900 BRICK bungalow, six years old, large living-room, 3 bedrooms, low carrying charges. Call owner, TU. 4-3241. c1w43 Ln...“ of August. Adults only. Inside convenences. Boat and motor. Witvhi‘n area of 100 miles. TU. 4-2321. c1w43 OAKVIEW BEACH (Easter special), 3 bedroom furnished cottage. water and hydro. Sandy beach. For lnformlation call TU. 4-2505. nc43 $13,900 full price, 8 room brick bungalow wl-th prlvatc drive. 51/é% NHA mortgage. carries $69.00 monthly. Many extras included. Call AV. 5-2951, T. Murphy Broker. c1w43 HOUSE FOR SALE. brick bun- galow, on large lot near Aurora, 3 bedrooms, forced air. full basement. detached garage, never falling well. Oall PA. 7- 6819 an SALE'én’ LEASE 2 bedroom bungalow in Crosby Heights, ï¬nished basement, pav- ' ~77 -A A“--_ ._ Ilclqguta, “nunâ€... .7..- -__ ed drive-way. ï¬repl‘a‘érer ' land broadloom. Phone owner for in- formation. TU. 4-2386. c1w43 PRIVATE INEXPENSIVE, easy Living just steps away from all conveniences Brick ranch bungalow with 6 ‘clear bright rooms, all nice-1y decorated. 6% NBA mortgage, carries less than rent. Call AV. 5-2951. T. Murphy, Broker. 1.-.!!! POWER OF SALE $1,000 down, suitable terms. Solid brick semi bungalow, in excellent condition. . __ _v -vn vnVy..-.-_ 0N nï¬ï¬ia'cmss BLVD. Call Mr. Joseph, Toronto, RU. 1-9314 mu PRIVATE SALE Country Living in the heart of Richmond Hill 2 blocks from Yonge St. at 90 Centre Street West on well treed 73' x 310' lot. Mode-tn distinctive bungalow with many up-to-date features: tiled bath- room. built-in storage cup- boards. exceptionally well ap- pointed kitchen, completely ï¬n- ished recreation room. ï¬replace, ‘broadloom. etc., 2 large bed- rooms. Realistic price. Princi- pals only. TU. 4-1317. c1w42 PRIVATE SALE Pleasantville, executive type, split level, large living room, open fireplace with raised hearth, floor to ceiling windows. large finished family room, 3 bedrooms, two bathrooms, dou- ble garage, large patio. Profes- sionally landscaped, N.H.A. mortgage 514%. Low down pay- ‘ment. attractive terms. Phone iAL. 7-2415 or TU. 4-1550. $19,800 RANCH bungalow, 3 bedroom, Ibright, well-kept home. Attractive quiet setting with two acres nicely tread giv- ing privacy. Swimming pool and other extras. KING CITY $14,900. Attractive 3 bedroom brick bungalow in quiet parkâ€" like setting. Beautifully kept in- side and out. Can be purchased with low down payment. N.H.A. 592% mortgage. A pleasure to .show. Call Allan Gellatly, TE. 3-5745 c1w43 HI FOLKS Look At These Specials $1,000 down payment for at- tractive 3-bedroom brle bunga- low with slngle garage on large lot. 6% mortgage carries for $80. per month, close to public and catholic schools. 2 bedroom bungalow, with at-' tached garage, open stone ï¬re- place in living room, full base- ment, large lot; priced for quick sale at only $14,900.00. Call‘ Jim Spencer, 257-2650 for ap- pointment or CH. 1-1164. Ack- row & Wells Ltd., 1980 Weston Rd†Weston. c1w42 $1,000 DOWN. 2 bedroom home on quiet street in Oak Ridges. Must be sold as owner is taking a position out of the area. Full price $9,800. - ‘ $1,500 DOWN. in King T0\vn-‘ ship. split level bungalow, rav- ine lot, has 3 bedrooms, ï¬nish- ed rec. room, aluminum storm: and screens. plus other extru. Full price, $14,900, with excell- ent mortgage arrangements. i LARRY NEILL ‘ AV. 5-4201 DON McQUARRIB Oversize 6 room bungalow, Grif- ï¬th built. walnut panelled rec. room and bar. open ï¬replace, immaculate. close to schools, ;shopping and bus. $16,500. KING Near 400 Highway. 12 :cres, part maple bush with spring-{ed pond and creek through proper- ty. 5 room home with all con- veniences. Very scenic proper- ty, 20 minute: from Metro. $16,000 full price. Magee Real Estate, PR. 3-5845. c1w43 Call Mr. Tyson evenings. TU. 4-2432 m' at O. H. Pratt Realtor, HU. 9-1851, Member Toronto Real Esta“ guard. cl'w43 NEILL J: ï¬EILL BROKERS c1w43 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE PRospect 3-5316 c2w43 c1w43 tfc36 , WN 6Ԡ. ’1 900MD0%TGAG§ “HA LBOWEN, Mrs. Tho: â€"â€" In lav-'SLOAN â€" ln lonng memoiy of six rooms, 501m brick bungalow. lng memory of 1 clear mother. Robert Sloan. who passed three large bedrooms, tiled balm Who Passed away April 17.