Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 May 1962, p. 17

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’. W That‘s using the old beansialk Jack! New building now renting. Beautiful, modern 2 and 3 bedrooms. Designed for people of good taste. Close to shopping, schools and transpor- tation. Free parking, T.V. and telephone outlets. FUlly equipped. Incinerator. 451 ELMWOOD AVE.. OFF BAYVIEW AVE., One Block South of Markham Road EXHIBITORS DisplayYourProducts Any child can tell you how Jack, of "Jack and the Beanstalk” fame, parlayed a little gardening magic into a golden-egged harvest. But . . . selling garden supplies, equipment and services isn’t child’s play. So . . . if you’re look- ing for a beanstalk . . . one that’s big enough to do a man-sized job of reaching more of the keen- est garden hobbyists in the community . . . here's one of the biggest beanstalks of them all . .. “The Liberal” Published Every Thursday. 0 It reaches 7,200 families . . . a vast market of garden hobbyists. C It reaches people who know “The Liberal" is the district's number one garden medium. 0 It’s eagerly anticipated and thoroughly read by garden enthusiasts . . . for local horticultural news . . . for advice on garden planning . . . for the advertising they’ll use as a guide to buying decisions. Place your advertisement early, before noon on any Tuesday. Phone DISPLAY ADVERTISING â€" and a courteous representative will call. 63 Yonge St. S. TU. 4-1105 AV. 5-3316 For Rates And Information Call Wes. Middleton, TU. 4-2571 You are invited to visit our new CONCORD BRANCH . AT KEELE ST. AND HIGHWAY no.7 Sponsored by Richmond Hill Agricultural Society This conveniently located branch - set back just a little from Keele Street, beside the service station at the corner of Keele & High- way No. 7 - offers a wide range of useful banking services, and you’ll like our efficient. friendly way of doing business. We hope you’ll drop in soon and open an account with us. RICHMOND HILL FAIR May 19th. I962 “'I'HE llBERAI. " Open for Inspection - - - Mon. to Sat, 10 am. to 6 pm. Sundays, 2 pm. to 5 pm. Ask for Mr. Franklin BA YVIEW MANOR RICHMOND HILL at ROYAL BAN K KE-ELE STREET ~04 Enual Explorer Rallyllutheran Pastor Rev. A. E.Myers Attracts 260 MemberstTo Be Officially Installed Sunday The annual United Church of Canada Explorer Rally for York Presbytery was held May 5th. at Aurora United Church. There were 260 explorers. leaders and guests present with 17 groups represented. Mrs. Percy Bennett. Victoria' Square junior girls counsellor for York Presbytery, was in charge of the program. Several Explorer groups took part in the opening and closing ceremonies. playlets. demonstrations and songs. There was also a display of work done by the girls. Miss Mary Thomas, a local girl, and now a De at Isl-ington. led the gil sing-song and spoke brf their work. A number of slides of the Marine Mission Boat “The Thomas Crosby IV" which works ‘on the west coast of Canada were shown. Mrs. C. Pickering of‘Zephyr, convenor of the Christian Edu- cation Committee of the United Church Women, led in devo- tions, taking as her theme “the good earth in Springtime.” After the closing hymn and Explorer Prayer refreshments Were served to all by a Unit of the Aurora U.C.W. Pictured above are Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robil- lard of Briggs Avenue, Lgllgstaff, at the cele- bration of jclvieir 55th wedding anniversary on Sunday, April 29th. Mr. and Mrs. Robillard are the parents of 10 livilig children and have 38 FOR RESULTS “LIBERAL” CLASSIFIED TU. 4-1105 0R AV. 5-3318 Langstaff Couple Celebrate 55th Wedding Anninersary vulumy All L'Aul xnuu, innuuuuu, . . u . . e . y . u . . H _ . . _ . . r-..