Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 May 1962, p. 13

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. I (““‘!!!!jg‘!!!‘!h i FRANK pA§sm Elfog ‘PRINTING‘ .Luv’ nu .I. LCDLUII B hunt, May 3lst, 1963, all inclusive. The tenderer will describe the vehicle to be used. The lowest or any tender not necess- arily accepted. JOHN W. CRAWFORD, Clerk. R. R. 1 Gormley uue COHCC HUI]. per week, July 4th to September 5th, 1962. Musselman’s Lake, two collections per week, June lst, 1962 to September 5th, 1962; one collection per week, September 6th, 1962, to Service Accurate Septic Tank Service ; Trustees passed enabling by- laws, which were read by Sec- ‘retary-‘Vlana‘ger, G. T. Thomp- son. Two authorized trustees to sign agreements regarding pur- chase of electrical power and the distribution system. A by~law to be forwarded to the Department of Muni- cipal Affairs for approval was enacted, seeking a yearly salary of $125 for each trustee. Trustees considered the south- east cornerof th Herita e Park I‘II“““IIIIII“L e g ESEPTIC TANKS PUMPED and CLEANED Complete Septic Tank Repair Road and decided township Iroads superintendent and Trus- tee Berwick would determine 'how much work was necessary at what cost. In the roads bud- I get $1,000 is allowed for the pro- Iject this year. I Hydro Purchase ‘ Notification was received the "Ontario Municipal Board had lglVen final approval to the ;twentyâ€"year purchase of King City distribution system at a ‘cost of $115,000. A Fai’nnauvnr'n Indonâ€" nnmnlou'n_ He has been a resident of Victoria 3.0. since his supposed retirement. . Klngcrafts members have ar- ranged the meeting open to the public to start at eight pm. High school students are invit- ed and many out-of-town people In expected. ‘ Dr. Chisholm wrote the Wil- liam Alan‘son White Memorial lectures in 1946: “Prescription for Survival" In 1957 and "Can People Learn to Learn". in 1958. All Saints' Anglican Church weFe. Miss June Hall of Toron- arish Hall is expected to have to, Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Ross, capacity crowd for Dr. G. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Oliver, Brock C‘hlsholm’s talk on. "Our and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Curtis Responsibility For Peace" on of Heritage Park. with whom sundayv May 5- the young flier has been mak- Klngcxjafts members have ar- ing his home since transfea-ring Imitations have been sent to Dr. Norman Alcock. Dr. Franc R. Joubln and Mrs. W. D. Tucker. who are also on the board of directors of the Nation- :1 Peace Research Institute with tho world-acclaimed upeaker. In 1958 he received the Con- necticut Association for Mental Health golden anniversary men- tal healbh‘ award and in 1959 Was named "Humanist of the year" by the American Human- ist Association. At the age of 19 he entered the Canadian Infantry as a priv- Ite in 1915. the beginning of a military career which led to director general of medical services in the second World War, with rank of Major-Gen- oral. From 1948 to 1953 he served as Director General of the World Health Organization. Six countries honored him with 27 awards including Commander of the Order of the British Empire, and Military Cross and Bar. Dr. Chisholm was President of the World Federation for Mental Hea‘lth In 1957 to 1958 and he was named honorary president of the World Feder- alist: of Canada. Dr. Chisholm was educated in Oak'vilie and Gait, graduat- ing in medicine in 1924 from the University of Toronto. He received specialist training in England and USA. Speak King City Glen Tredeau from Flin Flon anitoba, who has lived in King City during the past two years Eellcopter Pilot Wed v..,, uu....° n... r..." I'vvv 4v“... -â€" John Thompson from Dr G B Ch° h I Kirkland, prinicipal of Strange School, was an usher, sharing (I . 'l ' o mlduties with the bride's brother, II‘ I". Mr. Hugh Barlow. _. n , 1L,¢-u-u- -‘ .4 -1\.<-l .«m “1.0.0.---” TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH R. R. 1 Willowdale HU. 5-1313 MI All ratepayers residing in the above-men- tioned areas are requested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. Public notice is hereby given that a special pickup of all garbage and other refuse not normally included in regular collections will be collected in the following areas: Oak Ridges, Lake Wilcox, Preston’s Lake, Musselman’s Lake, on Wednesday, May 23, 1962. Eng City GARBAGE COLLECTION CONTRACT KING CITY, OAK RIDGES The Liberal" Ls Alma): pleased to pubiisn items Lerest regarding people and events in the Oak Ridge Wilcox and King City districts. Our news correspt in King City is Mrs. William J Houston. tele TEmpie 3-5457; and in Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox Expert Auto Body. Collision. Repair: and Repaintln: FREE ESTIMATESâ€"G.I\‘I.A.C. FINANCING C. M. LESLIE MOTOR PRODUCTS LTD. Sealed tenders, properly marked as to con- tents, will be received by the undersigned up to twelve o’clock noon, Friday, May 11th, 1962, for the collection, removal and disposal of garbage and other refuse in the follow- ing areas: Oak Ridges - Wilcox Lake, two collections per week, June 1st, 1962 to May 81st, 1963. Preston’s Lake, one collection per week, July 4th to September 5th, 1962. Musselman’s Lake, two collections per week, June 1st, 1962 to September 5th, 1962; one collection per week, September 6th, 1962, to May 31st, 1963, all inclusive. The tenderer will describe the vehicle to be used. The lowest or any tender not necess- arily accepted. TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH SPECIAL GARBAGE COLLECTION 0.0.4 - r-“-~-“w JOHN W. CRAWFORD, Clerk Township of Whitchurch. BODY SHOP G.M. Dealer King City Notes as a pilot for Dominion Helicop- Geonge Morris is telephoning ters. married Miss Lynn Barlow the area around Aurora to find during a quiet service in Sud- volunteers for the May 8 blood hm-v donor's clinic. eaét A busy committee headed by. Mrs. Mike Lyseckl and Mrs. bury Daughter of Mr. and Mrs Alex Bar-10w of Sudbury. the bride had chosen a white taf- feba gown. flex- twqattendants, “7655’s fires are still keeping King City's firemen on the run, wihh as many as (our calls in a day. The Girl Guides local associ- ation is arranging for rummage collections on May 8, D and 10 in King City and the surround- ing area. Arrival Mr. and Mrs. Vern Smider are proud parents of a daugh- ter born at Women's College Hospital, a sister for Cathy and Teddy. Grass Fires Plentlful H The brigade confined one blaze to a 1040» field on the fourth concession when buildâ€" ings were threatened. “A few minutes later and we’d have been too late to save a house and two barns”, King City Trustee Rober-t Berwick, a vol- unteer fireman, told “The Lib- Fire alarms were much more frequent than in previous years. Up to April 25 the brigade re- sponded to 25 calls. Most of the fires were in grass and trees outside village limits, for which King Township would be billed costs of brigade services. Seek Blood Donor: E1 sTlS’E’érwghd a cousin. were in contrasting blue _t§ffe'ta. _ For their wedding trip, the bride and groom left. for Mani- toba to visit the groom's rela- tives. Rummage Sale? Mrs. Kenneth Lawson, Mrs. Ray Rumney and Mrs. A. Ohen- ette are receiving phone calls from malfents who have rum- mage to be picked up before the May 13 and 19 sale at Oak Ridgesu eral AVA-Amonag friends attending the Anglicag phurc}; “ ceremony ,p m-___ ME. 5-1000 TE. 3-5301 MIL 4 a 1195 ’King City Bd.- Of Trade {Seeks Improved Parking Appointments are being made took second prize and Robert“ impossible with only two for the Clinic in Aurora United Beawpt‘e. the consolation. leaders. This was made quite Church, which will be open 2 In the special draw, Mrs. Ed clear on the picnic last Septem- to 4:30 and from 6:30 to 9 pm. Wolfe won a bowl of violet bet Due to an accident to a The need for donations is being plants and Mr. Herbert Ross Brownle' one of the leaders had stressed and the objective is received a silver dollar. to take hex; to the doctor and being increased from the usual Children’s Concert then home, 11 one of the mot. 200 donom to 300. A large portion of the vill- hem had not vaunth to go End Euchre