‘ 1may May 2, 1961. . . ‘ lovely landscaped lot. A real] 1939- ‘In tears we saw you Slnklnfl. bargain, at only $14300, MrgOur hearts still ache with sad-‘IWE watched you fade away. Caron Av. 5.1153. ness. ‘Our hearts were almost broken. ’ A secret tear still flows. You fought 50 hard 10 5183'- FAMILY HOME, pLUS OFFICE‘What it meant to lose you. mo- But when we saw you sleepipz‘ Heart, of Richmond Hill_ steps ther, So peacefully free from pain, from Yonge, separate entrance No one will ever know. We could not Wish you back, for offices. Ideal for doctor, When “’9 "e “‘1 md [oneh'v , Dad' , dentist, lawyen seven large And everything goes wrong. IFO 31139? that. again. _ rooms, two baths. garage. We seem to hear you whispers â€"‘ Sadly missed Mid IOVIDZIY $17 900. Mr. Pratt AV. 5-1156 Cheer up and carry on. remembered by daughter Nor- ' ’ _ Alwayg loved and remem- een, son-ln-law John and grand- LANGSTAFF-INCOME HOME bered by daughters nnd sons. children *1w43 $12,500. Five rooms 4-piece‘ *1w43‘ thath. and four rooms with 2- "‘ "‘ "‘ * ’piece bath. separate entrance. BOWEN- Thom“ "‘ 1“ 1°Ving‘ , Rent; for $65.00 a month. Gar- memory of our dear father-i ' :age, on landscaped 60‘x150' Who Passed “"y M†12“ i -lot. Low down payment. Mr. 1942- j51ater. Av_ 5-1155 1! little knew when I woke that E L I, R 1 u an nrtnru nun n' v- u--- A check-up after arrest dis- closed that both men were z. TU. wanted In Los Angeles. Califor- ealtor, nia. on car theft and other Dronlo charges. and are also wanted in cl'w43 Montana and Alberta. 81.900 DOWN 6% NBA MORTGAGE six rooms, solid brick bungalow, three large bedrooms, tiled bath. lovely landscaped lot. A real bargain, at only $14,900. Mr. Caron, AV. 5-1156. 81.500 DOWN $13,300 - reduced $1,500, Six rooms, 13/4. storeys. one and a half baths, storms, screens, sewers, schools, and plaza 514% mortgage. Bring offer. Mr. Pratt. AV. 5-1156 SPRING OFFER $19,600. Owner transferred. Seven rooms, split level. play‘ room. fireplace, treed lot, 11/2 baths. block to school, shopping’ and T.T.C. Low down payment. Mr. Pratt, AV. 5-1156 $86.00 PER. MONTH RICHMOND HILL ‘ $15,900. 22’ living room, open fireplace. separate dining. Three large bedrooms, two baths. ex- clusive district, close to Yonge Street. Mr. Slater, AV. 5-1158. CARD 0]“ THANKS I would like to thank the people who brought flowers, gifts and sent cards to me while I was 111 In the hosplbal, also after I came home. “Mrs, Frank Harrison, BOYLE â€"- Lyle and Irene (nee Meyers) are happy to Ian- nouncc the arrival of a baby boy at York County Hospital, Newmarket, April 24, 1982, a brother for Colleen. c1w43 GRAHL‘MAN â€" Betty and Lar- ry wish to announce the birth of I son, April 15, 1962. at human Hospital. c1w43 COWDEN â€"â€" Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Cow‘den are happy to an- nounce the arrival or! a son, John William. at Branson Hospital. April 22, 1962. TENNANT â€"- To Mr. and Mrs. Hal ’l‘enmnt, April 22, 1962, at Toronto General Hospital, a daughter. Both well. c1w43 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Richard Wilcox of Gormley announce the engagement of their daugh- ter Sheila Archibald to David Owen Tinker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Tinker, Rlchmond Hill. The marriage will take place on Wednesday. May 16, ‘1962. It 2.00 o’clock in St. Mary's Anglican Church, Rich- mond Hill. c1w43 ï¬ngagcmmtï¬ Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gold‘ing.