V’O’fï¬'MTEâ€"IIXX’X'ï¬fNUMBER 44 For a great many years Richmond Hill has been surrounded, literally ringed, by some very ï¬ne golf courses. This year the Richmond Hill Golf and Coun- try Club will be operating almost smack dab in the centre of town. And it’s quite a layout. T1175 u RON CRAINI Hey Clara! How about that weather last weekll Really nice huh? What was that you said about paint- ing the house? Why it was painted only seven years ago. so let’s not rush it! What was I going to do today? . .. Play golf, what else? it’s gotten to be that time of the calendar when the old itch sets in, in millions of palms â€"â€" an itch that only a golf club, well swung. can satisfy. From St. John’s, Newfoundland. to the remotest part of Vancouver Island â€"â€" thousand of brags will be brag- ged in locker rooms. Several thousand golf balls will mysteriously disappear, never to be seen again. And little boys, somewhat begrimed will suddenly appear and start to sell a mysteriously acquired stock of slightly used golf balls. If any of it sounds like fun, then it’s only natural. It is fun! The 18-hole course is of championship length and was designed by Robbie Robinson, the renowned golf course architect. Some of the sweetest holes you’ll ever see on any layout came out of the fertile brain of Mr. Robinson. Clubhouse and clubhouse facilities are the work of Pentland and Baker and is a struc- ture that they'll always be proud to have their name associated with. Two types of membership are available in the club. A full, or senior, membership and an associate membership. The associate membership is a new departure in the country club ï¬eld and is well worth investigating if you are at all interested. Now club (Continued on page 10) Sectian Replace worn ï¬ne now this low-cost way. fiche-pair of Firestone Champions, or even two pairs â€"- when you buy four. you get one free! Hurryâ€"supply is limited. Firestone Champion tires are made “ith Shack-Fortiï¬ed Nylon cord. This Firestone process takes the stretch out of Nylonâ€"- welds cords together to form a super-strong using. You‘ll get long, low-cost mileage from the non-skid Firestone tread too. It‘s made with Rubber-X. the longest “caring compound e\er used in Firestone tires. Drivein now. Get ready for carefree driving. Segcnd Richmond Heights Centre SPORT \ ° 3‘} 5901's: 7607175 670-15 57035 15 MONTH H’R‘é‘éï¬o GUARANTEE 750514 CHECK YOUR SIZE AND SAVING! Size B [I CRWK [TL-17% ETTYP E BIJKHnVALLâ€"TUBELESE All prices based on exchange of vnur I'prreadable tradeln Regular [Picka Pair' ’ Regular PickaPair Fair Price i Sale Price' You Save Pair Price Sale Price You Save 33.90 35.9707 37.90 87.90 371370 The weatherman has been smiling benevolently nn Dynes Jewellers‘ softball practices. Unseasonably warm weather has seen large turnouts of softball hopefuls and even Russ “Casey†Cri-pps has been wreathed in smiles. “Casey†Cripps Is All Smiles UnusualWarm Weather Aids Softball Practices Sponsor Vern Dynes should have a powerful contender this year but championship thoughts Were a secondary consideration. All that Mr. Dynes wants is a team that can make a good showing in the league and make things interesting for the op- position. Barrie visited Richmond Hill last Sunday afternoon for a pre- season opening soccer game. The Barrie Team squeaked out a 3-2 win over a strong. aggres- sive Richmond H-ill team. The present Hill team Is a combination of last year's Rich- mond Hill and Europa squads combined. Result of \the union should provide a strong con- tender in the Newmarket & District Soccer League. Pick of the Richmond Hill Team was the starry Bob Lewis. Soccer Opener At The Town Park Will See Richmond Hi|| Meet Barrie Russ Crippa has never yet ï¬elded a team that did 25.43 26.972 28.42 28.42 28.42 8.48 1-42 9448 8.98 9.48 TU. 4 â€" 4401 41.90 43.90 43.90 39‘90 43.90 'w‘iï¬T'EWXL’ITTUBE-TYPE 3.90 32.92‘ 10.98 WHITEWALL T'UBELEss The hiring of Mr, Douglasl McLean by the parks board also‘ augurs well for good softball. For several years. “Dougie†has nursed the hall park into ex-‘ cellent condition each yeafland‘ already has things looking trim after the winter. The addition of a change house. washroom facilities and extra screening should do a great deal to in- crease spectator comfort at the games. “In Essentials Unity; in Non-Essentials Liberty; in all things Charity" The mite sized player. who now; attends the University of Tor- onto was in rare form for such an early game. Opening game of the regular schedule pits Richmond Hill and Barrie. next Saturday afternoon at 5 pm. in the town park. The league comprises teams from Maple, Richmond Hill, Collingwood, Etobicoke, New- market, Barrie, Midland, King City and a two team entry from Aurora. Soccer fans should real- ly enjoy the action this coming season. not play interestan ball and this year's team should prove to he no exception. Snftball fans should be in for a real treat this year. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. MKY7'3.71962 29.92 31.4 32.92 32.92 ms. 1 0.98 9493 10.43 (By Ron Craine) Coach John Gropp's Rich- mond Hill Hornets ended the hockey season at George Bell Arena on Saturday. They took part in 60 games, 30 practice sessions, played 30 dirl’erent teams in 22 different arenas. An impressive record no matter what angle you look at it from. Defeat Chatham Galt wrote “ï¬nis†to the Flyer ASSOCiation Operate under the hockey hopes at the George.|cred0 that hockey was meant town - Brampton Hockey Tour-ifOI‘ the boy and that the bOY nament. The Galt Bantam Clublwas not meant for hockey. It was just too much hockey team‘is a very sensible attitude ,and for the local aggregation to Mr. Methe exemplified the feel- handle as they won 7â€"4 and 7-2.ings of the entire executive to eliminate the Flyers. ‘body. He has done a lot for his Coach Bob Finlay's boys gave young charges but never any- it bhe old college try in the sec- thing better than he did last and game. They were forced tO‘Thusday night. Coach Bob Finlay’s boys gave it the old college try in the sec- ond game. They were forced to open up and take chances that Galt were quick to snap up and turn to their own advantage. The Flyers have had a long. tough season and have always given a good account of them- selves whenever they played. And you can't ask for more than that! At the Goderich Tournament they ousted Chatham in the ï¬rst round by a 4-1 count. Wood- stock eliminated the Hornets in the second round 6-2 and the tame Wnodstock team went on At no time did ‘he question the officiating of fhe 52" ~ ~ ~ “ ' ' he made the withdrawal in I gentlemanly manne. purpose was the protection and Well being of his young players. As a resuM of his action he is liable to a one year suspen- R.H.HornetsPIayedéOGames,Held 30 Practices During Past Season Flyers Bow Out Galt Brampton Tournament 3mg Clancy Series their coach and In the ï¬nal game of the King \of Richmond Hill. Two previous games and the unseasonal heat did much to take a toll of tired but willing young bodies. In a game against Don Mills the Sing Alongs were on the short end of a 1-0 count with about eight min- utes remaining in the game. On several occasions Mr. Methe had had to help exhausted and injured players from the ice. In order to prevent the possibility of serious injury to the tired players, he called his team to the bench. By Ron Craine not only locally but on a nation- 1 V . - a1 scale. the young hockey war- f e er a coach deserved a commendatmn for an rims would be assured of a action taken during the course of a game. no one could better man even break Con- be more deservmg that Earle Methe of the squirt-age gratulations Earl Methe! Slng Alongs. Last Thursday the Sing Alongs halelayeld 59.Games played two games in the Brampton Hockey Tourna- coghiseteilnguitglznï¬e£535“ 03:: ment and were then scheduled for a third game in‘bhe pyear. 5111193, played a total the Clancy Series at George Bell Arena. ‘ log 59 games of which €116ij The above picture of the starry Sing Alongs Hockey Team was taken during last week’s Brampton Hockey Tournament where our home team wound up a most successful season. A great deal of the credit for the excellent showing of these speedy youngsters must go to Coach Earl Methe who guided the destinies of the teamduring the past season. The Sing Alongs competed in 59 games, and won 40 of these. Further in the statis- tics department, they scored 218 goals in season's play and only had 92 goals scored against them. v’ The team members are back row (left to right): Coach Methe. Phil Clark, Larry Young, Jim Gordon, Jim Hamilton. Glen McErlain, Ritchie Chapman, and Pat Madaleno. Front row (same order): Ricky Thompson, Paul Brown, Gerry Methe, Doug Meyers, John Dunkley, Jim MacKenzie and Dave