MATTRESS. 48" wide. playpen, baby stroller. baby car-hed, baby crib and dresser set. TU. 4-3173 c1w44 LLOYD baby carriage, playpen and bassinet. AL. 7-1202 c1w44 4 HANDflmowers, 2 power mow- ers. reasonable. Bob Sanders 121 Richmond St. *2w44 FRIGIDAIRE 6 cu. ft. refriger- ator, apartment size $49.95. J. Fox and Son, Stop 24 Yonge St. Richvale. TU. 4-1610 c1w44 WSHING’machine. 13 months old, automatic pumrp etc. Excel~ lent condition. $55. 884-3659 c1w44 ALUMINUM Canopy 6% ft. wide by 20 ft. long. Cost $18 per ft. sacrifice for $5 per f-t. TU. 4-1853 c1w44 SEED and table potatoes. C. Mashinter. TU. 4-2549 tfc44 BOY'S spbi-E" bicycle $20.00, good condition. AV. 5-2279 _ bed size, good coxidltion $10.00 AV. 5-4335 c1w44 POTATOES fox-"gale. Apply to Forest Jones RR. 2 Méblé or AL. 7-8915 *2W44 10,000 BALESisu-aw. 200 tons hay, 200 tons feed oats. Will deliver. AV. 5-2236. TU. 4-2236. tfc19 USED Bicycles and Trikes for sale and repaired, reasonable. Pick-up and delivery. AV. 5- 5979. tfc40 McDOUGALL deep well pump SAHP. motor complete with tanks and controls. $125.00 AV. 5-3714 c1w44 2 SQUARE of red Insul-Bribk “56d. AV. 5-2842 *1w44 9’x12' WALL Tenfwlth 2' walls $20.00 884-4739 c1354 22' CYPRESS HULL. 5100. AV. 5-5762 « c3w44 SPRING and MEttress. double 425 bales oat straw. APPLY Frank Baxter, AV. 5- 5036. *2w43 GOOD used furniture for sale. Call Frank’s Maven and Stor- age. 28 Industrial Rd.. TU. 4- 2613. tfc3 LEONARD 11 cu. ft. refrigerat- or. across the top freezer, new unit, 1 year guarantee $95. J. Fox and Son. Stop 24 Yonge St.. Richvale TU. 4-1610 c1w44 COW MANURE and peat loam, ï¬nest quality. Small load $5.00. large load $15.00. Call collect TU. 4-2538 or PR. 3-5922. tfc39 TENT, high side wall, 10'x12', awning screened windows and door, double flaps, sleeps 5, with gear. Like new, only used a few times. TU. 4-3493 c1w44 ONE WALNUT 'bed. flat spring, and spring filled mattress, used only $18.50. Mattress alone is worth twice the price. Powell Discount Furniture, 85 Yonge Street North. TU. 4-2922 c1w44 STUDIO couch converts to bed. $30.00; wood kitchen set. table 4 chairs and cabinet $35.00; G.E. refrigerator $35.00. All in ex- cellent condition. TU. 4-2572 c1w44 All popular makes for sale in- cluding new and “ebuilt stand- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FOR, SPORTING GOODS u'd portable and electric mod- Excellent location for bicycle els. Special rental rates avall- P and sporting goods. No compet- able to students. ltion. Vacant store at 7586 Yonge L. H. SIMS Street. Thornhill in proven suc- 88 Baker Ave. LAYING hens for sale. Also cessful business block. Close to Richmond Hill TU. #1745 poultry equipment. AV. 5-2842. four schools. Call Mr. McLean “C49 c1w44 AV. 5-1176 clw44 TONIGHT SEE and hear in your own home â€" European and Canadian FM, HI-FI. STEREO radio re- corders in handâ€"crafted, custom- ï¬nished furniture. Graetz. Kor- ting. Lowe-Opta. Nordmende. etc. Your credit ls good, $1.00 down delivers. HERRIDGE ELECTRIC TV Appliance, sales. repairs. parts. 40 Levendale TU. 4-3211. BEAUTYREST, Marshall. Sim- mans, Serta, Seely and other spring mattresses repaired, re- turned just like new, medium ï¬rm, extra firm. Two-day ser- vice, Eiderdowns recovered. On- tario Bedding Co. AV. 5-1591. CHAIN LINK FENCE 42" high. No. 13 gauge, $17. per 100 ft. roll, No. 11 gauge. 42" high $25. per 100 ft. roll. 6 ft. steel posts $1. each. 7 ft. steel posts $1.15 each, 5" cedar posts peeled '10 cents each. also full line of farm fence and gates in stock. Apply Norman Bone. Phone TU. 4-1443 tfc44 DRY BASEMENT INSURANCE - there's only one positive short term policy - a dehumidiï¬er. Buy it or rent it from - HERRIDGE ELECTRIC T.V. Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in- cluding new and rebuilt stand- ard portable and electric mod- els. Special rental rates avail- able to students. Appliances. Sales. Repairs. Parts, Rentals, 40 Levendale Rd. TU. 4-3211 FRIGIDAIRE FRIG. $75.00 MOFFAT STOVE $75.00 0R BOTH 435.00 TU. 4-3388 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES. lst Insertion 50 each word. min. charge 750 Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged. 5c per word. min. charge . . . . . . 650 FOR Box NUMBERS an extra charge per Insertion of 500 COMING EVENT NOTICE: 50 per word: mln. charge 750 CARDS OF THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES. BIRTHS, per Insertion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 Classiï¬ed advertisements should be In as early In the week as possible m not later than 10 mm. on Wedneedln. Send ads by mail and enclose payment, or telephone TU. 4-1105 and you will receive invoice. TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES ARTICLES FOR SALE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, May 3, 1962 c1w44 c1w44 c2w43 tic-14 tfc39 HANDCRAFTED Iéét-her goods for sale Saturday mornings at Farmers' Market, Thornhill. T.V. ADMIRAL 17†table model $39.95. J. Fox and Son, Stop 24 Yonge St., Rlchva‘le. TU. 4- 1610 c1w44 LEONARD flrlg and electric range. Both immaculate. Pack- age deal for $350. Available by May 25th. Phone after 6. TU. 4-4226. ‘ c1w44 Johnson. Good condition. AV. 5-2838. CIW44 BARGAIN - Rug 9’ x 12', green wool and nylon broadloom, used four months, $70.00. TU. 4-7463. 4-BURNER propane gas stove, suitable for summer cottage. Phone TU. 4-3374 or Gormley 5217. . c1w44 CHESTERFIELDS recovered‘ and re-built. Your old suite like‘ ‘new, at a reasonable price. Easy ‘terms. Free estimates. Murray Upholstery, AV. 5-4767. tfc39 STOVE sized sLEbwood and fire- place chunks. Phone Stouffville 204w1 c1w44 3-PIECE boékcase bedroom suite, $40.00, also Easy washer, $40.00. TU. 4-7185. c1w44 VOLKSWAGEN trailer ’ hitch, used once, $10.00 TU. 4-3092: NORGE refrigerator, new unit, excellent condition. reasonable. TU. 4-7197. clw44 cultivator and $45.00. AV. 5-4250 OUTBOARDiimotor, 25 H3 T.V. 21" Electrohome console with casters. new picture tube. reconditioned. $75. J. Fox and Son, Stop 24 Yonge St, Richvale TU. 4-1610 c1w44 LLOYD Baby Carriage. Phone TU. 4-2273. wscnc ONE CHINA Cabinet $15., one buffet $10. TU. 4-3786 c1w44 after 4:30 p.m‘ HEAVY DUTY rangette, w-lth automatically controlled oven and timer, in good condition, reasonably priced. PR. 3-5062. c1w44 GAS space heater, automatic controls. heats 6-7 rooms. Can be changed to propane gas. Dresser and washing machine. Phone after 5. TU. 4-4678. c1w44 WEDDING DRESS, size 12. 884- 1484. c1w44 WATERLOO garden ttjactqr, 1957 5730 priced, can ‘be ï¬nahced. TU 7813 C1! 1956 RAMBLER sedan, best offer. 884-3280 clw-H 1955 FORD, Cus'tomline, good condition. TU. 4-5649 c1w44 good condition. gooa tires; brakes $735.00 TU. 4-1636 I"1W44 radio with back speziker.r$875.56 AV. 5-4236 *1w44 1957 extras. Like new. Must ï¬ell. AV. 5-4401. c1w44 ed, 30,000 miles, nk'e n’ew‘zCBést offer. Joe Goodier. AV. 5-1174 *1w44 FINANCE Company sacriï¬ces for a small balance owing, no down payment required. ‘57 Dodge 2 door, '53 Cadillac Coupe de Ville. AV. 5-5411 c1w44 1958_ AUSTIN Cambridge sedan 1953 QHEYRQLET,_ hardtop 19_56 SUPER__Bï¬igIg, all power- 1955 INTERNATIONAL station wagon (passenger truck). Good condition. reasonable. Phone TU. 74-7962 after 6 pm. c1w44 1960 FRONTENAC sedan with radio and heater. like new. Must be sold as owner leaving town. Small down payment and take over payments. Phone PR. 3- 5400. c1w44 GOOD USED CARS l 1959 Riley Sports Sedan, blue} reconditioned. . . . . . . . . $995 1959 Vauxhall Super. red, very clean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $995 1959 Austin, A55. tu-tone. one owner, 21,000 miles .. $975 1960 Austin A55, Mk. II. recon- ditioned, one owner, 20,000 original miles . . . . . . . . $1250 Many others to choose from. SHELTON-MANSELL MOTORS LTD. 7010 Yonge at Steeles Willowdale Austin - Morris - M.G. - Austin- Healey - T. VR AV. 5-4925~6-7 1961 ANGLIA deluxe, many 1956 BUICK. 