Series mac's population will be found 31mm for the dav‘ this would Consult ‘THE LIBERAL' He felt culverts were needed along King Street, but said the businessmen were prepared to wait for results of the railroad survey. "We feel the parking is inadequate between Doctors Lane and the Post Office”. Trustee James Sim reminded that gravel would be put on mgst of_ th_e roads this year. Board of trade members Ro- bert Walker and Robert Mc- Leod joined in the discussion about downtown parking, which resulted in a motion by Roads Commissioner Robert Berwick. It was agreed trustees would write Toronto and York Roads Commission about correcting the grade at Doctors Lane and the possibility of installing a storm sewer on King Street. Chairman Robevt O’Rellly welcomed the delegation. "We‘re happy you’ve formed this or- ganization for the betterment of King City and we appreciate your bringing a deputation of businessmen here", he said. Tmsfees mad} arrangements for the cleaning and re-tublng of the fluorescent street lights around September 1 at an est- imaked cost of $150. \ Mr. Smyth suggested trustees could “help improve commer- cial business in town" by wide- ning the entnance to Doctors Lane, giving it a better grade and mpxje gravel. Trustee Betwle added, “I can assure you the squeakl-ng whgel gets the grease.” Whitchurch Township Council recently turned down a request from three township business- men to set a date for a liquor plebiscite. Instead, council pas- sed a resolution requiring that a 25% affirmative petition be taken before council would con- ‘sider setting a date. "The Liberal" is niwaye pleased to publish items at in- terest regarding people and events in the Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our news correspondent in King City in Mrs. William J. Houston, telephone TEmpie 3-5457: and in Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox. Hrs. Eleanor Charuk. Bayview Ave. ifiorth. phone PR. 3-5854. A delegation from King City’s new board of trade, headed by Mr. Leroy Smyth, asked for im- proved parking conditions to help the dwindling number of business establishments, at vii- lage trustees’ April 23 meeting in the fire hall. The three, Grant McCachen of the Ridge Inn in Oak Ridges. Keith Nesbitt, mayor of Aurora and owner of West View Golf and Country Club in the town- ship and Stewart Patrick, former Aurona Council member and operator of Glendale Beach at Mussleman Lake, asked the council to set a date for the holding of a vote to establish dining room and lounge liquor sales. Whitchurch Council Turns Downi Request For Liquor Vote Date: Councillor Ross Farquharson favoured the setting of a date, however the remainder of coun- Petition Must Be Taken First Approve Pay For Trustees A ratépayér’s letter complain- Mrs. McDonald also won lad~ les' first prize for the evening, Mrs. George Brown. second; Mrs. Fred O'Brien, consolation, and Mrs. Tom Monkman, the travelling prize._ Mr. A1 LaPlante won the men's high score prize and the travelling gift. Nick Henshaw took second prize_ and Robert Next meeting was scheduled for May 14 at eight pm. in the fire hall. A large portion of the V111- age's population will be found at King City Composite School Saturday evening, May 5, when the two elementary schools pre- sent a musical concert and an Operetta, “Twilight Alley". Cookie Day Fire Chief David Glass and volunteers Robert Walker and John Monkman, who were a- mong ten ratepayers present. hurriedly departed to control a grass fire south of Clearvlew Gardens on the Stewart farm. Half an hour later they were called to another blaze on the Harrison farm on the fourth concession. The chairman started to call a recess so that Trustees Sim and Berwick could carry out their duties as firemen, but it was decided they were not needed. ‘ “If the testing locates a suit- able aquirfer Which will produce the minimum of 200 imperial gallons :1 minute. the construc- tion of the permanent well shall not be commenced until the Trustees of King City, the Ontario Water Resources Com- mission and the Ontario Muni- cipal Board have given