‘ 229 Palmer Avenue, Richmond Hill, announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Ev- elyn Gail, to ‘Mr. Joseph Ed- ward Greer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Greer, of S‘hlawvllle, Quebec Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Sim- mons, B5 Benson Avenue, Rich- mond H111, are happy to am‘ nounce the engagement of their; daughter Gloria May to John Barry Tomlinson of Toronto, son ‘of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Tom- ‘linson. The marrlge will take place at St. Mary's Anglican Church, Saturday, May 12th, at 4.30 lpsm. *1w43 NORRl-S, Rosetta â€"â€" At New‘ Toronto, Friday, April 20, 1962, Rosetta Murphy, belov- ed wife of William H. Norris oi! 42 Avenue Road, Richvale. dear mother of William, Rich- vale; Marjorie ( Mrs. J. Lam- bert), Scarboro. and Bruce of Wlillowdale. Rested at the Wright nnd Taylor Chapel of mm Pipher Funeral Home. Service held Monday, April 28. Interment Highland iMemâ€" HOLLOWELL, George At LlncoLn Memorial HOP/pital, Grlmsby. Thursday April 19, 1962, George Hollowell, for- merly of Richmond Hill, beloved husband of Vlokzl'Lyon, dear x nun. uuaunuu va- -_r~ V gout: .uwu um. .uu.., father of Jack, Richniond Hill;| . ‘ Leonard, St. Catharines. and"But we flunk 0‘ 0".“ dadw utmost of pride. William of Toronto, in his 7lst . year. Rested at the Wright and '_ S‘dly "mud and 1‘ Taylor Chapel of the Pipher remembered by daughter Funeral Home. 126 Yon-go St. 3°“'m']"’ J09 “‘1 3â€â€œ N., Richmond Hill. Service Sat- re“- urday at 2 pm. Interment St. ‘IJOhn‘ cemetery‘ oak Riggi‘: SLOAN â€" In loving men c w ‘ mv dmr husband. 0*!!! H. KEITH REALTORS flitths Frank Harrison Thornhilvl ¢1w43 c1w43 c1w43 BOWEN. Thomas -- In loving memory of our dear fat_her who passed away May 12 1942. I little knew when I woke thni l little knew when I woke that‘» whoa associations. in commun_ mom I ity and church life. A working The sorrow the day would bring. man who was active in one The call was sudden. the shock Described as a kind. gentle Townshlp of Vaughan, and in- severe, widow who loved children. Mrs. strumental in securing a "No" To part with one I loved so dean'Robert Hamilton of Simcoe. decision in Vaughan in their Sometime it: hard to under- Ontario. who passed away at last plebiscite on the issue. 1 stan Norfolk General Hospital on _ - or of his ‘11. Why some things have to be. April 2nd, was revealed as the text ï¬mlï¬fcï¬ï¬oï¬ H111 351 a ‘In his wisdom God has planned donor of a scholarship for Bay- close neighbour_ and the high- Beyond my power to see. view High School students who regard he had always had for ._ Always loved and remem- hope to go to Teachers' 001- the town andlparticularly for its ,bered by daughters and sons. lege. business men. He spoke some stand Why some things have to be, In his wisdom God has planned Beyondi my power to_see. :â€" Alwai/s’loved and remem- bered by daughters and sons. *1w43 BROOM -â€" In loving memory of our dear father. Frederick Broom, who passed away May 1, 1960. As angels keep their watch up there Please. God, just let him know That I, down here. do not for- get. I loved and miss him so. â€"â€" Lovingly remembered by Gloria, Harry and grandchild- ren. c1w43 BROOM â€" In loving memory of our dear father. Freder3ck Broom who passed away May 1. 1960. When evening shades arc fan- ing, And we sit in quiet alone, To our hearts comes a longing lf only he could come home. Friends may thlnk we have {or- gotten, When at times they see us emile, But they little know the heart- ache Our smiles hide all the while. â€"« Lovingly remembered by Betty. Ron and grandchildren. c1w43 BROOM â€" In loving memory of my dear husband, Freder- lck. who passed away May 1, 1960. Just when your life was bright- test, Just when your years were ‘ best. You were called from this world To a home of eternal rest. I have onlyAyouAr memory, dear husband, To remember my whole life through, But thc :weetneu linger: for- ever, A: I treasure the image of you. -â€"- Lovineg rememil‘bered' by wife Jean. ¢1w43 HARE â€" In loving memory of“ a dear wife, mother and“ grandmother, Rachel Hare; who passed away April 30th,} 1953. ‘ Nothing can ever take twey The love a heart holds dear; ‘ Fond memories linger everyl day. Remembrance keeps her near 7- Ever remembéred by hus- band and family. *1w43 HILL, Zeta â€"- In loving mem-‘ cry of a dear mother and grandmother, who passed aw- ay. May 1, 1957. ‘In our hearts your memory lin-‘ gers. Sweetly tender. fond and true. There is not a day. dear mother, That we do not think of you. â€" Lovingly remembered by Allen, Sally and Grandchildren. c1w43 HILL, Zeta â€" In loving mem- ory of my dear wife. Zeta, who passed away May 1. 