â€" Jeromesville. Ohio, and Chey- ing construction on its building girls in a enne, Wyoming. site adjacent to Bayview High briefly on The Lutheran clergyman is a‘School. graduate of Western Reserve A capital funding visitation Jana...” Academy. Hudson. Ohio, The was held last Sunday. The re- .“ bu» , a former Deaconess P03; Albert E. Myers, B.A.. B.D., l at S.T.‘M., will be officially install- ' _ ed as pastor of St. Paul’s Luthâ€" lels eran Church Sunday at 11 am. an The service of installation will "195 be conducted in the Walter oria Scott School, Markham Road, Inor by the Rev. Norman Berner. ' Pastor Berner is assistant to the Albert E. Myers, B.A.. B.D., University of Akron (Ohio), S.T.lM., will be officially install- Hamma Divinity School. Spring- ed as pastor of St. Paul’s Luthâ€" field. Ohio, and Oberlin Col- eran Church Sunday at 11 a.m. lege’s Graduate School of The- The service of installation will ology. ‘ be conducted in the Walter' He was ordained in 1955. He Scott School, Markham Road, and his wife and three children by the Rev. Norman Berner. reside at 110 Rockport Crescent. Pastor Berner is assistant to the! Pastor Berner will also take president of The Evangelical part in the regular monthly Lutheran Synod of Canada. meeting of the Church Council Pastor Myers moved to Rich- Sunday at 7 pm. Under discus- mond Hill last October to bring sion will be building plans. Pastor Myers moved to Rich- mond Hill last October to bring the Lutheran mission to official organization. He has served pre- viously in Flin Flon, Manitoba, (By Margaret 1. McLean) It is to be hoped that some of those people responsible for providing school accomodation in the Crosby Heights area at- tended the home and school association’s “Fun Fair” on Sat- urday. May 5th. If they did, I am sure they must have scur- ried off with their brains seet- hing with plans for more schools. for the entire area was inundated with children of all sizes. I Not only was there an im- lpressive array of baby carri- iages lined up outside. with their thappy and not-so-happy oc» ‘cupants, but pre-schoolers of :all sizes struggled through the 1throngs, all determinedly hav- ing fun. The fish pond was so popular that the press of young- ‘sters surrounding it had it in imminent danger of collapse at all times. and the two teen-age attendants were hard put to satisfy the eager fishermen. Parents 8: Children Alike Enjoy Crosby Hts. Home 8. School Fair I wonder who took the charming $2 mother‘s day cake. made in the f form of a gay spring bonnet {é home? Bet they couldn‘t bear (6 to eat it. it looked so pretty“: Mrs. J. Kerfoot and her helpers E4 certainly had a busy time par- re ‘celling up all these delectables. : There was fun for all ages ; at the fair. from the fascinat- r? ing magic show, put on by Mr. W. Scudds. to the charmingly“ decorated tea tables where the 4 .mothers sank down gratefully, : leaving the youngsters 'to change ¢ all around again looking for¢ anything they might have mis- : sed. Hot dogs and pop were on ¢ sale for the youngsters and ne-i J. R. Clephan. l Convener of the {air was the The “touch and take” table‘Crosby Heights Home and was also well patronized and School Association‘s president. the children were six deep 3- Mrs. Robert Norton. All the round it continually until it ladies worked very hard on the ran out of parcels. Mrs. D. Wil-tproject but were pleased to see son and Mrs. Karen Lumsden the wonderful way the whole did yeoman service here. Icommunity supported it. So From the remnants that were watch for another fair next left on the bake table when Year! your reporter struggled through‘ m I (MKRWWH 10 it, if is quite Efiparent that there is more than one good cook in the Crosby Heights area. I The congregation meets for worship at 11 am. each Sunday in the Walter Scott School