approv- al to proceed”, wrote Mr. Kirk. Only 3 Fires in Village Trustee Sim reported police duties “fairly quiet", with the officer continuing part-time duty with the township. Com- menting on "the tremendous number of fires this month", Mr. Sim noted they had been mostly outside the village. Three were inside. Just as ratepayer James W11- kins was concerned about all the grass fires and was pointing out to trustees. "Uncut grass on untamed properties is a potential fire source", the first of two alarms during the meet- ing sounded, A reminder â€"- Guides' and Brownies’ Cockle Day‘ls com- ing up and the girls will be de- livering, Saturday morning, all those cookies ordered by house- holders weeks ago. cii felt a petition should be tak-l en to determine whether enough‘ people in the township were in favour of ‘holding a plebiscite.‘ This is in line with a resolution passed by last year's council and provincial legislation re- quiring a petition to be taken under similar circumstances then. Although a date for a liquor vote was set by council last year the vote fell through when the “Vote Yes” commit- tee objected to the way in which the lay-laws was set out. After the by-law setting the dates was recinded by council, a re- solution was passed requiring a 25% affirmative petition taken before any further action could be taken on the liquor question. No further action was taken. Provincial legislation requires that a 25% petition of the elig- ible voters can 'be sought be- fore a vote is authorized. “The sidewalk as far as John Street along Sprin-ghill Road is going to be very expensive, but is very necessary”, said Trus- tee Bel-wick. To keep the intersection area tidy, trustees decided to con- tinue paying an approximate 1% hours' weekly salary to Mr. Ant Brown to collect litter be- for_e garbage pick-up. Trustees agreed to obtain the free advice of General Electric regarding street lighting and the secretary was asked to sup- ply a pl-aln 93 wheyfllage. ed of bank erosion and faulty ditch drainage on McBride Ave- nue. The problem was left to Trustee Berwick and the secre- tary-manager to inspect in the assumed second plan of Clear- vlew Gardens. Trustee Bel-wick reported Tor- onto and York Roads had com- pleted ¢he sidewalk survey on Springfllill Road and Mr. Thomp- son was to meet township and Department of Highways engi- neers about approvals. Test" drilling for ’I‘suuable location for film third well was expected to start immediately onjhe Austin Rumble farm. “The test drilling shall be done at our regular rates as outlined in the agreement. The cost of the testing shall not exce§dA$3,000", the letter read. The chairman read a conflnm- ation from J. W. Kink regarding the agreement finalized April 9 between trustees and Inter- natjqnal Watep Sypply Limited. All Brownies and Guides in’dale of Lake Wilcox Road, Oak the area have been given en- Ridges, won the trophy for the velopes in which to return their Midgets. money. which they would like In the Peewee league, the A prize was offered to the'local boys on that team were Brownie in Lake Wilcox Pack Harry Turriff, Peter Benton who sells the most boxes. The Rickey May-hew and Daryle. winner will be announced as The team known as the Devi: soon as all the money 15 ln. and Days won the_¢h_ax_nrplonshl; A mm will be shown by the Department of Lands and For- ests and the musical portion of the evening will be handled by Mrs. Bostlund and Dr. J. N. Emerson. who. with his guitar, has been invited back. Well Baby Clinic Lake Wilcox Pack is still look- lng for another assistant. If any- one is interested please call Mrs. Eleanor Charuk at PR. 3- 5854. Now that the weather is get- ting nice, Brownies would like to hold more outings, but this is impossible with only two to hold more outings, but this For the Midgets, the team is impossible with only two sponsored by Niepage Construc- leaders. This was made quite tion Company came out victori- clear on the picnic last Septem- ous. On that team were such ber. Due to an accident to a local headliners as Barry Bing- Brownle, one of the leaders had hem, Paul