Offers A Varied Program Of Events EVERYONE Is INVITED To ATTEND SATURDAY, MAY 19 TO BE HELD AT THE FAIR GROUNDS 16 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. May 10, 1962 ADULTSSiflc RIDES, GAMES, REFRESHMENTS CHILDREN zst Ball Game At Night: KEN OSTRANDER JEWELLERS vs DYiNES JEWELLERS ALL ONTARIO SR. “B†CHAMPIONS The league winning Richmond Hill Blueliners capped a successful hockey season by winning the North York Hockey League “A†Midget Championship. During the past season they won 26 of their 28 North York league games and defeated Aurora in the league ï¬nals to take the trophy for the second straight year. In the Ontario playdowns they lost out to Newmarket in a hard fought. series. . A young club, half of the team were still in the minor midget age bracket, and all were graduates of the town minor hockey system. Popu- Sponsored By The Richmond Hill Agricultural Society THE 113th ANNUAL FAIR MONSTER MIDWAY HEAVY HORSES, HUNTERS & JUMPERS JUDGING SIuris Al 10 A.M. Art Show 'avies & Rabbits Show Continues Throughout The Afternoon Richmond Hill Blueliners Capture North York Midget "A" Championship JERSEY SHOW York County Dairy Princess Contest ï¬nals to take the trophy Front row (left to right) Frankie Perri who gained all star rating; Lydowns they lost out to Peter Hiscott, Bob Ritchie, Wayne Zubeck, and Terry Toye. Back row (same order) Jackie Dubcowski, Bruce Sim, Mike Howard, Manager Wayne in the minor midget age Richardson, Bob Booth, Dave Day and Barry McErlin. Absent Bill Stone, 31' hockey system. Popuâ€" Coach Reid Garner and Sponsor Ted Terry. (Photo by George Chaplin) WWW Horseshoe Pitching Contest lar Elgin Mills resident Ted Terry was again the team sponsor. Wayne Richardson was team manager this year and the indomitable Red Garner again coached the aggregation. 33323333333333 ' 3:3 60 N aucuucu quuycu a wuuucxxun meal and had a gay time during Ont. Homes Director ‘York Manor W.A. Meet The Ontario Director of =Homes For The Aged Was guest speaker at the recent York Manor Home Women's Auxili- ary meeting. Mr. Drew, intro- duced by superintendent. Peter Wilde, told members of the. work that is being done in simiu lar institutions in Ontario and: assured them that they were gnot alone in their struggles with problems created by the move‘ to the new building. Members were also informed that the tuck shop was being operated two afternoons a week 'crease in membership. the shop' could operate more often. The? shop is operated by volunteers from Aurora 1.0.D.E. Elm Grove W.l. has donated b 'Department of Education and it is hoped that with an in- ~ Principal Garnet McDiarmid, of McConaghy Public School and president of the men teachers’ associationwas a recent dele- gate at the Ontario Education Association Conference held in Toronto, April 23 to 26. His primary purpose at the confer- ence was to support a resolution made by McConaghy Home and School Association to r)rovide a university course for teachers. This resolution and others, such as providing French education in elementary schools, was re- ferred by the convention to the for study‘ __ __d DEPT. OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK Don't forget the Sabin Oral Vaccination program is in progress in our schools until May 22. Refer to the Toronto Daily Papers of May 5 for the schedule for Q. a hair‘dryerï¬to the home and‘ allrschools. If you or_your 0†Elm Grove W.l. has donated “a hair dryer to the home and lSchomberg W.I. has donated a xl number of articles to be used “gin handicrafts, magazines and “lother reading material. Bethes- jda and Vellore W.I.‘s have both “Idonated articles. “I, A band is expected to be in gattendance at the strawberry “tea to be held on June 22. 