TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in- cluding new and rebuilt stand- ard portable and electric mod- els. Special rental rates avail- able to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill TI CHAIN LINK FENCE 42" high, No. 13 gauge. $17. per 100 ft. roll, No. 11 gauge, 42" high $25. per 100 ft. roll. 6 ft. steel posts $1. each. 7 ft. steel posts $1.15 each, 5" cedar posts peeled 70 cents each. also full line of farm fence and gates in stock. Apply Norman Bone. Phone TU. 4-1443 tfc44 mons. Serta. Heely and other lprlng mattresses repaired, re- turned just like new. medium ï¬rm, extra ï¬rm. Two-day ser- vice. Eiderdowns recovered. On- tario Bedding Co. AV. 5-1591. DRY BASEMENT INSURANCE - there's only one positive short term policy - a dehumidiï¬er. Buy it or rent it from - HERRIDGE ELECTRIC T.V. SEAMSTRESS sewing machine. console model; Moï¬at heavy duty 4-burner stove, child's large 3~wheeler cycle. all good condition, offers invited, 285- lflz c1w45 Appliances, Parts. Rentals. TU. BABY stroller, high chair, 4 chrome chairs, vacuum cleaner. rug 9'x12'. Reasbnable. TU. 4-7020. clw45 GOLF Equipment , sports wear. beach togs and women's and children's summer clothing wanâ€" ted by The Resale Shop, 12 BEAUTYREST. Marshall GOOD used furniture for sale. Call Frank's Movers and Stor- age. 28 Industrial Rd., TU. 4. 2613. tfc3 GIRL'S English Roadster Bic- ycle, full size, excellent condit- ion. Reasonable. AV. 5-1732 14' FIBREGLASS runabouts Ev- lnrude 35 electric start, con- trols, battery, steering, etc. $75. TU. 4-5375 evenings. *lw45 _-__ -“v..-w uuu .nuw, vanlv to $14.00. girls suits, coats and dresses $1.50 to $9.00 at The Resale Shop, 12 Centre Street 1%., Richmond Hill. TU. 4-5167 c1w45 Centré Street 12., Righï¬dgé' TU. 4-5167. clw45 CLEARANCE SALE TV’S used 17" and 21" from $39.95. J. Fox & Son, Stop 24 Yonge Street. TU. 4-1610 c1w45 COW MANURE and peat loam, ï¬nest quality. Small load $5.00, large load $15.00. Call collect TU. 4-2538 or PR. 3-5922. tfc39 COAL and wood stove with res- ervoir and warming closet, good condition, white enamel 285- 3402 c1w45 poxs'ngaélgegs an_d suits, $2.50 BOAT for sale, 14‘x69" beam. plywood runâ€"about. Suitable for motors up to 40 h.p. Phone AV. 5-3417 c1w17 ELECTRIC Stove. Gurney 4 burner In excellent condition $35.00. TU. 4-7977 c1w45 ELECTRIC Rzin'gette, good con- dition, reasonable, TU. 4-7842 after 6 pm. *1w45 BED-CHESTERFIELD in good condition and portable laundry tub, suitable for summer cot- tage. Call TU. 4-1086. c1w45 10.000 BALES straw. 200 tons hay. 200 tons feed 0315. Will deliver. AV. 5-2236, TU. 4-2236. (£019 RANGE'I'I‘E, ideal for cottage, good condition. TU. 4-7579 dltion, also 'play pen. Reason- able. 884â€"4072 c1w45 4 HAND mowers, 2 power mow- ers, reasonable. B’ob Sanders 121 Richmond St. *2w44 Forest Jones RR. 2 Méblé or AL. 7-8915 *2w44 hand type, 18", used little. cést $40.. sell $15. AL. 7-8872 c1w45 GENDRON baby carriage, con- 22' CYPRESS HULITsleo. AV. 5-5762 caw44 A-l BLACK Loim,r5iy3rd load $15.00. Phone Unlonvllle 55_6 A FRIG. 9 cu. ft, excellent con- dition $50.00 or best offer. 444 Paliser Cres. South. c1w45 verts to car bed, excellént con- dition $20. TU. 4-1418. c1w45 SEED and tableirpotat'oes. c. Mashlnter. TU. 4-2549 tfc44 TECO Rotary pow?!- mdwer 18" AV. 5-4007 c1w45 ï¬i‘ï¬O’Eisifoir isal§7.7:1§;prlyflt5 LAWN Mower. ideal fo’iiérottaéei. SPACE HEATER and coal stove for sale. Good condition. 9206 Yonge St. c1w45 RUG 6x9 Green Oriental almost new $35.00 TU. +4889. *1w45 BABY carriage? in excellent coil; 12 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, May 10, 1962 CASH RATES. 1st Insertion 5e each word. min. charge 750 Second and subsequent Insertions I! wording unchanged. Se per word. min. charge . . . . . . 