Fuller. Abbie Barns- to take her to the doctor and dale, Dave Fuller, Bill Stone- then home. I! one of the mot- ham, Bill Cosgrove, Pat Taylor, hers had not volunteered to go Franz Don, John Payne, goal- along for the day. this would tender; Gord Rowe, Brian Hor- have left the other leader alone ton. Dave Mayhew and Bobby at Pioneer Village with about Gibbons. thirty girls, far too many to look In memory of Ross Irwine, after by herself. formerly of Elmgrove Avenue. Cub and Scout Capers who played_ as a goal-temier The annual York Summit Cub and Scout hobby show was held last Saturday and many of the Cubs and Scouts from the local pack and troup submitted en- tries. Mothers’ Auxiliary Mothers’ Auxiliary for Cubs, Scouts, Brownies and Guides will hold its next meeting May 17th at the home of Mrs. Doris Smith, South Road, Lake Wil- cox. At that time they hope to finalize plans for the garden party to be held on the grounds of St. Mark's Anglican Chapel, May 30flh. At present all ladies are making handicrafts for the sale. The auxiliary offers a $2.00 bonus to the wt) or brownie pack, guide company or scout troup with the best representa- tion of mothers in attendance at filxese meetings. Legion News .a month in the Lake Wilcox â€"- Oak Ridges area. On the second Tuesday of each month, a team of registered nurses and a doc- tor set up clinic at St. Paul’s United Ohu-rcth. The next clinic will be held May 10th, at 1:30 At a recent meeting of the United Church Women of St. Paul's Uni-ted Church, guest speaker was Rev. John Morris, formerly of Aurora, now of Timothy Eaton Memorial Church, Toronto. Anyone may donate rummage by contacting Mrs. Irene Blyth rat PR. 3-5241 or Mrs. Helen 13am; at PR. 3.5493. The civil defence course which was to be held in Rich- mond Hill during June, has been post-poned un-til fall. All residents from Oak Ridges and Lake Wilcox are invited to take part. S. E. Harris, dhief rescue officer, TU. 4-4160, or Miss Ei- leen MoLow, TU. 4-4772, will supply additional information on the course. This year for the first time, Aurora Minor Hockey Associa- tion gave players of the Peewee, Midge/c and Bantam teams a banquet held at Greystones Restaurant in Aurora. Oak Rid- ges and Lake Wilcox were re- presented on all fibree teams and brought many of the awards back to our district. It was recently announced that Mr. L. Gledlhill had won a car as a result of the “break- up” contest on Lake Wilcox held by the legion. This was not the case. Mr. Gledhill was awirdeq a cash prize. The final meeting of the sea- son focr the Oak Ridges Home and School Association will be held in the school auditorium, May 7th. A social evening has been planned and business is to be kept to the minimum. 5 Funther information may be obtained at PA. 7-9441. St. Paul's United Church At present ladies are busy with their latest project, a rum- mage sale, which is to be held May 5th in the church base- ment, beginning at 1 pm. Civif Defence Three local women. Mrs. Rita Szeler, Mrs. Helen Shaw and Mrs. Eleanor Charuk, have been taking a Red Cross first aid course during the past two months. Final examinations were held last night. Presenta- tion of certificates will take place in the near future. Aurora Minor Hockey Association Jecfif Lavigne of Bond Avenue. Oak Ridges won the Peewee tro- pby for highest scorer, whfie Ron Lahey of Lake Wilcox The lasteet venture of the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 570, was a hockey pool. The winner was J. Goodings, 2 Con- n-augIh-t Clncle. Toronto, who had the time of the winning goal, 14 minutes and 14 seconds of the third period in the final Stanley Cup game in Chicago. Mr. Good- ings won $250.00. gm. 4-1812 AV. 5-1812’: AT ALL HOURS 4 Home and School York County Health Unit holds “a we); baby clinic once 3% We Deliver ;. Toronto 8: Surrounding 1 IK‘m“tn“61‘A”m"ox'm'm‘fié’lé'AVAVAVAVAVAVR’A’AW‘A RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE “Flowers For Occasions” Phones RICE’S FLOWERS Oak Ridges, Lake Wilcox Socials Districts All In the Peewee league, the team sponsored by Sy's Restaur- ant won the championship. The local boys on that team were Rickey Mayhew and Daryle. i The winning team was the The team known as the Davisscrappers with bowlers Max-j and 1383's won the championship Smith, A1 Robinson, Lil Butler. in the Bantam division. Boys Robbie Cook, and Dennis Co!