5 Weekend Games Mark‘ éiOpening Soccer Season, The top eight bowlers in the tourney will qualify to roll off in the ï¬nals on May 17th at 7:30 pm. The action should be well worth watching. R. H. 10 Pin League The league closed out the sea- son with a banquet and, dapcg at Aurora Highlands Golf Club last Saturday night. Those who attended enjoyed a wonderful meal and had a gay time during Bob Weeks gave everybody a bit of a thrill. as he started out a game with ten straight strikes and then picked on the last two balls. Bob ï¬nished with a 420 game to take down high single honours thus far in the tourna- ‘ment. It’s going to take a migh- ty good game to beat this one! Leaders at the end of the op- ening session are - Bill Jones‘ with 44 points and a total of 1831 pins, Blob Weeks 44 points and 1722 pins. Norm Thomas also has a 44 poirrt total with a count of 1710 pins. Stan Sha- doï¬' 42 points and 1606 pins and Bill Patten 40 points and 1626 pins. a, PIN T19 PATTER (pTinTipaI McDiarmi ) McConaghy Resolutio I Awards were presented to iLinda Rose and Alex Logue as *the most improved bowlers of r the season. Linda improved her game by 17 pins over the year. while Alex brought his game up 26 pins. Presentations to the two surprised bowlers were made by lea-gue secretary Dot Boyer. After the dinner portion of the banquet a brief meeting was held to choose the execu- tive for next season. President will be Garrett “Big Daddy" Richardson with Ed. Patterson as his vice-president. Secretary Dot Boyer and treasurer Emily Grimes were re-elected to the positions they have so capably ï¬lled during the past year. ‘ George Buns’ton, president, during the past season, was pre- sented with a trophy . . . ? emblematic of ï¬nishing the season 26 pins lower than his average. The plaque on the tro- phy read something about “Down the Drain". Ed Patter- son made the surprise presenta- tion to the president and thor- oughly enjoyed doing it. the dance which fallowed stored very late in the second half. There was no report given on the Barrie-Etobicoke game. I‘he Richmond Hill Roma Team is a composite of last year’s Richmond Hill team and Europa. This year the two clubs have merged and have ï¬elded 1a particularly strong squad. This is virtually the same team that won the league championship two years ago It is expected that they will prove to be strong contenders this year. DEPT. OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK Don't forget the Sabin Oral Vaccination program is in progress in our schools until May 22. Refer to the Toronto Daily Papers of May 5 for the schedule for all schools. If you or your children missed the clinics on May 8. 9, 10 or 11. go to ‘the nearest afternoon or evening scheduled school clinic on any school day during the period May 14- Carl E. Hill. 31.073476 __- u--- o... vv;vvull “vulull LU be found anywhere in the province. Maple, Vellore, 1 King City and Oak Ridges were the original teams I in the league with Lake Wilcox and Richvale entering in later years. i Oak Ridges won the trophy in 1954 and Maple girls were the 1955 winners. Vellore burned up the league and emerged as the champions in 1956-57-58 and 59. King City won in 1960 and 1961. i Now Ron McAndrew has entered his juvenilel Mic-Macs in the solid K.V.W. league. The experience gained in a really good softball loop should prove in- valuable to Mr. McAndrew’s charges and they should . make things interesting for the'remainder of the‘ league. Both the team and the league should proï¬t from the association. - â€" SPORT SPOTS â€"â€" ’Way, ’way back in 1954, a group of people got together to discuss the formation of a girls’ softball league. As a result of the gathering the King, Vaughan and Whitchurch league - or more familiarly K.V.W. â€" was born. The league was formed prim- arily to encourage softball in rural areas and no cities or large towns needed to bother to apply. v Since that small K. has provided sgme of the best girl soft ileague ball action to Mary Williamson (nee Sanderson), as they say in the society columns. is having enough trouble ï¬nd- ing time to play the odd game. Adding coaching res- ponsibilities would be just too much of a load to bear. If anyone, male or female, would be interested in piloting a ladies’ intermediate team, please call Mary at TU. 4-7620. Players are also needed by the Merchants’ team. Practices are held every Wednesday night at 7 pm. in the Town Park. If you