65c FOR BOX NUMBERS an extn charge per Insertion of 500 COMING EVENT NOTICE: 5e per word: min. charge 750 CARDS 0F THANKS. [N MEMORIAMS, DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES. BIRTHS. per Insertion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 1.00 Classiï¬ed advertisements should be in on early in the week as possible but not later than 10 mm. on Wedneednn. Send ads by mail and enclose payment, or telephono TU. 4-1105 and yon will receive Invoice. ARTICLES FOR SALE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Sales. Repairs, 410 Levendale Rd. 4-3211 TU. 4-1745 tfc49 Sim- clw45 c1w45 c4w45 tfc39 tfc44 OFFICE transferred, married man seeks permanent position. Good training in costing, pric- ing. purchasing. Reliable, hard working. Box 12‘ The Liberal. YOUNG MEN. 16-19. looking for work. Anything considered. Can you help us. Call Salva- tlon Army. AV. 5.5126. m5: TWO GIRLS, 18 and 19 years of age wish full-time factory employment in the Richmond Hill or Willowdale area. Phone TU. 4-3744 MAN would like odd jobs. gar- dening, lawns or carpenter re- pairs or what have you. 16 Yonge St. South. Richmond Hill. Phone TU. 4-1856. Ernest‘ Reynolds. nc2w45‘ tlons. Mrs. MacDonald. TU. 4- 5057. tfc21 RELIABLE and conscientioug man. own car. wants morning work. Phone 235-1687. c1w45 ANNUADS and tomato plants. Hughes' Greenhouse, Ruggles Ave., Langstaï¬, second street east of Yontge. off No. 7 High- way, also Friday afternoon and Saturday at Farmers' Market, Thornhill. c4w45 1 ONE-WAY DISC. 9-p1ate, Massey-Harris. One 7 ft. 3-point hitch power mower, Case; one 28 ft. bale or grain conveyor, Case; one grain or forage blow- er. Samuel Winger. AV. 5- 2451. *1w45 NOW 15 the timerto order and take advantage of our SALE PRICES ON DRAPERIES. 6 widths. fully-lined. 95" long - wall to wall and 12 ft across - 1n brocades and moderns - as low as $45.00 and $49.98 com- plete. Wyn-Dot Ladies Shop, Bayview Plaza, TU. 4-2214. SUMMER cottages at Wasaga Beach, 1, 2 or 3 bedrooms avail- able, inside conveniences. TU. 4-7234. c1~v45 DRESSMAKING ' Ed altera- RELIABLE day care aTaHable, one or two children and baby sitting. 884-2376. clw45 YOUNG LADY, grade 10. busi- ness diploma. desires interest- ing position. TU. 4-3445. clw45 CHESTERFIELDS recovered and re-built. Your old suite like new, at a reasonable price. Easy terms. Free estimates. Murray Upholstery. AV. 5-4767. tfc39 AQUA-LUNG dlvlng set, “Nor- malalne", brand new. never used. Original price, $315.00 â€" will sell for $225.00, including $25.00 worth of diving lessons. TU. 4-3641. CLEARANCE SALE Used refrigerators, summer cot- tage specials from $49.95. J. Fox 8: Son, Stop 24 Yonge Street, TU. 4-1610 c1w45 KITCHEN SET, wood table. ex- tra leaf. and 4 chairs. $12.00. Bicycle racer $25.00. TU. 4-1636. c1w45 FURNITURE assortment: ches- terï¬eld $50.00, chesterï¬eld chair $45.00, coffee table $15., TV $65., what-not. beds, lamps. etc. TU. 4-5759. c1w45 HANDCRAFTED leather goods for sale Saturday mornings at Farmers‘ Market, Thornhill. ROTOTILLER, ideal for land- scaping or gardening, with scraper blade and harrows. TU. 4-7423. c1w45 HEAVY GAUGE steel rooï¬ng, 20 squares or over. $10.00 per square; under 10.35 per square. Gormley Lumber, phone 5710 Gormley. clw45 THE ELGIN MILLS SPECIAL LOAM Our own â€" the best for your gardening needs. GIRL'S bicycle, 21" frame, like new. Rubber-tired lawn mower, reasonable. TU. 4-1529. clw45 BED-Chesterï¬eld and tvrvor chairs suitable for cottage. TU. 4-1496. *1w45 15 WOODEN screens, various sizes, $5.00 for lot. TUmer 4- 2195. *lw45 Moflat 20". Good 'condltlon; Phone BA. 1-6904. c1w45 MAN'S Mary Max-1m sweater, golf motif, size 40. Never been worn, sells for cost. TU. 4-5634“ c1w45 JUNIOR bed and springs, $10. AV. 5-3474. c1w45 PASTURE available 13726 head of cattle. TU. 4-3077. c2w45 WHITE ENAMEL gas' stove. LLOYD Baby Carriage. Ph'oE TU. 4-2273. wscnc ONE Child's Crib, $8.50. TU. 4- 4954. clw45 EMPLOYMENT WANTED Summer Accommodation FOR SALE (Continued) AV. 5-1514 nc3w44 c2w45 c1w45 clw45 *2w44 tfc45 ‘ PORTABLE TELEVISION ‘ Rent a portable TV Reasonable weekly or monthly rates. Delivery and Pick-Up Richmond Hill TV, 34 Yonge S.