- from Oak Ridges and Lake Wil- iins. cox on that team were Wally About People Laflgne captain. Chuck Beckett. Betty-Jean Hagen, well known Bob Orton, Teddy Rowe, David international concert violinist. Hughey, Spence 'Na-tale; Bruce Emerson and Gord Norwood. Each player with a crest. Bowling League In memory of Ross Irwine, formerly of Elmgrove Avenue. who played as a goal-tender on one of the teams until his death recently, merchants of Oak Ridges donated a trophy for the best goal-tender in the league. It will be known as the Ross Irwine Memorial Trophy, and goalies will compete for it for the first time next year. Bob Kenunoway, .on behalf of the local merchants, presented the trophy to Bert Graves, president act the Aurora Minor Hockey Association. Another Bowling League in the Oak Ridges â€" Latke Wilcox Area has completed its season and has made its results public. The Oak â€" Lake Bowling Lea- gue ‘held its annual banquet at Country Acres, Newmarket, April 27th at which time tro- phies were awarded '0 head- liners. Registered Cattle 1. 10. ll. 12. 13. 14. 15. Lilly Bond Haven lnlra, No. 1 1416951. Calved April 10/ 58 by Bond Haven Deslgn- 1 bred Mar. 18/62 to Locust Lodge Scepter 1 lMasil Pietje Re-Echo, No. 1 1327753. Calved Mar. 8/57 by Romandavle Re-Echo 1 Monarch - bred August 19, 1961 to Kenevelyn Model Ranger 1 . Margaret Lonelm Alcartra, No. 1326029. Calved Feb. 5/ 5'7 by Lonelm Texal Som- 1 erset - bred Nov. 6/61 to 1 Locust Lodge Scepter 1 Marlex Hazel Browview. 1 No. 1531982. Calved Sept. 27/59 by Brow-view Pabst Realization - open - valved Feb..27/62 Cedar Mills Sovereign Cora, No. 1362178. Calved Aug. 1 4/57 by Selling Sovereign 1 Achilles bred Mar. 3/62 to 1 Kenevelyn Model Ranger Marlex Ida Bond Haven, No. 1485766. Calved March 1 20/59 by Bond Haven De- 1 sign - bred Mar. 27/62 to Pabst Reamer Admin 1 Danleen Romandale Sov. No. 1407214. Calved M-ar.1 11/58 Iby Romandale Star- bright - bred Dec. 2/61 to Peel Lodge Reflection Sue-i cessor Maggie Hawkherst Pietje, 1 No. 1399793. Calved Feb. 7, 1 1958 by Hawkherst Reflec- 1 tion Sovereign - bred Sept. 1 20, 1961, to Locust Lodge Scepter 1 Calgar Edith Royal, No. 1299351. Calved Aug. 30/56 1 by Clyde Hill Royal Elsie Lad - bred March 3/62 to 1 Kenevelyn Model Ranger iMarlex Rag Apple Victoria, No. 1494543. Calved Mar. 29/59 by Bond Haven Rag 1 Apple CMaple - bred Jan. 1 14/62 to Kenevelyn Model Ranger 1 Miss Rag Apple Fond Hope, .No. 1313464. Calved May 1 1 Implement. 3-point hitch Scraper, with wheel Bale Elevator (Males) Graham Plough, 8-point hitch 3-point hitch Spring Tooth Cultivator 3-point hitch One-Way Disc, new. Massey-Ferwon, with 6 inch plates 3-point 7 ft. Ferguson Mower, power 3-point Side Delivery Rake Tractor Snow Scoop ' Wagon on rubber and rack 3-s-ection Drag Han-om, com- plete Girl's Bicycle. good condition All this equipment in first class condition Fanning Mill, Clhatham Set of Scales, 230 lbs. Set of Platform Scales, 2,000 lbs. M-H Manure Spreader Cockshutt Feed Grinder. 10% in. plate Bulk Tank Cooler, 1,600 lbl. cap., DeLaval 2-Unit Milking Machine, De- Laval Land Roller 1 Set of Sleigh: 6" Drive Belt, 100 feet Dump Rake Stewart Electric Clipper Cement Mixer Stewart Sheep Shearer. elec- tric, good Gas Engine, 0 h.p., Fairbka Morse McCormick - Deering Tractor, Formall M Fleury-Bissell Double Disc 1 Set Case Spring Tooth Har- rows, 3 sections 1 M-H 3-turrow Plough Mâ€"H One Way Disc. 9 plate Set 4-Section Drag Barrows, heavy Set 4-Sectrion Drag Barrows, light Fertilizer Spreader 25/56 by Hillandale Fond 1 McCormick Mower, 5 it. cut Hope Fobes - bred April 5, 1 1962 to Orclurd Vale ABC 1 Reflection 1 Marie): Inka No.1548946. Calved Jan. Case .Side Delivery Rake M-H Hay Loader M-H Binder, 7 it. cut sm- Marle, i M-H Spring Tooth Cultivator, 1 340mb 12/60 by Romandale Star- 2 