pend- ing construction on its building ,site adjacent to Bayview High edless to say, this booth did a roaring business, and Mr. Bull who was in charge, was just about as hot and bothered as were the hot dogs he was sel~ Hing! grandchildren and 24 great-grandchildren, almost all of whom were on hand to help them celebrate. The Robillards formerly lived on Benson Avenue in Richmond Hill (Photo by David Barbour) We Deliver Toronto & Surrounding Districts f! TRICHMOND HEIGHTS 53 ' CENTRE 6 “Flowers For All Occasions" -) -, Phones f iél‘U. 4-1812 AV. 5-_1812§‘§ i AT ALL HOURS RICE’S FLOWERS ' j the fly-up. .t-grandchildren, almost to help them celebrate. ived on Benson Avenue ioto by David Barbour) sults are encouraging the con- gregation to plan for ground- breaking next spring. The congregation is one of over 1,100 Lutheran Churches in the Dominion. It is affiliated with the Canadian Lutheran Council and the Lutheran World Federation. Through Pastor and Enrolment Night“. It was . et Inglis and Patty Smart flew : Smith, Joanne Crocker. Ingrid . Jane Dean of Scarlet Tanager - Patrol. . Mrs. McTaggart-Cowan to Bren- Thursday May 3rd was not: only the regular meeting of thCl 7th Girl Guide Company. Ricln‘ mond Hill east. but also “Badge also a special night for the 9th Brownie Pack, for there was to be a fly-up for the girls who had. passed their Golden Hand. TWO of the Brownies. Margar- up, after having their Brownie Wings presented to them by Dis- trict Commissioner for Rich- mond Hill East. Mrs. L. G. Snook. and the third Browniefi Judy Decks. put on her magic‘ slippers and walked up. After Madame Commis- sioner enrolled four recruits ot‘ Kingfisher Patrol: Sandra Pierzynski. Leslie Fournier and All present were amazed at the number of badges presented to the Guides of the 7th Com- pany by Division Commissioner da Firman â€"â€" Laundress, Hos- tess, Reporter. Emergency Helâ€" per, First Aid. Thrift; to Donna Fleming â€" Laundress, Hostess, Reporter. Emergency ,Helper, First Aid, Thrift: to Beth Lamb â€" First Aid. The highlight of the evening was reached when Deputy Area Commissioner Mrs. Currie pre- sented Elizabeth Burgess, Anne Firman. Sylvia Inglis, Carol Shelton with their All Round Cords. Photos were taken, after which, refreshments were serv- ed. Al'l present were truly proud of the fine work of the four All Round Cord Guides. 5th Richmond Hill Girl Guides Full attendance marked last Thursday’s regular meeting of Central UlVlElOfl. Organized and conducted by Mrs. F. A. Ford, the guides were divided into groups for instruction and discussion the theme being "The Import-l ance of the Patrol". Present alâ€"l so were Area Commissioner Mrs. H. D. Currie and Commis- sioner for Thornhill Area Mrs. L. Jewitt. Instruction in guide history' court of honour. camp-craft, and all phases of patrol lead: ing was given by District Com- missioners Mrs. W. A. Yeo and Mrs. L. G. Snook. Guide Cap~ tain Mrs. H. O'Rourke and others. Guide Cheryl Thomp~ son of Oshawa. instructed in the art of presenting skits for campfire and other occasions. also giving two skits that final. ized Cheryl’s test for her "Gold Cord" â€" the highest honour in. Guiding. Prepare Petition For 3 Whitchurch Plebiscite 11 Following a Whitchurch de- cision that a liquor vote could not be held in the municipality until a 25% affirmative petition had been taken as required by Provincial law. Such a petition is now being circulated in the township. The petition is being circulated by the same men who appeared before council requesting a liquor date be set. When the men. Grant Mc- Cachen of the Ridge Inn, Oak Ridges, Keith Nesbitt, Mayor of Aurora and owner of West View Country Club and Stew- art Patrick former Aurora de- puty-reeves and operator of Glen- dale Beach at Musselman Lake. the 5th Richmond Girl Guide asked council to set a date for Council and the Lutheran World Federation. Through Pastnr Myers it participates in the work of the local ministerial ‘association. 