1957. I have lfst my soul's compan- on, A life linked with my own. And day by day I miss her more, As I walk through life alone. â€"â€"- taï¬né‘lyire'membered and sadly missed by husband, George. _ ‘ I A c1w43 INGRAM â€" In loving memory of my dear wife and our mo- ther, Min-a Rennie, who passed away, April 29, 1958. No more we'll silt and chat. 0f Scotland’s Heather Braes, Tell the tales of long ago, And dear remembered days. God has called her home, But in our heart: she still llves SLOAN â€"â€" In lovin Robert Sloan, away May 2, 195 We think of our (1: to earth guY. Just pl-ain like 1 wind and the We think, and we gone from our gBut we rthink of cm utmost of pri( | â€"â€" Sadly missed SLOAN â€" In loving memory of my dear husband, Robert Sloan. who passed :way May 2, 1961. I often [it and think of him, When I am all alone. ‘For memory is the only thing \That grief can call its own. , J I__.._â€"I" ad has called her home, 1t in our heart: she still llves on. Husband and iamlly. *1w43 a a m t ‘ LOAN â€" In loving memory of; Robert Sloan, who passedl away May 2, 1981. ‘ ’0 think of our dad at a down to earth guy, Jst plain like hhc sea, the wind and the sky. '0 think, and we know he has gone from our side, ut we 'think of our dad wlbh the utmost of pride. ‘ â€" Sadly missed and lovingly“ emembered by daughter Dorisq )n-in-law Joe and grandchild-‘ an. A *1w43 In flzmuriams é bhe an. the the sky. we know he has our side, our (had with the pride. I â€"â€" Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by daughter Nor- een, son-ln-law John and grand- children. *1w43 ‘gmï¬ren. V a 31913 Bayview Pupils T To Be Aided By EubankBursary Mrs. Hamilton. a prominent business woman in the Simcoe area, was the aunt of Mr. How- ard Eubank. and Mrs. Helen Dunn of the Bayview High School, where Mr. Eubank is principal. The scholarship awe awed by Mrs. Hamilton is known as the Annie Eubank Memorial Scholarship in mem- ory of that talented educator. Busy Program To Tell Citizens Of Work 01‘ Mental Health Association National Mental Health Week The Canadian Mental Health' Association is holding its nat-I ional mental health week fromi April 30 to May 8. Most mental ‘ health groups and county health units across Canada will be holding open house during that week to give the public a chance to see the work being done by these volunteer organizations. In York County a number of Observances of the week will be held, including one at the mental health clinic in New- market on May lst, a tour of the Ontario Hospital at Aurora May 3rd, and a fashion show and tea put on by the Markham Village Chapter on May 2. Open house at Warrendale, a home for emotionally disturbed girls at Newmarket will be held May lst and an open house at the House of Concord, ’o'he Salva- ‘tion Army-supported home for boys on Dufferin Street in 7-7-7 I-ERTILIZER 80 lb. Bag 10-6-4 FERTILIZER 80 lb. Bag THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hm. Ontario. Thursday. April 26. 1962 920] YONGE STREET RICHVALE OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK EXCLUSIVE WITH R. D. LITTLE R. D. Little 5: Son AV. 5 - 1105 SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! $4.75 $4.75 5 II P PI. I ES AND FLOWER SHOP (Continued from it cocktail bars and 7 private membership lounges. In Etobi- coke now thirteen licenses for liquor outlets have already been approved, although they voted only last year, and the yes vote was carried only on a recount early in 1962. Mr. Scudds fur- ther stated that he believes in- lemon with the other members ‘of the “Vote No" Committee that: such licensed premises would be undesirable for our town. He therefore urged all citizens to go out and vote "No" on Saturday. profit and loss would not be ï¬gured in terms of dollars but of human life. “Will the intro- duction of such licensed pre- mises do anything for our homes. for our youth. for com. mdunity organizations?