have softball talent your pres- ence will be very welcome. No, not you. George â€" this is a girls’ team! â€" SPORT SPOTS â€" The Richmond Heights Centre Ladies’ Softball Team are sending up distress signals. A coach and manager is needed in the worst way for this inter- mediate club which operates in the East York Ladies’ League. Bowler A is matched against Bowler B in the ï¬rst round. Bowler A wins the match with 367 pins to B’s 321. Bowler A gets 2 points for winning,r and 7 points for the 350. The remaining 17 pins are added to his next game, leaving only 33 pins rolled before 50 is scored and another point added to his score. The losing Bowler B would get 6 points for his game and carry 21 pins over to his next game. If it sounds confusing it really isn’t and gives every bowl- er a chance to win. Or so they do tell. Frankly we’re confused! . . . . . . SPORT SPOTS""' The unusual feature of the tournament is the scoring system, the Peterson Point System. A bowl- er winning a game over an opponent gets two points for the win. Both he and his opponent get one additâ€" ional point for each 50 pins in their total score. May- be an example would help. ,-__..,....\...~ mun... as L“: uiuuuuu'u r11“ men's b'ive Pin Singles Championship. There‘s nothing formid- able about the tournament itself â€" it’s merely the title that’s a bit of a killer! The ï¬rst round of the action took place on Tuesday of last week, the second round this past Tuesday, with the third round sched- uled for tonight. Eight bowlers will qualify for the ï¬nal to be rolled offon May 17th. Action goes at 7.30 pm. at Allencourt Lanes and spectators are cordially invited. Twenty-four bowlers aré presently engaged tqurnqment known _as t_h_e Richmond Hill Men’s (Continued from page 15) Game time on fair day will be 8 pm. and spect- tors are assured of some really great entertainment. There will be plenty of other events and exhibits for everyone to see, so plan to go to the fair early and take the whole family. And we still think that any show that can run for 113 years has really got something worth seeing!! â€" SPORT SPOTS â€" 87 Yonge St., (P.O. Box 268) RICHMOND HILL. ONT., Phone: 884-4423 NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED The- Largest All-Canadian Consumer Loan Company A subsidiary of lndusfn'al Acceptance Corporafion. The national consumer money-lending services of Niagara Finance Company Limited are now available to you. Remember you are always welcome at N iagara! Niagara makes fast, convenient loans up to $2500.00 and moreâ€"for any worthwhile purpose at: Loan Manager: Mr. J. Kosher when you need it )r his If it bowl- we’re m a Five {11- BILL DING says: 's- : 47 AV. 5-4921 - TU. 4-11 Evenings: Craig Bowden TU. 4-1668 BOWDEN LUMBER Co. (Home Improvement Division) Stop 23 Yonge St. Richvale After which date. the assets of the above mentioned estate will be distributed among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to claims of which the executors shall then have notice. IN THE MATTER 0]“ the Es- tate of Mabel Gale All persons having claims ag- ainst the estate of Mabel Gale. deceased. late of the Township of Vaughan. in the County of York, who died on or about the 29th day of March. 1962, are hereby notiï¬ed to send them to the undersigned, duly veriï¬ed. on or before the 25th day of May. 1962. Dated this lst day of May, 1962. Notice to Creditors and Others At the Ottawa Kennel Club Shows. May 4th and 5th the Boxer. “CH Fireside Chat of Blossomlea" won Best of Breed. Best Canadian Bred Boxer, and second in working group â€" at both shows. Her “Son CH Standfast†won Best of Breed. and 2nd in Working Group at Peterboro Kennel Club Show the week previously. Canine honours were again achieved and prestige added to the Richvale kennels of Miss Jean Grant when Boxers. owned and bred by her, won champ- ion prizes at two shows recent- 1y. Grant Boxers Peterboro Ottawa Show Winners Solicitors for “LIBERAL†CLASSIFIED GET RESULTS JUST PHONE†TU. 4-1105 William H. C. Bailey. 28 Yonge Street 5.. Aurora, Ontario. the Executor: TU. 4-1121