1st Richmond Hill Brownie Pack Reported by Guide Sharon Pearson The regular meeting of the 1st Richmond Hill Brownie Pack was held in Wrixon Hall under the leadership of Tawny ‘Owl Annette Ostergaard. to- gather with Packies Sharon ‘Pearson and Judy Todd. After the "Fairy Ring", the Brownies played a game and then went into their work corners. The Golden Hand Brownies worked on semaphore. the Gold'- en Bar Brownies reviewed their tests and the Tweenies worked on their tests. so that they could be enrolled. Pow Wow was held next. where they learned a new song. Taps was sung and the meeting ended with the Brownies dispersing at 5:45 p.m. 7th Girl Guide Company Reported by Guide Donna Fleming 'I'“... \lnu 'Ivvrl Iindh‘l u-ac nnt lor and Lieutenant Mrs. F.‘ l'loulihan. With regular business dis- posed of after the opening, the remainder of the evening was devoted to instruction and prac- tice in the selection of camp~ ‘sites, campcratt, etc. in prepar- ation for summer camping To help finance their anti-' lcipated summer camping at Camp Adelaide. Haiiburton. the 5th Richmond Hill Girl Guide Company’s effort was very suc- cessful. Held in the school from 10.00 am. to 4 p.m. on Satur- day last. the guides worked energetically in shifts to make this event a success. Patrol Leaders’ Conlerence All Richmond Hill Girl Guide Companies were represented at the second annual all-day Divi- sional Patrol Leaders’ Confer- ence held in Wrixon Hall, with 70 guides and leaders present Lfrom 27 companies in the York ,Central Division. 1m; le'EflAL. Richmond H111. Untamu, mursday, May 10, 1962 GUIDE AND BROWNIE NOTES To help finance their anti- cipated summer camping at Camp Adelaide. Haliburtou. the 5th Richmond Hill Girl Guide Company’s effort was very sucâ€" cessful. Held in the school from 10.00 am. to 4 pm. on Saturg Organized and conducted by Mrs. F. A. Ford. the guides were divided into groups for instruction and discussion â€"- the theme being "The import- ance of the Patrol". Present alâ€" so were Area Commissioner Mrs. H. D. Currie and Commis- sioner for Thornhill Area Mrs. ‘L. Jewitt. Instruction in guide history court of honour. camp-craft, and all phases of patrol lead: ing was given by District Com- missioners Mrs. W. A. Yeo and Mrs. L. G. Snook. Guide Cap~ tain Mrs. H. O'Rourke and others. Guide Cheryl Thom!» son of Oshawa. instructed in the art of presenting skits for campfire and other occasions. \also giving two skits that final. ized Cheryl’s test for her "Gold 1Com" â€" the highest honour in lGuiding. FOR PRINTING consult ‘THE LIBERAL' al- 191~ «w 4 1105 '1'5. 0 - 3;?REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES ,5. OF RADIOS - TV - HI-F] . an TAPE RECORDERS RICHMOND HILL I: DISTRICT UNIT CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY For General Intel-mutton I: Services Cull Tu. 4-2382 - Mrs. N. Ritchie Unionville 239 - Richmond Hill Women's Services - Television Rentals RRICHMOND HILL 'lTV 8: App|iances ‘ AV. 5-3756 TU. 4-7456 Mrs. D. C. Stephens Transportation - TU. 4482! Mrs. W. J. Lennprx By Day - week - or Month Campaign Thornhill Women’s Services - PELEVISION ANTENNAS TELEVISION TOWERS FROM $49.95 Unionville Women’s Services - Mrs. Ewart Stiver Victoria Square Chairman - George Brand Gormley 5200 Women’s Services - Gor. 5525 Mrs. C. Nichols Fransportation - Gorm. 5540 Mrs. L. Mumberson Installed M rs. E. Percival Mrs. G. Purves ALL WORK GUARANTEED Mrs. G. Purves Unionvllle 239 Unionville 113 FROM $29.95 SALES AND SERVICE AV. 5-1011 AV. 5-1839

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