4 door hardtop. power brakes and steering. au- tomatic transmission, radio. 4 new whitewall tires. Excellent condition. Sacriï¬ce. Phone AV. 5-4209 after 6 pm. c1w44 USED CARS RENAULT s17'5ToTPRI 3i BUICK sedlah, V Y‘easonably FOR SALE (Continued) snow-plough. c1w44 . 1.00 *2w44 c1w44 c1w44 clw44 clw44 tfc44 H1 FURNISHED bedroom in pri- lva-te home. 235-2243. tfc42 FURNISHED ROOMS for rent. 257-2522. tfc34 LARGE housekeeping room, Arnold. near Yonge. Parking or garage to rent. References re- quired. TU. 4-1777. . tfc43 f FURNISHED bedroomsIRich. mond Him location TU. 4-2737 c1w44 4 ROOM basement apartment. Richmond Hill area. TU. 4-2737. c1w44 FURNISHED room for rent, bath. Business couple preferred. AV. 5-1890 c1w44 LARGE bed-sitting-room heat- ed and furnished. Equipped light housekeeping, suit 2, 88+ 2196 tfc43 3 ROOMED cottage and garage, large lot, on Elizabeth Street. Vacant May 15. $60 monthly. Phone TU. 4â€"1443 c1w44 3 ROOM apartment. with baLh and separate entrance. Private parking. AV. 5-1321, AV 5- 3761. *1w44 LOVELY Room in quiet home. All conveniences. Central. Quiet business or professional person. TU. 4-5446 after 11 am. c1w44 ï¬EPAIR garage and equipment to rent. AV. 5-5205. tfc41 AURORA. 3-room apartment board optional. Phone TU. 44 4305. after 6.00 pm. c1w44 apartment, near Yonge Street. Adults only. AV. 5-5233 tfc43 2 BEDROOM apartment. Priv- ate entrance. Parking. Close to Yonge Street. TU. 4-1189 c1w44 ï¬TCHENE’I‘TE, living-room and bedroom. unfurnished, pri- vate and quiet, call after 6 pm. TU. 4-3471. *1w42 TOOLS FOR RENT Floor sanders, saws and drills. Hand sanders, jig-saws and nail drivers. AV. 5-1109. tfc21 MAPLE, ranch house, 3 bed- rooms, family room, 2 fireplaces large lot with patio, $155.00 AL. 7-2471. c1w44 conveniences. $60. PA. 7-9488 or PA. 7-5046. tfc43 SELF-CONTAINED 3 - room 3 UNFURNISHED rooms and QUIET yroruhfg’ man will_ sharg 6 Bar}: Eons; with couple and one child. Write Box 119 “The Liberal.†clw4-4 4 ROOMED apartment, 131 Richmond St.. two adults only (garage), $85 a month. Apply Arthur Leech, 120 Richmond Street, phone TU. 4-5668. c2w43 2 BEDROOM BEï¬-élalow apart- ment. Basement and garage. One block from Yonge Street 6n Wright. Adults 01113;. TU. 4- 1828 c3w44 UNFU'RNISIâ€"EED basement apar- tment, 3 rooms and bath, priv- ate entrance. Business couple preferred. Abstainem TU. 4- 3218 clw44 LARGE furnished room on sec- ond floor, kitchenette, parking. suit business person. Langstaff near Yonge. AV. 5-4190. $65.00 MONTHLY, June to Nov- ember, 3 room furnished, self- con-tained flat. Private entrance, garage. Phone AL. 7-1109 ‘Maple. c1w44 17 acres alfalfa hay, 60 acres pasture, good water supply and fences. located on 3rd Conces- sion, just south of Snowball Corners, King Township. Apply Frank Baxter, AV. 5-5036. 2 BEDROOM modern apart- ment, soft water, fully equipped kitchen. parking. Apply Super- intendent, 50 Benson Ave., Richmond Hill, phone TU. 4- 7518. tfc36 RICHMOND HILL, Yongc St.. 3 bedroom house, living room with fireplace. good sized kit- chen and dining room, 2 car garage. Near schools, shopping, transportation. Apply Box 459, Thomhill. c1w44 BEAUTIFUL spacious store, 54 Yonge St. South. Possession May 1st. Suitable for any kind of business or oflice. Call RU. 3-6229. c4w41 $79 MONTHLY. apartment, 3 rooms and bath, equipped kit- chen. Business couple. Also com- fortable furnished apartment. Aurora PA. 7-5597. tfc43 FURNISHED ROOM to share with young man, reasonable. cooking facilities, parking. Ap- ply 16 Lorne, lst house east of Clark’s Drug Store at Yon‘ge. *2w44 WEST OF YONGE Split level bungalow, 3 bed- rooms, 2 bathrooms and recre- ation room. Vacant. TU. 4-2735. c2w42 TOOLS T0 RENT Cement mixers, floor sanders and edgers. ramset guns. roto- tillexs, rotovators, also 500 other tools. Willowdale Rental & Sales. 