‘ TU. #7456 AV. 5-3756 tfc28 2 BEDROOM. large modern apartment, soft water, electric- ally equipped kltchen, parking, excellent value. Phone TU. 4‘ 7518. 50 Benson Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc45 3 and 4 bedroom homes. from $90 a month. A large selection available. Call AV. 5-1951 Charles Marple Real Estate tfc37 $65.00 MONTHLY, June to Nov- ember, 3 room furnished, self- contalned flat. Private entrance. garage. Phone AL. 7-1109 Maple. c1w44 ONE BEDROOM apartment, with kitchen. living room. bath- room, separate laundry room, 1 block from Yonge St. $65 month. Phone TU. 4-1650 after 5 pm. tfc45 FIVE room bungalow, taste- fully decorated. Attached gar- age, large secluded garden. Re- sponsible tenant. PR. 36908. FURNISHED ROOM to share with young man, reasonable. cooking facilities, parking. Ap- ply 16 Lorne, lst house east of Clark’s Drug Store at Yonge. TOOLS T0 RENT Cement mixers, floor sanders and edgers, ramset guns, roto- tillers, rotovators. also 500 other tools. Willowdale Rental 8: Sales. 6026 Yonge St., BA. 1- 1711. tfc42 LARGE FURNISHED room. sec- ond floor, kitchenette, parking, suit business person. Langstaï¬ near Yonge. AV. 5-4190. c2w45 2 BEDROOM bungalow apart- ment. Basement and garage. One block from Yonge Street on Wright. Adults only. TU. 4- 1828 c3w44 SMALL FURNISHED cottage, near Yonge St. and Richmond Hill bus, garden, suit pension couple. abstainers, reasonable. TU. 4-2868. clw45 TWO fully equipped 2 bedroom apartments in Richmond Hill, Possession June lst. Contact Miss Anderson, 9 to 5 pm. at EM. 6-9961. clw45 3 ROOM flat. living-room, bed- room, private 4-piece bathroom. own entrance, TV antenna. par- king. Reasonable. 222-4373. 2 BEDROOM apartment, elec- tric stove and trig, four piece bath. Laundry room available. Apply Superintendent Bayview Plaza. TU. 4-1952. c1w45 TOOLS FOR RENT Floor sanders, saws and drills. Hand sanders. jig-saws and nail drivers. AV. 5-1109. tfc21 Yonge Street, conveniences, ad- ults only. $80 per month. Apply TU. 4-1662. clw45 LARGE 2 bedroom apartment, furnished complete with tele~ vision, by month or lease. AV. 5-1234. tfc45 LARGE bed-sitting-room heat- ed and furnished. Equipped light housekeeping. suit 2, 884â€" 2196 tfc43 6 ROOMED HOUSE. close to FURNISHED ROOMS for rent. 257-2522. tfc34 REPAIR garage and equipment to rent. AV. 5-5205. tfc41 LUXURY apartments, reason- able. AV. 5-2951. T. Murphy, Broker. c1w45 FOR RENT or silgfï¬iroom bungalow with garage, for fur- ther Information call TU. 4-2296 after 6.00 pm. c4w45 2 LIGHT housekeeping rooms, for business lady or married couple. Abstainers. Richmond Hill, TU. 4-3841. c1w45 1 BEDROOM apartment, sep- arate entrance, broadloom, stove and fridge. suit business couple. References required. AV. 5- 1234. tfc45 l FURNISHED bedroom in pri- vate home. 285-2248. tfc42 SELF-CONTAINED 3 -’ roï¬ apartment. near Yonge Street. Adults only. AV. 5-5233 tfc43 LARGE housekeeping room, Arnold. near Yonge. Parking or garage to rent. References re- quired. TU. 4-1777. tfc43 FURNISHED self-contained ac- commodation. suit one. Bayview- Markham area. TU. 4-5309. SMALL BUILDING suitable of- ï¬ce or storage space. Oil heat, self contained. $35 monthly. AV. 5-1643. c1w45 RENT FREE housekeeping room for older woman in exchange for few hours a week baby- sitting. AV. 5-3430. clw45 FURNISHED room fdr rent. 3 minutes to Bayvlew bus stop, Richvale. AV. 5-5037. c2w45 MAPLE. ranch house, 3 bed- rooms, family room, 2 ï¬replaces. large lot with patio, $155.00. AL. 7-2474. c1w45 gentlemen to share-modern bun- galow with two other young men. TU. 4-3217 after 6. c1w45 RICHMOND HILL RENTALS FURNISHED ROOM. kitchÃ©ï¬ or without board. ladies. Arnold Avenue, Thornhill. 