Wandng P10118118 bright - bred Dec. 23/61 to 1 Orchard Vale ABC Reflec- 1 etion . , 1 Marlex Ruth, No. 1569957. Calved Mar. 25/60 by Pabst 1 Walker Ollie - bred Oct. 1 11/61, Apple Dan Marlex Hilda, No. 1569958.1 Calved March 18/60 by 1 Browns Belldina Annon -1 Potato Plough Corn Cultivator Manure Spreader, New Ideal with PTO Baler. Oliver, 1961 - 62T Bale Elevator, 32 feet, Mulkey, to Edgeware Rag with heavy wiring with 1 11.)). motor Deering 13 Disc Drill Rubber Tired Wagon Steel Wheel Wagon bred Dec. 17/61 to Kenev- 2 118}? RaCkS elyn Model Ranger 1 Marlex lnka May, No. 157- 1 4298. Calved April 13/60 by 1 Rosafe Johnathon - bred 1 Dec. 3/61 to Locust Lodge Scepter 1 Light Wagon 1 Cutter 300 Chick Electric Broader Brooder House ‘ George White Threshing Maw chine 24" x 42” ‘ Wagon Box. Speight 16. Marlex lnka Violet, No. 162- Bay and Straw 9939. Calved Nov. 7/60 by Quantity of Baled Straw Peel Lodge Reflection Suc- Quantity of Baled Hay 17. 18. cessor Marlex Rag Apple JaniceJl No. 1658116. Calved April 1 14/61 by Kenevelyn Model Ranger 1 Marlex Texal Patsy Bell, 1 No. 1684471. Calved July 1 13/61 by Thomlea Texal 1 Supreme Furniture Electric Range, 24”, Florence GE Refrigerator, good condi- tion White Enamel Bake Cabinet Hall Seat Churn Sausage Grinder and Stutter Quantity at Bedroom Furniture Terms: Cash. N o reserve. Farm Sold. Sale 1 p.111. D.S.T. Gordon Orr, Jack Walkington, Clerks ALVIN S. FARMER, Auctioneer Phone Gormley 5311 FARM STOCK and IMPLEMENTS 18 HEAD OF REGISTERED, VACCINATED a; TB TESTED HOLSTEIN CATTLE â€" Team Work Horses, 2 Tractors, IHC Farmall, Threshing Machine, Manure Spreader, Hay Baler, Full Line of Farm Implements, Bulk Milk Tank, 2 Unit Milking Machine, Household Furniture The property of Alex Bishop LOT 21, CON. 5, VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP Corner of 400 Highway and Maple Road SATURDAY, MAY 12 was presented AUCTION SALE has been competing in the Tchaikovsky International Vio- lin Competitions in Moscow. She placed seventh in the finals that saw Soviet vlolinists‘ take six of the first eight places Well known in Canada. having been a soloist with the Toronto Symphony Orchestra, she ap- peared before Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip at a command perform- ance in Vancouver during the ‘royal couple’s last visit to Can- ada. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Hagen. live on Aubrey Ave- inue in Oak Ridges. THE LIBERAL, Richmond HillLOntario, Thursday, May 8, 1962 Mrs. Rolland Graham of the Souflh Road, reports that her niece, eight year old Mildred Graham of Richmond Hill, seri- ously burned several weeks ago is making a slow and painful recovery. Due to extensive skin- V 7“â€" - _., Visiting at the home of Mr. she comracted flu'. m; I and" Mrs. Frank Killick, Bay- Mrs. Rolland Graham of ' view Avenue. during the Easter South Road, has been fe 7 week were Mrs. Klllick’s father. under the weather the last f'e' Charlie Payton of Toronto. and days with a cold and theta 165 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill AV. 5-, water heater ONLY MONTHLY * (9m oxfra) SERVICE ' MAINTENANCE ; INSTALLATION "::::.2:°.::::;;°;;I::: wifih an aummafcfis natural 9a rental ’@onsumers’@a§ 59-“ at the same For particular: and contract, see your local Natural Gas Appliance Dealer, Plumber, Heating Contractor or consult any office of costs 25% less than any flat rate system (baud among- m) 3 times faster No interruption in :upply Modern, gleaming blue enamel tank Capacity 25 Imp. gal. Re-heat: in an hour I Adiustable thermostat FREE installation of gas service up to 50 feet from street lino Meter supplied and installed fro. FAR MORE HOT WATER Mrs. Vinnie Corrigan, hér'i from Detroit. At the end week they went to the ‘h'_ of the third sister, Mrsgfi Flynn of Richmond Hill. Mrs. Samuels, grandmotf of Mrs. Fred Scaife, span " few days last week with: grand-daughter at her homu- Woodlands Park. While fl she contracted flu'. .‘5' Mrs. Rolland Graham 01 South Road, has been feel!" under the weather the last f'e‘

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