6026 Yonge St., BA. 1- 1711. tfc42 RICHMOND HILL RENTALS 3 and 4 bedroom homes, from $90 a month. A large selection available. Call AV. 5-1951 Charles Marple Real Estate tfc37 PORTABLE TELEVISION Rent a portable TV Reasonable weekly or monthly rates. Delivery and Pick-Up Richmond Hill TV, 34 Yonge S. TU. 4-7456 AV. 5-3756 tfc28 Tr RENT c21w43 *2w43 2 ATTRACTIVE rooms, suit 2 gentlemen, board optional. Phone TU. 4-3588. c1w44 EXPERIENCED woman will give day care to one or two children over 3 years. Fenced yard. hot meals. AV. 5~5623. MAN would like odd jobs, gar- dening, lawns or carpenter re- pairs or what have you. 16 Yonge St. South, Richmond Hill. Phone TU. 4-1854. Ernest ONE BEDROOM apartment in private home. reasonable rent. Business couple preferred. TU. 4-4923, after 5 pm. c1w44 THREE rooms and kitchen. heated. stove, refrigerator avail- able. 52 Yonge St, 5.. Richmond Hill, $75 monthly. Cal] RU 3- ‘6229. c4w4l 11/2 STOREY HOUSE. all con- veniences, available May 15. Maple AL. 7â€"2206. c1w44 BRIGHT bed-sitting room with kitchenette, private bathroom, separate entrance. large stomge space, parking, $13.00 weekly. Furniture optional. TU. 4-5953. MAN wiï¬hi heavy trick wants moving jobs. Réasonable. 884- 7786. c1w44 tlons. Mrs. MacDonald. TOT;- 5057. tfc21 YOUNG MEN, 16-19. looking for work. Anything considered. Can you help us. Call Salva- tion Army. AV. 5-5126. tfc52 Reynolds FURNISHED bed-sitting room, with fully equipped kitchen. parking. Apply 16 Lorne. lst house east of Clark’s Drug Store at Yonge. *2w44 SMALL FURNISHED cottage, near Yonge St. and Richmond Hill bus, garden, Suit pension couple, abstainers, reasonable. TU. 4-2868 or Box 122 The Lib- eral. ‘ *1w44 WEEK-END CARE given to children any age. 8844484. OFFICE transferred, married man seeks permanent position. Good training in costing, pric- inlg, purchasing. Reliable, hard working. Box 124 The Liberal. DRESSMAKIFG and alterâ€"a- RELIABLE senior high school boy will babysit in Richmond Hill, Aurora, Maple and King area. Has own transportation and can cook. Phone after 6 pm. Temple 3-6633 c1w44 Large and small, estates, com-g mercial and industrial property and holdings. For your com- plete and accurate estimated value, please call Mr. Pugh. BA. 5-8828, Residence TU. 4- 3624. JOHN TRACY LTD. REALTOR HOUSES wanted for sale or to rent. Call AV. 5-2951. T. Murâ€" fly Real Estate. tfc15 SMALL HOME within 20 miles of downtown Toronto, will buy or rent. Private. Write Box No. 120 The Liberal. c1w44 FARMS, small acreages and homes In Vaughan, Markham and King Townships. We have waiting buyers for property in these areas. W. J. Mulholland Real Estate Broker, 1437 Yonge St. WA. 4-4881 PROPERTIES WANTED We are nearly sold out of prop- erties, houses, lots, acreage, farms, businesses, gas stations. Buyers waiting, some with cash. others with good down pay- ment. Prompt efficient service Nine salesmen to serve you. 25 years Real Estate experience 5587 Yonge Street. Willowdale tfc42 MONEY TO LOAN HERB SILLS LTD. Members of Toronto Real Es- tate Board AT. 8-1143 Woodbridge R0. 