285-4675. BRICK bungalow. excellent condition and modern. $100. monthly. Phone before 5. AL. 7-2206. c1w45 RICHMOND HILL, couple or 2 privileges. parking, telephone. TU. 4-3257. CIW45 FURNISHED room to rent with TO- RENT c1w45 ‘2w44 c1w45 c1w45 c1w45 150 ACRES, highway corner,‘ heavy wired. Keswick district. real buy, good soil. TU. 4-2868. clw45 FARMS FOR SALE YOU CAN MAKE MONEY Raising Chinchilla. Stonehouse Chinchilla, 111 Had- dington Ave.. RU. 2â€"6806, Tor- onto 12. tfc41 WANTED â€" pianos and used furniture. Cash prices paid. Call Frank's Movers and Storage. TU. 4-2613. AV. 5-5101. tfc7 gentleman preferred, parking TU. 4-5189. 02W44 GENTLEMAN offers accommo- dation and board in return for light housekeeping duties. Ap- plicant free to take outside em- ployment. BA. 5-5781 or BA. 1- 3516. clw45 ‘Large and small, estates, com- ‘mercial and industrial property ‘and holdings. For your com- ‘plete and accurate estimated ‘value, please call Mr. Pugh, BA. 5-8828, Residence TU. 4- 3624. JOHN TRACY LTD. REALTOR 5587 Yonge Street, Willowdale tfc42‘ suitable for 11 year old. AL. 7-2619. c1w45 THREE rooms and kitchen. heated. stove. refrigerator avail- able. 52 Yonge St. 3.. Richmond Hill. $75 monthly. Cal] RU 3- ‘6229. c4w41 BOY’S BICYCLE, suit '6’year old. AV. 5-1646. c1w45 ROOM & BOARD available. TE. 3-5569. c3w45 ROOM AND BOARD to? young man 17-21, good meals. single room. 884-3977. c1w45 ROOM and board? available, PEAT LOAM, $1 per yard H0. 1-5940. tfc44 BAYVIEW SODDING First class sod, Kentucky, Mer- ion Blue, also ï¬eld sod. Laid and delivered. Free estimates. Call TU. 4-2538. tic42 LOAM Rich, black, sandy loam. Also gravel, ï¬ll and sand. AVONDALE SAND AV. 5-3612 THE ELGIN MILLS SPECIAL LOAM Our own -â€" the best for your gardening needs. RELIABLE teenager to baby sit every Friday and Saturday night for summer. Markham Road area. TU. 4-4377. c1w45 HEAVY DUTY rangette, with automatically controlled oven and timer, in good condition, reasonably priced. PR. 3-5062. nc45 Street, Thornhill. Gentlemaun. AV. 5-5209. c1w45 BEDSitting room and kitchen; ette. outside entrance. furnish- ed. Parking. TU. 4-1768. c1w45 FURNISHED apartment, central location. 884-4193. c1w45 LET US take care of your grass cutting and flower beds by the month. Reasonable rates. Rose Garden Supplies, AV. 5-4211. *5w43 ROW BOAT and small motor 1300M yï¬th ppgalcfagt. rYonge HERB SlLLS LTD. Members of Toronto Real Es- tate Board AT. 8-1143 Woodbridge R0. 9â€"4901 LOAM & TOPSOIL First class Peat Loam and Cow Manure. Now is the time to order. Call TU. 4-2538. PR. 3- 5922. tfc42 FURNISHED bed-sitting room.‘ with fully equipped kitchen, parking. Apply 16 Lorne, lst house east of Clark's Drug Store at Yonge. *2w44 PROPERTIES WANTED We are nearly sold out of prop- erties, houses, lots, acreage, farms, businesses, gas stations. Buyers waiting. some with cash. others wi-th good down pay- ment. Prompt efficient service. Nine salesmen to serve you. 25 years Real Estate experience. ROOM and BOARD FARMS. small acreages and homes in Vaughan, Markham and King Townships. We have waiting buyers for property in these areas. W. J. Mulholland Real Estate Broker, 1437 Yonge St. WA. 4â€"4881 HOUSES wanted for 5a}; 671' to rent. Call AV. 5-2951. SOLD! SOLD! SOLD! BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY REAL ESTATE WANTED URGENTLY REQUIRED HOMES T. Murphy Real Estate USED FURNITURE GARDEN SUPPLIES T0 RENT WANTED (Continued) AV. 5-1514 c8w44 tfc45 tfclO tfc15 tfc36 ; UPHOLSTERY \Recovering and repairing of any \kind of furniture. Experienced ‘on Scandinavian furniture. Free estimates. Reasonable prices. Call anytime. TU. 4-4813 res!