†he ask- e , Mr. Billie then invited questions from the floor. l A question was raised re- lative to the location of the large industry of the Crothers ï¬rm in Vaughn! Township. although that township was a “dry†area. Mr. Toutlofl raised ques- Mr. Kerslake then introduced the guest speaker of the even~ ing, Mr. Warren Bailie of Con- cord, as a fellow citizen of this area, a man active in home and school associations. in commun- ity and church life. A working man who was active in_ hhe Ivan Toutloff ls Guest Mr. Bailey spoke of his in- terest in Richmond Hill as a close neighbour. and the high- regard he had always had for the town andlparticularlry for its] business men. He spoke some words of encouragement to the workers on the local committee, urging the importance of work, work right up to the closing of the polls on Saturday. He quot- ed ï¬gures which suggested that as a business proposition for the town the proposal before us would bring no advantage to the town‘s citizens. He also ex- pressed the view that the real Vaughan Township will be held1 May 4. The Thornhaven School For Retarded Children in Rich- mond Bill will be open in the mornings on May 2 and 4. and Fail-mead School For Retarded Children in Newmarket will be ‘open on the evening of May 2. Some of the work of the York County Branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association in- cludes visiting patients at the 25 approved homes in the coun- ty, paying weekly visits to the ‘men in the Aurora Hospital and transporting patients to the clinic at Newmarket. It has made representation to the New- market Hospital for a psychia- tric ward and is working for the education of emotionally disturbed children. The York‘ County Branch has also launch-1 ed a rehabilitation council for the mentally and physically dis- abled. Mixed with Peat Loam SANDY LOAM MUSHROOM LOAM 5 YARD - 18.00 5 YARD - 18.00 i‘r"li‘ï¬he Biggest Little Business in Richvalo‘ LTD. RICHMOND HILL Mr. Bailie then invited questions from the floor. A question was raised re- lative to the locatlon of the large industry of the Crothers firm in Vaughan Township, although that township was a “dry†area. Mr. Toutlot‘f raised ques- tions concerning this. and the location of American Motors in Brampton, an- other ares without the facilities which are being sought for Richmond Hill now in the interests of get- ting industry to locate here. Mr. Toutlofi' ï¬nally admit- ted that both of these large industries located on the basis of other factors, and that the fact of liquor out- lets or no liquor outlets was of no consequence in the respective decisions. Toutlolf In Chair Following the question period IMr. Kerslake dismissed the meeting wibh the offer to Mr. Toutloff that; he might like to take the chair and carry on a discussion of any matters he \would like to have discussed in the interest of a better under- standing of the issues. This of- fer Mr. Toutlotf accepted, and most of the audience remained in their places. Matters raised for discussion under the new chairman con. cerned such issues as likely hours of sale in licensed pre- mises. the issuance of multiple licenses to one establishment. a hotel in some areas having perhaps tour licenses. but still being only one hotel, the num- ber of hotels in Oakvllle; the question of outside control of the number of outlets; the terms of the actual agreement between the town and the promoters of a "hotel" for Richmond Hill; the sincerity of purpose of the people to build anything: the possibility of Richmond'Hill be. coming a convention centre. _All of these questions revealed a decided difference of opinion among the persons present. Mr. Keith Albrighton asked the chair it it were true that. as some have been saying. the “Vote Yes†Com- mittee are paying outside wrutlneen for work at tho polls on Saturday. Mr. Tout- lofi’ assured the meeting that all his paid matinee“ would be residents of the town. - The meeting was then dip- missed, and discussion ed in many friendly groups for a considerable time. 18 Years’ Experience Flower Bed Maintenance LAWN GARDEN AV. 5-42" and