9-4901 SOLD! SOLD! SOLD! EMPLOYMENT WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED XXX X XXX XXX URGENTLY REQUIRED HOMES PRESCRIPTION FOR PAYING BILLS PAY '55! OFF WITH A LOW-COST. LIFE-INSURED xxxx xxxx TO RENT IHE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA XXX XXX (Continued) ii'x'xxx'i? XXXXX‘ XX XX ‘ XX XX X XXX xxxxxx xxxxxxx LOAN n03w44 c1w44 *2w44 c1w44 c1w44 tfc36 tfclo PAINTING paper-hanging. Free estimates. Colour samples. A. Rollinson. TE. 3-6671. tic15 BABY PICTURES try the friendly Lagerquist Stu~ dio with the know how. TU. (- 2791. m3 FRANK’S WELL DRILLING Pump installed and serviced. Frank Genitz, R. R. 2 Aurora. PA. 7-5272. tchO SAND AND GRKVEL. crushed MISCELLANEOUS MASONRY CONTRACTOR Stonework, Fireplace, etc. V. Ostergaard 148 Yonge St. 3.. Richmond Hill. phone TU. ‘- 5688. t1c23 stone, loam and fill. E. Charity, Richmond Hill. TU. +1701. DANCE MUSIC Reasonable rates, courteous ser- vice. TU. 4-7287. tfc36 ROTOVATING Custom rotovating. aerating lawn and garden maintenance Tom Mashinter. TU. 4-1170. CHIMNEYS Chlmneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert work- manship. Phone Walker and Mitchell, AV. 5-2526. tfc15 CARPENTRY, kitchen cabinets, built-ins. arborite, floor and ceiling tile, done with guaran- tee, lowest prices. 884-7625. nc41 E. W. PAYNE Drains septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 285-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting, paper-hanging, inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. TU. 4-7922. t C31 CARPENTRY WORK. additions. renovations, garages, recreation rooms. tile floors. No. job :00 small. Free estimates. T. Price. ‘AV. 5-3653. ucza KING CITY WELL DRILLING CO. LTD. Pump equipment installed and serviced. George Adams. Box 192 King City. Phone King TE. 3-6321. tfcla CALL US for your sand, gravel, fill, top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple, ALpine 7-8876. tfc'l CONCRETE - MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRAC‘WRS Building, alterations 8.: repairs, prompt service WALKER & MITCHELL AV. 5-2526 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Commercial and Domestic. new installations and additions. Guaranteed repairs to household appliances. Hydraid Scientiï¬c & Technical Co., Ltd., 23 Markham Road, Richmond Hill 285-2564 CARPENTRY - DECORATING PAINTING Recreation rooms, etc. Large or small jobs. Prompt service. Webb & Ennor. AV 5-2546. DREgS‘ALTERATIONS ’“|Leaf and-Root<feeding of lawns First class work (:u-olyn Buwaverage lawn single feeding, gent. 9013 Yonge St, at Rich- $7.00; a full series of feedings, va1e_ Av_ 5.1591. the $16.00; also hedges and shrubs HM 'fed. lawns sprayed for weeds PAINTER & DECORATOR ’ For good prices see our show- §5'50 for average Iawn' N01: a room. Wallpapers, drapes. etc.- fly'by 'mght' artist Phone Han-v Rarunnf '3an Vnnan .Qf Maple! 257-2327, after 5 p‘m‘ For good prices see our show- room. Wallpapers, drapes. etc.- Harry Bargent. 9018 Yonge St., Richvale. AV. 5-1591. tch MOVING 8: STORAGE Frank's Moving & Cartage, packing and storage. Experienc- ed service anytime. Pickup and! delivery. Good rates. TU. H 2613, AV. 5-5101. tich; CUSTOM CARPENTRY Kitchens remodelled. bedroom and bathroom vanities, stereo, hi-ï¬, china cabinets. Free estim- ates. Morris Harrison, TU. 4- 2838. tfc15 TREES ARE OUR BUSINESS RICHMOND HILL TREE SERVICE AND FORESTRY COMPANY RICHMOND HILL OWNED AND OPERATED BY HAROLD VAN DYKE TELEPHONE 884-7774 Free Advice UPEOLSTERY onto 12. tfc41 Recovering and repairing of any kind of furniture. Experienced on Scandinavian furniture. Free': estimates. Reasonable prices! Call anytime. TU. 4-4813 resiâ€" GREEN budgie, answers to deuce, business, AV. 5-5345. Pixie, in Richmond Hill. TU. 4- tfc44 2323. clw44 Est. 1946 Call us for stem and hl-fl Keep Your Wedding Fresh Forever PAINTING & PAPER HANGING R. E. Dunn. TU. 4-2793 PLUMBING - HEATING A. MILLS 83 SON LTD PLANNING A DANCE? CHILD STUDIES A SPECIALTY LAGERQUIST STUDIO Candid - Studio - or Both LAGERQUIST STUDIO Beautiful Photographs James D. Stewart TU. 4-2201 No Extra Charge TU. 4-2'191 BRIDES Free Estimates Lfc2 TU. 4-2791 c1w44 tfc41 tfc43 tfc3 tics 1ch t£c3 CUSTO’M’ Rototimng, PR. 3- 5796, after 5 pm. *4w44 GARDENS Rototilled, lawns. rolled. TU. 4â€"2838 02w44 CARPENTRY. kitchen cabinets, rec. rooms, arborite work. a1- terations. 