- dence, business, AV. 5‘534_5.__J TREES ARE OUR BUSINESS RICHMOND HILL TREE SERVICE AND FORESTRY COMPANY RICHMOND HILL OWNED AND OPERATED BY HAROLD VAN DYKE TELEPHONE 884-7774 Free Advice Free Estimate; c estimates. Colbur saerIEs. A. Rollinson. TE. 3-6671. tfc15 CARPENTRY WORK, additions, renovations, garages. recreation rooms, tile floors. No job too small. Free estimates. T. Price. AV. 5-3653. tfc28 CUSTOM CARPENTRY Kitchens remodelled, bedroom and bathroom vanities, stereo, hi-fl, china cabinets. Free estim- ates. Morris Harrison, TU. 4- 2838. tfc15 THE ELGIN MILLS SPECIAL LOAM Our own - the best for your gardening needs. JOHN'S washer and appliéï¬ce repairs. TU. 4-2615. c4w45 PAJNTING, pqperhanglng. Free RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting, paper-hanging. inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. TU. 4-7902. tfc3l MASONRY CONTRACTOR Stonework. Fireplace, etc. V. Ostergaa-rd, 148 Yonge St. 5.. Richmond Hill, phone TU. 4- 5688. tfc23 DRESS ALTERATIONS First class work. Carolyn Bar- gent. 9018 Yonge St. at Rich- vale. AV. 5â€"1591. tfc6 PAINTER & DECORATOR For good prices see our show- room. W‘allparpers, drapes. etc. - Ham-y Bargent. 9018 Yonge St., Richv-ale. AV. 5-1591. tch MOVING & STORAGE Frank‘s Moving & Oartage. packing and storage. Experienc- ed service anytime. Pickup and delivery. Good rates. TU. 4- 2613. AV. 5-5101. tfc16 MISCELLANEOUS E. W. PAYNE Drains septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 285-5762 FREE ESTIMATES th3 1 KING CITY WELL DRILLING CO. LTD. Pump equipment installed and serviced. George Adams, Box 192 King City. Phone King TE. 3-6321. tfc13 CARPENTRY - DECORATING PAINTING Recreation rooms, etc. Large or small jobs. Prompt service. Webb & Ennor. AV. 5-2546. LAGERQUIST STUDIO Est. 1948 TU. 4-2 try the friendly Lagerqulst Stu- dio with the know how. TU. 4- 2791. ac! FRANK’S WELL DRILLING Pump installed and serviced. Frank Genltz. R R. 2 Aurora. PA. 7â€"5272. tfc50 CAL US for your sand, gravel, ï¬ll. top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrarl, Maple, ADpine 7-8876. tfc7 CONCRETE - MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS Building, alterations 8; repairs, prompt service. WALKER 8: MITCHELL AV. 5-2526 SAND KND GRAVEL. cruslï¬ stone, loam and fill. E. Charity. Richmond Hill. TU. +1701. Call us for stero and hl-fl DANCE MUSIC Reasonable rates, courteous ser- vice. TU. 4-7287. tfc36 ROTOVATING Custom rotovatlng, aerating. lawn and garden maintenance Tom Mashinter, TU. 4-1170. CHIMNEYS Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert work- manship. Phone Walker and Mitchell, AV. 5-2526. tfc15 ROTOVATING Custom rotovating, aerating, lawn and garden maintenance. Tom Mashinter. 884-7573. tfc41 Keep Your Wedding Fresh Forever Candid - Studio - or Both PLUMBING - HEATING A. MILLS & SON LTD. James D. Stewart TU. 4-2201 PAINTING 8: PAPER ‘ HANGING R. E. Dunn. TU. 4â€"2798 PLANNING A DANCE? CHILD STUDIES A SPECIAL" LAGERQUIST STUDIO Beautiful Photographs BABYVPICTURES' No Extra Charge AV. 5-1514 TU. 4-27 91 BRIDES TU. 4-2791 tic“ tfc45 tfc43 tlc4l t£c8 t£c3 tfc3 ï¬es CUSTOM Rbtotilung. PR. 3- 5796, after 5 pm. *4w44 GARDENS 'Rototmed, lawns. rolled. TU. 4-2838 c2w44 MISCELLANEOUS CARPENTRY, kitchen cabinets, rec. rooms, arborite work. al- terations. 