Gross. (Photo by Lagerquist.) pion Sing Alongs Hang Up Skates After Winning Season Clancy Series at George Bell Arena. the Shopsy Team de- feated the Hornets by a 2-1 score. Ironically enough the flornets opened the season back in November against Shopsy's and took quite a beating. To say that they frightened Shop- sy's in this ï¬nal game would be a gross understatement. Credit To Town The calibre of all hockey in Richmond Hill has impr0ved tremendously over the last ï¬ve years and the Hornets have con- tributed more than their share Mr. Methe exemplified the feel-i Fire hazard has continued to ings of the entire executive increase rapidly this spring body. He has done a lot for his with below normal rainfall and young charges but never any- warm windy weather prevail- thing better than he did lasting. Many grass ï¬res have al- Thusday night. ready occurred outside the ï¬re From all thinking people thisdistrict and unless closely con- man should draw bouquets anditrolled could easily threaten not brick bats tor his action. ltzbuildings and adjoining tree is refreshing to see a highlyiplantation areas. successful hockey coach take at It will sun be sometime un. ï¬rm stand against what he con- m new green growth has ad- Siders 10 be 3}} explmmtlon 0f vanced sufficiently to cause any Young ‘90)‘5- With more men 0f.general reduction in hazard. his 0311b“ “1 minor h0€k9Y"Spring ï¬res can cover large lareas in a very short space of H time and extreme caution is I necessary, both in preventing ' e ‘ï¬res and prompt control mea- - n . :- sures. to avoid such outbreaks. sion under C.A.H‘A. rules. He is to be congratulated for the soundness of his decision. Young players were never meant to par- ticipate in three games in one day. To ask a child to perform under such con- ditions is sheer wanton cruelty and Mr. Methe had the courage to call a halt to the proceedings. The Richmond Hill Hockey team. a credit 1 and to the Tow This Sing Along team has completed quite a record over the year. They played a total of 59 games of which they won 40, lost 14 and tied 5. They scored a total of 218 goals a- gainst the opposition and had only 92 scored against them and won 22 games via the shut- out route. Through the season they showed their hockey w-ares in sixteen different arenas and made friends whenever they jappeared. York County Bowmen ,are holding their opening shoot and visitor‘s day May 6. Everyone is welcome to participate in the shoot and the practice range will be open with expert in- struction available. The shoot will be held on what has been termed as the ï¬nest ï¬eld course in Ontario, on the Aurora three miles east of Don Mills Road. Forest protection officials. in the Lake Simcoe District are again strongly urging that all precautions be taken to avoid any carelessness with ï¬re to‘ prevent serious outbreaks at this time of year. “Cbach Methe has nothing but praise for the interest and co- operation o_f vb_e_par¢gts. -Richmond Hili citizens can be justly proud of the team and their couragous coach. They all turned out to be something ex- tra special. York County Bowmen Hold Opening Shoot Forestry Officials Issue Fire Warning FOR FINE JOB PRINTING PHONE TU. 4-1105 AV. 5-3318 ‘58 THUNDERBIVRD Hardtop VEHICK Convertible ‘58 PONTIAC 4 Door ‘56 FORD FAIRLANE ‘60 FORD STARLINER R. D. LITTLE 8: SON. --r â€"-â€" _ 285-1ï¬15 ‘Ric'hmond Hill “Metro’s Oldest Ford Dealer†LFN->--.«------g A 1 USED CARS HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SIT‘ICE’71878 AT 6% BANK FINANCING Monday, May 7, 1962 at 7-30 1m. THIS WEEK’S SPECIAL ‘55 FORD Tudor Tu-tone brown and white. Hurry for this low priced family car. Fully powered. a really sharp, one owï¬er, low mileage, sport model Sedan. low mileage, custom radio, a very clean car. Hardtop, automatic, radio, V-8, power stqer- ing, many other extras. ï¬nished in gleammg‘ black, with whitewall tires. Sedan, automatic, power steering, V-8, radio, tu-tone blue and white. Hurry for this one- owner beauty. V-8, automatic, radio, whitewall tires, 3. pop- ular spring-time model, at a low, low price of Richmond Hill Minor Ball Association Invites you to attend the Coaches Meeting to be held RICHMOND HILL HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM James Stevens, President, Richmond Hill Minor Ball Association 326 South Taylor Mills Drive. $2495 $2045 in the $795 Section .0-4->.(--h.0‘