884-7625. *2w44 PLOWING, discing. ï¬nal gljgd- ing and séeding. Ewns feftiliz- ed and rolled TU. 4-1538. tfc43 PAINTING and decorating, new work a specialty. For estimates cal] AV. 5-4685 c1w44 CATERING toi factories and homes on construction. Phone 884-5523. Richmond Hill. c1w44 BOB’S SODDING Rototillin‘g and sod‘ding, free estimates. TU. 4-2677. c1w44 EXPERIENCED GARDENER Landscaping, garden mainten- ance, lawns cut. seeded or sod- ded. H. Sorensen, 884-5838. Call evenings. tfc43 MISCELLANEOUS SEPTIC tanks pumped. 24 hour service. C. Burns. PR. 3-5085 Gardens and lawns. free estim- ates. AV. 5-2850 tfc44 gardens. H. Mathewson, Maple. AL. 7-1584. *8W44 DECORATING Interior, Exterior, Experienced decorator. Lawrence Ouellette. TU. 4-5557 after 4 pm. c4w43 EXCAVATING Drains, septic tanks, water mains, concrete work, trench~ ing. AV. 5-2096. c2w44 SPECIAL Chesterfield sets recovered â€"- 2 piece $69.00. Nylon freize $99. 5 years guarantee. Terms 1! de- sired. A. Smith. Upholstery. phone AV. 5-1682. Kc“ Discing. rotovatlng and mowing. H. Redman_ TU. 4-3045. tfc42 CUSTOM Rototilling, lawns and DRESSIMAKING and alterations expertly done‘ Mrs. J. Shields. 473 Lynett Crescent, Richmond Hill. Call for appointment. REPAIRS Lawn mowers, garden tractors, all equipment, etc. Lawn mower sharpening on latest model ma- chine. Open until 9 p.m., 103 No. 7 Highway, Langstafl’. AV. 5-2973. *3w42 Welding. Alterations and repairs to machinery, Hydraid Scientiï¬c & Technical Co., Ltd, 23-Mark- ham Road, Richmond Hill. 285-2564 Tile-beds cleaned. Fast, clean; modern service. C. STUNDEN TU. 4-1245 Richm GARDEN SUPPLIES Cedars for hedging. $65 per hundred. White Birch, 8’-10‘, $6-$8. Clumps $10-$12. Sugar Maple $6 each planted. Loam 21/5 yards $8 delivered. Manure, 3 yards, $10 delivered. Large Sugar Maples, good specimens planted and guaranteed. Order now. Complete grading and sod- ding job with Merion Blue Grass, 65c per square yard. Call C. L. Knappett, TU. 4-3089, Bay- view. tfc42 POWER MOWERS AND OUTBOARDS A11 makes overhauled and ser- viced. Hydrald Scientiï¬c & Technical Co., Ltd. 23 Markham Road, Richmond Hill. 285-2564 LOAM & TOPSOIL First class Peat Loam and Cow Manure. Now is the time tot order. Call TU. 4-2538. PR. 3- 5922. t£c42! PEAT LOAM, $1 peel-"y'ard’Hd 1-5940. tfc44 LET US take care of your grass cutting and flower beds by the month. Reasonable rates. Rose Garden Supplies, AV. 5-4211. *5w43 BAYVIEW SODDING First class sod, Kentucky, Mer- ion Blue, also ï¬eld sod. Laid and delivered. Free estimates. Call TU. 4-2538. Lfc42 SANDY loam mixed with peat loam; peat loam pulverized; 4- cu. ft. peat moss $2.91 plus tax. Garden Gate Nursery, Special- ists in Landscaping and Main- tenance, 66 Elgin Mills Rd., AV. 5-5942. c2w43 YOU CAN MAKE MONEY Raising Chinchilla. Stonehouse Chinchilla, 111 Had- dington Ave., RU. 2-6806, Tor- onto 12. tfc41 Rich. black, sandy loam. Also gravel, ï¬ll and sandy BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY CUSTOM PLOUGHING AVONDALE SAND AV. 5-3612 MACHINE WORK SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $20-$25 GARDEN SUPPLIES ROTOTILLING (Continued) LOAM Richmond Hill tfc40 c2w44 c1w44 c1w43 c1w44 USED FURNITURE WANTED - pianos and used furniture. Cash prices paid. Call Frank’s Movers and Storage. TU. 4-2613. AV. 5-5101. tfc'l rs to 1‘U. 4- elw44 c8w44 “Ose TRAINEES 211- For future variety store man- 5'W43 agement. Qualifications, Junior Matriculation, 18-24 years of Cow