884-7625. *2w44 EXPERIENCED GARDENER Landscaping, garden mainten- ance. lawns cut. seeded or sod- ded. H. Sorensen, 884-5838. Call evenings. tfc43 turquoise, radio. Perfect con- dition, $975.00. LE. 5-8572 or AV. 5-2821. c1w45 ’54 CADILLAC coupe de Ville, new paint, transmission rebuilt. rebuilt motor, radio. Complete- ly power equipped. 285-5985. c1w45 18' TRAVEL Trailer, aluminum body, brakes, completely equip- ped. Sleeps 4-5. divider forms 2 rooms. Excellent condition. What offers. TU. 4-3140 c1w45 ?I:OWI‘N(}, giscing. ï¬nal grad- mg and seeding. l'éwnsrfeï¬irlirz- gd and rolled TU. 4-1533. “043 DRESSMAKING and alterations expertly done. Mrs. J.‘ Shields, 473 Lynett Crescent, Richmond Hill. Call for appointment. SPECIAL Chesterï¬eld sets recovered â€" 2 piece $69.00. Nylon freize $99. 5 years guarantee. Terms if de- sired. A. Smith, Upholstery. phone AV 5-1682. tfc43 PLOWING done SEPTIC tands pumped. 24 hour service. C. Burns. PR. 3-5085. tfc4 Gardens and 1awns,7fr:2e estim- ates. AV. 5-2850 tfc44 EXCAVATING Drains, septic tanks. water mains, concrete work. trench- ing. AV. 5-2096. c2w44 C. STUNDEN TU. 4-1245 Richm GARDEN SUPPLIES Cedars for hedging, $65 per hundred. White Birch, 8’-10’, $6-$8. Clumlps $10-$12. Sugar Maple $6 each planted. Loam 2% yards $8 delivered. Manure, 3 yards, $10 delivered. Large Sugar Maples, good specimens planted and guaranteed. Order now. Complete grading and sod- ding job with Merion Blue Grass, 65¢ per square yard. Call C. L. Knappett, TU. 4-3089, Bay- view. tfc42 ages, also discving ger. AV. 5-2451. sand, gravel, stone, loarï¬zvciailâ€"l AV. 5-2605, c1w45 CUSTOM Rototil_ling, lawns and gardens. H. Matheï¬Ã©on, Maple. AL. 7-1584. *8w44 DECORATING Interior. Exterior, Experienced decorator. Lawrence Ouellette, TU. 4-5557 after 4 pm. c4w43 Tile-beds cleaned. Fast, clean, modern service. DESK SPACE wanted on Yonge St., Richmond Hill for three nights a week. Phone EM. 3- 6251, Toronto. tfc45 1957 MORRIS 1500 Stationwag- on. Used as second car. Excel- lent condition. asking $650. 285- 5985 c1w45 1958 VOLKSWAGEN, 4 seater, KEN’S MOVING & STORAGE. TU. 4-7786. 1956 FORD dump truck. TU. 4-3502. c1w45 CUSTOM 'pLOUGmNGâ€" Discing, rotovatlng and mowing. H. Redman_ TU. 4-3045. tfc42 SINGLE CAR garage or build- ing of comparable size with pow- er facilities and wood or con- crete floor. Must be within 5 miles radius of Maple. AL. 7. 1063. c1w45 1953 CADILLAC Cbuple De Ville, A-l condition. TU. 4- 3502. c1w45 WRECKING 1954 Chevrolet Belair Sedan. TU. 4-2756. IF Â¥0U WA_NT fast dgllvery for BUYA NEW CAR NOV m A DOW-COST LIFE-INSURED “LIBERAL†CLASSIFIEDS FOR QUICK RESULTS Phone TU. 4-1105 AV. 5-3318 u)": ixx ixxi WANT TO BE A HAPPIER DRIVER? USED CARS 106‘: LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA 100‘ 290‘?! 3090‘ 2S SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $20-$25 WANTED TO RENT ROTOTILLING (Continued) Richmond Hill tfc40 larger Vacre~ Sampel Win- I“1W45 c1w45 c2w44 c1w45 \life insurance company offer- ing lifetime opportunity for ag- gressive and ambitious young married man, age 24-45 for sales and service work in Richmond ‘Hill. High school education an asset. Full training program. Starting salary $100 weekly. Fu- ture earnings most attractive,‘ full group insurance and pen- sion plan beneï¬ts. Apply J. C. Kyle, 2298 Yonge. HU. 5-6523. clw45 CLEANING LADY, Bayview- Steeles area. 285-4497. c1w45 2 FRIENDS or sisters as mot- her's helpers in city home. Per- manent or summer. Must be reliable and love children and be willing to share light work Start as soon as possible. Write or phone collect, Mrs. D. Mouckley, 213 Rosemary Road. Toronto. HU. 