age. Company benefits, paid ,e to vacations, apply, Mr. T. Mills. R_ 3- S. S. Kresge Co. Ltd. Richmond tfc42IHeights Shopping Centre or â€" ]7 Carlton St.. Toronto. c2w44 ï¬ggllcmLD’s’Tgm’ set. 2 swings and a teeter-totter. Must be in good â€" condition. TU. 4-7989. c1w44 WAITRESS ï¬anted. Apply Pop's Restaurant, 194 Yonge Street North. Richmond Hill, tfc43 LADY or High School girl for part-time employment in variety store in Richmond Hill. TU. 4- 0001. *1w44 YOUNG LADY required for Thornhill banking office. Ex- perience helpful, but not essen- tial. Telephone 285-5486. clw44 ATTRACTIVE and personable young lady to train in banking, minimum grade 11 education. Phone Mr. Parsons, HU. 9-2143. c3w42 CO-OPERATIVE Kindergarten, King City requires teacher half days. October lst to May 315t. Phone TE. 3-5194 or Box 196 King City. c2w44 HOUSEKEEPER for general duties, Thomhill Village home. must be fond of children, priv- ate room with T.V. References required. AV. 5-3419 c1w44 CONGENIAL person to live-in with working couple, care of 3 girls, light duties, evenings - week-ends free. $20.00 weekly. TU. 4-3719 after 7 pm. c1w44 DAIRY QUEEN Manageress required immedi- ately, preference given to wo- man experienced in similar business TU. 4â€"3671. c1w44 FEMALE OFFICE HELP YOUNG woman, experienced in general office dwties, typing, bookkeeping, required for office in Richmond Hill. Shorthand would be an asset. Phone AV. 5-5460. c1w43 LICENSED body man required by General Motors Dealer. Sal- aried position. Apply in person to body shop foreman. C. M. Leslie Motor Products Ltd., Chevrolet, Oldsmobile ’Deailem. King City c1w44 STENOGRAPHER Required by Richmond Hill manufacturing ï¬rm. Good short hand and typing ability essent- ial, 5 day week, steady position. Write Box 121, The Liberal. C.F.C.M. is looking for a young lady to become music librarian. Must have a general knowledge of current music and artists. Call Vaughan Bjerne at TU. 4-1624. c1w44 AVON AVON PRODUCTS has open- ings in Langstaff and Richvale for women without previ- ous business experience, but willing to learn. Pleasant pro- ï¬table work. Write Miss Ziegler, Box 141, Guelph, giving phone. MAN wanted, middle-aged or semi-retired married man to do light work and answer phone in kennels, Richmond Hill or Maple area resident. Apply in writing, Canine Control Ken- nels. R.R.2 Maple, or phone AL. 7-1081 before 7 pm. c1w44 for a new building. Must be able to move in immediately to help with renting. Apply Bayview Manor, 451 Elmwood Ave. off Bayview Ave. one block south of Markham, 10 am. to 6 pm. daily except Sunday. Ask for Mr. Franklin, RU. 1-9582 c1w44 TIME AND MOTION STUDY ENGINEER with at least 2 years experience in work measure- ments and methods improve- ment, preferably in the chemi- cal or processing ï¬elds. M.T.M. training desirable. Apply in per- son to DAVIS LEATHER COM- PANY Division of Tancord In- dustries, Newmarket. Ontario. clw44 2 FRIENDS or sisters as mot- her's helpers in city home. Per- manent or summer. Must be reliable and love children and be willing to share light work Start as soon as possible. Write or phone collect. Mrs. D. Mouckley, 213 Rosemary Road, Toronto. HU. 1-0070 c2w44 SUPERINTEyPENti " required PORTABLE typwriter, good condition. TU. 4-3877. clw44 EXPERIENCED bench hand re- quired for store ï¬xture com- pany. Apply WOOD-TURNING lathe, 36" centres. AV. 5-2336. c1w44 Due to a vacancy in our sales staff in the Maple area, we are in need of a real estate sales- man. One who ls ambitious enough to make the $10,000 and better scale, to work in conjunction with our Wood- bridge ofï¬ce. commission basis. Full assistance given, Toronto Real Estate classes available. Coâ€"Op. listings. Contact Herb Sills. R0. 9-4901. Woodbridga. ATlas 8-1143. c1w44 WANTED good home for HER? white kitten. TU. 4-2548 c1w44 2 WHEL garden tractor, used. AV. 5-2928. c1w44 HELP WANTED 52 INDUSTRIAL ROAD, RICHMOND HILL AV. 5-5132 SALESMAN WANTEB WANTED WOODWORKING BODY M’Aï¬ *1w44 c1w44 c1w44 iPETS FOR SALE ESTATE FUNDS to purchase! lst and 2nd mortgages. Call Mr. McLean. AV. 5-1176. David Mc- Lean Ltd., Realtors. tf039 MONEY available for good first, and second mortgages. reason~. able rates. Medcof. Lawlor and LeClaire. TU. 4-7191. tlc2‘. SOLICITOR has client's funds available for mortgages at rea- sonable rates. Mr. Cooper. BA. 5-7321. tfc40 ROOM and board available, gentleman preferred. parking TU. 4-5189. c2w44 ROOM, boagd optional. Qâ€"uie‘t home, no children. TU. 4-5681, after 6.00 pm. *1w44 ROOM AND BOARD to suit two men. 'I‘wln beds. 884-3828. c1w44 FLUFFY kittené frer to g’oomMALE home AV, 5-4007 r1w44 AT STUD hand’s’ome Siameéej registered. 2 approved females. AV. 5-2336. clw44 BEAUTIFUL MALE. purebred Collie, champion stock. one year old, inoculated, papers. TU. 4-7030. BA. 1-0751. c1w44 home. AV. 5â€"4007 AMERICAN eskimo pups. pure white, small, intelligent. Also Samoyed pups. Innoculated. AV. 5-1972. tfc28 REGISTERED Dachshund, fe- male, spayed for sale $10.00 18 months old, very good with children, all shots, wants a good home. 884-3659. c1w44 POODLES. small blacks. regis- tered. from champion ol-md lines. Terms can be arranged. $100.00 up. Phone Gonmey 5339. tfc29 ROOM and BOARD FREE to a good home, 3 black and white kittens, 6 weeks old. AV. 5-3946. c1w44 MOTHER’S HELPER SERVICE Experienced baby-sitters, home- maker’s service and day work. Call day or night. TU. 4-7253. tfc32 BABY SITTING SIMPSON’SDRY GOODS SOMETHING TO SELL TRY A “LIBERAL†CLASSIFIEDS FOR QUICK RESULTS JUST PHONE Phone TU. 4-1105 AV. 5-3316 12 Yonge St. S. Arnel & Cotton Dresses Richmond Hill Maple Unionvlllc Concord 0 lat & 2nd Mortgages 0 Up to 20-Year Terms 0 Low Interest 0 No Hidden Bonuses 0 Loans on Frame, Insul and Brick Homes We do not put a Chattel Mortgage on your Car or Furniture Phone, Come In or Write - Ask for Mr. Clemens Real Estate Loans arranged in Following Areas Richmond Hill Thornhill .VIaple Langstafl Unionvlllc King Soncord Gormley MORTGAGES M. C. BEBER I.'I'D. HIDDEN MONEY Dan River Gingham Dresses Martha Washington Drip Dry Cotton Dresses 21 Dundas Square, Toronto EM. 3-6251 Free Parking at 220 Victoria Street 24-Hour Phone Service Including Weekends Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers' Association TO PAY YOUR BILLS $7.95 $8.95 $8.95 IN YOUR PROPERTY each each each YOU HAVE c1 w44 [up to 30 years of age. Per- manent position, full em- |ployee benefits. Job ap- iplication forms may be secured at the Commission Offices. Applications will be received up until 5 pm. on Friday, May 4, 1962. I wish to express thanks to all friends membered me during in hospital. Your kint ies and cards were appreciated. to Drs. Jackson, Mthee and nurses for the kindness and homelike feeling that I enjoyed. Hazel Cooper 0431) OF Mix? I wish to thank my friends, neighbours and relatives for the cards and flowers. during my stay in York County Hospital: and also the box of fruit from the Teston Ladies Aid and the gift from the choir. Also thanks CARD OF THANKS Richmond Hill Hydro- Elec’cric System require: the services of an RICHMOND HILL HYDRO-ELECTRIC COMMISSION 56 Yonge St., S. TU. 4-3511 APPRENTICE LINEMAN Office Space To Rent 1,200 Square Feet, 2nd Floor, Richmond Heights Centre. Will Divide. Call HELP WANTED ALAN HORWOOD Griffin Contracting Co. Ltd. Richmond Hill! ME. 3 - 5661 One Visit in the Stouï¬ville Oak Ridges Richvale . me during my I]. Your kind 1! cards were cer id. Mrs. Carl Wal ( *t’kt Superintendant Walker cl'w44 sincere who re- my stay 1 inqujr. certainly clw44