1-0070 c2w44 TRAINEES For future variety store man- agement. Qualifications, Junior Matriculation, 18-24 years of age. Company benefits, paid vacations. apply, Mr. T. Mills. S. S. Kresge Co. Ltd. Richmond Heights Shopping Centre or 7 Carlton St., Toronto. c2w44 WAITRESS wanted. Apply Pop's Restaurant, 194 Yonge Street North. Richmond Hill. tfc43 WAITRESS for counter work, full or part time. Apply Dads give-in. c1w45 SUPERINTENDENT required for a new building. Must be able to move in immediately to help with renting. Apply Bay'vlew Manor, 451 E}mwood Ave. off Bayview Ave. one block south of Markham. 10 am. to 6 pm. daily except Sunday. Ask for Mr. Franklin. RU. 1-9582 c1w44 FEMALE Receptionist-stenographer re- quired, must be courteous, a good typist and be able to take shorthand. Excellent starting salary. Apply in own handwrit- ing to Box 126 The Liberal. FEMALE Experienced bookkeeper requir- ed. must be able to handle ac- counts payable, cash and gen- eral bookkeeping duties. Good starting salary, plus group in- surance. Apply in own hand- writing to Box 125 The Liberal. c1w45 a week, in Pleasantvnié7 TU. 4-2602. c1w45 LICENSED MECHANICS. Ap- ply in person. Wm. Neal, Chrys- ler. Plymouth dealer. 61 Yonge St. 5.. Richmond Hill. c2w45 OPENING fbr one real estate salesman. Apply Mr. Shields. TU. 4â€"3805. David McLean Ltd. WHY WAIT? Start earning now in your spare time. Sell Avon Cosmetics. Opening Langstaff and Richvale. Write District Manager, Miss Ziegler. Box 141, Guelph, giving phone. c1w45 CO-OPERATIVE Kindergarten, King City requires teacher half days, October lst to May Slst. Phone TE. 3-5194 or Box 196 King City. c2w44 DUE TO EXPANSION large WOMQN _ foLhousework, once CAPABLE GIRL to do house- work Monday to Friday, 9-12. Also look after two small child- ren. PR. 3-5193. c1w45 ATTRACTIVE and personable young lady to train in banking, minimum grade 11 education. Phone Mr. Parsons, HU. 9-2143. TWO licensed mechanics. Apply in person to the Service Man- ager, Canadian Tire Store. Richmond Hill. c1w45 2 MEN for full time day work. one man for part-time night work. Richmond Hill Commer- clal Cleaners. TU. 4-3714. EXPERIENCED snack bar wait- ress for golf club in Thomhill. Week-end work essential. Good wages. For information, call AV. 5-0006. c1w45 HELP WANTED in dry cleaning plant. girl preferred: No exper- ience necessary. AV. 5-3272. CLEANING WOMAN steady work, one day pef wvir‘éél; Friday preferred. 884-7517. YOUNG LADY required for Thornhill banking office. Ex- perience helpful, but not essen- tial. Telephone 285-5486. c3w44 FEMALE, for lunch counter. Company beneï¬ts, etc. Apply S. S. Kresge Co., Richmond Heights Cemre. c1w45 HANDYMAN must be alert, un- iversity student preferred, but not essential. Apply afternoons Dufferln Fairways, Duï¬erin Sr. at No. 7 Highway. c1w45 MEN TO WORK in wood fac- tory. Apply in person, on 19th Avenue, between the 5th and 6th concession of Markham. c1w45 HOUSEKEEPER for general duties, Thornhill Village home. must be fond of children, priv- ate room with T.V. References required. AV. 5-3419 c1w44 LADIES WORK OWN HOURS Selling fashionable jewellery. No canvassing or delivering, high weekly commission. Car helpful. For interview call 633- 5839. c2w45 STENOGRAPHER Required by Richmond Hill manufacturing ï¬rm. Good short hand>and typing ability essent- ial, 5 day week. steady position. Write Box 121, The Liberal. clw44 FATHER and working daughter require housekeeper, light work. living accommodation if desir- ed. Phone 884â€"1658. HELP WANTED wanted. c1w45 c1w45 c3w42 c1w45 clw45 clw45 c1w45 YOUNG MAN to cut grass. pow- er mower provided. TU. 4-2930. c1w45 work. one day a week. AV. 75- 3192. c1w45 ATTRACTIVE and personable young lady to train in banking. Minimum Grade 11 education. Phone HU. 9-2143. c3w45 RELIABLE woman for house- INTERESTING POSITION Couple wanted for Canada's lar- gest fur farm, good salary and living accommodation. Man should have managerial capabil- ities, wife should have ofl‘ice ex- perience. Contact Canadian Nutrla Ltd., Stouffvllle, Ont. POODLES. small blacks, regis- tered, from champion blood lines. Terms can be arranged, $100.00 up. Phone Gomfley 5339. tfc29 AMERICAN eskimo pubs. buTe white, small, intelligent. Also Samoyed pups. Innoculated. AV. 5-1972. tfc28 RELIABLE. experienced baby sitter, day or night. 285-5969. c1w45 MOTHER’S HELPER SERVICE Experienced baby-sitters, home- maker’s service and day work. Call day or night. TU. 4-7253. tfc32 SECRETARY in Richmond Hill. challenging position in engin- eering company. Requiring a person with personality and ap- titude in basic skills. 7 years experience. Phone 285-5491. BODY MAN Licensed body man required by General Motors Dealer. Salar- ied position. Apply in person to body shop foreman. C. M. LESLIE MOTOR PRODUCTS GLEN CLUNY Kennels.’ sï¬rin- ger Spaniel pups, registéred. TU. 4-4296. c1w45 Chevrolet, Oldsmobile Dealers Klng Clty WANTED a good home for MS kittens. TU. 4-5285. ' CIW45 PETS FOR SALE HELP WANTEï¬ BABY SITTING SIMPSON’SDRYGOODS! 12 Yonge St. S. Real Estate Loans arranged in One Visit in the Following Areas: Richmond Hill Thornhlll Stouï¬vllle Maple Langstaff Oak Ridges Unionvllle King Richvale Concord Gormley O lst & 2nd Mortgages 0 Up to 20-Year Terms 0 Low Interest 0 No Hidden Bonuses 0 Loans on Frame, lnsul and Brick Homes We do not put a Chattel Mortgage on your Car or Furniture Phone, Come In or erte - Ask for Mr. Clemens MOTHERS' DAY GIFTS First Quality Seamless Mesh Nylon Stockings, 400 needle 49!: pair Ladies’ Handbags, black, bone, brown, red and White $3.98 Ladies’ Fancy Orlon Sweaters Pullovers Cardigans M. C. BEBER I.'I'D. HIDDEN MONEY Free Parking at 220 Victoria Street 24-Hour Phone Service Including Weekends Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers‘ Association TO PAY YOUR BILLS (Continued) 21 Dundas Square, Toronto CALL COLLECT EM. 3-6251 IN YOUR PROPERTY $2.98 to $4.95 ea YOU HAVE c1w45 clw45 c1w45 LOST a beige plastic cosmetic bag containing brown leather wallet. sum of money In wallet, between High School and Lorne Ave., TU. 4-2988. c1w45 ONE with d-ia' Anglican worth's. I ESTATE FUNDS to purchase lst and 2nd mortgages. Call Mr. McLean. AV. 5-1176. David Mc- Lean Ltd.. Realtors. tfc39 TRANSPORTATION wanted. leaving Harding Boulevard 7.15- 7.30 am. arriving College St.. at 8.15. Returning 5.15 pm. AV. 5-4201. c1w45 MONEY available for good ï¬rst and second mortgages, reason- able rates. Medcof. Lawloz- and Le Claire. TU. 4-7191. tfc2 SOLICITOR has client's funds available for mortgages at rea~ sonable rates. Mr. Cooper. BA. 5-7321. tfc40 TRANSPORTATION wanted from Beverley Acres to Keele Street. Maple. Hours 9 to 5 pm. TU. 4-5274. clw45 TRANSPORTATION required Richmond Hill to Woodln'ld-ge. leaving 8.00 a.m., returning 5.00 pm. TU. 4-4216. c1w45 OWNER’S lakefront cottage. 2 bedrooms. safe beach. Inside conveniences, speckle and lake trout, boat. TU. 4-1919. c1w45 SUM OF MONEY. claim may be made to Box 127 The Liberal, giving amount. date and whereâ€" abouts of loss. c1w45 each “LIBERAL†CLASSIFIED! PHONE TU. 4-1105 Transportation 1,200 Square Feet, 2nd Floor, Richmond Heights Centre. Will Divide. Call Office Space To Rent MORTGAGES lady's bracelet. ‘ diamond chips can Church ax .'s. N. Jardlne, ’I Griffin Contracting Co. Ltd. COTTAGES FOR SALE Richmond Him ME. 3 - 566i FOUND LGS‘T $4.95 and white gold ;, between nd Wool- l‘U. 4-3818. clw45